Vaccinate or not

Roadkill wrote:Blowin wrote:I put that statistic up as counter to misinformation posted by others. Craig previously stated that a person who contracted Covid had a 1 in 200 chance of death. Surely you appreciate that it’s not undue to correct a claim which is out by 125,000% ?
I’m just presenting facts, Freeride.
The biggest spreader of lies and misinformation is now concerned about presenting facts….that is fucking hilarious.
Hilarious indeed. This is the same bloke who claimed a 99.98% survival rate for covid: a stat that ignored the vast majority of people who actually died from covid.
blowin, the gift that keeps on giving.

Thanks for sharing the stat Blowin. I’m really starting to wonder whether there’s a bunch of ppl on here getting a slice of Scotty’s marketing budget for the COVID scare campaign. How else can there be such denial to accept the pathetic statistics trying to prop up emergency declarations and aggressive retaliation to the fact that most of us don’t give a flying fk about it and just want to move on already...
What’s that saying... ‘It’s hard to fly like an eagle when you are surrounded by turkeys’

"The count does not include people managed in the community (e.g. including Hospital in the Home schemes)".
So, there are actually more really sick people who are hospital at home.
Which is what happened to my brother in law in UK.
He and his wife got Covid.
Both in their 30's.
She was crook like a bad flu- 2 weeks.
He was on the verge of hospitalisation but the recommendation from UK hospitals was don't come in unless you can't breathe.
3 months off work.
Still getting his life back together.
Everyone will have their own anecdotes.
Having said that, a Denmark style future seems the best outcome for Australia.

Current stat for the US. 41.9 million cases, 671K deaths. That works out to one death for every 62.44 cases there.
Australia, second lowest death rate in the OECD, NZ lowest. World o meter site says 82,200 cases with 1141 deaths. That’s about 1 in 72.
Yep, mainly old people, but nothing to sneeze at, and most of us either are old people, or know old people, so there’s that.
What if I’m not a healthy 30 year old female living in the US?

The most recent poll .
"Quinnipiac noted that a “slight majority of Americans (51 – 48 percent) disapprove of President Biden’s plan to mandate COVID-19 vaccines for millions of Americans in the public and private sectors. Republicans disapprove 84 – 13 percent, independents disapprove 56 – 44 percent, and Democrats approve 89 – 10 percent.”
The survey found that 10 percent think the mandate does not go far enough, while 39 percent think it’s about right.
Obviously, however, this means that around half of Americans are fully on board with the mandates.
As we noted earlier this week, a OnePoll survey found that vaccinated Americans are far more likely to permanently sever relationships with friends over their opinion on the COVID-19 jab than those who haven’t been vaccinated."

The next virus that these people will use will be a computer virus . Watch it happen soon .
"International Man: In 2019, well before the first case of COVID was reported, the World Economic Forum (WEF), which hosts the annual Davos conferences, held an event to discuss the possibility of a worldwide pandemic.
In fact, they ran a simulation exercise for how the scenario could play out and how governments, large corporations, and the media should handle the situation.
What do you make of this? Was it a coincidence?
Doug Casey: These people are quite bold. They believe—correctly—that 90% of the public will basically eat whatever they’re fed and accept whatever they’re told.
I have no doubt that these people have an informal understanding with each other as to how the world ought to reset to their benefit. It’s not a formal conspiracy, per se, just a natural consequence of what inevitably happens when people of the same class, worldview, and philosophy are in a position of power."

"Americans are far more likely to permanently sever relationships with friends over their opinion on the COVID-19 jab"
I severed a business relationship with a client who jumped down the "plandemic" conspiracy hole. The guy went from success story to completely unreliable in a matter of months. He started posting these theories on LinkedIn. Absolute professional suicide. It was sad to watch.

VLocal - "I severed a business relationship with a client who jumped down the "plandemic" conspiracy hole. The guy went from success story to completely unreliable in a matter of months. He started posting these theories on LinkedIn. Absolute professional suicide. It was sad to watch."
I am on linked in . I don't look at it and can't remember why I joined . I agree that it is silly to put on any political views on a non anonymous platform .
I think it is STUPID to sever a friendship or business relationship over a difference of opinion on vaccination . Everyone is entitled to their own opinion . Doesn't sound like a successful strategy to me ! "absolute professional suicide ".

Agree. Unless it had a direct impact on your business why would you do that? Unless of course you're in the envious position of being able to turn business away. Sadly, I'm not.
This fucking virus has cost me so far about $40k and counting and for a small business like me, that's a big hit. I'm down $7k this month alone. No Jobkeeper here- I have to still pay people and we're doing it out of our own personal savings because I can't bear to lay anyone off.
I'm jealous Vic.

Proof of Vax for Joyos G-land

As we head into October, we have a host of elections and resistance is rising. UK was forced to back off of their COVID passports and Brazil told Pfizer to take a hike. They accept responsibility for any damage or death or there will be no mandate.Resistance is building and even Trudeau is having a difficult time. This whole COVID scam has gone too far.
The elections in Canada and Germany could be a major turning point ! Trudeau and Merkel being voted out may turn the tide . We will find out soon . I would bet on the tide turning !

So how long until conservative politics is essentially inseparable from conspiracy theories?

Blowin wrote:I put that statistic up as counter to misinformation posted by others. Craig previously stated that a person who contracted Covid had a 1 in 200 chance of death. Surely you appreciate that it’s not undue to correct a claim which is out by 125,000% ?
I’m just presenting facts, Freeride.
You no longer (if you ever did) possess the ability to discern between facts and your opinion.

Those are facts whether you like them or not.
Freeride - I appreciate the anecdote about your relatives in Pomgolia. There’s so little chance to assess the reality of Covid without the lens of media lies and spin. I only know one confirmed case myself. . Are they OK now ?

The business relationship was severed because I had zero faith this bloke would be reliable. Imagine running an event and this guy gets on the mic and starts lecturing everyone about plandemics and spouting anti-vax crap. I also know people have tried to help but he's turned on them as part of some massive conspiracy.
Eventually you need to cut someone loose.

udo wrote:Proof of Vax for Joyos G-land
You need to be full vaccinated to get into Indonesia anyway (dont expect this will change), this would be more for those already in Indonesia, but you already need proof of vaccination to get into many places in Indo like some shopping centres etc.

but farks it for people like Jim Banks and his Antivax crew..he he
Although no mention of it for Bobbys

I wonder if once the camps fire up again they will put a stop to all the boats coming over and doing one day missions?
Never used to see it happen.
Only very rarely anyway

JQ wrote:So how long until conservative politics is essentially inseparable from conspiracy theories?
*GOP enters chat*
Australia’s finest selfish assholes at play.

Roadkill wrote:
Australia’s finest selfish assholes at play.
There would be a few swellnet posters who have very similar opinions as these absolute nuffies.

Lots of other people all over the world to VL .

Vic Local wrote:Roadkill wrote:
Australia’s finest selfish assholes at play.
There would be a few swellnet posters who have very similar opinions as these absolute nuffies.
Rubber bullets needed…and longer truncheons and bigger fines. Most seem to be angry white guys looking for violence.

Hutchy 19 wrote:Lots of other people all over the world to VL .
This is true. I never believed Australia had a monopoly on village idiots.
Hospitalisations of the unvaccinated in the US have cost approx $5bn over the last 3 months in the US.

Roadkill - I don't think you watched the whole video . The ones in the initial confrontation ( which I didn't like ) were males . Probably sensible to keep the females out of the way . Your stupid suggestion ( you are very good at them ) "Rubber bullets needed…and longer truncheons " will lead to more real men protecting women and leading the fight .
No one does violence like the left , think ANIFA . I think the protesters are both left and right .
Later in the video there was lots of footage of a very peaceful ( which I applaud ) protest ( which is everyone's right ) that showed lots of females and people of all ages .

Hutchy 19 wrote:Roadkill - I don't think you watched the whole video . The ones in the initial confrontation ( which I didn't like ) were males . Probably sensible to keep the females out of the way . Your stupid suggestion ( you are very good at them ) "Rubber bullets needed…and longer truncheons " will lead to more real men protecting women and leading the fight .
No one does violence like the left , think ANIFA . I think the protesters are both left and right .
Later in the video there was lots of footage of a very peaceful ( which I applaud ) protest ( which is everyone's right ) that showed lots of females and people of all ages .
In reality though, it all pales in comparison to right wing domestic terrorism - particularly in the US.

"The ones in the initial confrontation ( which I didn't like ) were males . Probably sensible to keep the females out of the way"
Are you serious Hutchy19? This looks like you are portraying the young male thugs as chivalrous.
Those protestors are absolute dogs. Fucking idiots, nothing more nothing less. If they weren't being violent, they were cheering it on.
These people have been encouraged by the Victorian LNP and the conservative media for a very very long time. They are your people.
The BLM protestors in Australia, had a real cause, marched in peace, and marched safely with social distancing and masks.
Your post about the anti-lockdown rabble is just embarrassing.

Yeah just watched it, guys are up front in the physical action but crowd is pretty diverse in age and sex(no such thing as gender) few different ethnic groups represented too.
Good to see police taking thing seriously, just hope they do the same in the future with other protest that break the law.

VLocal , Roadkill and JQ . You guys are hilarious . Suggest you UTUBE violent protests over history . As I have said the Leftist ones are always the most violent . They are experts !
The only group that are close are the French . If you piss them off it doesn't really matter left or right .

Hutchy 19 wrote:VLocal , Roadkill and JQ . You guys are hilarious . Suggest you UTUBE violent protests over history . As I have said the Leftist ones are always the most violent . They are experts !
The only group that are close are the French . If you piss them off it doesn't really matter left or right .
Does anyone listen to this whackoff?

JQ wrote:Hutchy 19 wrote:Roadkill - I don't think you watched the whole video . The ones in the initial confrontation ( which I didn't like ) were males . Probably sensible to keep the females out of the way . Your stupid suggestion ( you are very good at them ) "Rubber bullets needed…and longer truncheons " will lead to more real men protecting women and leading the fight .
No one does violence like the left , think ANIFA . I think the protesters are both left and right .
Later in the video there was lots of footage of a very peaceful ( which I applaud ) protest ( which is everyone's right ) that showed lots of females and people of all ages .
In reality though, it all pales in comparison to right wing domestic terrorism - particularly in the US.
Yeah because right wing terrorist have rioted for months on end, looted countless business, smashed public statues up, burned down public buildings and police stations, caused over 2 billion in damages,(just insurance claims) taken over whole blocks in crazy lawless Autonomous Zones, thousands injured, thousand arrested and 25+ people dead.
Not to mention anti police retric and crazy calls to defund police, that has only made it harder for police to actually do their job in protecting the public and seen large numbers of police resign,
Oh whoops sorry that was far left wing terrorism in the USA in 2020
Meanwhile isolated isolated incidents of right wing terrorism although often quite serious are generally done by individuals or small groups of people (nutters) and condemned by pretty much all conservatives
Unlike those on the left even politicians who make all kinds of excuses and justification for violence and unrest caused by groups like ANTIFA, even supporting funding for bail for these criminals.
You couldnt make this shit up.

The acts of Brevik and the Christchurch shooter were pretty violent protests. Can't remember any leftists going to those lengths. Not to mention the guy who drove his car at the crowd in Charlottesville.

Haha, classic Indo. So many false equivalences and selective recollection.

JQ wrote:Haha, classic Indo. So many false equivalences and selective recollection.
Actually no it's all well documented and not disputable.

I dispute your representation of it. You've deliberately or otherwise filtered out information that doesn't support your point of view.

Anyway we are never going to agree, so what about some good news.
Over 70% of Australians have had their first jab
First jab= 70.45%
Two jabs= 45.36%

Yes it's good stuff indo. Had my second dose today. Agree - don't want to go back over it, think we've spent enough time on it.

indo-dreaming wrote:Anyway we are never going to agree, so what about some good news.
Over 70% of Australians have had their first jab
First jab= 70.45%
Two jabs= 45.36%
Went up to Brissy today, the place was packed and walk in jab clinics had huge lines of people waiting. Pretty good to see the message getting through and people doing the right thing. Qld has been lucky and not really had big breakouts. I think people like that, and have decided to vaccinate… long may it continue.

Hutchy 19 can you explain this.

You know the FBI doesn’t categorise it (BLM / Antifa) as terrorism, right? Even under Trump.

News out today . Drug was approved by the FDA in 2006 after going through FULL testing regime .
Remember Johnson and Johnson's baby powder .
"Pfizer is recalling ALL stocks of its popular anti-smoking drug Chantix after it was found to contain high levels of chemical that can cause cancer ".
And still dumb fucks persist with their youtube medical degrees and keep saying...nothing to worry about.

Snuffy - Yes I can explain it .
It is in the Chinese city of Xi'an . Population of 8.5m .
The event happens every 2 years coinciding with the National Tomb Sweeping Holiday ( one of China's top 7 holidays ) .
The Chinese calculate all the Chrome they have in stockpile .
They cover the trucks so the stockpile can be moved easily .
Very smart .

Stop stressing Roadkill, somethings gonna get ya in the end... Turn off the news and seeya at the next rally.

I hope everyone knows I was joking . Really NFI Snuffy . One of the strangest video's I have seen .
A good post for Interesting times !

UK media misrepresent Health data to bury current UK Health Vax Crisis.
Part 1 (Part 2 included)
SKY : "3/4 of under 50's in Hospital with Covid are Unvaxed"
[Factcheck] SKY peddle 7months of fear factor to hose down outta control Vaxer'z Hospital Takeover!
PHE : (16 Aug- 12 Sept) 18-49 y/o Hospital patients 71% are Vaxed" 223,717 (vs) Unvaxed 90,902
Let's give MSM another crack...this time with the rising UK Death rate.
Gaurdian : "Fully Vaxed account for 1.2% of England's Covid deaths!" > { "Proof of Vax success" }
[ Factcheck ] Guardian peddle 7 month old Death stats to bury current Vax Morgue Crisis.
PHE : (16 Aug - 12 Sept) 75.2% of Covid deaths were Vaxed ( 4782 / 6360 ) > 71.1% 'Fully Vaxed'
We'll cross check a US Vax promo from you know who...
CDC : "US Unvaxed die at 11x the rate of Fully Vaxed " > { "Further evidence of the Power of Vax!" }
1st Up! These Losers banned counting breakthru cases on 1st one believes them...Here's why!
[ Factcheck ] US no vax era Avg 988 deaths/day now an extra (36.6% higher) Avg 1,350 deaths /day
1,600 deaths/day @ (Vax Launch) Today 2,394 deaths/day (50% higher Covid deaths than first Jab)
tbb: Could ya please double / triple check that!
World no vax era 6,540 deaths/day (vs) World Vax era 9,405 deaths/day.
CDC will argue...but they're just unvaxerz or some Old Republican shitheads...(Broken Record)
PHE: " Unvaxed Hospital Patients 263,265 > Deaths 1,576 > death rate = (0.6%)
PHE: "Vaxed Hospital Patients 382,422 > Deaths 4,782 > death rate = (1.25%).
Data clearly shows Vaccine is double the Death rate of unprotected vaxerz fighting off same Evil virus.
[ Factcheck ] PHE : Vax is twice as evil as world's most evil virus...we just never talk about it! Ok!
CDC...well of course we can all obviously see that now...kinda wot we were getting at...durr!
Media might wake the Fuck up & ask why Vax is killing twice as many as unvaxed Peak delta patients!
tbb got slammed for ringing this Alarm last time...just for reading from PHE ward charts...
Hesitants are fine...just hurry to save yer own dying Vaxerz...give them a Delta Booster or some shit!
Free Tip! Now is the best time to sort that...or bury it, seems to be working a treat...don't hurry back!
Doubt if any will notice the ongoing 50% Absentees at the Monthly Bingo Booster Call up!
Pause...Part 2 (Sunday Supplement)
PHE : 16th Aug- 12th Sept.2021 (Data Continues)
Emergency Bay...
No Vax 2,931 > Vaxed 4,794
Under 18 : No Vax 161,418 ~ Vaxed 12,620 General Pop' (16-18 y/o)...1 dose 40% Full vax 12%)
No Vax is default...High fast 14% breakthru in Kid Vaxerz > At Risk or Vaxed Family breakthrus...or
Best data predicts 12-16y/o Rollout hits 50% first dose as cases will rise above No Vax.
There are currently 15 deaths in next age bracket up + 3/4 unvaxed deaths in this bracket...
However! 'Vax Deaths' won't continue into this Age bracket ...PHE will argue them fiercely.
Govt will likely cell block & delay them by Quarterly counts as with Vax Pregnant or Still Born deaths.
This gives them 3 months to detox any trace of (Non Consensual) Vax related Covid Breakthrus.
All Age UK Mass Vax Breakthrus + Vax Health Cost blowout above unvaxed peak Delta Crisis
(Age) No Vax Cases.....Vaxed 1/2...Cases(+UK Vax Health Crisis Blowout Crisis)
(18-29) 35% 44,455 ...13% 52% 84,709 (+90.5%)
(30-39) 33% 31,577 .....6% 61% 63,181 (+100%) Vax Drop > Cases Drop > 100% Health Save
(40-49) 21% 14,570 .....5% 74% 75,827 (+420%)
(50-59) 12%....7,215 .....4% 84% 70,697 (+879%)
(60-69) ..8%.....2,592 .....3% 89% 40,503 (+1463%)
(70-79) ..4%........918 .....2% 94% 24,007 (+2515%)
(80- # ) ..5%.........540 .....3% 92% 10,878 (+1,914%)
Crew can perhaps see why Experts are re-running Tall stories as Headlines...hiding this Monster!
Vax Covid Health Crisis now cops a 100% -2,000% Cost Blowout...and it's only warming up
$3b for Oz Rollout + ( All below...not costed)
Each $20 Jab will soon cost...
$300 > New House for Hesitant incentive fees + Beer & Parmie + Lolly Pop!
100%- 2,000% in extra Hospital fees above & beyond Unvaxed WR Delta Crisis blowout.
45% onto Ticket prices, Plane Fares & Business for each Vax check (That's just to spread 2x Covid)
If yer want to spread 3x Covid yer gotta run yer Boosters for a yearly Covid supply!
Wot price is the World prepared to pay for doubly infectious Vaccinated freedom!

I love your factchecking ! You really are Trueblue .
VicLocal - I am sure you would be factchecking the factchecking . Any response ? I always like to hear both sides of a story .
I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?