Vale...and thanks! “When the moon is shining the cripple becomes hungry for a walk” ― Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart

Hey Adam, I have no words to make you feel better, except that I know how you feel and you're not alone. I've been there a few times and no doubt will be there again. Jesse like most little furry mates sounds like a champ- I love the beanie anecdote, one of ours has a thing for socks. Also, your Mum sounds like she was a legend, is there anything better in this world than a cuddle from your Mum.
Sending you a virtual hug mate through my tears. Bring it in big fella- sounds like you need it.
PS- nice words Guy.

Thinking of ya A12 , hope you have some uncrowded waves come your way .

All the best to u @adam12 ;)
- tomorrow is a new day brutha.
I’m guessing u got 20 yrs of great memories…
Jesse will want u to take that stoke and keep running with it ;);)

Sorry to hear Adam, its always hard losing mans best friend.

All the best Adam, it's a tough time. Our furry friends are just the best tonic, and it's a sad, sad day when they leave us.

adam12 wrote:@Wax24,@AlfredWallaceEsq.@basesix@Sypkan@Southern@Jelly@seeds@supa@soggy@theandys@GuySmiley@goofy@VJ@Pops,(even)@Indo and I'm sure others I forgot, lot of @'s to remember, so you too if I forgot you.
Just a few words (hopefully not too many) of thanks to my invisible SN mates who I know have generously and in good faith been with me on this little journey I just took these past couple of weeks.
My little girl Jesse went over that rainbow bridge, peacefully, today and is now at rest in a great little spot in my yard.
I'm fine. Sometimes the build up is worse than the aftermath with these things, especially with pets. Probably the case for me this time too.
When you get old like me, (not old old, hopefully old late middle age old) you unfortunately get to accumulate hits like this. I've taken some beauties in my time as we all do.
Felt this one pretty keenly. As many of you know I've lived alone the past twenty odd years, some of the happiest in my life, and Jesse was a huge part of that. An inspiration really, not just a best mate.
Nothing like coming home everyday and there's this creature that's been waiting for you and is so fkn pumped to see you and be with you, every time, no matter what. She was an epic dog, classic big personality in a little dog like all Jack Russells. Always up for anything. Very gentle but very cheeky too.
She would often just charge me full pelt, bound up onto my thigh and then into my arms, smother me with licks and, if it was winter, pinch the beanie off my head if she could and then destroy it doing zoomies, and eventually go put it into the pile of them she kept by her bed. She was never that interested in toys, did have one favorite once, but loved my beanies. I went through dozens and dozens.
I buried her with one of them today.
I spent a few decades living with women prior to this period of my life and it was (trying hard not to be misogynistic here) often a very different feeling coming home. Bit of a lucky dip. Sometimes a mood, good or bad, or a 'to do' list, or a critique of me or some of my dodgy mates, or her mates. Sometimes a loving embrace and a bit of randy lovemaking. I'm sure some of you reading this can relate.
But Jesse never changed. I could shut my door and always lived in a happy house, fortress of solitude, untouchable, fun.
House feels empty today. Still got Cuddles the feral cat, but you know, cats, different animal, great but not the same.
Been a slightly weird, unique one this time. Never went sympathy seeking here, just mentioned it once in a conversation I was having with @AW, more an aside, and got surprised it led to a fair bit of brotherly love and solidarity and kind words from you guys, which I will always remember and be grateful for.
I've got good people in the real world but this time felt I was going thru this with a bunch of online mates and good therapy here on SN. So that was a new and pretty wonderful feeling tbh.
Trying hard not to turn this post into another "self indulgent, personal novel by a skitzo something or other" like old mate GSCO called me the other day. (Perceptive that, I do tend to get long winded, bit melodramatic and personal trying to make a point sometimes. And I am a Gemini and always had a few different me's. Maybe "takes one to know one" hehe)
I've got no way to repay any of you for your kind words of support.
Except maybe to leave you with some wisdom the wisest person I ever met drummed into me about life and death, love and loss, many, many years ago, my mother. Sure many already know it, been through it, but hope it may be of help for any of you to remember in the future going thru things like this, even bigger.
My Mum's wise words certainly helped me over the years absorbing big hits and loss like today's, including one of the biggest of my life, losing her.
"It's always bittersweet" she would say "The bitter...the hurt and pain, the feeling of helplessness, loneliness, loss, always comes first. It's bad, but it never lasts. Never. The sweet, the golden feeling that somehow they're not really gone, they are still with you, still around, in your head, your heart, your memories and dreams ( and in the case of my darling mother, actually still sitting on my shoulder every day, still whispering great advice in my ear, or sometimes still yelling at me, telling me off, telling me to do better), that sweet feeling when it comes, it lasts forever. never forget that."
So I'm just letting the bitter wash over me today, losing my best mate these past twenty years. Let it do it's thing.Tomorrow I start waiting for the sweet. I know it will come very soon. Happened to me many times before this.
I'll be back on these pages soon. AW did a post last night calling old mate @Indo a SN junkie. Led to a bit of quiet self reflection on my part. Me too. Not always a healthy thing really, especially the "argument" threads. But for me lately it's been some pretty good stuff coursing my veins, so I'll be back here bantering, probably sooner than I should.
'Till then, bottom of my heart, brothers for life kind of stuff, thank you all.
Hell of a thing, life....and death, sometimes.PS. Sorry for producing another Adam12 personal novel here. But it was important to me to come here and say it, so I can move on.
PPS. @Jelly. Sorry I never responded to you that day you told me about when you lost your last little furry friend. I did read it and that one got me. Didn't/couldn't respond at the time but should have so sorry for that.
Keep enlightening and keep punching boys, this old broken down middleweight will be back throwing haymakers and uppercuts again soon.
Lovely words Adam.
Condolences to you at this very sad time.
Speaking for myself, I enjoy reading your contributions.
All the best and take care

Go well Adam. That inevitable flipside to the bond, love & loyalty that dogs provide us with is a very tough time. Have been there twice before myself & it was bloody awful. I love the way you speak about your Mother. Thanks for sharing all that too. Also, keep injecting the good humour into these threads. Nothing quite like laughing out loud.

Beautiful post a12. Sorry for your loss.
Dogs really are the best people.

Sorry for your loss Adam12.
Dogs give so much and ask for little in return. They are all characters in their own unique way.
My old friend has been gone nearly four years now and I still think of him every day.
We made up a photo album of him: I was looking through it yesterday and it brings a smile to my face.

adam12 wrote:@Wax24,@AlfredWallaceEsq.@basesix@Sypkan@Southern@Jelly@seeds@supa@soggy@theandys@GuySmiley@goofy@VJ@Pops,(even)@Indo and I'm sure others I forgot, lot of @'s to remember, so you too if I forgot you.
Just a few words (hopefully not too many) of thanks to my invisible SN mates who I know have generously and in good faith been with me on this little journey I just took these past couple of weeks.
My little girl Jesse went over that rainbow bridge, peacefully, today and is now at rest in a great little spot in my yard.
I'm fine. Sometimes the build up is worse than the aftermath with these things, especially with pets. Probably the case for me this time too.
When you get old like me, (not old old, hopefully old late middle age old) you unfortunately get to accumulate hits like this. I've taken some beauties in my time as we all do.
Felt this one pretty keenly. As many of you know I've lived alone the past twenty odd years, some of the happiest in my life, and Jesse was a huge part of that. An inspiration really, not just a best mate.
Nothing like coming home everyday and there's this creature that's been waiting for you and is so fkn pumped to see you and be with you, every time, no matter what. She was an epic dog, classic big personality in a little dog like all Jack Russells. Always up for anything. Very gentle but very cheeky too.
She would often just charge me full pelt, bound up onto my thigh and then into my arms, smother me with licks and, if it was winter, pinch the beanie off my head if she could and then destroy it doing zoomies, and eventually go put it into the pile of them she kept by her bed. She was never that interested in toys, did have one favorite once, but loved my beanies. I went through dozens and dozens.
I buried her with one of them today.
I spent a few decades living with women prior to this period of my life and it was (trying hard not to be misogynistic here) often a very different feeling coming home. Bit of a lucky dip. Sometimes a mood, good or bad, or a 'to do' list, or a critique of me or some of my dodgy mates, or her mates. Sometimes a loving embrace and a bit of randy lovemaking. I'm sure some of you reading this can relate.
But Jesse never changed. I could shut my door and always lived in a happy house, fortress of solitude, untouchable, fun.
House feels empty today. Still got Cuddles the feral cat, but you know, cats, different animal, great but not the same.
Been a slightly weird, unique one this time. Never went sympathy seeking here, just mentioned it once in a conversation I was having with @AW, more an aside, and got surprised it led to a fair bit of brotherly love and solidarity and kind words from you guys, which I will always remember and be grateful for.
I've got good people in the real world but this time felt I was going thru this with a bunch of online mates and good therapy here on SN. So that was a new and pretty wonderful feeling tbh.
Trying hard not to turn this post into another "self indulgent, personal novel by a skitzo something or other" like old mate GSCO called me the other day. (Perceptive that, I do tend to get long winded, bit melodramatic and personal trying to make a point sometimes. And I am a Gemini and always had a few different me's. Maybe "takes one to know one" hehe)
I've got no way to repay any of you for your kind words of support.
Except maybe to leave you with some wisdom the wisest person I ever met drummed into me about life and death, love and loss, many, many years ago, my mother. Sure many already know it, been through it, but hope it may be of help for any of you to remember in the future going thru things like this, even bigger.
My Mum's wise words certainly helped me over the years absorbing big hits and loss like today's, including one of the biggest of my life, losing her.
"It's always bittersweet" she would say "The bitter...the hurt and pain, the feeling of helplessness, loneliness, loss, always comes first. It's bad, but it never lasts. Never. The sweet, the golden feeling that somehow they're not really gone, they are still with you, still around, in your head, your heart, your memories and dreams ( and in the case of my darling mother, actually still sitting on my shoulder every day, still whispering great advice in my ear, or sometimes still yelling at me, telling me off, telling me to do better), that sweet feeling when it comes, it lasts forever. never forget that."
So I'm just letting the bitter wash over me today, losing my best mate these past twenty years. Let it do it's thing.Tomorrow I start waiting for the sweet. I know it will come very soon. Happened to me many times before this.
I'll be back on these pages soon. AW did a post last night calling old mate @Indo a SN junkie. Led to a bit of quiet self reflection on my part. Me too. Not always a healthy thing really, especially the "argument" threads. But for me lately it's been some pretty good stuff coursing my veins, so I'll be back here bantering, probably sooner than I should.
'Till then, bottom of my heart, brothers for life kind of stuff, thank you all.
Hell of a thing, life....and death, sometimes.PS. Sorry for producing another Adam12 personal novel here. But it was important to me to come here and say it, so I can move on.
PPS. @Jelly. Sorry I never responded to you that day you told me about when you lost your last little furry friend. I did read it and that one got me. Didn't/couldn't respond at the time but should have so sorry for that.
Keep enlightening and keep punching boys, this old broken down middleweight will be back throwing haymakers and uppercuts again soon.
Adam12. Hi mate. Hope you are physically and mentally ok in this time of sorrow and reflection .
I’ve just ceased what I’m doing, more important things have come to the fore, I’ve just read about you and Jesse.
Binoculars grounded, brain removed from what I’m doing.
I feel compelled to speak to you for your loss.
I’ve just gained reception in Little Desert National Park amongst beautiful vegetation and birdlife of one of Victoria’s best little gems, just like Jesse was, a true little gem.
I offer you very heartfelt condolences and all the best for your wellbeing (at this point in time).
Firstly, never feel guilty about expelling your inner feelings, as blokes we simply don’t do it enough, we hide behind the ‘armour of bravado’, when in reality, on the inside we are ‘soft cock pussies’.
It’s always best when raw, truthful and honest feelings are shared with others.
In this instance ‘family’, your family, the Swellnet family, the one thats always here 24/7 for you whenever you feel the need to engage.
Nobody may reply or answer, but you still feel good you’ve engaged, because you imagine or hope someone out there is listening ( or in our case,reading)
Let’s face it, most of us here are surfers, we like to talk surf, watch surf and spruik good surf sessions, but let’s not fool ourselves, we are on forums because there’s a connection amongst all of us , it’s a social and mental health outlet with some of the best caring practitioners in town.
You may not like what you hear sometimes, but you/we need to hear it sometimes to balance our own mental reckonings
We slap each other around and get slapped around ourselves.
To female posters here, I apologise, it’s a bit blokey today, but that’s ok, because a good bloke has just lost his lady.
Keep well Adam12, the floor is yours, for however long you need. All the best AW.

Hey Adam….. just got back after not being able to be digital for a few days. Like alot of us, i’ve been waiting for this post. All the things have been said, and said well. My heart is with ya today (it’s 1644 here, now), and moving forward.
I like what your wise Mum told you and that you were able to put that in your pocket. I like that you are here sharing all this. I believe that sharing will get ya from bitter to sweet quicker. And organically, without your guidance. (always better, i think)
Come back to say more if more needs to be said, no worries.
Take care of yourself.

RIP Melanie.
Such a distinctive and dynamic voice, so powerful and yet so angelic.
Raise the candle high darling.

Oh My Stars , a shock seeing this post ( thanks again , Salty : ) .
Recently commented on some social media site that THIS woman wrote the above song and it became a Banner for a Peace Army ( Imagine and Eve of Destruction were 2 others :) .
She performed the song to a Dutch TV audience who had never heard of her before ( I think ) .
I watched the 7 minute clip a few nights ago , for the umpteenth time .
This woman sung her heart out .
One of the Best ever, Live performances of ALL time imho !
The daggy old Dutch audience were blown away .
RIP Melanie !
I will go and light a candle !
Miley Cirrus will now step up a bit more as a tribute imho .
The above IS the Dutch Live performance with a lovely intro . I think .
I now think it is not the Dutch performance but still the same Melanie !

Hi Pop,
Yes a very talented lady.
Just imagine you have started to gain a little bit of attention in small bars and clubs and then you get a gig in front of 500,000 people.
That is a moment in music history!!

A Music Festive that was planned for 50 000 turned into Woodstock !
3 days of Love , Peace and Harmony .
Turned Churchills Victory sign into a Peace sign .
At some stage over the three days in August there was half a million there .
Hendrix was the last to perform .
Apparently only 30k actually saw it .
The rest had to go home and rest lol !
Woodstock started a Peace Army , perhaps ?
And Melanie was leading it .
Salty , so glad I saw this as not on the news I follow .
Would hate to hear this news in a month or 2 , thanks .

swellnet's touching Melanie tribute continues...
Vale Mary Weiss...
Surfin' The Shangri-Las Sunset

@Salty Dog,@PopDown,@TBB.
I hope this trio is well.
Thanks for these great reminders of her talent.
What a voice !!! AW.
P.S. (The young Miley Cyrus lass, her voice is growing on me)

Hey TBB & AW
Watched the Clip of Miley and M .
I wanted 2 highlight this performance and so happy , U put it up TBB !
With most people , I look at their eyes , what they are looking at , and HOW they are looking at it haha ( with me ? :)
With Miley , her eyes are filled with TRUE energy .
She knew Melanie very well , perhaps , like a mother ?
To see these 2 sing , Melanies song " Look What They Have Done 2 My Song , Ma " , is ethereal imho .
Look at how they are looking at , each other !!!
Pure emotion which resonates the whole performance dramatically , imho !
Miley has just kept stepping Up her whole life .
She has now , received a new boost of ( M) energy .
She will now FLY !
She knows , she knows how .
Just be herself .
2 days before M died , I wrote an email to PBS , suggesting the station celebrate the 55th Anniversary of Woodstock , in August .
Of course , mentioned Melanie in the email .
Pop stuff .

Stoked with Alfred Wallace & Pop Down sharing the love...speak for all of us ya do!
tbb would not have gone there, but have run that tribute track before...seemed to pass the pub test!
+ Melanie loves the Girl, really! Often speaks up for her...reckons she'll come good...
Pretty sure all agree that's Miley's finest hour and Melanie fans are stoked with the swellnet tribute.
Happy to continue...All say Aye!
Melanie wrote all these tracks...tbb will share a swansong Montage finish!
Melanie judges her own performance in song...Brilliant combo of modern self therapy songwriting!
Got a problem with how I roll...then back at ya!
All luv her sticking it to the Man punk ethic...Power to the people! Salute Melanie!

True Blue
The Montage Finish started my day with a great takeoff and on the right foot .
Very special , thanks mate !

Wayne Kramer, mc5 guitarist. Inspired many who followed. Rest.

@blackers - sad news this one. Caught Brother Wayne when he supported Birdman in '96 and thought he was amazing. Saw the DKT/MC5 tour of the mid 2000s which was also impressive.
I always imagine what it would have been like seeing these guys back in the late 60s. Mind blowing.

@KM, Lucky you, never had the chance. The live clips are astounding.
Birdman touring in June. Playing here on my birthday.

Great podcast with Wayne here:
Starts about 12 minsAlso going to see Birdman. It's been a while.

swellnet Wayne Kramer Tribute continues...
Sounds amazing Kook-Man2001
Detroit Punk sound never hit Goldie Shelves until post punk ('60's-70's US Punk Comp revivals)
However first hearing of [ Looking at You ] Stunning Cover versions salute high energy MC5
Left UK / Goldie Punks via Damned 1979 [< Border >] Right US / Tweed Punks via New Race 1981
2022 Wayne Kramer rides his fireball with some seriously heavy lifting hypersonic overdrive.

RIP to the very young girl in Brisbane yesterday. Sincerest condolences to her family and friends. If they are out there reading this, if it helps, I was very early on the scene and genuinely believe she passed away almost or exactly instantly. And everyone seemed to do the right thing and create a barrier around her with their backs turned until the authorities arrived. It's hard to know what to say. My heart goes out to all

gsco mkII wrote:RIP to the very young girl in Brisbane yesterday. Sincerest condolences to her family and friends. If they are out there reading this, if it helps, I was very early on the scene and genuinely believe she passed away almost or exactly instantly. And everyone seemed to do the right thing and create a barrier around her with their backs turned until the authorities arrived. It's hard to know what to say. My heart goes out to all
It was so heartbreaking to read. I have twins the same age. Life is very precious and can be gone in a flash.
Hard for you also gsco, look after yourself also.

Thanks, it was very confronting and heartbreaking for everyone involved.

Play on... Eric Carmen

Vale Steve Harley.
Snuff Rock Punk of Blank Gen suicidal odes...
Official Title : Most underrated Rock Legend of our time.
tbb had serious hassles choosing which epic Trax to sideline...
Can finish with these bonus epics...*Best Years of all Lives *Death Trip
Listeners will hear the snarl of Johnny Rotten to Gothic Birthday Party to Ultravox majesty!
More so, the endless pioneering new wave sounds inspiring alt punk bands like The Fall & Wire.
Brutal captivating snarling swooning minstrel plucking yer heartstrings...The Whole Show!
Check the 2012 Oz RocKwiz live version of Make me Smile. (Goldie Gromz '75 Skate crew Song!)
True performer of the genuine kind...blows ya cool...sorely missed...Enjoy the Show!

Gavin Webb, jammin' good with Glenelg regulars the Mustangs, and riding the wave through the Masters Apprentices, especially the Mick Bower classics: the best early aussie garage song ever, Undecided, and proto protest-rock-song War or Hands of Time..
Sincere condolences to Ben and family. He was a lovely man.
(that's Gav at the back on the bass)

Backing up swellnet Basesix pure stoke Gavin Webb tribute...
Dedicate a damn fine Mustangs > Masters crossover Track.
Surfin' that raw Basesix Garage sound...
Feb 1967 Hot Gully Wind...
Word is getting out...soon be heralded as Oz Mod Masterpiece
Sure! We'll surf the Bass six stereo kicker series.
Punters reckon Tiger does a good mash up...gonna roar either way!
Kinda brings out Gav's Psyched out Mod Bass...give it to 'em Gav.
Man this is some brutally Honest raw Oz sound...your National duty to embrace the Classics!
Buried and Dead (Gav's wild Acid Punk bass Epitath)
Official Band Tribute to Gavin Peter Webb
Adelaide Encore...that's Gav' as Back Seat Driver...
Had a Gig booked in Adelaide next month...
See that Gromz...rides out on a Fireball from here to eternity!

Another musical legend moving onto the next plane.
RIP Dicky.

andy-mac...DB tribute continues...When it's time for leaving...
[4:30] ( DB : Organics of writing ~ Ramblin' Man )

Has there ever been a better interplay between two guitarists as between Dickie Betts and Duane Allman.
Epic stuff, and most likely underrated in Australia.

AndyM wrote:Has there ever been a better interplay between two guitarists as between Dickie Betts and Duane Allman.
Epic stuff, and most likely underrated in Australia.
Long time admirer of the ABB, and Betts eloquent style. No wanking, just a beautiful tone and exquisite phrasing. "Jessica" has to be one of the all time outstanding instrumentals, and Chuck Leavell's contribution is simply brilliant.
Thanks for everything, Dickey.

Also, you've gotta be a special bunch of musos to keep the listener riveted during every moment of a 20 minute jam.
Those guys were so tight, so in synch and so creative, and like you said Salty, Betts' beautiful phrasing just shone.

Mountain Jam always does it for me, especially the first 11 or so minutes.

lovely thread this, reflecting and listening, thanks to all the posters on here, nice learning space,
Allman brs band not something I experienced Andy/andy, always shied away from 'jams',
cheers for posting the above, I'm enjoying now.
(You crack me up TBB, how on the money are you? I debated whether to post the stereofied version, my instinct always says stick with original mono.. [stereo is such a slick, mercurial, disloyal puppy], not my fave guitar or vocal takes, claps too background, but saw tiger had some respect, and figured it'll rock either way, and we should all know all versions of these songs. and you write this:
"1967 Hot Gully Wind... Sure! We'll surf the Bass six stereo kicker series. Punters reckon Tiger does a good mash up...gonna roar either way! Kinda brings out Gav's Psyched out Mod Bass...give it to 'em Gav. Man this is some brutally Honest raw Oz sound...your National duty to embrace the Classics!" )
haha, give it to 'em Gav!

truebluebasher wrote:andy-mac...DB tribute continues...When it's time for leaving...
[4:30] ( DB : Organics of writing ~ Ramblin' Man )
That video was so good, wow, he and others could surely play the gee-tah. AW

Geoff McCoy has caught his last wave.
heart complications claimed him this morning around 2AM...
Nugget riding at HeavenlyPoint forever.
RIP GM...28/6/44-22/2/2024.

Damn, that is sad news.
RIP Geoff McCoy.

RIP Geoff, you certainly left an indelible mark on surfing. Hope you're at peace.

RIP Geoff....

Totally a one of a kind .Great guy, great surfboard shaper/designer . Irreplaceable, well done mate .

Too soon. But it always is.
Thanks for all the weird and wonderful ideas, Geoff.

Innovator with old school values and work ethic. Was a pleasure to meet him and chat. RIP Geoff.

Bless you and thank you so much Geoff.

Vale Ian Parmenter OAM... 450 / 5min Consuming Passions
World's happiest Man ...
Fleet Street > Played Harp in a few bands
Produced Rock Arena / Marg's ASP Masters Surfing
Sunday 28/4/2024 ABC Landline (Tribute)
How about Beer and Wine...Bon Appetit

Vale Duane Eddy
Jan 1960 Australian Tour
Surf Guitar Tribute
Gidget goes Hawaiian...Troppo Blend
Moovin'n'Groovin .
Duane Eddy surfed his guitar thru 2,000G water tank echo chamber
1960 Tribute by UK Surf Punk Band "The Beatles"...ya all heard that right...WTF.
Your Baby's gone Surfin' everyone!
Guitar Star...from Water Skiing LP (Surf Guitar LP Shhh!)
While the other guys were Surfin' or just cruisin' around...
He'd be pickin' his Guitar tryin' to get that sound.
Never went to sleep until his eyes turned Red
Everybody thought that he was outta his head.
Waitin' for the day when he'd get his big chance...
They let him play at the High School Dance.
LP : "Water Skiing" / Jumpin' the Wake...(Can also surf : Toe Hold Side Slide)
Peter Gunn Theme...Bespoke version ...(Tip: read the 'more' notes...)
Count the Stoner Session Musos in this Clip...drummer with sheet music?
Deepest sympathies to Deepest of Rebels...will be deeply missed...that sound's pretty deep!
Duane Eddy's heavy sound will reverberate thru our lives & into the afterlife.
Afterlife track is still good in our lifetime...just press play...should kick in...
Ben's tunes parallel universe Duane Eddy tribute page [132]
And it's goodnight from him...