Vaccinate or not

Your opinion means nothing Sheep Shagger. You’re obviously uneducated mate. That counts you out of the “Team”.
Hit the change rooms, Champ.

A legal perspective of discrimination against no-vaxxers:

Blowin wrote:Your opinion means nothing Sheep Shagger. You’re obviously uneducated mate. That counts you out of the “Team”.
Hit the change rooms, Champ.
Why do you think i was talking about you?

Roadkill wrote:Blowin wrote:Gawd…..the old “uneducated” slur gets thrown around like confetti these days doesn’t it?
If the cap fits….and it is true..and you wanted facts.
blowin might have a point. There's nothing wrong with being "uneducated" in that many people left school early due to their limited circumstances.
"Uneducated" is probably not the best word for the anti-vaxxers. "Stupid" and "arseholes" are more appropriate terms.
Hey blowin, Some of my good mates left school at 15. They still have keen minds and are good company despite not having a formal education beyond year 9. Being uneducated isn't a problem. Being uneducated while sneering at experts and graduates turns uneducated people into stupid arseholes. Revelling in ones ignorance seems to be popular these days. Just saying.

overthefalls wrote:A legal perspective of discrimination against no-vaxxers:
I had a read of that rubbish.
Legal discrimination between vaccinated/ unvaccinated is predicted on the posit that there is an absolute division between the possibility of spreading the virus. That is, a shop keeper can refuse service if you are capable of spreading the virus. This is an untenable position as the vaccinated can spread the virus as surely as the unvaccinated.
The grounds for refusal therefore stray into the territory of punitive punishment for not submitting to a medical procedure….again this is just laughable.
Discrimination based on whether you are currently infectious might be a possibility but not that propaganda. Even then it’s a pisstake. A shopkeeper can’t discriminate on medical grounds. You’re not allowed to stop someone with AIDS from swimming in the local pool and you can’t stop someone with the flu from strolling through a crowded shopping centre.
It’s just another bought and paid for opinion trying to convince the recalcitrants that their Vaccine resistance is futile. Ignore it.

sheep shagger wrote:Blowin wrote:Your opinion means nothing Sheep Shagger. You’re obviously uneducated mate. That counts you out of the “Team”.
Hit the change rooms, Champ.
Why do you think i was talking about you?
I assumed so but it makes no difference in the eyes of those on here with the right education mate. If you can’t spell narcissist then your thoughts don’t deserve a guernsey. Not my call.

Oh look he's a lawyer now. Where did you get your degree blowin?

Vic Local wrote:Oh look he's a lawyer now. Where did you get your degree blowin?
I don’t have to be a lawyer to know that bloke’s opinion is horseshit, but I’ll guarantee there’s a thousand lawyers in Australia that’ll kick him to the kerb if he ever puts his little fascist fantasy through the courts.

he could pass anything.. except a mirror.

sheep shagger wrote:he could pass anything.. except a mirror.
On the contrary. It’s been a great delight of mine to watch any shred of physical vanity I may have possessed as a younger person slip away as life progressed. It’s certainly made life simpler and more enjoyable. Ironically and thankfully enough, it seems that people find a person who is less consumed by their appearance more attractive than someone who is lost under their own gaze.
Shave regularly, clean clothes and don’t drool when talking ticks enough boxes these days.

Who to believe about restrictions for un-vaxxed people? the discrimination law lecturer or blowin "I don’t have to be a lawyer" on Swellnet.

Vic Local wrote:Who to believe about restrictions for un-vaxxed people? the discrimination law lecturer or blowin "I don’t have to be a lawyer" on Swellnet.
It’s speculation from all parties at the moment. You don’t think the SMH could find a Discrimination law lecturer with an entirely opposing opinion if that’s the opinion the SMH sought?
You understand how the media works don’t you? Actually I imagine that you probably believe you have to have a degree in media studies to divine that sort of inside circle insight.
Who knows? Perhaps your Little Hitler dream will come true and many businesses become unviable because theyve elected to limit their custom to those that can’t spread the virus? Oh, wait….that’s not right is it? The vaccinated are just as capable of spreading the virus as the unvaccinated aren’t they? You’ll have to explain the legal justification for segregating society again if you don’t mind….it all seems to be more about the vibe of it all right now.
Is that a legal thing ….”The vibe”?

foul gronk.. team, let's move on from this toxicty.

You go ahead and leave, Sheep Shagger. We’ll catch up to you later. I swear we will. Then you can tell us the really cool, interesting stuff you’ve avoided mentioning in all your posts so far.

I understand how the media works blowin, but you clearly have zero understanding of how the law works.
There's already a very large body of legislation in the consumer law and workplace health and safety areas, making it perfectly legal to deny unvaxxed people service, work, or entry to premises.
It's actually fucking hilarious you think your legal opinion is more valid than a law lecturer's. Keep revelling in your ignorance champ.

“There's already a very large body of legislation in the consumer law and workplace health and safety areas, making it perfectly legal to deny unvaxxed people service, work, or entry to premises.“
“Oh look he's a lawyer now. Where did you get your degree Blowin”

We will have to wait and see.
One thing we will be waiting to see is the “No jab, no entry” fascists fold when they alienate a healthy slice of their customers.

Melbourne will be like a war zone tomorrow I’m tipping.
Two week instant shut down of construction sites. From tonight

goofyfoot wrote:Melbourne will be like a war zone tomorrow I’m tipping.
Two week instant shut down of construction sites. From tonight
One thing that is for sure, when the construction industry does reopen, those anti-vax scumbags will not be getting on any union sites.

"Melbourne will be like a war zone tomorrow I’m tipping.
Two week instant shut down of construction sites. From tonight"
really? ...for what reason?
ol' danny boy never ceases to amaze with his tendency to heavy handedness...
and inability to read a room...

unions are onto it.. dont keep me out of work coz your missus talks anti-vaxs shit in your ear. or some weak bellend
remember polio.. no, you don't because we vaxed it away.

These quick-to-turn-violent cry babies think they have support. They do not. They're a minority.
172,000 people turned up and did their part for the greater good today, a few hundred flogs went to vent their anger and confusion.

Great article Syp. Seemed very balanced without the usual hysteria.
And the takeout from that basically comes at the end (spoiler alert)- I guess we'll never really know.

"These quick-to-turn-violent cry babies think they have support. They do not. They're a minority.
172,000 people turned up and did their part for the greater good today, a few hundred flogs went to vent their anger and confusion."
I honestly don't give a shit either way, I'm just enjoying the spectacle of it all...
but I've gotta say, it's a bit much expecting all the building industry to have had their first vax by thursday or don't come to work... when the police, hospitals, and emergency services don't even yet have mandatory vaccinations...
just sayin...

"really? ...for what reason?"
Because they've just cost every construction worker in Melbourne and lockdown LGAs two weeks wages.
I reckon Dan has read the room perfectly. So many construction workers have behaved like absolute fucking idiots. Spreading covid and then holding that idiotic protest blocking tram routes over tea rooms. Today's madness was just another display of sheer stupidity from rogue elements in the industry
The union and builders have worked really hard to keep sites safe and there's a large number of fucking idiots wrecking it for everyone else. Vaccination rates are low in the industry and covid compliance is poor. That's why so many cases are associated with work sites.
There's got to be consequences for Covidiocy.

...funny, john setka doesn't talk like you... at all...
I think its you that should get pelted with bottles
poor setka, always the fall guy

Blowin wrote:More to the point that Australians used to be egalitarian, not this stupid notion of thinking someone is less intelligent because of their level of education. That’s the rubbish that the Poms built their assumptions about the “intrinsic stupidity” of the naked locals upon, whilst they themselves staggered around Sydney Harbour in February wearing wool coats whilst fighting over rum.
Just out of interest…..this academic level you attained, of which you’re so proud and of which you use to elevate your own opinions, Roadkill ….what is it?
Don't confuse 'educated' with 'informed'.
I'm educated, but am not fully informed on this subject matter, as such I listen to experts.
Generally, it's a tendency of smart people (educated or not) to recognise when they're correctly informed or ill-informed.
As is always the problem with these types of divisive, politicised, scientific issue - you have the ill-informed blazing their own trail of stupidity (which more often than not, is damaging).
This isn't a question of intelligence, it's a question of whether or not you are able to truly understand where your information is coming from, and why you've made a conscious decision to agree with it or reject it.

‘because they’ve just shut down the construction industry’ - Ah here he goes again. God damn it VL. On Saturday it was the freedom march mob who shut down the trains and trams, today the construction crew who have shut down the industry. Wow man you just can’t bring yourself to realise that the tactics being pulled by the VIC government are shit fuckery 101 executed to get scared, angry, confused folk like you and stok blaming your fellow man for it.. they just don’t want the fkn jab. Who cares. Let em put food on the table for their families. Divide and conquer 101. Wake up Australia.

Stok you’re out-smarting yourself overseeing a fundamental flaw in your argument. And that is.... For fk sake you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know when ya getting sold a lemon. That shit doesn’t need education or logic or critical thinking. You just know...

Lack of education Shorty?
Would you say that would be the first flaw or ground flaw?

Paw flawm zen

Sorry mate, couldn't help myself.
All good.

Thanks corrected:)

Some of you lot are a bit of a worry.
Scary what happens to people in these points in history, hey boys?
You sure you are directing the hate at the right people?
The numbers are there for all to see.

indo-dreaming wrote:wax24 wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Yeah just watched it, guys are up front in the physical action but crowd is pretty diverse in age and sex(no such thing as gender) few different ethnic groups represented too.
Good to see police taking thing seriously, just hope they do the same in the future with other protest that break the law.
Not poking at your point, Indo, at all. Just wanna insert that there are two sexes, but as many as 63 genders currently recognized, although these delineations are still somewhat new and it depends on who you talk to. I am inserting this because i see a great many kids here in SeppoLand who are struggling mightily with gender identity and are considering ending it all rather than continue to struggle, and it breaks my heart to see it. I don't relate to all this info always (i grew up with 2 genders/sexes,, and, oh yeah, there are some gays and less lesbians), but i always just want to help them however i can. It is a silent epidemic.
Indo, again, please don't take offense, i am not directing this at you.No offence taken, but can you prove gender is real?
How many genders are there 63 now what's the final number?
And what are these genders actually based on?
Gender isn't real, its just a belief just like someone believing they are filled with the spirit of god or something.
Being one sex and feeling more masculine or feminine than most people feel doesn't make you a new gender or even a different sex, it just means you feel more masculine or feminine than the majority, but this isn't new in the past for instance we called girls who were more into aspects males traditionally dig as tom boys.
By all means we can respect peoples right to believe what they like, like they are gender number 63 or believe they are filled with the spirit of god or whatever, but at the same time im still going to think both are a bit loopy and i have my right to say well i don't believe in genders or i don't believe in god. (or gods)
We also shouldn't be forced into believing in these things ourself be it gender or god, or be cancelled for questioning the concept of gender or saying i dont believe its real etc as long as im not targeting an individual or inciting hate. (i say this because now on social media people can be banned for completely non hateful things like misgendering or basically things like what even said above)
In regard to a person of one biological sex be it male or female believing they were born in the wrong body and wanting to be the opposite sex, i dont have any issue with that, i will even be happy to address them by a proper non made up pronoun like him or she, but thats actually completely different that isn't gender, thats just identifying as the opposite sex.
Hey Indo. I posted what i did for one reason. To try and alert all who read it that people are being harmed by lack of understanding of their feelings or identity. I didn't mean to try to convince you, or anyone else, to believe in the 63 (or whatever number) genders. You obviously are free to feel the way you do. And, i can understand and relate to any mild exasperation at having to sort through all that. It is a bit much. I won't try to speak to all 63 genders. I am not that knowledgable about all of it, and it is a somewhat fluid count at present, but your example at the bottom of your reply is actually an example of gender. Transgender, to be specific. Sex is to do with biology and gender more to do with social construction. I am not sure it all needs to be segregated as deeply as it is (63?!), but when i speak with someone who identifes any particular way, i shelve my opinion and respect them in the moment. Sometimes, literally though it seems dramatic, their life is hanging on it. My need to prop up my beliefs take a back seat to being of service. Just you and I having a chat? We are probably much more aligned than this post would make it seem. Anyways, wishing you a great surf, whenever it is that you get out there.

Roadkill wrote:wax24 wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Yeah just watched it, guys are up front in the physical action but crowd is pretty diverse in age and sex(no such thing as gender) few different ethnic groups represented too.
Good to see police taking thing seriously, just hope they do the same in the future with other protest that break the law.
Not poking at your point, Indo, at all. Just wanna insert that there are two sexes, but as many as 63 genders currently recognized, although these delineations are still somewhat new and it depends on who you talk to. I am inserting this because i see a great many kids here in SeppoLand who are struggling mightily with gender identity and are considering ending it all rather than continue to struggle, and it breaks my heart to see it. I don't relate to all this info always (i grew up with 2 genders/sexes,, and, oh yeah, there are some gays and less lesbians), but i always just want to help them however i can. It is a silent epidemic.
Indo, again, please don't take offense, i am not directing this at you.Wtf dies this have to do with vaccinations? This is about as 180 degree turn as it could be.
Hey Roadkill. It has nothing to do with vaccinations. It does have to do with medicine and consideration, which are related, if ya like. If i wait til people are amenable to listening to what i said, i would never say it. And it needs to be said, respectfully, where it pops up. Again, i am not crusading for the notion of 63 (or whatever number it becomes) genders. As i said, i am not fully on board with that. But the number of suicides and self harm, amongst kids, is, well it is a silent epidemic. A little consideration for anothers belief, in this case, won't harm you (or me), whereas a lack thereof can do great harm. Just asking folks to try to be mindful. If ya don't wanna engage or think it poppycock... skip it. Have a good day. (not sure what time it is where you are. It's early morn here.

Now sounding a bit too supafreaky supafreak...
Good call as Punk Nik is tbb's mentor...most likely that tbb tuned into Guru Nik's wave length.
tbb is isolated so can best serve our Nation by reserving Vax for a more pressing Oz science future need.
Oz needs 1million unvaxed for next 4 years (2.5m/10 yrs)... just to keep Vaxerz immune from Covid!
This is very real alright, as all nearby Southern Missions & soon Kidz will be Vaxed...Wot then?
Where does Australia buy 2.5 million Vax Lab Rats...we Hesitants need to advance to next level Vax!
tbb is not joking & believes Aussie Trials are an easier sell & would upgrade Hesitant Status...Win! Win!
eg: tbb would more likely step up for Aussie Nik's Trial Vax...just saying Oz King Punk has trust & cred.
Time for tough talkin'...again...we're getting down to the pointy end so this should get under yer skin...
tbb writes in extra personal so best to read this draft in odd person Goldie Basher Punk ...rough'n'raw!
What sounds personal is not an attack on vaxerz. Ok! for tbb to play the bipolar card about now!
tbb salutes the brave sacrifice from Vax or Not crew that inspires hesitants...too easy to share that!
Please don't cheapen that sentiment as specific to this Pandemic or Vax...treasured healthy inspiration!
As usual this is more about the exploitation of a Pandemic by Monsters.
All Hail....your new Masters... All Salute UK VIP Champion Covid Spreaderz
10% Neutral rise in under 18 but with expected 20% incubation infectious breakthrus in 16-18 y/o.
Across all Ages > No Vax is least infectious & is booking outta hospital faster than all vaxerz.
No Vax are lumbered with recoveries & 1 doser/z are near neutral or dropping Covid in all age adults.
PHE Stats reveal the underbelly to their contrived Goody 2 shoes {Vaxer Pass}
Chosen Ones are banking off Record Delta to superspread Covid thru all ages.
Ages 18-40 Freedom Vaxerz are running around spreading more Covid than all others.
Ages 40-70 All are packing up...but Freedom Vaxerz are superspreading Covid above record Delta tide.
Ages 70-80+ Double Vaxerz are spreading most Covid from care home to Bingo...(Nowhere to hide)
This is the telling truth...Delta is dying but Freedom Vaxers are monstering Covid well & above Delta!
Best Science + Good Health are speechless & left for dead...this be the work of the Devil.
Big Pharma got it's arse kicked by Delta so fitted a harness to ride their rabid pet Covid Godzilla.
Big Pharma Rollouts can now override our boring Seasonal Virus Calendar...( Man made Viral Change!)
Can now rollout a Virus at any speed or delayed, extended time period that suits thy maker!
Humanity are now puppets with without Flu or Hayfever season to sneeze away house trained Covid.
TV Land Robot Battalions deployed to muscle out a mini me mob unable to squeeze out a Covid fart.
Now all stand & salute Govt Air Strikes upon cities with fully laden essentially blind Covid Missiles.
TV Land: "Go Boys! Bring it on home!" VAX VAX VAX ~ One of Us One of Us One of Us!
Now far superior than puny Delta...Govt's can superspread any City they choose in a day or week tops!
MSM "Quick, squeeze in sure to film that pathetic Hesitant squirming and begging for Vax!"
(Hyper Local Outbreaks!) Yes! There is a word for this contrived Doomsday encirclement Vax Chaos!
Time after time all stats show Ramped Rollout ramping Covid spikes & Vax delays starve poor Covid.
Double Vaxer Freedom now boasts it can ramp Covid...true to form. (Who would of thunk it...durr!)
2x Infection > Cases > Emergency > Hospital > Deaths on every Govt Hospital chart...Tick Tick Boom!
Govts are no fools, Covid was too slow > Since Jan they censor > ramp'n'reward Vax Herd immunity.
Jan example...12,400 Vaxerz test [+] for Covid + 69/2nd Jab [+] (3 weeks they Lock in Vax Plague Craze)
Record Delta Health Crisis Blowout is just a snack food bar for Govt's 'A Team'.
Leaders...Gladys..."We need more Vax > Cases > Crisis > Death....Hey Ho! Let's Go! Move 'em Out!"
"Why ya look at me like that...{crunch} Damn! Pass that Skull removal Spray!"
Weekly WR Covid Crisis is needed just to feed their Cybermen to rise from the dead.
We're now mandating VIP skyrocketing ultra spreading freedom at any cost.
Hesitant puny Delta is no match for Boris & Gladys bully Freedom Vaxer Herd
More than Delta / Grog / Tobacco / Meth / Smack / Coke combined...Vax is consuming the Planet.
How Much! tbb?
"Public Health Care" alone is #1 money pit > now larger than Military + Education combined.
Meaning this deadly superspreading Vax Scam is the biggest fraud in the history of the World.
Lets just say our Report Card doesn't score that grab an extra roll for our lifelong detention!
We grownups pretend to be blind to the way of the world, but the children saw the shame.

The lives of nearly 7,000,000 Victorians put on hold and ruined in a theoretical attempt to preserve the lives of up to 3000 people, most of whom are older than the average life expectancy and would soon pass anyway.
Millions of people locked in their houses, relationships ruined, personal development stunted, lives wasted. Imagine being a healthy 18 year old forced to go without sex or socialising and having to wear a face mask outside for the couple of hours you are allowed to do so.
Then people who are brave enough to protest this are beaten by police and shamed by the those who’ve given their whole lives over to being afraid.
This is madness. Our society has gone insane. Literally insane.

Blowin this topic can't be doing you any good at this point. Maybe have some time off, get some waves, catch some dinner, tend to the garden, give away some produce, have a chat to a Magpie. All the best mate.

It’s gotten particularly hard to deal with after having a conversation with my brother over the weekend. He’s 50 and has Parkinson’s disease. He was given 5 years to live by some quack about 7 years ago and so he feels he is running on borrowed time. Irrespective of whether he lives past the absolute bullshit speculation of that useless cnt “expert” , his body is deteriorating and he knows that his ability to function is of limited timespan.
He just wants to experience life whilst he is still semi-able. He’s not scared of some overhyped beat up virus. He is stuck in his house and his area instead of exploring the world and for what?
Covid in Australia has a case fatality rate same as a bad flu year (0.42%). Like millions of other Australians who are not paralysed with fear by the tiny threat posed by the virus, he shouldn’t be forced to forfeit his limited life just to appease those who are afraid. Talk about the “common good” …..common good for who?
There has never been a indisputable scientific establishment of the efficacy of lockdowns. It’s an arbitrary and non-scientific political imposition on people who deserve to live their lives whilst they can.
Vaccinate those who want it, protect the vulnerable if they want it and let everyone else go about their lives.
The shouty fascists who have forced the entire country to give up months (years) or their lives over this bullshit need to be the ones locked up. They are the danger.
It’s not “Freedumb” it’s FREEDOM.
Let the scared hide in their basement if that’s how they want to live their lives.

Blowin wrote:It’s gotten particularly hard to deal with after having a conversation with my brother over the weekend. He’s 50 and has Parkinson’s disease. He was given 5 years to live by some quack about 7 years ago and so he feels he is running on borrowed time. Irrespective of whether he lives past the absolute bullshit speculation of that useless cnt “expert” , his body is deteriorating and he knows that his ability to function is of limited timespan.
He just wants to experience life whilst he is still semi-able. He’s not scared of some overhyped beat up virus. He is stuck in his house and his area instead of exploring the world and for what?
Covid in Australia has a case fatality rate same as a bad flu year (0.42%). Like millions of other Australians who are not paralysed with fear by the tiny threat posed by the virus, he shouldn’t be forced to forfeit his limited life just to appease those who are afraid. Talk about the “common good” …..common good for who?
There has never been a indisputable scientific establishment of the efficacy of lockdowns. It’s an arbitrary and non-scientific political imposition on people who deserve to live their lives whilst they can.
Vaccinate those who want it, protect the vulnerable if they want it and let everyone else go about their lives.
The shouty fascists who have forced the entire country to give up months (years) or their lives over this bullshit need to be the ones locked up. They are the danger.
It’s not “Freedumb” it’s FREEDOM.
Let the scared hide in their basement if that’s how they want to live their lives.
You assume those that support lockdowns are scared…personally, I am not scared in the slightest. So many assumptions made…but wrong as usual.

Yep, far from scared, and lockdowns have worked, they slowed the transmission of Delta allowing the health system so far to cope as we all got vaccinated
If we didn't have that buffer, with all the unvaccinated it would have been a shit show.

Vic Local wrote:"really? ...for what reason?"
Because they've just cost every construction worker in Melbourne and lockdown LGAs two weeks wages.
I reckon Dan has read the room perfectly. So many construction workers have behaved like absolute fucking idiots. Spreading covid and then holding that idiotic protest blocking tram routes over tea rooms. Today's madness was just another display of sheer stupidity from rogue elements in the industry
The union and builders have worked really hard to keep sites safe and there's a large number of fucking idiots wrecking it for everyone else. Vaccination rates are low in the industry and covid compliance is poor. That's why so many cases are associated with work sites.
There's got to be consequences for Covidiocy.
What about the compliant construction workers who are vaccinated VL.
Why should they (we) be punished because of a few idiots in Melbourne?

Not too sure how the protecting I.c.u argument stands up when there was footage of pop up tent hospitals around the joint never getting used and the early clip if that Chinese hospital going up in who knows how few weeks. Been a year and half to get it together and way more health problems created than solved by lockdowns Craig. Sheesh you'd even think it wasn't about a virus at all right? I don't care if you're provax or not , just don't enforce or coerce it onto people who may choose not to have it ( I might have had it, but that's MY business ) or inpinge on thier rights to walk the earth.

Not too sure how the protecting I.c.u argument stands up when there was footage of pop up tent hospitals around the joint never getting used and the early clip of that Chinese hospital going up in who knows how few weeks. Been a year and half to get it together and way more health problems created than solved by lockdowns Craig. Sheesh you'd even think it wasn't about a virus at all right? I don't care if you're provax or not , just don't enforce or coerce it onto people who may choose not to have it ( I might have had it, but that's MY business ) or inpinge on thier rights to walk the earth.

There is zero indisputable scientific evidence that lockdowns protect society in any sustainable way. Singapore and Israel are returning to lockdown despite vaccination rates that the fascist fear mongers on here could only dream about.
In the meantime there is a shit show being experienced every single day in millions of homes across the country where people are forced to hide in their homes and forsake 99 percent of their life’s joy.
It is about fear. Of course it is. The talk of over running the hospitals is just more fear. Guess what….some people may die if everyone resumes their lives. Most of those people would die soon anyway and in the meantime everyone else gives up their lives. It’s bullshit and it’s madness.

Well the ward I got treated at last week for plastic surgery on a skin cancer was about to be flipped into an ICU ward due to the increasing pressures.
Think what you want but it's not just the area to hold the ICU's, but all the staff etc who are very specialised. And if they get infected they'll be no one to treat the sick.
I'm not pushing vaccinations on anyone, just explaining why I've done my part, as has the majority of the population.

Craig….you’ve been spouting your “14 days to slow the curve” bullshit for 600 days. Time to shut the fuck up and stop promoting the fascist idea that people should give up their lives for your brain fart ideas.
Have you ever seriously pondered the alternative to your failed prison theory? Have you ever paused to think that maybe the benefit in preserving the few remaining days of the small number of elderly victims of Covid is vastly outweighed by the millions upon millions of precious living days lost by everyone else? Have you ever taken a second from your parroting of the need to save the lives of a minority of 85 year olds to consider that there’s literally millions of healthy people forced to give up their days?
I doubt it.
Despite lockdown after lockdown, all around the world and even an insight into the future if we continue down this path ( Singapore, Israel) you still bleat the same shit as though your brain has ceased to function.
If you want to hide in your neighbourhood amd home then knock yourself out. Just stop spouting more dangerous bullshit on the internet with real world consequences.
I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?