Vaccinate or not

"KFF is collecting and analyzing state-reported data on COVID-19 vaccinations by race/ethnicity. As of September 7, 2021, 47 states and Washington D.C. were reporting vaccination data by race/ethnicity"
Oh my, this is going to be funny.
Let's drill down on those state figures shall we.
The highest percentages for African American injections (on the website you linked) are in the District of Columbia (44%) Mississippi (39%) Louisiana (31%) Maryland (27%) and Georgia (27%).
The lowest percentages for African American injections (on the website you linked) are all on 1%. Hawaii, Idaho, New Hampshire, Utah, Vermont and South Dakota.
Can you see the trend yet dopey?
If not, I will help you. Fuck all African Americans live in Utah and Hawaii you absolute moron.

Stunet, good questions but you are talking about two entirely different things.
On the one hand you're talking about actual or potential issues with passive interaction with things vs direct introduction of a substance into your bloodstream.
I don't agree that people are capable of assessing the risks because they don't know what the risks are in the first place..? Surely in the absence of knowledge you don't just push on - hopium? Cane Toads, Carp, DDT, Thalidomide..
At least in the face of COVID you know your chances of catching it.
When has anyone who's forced to do something ended well for the person being forced? Your comment about being fashionable is another attempt to label / discriminate those different to you. But hell if fashionable is taking a stand and thinking about what is going on around you, then i'm in balls and all.

shortenism wrote:Stunet, good questions but you are talking about two entirely different things.
On the one hand you're talking about actual or potential issues with passive interaction with things vs direct introduction of a substance into your bloodstream.
I don't agree that people are capable of assessing the risks because they don't know what the risks are in the first place..? Surely in the absence of knowledge you don't just push on - hopium? Cane Toads, Carp, DDT, Thalidomide..
At least in the face of COVID you know your chances of catching it.
When has anyone who's forced to do something ended well for the person being forced? Your comment about being fashionable is another attempt to label / discriminate those different to you. But hell if fashionable is taking a stand and thinking about what is going on around you, then i'm in balls and all.
Seatbelts, motorbike helmets, childhood vaccinations, health and safety standards in industrial environments, ……..

OK Shorty, balls in with it you are.
I'll chalk it up alongside 'Michelle Obama is a guy', 'Biden's ankle bracelet', 'Biden killed SEAL Team Six', 'Hilary paedophile ring', and all the other fashionable nonsense you've been balls in with lately.
You're as predictable as a train timetable.

School, compulsory voting.
The list is updated daily…and it is a very very very very very very long list.

Where's Hutchy 19 gone after claiming that "Blacks in America" are only 10% vaccinated?
He must be having an early night.

I didn’t even read the shit and I know it’s blah blah fucken blah

It's fascinating if you appreciate shifting narratives. Especially when so many of the tropes used by the deceased are also used among media I visit.
Strip away the stats and see the lives of people tragically tied to dogma.

Busy Vlocal . Alright you tell me the figure and the link . Don't want any drilled down numbers . Just the total of all US .
I was going on Fig I said which said .
"KFF is collecting and analyzing state-reported data on COVID-19 vaccinations by race/ethnicity. As of September 7, 2021, 47 states and Washington D.C. were reporting vaccination data by race/ethnicity"
I have NFI what you are looking at . The figures I am looking at is 47 states and DC . That sounds like most of the US to me .

OK I will explain it to you again Hutchy19.
A few states don't record vaccination statistics based on race. Hence the 47 states and DC.
You were quoting the percentage of vaccines that went into African American arms, not the percentage of African American's who had been vaccinated. Big difference, The 10% figure is low because African Americans only make up 13% of the US population.
Go look at the state breakdown on this very reliable source
The lowest percentage of African Americans who are vaccinated is in Iowa with 25%. The highest is Oregon at 75%.
Like I said, you have hopeless misinterpreted the data claiming only 10% of "blacks" are vaccinated. Even in the lowest ranking state, you are out by 250%.
Hutchy19, It's time to put on your big boy pants, raise your hand and say, Yep I was wrong.

Roadkill wrote:
The list is updated daily…and it is a very very very very very very long list.
Natural selection at work.

Blow in Hutch 69

Yep chalk it

VicLocal - I have checked and you are right and I was wrong !!!!!!
Very happy you have showed me that I misread and so misunderstood the chart I was reading . Will try and be much more careful when trying to interpret such important data in the future . I have proved Maths is not a strong point of mine . Sometimes easily mislead .
As I said I appreciate you showing me that the correct rate is around 30% ( don't quote me on this . It was the rate in an article I read and I didn't check the date ) and ensuring I don't give out misinformation .
I just got out of a meeting and made it a priority to check .

Well done Hutchy,
You're a bigger man than blowin who never corrects the record.
BTW, I haven't crunched the numbers but I'd suggest the actual figure is a fair bit higher than 30%. around 45-50%.

I will be very careful next time I question your maths VLocal . I wish someone else would have crunched the numbers and made it easy to get the right information .
How is your English ?

Another one for the chalk board - Dr Janet Young’s Husband & Pfizer

"How is your English ?"
A bit clumsy.
I'm more of a maths nerd with a penchant for stats, trend analysis, and multivariate analysis. It's scary how much I'm into covid trends. I could see NSW was in a pile of shit when new cases where in the single digits in mid June. There were so many warning signs missed by Gladys. It was painfully obvious to me that her lockdown settings were woefully inadequate and there was a significant number of undiscovered cases in Sydney's East and West.
So yeah, English is not so good, but I do have "on the spectrum" maths skills.

There are 5 syllables in longitudinal hutch.

Hmmm number crunching is not my thing but lets give this a crack while I wait for my wettie to dry out a little in front of the heater before the dawn patrol . Forgot to bring it in before it rained. bummer.
a = x / y / z*100
Here x is the total first doses in the US (approx 210 million} , y is the % of the vax given to the black population {10%} and z the number of black citizens currently in the US {approx 46.8 million} according to most recent stats. {15 seconds on google)
therefore ,
a = 210,000,000 / 10 / 46,800,00 X 100
a = 44.87%
Very close Vic.

Has been fun to ignore this subject for a week or so.
Came back, read previous 6 pages and, well, as things evolve with Covid so does this conversation.... kinda.
Anyway post on, I might even keep score today. Shorty you start on -5 because you are so committed to pulling in such random stuff from those dimly lit corners of the internet and mixing it with today's anti whatever gotcha headline that it's only fair to give others a head start.
And VL, double points today if you don't call someone the C word, triple if you don't use f@#%, faaark etc. in any post.
Keyboards ready, Go!

Very much appreciated Tuby . I will check with you and VL before using my own maths and will quote graphs with caution and a disclaimer .
Always admit when I have made a mistake . That way I can be right when I am wrong .

Supafreak wrote:@TBB , very interesting in the comments section, hard to believe that nurses that have had covid and recovered are losing their jobs now if refusing vaccine . What a shambles.
Hey Supafreak and tbb,
That sounds really bad. For the record, our hospital is redeploying any nurse who is refusing the vaccination (regardless of the reason).

Lawyers will be the only winners , again . Will be the same in Oz .
President Joe Biden last week said that he will direct the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to mandate that employees at companies with 100 or more workers will have to either submit to weekly testing or get the COVID-19 vaccine. White House officials have said that fines will be handed down to those who don’t comply with the rule, which will impact about 80 million private-sector employees.
“No. 1, is this something the federal government can do as compared to the states?” Dershowitz told Newsmax.
“The states have police power. The federal government doesn’t have police power. The federal government’s powers have to derive from the text of the Constitution.”
It’s likely that courts will say that the government can enforce vaccine mandates but will argue that it is only Congress that can order punishments and fines, he said.
“I think the courts will say the federal government does have the power because this is a national issue across the state lines. It’s not limited to states. It’s contagious,” Dershowitz said.
“I think they will say that in the event that science supports it, there can be mandated vaccinations with exceptions.”
But such mandates are “generally relegated to the legislature in our system of government, so I think the courts will focus on that issue first and say that the president may not have the authority to do this without congressional authorization,” Dershowitz said.
“You can’t say it’s an emergency,” he continued.
“This problem has existed since the first day of the Biden administration, and it will continue to exist on the last day of the Biden administration because we’re not going to see an end of COVID.”
Dershowitz added:
“We’re going to see COVID become like the flu. Seasonal different variations, different vaccinations, so it shouldn’t be done under the rubric of emergency. It should be done under the rubric of ordinary congressional power.”
When the mandates are handed down to companies under Biden’s order, Dershowitz said that it will be a “big payday for lawyers” who will likely file numerous lawsuits on behalf of businesses and other entities.
“There will be individuals who will be fired, and they’ll sue immediately,” he also remarked. “There will be companies—and I know there are some already who said we refuse to obey this mandate—and we’ve had companies and states indicate they’re going to file suit.”

Hesitants will only Vax once faith in Health & trust in Science is restored..
Each day that gap of Truth & Justice is tested more to the point of hopelessness.
NSW are callin' the shots on our Covid Freedoms...Exactly! (Worst example in history!)
NSW Ramped Vax Rollout has infected 15x more suffering & killed 6x more than No Vax.
Every single Time any Nation Ramped Vax duriing a VOC it resulted in an instant bloodbath.
Every single time any backpeddled their VOC Vax > resulted in fastest best ever covid cure.
More Hesitant Oz States all caught Delta but never bumped up their pre Rollout stats.
Any one of them are clearly more trusted & capable of opening up Australia than our Covid Queen.
NSW 2 week old data..
Vaccinated increasingly spreading covid at 5% more case loads / each week.
Unvaccinated are least infectious shedding 10% less case loads / week (currently under 50%)
If Rollout was left to run it's course then by today Vaxerz would be #1 NSW spreaderz.
Gladys pulled the plug & walked out...cowardly wiping her hands @ Axis of Evil flash point.
NSW report their Vaccinated Health & carers weekly test as highest Covid Frontline infections
So they ban unvaxed from frontline Health for bringing weekly covid rates down...Like that makes sense?
But hang on tbb!
Experts say : "Vaxerz make the best pets...They've had 2 shotz & Hospital Trained & will live forever!"
And who employs these experts...doh!
NSW (2 week old Health Stats) are now already 5% x 2 weeks behind today's NSW Covid reality.
Meaning stats are heavily weighted by (10-20%) in favour of Vaxerz.
Here's NSW Health 2 week old stats
20% of Full Vaxerz require Hospitalization of which 10% will die
14% of One Doserz require Hospitalization of which 5% will die.
13.7% of Non Vaxerz require Hospitization of which 3% will die
Again! tbb will salute NSW for sharing the Covid Crisis Stats.
Clearly as of now NSW Vaxerz represent highest % cost on NSW Health System & deaths.
As said Vaxerz Covid Health care is rising by 5% each week
Over 55, Overweight even Sleep Apnea patients were born that way & all dumped from Oz Health care.
Vax Rollout has bumped Outpatients from care... & reduced Health care to Phone calls.
Vaxerz then take well suss mostly banned recreational drugz & now queue for prime Oz Hospital beds.
So we sick & dying Hesitants are supposed to applaud Greed & self preservation as new Health model?
Stop & Ask! These Drug Scammerz sold us Less Covid + Less Illness + less Hospital + Less Death...
NSW Health Data proves beyond doubt, Vax Scammerz lied on all fronts & Drug problem is worsening.
TGA must man up...strip them of [P][L] Vax Licence & ban them from peddling Drugz in Oz forever.
...& why is ACA not kicking down the doors of these Drug Peddlin' Pandemic Fraudsterz!
(Dutto! Please Deport them!)
All read the same Oz #1 Covid Stats that drive Oz Govt / Health / Science / Business Policy..
Here's how Oz Experts read those #1 Stats....
Lock up any Aussies not prepared to Vax & spread their fair share of Covid to blow out Hospital Crisis.
Give 100% freedom to fastest Covid spreading Vaxerz in Oz to keep increasing the Covid spread.
Hesitants are rightfully fearful of Lying cheating Anti Science Anti Health Bullies spreading Herd Virus...
Apex Vaxed Virus spreaderz storm over innocents that cower from their ramped Covid virus.
Please show & share this miracle Vax data of reduced Covid, suffering & death anywhere in Oz / World.
If Govt's / Health / Science could lead with that...just the once! Pretty sure we'd all swallow their poison.
Either they can't, they won't or they refuse... so instead they lock up any that question their Vaxpertise.

Thanks TrueBlue . Great post !!! LicLocal - can you please check the maths for me .
When will the truth be revealed ?

Supafreak wrote:san Guine wrote:Supafreak wrote:@TBB , very interesting in the comments section, hard to believe that nurses that have had covid and recovered are losing their jobs now if refusing vaccine . What a shambles.
Hey Supafreak and tbb,
That sounds really bad. For the record, our hospital is redeploying any nurse who is refusing the vaccination (regardless of the reason).@san Guine , I was speaking to a friend ( male nurse in Newcastle ) he said fellow nurses were retiring early or just walking away. Not good.
Yeah Supa,
Can totally vouch for the retiring early/walking away position, same where I am.
Morale is very low.

I reckon we will get to 90% vaxxed in NSW. Some suburbs of Sydney are already there for first dose. We’re clearing 80% first dose already on a State wide basis.
As we approach 90%, those who were hesitant become less so. The numbers of people who “are definitely not getting a vax” have been dropping over the last 6 weeks, as have the number who consider themselves “vaccine hesitant”. (A number of different polls have shown the same phenomena)
There is an effect studied in behavioural psychology, I can’t remember the scientific term but I remember it as ‘the bandwagon effect’. It refers to the subtle reconsiderations that people make about issues as they see more and more people jump on the bandwagon, so they go from “I’m never getting vaxxed” to “I’m vaccine hesitant” to “ I just haven’t had the time/there aren’t any clinics nearby” etc. As problems with distribution get sorted and we receive more vaccines the numbers left unvaxxed will reduce. I suspect we will nudge 95% vaxxed in the end, overall, with of course some areas showing much lower rates and some higher, just like now with all the other vaccines. You can guess where the least vaccinated parts of NSW are.
That isn’t a scientific fact, that’s just my opinion.

batfink wrote:There is an effect studied in behavioural psychology......
As opposed to non-behavioural psychology?
Sorry, couldn't resist! ;)

Super freak - good peer reviewed article thank you for sharing . I agree- Why is natural immunity being overlooked ? Why do more harm when it’s unnecessary?
It’s just insanity. Absolute insanity.
All I can think of is greed from those who are already billionaires but just can’t stop?

France considers natural immunity.

Supafreak wrote:I really can’t understand why the US and Australian governments don’t take natural immunity into consideration.
a quick scan but that's a good article supa and I think provides nuanced reasoning behind their decisions in using a blunt instrument of all or nothing re covid vax. no doubt they would have touched on the risk and challenge of implementing alternative policy (natural or vax immunity allowances in the workplace etc) and how the vulnerable and or naive could misinterpret (naively or deceivingly) such policy and messaging by choosing to get covid instead of getting vaccinated..... with serious consequences.

I have problems with it too supa. But as I said I think the article outlines how it’s complex. And I think the reasoning behind the decisions are logical not necessary correct.
Perhaps if we were r living in the disinformation age such decisions would be more straightforward?

batfink wrote:I reckon we will get to 90% vaxxed in NSW. Some suburbs of Sydney are already there for first dose. We’re clearing 80% first dose already on a State wide basis.
As we approach 90%, those who were hesitant become less so. The numbers of people who “are definitely not getting a vax” have been dropping over the last 6 weeks, as have the number who consider themselves “vaccine hesitant”. (A number of different polls have shown the same phenomena)
There is an effect studied in behavioural psychology, I can’t remember the scientific term but I remember it as ‘the bandwagon effect’. It refers to the subtle reconsiderations that people make about issues as they see more and more people jump on the bandwagon, so they go from “I’m never getting vaxxed” to “I’m vaccine hesitant” to “ I just haven’t had the time/there aren’t any clinics nearby” etc. As problems with distribution get sorted and we receive more vaccines the numbers left unvaxxed will reduce. I suspect we will nudge 95% vaxxed in the end, overall, with of course some areas showing much lower rates and some higher, just like now with all the other vaccines. You can guess where the least vaccinated parts of NSW are.
That isn’t a scientific fact, that’s just my opinion.
90% would be fantastic, 95% even better.
I think we will get to between 80% - 90% and the rollout will face real difficulties keeping momentum going. Hopefully, I am wrong.

"I think we will get to between 80% - 90% and the rollout will face real difficulties keeping momentum going. Hopefully, I am wrong."
According to a recent study in the Lancet, 5% of Australian adults are hard core anti-vaxxers. Another study in June had the figure at 7.5%. This study also had 16.7% of the population in the "vaccine hesitant" category.
Looks like the outbreak has resulted in fewer people in the never ever group and fewer vaccine procrastinators (especially in NSW and Vic)
I'd be very surprised if we got to 90% across the country by early 2022. Maybe for NSW and Vic, but the states without major outbreaks will drag the numbers down.
Vaccine passports and outbreaks are the two "best" ways to get the vaccine rates up.

How do you prove natural immunity? Is there an antibody test?
Does it go on your health record like a vaccine?

Vic Local wrote:"I think we will get to between 80% - 90% and the rollout will face real difficulties keeping momentum going. Hopefully, I am wrong."
According to a recent study in the Lancet, 5% of Australian adults are hard core anti-vaxxers. Another study in June had the figure at 7.5%. This study also had 16.7% of the population in the "vaccine hesitant" category.
Looks like the outbreak has resulted in fewer people in the never ever group and fewer vaccine procrastinators (especially in NSW and Vic)
I'd be very surprised if we got to 90% across the country by early 2022. Maybe for NSW and Vic, but the states without major outbreaks will drag the numbers down.
Vaccine passports and outbreaks are the two "best" ways to get the vaccine rates up.
So 5% - 7.5% of our population, are getting around with shit for brains.

"So 5% - 7.5% of our population, are getting around with shit for brains."
Affirmative Roadkill.
I can also let you know the ALP are shit scared of this group and for very good reasons. Palmer is pretty much exclusively targeting the anti-vaxxers in his campaign. He will throw shitloads of cash at the next election, and he will steer the anti-vaxxers to the LNP via preferences.
Scumo is the most incompetent PM in Australian history. He can't win without the "shit for brains" vote. This is why he's not introducing any federal legislation re compulsory vaccinations (with the exception of aged care staff). There's no federal leadership on this matter. Scumo has just punted compulsory vaccination decisions on to the states and the private sector.
Scumo is simply unwilling to upset the anti-vax nutters, at the expense of public health, and for his own political benefit.
The man is scum.

Ah VL, your unstoppable now look at you go after your little maths triumph earlier..
The reason Morrison is not mandating it is because he can’t. Not many countries if any have the constitutional backing to be able to mandate a medical procedure. And our constitution always trumps state legislation, which is why they can’t either.
All they can do is talk up a killer fear campaign to try and coerce poor ppl into getting their ticket to freedom! How’s that going for u BtW?
They know full well they have no power only a window of opportunity before it runs its course via courts, which is why the totalitarian tip toe has picked up pace. You noticed? Shutting down trams and buses in Melbourne for a group of freedom loving peace supporters!!?? Wow! And the funny thing is I bet there’s a lot of morons who are immediately blaming the freedom fighters for it.. I mean it’s the protesters fault right, they made the trams and buses stop it wasn’t the government that are going to make that happen. They (gov spin doctors) are the master manipulators I’ll give them that.. oh and I’m sure based on your self declared brilliance earlier that you didn’t fall for that little trap did u VL? Or your little mate Roadkill?

Shortenism you stupid stupid man, I've told you before and I will tell you again.
Nobody in mandating an injection you complete moron. There's just going to be consequences for people who choose not to get vaccinated. eg You can't fly and put other passengers at greater risk if you aren't vaccinated.
The rest of your post is just batshit crazy shite. Stop listening to lunatics like Clive Palmer and Craig Kelly.

Go back and read your prior comment 3rd paragraph VL. Anyway jumped on to razz u up. Job done. Out.

"Anyway jumped on to razz u up. Job done. Out."
Post absolute shit and get called a moron.
Wow, what a win shortenism. Sleep well champ.
I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?