Vaccinate or not

Most of that medical treatment is ringing the GP and saying you have headache.
so it's nowhere near 50000 severe reactions.
Hospitalisations and deaths are tiny, especially when compared to covid.
Over a hundred thousand people in hospital for Covid in America for weeks- its only just dropped back under a hundred thousand recently.
Latest Covid Numbers from Financial Times: Global Covid-19 statistics
Confirmed cases
Total vaccination doses given

seems you got desperately unlucky with vaccine reactions but the data is compelling about the risk/reward.

For a perspective on the Delta strain timeline and our various State and Federal governments' reaction. Although it is a little melodramatic, the video at the end of the article is worth a watch if you have a lazy 30 minutes.

Blowin][quote=Roadkill wrote:Blowin wrote:Wait till you see a relative acutely develop a physical dysfunction which renders them unable to walk more than a few paces without difficulty and toppling over and tell me what you reckon.[/quote
I'm sure the families of all the unvaxxed who have died from covid would disagree with you.
My missus’ uncle died from the vaccine. Do you have a point? I think you’d better just quit whilst you’re behind. You e already had a big morning describing how selfish I am and having a good old attack after I’m dealing with my mother’s recently acquired disability. How about you take a back seat and forget your hypothetical fantasies in the face of what I’m actually going through?
How people like yourself and VicFool consider yourselves nice people is beyond me.
VL and I have never lied or posted blatantly false info, never spread untruths, reposted hoaxes or used conspiracy on the other hand have, on multiple occasions. Yet, here you are again crying when called out, the un nice people in the room are easy to identify.
I get that it’s hard to argue with science, blowin. However, science will always win and you will always lose.

So let me get this right…..
On my side of the fence I’ve had to look after the old duck upstairs as she was crook as a dog for a few days after the vaccine. Then she developed cellulitis from the vaccine. Then her brother died from the vaccine. Then my mother was hospitalised semi-conscious from days of vomiting including blood from the vaccine. Now my Mum literally stands like this :
That photo isn’t her but it’s exactly the degree of the Pisa syndrome she developed from the vaccine. When she got out of hospital she was all bent over, could hardly walk and was falling everywhere. I assumed she was just really weak or had hurt her back whilst lying in bed for her sick days or had injured a disk from dehydration. I had no idea it was anything more than just a temporary thing. But she never got better. Previous to the vaccine she stood dead straight….now this ? WTF ?
On the other side of the fence there’s yourself. You’ve suffered nothing and received thousands of dollars of government money to tide you over in the form of Covid stimulus. Telling us how much of a selfless soldier you are whilst you’ve got your hand out for free money. By comparison, and not complaining, but after 20 months of Covid stimulus I’ve received not a cent and I’m an Aussie.
Yet here you are telling me how I’m selfish and not doing “my bit” for the Covid effort !?!? Talking yourself up because you had the exact same needle I did but you had yours “ for the right reasons”…..?
Are you drunk?
Worse - you then say I’m a liar and claim I’m making all this up. You actually said that I’m inventing a dead relative. I don’t expect heartfelt sympathy from strangers on the internet but I certainly expect a hint of humanity.
No, you’re not a good person. You seem like a bit of a shit bag if I’m honest. You give Kiwis a bad name.

Blowin wrote:So let me get this right…..
On my side of the fence I’ve had to look after the old duck upstairs as she was crook as a dog for a few days after the vaccine. Then she developed cellulitis from the vaccine. Then her brother died from the vaccine. Then my mother was hospitalised semi-conscious from days of vomiting including blood from the vaccine. Now my Mum literally stands like this :
That photo isn’t her but it’s exactly the degree of the Pisa syndrome she developed from the vaccine. When she got out of hospital she was all bent over, could hardly walk and was falling everywhere. I assumed she was just really weak or had hurt her back whilst lying in bed for her sick days or had injured a disk from dehydration. I had no idea it was anything more than just a temporary thing. But she never got better. Previous to the vaccine she stood dead straight….now this ? WTF ?
On the other side of the fence there’s yourself. You’ve suffered nothing and reviewed thousands of dollars of government money to tide you over in the form of Covid stimulus. I’ve received not a cent and I’m an Aussie.
Yet here you are telling me how I’m selfish and not doing “my bit” for the Covid effort !?!? Talking yourself up because you had the exact same needle I did but you had yours “ for the right reasons”…..?
Are you drunk?
Worse - you then say I’m a liar and claim I’m making all this up. You actually said that I’m inventing a dead relative. I don’t expect heartfelt sympathy from strangers on the internet but I certainly expect a hint of humanity.
No, you’re not a good person. You seem like a bit of a shit bag if I’m honest.
You think you are the only person in here that has some personal shit going on due to covid and the issues we have had in AUS for 2 years? And whines and tells everyone over and over and over again..backed up with lies and fake statistics and pushing a biased agenda…you are always the victim.
You got AZ for yourself..your posts are I, me my….never a post or any care given or shown to people outside your little bubble, blowin.
You really are a self absorbed snowflake looking out for yourself and posting to get sympathy.

Got pfizer 2 hours ago, felt light headed and a bit out of it while i waited after the shot. Still feeling a bit vagued out and probably shouldn't have driven, stuck to the 50km streets on the way home and took it easy.
The nurses seemed a bit on edge to be honest and saw 2 women get taken away by nurses 1 saying she felt like she was going to pass out and 1 shaking nearly uncontrollably. But I was at the back bit of the waiting area where people that have had previous reactions to things and hi risk were seated. I was in that area as I had previously had bad reaction to contrast so had to wait an extra half hour after the shot. I also saw a good hundred or so people wait their 15 minutes and leave presumably with no reaction. Just my experience today.

Trust me blowin Per capita NZ has just as many gits as OZ.
Probably more from the looks of the nark nation it has become.
A police force that will arrest a random for not wearing a mask in a supermarket but let gang members gather in there scores to bury one of their upstanding citizens. NZ the govt that gave the mongrel mob 2.7 million to combat their meth problem . Don't get me wrong it's a great place to live if you can afford it but what's happening with everything else is just fucked

Blowin` In The Wind
Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, ...
How many roads must a man walk down
Before you call him a man?
How many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
Yes, and how many times must the cannonballs fly
Before they're forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind
Yes, and how many years must a mountain exist
Before it is washed to the sea?
And how many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free?
Yes, and how many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn't see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind
Yes, and how many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
And how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, and how many deaths will it take 'til he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind

Inzider- I know we here in Oz can never make good on the underarm bowling incident but surely taking this Roadkill cretin off your hands has to count for something?

"You really are a self absorbed snowflake looking out for yourself and posting to get sympathy."
Fair assessment there Roadkill but to be fair on blowin, he's not actually the worst.
What was the name of that anti-vaxxer who didn't care if he passed Covid on to his elderly relatives and they died? you know the bloke, the one who thought the world needed to de-populate and he volunteered his ageing relos for the task.

Blowin wrote:Inzider- I know we here in Oz can never make good on the underarm bowling incident but surely taking this Roadkill cretin off your hands has to count for something?
Like the late great PM of NZ Rob Muldoon said when asking about kiwis leaving for Oz "it raises the IQ of both countries"

Farken hell, Inzider and blowin should form an intimate bubble to relieve their stress.

I know about 50 people who had the AZ, of them only a few said they felt a bit feverish or tired but nothing serious, I reckon some people get so worked up because of the BS on social media then overthink it and the stress makes them feel shit. I was hoping I'd get some reaction just to show that my system had noticed the little dead monkey flu spikes. Nothing.

I reckon you might be right about that old dog. Very much like Waubra Foundation Syndrome, where people got so stressed about the wind farm they made themselves sick, and blamed the turbines for all their symptoms.

old-dog wrote:I know about 50 people who had the AZ, of them only a few said they felt a bit feverish or tired but nothing serious, I reckon some people get so worked up because of the BS on social media then overthink it and the stress makes them feel shit. I was hoping I'd get some reaction just to show that my system had noticed the little dead monkey flu spikes. Nothing.
Yeah I loved giving up 2 days pay so I could imagine myself dripping in sweat with fever and no energy. What a fucking imbacile. Day three now and and still not right but yeah I'm an over active hypochondriac.
So Vic Local im looking for somewhere to live as my FIFO job has essentially left me stateless and homeless how bout you hook a brother up and we can share some waves at Winki ?

Old dog and VL based on that theory the same could be said for the drum up of fear to propagate COVID panic in the first place..

inzider wrote:old-dog wrote:I know about 50 people who had the AZ, of them only a few said they felt a bit feverish or tired but nothing serious, I reckon some people get so worked up because of the BS on social media then overthink it and the stress makes them feel shit. I was hoping I'd get some reaction just to show that my system had noticed the little dead monkey flu spikes. Nothing.
Yeah I loved giving up 2 days pay so I could imagine myself dripping in sweat with fever and no energy. What a fucking imbacile. Day three now and and still not right but yeah I'm an over active hypochondriac.
So Vic Local im looking for somewhere to live as my FIFO job has essentially left me stateless and homeless how bout you hook a brother up and we can share some waves at Winki ?
Still relatively minor….better than catching covid and having weeks or more off work. Glass half full.

But not better than not catching COVID and not having the jab.
Just saying

Still relatively minor….better than catching covid and having weeks or more off work. Glass half full.
For sure. I just don't like being called a liar.

shortenism wrote:But not better than not catching COVID and not having the jab.
Just saying
True….however every one of us will be exposed to covid in the next few years. Better to be prepared than not.

From ABC news website tonight -
"There are 158 people in hospital with COVID-19, of whom 45 are in intensive care and 23 are on a ventilator.
Just one person in hospital was fully vaccinated, Deputy Premier James Merlino said."
Thats Victoria only.

"For sure. I just don't like being called a liar."
Not sure that anyone called you a liar mate. Go back and read the comment. It wasn't pointed at anyone in particular. I just thought old-dog was making a very valid comment about "communicated diseases" where people get so anxious about the vaccine it has a negative impact on their health. I have no doubt that many people are attaching any symptom (related or not) to the vaccine.
Wind Turbine Syndrome is a classic example of this phenomena. People were getting genuinely sick around wind turbines, but it had everything to do with fear of the wind turbines rather than any physical infrastructure. Wind Turbine Syndrome only appeared in areas where anti wind farm groups were highly active. It's a sickness absolutely unheard of in Europe.
As opposition to wind farms faded so too did the "disease".

goofyfoot wrote:From ABC news website tonight -
"There are 158 people in hospital with COVID-19, of whom 45 are in intensive care and 23 are on a ventilator.Just one person in hospital was fully vaccinated, Deputy Premier James Merlino said."
Thats Victoria only.
Aint science grand!

Yep there ya go fellas for anyone having the jab - absolute proof straight from the horses mouth that you all safe!! The stats show it. Now, let’s open up already so those poor people stuck in border rorts get on with their lives.

shortenism wrote:Yep there ya go fellas for anyone having the jab - absolute proof straight from the horses mouth that you all safe!! The stats show it. Now, let’s open up already so those poor people stuck in border rorts get on with their lives.
Not everyone has been given the opportunity to have the jab yet.

Just having a look at the vaccine stats, trying to figure when jab rates will slow due to vaccine hesitancy.
NSW is the most interesting state with first dose vaccination rates starting to slow. It's currently at 79.46%. Given the absolute shit show up in NSW, there's an obvious incentive (for intelligent people) to get a jab ASAP. Daily injections have dropped a fair bit over the last week, and I don't think there's supply problems anymore.
Looks like NSW has started to run into the anti vax mob. I reckon when / if the first dose rates hits 85% first injections will slow down big time.
On the bright side we will know a base rate for complete morons in NSW in a few weeks.

Indeed, science is grand.
I won’t touch a vaccine, it’s untested, please pass me some ivermectin and vitamins and I will sit in the sun. .

Bullies still bullying on here ay?
Still arguing.
Still trying to get the last word and prove they're right.
Still dismissing the victims of vaccines.
Apologies Blowin for what has happened to you and the outright ignorance and lack of empathy on display here. Its disgusting but reflective of society unfortunately.
I'll definitely stand up and recognize you.
I'm sorry and your family members don't deserve what has occurred to them. There are no "acceptable losses" for the greater good.... these heartless fucks who are bound to their indoctrination and pushing that can just fuck off.
The way vaccine victims are ignored and abandoned by people and the GOVERNMENT health system (yes I have countless examples from across the world) is absolutely insane.
I dont know anyone directly that's died from Covid.
I dont know anyone directly that's died from Vaccine.
I know they both exist (or used to).
Are they any different?
A life is a life. An innocent victim is an innocent victim regardless of what side of the coin they lie on.
I know what I believe and you deserve more Blowin. I'd suggest just getting off here - its not worth it.
Australia you are scary.
Vic Local, Roadkill and your ilk are a sad, sorry and angry bunch with just the kind of Australian arrogance and ignorance that is pushing you to the CCP style control your racist ass has likely mouthed off about but now embraces.
The worst is yet to come.

Hesitants are living treasures.
Given the fact that over 200 vax trials are running & will likely continue for 5-10 years at least...
Each trial Phases 1-4 need 30-40,000 ( Unvaxed lab rats ) or 8,000,000 / 6 months or 15m / year
Then Hi Tech isolated countries like Australia need to reserve 240,000 Hesitants a Year (Minimum)
Oz is already exhausting that figure with 8 Covid Vaccines under trial.
30,000 is said to be minimum for a serious Covid Vaccine trial = 240,000 hesitants / year (No growth!)
With each year, if we lose 30,000 hesitants we loose another Vax Trial to a lesser reputable science lab.
Yes! Each year the Quality of candidates will suffer from lack of tech...therefore a more dodgy Vax.
Again! Big Pharma are already talking about ramping mystery Vax Labs in Spot X...(It's only year One!)
Next 4 years Oz will sacrifice 1m clean blood Hesitants to trial Diseased Vaxer'z Boosters #46 - #87...
Consider Oz is gonna Vax Kidz then our Lab Rat future supply is already exhausted.
We can't wait 5-10 years for under 12's to become Lab Rats...
Correct! Oz has an obligation to secure or isolate 2.5m Hesitants for the next 10 years of Vax trials.
This being a minimum obligation to keep Oz science at the Covid forefront...which we all want! Right!
Recap : That's just to keep at today's pace ...No Growth Govt run Health Facility for Vaxer'z top ups!
Yes! We must Stop to broaden the debate to include Oz Covid Scientist's Lab Rats & Safe Vax.
Stop to consider the worth of the World's safest Covid Vaccines in a dried up Labscape.
We can turn Aussie slack arse bludging into Gold.
Who will volunteer & what are Priority Govt incentives to remain Vax free to save Australian Science.
tbb has donated shot to National emergency & if needed will again serve as a Lab Rat for Vaxer'z future.
Crew all know that tbb and others need to be the last off the Titanic...(It is a Movie or maybe a Race!)
Sure, most here know the noble sacrifice of Vax hesitancy...this is exactly how it works!
Last one off the always! Woman / Children / Sick & Men are then last to Vax then Scomo!
This is Hesitants job...this is wot we do! All others say that's an illness! No! No! That's ultra hesitance!
We Boomers will be kept isolated in Think Tanks for 10 from Vaxer Covid Breakthru germs.
Sure! Exactly like ***** Vaxletes... with Beer Guts sucking on XXXX nutrient drips.
Think hesitant tbb is having a laugh...
You want the truth! Oz is already (Right now) The epicentre of o/s vax trials...
Why? Coz we were the last to Vax & have the last few Hesitant Lab Rats for Covid Vaccine trials...Yep!
Pretty soon a Hesitant will be a Natural Living treasure...traded for a *Starshot * Ship or Micro Chip.
tbb means stoned to death! Wot? No! tbb will have his own cell with a feeding tube of some sort!
Soon after next week's #747 Booster breakthru...Daggy dad pharms out tbb to balance the budget.
You gotta consider each egg splattered Hesitant is now a Premium Newstart Lab Rat Upstart.
Any half clever PM would mandate that no Vaxer dare sneeze on the CSIRO chosen ones.
Oz might even get a visit from a World Leader to choose a Pet Hesitant to cure a Chunky Custard Burp.
French Sanofi :
(1) "Qld have done Vax trials before!"
(2) "Oz slow Rollout mean't there were loads of potential candidates!" (Yummy! Yummy!)
If people think Vax is Essential then Hesitants are #1 Priority...Right here / Right Now.
Hesitants are the Future of Vax...(Neither Vaxerz nor Hesitants are happy with that!)
So wot the fuck do we do about that Back 2 the Future glitch? (It is a Movie!)
#1 Pay to acknowledge that behind every Vax is a great Hesitant that sacrificed a lot more than ya think!

"..Given the fact that over 200 vax trials are running & will likely continue for 5-10 years at least..."
this is what the vaccine nazis are totally overlooking... in their dogmatic crusade to minimise and dismiss any potential side effects...
we ain't seen nothing yet... and maybe we won't... but the reality is, we have no idea of the long term effects...
looking at the short term effects, it doesn't bode well, I've never heard of anyone having similar reactions to flu shots, or tetanus, or the like...
hopefully not... but as I said before, there's something about these vaccines, whether its because they haven't refined the doses yet, or that it is a serious virus that requires some serious remedy... I don't know... but it ain't just another virus / vaccine...
and I really don't care what you vaccine nazi's think or say, your opinions are worthless

"looking at the short term effects, it doesn't bode well, I've never heard of anyone having similar reactions to flu shots, or tetanus, or the like..."
Lots of short term reactions to vaccines out there Syp.
Shingles vaccine is particularly nasty for short term side effects.
But we will see.
Again, it's a weighing up of (short/long term) risks from Covid vs (short/long term) risks from Covid vaccines.
The science points to vaccine side effects/adverse reactions being most prevalent in the first 24hrs-4 weeks.
But I'm open minded to evidence to the contrary

offshoreozzie wrote:Bullies still bullying on here ay?
Still arguing.
Still trying to get the last word and prove they're right.
Still dismissing the victims of vaccines.Apologies Blowin for what has happened to you and the outright ignorance and lack of empathy on display here. Its disgusting but reflective of society unfortunately.
I'll definitely stand up and recognize you.
I'm sorry and your family members don't deserve what has occurred to them. There are no "acceptable losses" for the greater good.... these heartless fucks who are bound to their indoctrination and pushing that can just fuck off.The way vaccine victims are ignored and abandoned by people and the GOVERNMENT health system (yes I have countless examples from across the world) is absolutely insane.
I dont know anyone directly that's died from Covid.
I dont know anyone directly that's died from Vaccine.
I know they both exist (or used to).
Are they any different?A life is a life. An innocent victim is an innocent victim regardless of what side of the coin they lie on.
I know what I believe and you deserve more Blowin. I'd suggest just getting off here - its not worth it.
Australia you are scary.
Vic Local, Roadkill and your ilk are a sad, sorry and angry bunch with just the kind of Australian arrogance and ignorance that is pushing you to the CCP style control your racist ass has likely mouthed off about but now embraces.The worst is yet to come.
Science doesn't bully bro.

sypkan wrote:"..Given the fact that over 200 vax trials are running & will likely continue for 5-10 years at least..."
this is what the vaccine nazis are totally overlooking... in their dogmatic crusade to minimise and dismiss any potential side effects...
we ain't seen nothing yet... and maybe we won't... but the reality is, we have no idea of the long term effects...
looking at the short term effects, it doesn't bode well, I've never heard of anyone having similar reactions to flu shots, or tetanus, or the like...
hopefully not... but as I said before, there's something about these vaccines, whether its because they haven't refined the doses yet, or that it is a serious virus that requires some serious remedy... I don't know... but it ain't just another virus / vaccine...
and I really don't care what you vaccine nazi's think or say, your opinions are worthless
Like a blowfly to shit, sypkan has latched onto this latest position, and boy does it allow him to feel some major grievance.
Put a sock in your grievance peddling, conspiracy adjacent, anti-science rabble rousing nonsense - your opinion is worthless.

"Lots of short term reactions to vaccines out there Syp."
I know, but I've never heard of so many getting knocked around so much, but yes, its a massive rollout...
"Shingles vaccine is particularly nasty for short term side effects."
geez, maybe they should can the vax and use... nah...
"But we will see.
Again, it's a weighing up of (short/long term) risks from Covid vs (short/long term) risks from Covid vaccines."
yep, and whilst I'm not totally sold on the actual need for a vaccine, this is why I got one
"But I'm open minded to evidence to the contrary"
and that's the smart place to be
now to the alternative position...

"Like a blowfly to shit, sypkan has latched onto this latest position, and boy does it allow him to feel some major grievance."
"blowfly to shit..."
geez you remind me of someone... and a real nasty streak to boot...
"Put a sock in your grievance peddling, conspiracy adjacent, anti-science rabble rousing nonsense - your opinion is worthless.
"grievance peddling" ...from one of the main peddlers of the grievamce industry... haha...
pot kettle black...
carry on guardianista bell tuned dog...

How can anyone deny or criticise this statement from Sypkan ?
"we ain't seen nothing yet... and maybe we won't... but the reality is, we have no idea of the long term effects..."
It is just the plain truth . How can anyone not be concerned about the potential side-effects of ANY treatment ?

"we ain't seen nothing yet... and maybe we won't... but the reality is, we have no idea of the long term effects...(of the vaccine)"
Hey blokes we had no idea of the long term effects of the polio vaccine when it was first brought out either. Thank God we still went ahead with it because the only long term effect was, that vaccine stopped polio.
Horrible eh?
Please let us know of any vaccine that has had a single long term negative consequence. I can name a shit load that have had extremely positive long term effects.
This is why we get vaxed and keep hospitals open and don’t clog up the health system. To keep diagnostic medicine going.

Long Covid Vax groups have long been banned from social media Comix
We're talking about the proudest Vaxerz that stepped up to trial AZ/ Pfizer / Moderna etc for our safety.
Many have never recovered a year on...& MSM / Govt's / Science / Health ignore or can't repair them.
Covid, they can treat..but they don't do Horrific lifelong Vax reaction illness...that's plain crazy!
Plenty of ACA showstoppers here.
But MSM are cowards & Anti Science & Anti Health (Dumb it Down...we don't wanna know about it!)
They are Covid Vax Lab Rat one has the heart to assist them or mention their names.
Warning! These Vidz are heart wrenching...very tough to watch & will send shivers.
Don't dare say Covid is worse to this group of Covid Vax eternal sufferers.
These are the Living Dead that never recovered from Vax...
Can't leave bed...can't drive / work...Zombies...
Long Covid Vaxer FX groups
\V/ CI9 VAX REACTIONS. ( Vaxerz that are living each day as their last forever & ever & ever!)
VEDA Forum deals in ongoing niggling Long Vax torment
Medscape long Vax FX contributions are restricted to MD comments
tbb recently shared latest 'Long Vaxer Covid' info to assist in Vaxer recovery...
Vax or not 13th Sept tbb :
MSM / Govt aren't gonna fund or encourage Long Vax recovery support groups...that's not healthy!
Govt's consider that they all got what they signed up harm in that!

We brought in this disease without knowing the long term consequences as well . Ever heard of cane toads .
The scientists had a good knowledge of the potential effects of the polio and small pox vaxs . Could they be 100% sure ? No.
Time to think before you type !
The myxomatosis vaccines that have been available overseas are live attenuated vaccines (also known as 'modified live' vaccines). The virus in these types of vaccines may spread from vaccinated rabbits into the wild rabbit population which could allow wild rabbits to increase their immunity to myxomatosis.

Covid is now becoming a disease of the un vaccinated. Only the stupid are holding out for whatever reason they can use.
And it is all so unnecessary…if only people stopped and listened. There will always be a hard element that will never wake up..but more and more will do the right thing as the evidence is hard to reject.

Only the stupid are not keeping up with the facts that Covid 19 is also infecting and killing the vaxed ( and unvaxed ) .

I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?