Vale...and thanks! “When the moon is shining the cripple becomes hungry for a walk” ― Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart

Indeed, a few more Fr Bobs - with his relaxed-progressiveness, anarchic-positivity and empathetic-inclusivity - and Aussie organised religion might be in a position today to say something socially relevant that doesn't smack of hypocrisy. Bob was quite an entertaining chap.

A true comedic genius, Rip Baz.

Thanks for the many many laughs.

I saw many of his theatre performances which left me in tears of laughter and sadness.
The last show (farewell tour?) I saw he did a reflective piece looking back on his life/career and looking forward to his impeding death, the theatre was sold out and you could have heard a pin drop.
A true great

Rippa Baz! Great send off by crew...continues
swellnet & Goldie Punkz tribute their filthy Oz legend!
Dame Edna : S&M Lady
Sir Les : Never Trust a Man who doesn't Drink (Cultured Version)
Bruce the Shark : (Pledge) Fish are Friends...Not Food
Here's Brucey! {Intervention}
The Great Goblin : Goblin Town

What a legend. One of the funniest blokes to ever live, certainly the GOAT of Aussie comedy in my opinion.
I believe talks with the family about a State Funeral are currently being held and rightly so.

Vale Harry Belafonte
swellnet drum circle back beat double up send off...
Jump in the Line steel tribute earns beach break cred!
Band trounces about but this track sounds magic for a perfect sendoff!
Thanx for the sweet sounds and back beats Harry!
Harry's luv of beat music likewise inspired many drummers!

R.I.P Dane one of the Hawaiian greats

^^ I'm reading conflicting reports about this.

Yep, still with us, according to his family on twitter.

R.I.P. Dane

64 is young. Fucken cancer

How sad, RIP Dane absolute legend

Pioneer of power surfing…

All time legend…my favourite surfer growing up…watched him destroy Burleigh just before a Stubbies event when I was a grom and that was it…an idol ever since.
Probably the highlight of my surfing life was sharing a late arvo session with him at Backdoor/OTW…he just appeared in the lineup late nearing dark (at a time he wasn’t surfing much) and an almost immediate hush of reverence overcame the once rabid crowd. He paddled straight into about 4 bombs in a row and I can’t recall anyone moving the whole time. He never said a word and then he was gone.
It was magical.
RIP Dane.

crg wrote:All time legend…my favourite surfer growing up…watched him destroy Burleigh just before a Stubbies event when I was a grom and that was it…an idol ever since.
Probably the highlight of my surfing life was sharing a late arvo session with him at Backdoor/OTW…he just appeared in the lineup late nearing dark (at a time he wasn’t surfing much) and an almost immediate hush of reverence overcame the once rabid crowd. He paddled straight into about 4 bombs in a row and I can’t recall anyone moving the whole time. He never said a word and then he was gone.
It was magical.
RIP Dane.
This is epic

{rip} Andy Rourke Bassist from Smiths & UK supergroups
swellnet tribute to one of UK's best musos...
1983 Charming Man...most iconic Bass Riff ...(Where's me Royalties?)
Tribute continues with Andy's supergroups...
Free Bass ~ You don't know this about me! (Instrumental Version...Classic!)
D.A.R.K ~ Miles Away
DADDY ~ Sword Swallower

Rest in peace Andy.

Vale Tina. Epic voice.

Everything about this is freaking amazing.

Good choices gents. Ike was a mean and nasty f*** by all accounts but they made great music together. No one going for "Private Dancer"?

great tune.

I love that River Deep Mountain High song Blackers posted. Got that Church Hall gospel sound to it. Coincidentally came on in the car last night driving home. Such an uplifting song. Never get tired of it.
RIP Tina. You certainly made your mark.

swellnet Tina Turner tribute continues...freeride's amazing share of that Italian Gig...
blackers...cont...Nutbush...still got the the original Family copy of the 70's single...
Sounds funky coz word is > Marc Bolan (T Rex) Plays Guitar on Ike's Moog Track.
There was some question but none have disputed that...he was there at the time & a huge fan!
Here's the age old background on Oz Nutbush dance attraction...
1970's Sharpie + Surfie Chix hated disco so craved new sounds more so than US/UK chix.
Lady Marmalade / Get right Back... / Nutbush inspired The Crunch (Crossover dance > less so Disco).
tbb recalls then Sharpie moves kicked along these Chiko Chix Trax...(Not disco & No line dancin' then!)
Rollerskatin' ...R&R / Sat Night / Down Down / Cherry Bomb + Girls on the Avenue / Don't fall in Love...
Very few songs cut thru the age / sex / race barrier & Nutbush set the trend with it's cool iconic sound!
These Chix left school before Formals era but returned to boss school music / formal Dance / DJ's.
Early '80's B&S balls began trolling Cities for chix & this is where the Boot Scoot Crossover kicked in.
All instinctively knew Nutbush would win over Chix groups to get Guys on dance floors...(Correct!)
Very organic continuation into early '80's Oz Dances as Chix' fav dance song never left Oz turntables.
Proof: There were no New wave re issues of note...chix clung onto original Singles for '80's DJ' did tbb.
Drunk Oz blokes luv the ear buzz...drives 'em insane...sharpie steps dumbed down to boot scoot...all cool!
Can't think of another track that brings Guys/Chix of all eras together as Nutbush! Salute...Tina Turner!
Mid 80's Tina / Mad Max redo kicked in to cement the deal. (Recap : It was no revival just kept spinnin'!)
Won't be surprised if Nutbush hits #1 again or as always was...
Came upon an approved earthy troppo cover "Wotz Luv"...super organic ~ hard not to like...6.6m clicks!

What an incredible writer.
I have not read a modern author that can build suspense and tension in a novel as much as McCarthy.
Vale CM

I‘m ashamed to say I have never read the border trilogy but I believe it's a must.

{r.i.p} Jane Birkin...swellnet hodads' send off.
1960's Trax
Jane acted in 60's Psych Flicks > Blow Up / Kaleidoscope & Wonderwall (George Harrison)
1970's 'The Swimming Pool' / Serge in 'Slogan' (Twist on Je t'aime with BB + JB in 'Don Juan')
1970's groovy track
Jane sings thru a list of R&R artists.
Portishead : A la legere (Review : 'Bond title track')
2023 Final Girl Studios Doco is excellent

a young buck Tony Bennett feeling awkward alongside Borat Snr. on Cheese-TV
(until a beautiful song at 13:07)

Sinatra might have had the swagger and the attitude but Bennett had the voice.

basesix ~ swellnet tribute continues...
Watch what happens...smoothest pick up line you'll ever fall for!
Crooner casts his magic spell...should only take a minute to reel you in.
{R.I.P} Tony Bennett

Sinead O'Connor, voice of an angel.
Very sad news

Suicide it sounds like. And her son went the same way last year?
Very sad.

goofyfoot wrote:Suicide it sounds like. And her son went the same way last year?
Very sad.
Looks like that.

rip. no more of 'entertainment' shows making heartless news stories showing her periods of distress.. plenty of clips where you can see her finding fulfillment on her life journey (that sinead, from 5:00 below) - lovely tribute songs stu and andy.

My god, what an incredible song that is. Towering. I'd forgotten about it, so cheers for the memento, Basesix. Though as nice as it is to see Sinead smiling I do prefer the album version.
And reluctant as I am to play the cold dissector - studying the song rather than just singing along - it's amazing how the opening lyrics, as matter-of-fact and unartistic as can be imagined ("I'll meet you later in somebody's office'), become the basis for a mighty singalong, and the acoustic guitar kicking in at 3:30 cant generate anything but warm bonhomie which you hope leads to some kind of healing once you realise the office is that of a divorce lawyer.

Last year, working in Ireland, having a pint in the cold outside a Dalkey pub with some new friends, a woman with purpose strode past us. Puffy parker zipped to the nape and her bowed head covered in a scarf.
One of my new friends muttered an exclamation, jumped up and pursued the woman. Thirty metres down the road the friend and the woman embraced and he waved me over. There under streetlights with mist on my breath, I met Sinéad. She looked in my eyes, and uttered with disarming softness “oh, it’s you Russell”.
She came with us back to the table and sat in the cold and ordered a hot tea. In a conversation without fences we roamed through the recent Dublin heatwave, local politics, American politics, the ongoing fight for indigenous recognition in many places, but particularly in Australia, her warm memory of New Zealand, faith, music, movies and her brother the writer. I had the opportunity to tell her she was a hero of mine.
When her second cup was taking on the night air, she rose, embraced us all and strode away into the fog-dimmed streetlights.
We sat there the four of us and variously expressed the same thing. What an amazing woman.
Peace be with your courageous heart Sinéad.
Russel Crowe.

Sinead O'Connor ~ swellnet tribute continues...
Sinead is an expert with heartfelt cover songs...
Sharing a list...favs Ralph Mc Tell / Nilsson / Tosh
One track stands out in particular!
Mostly because of the heavy deadly Lyric, ya don't dare go there unless ya can deliver 100%.
[ Ode to Billie Joe ] This version from the "War Child" 1995 Help LP.
All will be blown away with Sinead's take on this heavy tune.
Man is this next level cool & ultra respectful of original powerful intent.
Sinead was obviously asked to cover a fav track to contribute to War LP...that's a tall order!
tbb just had to check where this high quality composition & cool sound came from...
Irish national legend Producer : Phil Coulter
Phil wrote & scored 4x #1's + 3 Eurovision hits #1UK 1967 #2 UK 1968 #5 Luxembourg 1975
Phil also worked with Sinead during this '90's EU War era...does a brilliant job with this!
Military Drum is likely her husband JR from Jah Wobble + reckon the same as Phil/1994 LP line Up.
Seriously...this track has got all the cred of Irish Punk's SLF cover "Doesn't make it alright!"
Mid '90's War Beat with Irish punk chix leading from the frontline...very potent sound lives on.
Like 'Zombie' of exact same timeline...we get this War Drum with Full Frontal Irish Chix bringin' it!
The wake up call for the War Child LP.
Sinead owns this track & we get rewarded with a super stunning haunting powerful ballad...{R.I.P}

This is a cracker of a little song from Sinead from the good times “4th and Vine”.

Vale Randy Meisner Singer / Songwriter / Bassist
Back Trax & early Bands...Randy often sings lead...
Help 'The Poor' ~ (LP 1st & last trax are Acid Psych)
Can't Stand to be in Love with You (Dig the Stems > dig this tune)
Study in Motion 1 (Love the Beach Boys Pet Sounds Love this track)
The Eagles
Randy wrote & Sings fan's fav 'Take it to the Limit'
Gold standard Lyrics & Vocal work...Rock Classic.
Randy co/wrote & sings quite a few Eagles trax..."Tryin" is a later tune & heavier in every way!
Ok...that's a gamble but the band drive this lesser known heavier sound home with attitude...Go on...!
(Boston fans will rate Randy's Songwriting / Vocal / Sound) Cruise on this number...thanx Randy!

Adios, Sixto.


Sugarman.... RIP

Diverse back catalogue. Serious talent.

stunet wrote:Adios, Sixto.
The most well known unknown musician by far - by a few.

garyg1412 wrote:stunet wrote:Adios, Sixto.
The most well known unknown musician by far - by a few.
Mid-90s, Eyre Peninsula, I shared sessions and a camp with a South African named Conrad who would spark up every time I put Cold Fact on the tape player. None of his cogitations made much sense to me - this was the era of Mandela and de Klerk and Rodriguez sang nothing about race - though I understood it when I saw the doco Sugar Man.
And it's goodnight from him...