Vaccinate or not

First jab my wife and I were fine, maybe a little localised pain. Second, I was fine, same-same but my wife had a fever and lethargy for two days, she came good on the third. We both had Pfizer.
I'm itching to get on a plane to anywhere.

Ha ha! Oarsome.

Vic Local wrote:"Just wondering which jab u chose and how's it working out for u?any side effects?"
Got AZ as soon as I ticked into the mature age bracket. This was all that was on offer and no side effects after both doses.
Got the kids locked in for their first doses in a few days. SurfCoast has one of the highest vaccination rates in Victoria. This is due to multiple factors. High levels of eduction. Heaps of Medical professionals live on the coast and work in Geelong Hospitals. High incomes allowing people to take half a day or more off work. Willingness and ability to travel to mass vaccination centre in Geelong.
I read it's more to do with a high rate of retires (lots of over 50s), which would make more sense.
They were also first to get the jab.
Here is Victorias highest rates, its about 5 days old though from this article
Bayside at 75.2 per cent
Southern Grampians at 77.5 per cent
Surf Coast at 79.6 per cent
The Bass Coast at 74.1 per cent (where i live)
Macedon Ranges at 73.8 per cent
Greater Geelong at 70.3 per cent
Victorias lowest vax areas
Greater Dandenong at 49.8 per cent
Whittlesea at 49.8 per cent
City of Melbourne at 47.3 per cent
Moreland at 54.7 per cent
Melton at 53.7 per cent
Monash at 58.8 per cent
Casey at 54.3 per cent

Queenscliff AKA "God's waiting room" leads the race in Vic.
Surf Coast isn't nearly as old as Queenscliff but still doing well.
Yes age plays a roll but so too does social mobility. It's a lot easier for a wealthy business owner, with a car, to take a few hours off to get the jab than a shift worker on fuck all an hour. Hospital staff were classified A1, and so many health pros living in Torquay Anglease and Jan Juc got jabbed very early on.
Gotta say, the Vic Government is doing a pretty good job taking the jabs to schools, places of worship, clubs etc in low income areas. This is where the vaccines are most needed.
Pity Scumo secretly shifted the vaccine supply to help out his favourite bin chicken at the expense of the rest of the country.

Had an az shot yesterday. Completely fucked today.havnt got out of bed. Sweating fever headache fatigue.
Been sleeping all day. Not pleasant at all.

Bummer Inzider, with those reactions, come tomorrow you should feel a lot better. Keep up the water and panadol.

Crikey, my AZ shot gave me a vague half day headache. The second one had no after affects at all.
I wonder if those who are impacted more than others might also have tended to be more impacted by covid itself.

All Big mid / north UK Cities refuse to Vax ( 1st Dose 35-45% + 2nd Dose 30-35%)
Been that way since tbb's last report...29th July
UK health Vax Map >( Current / Updated )
Zoom in on Northern City > click on the White CBD sector in each City ( Unvaxed...Bingo! )
Check all ultra low Vaxed surrounds...well below TV Land 90% claim...
Unless all the city folk just moved to the Countryside > UK Vax is closer to 50% then 90%.
UK let all their Barbie Vax go mouldy & just chucked 800,000 AZ doses in the Bin
UK also just tore up their dumbarse Vax Passes.
Follows in the footsteps of Denmark tearing up their Domestic Vax Passes.
UK Grom Vax is reluctantly going nowhere fast...kinda..maybe...not too keen!
tbb just alerted that Dutto hooked Digital Biometrix & new runway / port on full vaxed Nauru.
{ Unvaxed Boat People } should each pull in [L] $150,000 / year for $50,000 outlay!
See also Serco UK $686m Covid Test scam...(Vax or Not) 8th July
UK / Oz (vs) EU - Boat People War is heating Up...
No time for local Pub skirmishes... Vaxit is well & truly on!
Oz / UK Serco can smell new [L] Contracts for a new "Detention / Quarantine Era!"

It's a real interesting one. After my first AZ I posted a small message on my Instagram story, and the responses I got were weighted more towards you're going to get smashed. I was relatively fine luckily and just had slight aches the next morning and was a little off the next few days re energy.
I got responses saying the fitter you are the more you'll get smashed, and a wide variety of my fit mates who surf everyday got hammered. But then there were others who were fine like me. Seems like you can't really pick it?

That’s what I was talking about in regards to the side effects of the vaccines being down played. The government website will tell you the side effects but it’s the severity which takes everyone by surprise. Probably half of the crew I know who’ve had it got ruined for 2-3 days.
Of course that’s not including the three hospitalisations and one death to which I’m directly connected through friends and relatives.
At the pharmacy where I got my jab neither of the female staff had yet had the jab due to the hectic reactions they were aware of as they were dispensing the jabs.
High Fitness is definitely not a predictor for severe reactions.

Yeah they should probably let people know the reactions can be quite severe, and to drink lots of water, have paracetamol on hand.

inzider wrote:Had an az shot yesterday. Completely fucked today.havnt got out of bed. Sweating fever headache fatigue.
Been sleeping all day. Not pleasant at all.
With you mate, wasn’t fun.

Superfreak- Had the first AZ last Thursday. Couldn’t risk the possibility that the government may possibly prevent me from visiting or helping my family members. It was an eye opener when I tried to visit my Mum in hospital after her vaccine reaction and was told only one visitor per day. This meant either me or my dad could see her that day. Obviously it meant my dad saw her. The hospital was basically empty, there was no Covid in Australia and I was standing at the nurses station about twenrpty feet across an empty ward from my mum’s room and they still wouldn’t let me even poke my head in and say hello to my Mum who I hadn’t seen since they wheeled her semi-conscious into the ambulance.
It got me thinking how petty, blunt and authoritarian the government’s rules can be and how easily they could prevent me from seeing my relatives if they needed hospitalisation etc for any reason.

2017 article on anti-vax political affiliation in the US:
2021, the Australian experience:
Has anything changed apart from hardening of pre-existing beliefs?

Perfect example of the MSM attempt to downplay / feign ignorance about vaccine reactions in the above article by the ABC.
“It has given voice to a minority who genuinely believe that vaccines……can be harmful”
The rest of that article is pretty representative of the low level shit the ABC regularly stoops to these days. If a professional journalist isn’t smart enough to divine the potential threat imposed on every member of society by a government mandated ID which you’re perpetually required to carry in order to function then they need to find a new career.

No probs Supa,
We had 2 vax clinics on site, now nil.
I personally have not attended any MET's (Medical Emergencies) for COVID vaccination reaction in the last 1 1/2 years of this pandemic (our in hospital Vax clinics closed approx. 6 months ago).
As a marker, I normally attend between 2 and 10 (on a really f$@ked day) METs', average 4/shift. Better comparison is, attending approx 1 MET/week in our transfusion centre, for transfusion reactions.
Sorry, no data, just going by feel..
Some of my colleagues have attended METs', interestingly when we first opened the clinics.
All the MET patients were transferred directly to our ED for ongoing management, usually tachycardia, and vaso vagals (syncope/fainting) secondary to anxiety, nil subsequent hospital admission.

Blowin wrote:Perfect example of the MSM attempt to downplay / feign ignorance about vaccine reactions in the above article by the ABC.
“It has given voice to a minority who genuinely believe that vaccines……can be harmful”
The rest of that article is pretty representative of the low level shit the ABC regularly stoops to these days. If a professional journalist isn’t smart enough to divine the potential threat imposed on every member of society by a government mandated ID which you’re perpetually required to carry in order to function then they need to find a new career.
The major part missing from your comment, Blowin, is the part where you say 'In my opinion'. Don't present your opinion as fact.
I think it's a well measured article - did you even read the whole thing - I can see why it wouldn't satisfy you though. Given the differing standards you've shown in judging the risk posed by corona virus (exclude large sections of data selectively to improve your argument, dismiss conflicting information flippantly) versus how you've approached the risks posed by the vaccines (accept data of laughable quality and attribute causality on a total whim), a level headed rational approach is unlikely to satisfy you.

Puzzling Vax Reaction...( This should be of some assistance for Vaxerz)
As the title suggests...Experts have no clue as to which or why or what the hell is going on!
Note: Most MSM limit the Q&A : Can a Vaxer get a headache! (Censored!)
Description : Asymptomatic Vaxerz unknowingly spread a lot of Covid as they don't detect infection...
WHO's (Original 2020) main objection to passports is down to [+] Vaxer'z blank Test result Crisis.
It also rings true in near all Vaxer'z own confused self diagnoses...( Covid is last thing they expect!)
Hi Guyz! I'm a Sick Vaxer...Do I have :
(a) Incubation illness (b) Cold (c) Flu (d) Vax Reaction (e) Covid (f) Vaxer'z Long Covid
(Bonus) Mystery Answer : ( Immune Reaction )
(a) Incubation weakens Vaxer for Initial 4 weeks...leaving them more infectious to all virus!
(b,c) Cold / Flu ( Un/Vaxerz infect equally) Only Vaxer'z sneeze Covid > spreading 95% of Viral load.
(d) tbb recently shared the Veda Vax FX sufferers Site ( Tingling / Numbness )
(e) Vaxerz Covid lasts about 7 days (re: Most gets unknowingly Sneezed out)
(f) Long Vaxer Covid
(Bonus) Today's News expands on Vaxer'z Long Covid > intro's...
( Ongoing Immune Response )
tbb throws in his exclusive diagnosis...of course it's much weirder than it sounds!
Parasitic lab leak, resulting in SciFi reaction seems to be the only rational diagnosis... Believe it or not!
Weird as symptoms for all are identical to 'Kissing Bug'... (Wot'z more creepy is it's found in the Vax).
Vax or Not - tbb 2nd Sept -

I know tons of people who had AZ..most had no reaction, a couple had mild reactions, 1 was out for 24hrs. I had zero reaction. Reactions are not a bad thing and no reason to be wary of getting jabbed…just means it is working, so I see reactions as positives.

It’s good blowin is vaccinated…he did only vax for selfish reasons involving himself which is typical. Still zero fucks given for the old, vulnerable and compromised around him.

Optimist wrote:Same with me Indo, no side affects...Even told my kids to get Astra as I like the not for profit Oxford uni team best and they were working on this long before covid even arrived. I still reckon it'll end up the hero regarding long term no booster needed vax.
I know three 18 year old girls that all went and had AZ together. They read the current info, weighed the risks vs rewards, and all said they did it for their grandparents and older relatives. Very mild localised reactions for 2 and an average disrupted sleep for 1, reported from first shot.

Sick of waiting for a slot here while cases begin to explode. My daughter filled the car with fuel, packed a musli bar and water, and along with her boyfriend & his sister did a strike mission into empty Sydney Pfizer slots yesterday

Rather than wait for the earliest Pfizer vaccination that I could get on Oct 31st, I went and got the AZ yesty arvo.
Apart from a restless sleep last night and a bit of a sore arm this morning, I feel pretty normal so far.

My Mum also developed Pisa syndrome spontaneously and within a few days of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Don’t ever believe that the vaccines aren’t incredibly dangerous.

They’re like sharks. The vast majority swim past with barely a nod to your existence. But every now and then...
But I won’t pretend a hell of a lot more aussies end up in hospital from a vax than a bight

"Incredibly dangerous" would be an exaggeration though?
Sure, there's no longitudinal study - nor has there been on wifi and mobile phones - but the sheer numbers of people being vaccinated without adverse reactions makes void that claim.

Wait till you see a relative acutely develop a physical dysfunction which renders them unable to walk more than a few paces without difficulty and toppling over and tell me what you reckon.

“ Don’t ever believe that the vaccines aren’t incredibly dangerous.”
I don’t believe they are.
Most of mine and my wife’s immediate family, my work colleagues and mates and their families have had at least one shot now and no one has suffered anything other than mild side effects that have been mentioned here.

Incredibly dangerous is wild exaggeration.
Every medication has side effects. Some people, very few, will have an adverse reaction to vaccines. Most of that adverse reaction is incredibly mild.
For very, very few it's more serious.
Sunshine in Australia is incredibly dangerous if you want to talk about DNA damage and side effects.

goofyfoot wrote:“ Don’t ever believe that the vaccines aren’t incredibly dangerous.”
I don’t believe they are.
Most of mine and my wife’s immediate family, my work colleagues and mates and their families have had at least one shot now and no one has suffered anything other than mild side effects that have been mentioned here.
The same is true of Covid if you look at the statistics. The difference is that Covid is promoted as an existential threat to humanity whilst anyone mentioning the very real dangers of the vaccine is labeled a conspiracy theory kook.
From our very own taxpayer funded ABC ….
“It has given voice to a minority who genuinely believe that vaccines……can be harmful”

freeride76 wrote:Incredibly dangerous is wild exaggeration.
Every medication has side effects. Some people, very few, will have an adverse reaction to vaccines.
Sunshine in Australia is incredibly dangerous if you want to talk about DNA damage and side effects.
Good point. You’d never hear the sun discussed as a genuine health threat with official government promotions in Australia!

Where were you when a decade of intensive advertising about the dangers of sun happened?
Did you miss slip, slop, slap?
Seriously, no one knew when I was growing up that sun gave you skin cancer, now everyone knows.

Blowin wrote:Wait till you see a relative acutely develop a physical dysfunction which renders them unable to walk more than a few paces without difficulty and toppling over and tell me what you reckon.
Don't expect it would be a pleasant thing to see, but hard to form an opinion on a sample size of one.
If subjective experience trumps objective results then I have, not one, but two family members who are vulnerable to COVID symptoms.
Not being vaccinated is incredibly dangerous to them.

You’re reinforcing my point, Freeride.
You say that vaccines aren’t really that dangerous because even something as seemingly innocuous as sunshine can also be dangerous.
You then go on to describe the government campaign to alert to the dangers of sunshine.
Whatever happened to vaccines aren’t anymore dangerous than sunshine?

Blowin “ The same is true of Covid if you look at the statistics. ”
Agree with you 100 %, for the vast majority of people covid isn’t incredibly dangerous. Either are the vaccines

An exchange on another thread that is best suited here .
Vlocal - "I do remember Scumo ignoring his s51 constitutional duties on quarantine, coming to the table with absolutely nothing in March 2020, telling the states he was landing planes with 48 hours, and all states having to scramble to do Scumo's job. His quarantine non policy is still fucking lethal 18 months later.
And those 600 deaths you mention were largely in aged-care, another fed responsibility ignored by scumo. The Vic govt had to send in Vic taxpayer funded medical teams into aged care homes (in the middle of a pandemic) because the private operators, overseen by the federal govt, fucked up royally."
My response - "Get you foot out of your mouth and stop bull shitting/lying and deflecting .
The Inquiry was called Covid 19 Hotel Quarantine Inquiry - not the Aged Care Inquiry .
You are showing so CLEARLY how you are prepared to LIE to promote your views . Everything you post going forward is compromised and EVERYONE knows it . You now have ZERO credibility !
It’s being blamed for 768 deaths, 18,000 infections and an entire state being sent into a devastating lockdown, so how did Victoria’s disastrous hotel quarantine program go so wrong?
The controversial program made international headlines when private security guards breached infection control, which allowed the virus to spread into the community, creating a devastating second wave.

Stu…here’s the thing mate. There’s two seperate items and both can be dangerous. The dangers are rare but real . The dangers of one are overplayed whilst the dangers of the other are underplayed.
Imagine if your son got Covid and it completely disfigured him* and rendered him unable to walk more than a few metres without toppling over. Now imagine I got on here and argued that Covid wasn’t what I’d describe as dangerous. Then I’d say that it’s hard to form an opinion about Covid due to what’s happened to your boy as he is only a single data point in an array of statistics. How do you reckon you’d react?

You missed the point there completely.
Vaccines reactions are incredibly rare.
Skin cancer is incredibly common.
That's why the govt rolled out the slip, slop, slap campaign.
Hospitalisation rate from Covid is 5-10%.....maybe more, maybe less? I've heard various figures.
Vaccine adverse reaction rate is 0.5%, even less for serious reactions.
Do those numbers make sense to you?
If you get Covid, you might get a super mild case, or you might get really crook, you might end up in hospital.
You might end up with long symptoms.
From the vaccine, it's overwhelmingly likely you'll feel ordinary for a day or two.
Those odds seem compelling to me.

Totally agree. The vaccines and Covid can both be dangerous, though the majority of people remain unharmed.
Doesn’t explain this lie / denial / propoganda from the Australian Broadcasting Commission:
“It has given voice to a minority who genuinely believe that vaccines……can be harmful”
The vaccines CAN be harmful and here’s our National media outlet claiming that vaccines cannot be harmful. It’s not semantics, it’s an official line of disinformation.

Wait till you see a relative acutely develop a physical dysfunction which renders them unable to walk more than a few paces without difficulty and toppling over and tell me what you reckon.[/quoteI'm sure the families of all the unvaxxed who have died from covid would disagree with you.

Yep it wasn’t great wording blowin was it.
All vaccines can be harmful. And the majority of people would agree I think.
I see what you’re saying.

Whats a lie about that?
He is stating that a minority of people genuinely believe vaccines are harmful.
Isn't that your position exactly?
I can give you a dozen articles where the ABC outlined the potential harmful side effects of the AZ vaccine.
Whats your point here?

Roadkill][quote=Blowin wrote:Wait till you see a relative acutely develop a physical dysfunction which renders them unable to walk more than a few paces without difficulty and toppling over and tell me what you reckon.[/quote
I'm sure the families of all the unvaxxed who have died from covid would disagree with you.
My missus’ uncle died from the vaccine. Do you have a point? I think you’d better just quit whilst you’re behind. You e already had a big morning describing how selfish I am and having a good old attack after I’m dealing with my mother’s recently acquired disability. How about you take a back seat and forget your hypothetical fantasies in the face of what I’m actually going through?
How people like yourself and VicFool consider yourselves nice people is beyond me.

"How do you reckon you’d react?"
I'd separate the two events. A sample size of one is utter meaningless, and just because it happened in your family - vivid as the response may have been - it's meaningless in forming an objective opinion.
An emotional response, sure, you'd be heartless not to...but surely you can compare what happened in your family to the millions of safe jabs and do the cold hard math.

Here’s the cold hard math ….
10,000,000 jabs @ 0.5 % hospitalisation/ medical treatment = 50,000 severe reactions.
Only minority kooks would think that’s significant hey.
Anyway….I’ve had enough trying to discuss this issue with disinterested parties who are lucky enough to not be one of the 50,000. I hope nothing like this ever happens to anyone you know or care about. It’s life altering and it’s terrible.
I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?