Vaccinate or not

Hutchy, you wouldn't have a clue about the 'silent majority' and that you've referenced this amorphous group just really illustrates where this is coming from.
Stop lying that you're not salivating at the thought.

VL You give me too much ammunition . Time to pull your trigger finger away from the key board .
All these that you mention are EXACTLY the actions we are worried about and done in China .
When it is done here in Australia WE want it stopped OR eventually we will have to stop them !
Already we have big tech banning free speech in the West . People like Fauci lying and keeping secrets .
You are such a boofhead !
"Raiding journalists? Not a problem doesn't impact 'muh freedoms'
Arresting whistleblowers? Not a problem doesn't impact 'muh freedoms'
Locking up refugees? Not a problem doesn't impact 'muh freedoms'
Excessive govt secrecy? Not a problem doesn't impact 'muh freedoms'
Prosecuting whistleblower's lawyers? Not a problem doesn't impact 'muh freedoms'
Secret trials, Not a problem doesn't impact 'muh freedoms'

All of those are also things done by your conservative mates in power right here in Aus Hutchy.
You want it stopped? Don't vote for the Libs again then.

Hutchy …
‘Please be realistic!’
Mate might be time to just shut the fark up ;) All ya talk about burying guns in the backyard blah blah… And your exclamations on what ‘you’ have said before regarding governments and freedoms etc… And ‘your’ expert take on everything on any topic on any of these forums faaaark ! Please be realistic ;););)
Usually blowin takes the cake for ‘arrogant ignorance’ ;)
-You mentioned stuff regarding a theory on arrogance and ignorance in relation to people…
Have you properly considered the utter arrogance and blinding ignorance on display with your incessant bleating on these forums? Are you farkn bored or just another keyboard social commentator with all the answers in ‘your’ opinion but no actual solutions applicable to reality ;)
Try realise the only battle you ever fight against anything is against yourself. As in ‘your’ take on things is the only fight applicable. The people thinking ‘yeah I’ll have a gun and we’ll fight back etc’… Well… They are the ones who go first and they are the ones with the shared mentality who are already defeated. Get the fark outta here wif your opinions founded in the personal confusion of your own bullshit! If you can’t adapt to this immediate environment of hypocrisy and hysteria then don’t attempt to correct it by pushing infantile commentary and trying to profess how brave and revolutionary and intellectual you are. It’s the ramblings of a nobody who knows nothing ;) As if your version of things can really help or actually define or explain effectively anything that is going on ;)
Down the track you can be so proud when people ask you ‘what exactly were you doing during the pandemic and how exactly did you contribute or provide any service ?’
Your answer may be : ‘ummmm… by going on a surfing chat room and commenting on stuff!’
Which translates to ‘did nothing, talked shit and whinged about the situation’ ;)
Keep flogging ya dead horse… or go find some purpose beyond being an antagonist and pretending you have a superior world view than others…
Arrogance. Ignorance. Try a study on what happens to the people like yourself who exhibit and wallow in both deficiencies ;)
Blowin yesterday proudly stated after struggling with not being able to purposely interfere with someone else’s drama (kangaroo court killing) that ‘people are fucked’.
Odd that those throwing stones of that ilk are always so shaken by how they can’t control a situation that has nothing to do with them. A situation where nobody is asking for assistance, consideration or solution… Yet for some reason (like hutchy trying to be realistic) it’s every one else and everything else that is ‘fucked’. ;);)
Good entertainment and a good laugh that’s for sure. Glad I only have bout 5 mins on a Sunday to even bother adding my two cents - you guys stuck in the vortex of internet ‘communication’ are only contributing to the demise of the imaginary social cohesion and freedom that is supposedly at stake! ;);)

None of my mates do this . No problem arresting ANY person who ILLEGALLY enters Australia or anything illegal that carries a prison sentence .
If there is a secret trial you boofheads would not have heard of it as it is a secret . Please name one secret trial ! There are many trials were details and names are secret .

Plenty of articles on Denmark the last day or two.
They have 99% of health workers fully vaccinated, 95% of over 50's fully vaccinated and 80% of people over 12 years of age fully vaccinated.
Pretty good position, they will get more waves but at least most people are vaccinated.
I think it's mostly Pfizer they stopped with AZ and J&J early in the year
BTW. NZ picked up a lot of their excess Pfizer

If you had said the same to VL and Roadkill who both comment on this thread WAY more than I do your post would have weight . I will take no notice of you !

Who would I vote for ? The Greens and GreenLabor would be much worse !!!!!

Current Australia vaccination rates
6.7.4% over 16 at least one dose
42.3% over 16 fully vaccinated.

Hutchy 19 wrote:Jellyfish
If you had said the same to VL and Roadkill who both comment on this thread WAY more than I do your post would have weight . I will take no notice of you !
Consider yourself lucky jellyfish. However, he won’t ignore you as the impulse to scream and dribble is too strong.

Hutchy 19 wrote:None of my mates do this . No problem arresting ANY person who ILLEGALLY enters Australia or anything illegal that carries a prison sentence .
If there is a secret trial you boofheads would not have heard of it as it is a secret . Please name one secret trial ! There are many trials were details and names are secret .
Glad to see that you are onboard with jailing of those who incite protests during a pandemic Hutchy, more maturity than I would have credited you with.

"If there is a secret trial you boofheads would not have heard of it as it is a secret . Please name one secret trial ! "
Here's a couple of trials with a level of secrecy way beyond acceptable legal principles in western nations and akin to authoritarian dictatorships.
"The Independent National Security Legislation Monitor (INSLM) is examining the case of Witness J, a former military intelligence officer who was charged, sentenced and imprisoned in 2018 in complete secrecy in the Australian Capital Territory.
Witness J pleaded guilty to the disclosure of confidential information and served out a sentence in Canberra’s jail without any public knowledge, due to secrecy imposed by the National Security Information Act (NSI Act) and orders agreed to by commonwealth prosecutors, the attorney general and Witness J’s lawyers."
See Hutchy19. I can back up my claims. You on the other hand go searching for a gun to overthrow the state you complete and utter barmpot.

interesting numbers...
"Covid facts
Australia has a population of approximately 25,806,000.
The average life expectancy in Australia is 82.8.
As at October 2020 the average age of death from Covid in Australia was approximately 85 and the median age at death approximately 86.
The overall case fatality rate (CFR) for Covid in Australia is approximately1.6% (1053 out of 63,604) (as at 7 September 2021). This is very similar to the CFR in other developed countries including the USA, UK, France and Spain.
More than 75% (47,897 out of 63,604) of persons diagnosed with Covid in Australia (as at 7 September 2021) are under 50
As at 7 September 2021 the CFR for Covid in Australians aged under 50 is <0.034% (16 out of 47,897). This can also be expressed as approximately 4 out of every 12,000 cases.
From 1 January to 1 August 2021 the hospital admission rate of Covid cases in Australians aged under 50 was approximately 7.2% (287 out of 3973). Of these, 39 cases were admitted to ICU equating to an ICU admission rate of 0.98% (39 out of 3973) in the under 50 age group
The majority of Covid cases recover without clinical intervention. The severity of disease and CFR generally increase according to increasing age, i.e. the older you are the more seriously it is likely to affect you."
"...Approximately 66% (700 out of 1053) of Covid deaths in Australia (as at 7 September 2021) have occurred in aged care.
Out of 894 cases of people aged over 90 who have tested positive to Covid, 557 have survived (as at 7 September 2021). This means that even those aged over 90 have a statistical chance of over 60% of overcoming Covid."
"...Approximately 73% of people who have died from Covid in Australia had pre-existing chronic conditions certified on the death certificate. Approximately 87% of all deaths due to COVID-19 have other conditions listed on the death certificate.
In 2021 there have been 35,179 positive Covid cases in Australia. There have been 144 recorded deaths in Covid positive patients. This equates to a case fatality rate in Australia in 2021 of 0.41%.
As at 7 September 2021, the current hospitalisation rate for Covid cases in Australia is 4.6% (1278 out of 27,797). The current ICU admission rate of Covid cases in Australia is 0.8% (220 out of 27,797).
In 2018 (the most recent information available) there were approximately 96,000 hospital beds and in 2020 2,378 ICU beds (baseline capacity prior to surge capacity) in Australia. Currently, 1278 Covid cases account for 1.33% of that hospital bed capacity and 9.25% of ICU baseline capacity (not including surge capacity added since the advent of Covid) in Australia.
Since the start of the ‘Delta wave’ in Australia on roughly 1 July 2021, there have been 32,920 Covid cases and 144 deaths. This equates to a CFR of 0.44%. This is significantly lower than the overall Covid CFR of 2.97% prior to the ‘Delta wave’, demonstrating that although it is more infectious it is far less deadly."
"Covid testing
Each Covid test performed by private providers/health facilities is subsidised through Medicare to the amount of $85.Each Covid test performed through the public health system is subsidised through Medicare to the amount of $42.50.
As of 8 September 2021, there had been 33,227,789 Covid tests performed in Australia. Only 0.19% of these have been positive.
In NSW this testing was performed at a rate of roughly 60% private and 40% public. Extrapolating the data on a national basis and estimated at a rate of an even 50% split between private and public testing, it appears that over $2 billion dollars of taxpayer money has been spent by the Federal Government on Covid testing.
As of 8 September 2021, there had been 4,101,241 Covid tests performed in Qld. Again based on an estimated even split of 50% private and 50% public testing it is estimated that the Medicare bill for Covid testing in Queensland has amounted to over $250,000,000."
"Some comparisons with influenza
In Australia in 2019 there were over 300,000 cases of influenza, approximately 4000 hospitalisations and over 800 deaths. There were no restrictions or lockdowns.
In 2017 in Queensland there were 264 confirmed deaths from influenza, with 58,616 lab-confirmed cases of the disease officially recorded. This equates to a CFR of 0.47%. The number of deaths attributed to influenza in Queensland in 2017 is 37 times the number of deaths from Covid in Queensland since the beginning of the pandemic. However, there were no restrictions or lockdowns.
In 2019 in Queensland there were again 264 confirmed deaths from influenza, with 68,148 lab-confirmed cases of the disease officially recorded. This equates to a CFR of 0.38%. The number of deaths attributed to influenza in Queensland in 2019 is 37 times the number of deaths from Covid in Queensland since the beginning of the pandemic. However, there were no restrictions or lockdowns.
In Qld in 2020 there were 6047 confirmed cases of influenza. 309 were admitted to hospital and 28 of these were admitted to ICU. There were 20 confirmed deaths due to influenza, more than 3 times the number of Covid related deaths..."
yeh yeh, its the spectator... but I assume this is satisfactory...
"...A key source of information for this article is the Australian Government Department of Health Coronavirus (COVID-19) case numbers and statistics website, which is updated daily and presents the statistics as a snapshot at a particular point in time...."

Interesting sypkan, can you tell me - how aggrieved should we feel (1-10 will suffice), and who is responsible?

When you say "who is responsible" are you referring to the world health org?

"The particularly sensitive nature of the material to be exposed in the proceeding, and the grave harm that could occur if the material became public, outweighed the desirability of ensuring that proceedings before the Court are open to the public," Justice Burns said in a note to the reporters.
"The decision to close the Court was not taken lightly," he told them, adding that he regretted not being able to say any more.
It is understood his lack of candour prompted concerns being raised with Witness J about how he was conducting himself as a single man in the South-East Asian capital. There was a worry he could be compromised.
This coincided with a mental health crisis, which is not uncommon with people who have given many years' service in hostile environments.
His employer said Witness J had breached secrecy provisions. It believed he was acting so dangerously, he was imperilling lives, national security and the very working environment of his colleagues."
As I said there are trials that that details are made secret due to sensitive material . The judge in this case made that decision and regretted not being able to say more . He did not make the decision lightly .
What right or information do you have to question his decision ?
If or when I go searching for a gun I will ask you for advice barmpot .

Im not particularly aggrieved at all...
a little amazed, totally confused, and occasionally flabberghasted... but definitely not aggrieved...
but if I was gonna be... this'd be a good start...
"When you say "who is responsible" are you referring to the world health org?"

tbh, I feel more let down and ripped off than anything...
some of us like to believe the WHO are the good guys

Unlike the WHO , UN, CDC , FDA , TGA ,FBI , CIA etc our Judiciary are INDEPENDENT from government or outside influence .
It is one of the things that makes Australia the greatest county on Earth !
Too many on this site abuse our judges and magistrates just because they disagree with their decisions .

“Our Judiciary are INDEPENDENT from government or outside influence .”
Yeah, nah.

Just talked to a chemist in South melbourne who explained to me why he took the AZ over the Pfizer, one of his clients had a triple heart attack attributed to the vaccine. Early 40s no underlying conditions. Take one for the team ay Vic Local. There is direct censorship happening in the media and Vic Local is ok with it. He's ok with collateral damage and autocracy.

insider, I'm going to call bullshit on your chemist story, which you say is being covered up by the media in Victoria. "Heart Attacks" are not an observable side effect of the Pfizer vaccine.
Sure someone may have had one around the same time as they got the vaccine, but correlation doesn't = causation. Given there's been 6 million doses in Vic, some people are going to get sick soon after they get the jab. This doesn't mean the latter caused the former.

You call bullshit then I'll call you fuckwit. How dare you question my integrity or the health professional I spoke to today you righteous fuck. Wanker of the highest order.

By hickory sticks that escalated quickly.

"How dare you question my integrity"
Maate. Don't feel all sad about it.
You've basically said you know a bloke, who knows another bloke, who had a triple heart attack and it's caused by the vaccine, and the media is covering it up. That may impress the anti-vaxxers trying to confirm their biases, but it sure as shit doesn't impress me.
If the Pfizer vaccine caused heart attacks, it would be observable all around the world. A causal relationship between vaccine and heart attack would also be huge news all around the world. It isn't, and it's not due to some massive media / medical cover up.
Myocarditis (heart swelling) is a known, but rare side, effect of the Pfizer vaccine.
This is from a reputable source. (slightly more reliable than hearsay on a surf forum.)
What You Need to Know
Cases of myocarditis reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)external icon have occurred:
After mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna), especially in male adolescents and young adults,
More often after the second dose
Usually within several days after vaccination
Most patients with myocarditis or pericarditis who received care responded well to medicine and rest and felt better quickly.
Patients can usually return to their normal daily activities after their symptoms improve. Those who have been diagnosed with myocarditis should consult with their cardiologist (heart doctor) about return to exercise or sports.

My parents doctor is a very wise and gentle man, who is currently jabbing as many people as he can as he is pro vaccine. His 23 yo son had heart problems immediately after Pfizer.
They’re uncommon but they’re out there.
He blames the Pfizer

A quick google search will show there has been some rare cases of heart related conditions linked to Pfizer.
A teen girl in Singapore had a heart attack after Pfizer and got a pay out, a NZ women also died of from a heavy attack after Pfizer.
But rare as hens teeth, and who's to say even without the vaccine they might have ended up having a heart attack, the vaccine might have just speed things up or been the trigger.

Teen who had heart attack after vaccine dose to receive $225,000
New Zealand has reported what it believes to be its first death linked to the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine.
An independent vaccine safety monitoring board said the woman's death was "probably" due to myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle.

Interesting read:
"COVID-19 is spreading faster in Victoria than NSW
The COVID-19 Delta outbreak is growing faster in Victoria than NSW despite the faster and harder lockdown in Victoria, which also started its outbreak with higher vaccination coverage.
Infections are still lower in Victoria than NSW for the same stage of the pandemic, with Victoria reaching a three-day rolling average of 369 daily cases on September 11, the 62nd day since the first case in the community. NSW reached its 62nd day on August 16 with a three-day rolling average of 427.3 daily cases.
But epidemiologists warn Victoria’s outbreak is now accelerating more quickly and is set to overtake NSW unless both vaccination uptake and lockdown compliance improve.
Professor Catherine Bennett, the chair in epidemiology at Deakin University, says this should be the end of arguing over whether the NSW or Victorian approach was better.
“Sydney always took a more of a nutcracker approach, but that didn’t work when it came to Delta,” she said.
“We [Victoria] came in with a sledgehammer, but that still didn’t work. There’s probably not as much difference between, in terms of effectiveness, the sledgehammer, and the nutcracker - I think it was a bit of a distraction for all of us.”
Professor Bennett said both contact tracing and lockdowns worked against the earlier variants of COVID-19 but neither of them had managed to stop the Delta variant, even in combination.
Rest of article here

Yup Indo, correct. Recorded adverse events for mRNA vaccs indicate a (v small) risk of heart inflamation, particularly in young males under 30. Still more likely to die from asprin or panadol.

I hope that high horse you ride Vic Local bucks you off. You fucking moron. By the way I'm not anti vax either you patronising cunt

"But rare as hens teeth, and who's to say even without the vaccine they might have ended up having a heart attack, the vaccine might have just speed things up or been the trigger."
And then again, it might not have speed things up at all.
Given there's been 5.66 billion doses administered, there's going to be a few heart attacks in and around the jabs. That doesn't mean the vaccine caused the heart attacks.
BTW guys, I got a sick barrel the other day just after my jab. Thanks Astra Zeneca.

"By the way I'm not anti vax either you patronising cunt"
I didn't say you were.

blackers wrote:Yup Indo, correct. Recorded adverse events for mRNA vaccs indicate a (v small) risk of heart inflamation, particularly in young males under 30. Still more likely to die from asprin or panadol.
Yeah Asprin linked to thousands of deaths a year worldwide (generally those who take it daily for hearth conditions), Australia has had about 200 deaths in ten years to Panadol. (basically overdosing)
Pretty much anything and everything is linked to death, people have even died from drinking to much water.

Indo, I've got to say, the quality of your posting has been pretty good lately. Much more measured and good sources.
When Professor Catherine Bennett starts issuing warnings like this, we should be paying attention. She's been a very accurate expert over the last 18 months.
I get the feeling we are in for a very rough few months. Lockdown compliance has gone out the window, much of it encouraged by a rabble Victorian LNP opposition.

Inzider- Don’t take these people to heart , mate. They seem to have wedded their identity to the vaccines and therefore the vaccines are sacred and pristine religious rites. It’s no longer simply medicine but morphed into cult.
I’ve been called a liar a couple of times on these forums after my Mum got very crook amongst others I know. Just ignore them completely. Say your piece and just accept you’ll have crew try to delegitimise everything by any means possible. It’s not a discussion in good faith they’re after. I don’t even think that certain parties care what’s being debated as long as they get to hurl the sort of abuse you’d hear from a gormless tweenager using his newly discovered blue language in front of his mates. Insults definitely have a place on these forums but if you’re signing off every post by calling fellow posters “dopey fuckers” and “ stupid dangerous cunts “ whilst reportedly being a polite , Mousey person in real life there’s something amiss. Ignore it.
Anyway mate. Heart attacks are heavy stuff for anyone let alone a young person. The risks are real. I read your post and found it interesting but not surprising. The side effects of the vaccine are definitely minimised by the media and government.
New treatment for covid…no doubt naturopaths will start writing scripts.
Take 1 dose daily after being alarmed at what other uneducated clowns post about covid and govt control.

I'm hearing ya blowin.
I'm just venting a bit coz I'm stuck in OZ and can't get home. It's just the internet. But certain people on this site are sanctamonius gits who obviously have superiority complexes and can't just agree to disagree.
Glad you got barreled Vic Local all the best with your lot.
Over and out

Blowin wrote:The side effects of the vaccine are definitely minimised by the media and government.
Not having go but are they?
I don't consume much mainstream media; mostly listen to the ABC on the radio.
There was a huge fuss made about the blood clotting issue with the AZ vaccine.
here's an example:
I've heard about the myocarditis issue with the Pfizer shot for young men.
Seems to be being covered pretty well from the sources I access.

Blowin wrote:Inzider- Don’t take these people to heart , mate. They seem to have wedded their identity to the vaccines and therefore the vaccines are sacred and pristine religious rites. It’s no longer simply medicine but morphed into cult.
I’ve been called a liar a couple of times on these forums after my Mum got very crook amongst others I know. Just ignore them completely. Say your piece and just accept you’ll have crew try to delegitimise everything by any means possible. It’s not a discussion in good faith they’re after. I don’t even think that certain parties care what’s being debated as long as they get to hurl the sort of abuse you’d hear from a gormless tweenager using his newly discovered blue language in front of his mates. Insults definitely have a place on these forums but if you’re signing off every post by calling fellow posters “dopey fuckers” and “ stupid dangerous cunts “ whilst reportedly being a polite , Mousey person in real life there’s something amiss. Ignore it.
Anyway mate. Heart attacks are heavy stuff for anyone let alone a young person. The risks are real. I read your post and found it interesting but not surprising. The side effects of the vaccine are definitely minimised by the media and government.
And ending your posts wanting people to die? What sort of person would sign off a post calling for that blowin? On multiple occasions. What sort of person is that in real life?
So quick to pull the victim card hey.

Hey Inzider. Good luck getting back to NZ.
Yes I'm a big vaccine fan, and yes I do call out the dubious information surrounding it. I've read through our little interaction and think your initial post was made in good faith. I just question the reliability of the evidence. Very much hearsay.
I want as many people as possible to get vaccinated so they can get back home to families. I'd like to spend Christmas with my interstate folks, and that very much relies on high levels of vaccination.
So when I see someone say a vaccine caused a triple heart attack (without reliable evidence to back it up) I can get on my high horse.
Nothing would please me more than to have 90+% vaccination rates in Oz and NZ with lots of happy family reunions. Dubious claims of heart attacks caused by vaccines is a great way to ensure it doesn't happen.
Once again good luck getting back to NZ
Oh and blowin, your vaccine cover up conspiracy theory, is just more pure unmitigated bullshit, and it's very much counterproductive to Inzider's goal of getting back to NZ.

Teen who had heart attack after vaccine dose to receive $225,000
New Zealand has reported what it believes to be its first death linked to the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine.
An independent vaccine safety monitoring board said the woman's death was "probably" due to myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle.[/quote

VL, I think NZ will get to over 90% easily. AUS will struggle to get to 90%.
Nearly everyone I speak to in NZ are on the correct team…AUS still has hesitancy due to a vocal anti vax crew spreading lies.

Roadkill wrote:VL, I think NZ will get to over 90% easily. AUS will struggle to get to 90%.
Nearly everyone I speak to in NZ are on the correct team…AUS still has hesitancy due to a vocal anti vax crew spreading lies.
Here is a nice little wrap up of the anti-vax / anti lockdown grifters
These guys get a very large leg up by the sky news after dark mob too.
It's their leap to victimhood that is the most pathetic / profitable.

Andy “Our Judiciary are INDEPENDENT from government or outside influence .”
Yeah, nah.
That is exactly how our judiciary was set up and is supposed to work .
No system or person is perfect and mistakes are sometimes made . That's why the system has a another higher court where appeals can be heard .
Roadkill -" And ending your posts wanting people to die? What sort of person would sign off a post calling for that blowin? On multiple occasions. What sort of person is that in real life?"
Your mate VicLocal is the answer . I am sure he cringed when he saw what you wrote .

Mate of mine, oldest friend actually but we’re not super close anymore due to life etc, had a very strange episode recently. He’s 43.
Had headaches getting progressively worse over a couple of days, then on Friday a week ago got a call from his boss asking if he was coming into work - he’d slept in. Got up, dragged himself into work.
Next thing, his wife gets a call from his boss - old mate is in an ambulance on his way to emergency. Had been increasingly disorientated, erratic and not knowing any of his colleagues at work.
Ended up in hospital over the weekend, ICU, heavily sedated. Ended up getting released on Monday or Tuesday. Apparently can’t remember a single thing about the whole episode.
Turns out he had something like a brain infection. But they can’t work out what it was. Couldn’t pin it down to being viral or bacterial. Weird. The only thing ‘different’ he’d done was his first AZ shot about a week prior to the episode. Causal or correlated? Doctors apparently found it interesting. Sent him a message with best wishes etc. Haven’t spoken to him directly, story relayed thru parents. Have a lot of questions but I’ll wait til he’s out of the woods.
(I’m fully vax’d, this isn’t an anti vax post)

Didn't the High Court hasten Australia's path into totalitarianism, or communism, or something, with its unanimous decision in Palmer v. Western Australia?
After all, freedom of movement is a fundamental human right, right? And our constitution affirms it. Section 92: 'intercourse among the States… shall be absolutely free'. About the only right it acknowledges. So it must be important. Fundamental.
You surely agree that the decision in this matter sets the most dangerous of precedents. Opens the door nicely for any premier or prime minister with a dictatorial bent. And yet you defend these judges? Actively take their side. These fascists, or communists, or something.
You ain't no Montanan son. No one born and bred in Big Sky country, who really loves freedom, would put up with crap such as this, from declared enemies of the people, such as these judges.
Allez Hutchy! Aux armes citoyens...

Vic Local wrote:"But rare as hens teeth, and who's to say even without the vaccine they might have ended up having a heart attack, the vaccine might have just speed things up or been the trigger."
And then again, it might not have speed things up at all.
Given there's been 5.66 billion doses administered, there's going to be a few heart attacks in and around the jabs. That doesn't mean the vaccine caused the heart attacks.BTW guys, I got a sick barrel the other day just after my jab. Thanks Astra Zeneca.
Calling bullshit on your barrel.
I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?