Vaccinate or not

Swellnet has returned to normal programming!
FFS, it’s 7am where most of you are… why the hate?

You're putting words in my mouth Blowin, you need to chill mate.
Ps Delta's reproductive value is between 5 and 9, and with the Sydney lockdowns we've kept it to 1.2-1.3 which has bought us time for everyone to go and get vaccinated. Now cases are on the decrease and we'll be better able to hopefully deal with all the cases once we open back up in three weeks.
See you in the salt up there in a month!

Yeah I think a couple of these people need to go for a swim/walk/cool down.

If 80% is the magical target, then we’re on track for restrictions to be lifted before Xmas.

Blowin wrote:Craig….you’ve been spouting your “14 days to slow the curve” bullshit for 600 days. Time to shut the fuck up and stop promoting the fascist idea that people should give up their lives for your brain fart ideas.
Have you ever seriously pondered the alternative to your failed prison theory? Have you ever paused to think that maybe the benefit in preserving the few remaining days of the small number of elderly victims of Covid is vastly outweighed by the millions upon millions of precious living days lost by everyone else? Have you ever taken a second from your parroting of the need to save the lives of a minority of 85 year olds to consider that there’s literally millions of healthy people forced to give up their days?
I doubt it.
Despite lockdown after lockdown, all around the world and even an insight into the future if we continue down this path ( Singapore, Israel) you still bleat the same shit as though your brain has ceased to function.
If you want to hide in your neighbourhood amd home then knock yourself out. Just stop spouting more dangerous bullshit on the internet with real world consequences.
Fuck….you're going full need to go have a break.

My aiming mark is being able to get up to Sydney for the weekend of 13 Nov to visit family and friends in our old haunts on the Northern Beaches and go to the Swellnet Lifeline classic.
Be great to meet a few ‘netters in person.
(Mask requirements TBC)

Pull your head in dickhead. Tell me I’ve gone full kook after you and Vic Local have been the full fascist Covid police for weeks trying to push your personal beliefs as the only show in town….fuck off.
Worse is when I relate the real world toll of your bullshit on my life and you claim I’m lying…..double fuck off kook.Then you say I’m a selfish narcissist and it’s all about me…..what the fuvk,are you on about? I’m fine but I’m watching everyone around me suffer and you think you’re a good person for attacking me during this time? What kind of sick fuck are you?
My brother doesn’t get the sweet government hand outs you do for sitting at home with your family. He is classed as an essential worker ( lol..horticulturist) and so has to go to work everyday for his money but has to hide in his home the rest of the time. Isolated from friends and family whilst he struggles with a debilitating and deteriorating health condition. So he can’t catch Covid whilst gardening but can catch Covid whilst visiting the friends he needs for support? Then you clowns talk about preventing a shit show. It’s already a shit show. My brother might not have long to live and you cnts want him locked under house arrest in a farcical attempt to prolong the lives of the few 85 year olds who may die with Covid.
Why? Cause fuckwits like you spend your days supporting this corrupt government and their unscientific lockdowns. You actually shame the brave people standing up against this arbitrary, evidence free fascist bullshit. You said the coppers need more rubber bullets and longer truncheons. You’re a disgrace. You think you’ve got moral authority to bleat your shit….you’ve got nothing just shut up.

Yeah I'm taking leave and hoping to get down to the mountains and onto some snow as long as the October rains don't kill it off completely and also hunt some surf around my old haunts. Can't wait.

Would have, could have.. that’s the thing Craig, we don’t care. Let it run wild! To stop a shit show by creating a bigger shit show doesn’t make any sense. Sorry you’ve been sold a lemon.

shortenism wrote:Would have, could have.. that’s the thing Craig, we don’t care. Let it run wild! To stop a shit show by creating a bigger shit show doesn’t make any sense. Sorry you’ve been sold a lemon.
Genuine question. Have you been vaccinated?

shortenism wrote:Would have, could have.. that’s the thing Craig, we don’t care. Let it run wild! To stop a shit show by creating a bigger shit show doesn’t make any sense. Sorry you’ve been sold a lemon.[/quoteFeel free to tell me it's none of my business...

Yes tbb! Thankyou ! I salute you .
And you too blowin.
It takes strength and guts to speak truth and stand tall in this shit storm that is yes very insane.

Vaccinated ever or have I had the jab? No, i haven't had the jab. And no its non of your business but I'm not precious about these things. Just be careful as any health professional should know its not a question everyone is happy with.

Blowin wrote:Pull your head in dickhead. Tell me I’ve gone full kook after you and Vic Local have been the full fascist Covid police for weeks trying to push your personal beliefs as the only show in town….fuck off.
Worse is when I relate the real world toll of your bullshit on my life and you claim I’m lying…..double fuck off kook.Then you say I’m a selfish narcissist and it’s all about me…..what the fuvk,are you on about? I’m fine but I’m watching everyone around me suffer and you think you’re a good person for attacking me during this time? What kind of sick fuck are you?
My brother doesn’t get the sweet government hand outs you do for sitting at home with your family. He is classed as an essential worker ( lol..horticulturist) and so has to go to work everyday for his money but has to hide in his home the rest of the time. Isolated from friends and family whilst he struggles with a debilitating and deteriorating health condition. So he can’t catch Covid whilst gardening but can catch Covid whilst visiting the friends he needs for support? Then you clowns talk about preventing a shit show. It’s already a shit show. My brother might not have long to live and you cnts want him locked under house arrest in a farcical attempt to prolong the lives of the few 85 year olds who may die with Covid.
Why? Cause fuckwits like you spend your days supporting this corrupt government and their unscientific lockdowns. You actually shame the brave people standing up against this arbitrary, evidence free fascist bullshit. You said the coppers need more rubber bullets and longer truncheons. You’re a disgrace. You think you’ve got moral authority to bleat your shit….you’ve got nothing just shut up.
Oh snowflake you even know what Fascism is?
You're getting angrier and more full conspiracy kook by the day. Lol.
Post something worthwhile rather than your usual attention seeking posts full of oh woe is me.
You'll have an aneurism if you don’t chill. :)

Not prying Shortenism,
Thanks for replying honestly. I note some other vociferous dissenters have now had their jab.

Blowin wrote:Pull your head in dickhead. Tell me I’ve gone full kook after you and Vic Local have been the full fascist Covid police for weeks trying to push your personal beliefs as the only show in town….fuck off.
Worse is when I relate the real world toll of your bullshit on my life and you claim I’m lying…..double fuck off kook.Then you say I’m a selfish narcissist and it’s all about me…..what the fuvk,are you on about? I’m fine but I’m watching everyone around me suffer and you think you’re a good person for attacking me during this time? What kind of sick fuck are you?
My brother doesn’t get the sweet government hand outs you do for sitting at home with your family. He is classed as an essential worker ( lol..horticulturist) and so has to go to work everyday for his money but has to hide in his home the rest of the time. Isolated from friends and family whilst he struggles with a debilitating and deteriorating health condition. So he can’t catch Covid whilst gardening but can catch Covid whilst visiting the friends he needs for support? Then you clowns talk about preventing a shit show. It’s already a shit show. My brother might not have long to live and you cnts want him locked under house arrest in a farcical attempt to prolong the lives of the few 85 year olds who may die with Covid.
Why? Cause fuckwits like you spend your days supporting this corrupt government and their unscientific lockdowns. You actually shame the brave people standing up against this arbitrary, evidence free fascist bullshit. You said the coppers need more rubber bullets and longer truncheons. You’re a disgrace. You think you’ve got moral authority to bleat your shit….you’ve got nothing just shut up.
Blowin , you need help...your anger and emotion is distorting your reality....why do you even come on SN ?
It's sad to see someone so abusive and angry at other people here on SN...especially when a lot of your stats are made up , and that's what you base your opinions it's really easy to see by your posts the lack of detail and research and seem to guided just by your first hand day to day experiences...."The Blowin Bubble"
We are all having issues during lockdown /Covid etc...."it's how we face adversity that defines our character " idea, but turning negatives into positives , is a mantra that we all should be trying to live.....don't let the things you have no control over , affect your daily's just a waste of energy and get's you very depressed/angry/ then becomes a symphony of negativity and's not the end of the world...just a different world we all have to live in.
For me it's simple...there are a lot of things I don't agree with , but I will obey the law.
When I consider that we are at War with Covid , the rights of the individual are superseded by the National I don't whinge or worry as its really depressing /anger sets in and life turns to shit......
It's really simple ....there will be mandatory vaccinations/mandatory vaccine passports , we have a really wild ride coming up in the next few mths as we see hospitals fill up , exhausted health workers....everyone of us here will start to have first hand stories of people getting sick/hospitalizations, which till now we have not had to's coming now, and the unvaccinated are a high risk category for them selves and the rest of the country..
How do you think all the construction workers feel in Vicco today , when a handful of "pissed morons" quote head of the are locked up in their homes without pay because of about a handful of uneducated should see the anger towards them...forums in meltdowns , photo's of the protestors up online with threats towards them now from other workers...I mean serious threats of bashings/killings/burnings.....I mean how sad to see worker against worker , where does it end?

I need somebody
(Help!) not just anybody
(Help!) you know I need someone
I never needed anybody's help in any way
But now these days are gone, I'm not so self assured (but now these days are gone)
(And now I find) Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors
Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being 'round
Help me get my feet back on the ground
Won't you please, please help me?
And now my life has changed in oh so many ways (and now my life has changed)
My independence seems to vanish in the haze
But every now and then I feel so insecure (I know that I)
I know that I just need you like I've never done before
Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being 'round
Help me get my feet back on the ground
Won't you please, please help me
When I was younger, so much younger than today
I never needed anybody's help in any way
But now these days are gone, I'm not so self assured (but now these days are gone)
(And now I find) now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors
Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being 'round
Help me get my feet back on the ground
Won't you please, please help me, help me, help me, ooh

“...especially when a lot of your stats are made up , and that's what you base your opinions on..“
Show me the made up stats you keep claiming I post. You’re the fella who kept harping on about how kids are dropping like flies from Covid whilst our federal chief medical officer says that the threat to children is absolutely minimal.
BTW bloke….Political issues are not out of our control. The very essence of politics is the competition of ideas and desires, If there is no scientific reasoning behind Covid policies then the population should agitate for change not simply resign yourself to the powers that be telling you how things are going to be and accepting getting shot with rubber bullets if someone dares to disagree.
We are not in a war against Covid. What utter bullshit. It’s a virus….it’s not going away. In a war it’s the best and healthiest amongst us who perish to preserve our freedoms for future generations, with covid it’s the best and healthiest forced under house arrest in a farcical pursuit of eternal life for a minority of elderly people who would pass away in a short period anyway.
You only accept the situation because your only sacrifice is not being able to fly overseas. Others are forgoing precious joy they have in short supply so that people who’ve had a long life can milk a few more days.
It’s the complete opposite of Churchill’s “ Never before has so much been owed by so many to so few”. Instead it’s never before have so few forced so many to sacrifice so much for so little”.
What do you reckon happens when we hit 80% vaccinated bloke? You don’t have to be Nostradamus to figure it out….look at Singapore and Israel. It’s back into house arrest and living a 5 % percent existence by everyone to prolong the lives of a few octogenarians. Where’s it end bloke? What’s your plan to perpetually prevent the inevitable? Meanwhile…..people are suffering and you don’t give two fucks.
That’s why I’m angry. Cause old crew like yourself who had a fun life are now forcing everyone else to give up their one shot at joy so you can try and temporarily avoid one of the infinite risks that life presents.
The sense of entitlement from crew is astounding. It’s been 20 months pushing shit uphill with your failed experiment and rather than be grateful and concede you are doubling down on the failed gamble of everyone’s lives you instead deman MOAR sacrifice and break out the truncheons and rubber bullets if anyone suggests anything else.

All good san guine. Yep and their choice. If you’re suggesting like others I may change my mind one day soon I’ll say in about 7 yrs when any effects are better understood and I can make what I determine to be an informed decision, I’ll consider it. If it’s still a thing of course. But yeah my choice.

“and the unvaccinated are a high risk category for them selves and the rest of the country..”
Huh? You really believe that shit? You’ve spent a life stressing the Christ out of yourself chasing a dollar, abused alcohol and drugs for decades, let yourself get fat and you’re pointing the finger at others as health risks for themselves and even the fucking country? You think this is mitigated by getting a couple of needles that neither protect you from getting sick or infecting others amd then you get to tut tut at others healthy people who have extremely good reason to trust natural immunity to keep them safe and out of hospital?
Where do these people get the hide to try and pull this kind of bullshit? What’s going on when people feel empowered and entitled to spout this kind of erroneous bullshit as if they’re pristine and preaching from God’s side.
Blows my mind.

Blowin be gonna have himself some cardiac arrest, sitting at his computer all and every day, blood pressure rising, using all his intellect and life experience to take down all and sundry on swellnet. Sic 'em big fella!

shortenism wrote:Would have, could have.. that’s the thing Craig, we don’t care. Let it run wild! To stop a shit show by creating a bigger shit show doesn’t make any sense. Sorry you’ve been sold a lemon.
Shorty, no YOU don't care and you are a minority thankfully.....there is only one reason we are not letting it run wild , our Health system cannot cope.
I have spent so much time in hospitals the last decade in the USA/France and Australia....there is one incredible thing that is a constant in all systems.....the health workers including the Dr's are amazing , full of empathy and kindness.....I have so much respect for the people who are working double shifts , and dealing with the misery of the patients....and always a smile a helpful hand to lift you disrespect them by asking for "let it run wild" , when it's Govt's that have been cutting health budgets for decade and not enough's them that should be paying the price...reality is we the people pay the price with the wonderful health care workers...

I am wondering if you guys were at the BLM protest in Melbourne that got fined for breaching covid restrictions ?
Will be interesting today to see how the lefts trade union protests go . I hope they prove me wrong and are not violent . Hiccup , take some dope there to help calm things down .

Hiccup - only a few protests and mainly as a spectator . Saw Prince Charles get barricaded into a Monash Uni hall in the 70's . Big Red knew how to whip up a good protest .
I am part of the silent majority so don't really do protests . Too busy working . Protect by writing letters and voting .

Brutus, lets absolutely agree 'the health workers including the Dr's are amazing , full of empathy and kindness', that's certainly been my experience.
And what a disgrace that they were on the front line when this pandemic 'raged' through 2020 with non of them jabbed and are now getting either threatened to be laid off or actually laid off in droves because they don't want the jab. Yep what a show of support. Disgusting. Wake up.

Blowin....answers below....I hope you don't drown in a sea of negative bullshit...sad , sad....
Blowin quote: Show me the made up stats you keep claiming I post. You’re the fella who kept harping on about how kids are dropping like flies from Covid whilst our federal chief medical officer says that the threat to children is absolutely minimal.
BTW bloke….Political issues are not out of our control. The very essence of politics is the competition of ideas and desires, If there is no scientific reasoning behind Covid policies then the population should agitate for change not simply resign yourself to the powers that be telling you how things are going to be and accepting getting shot with rubber bullets if someone dares to disagree.
We are not in a war against Covid. What utter bullshit. It’s a virus….it’s not going away. In a war it’s the best and healthiest amongst us who perish to preserve our freedoms for future generations, with covid it’s the best and healthiest forced under house arrest in a farcical pursuit of eternal life for a minority of elderly people who would pass away in a short period anyway.
You only accept the situation because your only sacrifice is not being able to fly overseas. Others are forgoing precious joy they have in short supply so that people who’ve had a long life can milk a few more days.
It’s the complete opposite of Churchill’s “ Never before has so much been owed by so many to so few”. Instead it’s never before have so few forced so many to sacrifice so much for so little”.
What do you reckon happens when we hit 80% vaccinated bloke? You don’t have to be Nostradamus to figure it out….look at Singapore and Israel. It’s back into house arrest and living a 5 % percent existence by everyone to prolong the lives of a few octogenarians. Where’s it end bloke? What’s your plan to perpetually prevent the inevitable? Meanwhile…..people are suffering and you don’t give two fucks.
That’s why I’m angry. Cause old crew like yourself who had a fun life are now forcing everyone else to give up their one shot at joy so you can try and temporarily avoid one of the infinite risks that life presents.
The sense of entitlement from crew is astounding. It’s been 20 months pushing shit uphill with your failed experiment and rather than be grateful and concede you are doubling down on the failed gamble of everyone’s lives you instead deman MOAR sacrifice and break out the truncheons and rubber bullets if anyone suggests anything else.
Blowin , just off the top of my head , you made up 85% of Australians are Anglo saxon....I posted it's actually claim the death rate from Covid was o.42%, I posted at the time its was actually 1.7%.....good news today it's down to 1.3% as we have a lot more infections now..
I have previously asked you where do you get your stats from....but you never I assume you just made up your stats to justify your opinion?
All the other crap that you wrote is just still don't read links that dispel your sad narrative on Politics ( Majority want vaccinations/passports end of story!)
Your idea of only young people die,FFS Blowin are you even aware of civilian deaths...lets me say it another war we are the good guys, Covid is the bad guy who wants to hurt and kill us , and we are the good guys trying to beat it!
So you blame me because I've had a good time already ...and yeah people are suffering because of people like's all about you and your stories , which brings me are anonymous , I am a public figure....who knows what you say is true about your personal life as you don't have to answer to could be a 20 yr old Palmer supporter for all I I am at a disadvantage as everyone knows me and part of my history...I have nothing to hide and am prepared to come onto the forums knowing full well there will be people who try to discredit my opinions by dragging up and misrepresenting my past......but here I still am...

shortenism wrote:Brutus, lets absolutely agree 'the health workers including the Dr's are amazing , full of empathy and kindness', that's certainly been my experience.
And what a disgrace that they were on the front line when this pandemic 'raged' through 2020 with non of them jabbed and are now getting either threatened to be laid off or actually laid off in droves because they don't want the jab. Yep what a show of support. Disgusting. Wake up.
Shorty are you aware we didn't get the AZ till march 2021?

yes Brutus and that's exactly my point. They survived without it on the front line and are now being mandated or coerced to get it or lose their jobs. Disgraceful.

brutus wrote:shortenism wrote:Brutus, lets absolutely agree 'the health workers including the Dr's are amazing , full of empathy and kindness', that's certainly been my experience.
And what a disgrace that they were on the front line when this pandemic 'raged' through 2020 with non of them jabbed and are now getting either threatened to be laid off or actually laid off in droves because they don't want the jab. Yep what a show of support. Disgusting. Wake up.
Shorty are you aware we didn't get the AZ till march 2021?
Shorty’s timeline way out…..drops himself in it…

shortenism wrote:yes Brutus and that's exactly my point. They survived without it on the front line and are now being mandated or coerced to get it or lose their jobs. Disgraceful.
Lame try to extract yourself from posting garbage. You dropped the ball there. That is the trouble with making stuff up to suit your bias…those damn facts get in the way. Not smart enough shortenism. Lol.

Ah roadkill, you posted before you saw my response... Who dropped themselves in it....?

If anyone can check out 'real rukshan' on facebook for live coverage in Melbourne right now.. Wild scenes.

Hutchy 19 wrote:Hiccup/Vlocal
I am wondering if you guys were at the BLM protest in Melbourne that got fined for breaching covid restrictions ?
Will be interesting today to see how the lefts trade union protests go . I hope they prove me wrong and are not violent . Hiccup , take some dope there to help calm things down .
Hutchy19, I didn't go to the BLM protest due to Covid. I support their cause and was happy to see the protestors were covid safe and peaceful.
The protests / riots over the last two days in Melbourne are not "lefts trade union protests". Yes there are stupid union members there, but there are also plenty of far right rabble in the crowd. They've been sending messages encouraging their mob to join the moronic tradies. It's basically toxic male village idiot Karens looking for a fight.
The anti-vax tradies are now the most hated people in Melbourne. It was the final straw and now construction has been shut down for 2 weeks, causing absolute mayhem.
Construction workers have low vaccination rates, many didn't comply with covid restrictions, they spread Covid in Melbourne and to the regions, and now the idiot mob are rioting in the streets. That's not all tradies. Many did the right thing and now they are all suffering the consequences.
I was back on the tools and now I've lost another two weeks work due to these arseholes. I hope these stupid selfish cunts never set foot on a job site again.
And as for the right wing cunts organising the mob, I hope you get covid and die in a lonely ditch. Caaaaarnts.

shortenism wrote:If anyone can check out 'real rukshan' on facebook for live coverage in Melbourne right now.. Wild scenes.
Full on eh

Barely a brain cell between them.

goofyfoot wrote:shortenism wrote:If anyone can check out 'real rukshan' on facebook for live coverage in Melbourne right now.. Wild scenes.
Full on eh
Angry stupid men. Chanting freedom at a rally that will only make their freedom less likely.

Men and Woman standing up for their rights.

Divide and concur. It’s working perfectly as we can see here on this forum.

Tom Tanuki absolutely nails it with this analysis of the "union anti-vax rallies".
The CFMEU basically has to stare down their idiot members and stand up against the right wing rabble as well.

Brutus -"Blowin , just off the top of my head , you made up 85% of Australians are Anglo saxon....I posted it's actually claim the death rate from Covid was o.42%, I posted at the time its was actually 1.7%.....good news today it's down to 1.3% as we have a lot more infections now..
I have previously asked you where do you get your stats from....but you never I assume you just made up your stats to justify your opinion?"
A lot of us on this site do the same Brutus .
You have shown a dislike for capitalism without ever suggesting a better alternative . You said it thrived on cheap labour while forgetting slavery . You have batty views on where covid originated .
You see colonialism as bad while forgetting aboriginals colonised Australia . You seem to think colonials have a mandate on massacres while forgetting that all tribal systems and most religion did the same .
You forget that imperialism ( colonialism ) is the worlds fundamental building block . Not always pleasant but always the natural way forward .
You and others seem to dismiss or not understand the important stats Troubleshooter presents .
I have asked VLocal if he has fact checked them because if they are true they demolish the views on the importance of vaccination . No reply !!!!
We all make mistakes but should also keep a look out for information that supports or discredits our views . We should be willing to learn and change our views .

shortenism wrote:Men and Woman standing up for their rights.
Only one woman?

Michael Adam wrote:Divide and concur. It’s working perfectly as we can see here on this forum.
I concur!

More labourer than tradies.

shortenism wrote:Men and Woman standing up for their rights.
Funny you should say that.

Hutchy 19 wrote:Hiccup/Vlocal
I am wondering if you guys were at the BLM protest in Melbourne that got fined for breaching covid restrictions ?
Will be interesting today to see how the lefts trade union protests go . I hope they prove me wrong and are not violent . Hiccup , take some dope there to help calm things down .
"Take some dope there"? What are you, a christian youth minister circa 1972?

Tom Tanuki, Not going to even click on his video to give him any extra views, made that mistake before this guy is the biggest attention seeker loser ever, i never knew there was such a thing as a far left wing bogan, but this guy is proof there is, guy is total trash, so full of shit and hates on everyone and everything trying to grift on their higher profiles full potty mouth too...

shortenism wrote:yes Brutus and that's exactly my point. They survived without it on the front line and are now being mandated or coerced to get it or lose their jobs. Disgraceful.
you are aware that the Delta variant is this years problem and it's a lot more infectious than the original ?
3000 health workers lost their jobs in France as they wouldn't vaccinate , as the Government see's unvaccinated people in the health system as dangerous to others.
The USA is now mandating Govt workers need to be vaccinated...
you find it disgraceful , but you are a minority...I can imagine that you chose not would you be prepared to sign a waiver that if you got sick from Covid that you would not use the Health system?

For those who reckon there are no right-wing activists - there are Trump flags and Proud Boys tshirts in the crowd
— Paul Sakkal (@paulsakkal) September 21, 2021
Lots of people who seem to be genuine tradies, but it's certainly supplemented by other groups
The groups are also not necessarily mutually exclusive @theage

VLocal - I have seen a CFMEU demo and their building sites . Stacked with super heavies from the Hells Angels etc. To intimidate their own workers . They do a very good job .
No one from any other group , especially from the right , would be able to influence what this far left group wants to do . They don't like their leader at the moment as he is Dan's pocket .
You know this to be true !
The 70 year old women was purposely bowled over , broke her hip and the spayed in the face while lying defensively on the ground . True good police are horrified and the bloke who did it will regret it for the rest of his life . Is is being investigated .
I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?