COVID-19 Health System Overload Forecaster

Craig wrote:They're not forcing it so it seems to now be an individuals choice. As long as it stays that way that's fine with me.
Ya kidding me? 4 doses in, perpetual fear mongering and forced to this point really.. and that’s ok with you? Craig It’s ok to look in the mirror and accept your a fkn pussy but ffs it’s also ok to say ‘a 4th dose is NOT ok with me’.

Island Bay wrote:I think that's now called "Ableism" - and strictly frowned upon.
Good grief.
I had to google that, good grief alright. Abuse your body for years, be a massive stain on the public health system then call discrimination if you tell them go eat a salad and stop being a fucking stain.
But they are all good as long as they have a covid vaccine apparently.

truebluebasher wrote:#1 VIP just lost his job for not social distancing.
Check UK news spoiler!
Geezus, what is going on over there?

DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:If you claim you don’t want a vaccine you’re classed as an overreacting conspiracy nut weirdo,
It's the "claim" part that makes you the conspiracy nut. Just make an educated personal choice whether to have the additional boosters or not - simple. Once you get your megaphone out and start being Mr Shouty then you open yourself to being labelled just that.

burleigh wrote:truebluebasher wrote:#1 VIP just lost his job for not social distancing.
Check UK news spoiler!Geezus, what is going on over there?
BoJo lost his MoJo

garyg1412 wrote:DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:If you claim you don’t want a vaccine you’re classed as an overreacting conspiracy nut weirdo,
It's the "claim" part that makes you the conspiracy nut. Just make an educated personal choice whether to have the additional boosters or not - simple. Once you get your megaphone out and start being Mr Shouty then you open yourself to being labelled just that.
How you going to make your educated personal choice Garyg?
What education you giving yourself?

One simple question yet to be answered. How come you guys know more about this issue than all the scientists, university professors, doctors and medical professionals the world over who are telling us the exact opposite to what your so strongly believe in ? It must be the biggest conspiracy in human history. Surely such an obsession with your "own truth" must be a symptom of underlying mental health issues. I prefer living in the real world and letting the experts in their fields do the educating not delusional losers on a surfing forum thanks. Cheers.

Here’s an incontrovertible truth: You we’re told we were approaching a winter of death of the unvaccinated. Meanwhile five million unvaccinated Australians are doing just fine unless they were a ninety year old dementia, diabetes and heart disease sufferer.
Meanwhile over 11.5 million Australians are burdened and killed by preventable disease caused by shitty lifestyle. This burden overwhelms the health system every minute of every day. The government shuts down the world for covid and pretends the society wide tragedy of fat , unhealthy cnts isn’t happening.
Perhaps it’s time to ask yourself why this is so? The answer is money and profit. That’s what this whole thing has been about.
Yes…I think it was ( and is) the biggest conspiracy in human history. At least when countries are invaded for profit it’s only one population getting their society thrown on a bonfire.

DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:Here’s an incontrovertible truth: You we’re told we were approaching a winter of death of the unvaccinated. Meanwhile five million unvaccinated Australians are doing just fine unless they were a ninety year old dementia, diabetes and heart disease sufferer.
Meanwhile over 11.5 million Australians are burdened and killed by preventable disease caused by shitty lifestyle. This burden overwhelms the health system every minute of every day. The government shuts down the world for covid and pretends the society wide tragedy of fat , unhealthy cnts isn’t happening.
Perhaps it’s time to ask yourself why this is so? The answer is money and profit. That’s what this whole thing has been about.
Yes…I think it was ( and is) the biggest conspiracy in human history. At least when countries are invaded for profit it’s only one population getting their society thrown on a bonfire.
money and profit....and you wonder why you clowns get labeled as conspiracy whackjobs?

To be honest Roadkill, the opinions of crew such as yourself don’t weigh too heavily. You swallowed the panic story and your credibility is basically non existent.
Five million unvaccinated Australians doing fine. That’s not a conspiracy, that’s reality. It contradicts every single thing you believe. If you don’t possess the ability to reassess your thinking in light of these facts then that’s your problem, no one else’s. No amount of insults will change this outcome.

old-dog wrote:One simple question yet to be answered. How come you guys know more about this issue than all the scientists, university professors, doctors and medical professionals the world over who are telling us the exact opposite to what your so strongly believe in ? It must be the biggest conspiracy in human history. Surely such an obsession with your "own truth" must be a symptom of underlying mental health issues. I prefer living in the real world and letting the experts in their fields do the educating not delusional losers on a surfing forum thanks. Cheers.
Old dog there are many scientists, university professors, doctors and medical professionals that have openly spoken out against covid and the vaccine, unfortunately they have been completely silenced by governments and media that are controlled by governments.
Politicians have taken control of doctor patient relationships by silencing Drs.
When you see Sesame Street and your prime minister tell you to speak to your doctor with a smile on their face you must know full well that your doctor will follow the political guidelines and APRA and ATAGI and recommend you have the vaccine or face being audited and disciplinary action.
The craziest part about the 4th vaccine is it’s exactly the same as the last three. It won’t work, it has never worked.
Yet as Blowin said, 5 million un vaccinated Australians doing completely fine without any vaccine.

Booster Mania...(The enemy within)
(Rare) NSW Complete Off Peak Data Set.
NSW Omicron Peak ~ 13th Jan > 91,795/day
( Data records off peak week's 8th >15th Jan 48,664/d (Dropping fast) > 12th Feb 8,097/d )
Note 5 day delays in peak case number reporting > presents high # Hospital > ICU > Deaths
NSW Health shared rare data > No Dose > 1 dose > 2 dose > 3 dose (side by side for 4 weeks).
NSW default Children + Large % of unknown (Vax) defaulted for this No/1/2/3 Vax Data set
tbb notes that unvaxed present less each week so Vax% (Changes) are included & factored into Data.
Unusual as NSW separated No / Partial / 1 dose...It seems they wanted a straight read ( Test Run )
The very next week they censored this format & puffed up (No dose / Unknown as one Evil Empire!)
15th Jan ('Adult' Vax Rate 81.5%) > 12th Feb (Adult Vax Rate 81.8%) NSW state Adult in Data!
[+] Cases
Total 450,610 > 765,883 (tbb explained case counts race to a peak but trail longer down from it!)
Vax Cases Total 394,913 (87.64%) > 637,802 (83.3%) eg: Reader can compare with corresponding Vax rate.
1 dose 4,644 (66.1% rise) 7,747
2 dose 372,912 (55,4% rise) 579,516
3 dose 17,350 (191.3% rise) 50,539 (***VIPs are the most infectious in AO Box Seat )
No vax 55,697 (130%) 128,081 (15 Jan 6.4% > 12 Feb 1.5% less infectious than Mass Vax Rollout)
Vaxing clearly prolongs pandemic 1>2>3 Dosed VIPs increase infections.(VIPs are the hottest tickets!)
Prescription: Cancellations of VIP cards & 1,000 apologies warranted to the healthiest of innocents.
Hospitalizations (Vax Rate 81.5%) > (Vax Rate 81.8%)
Total 4,941 > 9,109 (Again...we are seeing peak delay back up to the Wards)
Vax Patients Total 4,262 (86.3%) > 7,945 (87.22%) > ( 86.4% rise)
1 dose 112 (87.5% rise) > 210
2 dose 3,912 (80.7% rise) > 7,068
3 dose 238 (180% rise) > 666
No vax 679 (71.4% rise) > 1,164 (Saving Mass Vaxed Hospital Crisis 15 Jan 4.1% > 12 Feb 5.42%)
NSW Mass Vax is clearly blowing out their own Mass Vaxed Health Crisis + worsens with waning!
Boosted patients are now highest % but also register above their Vax Rate = (#1 Oz Health Crisis)
NSW Health Data verifies the significant Health benefits & savings to our Nation by not vaxing.
Blows tbb's mind that Govts & Experts will kill us all rather than come clean! "We Fucked Up..Big Time!"
ICU (Vax Rate 81.5%) > (Vax Rate 81.8%)
Total 429 > 904
Vax Severe Patients Total 351 (81.8%) > 777 (86%) > (124% rise)
1 dose 17 (29.4% rise) > 22
2 dose 314 (118.5% rise) > 686
3 dose 20 (245% rise) > 69 (This stat shows the boosted destruction of Oz Health System )
no vax 78 (62.8% rise) > 127
NSW Health data shows Vax is blowing out ICU wards (Outrageous cost of Boosting is insane!)
No! It doesn't end there...tbb is aghast to share these poor buggers take it to the grave.
Deaths (Vax Rate 81.5%) > (Vax Rate 81.8%)
Total 222 > 1061
Vax Total 169 (76.1%) 818 (77.1%) (Vax prevents 5.1% + 4.7% deaths but Higher Death 'Rate' 384%)
1 dose 9 (245% rise) > 31
2 dose 149 (363%) > 690
3 dose 11 (782%) > 97 (Insane death rate % now kills above Booster Vax % rate)
no vax 53 (358.5%) > 243 (Recalling that majority of death stats are delayed)
eg: NSW Vax % Deaths = 15th Jan 76.1% > 12th Feb 77.1% > 14th April 82%
Clarification : Dose 1 / dose 2 deaths keep below % rate but Booster Deaths increasingly rise above!
Pandemic is no match for Boosters...Now the most deadly destructive force in our known universe.
More Vax infects more, spiking more Vaxed Patients needing more Vaxed ICU increasing Vaxed deaths.
Important! This NSW full data was suspended > censored (Same as cited 14th April Death Data)
Every state pulls Vax data once it breaches the Vax % or their Holy Grail ( re: Hospital / ICU ).
(Trick!) Oz states hide data in plain sight!
They back date to lowest % VIP data sets then apply latest % premium mates rates on Hesitants...Wot!
By releasing Custom Retro Sets to dumbass media..."Oh! Wow! Vax is so magical!" Saved 2m lives!
No longer will States give a straight weekly read that exposes Vax infection > Harm > death % rises.
With a new round of Boosters in the wings tbb thought to share / warn wot lies ahead with Mass Vax!
#1 Isolated high Vax Oz is breaking records with slow rollout now the wheels are turning...Run! Run!

Burleigh said :
Old dog there are many scientists, university professors, doctors and medical professionals that have openly spoken out against covid and the vaccine, unfortunately they have been completely silenced by governments and media that are controlled by governments.
Burliegh can you Direct me to where i can find some info on this..just Australian Medical Proffesionals will do ?

Imagine any profession. Doesn't matter what.
Imagine an organisation in said profession made up of highly respected individuals, which acts as an industry body to set standards, rules, methods of work and even behaviour.
Now imagine a bunch of clowns who know nothing about said profession claiming (without any real basis other than they're just having a whinge) that the organisation is corrupt, and that you should only listen to people who don't follow the advice of these organisations, because everyone else is 'silenced'.

Well, the organisation making billions upon billions of dollars telling you that unvaccinated people are vulnerable and will die has been proven wrong by the five million strong control group of unvaccinated people who escaped covid with nothing more than a mildly inconvenient illness, if anything at all.
When facts contradict the predicted outcome you must reassess the methodology and motivation behind the failed predictions.
If someone is telling you that you MUST buy an umbrella because a biblical flood will drown you if you dont have protection and then the rain eventuates as an uneventful light shower, surely you will question the umbrella salesman’s integrity?

Not sure which organisations encouraging the usage of vaccines are making billions upon billions, guess I'm privy to the same info as you. Also, I'd doubt these people laugh in the face of ethics like you assume they do?
These people aren't in sales. They're not trying to move product and maximise they're income. This is about medical science and novel viruses. Sure, some of the plebs may kick up a fuss if they were expecting doomsday but it was relatively mild - some may even captialise on this frustration. Luckily people like that will never be in charge of anything.

I'm one of those who was fence sitting on the vax thing. Hadn't had covid until this week and I did a rat the other night cos my son was sick and thought I should. Funnily enough I was positive so a few days surfing this week instead of going to work. But everything that others are saying is lining up for me. TBB has been posting stuff that is hard to read but I try but my covid if you call it that was the mildest of colds and it stopped me going to work. My workplace has around 200 staff and I had already heard from HR that it was boosted people getting hammered the worst. So that's my story. No vax at all and the weakest cold ever. How long will this covid thing go on for?

Got covid the very last week of my 28 day swing in New Guinea.. Everything about it was horrible. I couldn't breathe easily and it hurt to breathe in. I had a crazy cough, insanely sore back and shoulder muscles, serious fever, and very bad headache. Another manager same issues at the same level. Crazy metallic taste in my mouth and zero smell. With that said, I was also the youngest and "fittest" at camp to get it and got completely obliterated. Whereas a few heavily overweight Englishmen and Americans, who all smoke, only had a light headache and sniffles for four days. It took me 11 days to test negative whereas it took them four days. Had to get a visa extension as a result. I never want it again. 80% of expats managers got it, where as only one new guinea national got it. Something like 2% of the population vaccinated or something crazy like that. How the nationals on-site didn't get it is truly unbelievable considering the close quarters work we do. I had the novavax, I can't see how it did fuck all either.

Just to throw it out there, medical professionals who have spoken against mandates in Australia have lost their rite to practice. I was seeing a psychiatrist who lost his rite to practice because he spoke of the negative effects of vaccine mandates on mental health publicly. Not the efficacy of the vaccine but mental health and mandates.

Good to hear you had it mild too, poo-man.
I'm 2 x vaxxed. It was the dangled carrot of international travel that made me do it, and later my employer mandated it too, which pissed me off no end.
I have since not even remotely given boosters a thought (actually felt ashamed at how our govt coerced people into getting boosted/vaxxed), but my wife is boosted, and she was worried that I'd fare much worse than her, being older too.
Of course the opposite happened. Mild cold for me, just a bit tired.

DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:To be honest Roadkill, the opinions of crew such as yourself don’t weigh too heavily. You swallowed the panic story and your credibility is basically non existent.
Five million unvaccinated Australians doing fine. That’s not a conspiracy, that’s reality. It contradicts every single thing you believe. If you don’t possess the ability to reassess your thinking in light of these facts then that’s your problem, no one else’s. No amount of insults will change this outcome.
LMAO...coming from the most vociferous person on this sight...."No amount of insults will change this outcome" is fucking GOLD!

burleigh wrote:old-dog wrote:One simple question yet to be answered. How come you guys know more about this issue than all the scientists, university professors, doctors and medical professionals the world over who are telling us the exact opposite to what your so strongly believe in ? It must be the biggest conspiracy in human history. Surely such an obsession with your "own truth" must be a symptom of underlying mental health issues. I prefer living in the real world and letting the experts in their fields do the educating not delusional losers on a surfing forum thanks. Cheers.
Old dog there are many scientists, university professors, doctors and medical professionals that have openly spoken out against covid and the vaccine, unfortunately they have been completely silenced by governments and media that are controlled by governments.
Politicians have taken control of doctor patient relationships by silencing Drs.
When you see Sesame Street and your prime minister tell you to speak to your doctor with a smile on their face you must know full well that your doctor will follow the political guidelines and APRA and ATAGI and recommend you have the vaccine or face being audited and disciplinary action.
The craziest part about the 4th vaccine is it’s exactly the same as the last three. It won’t work, it has never worked.
Yet as Blowin said, 5 million un vaccinated Australians doing completely fine without any vaccine.
Ha ha ha ha...are these the same scientists, university professors, doctors and medical professionals that told you millions of people die of the common cold each year?

SA Boosters are fully sick...
Wed 6th July Boosted = 65.5% Hospital Admissions or 7.6% above 59.7% Booster Vax rate
Still above their rate today...
Recall new Premier pushed hard for the 3rd Jab, just wot the Good Doctor Ordered.
Boosted spend more time in Hospital beds than any other Aussies or so SA ward charts show!
SA are currently rearranging their...cushioned to do many new layouts is that now?
Good luck with tracking down Scarecrows / Whale carcasses to bulk up yer "Un-whatever Pile"
Just saying for 3x Vaxed South Aussies might wanna wear 3x Masks or risk getting 3x as sick!
Couldn't give us a boost could ya...Let the Good times Roll...

Soggydog whats the name of your struck off Psychiatrist ?

burleigh wrote:garyg1412 wrote:DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:If you claim you don’t want a vaccine you’re classed as an overreacting conspiracy nut weirdo,
It's the "claim" part that makes you the conspiracy nut. Just make an educated personal choice whether to have the additional boosters or not - simple. Once you get your megaphone out and start being Mr Shouty then you open yourself to being labelled just that.
How you going to make your educated personal choice Garyg?
What education you giving yourself?
I said an educated choice not an education. A bit like the choice whether to have another drink or not before driving a car, versus watching a Youtube clip of a repeat drink driving offender telling you "she'll be right mate".
What I am saying in simplistic terms is do what you think is the right thing to do with regards to your health and base that decision on what you think is the best information available AT THAT TIME. And just respect other people's decisions, without resorting to some of the immature stuff that gets flung around on here from both sides of the coin.

It would be good if blowin Could tell us which of the large multinational big Pharma companies was involved in getting Covid into the general population? Was it an individual big Pharma company or did they all work together to get it into the general population so they could profit? Or was it a government or multiple governments that released Covid deliberately to Help big Pharma make bigger profits than usual? And individual politicians receiving bags full of cash?
I love how Covidiots like blowin and burleigh mouth off daily but have never provided any proof ever. That’s never as in zip, nada, nothing.

udo wrote:Soggydog whats the name of your struck off Psychiatrist ?
Yep, As it’s pretty easy to find out the information about doctors that have been struck off the medical register.
Will be good to confirm soggydog’s claim.
Which I call bs until proven.

The local GP in our town got deregistered for discouraging patients from getting the covid vaccination and for refusing to see patients who were vaccinated.

Clive Palmer claimed 200 Dr had been struck of the medical register because of COVID. Total was 61 since July 2019, which is before COVID was a thing.

garyg1412 wrote:burleigh wrote:garyg1412 wrote:DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:If you claim you don’t want a vaccine you’re classed as an overreacting conspiracy nut weirdo,
It's the "claim" part that makes you the conspiracy nut. Just make an educated personal choice whether to have the additional boosters or not - simple. Once you get your megaphone out and start being Mr Shouty then you open yourself to being labelled just that.
How you going to make your educated personal choice Garyg?
What education you giving yourself?I said an educated choice not an education. A bit like the choice whether to have another drink or not before driving a car, versus watching a Youtube clip of a repeat drink driving offender telling you "she'll be right mate".
What I am saying in simplistic terms is do what you think is the right thing to do with regards to your health and base that decision on what you think is the best information available AT THAT TIME. And just respect other people's decisions, without resorting to some of the immature stuff that gets flung around on here from both sides of the coin.
Just curious where your getting the information for your educated choice?
When politicians tell you “if you have any concern speak to your GP” they are using a doctor/patient trust to coerce you into a vaccine.
Any doctor that speaks against the narrative gets terminated or audited.
The main stream media have been giving the narrative also, so where do you go for your informed convent when every avenue has been politicised?

udo wrote:Soggydog whats the name of your struck off Psychiatrist ?
Udo, I’d like to give you the details. But given Roadkill wants to do some muck raking I’d rather protect this guy as he’s been really good for my mental health. How do I know he’s de registered. I looked it up. Also I’m unable to claim sessions on my private health care.
As for Roadkill……… I’m not trying not to go down that rabbit hole anymore. Feeling pretty good these days.

burleigh wrote:garyg1412 wrote:burleigh wrote:garyg1412 wrote:DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:If you claim you don’t want a vaccine you’re classed as an overreacting conspiracy nut weirdo,
It's the "claim" part that makes you the conspiracy nut. Just make an educated personal choice whether to have the additional boosters or not - simple. Once you get your megaphone out and start being Mr Shouty then you open yourself to being labelled just that.
How you going to make your educated personal choice Garyg?
What education you giving yourself?I said an educated choice not an education. A bit like the choice whether to have another drink or not before driving a car, versus watching a Youtube clip of a repeat drink driving offender telling you "she'll be right mate".
What I am saying in simplistic terms is do what you think is the right thing to do with regards to your health and base that decision on what you think is the best information available AT THAT TIME. And just respect other people's decisions, without resorting to some of the immature stuff that gets flung around on here from both sides of the coin.Just curious where your getting the information for your educated choice?
When politicians tell you “if you have any concern speak to your GP” they are using a doctor/patient trust to coerce you into a vaccine.
Any doctor that speaks against the narrative gets terminated or audited.
The main stream media have been giving the narrative also, so where do you go for your informed convent when every avenue has been politicised?
"Any doctor that speaks against the narrative gets terminated or audited"
Prove it...where can this be verified?
'The main stream media have been giving the narrative also"
By who? By the Australian govt? a govt dept or a ministry or even a minister?

soggydog wrote:udo wrote:Soggydog whats the name of your struck off Psychiatrist ?
Udo, I’d like to give you the details. But given Roadkill wants to do some muck raking I’d rather protect this guy as he’s been really good for my mental health. How do I know he’s de registered. I looked it up. Also I’m unable to claim sessions on my private health care.
As for Roadkill……… I’m not trying not to go down that rabbit hole anymore. Feeling pretty good these days.
No muck raking...Just a call to back up and prove claims made.
It's great you feel good...I hope it continues.

No probs i had already looked at how many were Deregistered in last 3 yrs and Why.

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:garyg1412 wrote:burleigh wrote:garyg1412 wrote:DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:If you claim you don’t want a vaccine you’re classed as an overreacting conspiracy nut weirdo,
It's the "claim" part that makes you the conspiracy nut. Just make an educated personal choice whether to have the additional boosters or not - simple. Once you get your megaphone out and start being Mr Shouty then you open yourself to being labelled just that.
How you going to make your educated personal choice Garyg?
What education you giving yourself?I said an educated choice not an education. A bit like the choice whether to have another drink or not before driving a car, versus watching a Youtube clip of a repeat drink driving offender telling you "she'll be right mate".
What I am saying in simplistic terms is do what you think is the right thing to do with regards to your health and base that decision on what you think is the best information available AT THAT TIME. And just respect other people's decisions, without resorting to some of the immature stuff that gets flung around on here from both sides of the coin.Just curious where your getting the information for your educated choice?
When politicians tell you “if you have any concern speak to your GP” they are using a doctor/patient trust to coerce you into a vaccine.
Any doctor that speaks against the narrative gets terminated or audited.
The main stream media have been giving the narrative also, so where do you go for your informed convent when every avenue has been politicised?
"Any doctor that speaks against the narrative gets terminated or audited"
Prove it...where can this be verified?'The main stream media have been giving the narrative also"
By who? By the Australian govt? a govt dept or a ministry or even a minister?
Who was it that told Albo a domestic gas reservation program for the East coast was off the table ? Even though he’s Prime Minister of Australia ? And the minister for energy ( Bowen) fell into line as well despite the fact that we give away Australian resources to overseas companies who then sell it back to us at the world’s highest prices and over 25,000,000 Australians suffer massively for it.
Who told Albo and Bowen to do this ?
Who told John Howard to sign up for invading Iraq despite it being obviously illegal and with no aim beyond profiteering from the destruction and rebuilding of another sovereign nation?
Same same.
Money and power talk and if they want something they often enough don’t ask ….they demand.

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:garyg1412 wrote:burleigh wrote:garyg1412 wrote:DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:If you claim you don’t want a vaccine you’re classed as an overreacting conspiracy nut weirdo,
It's the "claim" part that makes you the conspiracy nut. Just make an educated personal choice whether to have the additional boosters or not - simple. Once you get your megaphone out and start being Mr Shouty then you open yourself to being labelled just that.
How you going to make your educated personal choice Garyg?
What education you giving yourself?I said an educated choice not an education. A bit like the choice whether to have another drink or not before driving a car, versus watching a Youtube clip of a repeat drink driving offender telling you "she'll be right mate".
What I am saying in simplistic terms is do what you think is the right thing to do with regards to your health and base that decision on what you think is the best information available AT THAT TIME. And just respect other people's decisions, without resorting to some of the immature stuff that gets flung around on here from both sides of the coin.Just curious where your getting the information for your educated choice?
When politicians tell you “if you have any concern speak to your GP” they are using a doctor/patient trust to coerce you into a vaccine.
Any doctor that speaks against the narrative gets terminated or audited.
The main stream media have been giving the narrative also, so where do you go for your informed convent when every avenue has been politicised?
"Any doctor that speaks against the narrative gets terminated or audited"
Prove it...where can this be verified?'The main stream media have been giving the narrative also"
By who? By the Australian govt? a govt dept or a ministry or even a minister?
I have shared the letter from Aphra previously. An actual doctor reading it word for word.
And if you don’t believe the msm have been given a covid narrative you’re an absolute flog……. Wait we already knew that.
Go get ya 4th jab of the same shit that didn’t protect you three times precious toady. Hopefully you don’t get myocarditis

This one Burleigh ?
@31 mins

And from the same Mob....

Ahhhh roadkill. He’s like the energiza man. Time and time again he gets trumped yet some how he finds the will to get back up for his daily posts. You’re an inspiration mate. It’s got to be the boosters.
He obviously does not believe in the power of hindsight. Hindsight being that we’ve had about 2 yrs to observe the severity of COVID and one’s lifetime to compare it to our previous cold and flues throughout.
Can you please do us a favour and just stop, breath and think about it. What have youuuu witnessed? Putting msm aside for just one minute, Has it come close to your worst fears? We know you got hit pretty hard but was it harder then one or two of the bad flues you’ve had in the past? They can be pretty tough to get through. Now think about your family, your friends , your friends friends. Has it really been that bad? Has it been so bad the unvaccinated do not deserve to be part of the community? Does it warrant the hospital staff shortages or the banning of teachers at schools ? And what about the debts we now carry and the mental strain we’ve all endured.
What do you say mate? Can you give us an inch ( of slack) can we find some common ground after 3 yrs or will you continue down the road of mindless rebuttals to anyone who dares questions the writings of your great, the one and only , the all mighty Anthony fauci

* i actually had some common ground with you. I had my two shots. Im *fully vaccinated. I also wrote off anything Burleigh put up as a conspiracy. Then I found common sense

udo wrote:This one Burleigh ?
@31 mins
That’s it.

burleigh wrote:udo wrote:This one Burleigh ?
@31 mins’s it.
Hey Roadkill, there’s your proof. Without revealing my health provider.

udo wrote:This one Burleigh ?
@31 mins
“Any promotion of anti vax statements”. That is the important part…you all missed. Drs promoting anti vax are the ones targeted and held accountable.
It’s pretty simple stuff.

Roadkill wrote:udo wrote:This one Burleigh ?
@31 mins“Any promotion of anti vax statements”. That is the important part…you all missed. Drs promoting anti vax are the ones targeted and held accountable.
It’s pretty simple stuff.
Exactly our point. You dip shit.
Doctors have been politicised. It’s no longer doctor patient trust. You now have a politician standing in the way.
Don’t they dare step outside the line of our political stance on a brand new vaccine or you will be held accountable.
See the problem dopey?

DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:garyg1412 wrote:burleigh wrote:garyg1412 wrote:DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:If you claim you don’t want a vaccine you’re classed as an overreacting conspiracy nut weirdo,
It's the "claim" part that makes you the conspiracy nut. Just make an educated personal choice whether to have the additional boosters or not - simple. Once you get your megaphone out and start being Mr Shouty then you open yourself to being labelled just that.
How you going to make your educated personal choice Garyg?
What education you giving yourself?I said an educated choice not an education. A bit like the choice whether to have another drink or not before driving a car, versus watching a Youtube clip of a repeat drink driving offender telling you "she'll be right mate".
What I am saying in simplistic terms is do what you think is the right thing to do with regards to your health and base that decision on what you think is the best information available AT THAT TIME. And just respect other people's decisions, without resorting to some of the immature stuff that gets flung around on here from both sides of the coin.Just curious where your getting the information for your educated choice?
When politicians tell you “if you have any concern speak to your GP” they are using a doctor/patient trust to coerce you into a vaccine.
Any doctor that speaks against the narrative gets terminated or audited.
The main stream media have been giving the narrative also, so where do you go for your informed convent when every avenue has been politicised?
"Any doctor that speaks against the narrative gets terminated or audited"
Prove it...where can this be verified?'The main stream media have been giving the narrative also"
By who? By the Australian govt? a govt dept or a ministry or even a minister?Who was it that told Albo a domestic gas reservation program for the East coast was off the table ? Even though he’s Prime Minister of Australia ? And the minister for energy ( Bowen) fell into line as well despite the fact that we give away Australian resources to overseas companies who then sell it back to us at the world’s highest prices and over 25,000,000 Australians suffer massively for it.
Who told Albo and Bowen to do this ?
Who told John Howard to sign up for invading Iraq despite it being obviously illegal and with no aim beyond profiteering from the destruction and rebuilding of another sovereign nation?
Same same.
Money and power talk and if they want something they often enough don’t ask ….they demand.
That has nothing to do with the question. Jeezes you struggle to understand basic stuff. Too busy ranting irrelevant crap that has nothing to do with anything.

burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:udo wrote:This one Burleigh ?
@31 mins“Any promotion of anti vax statements”. That is the important part…you all missed. Drs promoting anti vax are the ones targeted and held accountable.
It’s pretty simple stuff.
Exactly our point. You dip shit.
Doctors have been politicised. It’s no longer doctor patient trust. You now have a politician standing in the way.
Roadkill doesn’t get the problem with a Doctor being disbarred when a curious and healthy twenty year old asks them if they needed the vaccine and the Doctor says:
“ No. You’ve got virtually zero chance of dying from covid, you’ve got a ridiculously tiny chance of being sick enough to warrant any concern at all and the vaccine neither prevents infection or halts transmission. So the vaccine is basically pointless for you. Even worse is that the vaccine you don’t need carries risk of genuine side effects. So no ….I don’t think you need the vaccine “
Because that’s what constituted whack job anti vaccine weirdness according to the government.

soggydog wrote:burleigh wrote:udo wrote:This one Burleigh ?
@31 mins’s it.
Hey Roadkill, there’s your proof. Without revealing my health provider.
That proves nothing. You said “I was seeing a psychiatrist who lost his rite to practice because he spoke of the negative effects of vaccine mandates on mental health publicly” I still call bs. No Dr has lost their rite to practice for speaking about the negative effects of vaccine mandates on mental health.
If he went further and started promoting anti vax stuff, then that is a different thing. But just speaking about negative effects on mental health. No way.

TBB check W.A. records on this when you get a minute would ya ..
And Craig It’s ok to look in the mirror and accept your a fkn pussy....farkn hell eh ....WTF....?

DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:udo wrote:This one Burleigh ?
@31 mins“Any promotion of anti vax statements”. That is the important part…you all missed. Drs promoting anti vax are the ones targeted and held accountable.
It’s pretty simple stuff.
Exactly our point. You dip shit.
Doctors have been politicised. It’s no longer doctor patient trust. You now have a politician standing in the way.
Roadkill doesn’t get the problem with a Doctor being disbarred when a curious and healthy twenty year old asks them if they needed the vaccine and the Doctor says:
“ No. You’ve got virtually zero chance of dying from covid, you’ve got a ridiculously tiny chance of being sick enough to warrant any concern at all and the vaccine neither prevents infection or halts transmission. So the vaccine is basically pointless for you. Even worse is that the vaccine you don’t need carries risk of genuine side effects. So no ….I don’t think you need the vaccine “Because that’s what constituted whack job anti vaccine weirdness according to the government.
Hey great made up story, blowin.
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