Vaccinate or not

Thanx Hutchy 19 you just won an upgrade to the Antibody level...
Kinda like ramping up to Supafreak's advanced Level with the Vax or Not Drug Trials.
Sorry day for Oz...thanx for the update Supafreak...given Hot news below they might wanna back up!
Crew can see the UK vaxed Hospital Crisis needs a cure...yes! UK have sought & procured a drug.
All knew tbb wasn't gonna leave yer all hangin' without an exit strategy...
The story goes that both US & UK have the same little breakthru Hospital Crisis problem thingy...shh!
Ronapreve ( Casirivimab + imedevimab ) crew will likely know as Trump's secret recipe by Regeneron
Has shown to reduce Hospital time by 4 days + Reduce Death by 20%.
Must be taken within 7-10 days.
Cost $2,100 a dose...Govts are providing at no cost?
Crew can see that's just wot the Doctor ordered to get UK outta of a growing bed / Morgue shortage.
June - EU buy 55,000 doses (Likely a lot more but tbb hasn't checked.)
20 Aug - UK approved the drug cocktail & deliveries arrive next week.
17th Sept - UK ('Secured') enough Antibody drug (Ronapreve) for all 4-Nations
Originally ordered for UK Younger unvaxed at that time the majority of patients.
Each at risk Patient will first be tested for Antibodies.
However the focus seems to have fast shifted to Vaxed patients?
From next week NHS Rolls out the combo to 50+ (note: Majority of which are Vaxed)
Also + 12-49 immunocompromised (note: Again these are likely 'at risk' > Vaxed)
Health Secretary : "I'm thrilled it will be saving lives as early as next week!"
Again! This suggests that quite a many Vaxerz are / were at serious risk of dying.
US Drug Craze
Dec 2020 US -938,000 doses have been used to date (Mostly on the down low!)
3-10th Sept 2.17m doses have been shipped to sites (as of 3rd Sept order to now 43% of doses used)
As with UK the drug was originally for unvaxed in Deep South but now it's an at risk US wide drug.
14th Sept US splashes $3b on buy 1.4m doses Regeneron.
+ $330m on 400k doses on Antibody drugs (bamlanivimag/etesevimab)
In otherwords...US has got a lot more at risk breakthrus than they're lettin on!
16th Sept- Bigger News ' Joe is gonna invest in 'distribution' of Antibodies for huge steady supply!
End Jan 2022 (Contract)
All change again...Drug Wars.
South Don't wanna share their Pick me Ups
North say South won't have Covid Vax but will shoot up antibodies WTF.
Joe was quietly filling Xmas stockings with Antibodies...then the word got out...New Drug Craze!
Now there's a Cap on Shipments...the whole Antibody thing is fast turning to shit...gonna be a drug war!
No Antibody news sites are popping out by the hour...the secrets out.
Far out! tbb got just caught up in a Flashsurf & got blown outta the matrix.

indo-dreaming wrote:Yeah just watched it, guys are up front in the physical action but crowd is pretty diverse in age and sex(no such thing as gender) few different ethnic groups represented too.
Good to see police taking thing seriously, just hope they do the same in the future with other protest that break the law.
Not poking at your point, Indo, at all. Just wanna insert that there are two sexes, but as many as 63 genders currently recognized, although these delineations are still somewhat new and it depends on who you talk to. I am inserting this because i see a great many kids here in SeppoLand who are struggling mightily with gender identity and are considering ending it all rather than continue to struggle, and it breaks my heart to see it. I don't relate to all this info always (i grew up with 2 genders/sexes,, and, oh yeah, there are some gays and less lesbians), but i always just want to help them however i can. It is a silent epidemic.
Indo, again, please don't take offense, i am not directing this at you.

wax24 wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Yeah just watched it, guys are up front in the physical action but crowd is pretty diverse in age and sex(no such thing as gender) few different ethnic groups represented too.
Good to see police taking thing seriously, just hope they do the same in the future with other protest that break the law.
Not poking at your point, Indo, at all. Just wanna insert that there are two sexes, but as many as 63 genders currently recognized, although these delineations are still somewhat new and it depends on who you talk to. I am inserting this because i see a great many kids here in SeppoLand who are struggling mightily with gender identity and are considering ending it all rather than continue to struggle, and it breaks my heart to see it. I don't relate to all this info always (i grew up with 2 genders/sexes,, and, oh yeah, there are some gays and less lesbians), but i always just want to help them however i can. It is a silent epidemic.
Indo, again, please don't take offense, i am not directing this at you.
No offence taken, but can you prove gender is real?
How many genders are there 63 now what's the final number?
And what are these genders actually based on?
Gender isn't real, its just a belief just like someone believing they are filled with the spirit of god or something.
Being one sex and feeling more masculine or feminine than most people feel doesn't make you a new gender or even a different sex, it just means you feel more masculine or feminine than the majority, but this isn't new in the past for instance we called girls who were more into aspects males traditionally dig as tom boys.
By all means we can respect peoples right to believe what they like, like they are gender number 63 or believe they are filled with the spirit of god or whatever, but at the same time im still going to think both are a bit loopy and i have my right to say well i don't believe in genders or i don't believe in god. (or gods)
We also shouldn't be forced into believing in these things ourself be it gender or god, or be cancelled for questioning the concept of gender or saying i dont believe its real etc as long as im not targeting an individual or inciting hate. (i say this because now on social media people can be banned for completely non hateful things like misgendering or basically things like what even said above)
In regard to a person of one biological sex be it male or female believing they were born in the wrong body and wanting to be the opposite sex, i dont have any issue with that, i will even be happy to address them by a proper non made up pronoun like him or she, but thats actually completely different that isn't gender, thats just identifying as the opposite sex.

Right wing nut job trumpian conservatives! To a man, woman and child they all want to drive a car into a crowd like Charlottesville! They’re killing our vaccinated grannies!

Two vaccinated people died with Covid yesterday.

How do you poke fun of something which already sounds like satire?
I bet the unvaccinated* who killed that vaccinated 98year old granny were uneducated Trumpists from Charlottesville!
*No evidence whatsoever that granny caught Covid from unvaccinated

Blowin wrote:Two vaccinated people died with Covid yesterday.
And how many unvaccinated people died with Covid yesterday? oh yeah, that doesn’t suit your biased narrative.

wax24 wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Yeah just watched it, guys are up front in the physical action but crowd is pretty diverse in age and sex(no such thing as gender) few different ethnic groups represented too.
Good to see police taking thing seriously, just hope they do the same in the future with other protest that break the law.
Not poking at your point, Indo, at all. Just wanna insert that there are two sexes, but as many as 63 genders currently recognized, although these delineations are still somewhat new and it depends on who you talk to. I am inserting this because i see a great many kids here in SeppoLand who are struggling mightily with gender identity and are considering ending it all rather than continue to struggle, and it breaks my heart to see it. I don't relate to all this info always (i grew up with 2 genders/sexes,, and, oh yeah, there are some gays and less lesbians), but i always just want to help them however i can. It is a silent epidemic.
Indo, again, please don't take offense, i am not directing this at you.
Wtf dies this have to do with vaccinations? This is about as 180 degree turn as it could be.
Many more stories like this in the months and years ahead. Long covid will become a real issue for many.

There is no evidence that this issue will affect “many” people.
The article states there is no evidence that Covid was responsible for his heart condition. Cause and correlation are not the same thing. The article also states that the sample of people who may experience this outcome is tiny.
Just facts thanks mate.

Blowin wrote:There is no evidence that this issue will affect “many” people.
The article states there is no evidence that Covid was responsible for his heart condition. Cause and correlation are not the same thing. The article also states that the sample of people who may experience this outcome is tiny.
Just facts thanks mate.
You don’t deal in facts, blowin. You deal in lies and promotion of your conspiracy theories.

Blowin wrote:There is no evidence that this issue will affect “many” people.
The article states there is no evidence that Covid was responsible for his heart condition. Cause and correlation are not the same thing. The article also states that the sample of people who may experience this outcome is tiny.
Just facts thanks mate.
Actually…you quoting cause and correlation…is the funniest fucking thing ever. Considering what you post….lmao.

To be honest, the claim that many people will suffer from a Covid induced heart condition which hasn’t even been established as caused by Covid, is the conspiracy theory here. Don’t think I’ve got to tell you that isn’t a reputable source of truth.
Just the facts thanks mate.

It's not about the dying, it's about the living

Blowin wrote:To be honest, the claim that many people will suffer from a Covid induced heart condition which hasn’t even been established as caused by Covid, is the conspiracy theory here. Don’t think I’ve got to tell you that isn’t a reputable source of truth.
Just the facts thanks mate.
You make up stories saying people around have died from the vaccine (zero evidence, zero causation) you have people around you getting sick from the vaccine (zero evidence, zero causation)..yet, now?
You don’t understand fact..or burden of proof. You have posted for weeks bs and never with proof…how about you give some facts for once?

Just the facts, thank mate. :)

32 days until 90% of Australians 16+ have had their first dose.
The vast majority of people are vaccinating, and are fine.
A significant portion of unvaccinated people with covid unfortunately are not fine.
The contrarian opinions are wearing tired and thin. The scare campaigns are getting boring and becoming clearer that they're just either grown from politicians such as Clive Palmer, complete anti vax fruit cakes or ultra religious groups.
The hundreds of people protesting, who feel they're representing 'the people' are just a minute proportion of the population - some of these people appropriate to physically attack police officers (who have families, who are just doing their job etc. etc.). Others, who may be less violent, whinge when they get arrested whilst clearly being aware that the state of emergency ruling states that protesting is a health risk as is not currently legal.
The population want freedom and want to protect others, and they're smart enough to listen to the medical experts (not podcasters, fringe doctors, chefs, social media personalities) - they know that getting vaccinated is the way to do that. They know that the only way to ensure as much compliance as possible is to use things such as vax passports - just like we need speed limits - you need to be tough. No one wants this, but rational people know it's needed.
My point being - the battle is over, and time is fast running out for people who have made it their personality, or their mission to be against this. If you want to stay committed to your dogmatic ways - so be it. You may actually be right, we may have an I Am Ledgend scenario ahead of us. But there is a much, much, much larger chance of you being wrong, in which case you will be directly responsible for slowing down re-opening and increasing the spread of covid. So yeah, live with that - 30 years time you can say that during the pandemic you were part of the reason it went on longer, killed more people and ended more businesses.

Scare campaigns stok? Remember the mother of all scare campaigns didn't start with Palmers mob. But you somehow overlook that...? He's just responding with alternative perspective and vision. And how good is that? Diversity is good yuh? The ppl out there rallying for freedom are looking forward and so should you. Vax or no vax isn't the point. The point is as you've pointed out we are being made to do certain things for the promise of freedom. But if that has let slip now what you will find is new things / hoops to jump through will continually get added all in the name of your safety and the promise of 'freedom'. This approach whatever the issue does not represent a free democratic society, which has been fought so hard to protect.. If you want communism, go jump on a plane and F off to find it. Oh... that's right you cant..
'We may have an I am legend scenario ahead of us'. Hahaha... Wow... And then that last sentence. You aren't selling it very well.. What hourly rate did you lock in with scomo's marketing team stok? But its not just you stok, I'm yet to see any argument on here worthy of fetching a descent marketing / PR consulting rate for this kind of thing. You guys have to either work harder or realise marketing comms was never for you.

Ah Shortenism.
I was like you....scared, angry, unsure...back in March 2020. I recall similar thoughts. Why are we giving up freedoms so quickly? Freedom is harder to win back than to give away etc.
Then, after some critical thought, I realised I'm not a doctor, a scientist or even a politician skilled in policy making.
I also quickly realised that at my core my frustrations with what was happening was born out of selfishness, not selflessness. I wanted my life to be kept the same. but I (back then), like you and many others, am not capable of grasping the severity of the situation - as such was not in a position to weigh up the cost of some of our privileges being lost vs what would happen if we lost control of this virus.
Regardless, your arguments are tired. Prior to Covid, we were in so many ways not 'free'. Australia has always been a land of regulations, policies and laws. We're a nanny state and it has it's good parts and bad parts. Good parts - less people dead from covid. Bad parts - you can't go to the pub for a few months.

Stok - You were right -". Why are we giving up freedoms so quickly? Freedom is harder to win back than to give away etc."
You are now very wrong - Fighting and arguing for freedom should never be viewed as a " tired argument " . I don't like Australia becoming a worse " nanny state " . Why do you put up with it ?

Why put up with it now?
Because I'm of the age that I understand sometimes just because you 'want' something doesn't mean it's what's best for you and others.
I have a young daughter who now knows that active/crazy play before bed isn't good for her, it makes it hard for her to sleep, which makes it hard for us and her baby sister - who then all get a rough night. She's learning that complete freedom isn't always appropriate.
I have a dog who still doesn't understand that rolling in a dead bird at the beach is what's best for him and us - he gets a bath and has to sit outside while the family stays inside.
You may get there eventually Hutchy.

DRex .
I am very confident of a GF win but also shitting myself as anything can happen .
Not worried though . The Dees have shown me that the have " True Grit" . The best spirit and culture of any side in 2021 . Williams and Yze have added the final ingredients necessary .
The MFC have also lead the way in supporting many other important issues like mental health ( Brayshaw especially ) and MND .
I could not be prouder of what they achieved this year .
A win on Saturday will be a much deserved reward .

Stok, its a proven way to get what you want from someone. You make them scared, angry and unsure. Bullies have learnt it from being bullied. The bully victim relationship is well understood and its evident here on a monumental scale.. You're a classic example. Thanks for sharing and I wish you all the best.

Outside Hutchy, outside.
Bad dog.

shortenism wrote:Stok, its a proven way to get what you want from someone. You make them scared, angry and unsure. Bullies have learnt it from being bullied. The bully victim relationship is well understood and its evident here on a monumental scale.. You're a classic example. Thanks for sharing and I wish you all the best.
Of course!
Clearly the doctors, scientists, public policy makers, police etc. are the bullies in this scenario. Using this to their clear advantage. All working together seamlessly to orchestrate this attack on our way of life.
Not the Clive Palmers of the world.
Actually, what you call me being 'bullied', is actually me just being rational.
From my viewpoint I see that yourself, and others currently opposing these vaccines, as being taken advantage of, bullied and manipulated. As I said, I felt frustrated and confused in March 2020, as did many others. We were all perfect candidates for manipulation. You know what works best for manipulation? Easy, quick and simple answers which show that you can get what you want. We all know that the vaccines are the slow steps towards freedom (there will be boosters, quarantining etc.), whereas the contrarians are all selling 'natural immunity', or 'open up and forget about this false virus', or whatever. Which one do you think is a more attractive option to the scared and confused?

Spot on Stok,
If you want to see textbook Dunning Kruger effect, have a look at the anti-vaxxers. They are basically too stupid to realise how ignorant they are. They are also staggeringly arrogant and think they know more than the medical experts who have studied vaccines for decades.
When the scaredies see something they don't understand, their default position is to write it off and go to Youtube to find an opinion (that's wrong) that they can "comprehend". (for want of a better term)

No way Andy !
"Outside Hutchy, outside.
Bad dog."
If I was a dog I might choose to roll in poo or a dead bird ( for some good dog reason ) .
Then bloody Stok will think it best for him ( selfish ) and wash me with his poo ( a dogs perspective ) smelling shampoo .

A post on another thread more suited here .
Brutus - you are months behind on this view . If it walks like a duck ......
".not one scientist has been able to prove that Covid was Lab made....lots of smoke and mirrors .....but so far the facts point to the transmission to humans from a bat....possibly a leak from the lab , but no proof."
Not one scientist can prove the vaccines will be problem free in the future either .
The lab had to change its air-conditioning FFS .
Time to expand your research from the Age and Guardian and see the light .

Another post best suited here .
Brutus said - "China is a totalitarian regime , we have known that for decades , surprise surprise when the shit hits the fan in HK and the way China has handled the surprise for me...FFS Trump killed more Americans with his Covid policies, than China did!"
Read up Brutus on the millions that Mao killed . A bit tough on Trump when Covid came from China and the world had similar sick and death rates to the US under Trump . Unfortunately there is no vax for Trump Deranged Syndrome .
Authored by James Bowman
That is something against which we appear to have no “tools” at all. Indeed, the president himself is an unrelieved sufferer from “long” TDS, as he showed in this same speech by enthusiastically participating in the “pandemic politics” he decried in others and implying that former President Donald Trump’s efforts against the coronavirus—including Operation Warp Speed, which developed the vaccines he was now mandating—had been unavailing until he came along.
By thus politicizing his own anti-COVID efforts, did he somehow imagine he was going to persuade vaccine skeptics to trust themselves to his good faith in recommending them to get immunized?
Of course, it’s no surprise to learn that this president’s case of TDS is a terminal one, but the disease struck again two days later in an unexpected place, Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
There, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the terror attacks on New York and Washington of Sept. 11, 2001, former President George W. Bush strongly implied that he had chosen to align himself with one of the worst of the hallucinations caused by TDS fever-delirium by suggesting an equivalence between the events of 20 years previously (death toll 2,977) and those of the Capitol riot of last Jan. 6 (death toll 1).
If there’s anyone in the whole wide world with a better reason to resist the politicization of the 20th anniversary commemoration of 9/11 than former President George W. Bush, I don’t know who it is. That, surely, is the province of the Bush haters—sufferers from Bush Derangement Syndrome, which was to TDS what SARS-CoV-1 was to SARS-CoV-2—who suggest that his response to the attacks, if he didn’t himself conspire with the attackers, was politically motivated.
But he just couldn’t help himself, could he? That’s long-TDS for you. Once that poison enters your mind, you can never get it out again. Or so it seems.

I would like to point out that I was shocked when Trump ran for the Republican nomination . I thought he would be a terrible candidate .
When I saw and studied the other contenders I was not surprised he won .
When the Democrats chose Hillary I was not surprised when he won .
Hillary would have been a disaster !
I was surprised how not bad he was . Liked him taking on China and not starting any wars .

Ugghhh….read the comments after this article. What has happened to Australia that many now sound like whiny bitches and narky snitches? Snitches wear stitches and end up in ditches. People who complain about kids playing outside need to be buried in a box.

remember those ridiculous stories the conspiracy theorists were spreading about gun shot wounds being counted as corona deaths?
...and traffic accidents?

will we ever know?
some say over-counting, some say a big under count esp in the 3rd world.

'As I said, I felt frustrated and confused in March 2020, as did many others. We were all perfect candidates for manipulation. You know what works best for manipulation? Easy, quick and simple answers which show that you can get what you want'.
Not quite sure what you are saying here stok but the easy, quick and simple answers for manipulation are marketed all over the media, which is why the 'critical thinkers' need to get behind the curtain to dig up the detail. You know the counter arguments to this madness, which suggest masks don't work, suicide is through the roof, domestic violence at an all time high, business foreclosures, unemployment, mounting national debt, untested mandated injections.. I mean, its a shit storm, which miniscule COVID stats are propping up..? So not sure just how critical you are being other than switching from channel 10 to the ABC.... You've seen Christian Porter's antics our most senior lawmaker, you've seen Dr Janet Young's husband acting as an advisor to Pfizer, you know there are many politicians embroiled in parliamentary suppression orders for paedophilia... I mean you don't have to be bat shit crazy to realise something isn't right. Not sure if that answers your question.. But hopefully goes some way in you understanding that there's a reason many ppl arent buying whats being sold.

one for the jokes thread...
whats the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth?

about six months

All I'll say Shortenism is that be thankful we live in a relatively transparent, free, democratic society.
No where is near perfect, but the simple fact you're pointing out these issues or conflicts of interest shows that we have systems that work - as I said, not perfect - but work. When shit happens - it gets called out. People get publicly shamed.
On the other hand....the counter arguments you are springing up are coming from a truly unverified system of users, liars and conspiracy theorists. No one gives a f@ck about these fringe dwellers enough to really interrogate what they say and do - so who knows what stuff they get up to, what connections they have or what their true motives are?
You're choosing to 'lift the curtain' and trust what these types of people are saying.
p.s. some very thin arguements there....untested mandated injections LOL!

No worries stok, Lets keep it transparent, free and democratic ei.

The reason 99% of conspiracy theories are never proven and remain theories is because you can't prove something that isn't true. To strongly believe in and preach a theory is not science but religion.

The conspiracy anti vax / anti lockdown fools are becoming a smaller group of fringe dwellers. More and more people have had enough of the endless uneducated drivel. The fools in here, continuing to push their lies, haven’t posted anything new or backed up with facts for weeks….it’s becoming embarrassing really.

"The conspiracy anti vax / anti lockdown fools are becoming a smaller group of fringe dwellers"
I'm not sure about that Roadkill. I reckon their numbers are swelling and so is the normal people's hatred of these idiots.
There's very little tolerance for these dog-kicking, police beating dregs of society.
Unfortunately when people like Tim Smith, Palmer, Jones, Credlin etc encourage the moronic mob, it's hard to unscramble that omelette.
Blowin and shortism and the other idiot’s mates / freedom fighters out standing up for Australians.

Vic Local wrote:"The conspiracy anti vax / anti lockdown fools are becoming a smaller group of fringe dwellers"
I'm not sure about that Roadkill. I reckon their numbers are swelling and so is the normal people's hatred of these idiots.
There's very little tolerance for these dog-kicking, police beating dregs of society.
Unfortunately when people like Tim Smith, Palmer, Jones, Credlin etc encourage the moronic mob, it's hard to unscramble that omelette.
Yeah…I was just reading they kicked some poor dog..fuckwits.
I still think number are reducing but we are left with the most uneducated stupid angry bunch just out looking for a fight. They will become more visible, more often.

sypkan wrote:remember those ridiculous stories the conspiracy theorists were spreading about gun shot wounds being counted as corona deaths?
...and traffic accidents?
Not sure I’d be basing any argument on information contained on a website called real clear politics.

Gawd…..the old “uneducated” slur gets thrown around like confetti these days doesn’t it?

donweather wrote:sypkan wrote:remember those ridiculous stories the conspiracy theorists were spreading about gun shot wounds being counted as corona deaths?
...and traffic accidents?
Not sure I’d be basing any argument on information contained on a website called real clear politics.
Yeah….we should stick to basing our arguments on modelling!

Blowin wrote:Gawd…..the old “uneducated” slur gets thrown around like confetti these days doesn’t it?
If the cap fits….and it is true..and you wanted facts.

More to the point that Australians used to be egalitarian, not this stupid notion of thinking someone is less intelligent because of their level of education. That’s the rubbish that the Poms built their assumptions about the “intrinsic stupidity” of the naked locals upon, whilst they themselves staggered around Sydney Harbour in February wearing wool coats whilst fighting over rum.
Just out of interest…..this academic level you attained, of which you’re so proud and of which you use to elevate your own opinions, Roadkill ….what is it?

team... don't give this gronk oxygen.
Toxic narcsisits... feed on attention, negative or otherwise. sad beings.
AKA- foul cnt.
I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?