Interesting stuff

Blowin's picture
Blowin started the topic in Friday, 21 Jun 2019 at 8:01am

Have it cunts

Patrick's picture
Patrick's picture
Patrick Tuesday, 9 Jun 2020 at 11:24pm

"I was a police officer for nearly ten years and I was a bastard. We all were.

"This essay has been kicking around in my head for years now and I’ve never felt confident enough to write it. It’s a time in my life I’m ashamed of. It’s a time that I hurt people and, through inaction, allowed others to be hurt. It’s a time that I acted as a violent agent of capitalism and white supremacy. Under the guise of public safety, I personally ruined people’s lives but in so doing, made the public no safer… so did the family members and close friends of mine who also bore the badge alongside me.


"As someone who went through the training, hiring, and socialization of a career in law enforcement, I wanted to give a first-hand account of why I believe police officers are the way they are. Not to excuse their behavior, but to explain it and to indict the structures that perpetuate it.

"I believe that if everyone understood how we’re trained and brought up in the profession, it would inform the demands our communities should be making of a new way of community safety. If I tell you how we were made, I hope it will empower you to unmake us.

Read full here:

views from the cockpit's picture
views from the cockpit's picture
views from the ... Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 4:56am

Brilliant...and scary

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 7:12am

Patrick....I was agreeing on some parts , though on the whole it sounds like erroneous dribble conceptualised in a vacuum of narrow prejudices.

I don’t deny the inherent problems within policing as mentioned in the article, plus the issue of a certain type of person being attracted to join a mob who is granted the legalised monopoly of force and control as described . But the whole offenders as hapless victims trope doesn’t really bare thorough scrutiny and when the idea of white supremacy is paraded as a moderately acceptable concept , the bullshit starts to pile up .

One only has to cross the border into Mexico to realise that the entire “ victims of White supremacy “ trope is just more identity politics rubbish.

Abolishing the police force is a ludicrous suggestion in a world which has been consciously transformed from a community into an economic zone. People can’t police themselves through a nurturing society if they remain strangers to each other despite sharing a neighbourhood. Even within a village scenario, people act badly . Not all impulse to deviant, violent and illegal behaviour is caused by inequality and poverty. Often times it can be created through intra family relationships .

To create change in society regards policing, the single most effective action would be to decriminalise recreational drugs.

A world without a central authority backed by substantial force is a world of anarchy.

PS.....The White supremacist trope is unashamedly racist and needs to be abandoned ASAP. Only the most dedicated idiot could possibly think that apportioning a generalised negative to an entire cohort of people based on skin colour isn’t racism , just because other dedicated idiots have agreed that a certain colour skin is exempt.

The idea that Black people only act badly because of evil whitey isn’t just offensive and dangerous, it completely dismisses the irrefutable contradictions presented by the criminal histories of every nation on Earth without a white majority population.

Wakanda is not a real place.

Anyone who believes that saying this is evidence of “ white fragility “ really needs to pull their head in. Not only is it saying that someone should bend over and receive any form of racial insult anyone cares to dispense in their direction if they have pale skin , it’s inherently racist itself in that it’s claiming that White people should be able to withstand racial taunts which other races cannot . It’s a polite way of saying that anyone not White is a weak and vulnerable little bitch who needs defending whilst White exceptionalism protects Caucasians.

It’s untrue and insulting to speak of black people as intrinsically criminal, lazy and immoral and it’s also untrue and insulting to speak of White people as intrinsically domineering, oppressive and violent. I’ve got no idea why some people think it’s OK to say one and not the other , or why someone else would claim that it’s evidence of fragility to refuse to accept such ridiculous double standards.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 7:38am

How's this work?

"The White supremacist trope is unashamedly racist and needs to be abandoned ASAP. Only the most dedicated idiot could possibly think that apportioning a generalised negative to an entire cohort of people based on skin colour isn’t racism , just because other dedicated idiots have agreed that a certain colour skin is exempt."

Sounds like you're claiming that calling someone a white supremacist is racist.

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 8:50pm



Every morning, the same scurrying and befouling...humans stir...light comes on...back under the fridge you crawl.

And to mix metaphors...rinse and repeat...again...and again...and again.

What a do-si-do!

Ol' Montaigne would be rolling (his eyes) in his grave!

Keep fragile, and carry on, old bean.

The new 'white man's burden' is frightful!

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 9:11am

ABC: one person's left is another person's right, I suppose. Could we call that ambidextrous?

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 9:32am

Stu....Calling out proper , self identifying White supremacists isn’t racist.

Pretty much any other reference to white supremacy as a cultural narrative in modern times is untrue and racist. For example ...overarching narrative that global criminality stems from some mythical and all pervasive evil of white supremacy in 2020 is ridiculous in the extreme.

From the article :

“Would there still be a few bad actors in the world? Sure, probably. What’s my solution for them, you’re no doubt asking. I’ll tell you what: generational poverty, food insecurity, houselessness, and for-profit medical care are all problems that can be solved in our lifetimes by rejecting the dehumanizing meat grinder of capitalism and white supremacy. Once that’s done, we can work on the edge cases together, with clearer hearts not clouded by a corrupt system.“

Why not blame the problems of the world on Mexican laziness, Jewish greed , Irish drunkenness and Black criminality if you want to start laying out broadscale racial stereotypes ? Capitalism isn’t white supremacy. Not unless every person in every shopping centre throughout the globe transacting fiat currency for trade able goods is a White supremacist.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 9:37am


There's a bit of a "lady doth protest too much" in your reasoning. For one, all your justifications, every single one of them, all swing one way, and that is to defend white behaviour. You've spent an enormous amount of time and energy arguing around the point that racism somehow doesn't exist; that to report on it is somehow racist in itself.

Yet you're also very quick to acknowledge that, in other contexts, racism DOES exist. That China is racist, that other countries are racist, but Australia, relatively speaking, is less racist. You've even said that blackfellas can be racist.

So does it exist or not..?

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 10:08am

I’ve just said that white supremacy exists. White supremacists are undeniably racist. To believe that a skin colour makes you superior is definitive racism. What does that have to do with the 99.9999999999 percent of White people who don’t think their skin colour makes them superior ? How does the belief of a minuscule fraction of society taint the whole ?

Are you a White supremacist, Stu ? Do you deserve to be pilloried because of your skin colour ? What about your kids ? You all good with them being branded as evil forces of oppression purely because their skin is pale ?

To blame human frailty and it’s concurrent greed , avarice , urge to control and oppress and whatever other evils are perpetrated by White people as a result of their skin colour is proper racist.

I reckon you’re overthinking this , Stu.

Consider it thus ....If someone ascribes a negative connotation to someone or something because they are white , ask yourself if you’d be OK with the same thing being said about a black person.

For example....Do you think a TV show which posits that a bunch of White people telling Black people what they think they are doing wrong called “ Dear Black People “ would be acceptable ? Of course not.

The idea that you unite society by solely pointing the finger of blame at White people is stupid and dangerous.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 10:12am

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 11:26am

Re: the ABC

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 12:15pm


I've said again and again and again, that racial stereotypes about 'white' mean nothing to me, nor by extension to my kids.

I still find it hard to fathom that anyone who isn't complicit would be so sensitive.

You say white fragility is a mockery, I say the view from here says otherwise.

You say you understand the pain of the blackfellas, yet your words show little empathy.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 12:27pm

Do you leap whenever you hear someone say 'Aussie bogan'? Take umbrage and correct them on their fault..?

Do you jump up and down about accusations of 'loudmouth Aussies'?

It's a terrible generalisation, is it not? I mean, we're not all like that.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 12:34pm

Perhaps it’s personal perspective ?

If your missus had a bloke at work saying she was a slut would you tell her not to be precious, as she is patently and obvious not a slut , or would you want the idiot responsible to shut his lips and pull his head in ?

That’s how I feel about people talking trash about my community.

As for Aussie bogans etc’s just a piss take. It’s pointed and often derogatory but it’s also relatively light hearted . It’s an accusation of personal distaste , not intrinsic evil . You’ve got to retain perspective that not all slurs are equal..

There’s nothing remotely simpatico with labelling the entirety of Caucasian culture as White supremacist . It’s not referring to bad dress sense and a tendency for public drunkenness, it’s a proclamation that everyone with white skin is born evil is collectively responsible for the plight of every other race on Earth.

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 12:33pm

YOUR community??

Which is??

(too much geographical specificity not required)

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 12:36pm

Your community?!

I'm apparently one of your community and I don't agree with you.

So where does that leave us? Who's the imposter?

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 12:37pm

Facto do realise that you are a White supremacist in the eyes of some people purely because of your skin colour ?

Your wokeness and declarations of white guilt won’t protect you.

lomah's picture
lomah's picture
lomah Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 12:38pm

If you haven’t seen this from Meyne Wyatt it’s worth watching

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 12:40pm

"There’s nothing remotely simpatico with labelling the entirety of Caucasian culture as White supremacist . It’s not referring to bad dress sense and a tendency for public drunkenness, it’s a proclamation that everyone with white skin is born evil is collectively responsible for the plight of every other race on Earth."

Who the fuck said this?

This is the issue. You dredge up ridiculous statements from immature, illogical, bleeding heart lefties and then define them as the spokespeople for the whole group, putting yourself in opposition to them.

What about nutty right wingers? I notice a distinct lack of references towards them, yet they're just as prolific.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 12:42pm are judged as one of my community by others , not yourself. That’s exactly how racism are defined and grouped by your skin colour above all else.

That’s what I’m arguing against.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 12:48pm

Huh ?

I’ve said White supremacists were proper racists in the true sense of the word . Isn’t that enough to show I don’t accept the far right extremists either ?

This : “ You dredge up ridiculous statements from immature, illogical, bleeding heart lefties and then define them as the spokespeople for the whole group...”

When you say “immature, illogical, bleeding heart lefties “ you do realise that you’re talking about the MSM don’t you ?

The concept of white society as liable for insult as a homogeneous group due to skin colour is perpetrated , enabled and permitted by the MSM and mainstream politics. It’s a common and acceptable perspective . Do you really need me to show evidence ?

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 12:46pm

" are judged as one of my community by others , not yourself. "

Bullshit. Couple posts up your said you don't like people rubbishing "your community" - you made the distinction, no-one else.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 12:52pm

I do consider white Australian people part of my community.

Why wouldn’t I ?

You don’t think you’re part of my community ?

saltyone's picture
saltyone's picture
saltyone Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 12:57pm

oh god..... this whole race floyd debacle has created just what it set out to do! create distraction, division etc ! meanwhile/// .... much bigger shit is being implemented without media attention. It is classic tactic yet billions of sheep have been blindsided!

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 1:04pm

Here’s a letter from the SMH :

You think this would avoid their moderation if it said “ Move over black men , you’ve stuffed this up .”

It’s tacit admission of a society which grants permission to slander a cohort of people based on skin colour ie racism.

Some people are at least honest enough to acknowledge that’s what it is but they try and justify it by doubling down their bigotry and claiming that White people deserve to be treated this way.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 1:04pm

"I do consider white Australian people part of my community.

Why wouldn’t I ?"

Because a few posts up you said you're arguing against being grouped by your skin colour.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 1:07pm

I’m not a part of American , Irish , Swedish , Russian communities yet we are all labeled as white by the racists.

You and Facto are part of my community whether you both like it or not.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 1:13pm

Other day you said you understood both the hurt of blackfellas and the inherent power disparity.

Most people wouldn't buck back against that screenshot comment because they understand the power structure greatly favours the whitefella.

Calling me a white cunt when I own my house, had good eduction, stable family life, a heritage that's championed, never unduly harrassed by authority, free passes all...well, most of the way, has a bit less sting then calling someone a black cunt with all the baggage associated with it. The two don't equate.

I'm just as proud of my heritage.

But I know it's fucked up along the way.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 1:33pm

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

You want to create social harmony and racial cohesion then don’t stand by whilst people go out of their way to ridicule one particular race.

No one ever succeeded by ripping down someone else. That’s basic humanitarianism.

A movement is being fomenting that puts forward the idea that the problems in current society stem from the intrinsic evil of White people and this needs to be dismantled before anyone else can succeed. This is pure divisive , racist dogshit .

You think it’s a thought only entertained by immature , bleeding heart lefties ? It’s so mainstream it’s becoming a corporate slogan :

A copper kills someone and it’s enough evidence to declare that “ White supremacy “ perpetuates police violence ? What the fuck kind of specious reasoning is that ? This is a public claim that the entirety of US society is the product of white supremacy. Is the claim meant that other races don’t have police brutality or that police brutality is only perpetrated by white police on black victims ?

And this is being broadcast on “ fact checked “ twitter by a corporation , not some immature lefties.

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 1:28pm

"Two wrongs don’t make a right."

As spoken by...?

"A movement is being fomenting that puts forward the idea that current society is White society and this needs to be dismantled before anyone else can succeed. This is pure divisive , racist dogshit ."

Multicultural Australia.


stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 1:33pm

"You want to create social harmony and racial cohesion then don’t stand by whilst people go out of their way to ridicule one particular race."

Mate, you defended the racist marchers of Charlottesville, even when they carried Nazi and KKK flags and deliberately evoked the worst of America's racist past. The march was organised on an unashamedly racist thread of 4Chan. You excused it.

Plus, in all the time you've posted here, you've never denounced the increasingly racist proclamations of the alt-right, only those who oppose them.

Your equality doesn't stack up.

evosurfer's picture
evosurfer's picture
evosurfer Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 1:36pm

Trump has been brilliant at avoiding war so far anyway.
Handling the china virus not that great.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 1:51pm

Yeah , you’ll have to show me where I endorsed protesters carrying KKK and Nazi flags. I’d say you misinterpreted something I’ve said . The father of the lady upstairs fought the Germans twice and was physically and mentally permanently fucked up by the experience . We speak about his efforts at putting down those Nazi scum in reverential tones.

Best you find something good or you can rightly get fucked.

I’ve repeatedly proven I’m not racist . What more do I have to do to denounce the alt right ? I don’t agree with them. The reason I object so loudly to the wholesale labelling of white people as perpetrators of white supremacy is because of the fact that I reject the idea of white supremacy and don’t think it’s either remotely appropriate or fair to label everyone with white skin as guilty of perpetuating white supremacy.

That’s my whole fucking point.

White supremacists , black supremacists , yellow supremacists , fucking purple supremacists can all suck my dick. Bunch of useless cunts the lot of them .

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 1:55pm

And it's a misguided one.

Racism against black people exists.

It is overwhelmingly committed by white people. Who are racists that believe in white supremacy.

But that doesn't mean 'all white people are racist'.

The corollary is that white supremacy doesn't exist and therefore racism against blacks doesn't either.

Vic Local's picture
Vic Local's picture
Vic Local Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 1:56pm

"I’ve repeatedly proven I’m not racist"

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

When you defend the neo-nazi thugs at the Charlotteville protests, all you are doing is proving you are a full on racist.

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 2:02pm

"The native-born Australians did not look like their parents and grand-parents, those dark and often stunted emanations of English mills. As children, they were well if plainly fed, cradled in sunshine, and grew into tall and stringy cornstalks: "like the Americans," the resident naval surgeon Dr. Peter Cunningham remarked in the 1820's, "generally remarkable for that Gothic peculiarity of fair hair and blue eyes". They did not have the typically apple-red cheeks which, some etymologists think were the origin of that mysterious and durable Australian slang term for an Englishman, "pommy". Their complexion was sallow, and they lost their teeth early. They were punctiliously honest and sober, with "an open manly simplicity of character.... little tainted with the vices so prominent among their parents."
The men were very "clannish". mateship and class solidarity were absolutely fundamental to their values. They were great street-fighters. One in, all in:"If a soldier quarrels with one , the whole hive sally to his aid, and often they have turned out at Christmas time, and beat the redcoats fairly into their barracks".
The currency lasses tended to be gauche, pretty, credulous, sexually precocious (virginity had no special value for the 'lower classes' on the marriage market in penal Australia) but astute in improving their lot through matrimony. They married early, "and do not seem to relish the system of concubinage so popular amomg their Sterling brethren here. They spent a lot of time at the beach and swam like "dab-chicks". They were, in short, very like their seventh-generation descendants.
The Currency were also warmly patriotic. "You cannot imagine," wrote George Thomas Boyes, the sensitive and irritable colonial diarist, from Van Diemen's Land to his wife Mary in far-off England in October 1831, "such a beautiful Race as the rising generation in this Colony....As they grow up they think nothing of England and can't bear the idea of going there. It is extraordinary the love they have for the country of their birth... There is a degree of liberty here which you can hardly imagine at your side of the Equator. The whole county round, mountains andf valleys, rock glens, rivers and woods, seem to be their own domain, they shoot, ride, fish, go bivouacing in the woods-hunt opossum and kangaroos, catch and train parrots....They are in short as free as the birds of the air and the natives of the forests. They are also connoisseurs in horses, cattle, sheep, pigs and wool.... and this they all understand before they can speak two and two make four"
This would become a common theme of visitors: In the midst of all the constraints of a penal colony, the native-born had developed for themselves a sense of physical liberty and kinship with the landscape, like Australians in the 1950's, accepting all manner of censorship Grundyism and excess police power, yet feeling like the freest people on earth because they could go surfing at lunchtime.
Surgeon Peter Cunningham was startled to find that most of them thought Australia's "very miserable looking" gum trees more beautiful than any oak or elm,("It was contagious, for after a time", he wrote, "I myself, so powerful is habit, began to look upon them pleasurably"). The Currency lad who visited England could hardly wait to get back and tell his friends what a dull time he had, how thin the beer was and how slow the horses. Most of the did not want to visit England at all, because it was so full of thieves.
They also had by the 1820's a peculiar accent, lacking both the euphony of standard English and the glottal patter of Cockney: twangy, sharp, high in the nose, and as utterly unmistakable as the scent of burning eucalyptus."

From The Fatal Shore, by Robert Hughes "Gentlemen of New South Wales."
(for Blowin, warms regards, sorry I pick on you)

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 2:56pm

Stu...Your corollary is incorrect. It’s got no relevance to anything I’ve said.

PS...Thanks Adam.

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 3:57pm

Blowie, your lack of proper historical context regarding this country is telling. And you're not alone.

Forget the United (!) States. As you said, you know next to nothing about the place and its history.

Now, just because YOU once felt threatened as a white man, when you went to work for the money in Aboriginal Australian dominant communities and towns in the very recent past, doesn't hold the same equivalence by any metric when falsely posited against the experience of Aboriginal Australians, as a nation and culture, as a collective, over the 200+ years of Colonial and Settler interaction that has ACTIVELY, explicitly and implicitly, tried to erase their very existence as a nation and culture and collective, SYSTEMATICALLY.

In fact, apart from being shallow, and ignorant, and ridiculous, it's offensive. And that's giving you the benefit of the doubt.

I'm reminded of your old disingenuous Treaty thread on here, where first you 'extolled' the worthiness and uniqueness of Aboriginal Australians, and 'commiserated' with their 'past' plight, moved on to your 'right' to be as 'Australian' as any other (some prime strawman there, by the way), then moved to the point of the whole charade: HOW DOES A TREATY IMPACT ME AND 'MY COMMUNITY'.


The paper-thin skinned, wilfully ignorant, downward envying and punching, forelock tugging, '(not that) relaxed and (un) comfortable', community?

Do they represent a vision of YOUR AUSTRALIA? Am I biased?

Unconscious bias is a bugger, but not insurmountable. Ya just gotta recognise its existence for starters, and then go from there.

If you want to. And you think it's worth it.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 2:22pm

Oops....I’d forgotten my new ambition to not engage with arseholes.

Sorry , Facto. You’ll have to discuss it with Vic Local.

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 2:25pm

So long as it all seeps in.

Ya know it does.

It's a long game.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 2:51pm

Jeez, you sure know how to recruit for the cause, master psychological manipulator.

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 2:54pm

"Have I hit a nerve mate?
Going to stalk me around the place now?
You're not my type :)"

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 3:10pm

Love it.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 4:52pm

Im guessing from that post Blowin that Ben & Jerrys havent been keeping up with social media of late

Dont know about you guys but before all this id never heard of people like:

Justine Damond an actual Australian women shot dead by police in USA, after she called 911

Or Tony Timpa, again he rang the police for help and then had a similar incident to George, little less violent but murdered all the same in a similar manner, was even mocked by police as they did it and he also shouted "your going to kill me"

You can view the police footage here



Daniel Shaver

"A police officer charged with the murder of an unarmed man in the US state of Arizona has been found not guilty.

Philip Brailsford shot and killed 26-year-old Daniel Shaver in the hallway of a hotel in early 2016.

Bodycam footage of the incident, released after the verdict, showed Mr Shaver on his knees asking officers not to shoot him just before he was killed.

Mr Brailsford was acquitted of murder and a lesser manslaughter charge.
Mr Shaver was shot five times with a semi-automatic rifle as he crawled towards the officers, sobbing."

Sure there is more.

Pretty clear the problem is USA is more than just racism.

Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper's picture
Dale -Cooper Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 5:12pm

Justine Diamond was plastered all over the news in Australia. Even had an Australian Story episode.

What is your point, Info? What is your point, ever?

Try and have a read of the first post link from Patrick. See what you think...

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 6:36pm

"Try and have a read of the first post link from Patrick. See what you think..."

What do i think?

Okay first thing i notice, it seems to be a media platform that is like YouTube for written articles, seems you sign up and write whatever you want.

So credibility of source questionable especially without using a real name where we can check their background.

Could be an X cop but could be anyone, or could be an X Cop with grudges, ten years is not a long time to be in the police force.

So basically I keep that in mind and skim over the article not knowing if it 's non fiction or fiction.

One thing i do know the statement "all cops are bastards" im 100% sure is not true and the stats also dont support other things he is implying

Ive never been to USA so cant speak from personal experience there, but in regard to Australian police from knowing police quite well through work and neighbours and even having cop friends and just general dealing with police in Australia that the majority im sure are good people who are in the job for the right reasons and want to make positive change not negative, yeah sure there is always exceptions there is bad eggs everywhere and police are also human so not always perfect, i also think there is no doubt people attracted to being cops that are power hungry, but id expect more and more those cops wouldn't last as long or be screened out before they even enter the force.

Even in Indonesia ive know police through my wife's family or friends and although ive met corrupt cops, even in Indonesia there is cops that are good people, even cops that despise corruption.

BTW. Id never heard Justine Damond before or even this Justine Diamond you speak off and judging by Avi's latest YouTube video it seems the people at recent rallies hadnt heard of her either

lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 6:53pm

Justine Damond was huge news in Aus and was followed up as the trial happened.

Vic Local's picture
Vic Local's picture
Vic Local Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 8:55pm

Seriously Indo-dreaming. Why do you wade into debates with fuck all knowledge about the subject.
"BTW. Id never heard Justine Damond before"? Is the YouTube video you are referring to by Avi Yemeni? If it is, my god, can you find a more pathetic source.
And BTW, the far right were all over this police shooting, portraying it as some hate crime by a black man against a white women, much to the horror of the victim's family.
Stop posting crap.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 8:15pm


Patrick's picture
Patrick's picture
Patrick Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020 at 8:49pm

I had a long post written addressing things that various people had written, however it could be a piss in the wind.

Perhaps this asian guy Min Chin can bring unity to this thread, he's quite succinct: