COVID-19 Health System Overload Forecaster

udo wrote:
expect several re-infections if you're vaccinated. Us pure bloods have nothing to worry about.

New data: Reinfection was found to substantially increase the risk of death, hospitalization, and adverse health outcomes, making strategies preventing reinfection critical.
— Sabina Vohra-Miller (@SabiVM) June 22, 2022
Summary 🧵 1/9
Easy thread to get your heads around, backed by a very important study listed at the end of the thread.
Tweet 6/9 addresses the current conversation on this forum topic around vaccination & reinfection.

Shortenism said :
The booster, like the two before it has done nothing but confuse your mind and your body’s ability to accept and deal with dis-ease.
What a load of Farkn Shit !

Craig wrote:burleigh wrote:udo wrote:
expect several re-infections if you're vaccinated. Us pure bloods have nothing to worry about.
Had COVID in Feb, just been down in Hobart with my bro and his partner who got COVID last weekend. Stayed away from them as much as possible but 5 days in the same house is hard to avoid it.
Have come back to Sydney and haven't got it again (fingers crossed). Got a good natural immunity from having it, but being double vaccinated on your thoughts Burleigh would mean I should have it again. I haven't.
Same as myself, I had covid at the beginning of the year. My mum lives by herself got quite sick a couple of weeks ago (triple jabbed) with Covid, I stayed with her for 1 night and visited daily to drop food etc.
No mask, I didn’t try and keep my distance. My immune system did its job.
It isn’t a miracle, it’s your immune system. We’re wonderful creatures

Burleigh may be a cooked unit living in his own little delusional bubble but you have to admire his persistence. If I remember correctly he never even got tested and just assumed the sniffle he had was covid. I am the only triple vaxxed person at work and the only one yet to get infected. One unvaxxed young hero has had it twice and is now having time off with heart problems. Go figure.

“Same as myself, I had covid at the beginning of the year.”
Burley, did you have that confirmed via a test? If so which method? Or self diagnosed?
Genuinely curious. Cheers.

Rabbits68, highly attuned “pure bloods” don’t need external diagnosis, they just know when somethings not quite right in the temple

DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:The ongoing pressure by governments to funnel healthy people into an unnecessary pharmaceutical product is out of control, It’s driven by corruption from the top down.
You should watch the series dopesick, gives you an idea on the lengths big pharma will go to to keep their products at the top and selling,

Rabbits68 wrote:“Same as myself, I had covid at the beginning of the year.”
Burley, did you have that confirmed via a test? If so which method? Or self diagnosed?
Genuinely curious. Cheers.
Nah I didn’t get tested, no need. Covid was in my house I was in the house, had a tiny headache.
Surely a virus so deadly and contagious would have hit me being completely unvaccinated.
If I didn’t get it I must be the luckiest guy alive being exposed to it as a very close contact in work and other settings several times this year.
I’ve never worn a mask.
Amazing that if you look after yourself, workout daily, don’t poison your body with alcohol and processed food and let your immune system do it’s job that you won’t end up in hospital from a virus like the media/government would like you to believe.
Yet, you can be an obese, alcoholic, drug addict, have two jabs and still have more freedoms than me to travel or work in certain industries.
Make it make sense.

“Yet, you can be an obese, alcoholic, drug addict, have two jabs and still have more freedoms than me to travel or work in certain industries.”
You forgot to mention that you can also be positive to covid and capable of spreading it to everyone you go near and still have more freedom than someone who didn’t get vaccinated.
Despite even the vaccines dubious efficacy widely recognised to do fuck all for omicron from day 1 or any other strain after a matter of weeks.
Of course it’s not about profits for the unbelievably corrupt US pharmaceutical companies! Hey - The US wouldn’t force Australians to take a medical shot they don’t need just to boost the profits of the corporations which actually run their country. No way!
Just like the US wouldn’t force Australians to send their soldiers to the invasion of Iraq despite their being zero need for us to be involved at all beyond the desire to globally launder the illegal invasion by making it appear to be a virtuous multilateral mission amongst respected democratic nations.
Never forget the US corporations demanded that US invaded Iraq for no reason except to generate profit. Whether through military expenditure, reconstruction contracts or any other scam , the US government killed a million people to make money.
But I’m sure the Australian government forcing healthy and invulnerable people to get a shot they didn’t want or need is based on nothing but good intentions.
Oh wait…’s not actually that funny is it?

Bang on again blowin.
And what a coincidence the noble prize winner/ staunch critic of faucci for 25 yrs/ THE INVENTOR of the PCR test passed away three months prior to the first recorded COVID patient. How things would’ve being very very different if he was alive to rope in the Fkn bullshit test results they were pushing out.
Honestly, if you don’t admit to yourself that for the main part the whole agenda has been mostly a scam, you are a pig headed idiot.
Ffs can you not see what’s going in Victoria now with election just around the corner? Apparent record deaths yet they’ve scaled it right back to pretty much no mention at all. Our chief health officer is no where to be seen . People were stopped from going to love ones funerals because of our health and safety and the good of the nation. They the lockdowns did terrible damage. But yeah keep banging your heads against the walls at all the conspiracy theorists.
Good on you Burleigh and co.
From a weak vaccinated dickhead.

If you can't train nurses, why not take them from another country?

Neoliberalism and modern colonialism in action.

san Guine wrote:If you can't train nurses, why not take them from another country?
We should just employ more nutritionists/influencers and personal trainers. Increase the govt ad spend on TikTok and Instagram. Also, more money into agriculture, especially avocado orchards. A gym on every corner should be the goal in the next 3 years. With the right attitude Australia could fitness and banish every disease known to fit person ever got a disease or sick…if you think otherwise you’re nothing but a pawn of big bad pharma.

Roadkill wrote:san Guine wrote:If you can't train nurses, why not take them from another country? should just employ more nutritionists/influencers and personal trainers. Increase the govt ad spend on TikTok and Instagram. Also, more money into agriculture, especially avocado orchards. A gym on every corner should be the goal in the next 3 years. With the right attitude Australia could fitness and banish every disease known to fit person ever got a disease or sick…if you think otherwise you’re nothing but a pawn of big bad pharma.
The fact that you think this is satire and not a genuine step in the right direction to an almost immeasurably massive reduction in disease and poor health amongst Australians says it all. With the revolution in personal health culture through the broader population we might even be lucky enough to have more holistically healthy people like Burleigh and less pill munching weak cnts like yourself. Not only would Australians be happier and have a far higher quality of life but the nation would be hundreds of billions of dollars better off.
Our health systems might even cope if we had less of the fragile Roadkill-type specimens clogging it all up.

san Guine wrote:Big Pharma
Nobel prize for medicine right there. Dr organic farmer deserves it more than any research scientist that has given his/her life to study to find a cure or better medications.
I salute that man.

DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:Roadkill wrote:san Guine wrote:If you can't train nurses, why not take them from another country? should just employ more nutritionists/influencers and personal trainers. Increase the govt ad spend on TikTok and Instagram. Also, more money into agriculture, especially avocado orchards. A gym on every corner should be the goal in the next 3 years. With the right attitude Australia could fitness and banish every disease known to fit person ever got a disease or sick…if you think otherwise you’re nothing but a pawn of big bad pharma.
The fact that you think this is satire and not a genuine step in the right direction to an almost immeasurably massive reduction in disease and poor health amongst Australians says it all. With the revolution in personal health culture through the broader population we might even be lucky enough to have more holistically healthy people like Burleigh and less pill munching weak cnts like yourself. Not only would Australians be happier and have a far higher quality of life but the nation would be hundreds of billions of dollars better off.
Our health systems might even cope if we had less of the fragile Roadkill-type specimens clogging it all up.
Top post, blowin. With a cnt thrown in…does it pass if it is not actually spelt correctly? Blowin, reverting to type.

I didn’t realise speaking the truth was a “type”.
Not sure what else you expected? You’re leaving yourself open to endless ridicule by taking the piss out of the ultra healthy and illness-free Burleigh whilst going down like a bag of shit yourself at the slightest case of the sniffles. Then you double down on the dumb by satirising those who proactively pursue good health in order to avoid becoming a Roadkill-style human pill receptor and pin cushion.
Anyone with half a brain would be looking around at those who aren’t disease ridden shitbags like yourself in order to try and improve their lot. Not you.
The major reason the Australian health system is overrun is not actually because of governmental failure to invest in it , the reason it’s fucked is because of the millions of useless cnts like yourself who think personal responsibility for your own health is a bad joke.
People will always get sick and diseased but if everyone thought and acted like Burleigh and are correctly, exercised more and laid off the piss and the durries then disease and poor health in Australia would be reduced by about 80% in a matter of months.

DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:I didn’t realise speaking the truth was a “type”.
Not sure what else you expected? You’re leaving yourself open to endless ridicule by taking the piss out of the ultra healthy and illness-free Burleigh whilst going down like a bag of shit yourself at the slightest case of the sniffles. Then you double down on the dumb by satirising those who proactively pursue good health in order to avoid becoming a Roadkill-style human pill receptor and pin cushion.
Anyone with half a brain would be looking around at those who aren’t disease ridden shitbags like yourself in order to try and improve their lot. Not you.
The major reason the Australian health system is overrun is not actually because of governmental failure to invest in it , the reason it’s fucked is because of the millions of useless cnts like yourself who think personal responsibility for your own health is a bad joke.
People will always get sick and diseased but if everyone thought and acted like Burleigh and are correctly, exercised more and laid off the piss and the durries then disease and poor health in Australia would be reduced by about 80% in a matter of months.
Calling people cnts, is your type. And after a few months of behaving on SN. You revert to what you are.
Scorpion and the frog. You are the Scorpion….It’s in your nature.

Roadkill would rather be the REAL burden on the system than take control of his own actions.
The weak will always want to blame someone or something rather than take responsibility.
Look how sick you got from Covid after being triple jabbed, did you come on here wanting sympathy? BuT I wOULd hAVe BeEn SiCkEr without the vaccine is an absolute joke.
If the government can mandate a vaccine, then they sure as hell can raise tax on junk food (poison) and subsidies healthy food and gym memberships/personal trainers.
The real hero’s are the ones who break out of the cycle of food abuse and big pharma dependence.
If you really care about our failing health system the first thing you should do is empty out the crap from your cupboard and fridge then go for a fucking walk.
Take control of your health instead of relying on our health system to bail you out

burleigh wrote:Roadkill would rather be the REAL burden on the system than take control of his own actions.
The weak will always want to blame someone or something rather than take responsibility.
Look how sick you got from Covid after being triple jabbed, did you come on here wanting sympathy? BuT I wOULd hAVe BeEn SiCkEr without the vaccine is an absolute joke.
If the government can mandate a vaccine, then they sure as hell can raise tax on junk food (poison) and subsidies healthy food and gym memberships/personal trainers.
The real hero’s are the ones who break out of the cycle of food abuse and big pharma dependence.
If you really care about our failing health system the first thing you should do is empty out the crap from your cupboard and fridge then go for a fucking walk.
Take control of your health instead of relying on our health system to bail you out
burleigh, you have kids, one of your kids develops leukaemia or Neuroblastoma or a CNS tumour. Who is at fault....them? Because obviously they didn’t exercise enough or eat enough healthy food? Or you? Because obviously you didn’t provide them with enough food as medicine…or you didn’t get them out for a walk often enough?
Good health is not as simple as eating and exercise. Eating right and exercise helps but is not the magic pill you make it out to be.

“The weak will always want to blame someone or something rather than take responsibility.”
Just as the stupid will always blame something or someone rather than trying to understand other impacts that bring poor health and disease.
burleigh, are you actually Pete Evans?

Burleigh are your kids vaxxed for Chicken Pox Diptheria etc ....?

And burleigh, would you tell someone with mental health issues to take responsibility for their own mental health? Do people with mental health issues want to blame someone or something rather than take responsibility? Would you blame them for their issues? And would you tell them to take control rather than relying on the health system to bail them out?

Nah, who needs ‘em?
“ The World Health Organisation (WHO) suggests that vaccination prevents 2-3 million deaths each year.“
“[this] implies that between 1980 and 2018 around 150 to 200 million lives have been saved.”

Udo-We aren’t talking about the vaccine for diphtheria. Roadkill posted a pisstake about the culture of good health and people who take proactive steps to help themselves. He is ridiculing the idea that crew can radically improve their health outcomes by making basic changes to their lifestyles.
It’s not exactly radical thinking to acknowledge that shedding excess body weight, eating wholesome and nutritious foods, getting exercise and cutting out obvious vices leads to far better outcomes than sticking to the baseline lifestyle of your typical Aussie fat bastard. Yet that’s the same thing Roadkill thinks is a far out alternative hippy dippy giggle for stupid people.
If I’d been struggling with the basic covid sniffles for over a month, as did Roadkill, I’d be a bit more humble when discussing health particularly with healthy people. Instead he’s gotten off his covid death bed, after all the sympathy he received on here, to now take the piss out of others= wanker.

Roadkill wrote:And burleigh, would you tell someone with mental health issues to take responsibility for their own mental health? Do people with mental health issues want to blame someone or something rather than take responsibility? Would you blame them for their issues? And would you tell them to take control rather than relying on the health system to bail them out?
A lot of mental health issues can be radically improved by lifestyle choices.

AndyM wrote:Vaccinations?
Nah, who needs ‘em?“ The World Health Organisation (WHO) suggests that vaccination prevents 2-3 million deaths each year.“
“[this] implies that between 1980 and 2018 around 150 to 200 million lives have been saved.”
Not one person on this entire thread has ever said that all vaccinations are useless. Not one person.
But you do have a bloke ridiculing the notion that people can seriously improve their health by making wise lifestyle choices.

DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:Udo-We aren’t talking about the vaccine for diphtheria. Roadkill posted a pisstake about the culture of good health and people who take proactive steps to help themselves. He is ridiculing the idea that crew can radically improve their health outcomes by making basic changes to their lifestyles.
It’s not exactly radical thinking to acknowledge that shedding excess body weight, eating wholesome and nutritious foods, getting exercise and cutting out obvious vices leads to far better outcomes than sticking to the baseline lifestyle of your typical Aussie fat bastard. Yet that’s the same thing Roadkill thinks is a far out alternative hippy dippy giggle for stupid people.
If I’d been struggling with the basic covid sniffles for over a month, as did Roadkill, I’d be a bit more humble when discussing health particularly with healthy people. Instead he’s gotten off his covid death bed, after all the sympathy he received on here, to now take the piss out of others= wanker.
Wrong as usual, blowin. But then you always read what you think someone posts.

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill would rather be the REAL burden on the system than take control of his own actions.
The weak will always want to blame someone or something rather than take responsibility.
Look how sick you got from Covid after being triple jabbed, did you come on here wanting sympathy? BuT I wOULd hAVe BeEn SiCkEr without the vaccine is an absolute joke.
If the government can mandate a vaccine, then they sure as hell can raise tax on junk food (poison) and subsidies healthy food and gym memberships/personal trainers.
The real hero’s are the ones who break out of the cycle of food abuse and big pharma dependence.
If you really care about our failing health system the first thing you should do is empty out the crap from your cupboard and fridge then go for a fucking walk.
Take control of your health instead of relying on our health system to bail you out
burleigh, you have kids, one of your kids develops leukaemia or Neuroblastoma or a CNS tumour. Who is at fault....them? Because obviously they didn’t exercise enough or eat enough healthy food? Or you? Because obviously you didn’t provide them with enough food as medicine…or you didn’t get them out for a walk often enough?
Good health is not as simple as eating and exercise. Eating right and exercise helps but is not the magic pill you make it out to be.
Mate, if my kids get sick due to an unhealthy lifestyle then 100% it’s my responsibility. Luckily they know more about health and nutrition than 99% of kids out there.
What a stupid thing to say and another attempt to divert the attention off yourself.
Care to address how sick you were from Covid and who is to blame?

udo wrote:Burleigh are your kids vaxxed for Chicken Pox Diptheria etc ....?
Yes, however if I had my time again I would definitely do A LOT more research into new born vaccinations. Not saying I wouldn’t but my eyes are now well and truely open to what goes into new born babies and I don’t believe it’s all necessary

Roadkill wrote:And burleigh, would you tell someone with mental health issues to take responsibility for their own mental health? Do people with mental health issues want to blame someone or something rather than take responsibility? Would you blame them for their issues? And would you tell them to take control rather than relying on the health system to bail them out?
Mental health? While it can be caused by horrible lifestyle choice I don’t believe is the same as heart disease.
I would recommend people with mental health issue to get to the real reason for them with deep therapy before a doctor puts them on a combination of drugs to numb the pain.

burleigh][quote=Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill would rather be the REAL burden on the system than take control of his own actions.
The weak will always want to blame someone or something rather than take responsibility.
Look how sick you got from Covid after being triple jabbed, did you come on here wanting sympathy? BuT I wOULd hAVe BeEn SiCkEr without the vaccine is an absolute joke.
If the government can mandate a vaccine, then they sure as hell can raise tax on junk food (poison) and subsidies healthy food and gym memberships/personal trainers.
The real hero’s are the ones who break out of the cycle of food abuse and big pharma dependence.
If you really care about our failing health system the first thing you should do is empty out the crap from your cupboard and fridge then go for a fucking walk.
Take control of your health instead of relying on our health system to bail you out
burleigh, you have kids, one of your kids develops leukaemia or Neuroblastoma or a CNS tumour. Who is at fault....them? Because obviously they didn’t exercise enough or eat enough healthy food? Or you? Because obviously you didn’t provide them with enough food as medicine…or you didn’t get them out for a walk often enough?
Good health is not as simple as eating and exercise. Eating right and exercise helps but is not the magic pill you make it out to be.
Mate, if my kids get sick due to an unhealthy lifestyle then 100% it’s my responsibility. Luckily they know more about health and nutrition than 99% of kids out there.
What a stupid thing to say and another attempt to divert the attention off yourself.
Care to address how sick you were from Covid and who is to blame?[/quote
No surprise you didn’t answer.

AndyM wrote:Vaccinations?
Nah, who needs ‘em?“ The World Health Organisation (WHO) suggests that vaccination prevents 2-3 million deaths each year.“
“[this] implies that between 1980 and 2018 around 150 to 200 million lives have been saved.”
Imagine how many lives they would save if they stopped the real killer Of kids malaria.
But that’s a poor persons problem and prob not much money for big pharma

Roadkill][quote=burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill would rather be the REAL burden on the system than take control of his own actions.
The weak will always want to blame someone or something rather than take responsibility.
Look how sick you got from Covid after being triple jabbed, did you come on here wanting sympathy? BuT I wOULd hAVe BeEn SiCkEr without the vaccine is an absolute joke.
If the government can mandate a vaccine, then they sure as hell can raise tax on junk food (poison) and subsidies healthy food and gym memberships/personal trainers.
The real hero’s are the ones who break out of the cycle of food abuse and big pharma dependence.
If you really care about our failing health system the first thing you should do is empty out the crap from your cupboard and fridge then go for a fucking walk.
Take control of your health instead of relying on our health system to bail you out
burleigh, you have kids, one of your kids develops leukaemia or Neuroblastoma or a CNS tumour. Who is at fault....them? Because obviously they didn’t exercise enough or eat enough healthy food? Or you? Because obviously you didn’t provide them with enough food as medicine…or you didn’t get them out for a walk often enough?
Good health is not as simple as eating and exercise. Eating right and exercise helps but is not the magic pill you make it out to be.
Mate, if my kids get sick due to an unhealthy lifestyle then 100% it’s my responsibility. Luckily they know more about health and nutrition than 99% of kids out there.
What a stupid thing to say and another attempt to divert the attention off yourself.
Care to address how sick you were from Covid and who is to blame?[/quote
No surprise you didn’t answer.
I answered your ridiculous questions. Now let’s talk about your triple jabbed covid.
Who is to blame and do you honestly believe you would have been sicker without them?

Rich Man Bill Gates donated 100’s of millions to Malaria research. The poor peoples problem became the Gates cause.

Oh dear..........A Covid Vax Connection
In July 2021, BioNTech, a German biotech company which co-created the first mRNA Covid-19 vaccine, also announced plans to use the same technology to develop a malaria vaccine, with clinical trials planned for 2022.

Roadkill wrote:Rich Man Bill Gates donated 100’s of millions to Malaria research. The poor peoples problem became the Gates cause.
You mean the computer guy right? How did a computer guy become a vaccine expert? $$$$$$$$$$$
Bill gates running test vaccines on poor kids more like it

Jeezus Burleigh your one Paranoid Bent Unit.

udo wrote:Jeezus Burleigh your one Paranoid Bent Unit.
yeah you're right. Big pharma and a computer guy have your best interests. lol
What would the worlds health do without Bill Gates.

burleigh wrote:udo wrote:Jeezus Burleigh your one Paranoid Bent Unit.
yeah you're right. Big pharma and a computer guy have your best interests. lol
What would the worlds health do without Bill Gates.
From my somewhat limited understanding hasn't Bill Gates donated more money towards improving peoples health than anyone ever?

goofyfoot wrote:burleigh wrote:udo wrote:Jeezus Burleigh your one Paranoid Bent Unit.
yeah you're right. Big pharma and a computer guy have your best interests. lol
What would the worlds health do without Bill Gates.
From my somewhat limited understanding hasn't Bill Gates donated more money towards improving peoples health than anyone ever?
Has donated over $60 billion. And more to come.

Roadkill wrote:goofyfoot wrote:burleigh wrote:udo wrote:Jeezus Burleigh your one Paranoid Bent Unit.
yeah you're right. Big pharma and a computer guy have your best interests. lol
What would the worlds health do without Bill Gates.
From my somewhat limited understanding hasn't Bill Gates donated more money towards improving peoples health than anyone ever?
Has donated over $60 billion. And more to come.
Is that all?

Bill Gates....that rich computer guy? He knows nothing about vaccines. Nah....he just wants to kill kids and turn millions of third world poverty stricken children into Micro bots to further his quest to rule the world.
"Some falsely claim that his foundation tested vaccines that killed thousands of children in Africa and India, while others link him to bogus depopulation efforts. One poll from May found 44 percent of Republicans believed that the global immunization effort was a cover for Mr. Gates to implant microchips to track people. That claim is baseless."
Can we believe the New York Times......nah - he's paid them off too. The earth is flat and I'm an asshole with hemorrhoids. Actually, just had a flare up. Can I borrow your anusol Burleigh?

8% increase in average Australian life expectancy in the last 30 years
Must be something in the water...
I've created a spreadsheet forecast which I'll update as we go..
There's also a website with live running data..