Vaccinate or not

Great to see some girls contributing !!! The level of conversation will rise substantially .

You have gone off your Roker .
The High Court used a precedent from a previous case . You and VL and Roadkill argue for the opposite of what you say all the time !
"After all, freedom of movement is a fundamental human right, right? And our constitution affirms it. Section 92: 'intercourse among the States… shall be absolutely free'. About the only right it acknowledges. So it must be important. Fundamental."
You are preaching for restricted movement for anyone unvaxed . The consequences remember !
However we are not allowed to freely walk into someones home or country uninvited .
". And yet you defend these judges? Actively take their side. These fascists, or communists, or something."
I sure do defend our magistrates , judges and our judicial system !!!!!!!! Try and do some research and see what they look like in China , North Korea and in Afghanistan under Taliban control . Hint - they are completely different .
Maybe time for you to move to NZ . You have such a negative view of my country .
"There was also consensus that the approach to the validity of statutes which burden a constitutional freedom applied in Wotton v State of Queensland (2012) 246 CLR 1 was applicable. The effect of the approach in Wotton is that constitutional limitations operate at the level of the statute such that, if the statute is valid, the validity of exercises of power under the statute falls to be assessed in accordance with general principles of administrative law and not by asking the constitutional question directly of the exercise of power.

Hutchy, surely you must realise how High Court judges are appointed and how this process affects the decision-making of the court?
It’s a game of political stacking.

etarip wrote:Mate of mine, oldest friend actually but we’re not super close anymore due to life etc, had a very strange episode recently. He’s 43.
Had headaches getting progressively worse over a couple of days, then on Friday a week ago got a call from his boss asking if he was coming into work - he’d slept in. Got up, dragged himself into work.
Next thing, his wife gets a call from his boss - old mate is in an ambulance on his way to emergency. Had been increasingly disorientated, erratic and not knowing any of his colleagues at work.
Ended up in hospital over the weekend, ICU, heavily sedated. Ended up getting released on Monday or Tuesday. Apparently can’t remember a single thing about the whole episode.Turns out he had something like a brain infection. But they can’t work out what it was. Couldn’t pin it down to being viral or bacterial. Weird. The only thing ‘different’ he’d done was his first AZ shot about a week prior to the episode. Causal or correlated? Doctors apparently found it interesting. Sent him a message with best wishes etc. Haven’t spoken to him directly, story relayed thru parents. Have a lot of questions but I’ll wait til he’s out of the woods.
(I’m fully vax’d, this isn’t an anti vax post)
Ahoy etarip,
Obviously when he is OK it would be interesting to find out if your mate has any residual effects? The disorientation is a real worry. Did he have any ataxia? I assume the diagnostics included CTB, MRIB and lumbar puncture? Meningitis? TIA?
A very brief admission (over the weekend), so sounds transient in nature.
No need to answer , just thinking out loud.
My guesstimate is that about 1% of our ICU admissions are idiopathic (ie. without any known cause), I'm not surprised the doctors found it interesting.
Hope your mate gets back to full health

Cut and paste .
An investigation by The Daily Telegraph reveals that all but one scientist who wrote a letter in The Lancet medical journal dismissing even the slightest possibility COVID-19 originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, have ties to Chinese researchers. This stunning revelation suggests that 26 of the 27 scientists listed in the letter might of had a conflict of interest.

"Hutchy, surely you must realise how High Court judges are appointed and how this process affects the decision-making of the court?
It’s a game of political stacking."
Of course I know . It gets real political when Biden wants to increase it's members in the US so he can go berserk with stacking . They are all appointed for life . Only replaced when they decide to retire . With different parties getting to chose them it evens out quite well .
The appointees are also heavily scrutinised . They ALL need to have shown wonderful judgement over decades .
If this system is not to your liking please offer a better alternative on how they should be chosen .
The Supreme Court is the final court . ALL the others ARE NOT politically chosen .Why do you guys bag the whole judicial system . Give it a break . Don't get all your nickers in a knot and post court cases that show how well our system works !

Orwell was right .
Some of us see it happening and worry and will resist . Others are applauding the terrible slide to authoritarianism .
Are the 2020s going to be a return to Orwell’s 1984 with Big Brother watching us everywhere?
Well, it certainly looks like many governments and the elite is leading us in that direction.
Covid has been a superb excuse for controlling the people in a number of countries. Free speech has been banned in the media and unacceptable censorship is now the rule on social media whether it relates to vaccines, climate or race.
“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.”
― George Orwell, 1984
But it gets worse as we are seeing severe clampdowns on free movement. There are lockdowns, quarantines, restrictions or bans on travel both domestically and internationally, ban on shopping, restaurants, theatres, cinemas, stadiums with offices and schools closed. And then we are not allowed to see friends, parents, or even go to work. The list of restrictions is endless and they seem to be deliberately and regularly turned on and off in order to control confuse the people.
“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”
― George Orwell, 1984
There have been great variations of these restrictions. Countries like Australia and New Zealand have locked people in. Then we have, for example, Sweden on the other hand which has had virtually no restrictions, and no closure of schools, shops or offices. No masks have ever been mandated."

Hey Hutchy, if you are going to copy and paste it's good manners and honest to tip the hat to your sources.

Thanks Freeride .
Here is the last c&p .
Authored by Egon von Greyerz via,

In your own words could you explain where you see examples of this: "Free speech has been banned in the media and unacceptable censorship is now the rule on social media whether it relates to vaccines, climate or race".
And then explain the Orwell quote: “Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”
and how that is applicable.

Hutchy are you prepared to recant or qualify your statement that "Our Judiciary are INDEPENDENT from government or outside influence" considering that it's demonstrably untrue?
Or, you know, a steaming pile of horse apples?

The Swedes don't need to be restricted...they are a another whole level of stupid already.

Andy - I already have . Please keep up so you don't waste my time .
"Of course I know . It gets real political when Biden wants to increase it's members in the US so he can go berserk with stacking . They are all appointed for life . Only replaced when they decide to retire . With different parties getting to chose them it evens out quite well .
The appointees are also heavily scrutinised . They ALL need to have shown wonderful judgement over decades .
If this system is not to your liking please offer a better alternative on how they should be chosen .
The Supreme Court is the final court . ALL the others ARE NOT politically chosen .Why do you guys bag the whole judicial system . Give it a break . Don't get all your nickers in a knot and post court cases that show how well our system works !"
Posted earlier today ! Andys comment -"Or, you know, a steaming pile of horse apples?"

You want to make up your mind, you're all over the place like a mad woman's shit.
“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”

Microchip implants are a great idea with so many use cases, not sure the tech is there yet but absolutely the way forward in future. Get to laugh at all the fundo dunces bleating 'end times' too.

Thanks Optimist . Big brother would be so happy with the Sweds . There are good applications for it but their are also disaster implications for the future . The Stasi would love this technology . They would know everything the population does .
At the press of a button they know where everyone is that aren't playing by their rules . The future chips will also have a destruct button . Very efficient !
How can people be so gullible that they don't see the ramifications ?

Seems next level stupid is already in Australia'll find out who the dunces are soon enough....We have all been warned not to submit to the implants by God Himself in Revelation....Resistance is not futile....Change to this civilization is near and looking around you it should not come as a surprise. you still have Mullum connections

Hahaha classic god-botherer, barcode forehead, mark of the beast! 'Soon enough', how long has end times been coming for now lol. Unfortunately that ridiculous fairy tale will carry on long past our expiry dates.

Hey Sypkan, thanks for your COVID facts and reference you put up in your post on this thread on SUNDAY, 12 SEP 2021 at 1:31PM. Its an excellent summary.
Unsurprisingly, I've only seen one response to it and that was an attempt at a piss take. Even those dubbed the smartest punters on this thread.. Silent protest?

Would be epic if Byron Shire refuse to vaccinate and they're banned from travelling outside their LGA.

John Barillaro let the cat out of the bag and said the unvaccinated untouchables will be able to do anything the vaccinated Brahmins can do a few weeks after restrictions are lifted.
The hook nosed witch shit the bed and denied it. Classic.

Hutchy19 - “
Andy - I already have . Please keep up so you don't waste my time .”
Ha ha ha this hutchy character is good for a lol if nothing else.
Come on Andy!

Lolololol. “Yes Mein Fuhrer , the concrete obstacles have been installed as you so wisely instructed. The rebellious uprising of wayward offspring has been suppressed! “
“Melbourne’s lockdown hits peak stupid
By Unconventional Economist in Australian Politicsat
“I live in the Melbourne suburb of Ashburton near the apex of Glen Iris and East Malvern.
Last week, concrete barriers were erected at the local BMX/skate park in Glen Iris to stop children riding in the name of “public safety”:
Basketball hoops have also been removed from several public parks, also in the name of “public safety”.
The Law of Unintended Consequences quickly swung into effect with children grabbing shovels and creating their own improvised BMX stunt parks along empty land adjoining Gardiners Creek. These improvised BMX tracks have not only turned the land into chewed-up boggy marshes, but have also led to children plunging head first into the rocky Gardiners Creek, risking severe spinal injury or death.
If the Victorian Government wants Melburnians to comply with lockdown rules, it needs community buy-in. Punishing their children with draconian laws created without scientific backing is the entirely wrong approach.
Where is the evidence that exercising in the open air is a public health risk? Why hasn’t the government considered the negative impacts on mental and physical health when devising these rules?
There has to be some carrots and not just sticks. Low risk outdoor activities must be permitted if the Victorian Government wants compliance in the areas that pose the greatest risk to the community.“

Can you believe that shit? It’s so bizarre it’s funny. What would young kids be thinking at the moment.

Just think - This is considered essential work. Some council workers were forced to risk their life and got sent out into the middle of the death plague just to install those barriers. I bet they went home full of pride and couldn’t wait to explain to their families how they’d spent their day.
Think how many lives they saved.
Backbone of the nation stuff!

Udo - Yes I do . Had to smile when I saw the article earlier . The region as been anti medicine for decades .
Must be the local mushrooms and Madness .
The Hill people especially . In the 70's they were mostly a few farmers and hippies . The town of Mullum was a popular meeting place . We called them scratchies but they were very nice .
The town used to be the largest , small town in Oz . Looks like it may get a bit bigger . The flood plain almost surrounds it so development should be limited .
The whole region has experienced incredible increases in property prices . The feel of the town is very different now .

Nah, I reckon they had kids themselves and hid their faces the whole time because they were so fucken ashamed it’s come to this

Sending them inside?
Meanwhile in NSW Hazzard is saying he’s got no problem with people being at the beach it’s probably the safest place to be. Are Victorians still blaming the commuters on their high (R) number?
On a side note, have you noticed kids have rediscovered bikes, hanging at the beach or in the bush. They’re off their devices this year unlike anything in the last decade or so. It’s nice

Oh man that's sad.

We in Melb are never surprised with Dan's decisions . With getting some mates to do Hotel quarantining
( over 600 deaths ) to demanding masks when drinking alcohol . Par for the course .
What does surprise some of us is that he will probably be voted back in .

shoredump wrote:WTF!
Sending them inside?
Good point, and pretty stupid seeing it's kids that would mostly be using it (low risk), outside (low risk) and an activity where you naturally social distance (low risk)

Every day they play another card . Luckily , I believe , too early . The majority will not be sucked in to their dastardly plan .
Authored by Matt Welch via,
Imagine living in a world where every one of your noncash financial transactions—a restaurant meal, a Venmo transfer to a friend, maybe some bitcoin bought on the dips—was automatically reported to a beefed-up, audit-hungry IRS.
That dystopia will become a reality if President Joe Biden gets his way.
Biden, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, and key Capitol Hill allies such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D–Mass.) are pushing a vast, intrusive financial surveillance system in the name of closing the "tax gap."
But don't worry: There's no need to fear if you've got nothing to hide.
"For already compliant taxpayers, the only effect of this regime is to provide easy access to summary information on financial accounts and to decrease the likelihood of costly 'no fault' examinations," the Treasury Department said this May in a nakedly authoritarian document called "The American Families Plan Tax Compliance Agenda."
But "for noncompliant taxpayers," the department continues, "this regime would encourage voluntary compliance as evaders realize that the risk of evasion being detected has risen noticeably."
The administration's proposed "comprehensive financial account reporting regime" would dramatically increase the types of financial institutions and transactions exposed to the feds' prying eyes. "All business and personal accounts from financial institutions, including bank, loan, and investment accounts," would be forced to "report gross inflows and outflows" to the IRS. And not just bank accounts: The dragnet would now include PayPal, settlement companies, and "crypto asset exchanges," for starters.
The new domestic surveillance program, which requires congressional approval, is one prong of a tripartite strategy for transforming the entire global financial system into a harmonious, haven-free collection funnel to the IRS.

indo-dreaming wrote:shoredump wrote:WTF!
Sending them inside?Good point, and pretty stupid seeing it's kids that would mostly be using it (low risk), outside (low risk) and an activity where you naturally social distance (low risk)
Remember the good old days when the F1 was cancelled last minute and thousands of frustrated punters went straight to Crown Casino

Floptimist so bravely exclaims:
‘Seems next level stupid is already in Australia'll find out who the dunces are soon enough....’
Well you and hutchy tag teaming each other certainly confirms your quote above;) And it’s not a matter of finding out ‘who the dunces are soon enough’…
It’s already happening with you and hutchy ! Stay tuned ;);)
One of you tries to interpret a wonderful/classic/fictional/allegorical novel set in another time and attempts to point out furiously how blind everyone else must be not to be able to consider or (let alone deludedly and whole heartedly) believe that ‘their’ take on the wider world correlates and hence represents a new reality we now ‘share’.
-The other does exactly the same thing yet uses a bible (wonderful/classic/fictional/allegorical novel) as their convenient ‘source’ from which to so proudly berate others who do not agree or ‘follow’.
One and the same…
Get da fark outta here ;);)
‘We have all been warned not to submit to the implants by God Himself in Revelation....Resistance is not futile....Change to this civilization is near and looking around you it should not come as a surprise.’
Floppy… Sounds like you feel you’ve been warned relative to some fantasy you believe to be truth - don’t try and assume there is any ‘we’ in YOUR fairy tale. And it should come as no surprise that ‘this’ civilisation has always been changing and always will be… Don’t need any quotes or excerpts or wonderful allegories or seemingly intuitive dot joining to arrive at whatever suits yaself there ;)
Be careful when the imagination runs wild…
But yay! It’s the hutchy and floppy show!!
But is it real ? ;);)
Maybe hold back on the whole - ‘I’ve got an interpretation from some ideological or cultural influence that I reckon matches correctly with what is occurring in the exterior world and hence it is of vital importance to force this viewpoint/fantasy on others and if you don’t agree you are against me!’
Childish shit ;)
Or just … too much … idle time ;)

Jelly - Childish shit ;) - Yes you are right .
Most children though would be able to see the analogy and it is very scary . Just like Animal Farm or Lord of the Flies .
I am sure all the authors were warning future generations how human nature can be so dangerous if left unchecked .
Ignore the valuable advice and lessons at your own peril .

I wonder what VL and Roadkill are up to today ? I know they would not have run out of vitriol to spew .
If they go missing long term I may find out how the liberal media felt when Trump was off the scene for a few months . I doubt it though !

Busy today,
No time to give the anti-lockdown / anti vax lunatics a dose of reality. How's NSW going blokes? It's pretty fucked due to lockdown lite. And Victoria isn't looking too good because the anti-lockdown flogs keep spreading the virus. Thanks Gladys you fucking incompetent arrogant fuck.
Have you muppets donated to or joined Clive Palmer's political party yet? He's king of the lethal "let it rip" mob. You stupid fucks would be the exact type of people Clive will be playing like a fiddle at the next election.
Carve away the idiot vote and deliver it to the LNP via preferences.
Fuck you lot are that stupid it's scary.

vic,u said u was done?
They said u was full of it n would be back.
They was we are.
Just wondering which jab u chose and how's it working out for u?any side effects?

Had an az shot yesterday. Completely fucked today.havnt got out of bed. Sweating fever headache fatigue.
Been sleeping all day. Not pleasant at all.

inzider wrote:Had an az shot yesterday. Completely fucked today.havnt got out of bed. Sweating fever headache fatigue.
Been sleeping all day. Not pleasant at all.
Crazy the way different peoples bodies respond, i was expecting some type of side effect the other day from my Pfizer like a headache or feeling tired...but honestly i felt no different at all, I've never felt different after any vaccination ive every had.

"Just wondering which jab u chose and how's it working out for u?any side effects?"
Got AZ as soon as I ticked into the mature age bracket. This was all that was on offer and no side effects after both doses.
Got the kids locked in for their first doses in a few days. SurfCoast has one of the highest vaccination rates in Victoria. This is due to multiple factors. High levels of eduction. Heaps of Medical professionals live on the coast and work in Geelong Hospitals. High incomes allowing people to take half a day or more off work. Willingness and ability to travel to mass vaccination centre in Geelong.

I felt about 10% worse, but still had a 2hr surf in 6ft waves.
and had the vaxcuse ready for my lack of shreds.

Vic Local wrote:Busy today,
No time to give the anti-lockdown / anti vax lunatics a dose of reality. How's NSW going blokes? It's pretty fucked due to lockdown lite. And Victoria isn't looking too good because the anti-lockdown flogs keep spreading the virus. Thanks Gladys you fucking incompetent arrogant fuck.
Have you muppets donated to or joined Clive Palmer's political party yet? He's king of the lethal "let it rip" mob. You stupid fucks would be the exact type of people Clive will be playing like a fiddle at the next election.
Carve away the idiot vote and deliver it to the LNP via preferences.
Fuck you lot are that stupid it's scary.
I remember when I first learned to swear…..

“High levels of eduction “

Same with me Indo, no side affects...Even told my kids to get Astra as I like the not for profit Oxford uni team best and they were working on this long before covid even arrived. I still reckon it'll end up the hero regarding long term no booster needed vax.

“High levels of eduction “
Yes blowin, Lots of people living on the Surf Coast have gone to university. It's kind of like a big school where adults go to learn important things.

“High levels of eduction”
Please miss it again. Please. Do it for the the big schoolers. There’s something about irony on a Monday which is so much sweeter.
I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?