Vale...and thanks! “When the moon is shining the cripple becomes hungry for a walk” ― Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart

Another guitar great gone.
At a time when the normal set up was Guitar-Cord-Amp, stomp boxes didn't exist and studio tricks were few and far between he created a distinctive sound and a new genre which will live forever. And lets not forget inspiring countless others to create music.
Keep on Twangin' Duane.

Yes, drummers have their own sheet music.
It's all explained here:

And another.
Mike Pinder, a founding member of the Moody Blues passed away recently.
Another whose work inspired many who followed.

great tribute @tbb..
(I knew a band who locked their keys in their tour van, they missed their gig as a consequence, but they did manage to get their drummer out eventually..
- apologies @Salty & @thermalben ; )

Ben's swellnet Drum Circle : We can read Tabloids and roll our own scrolls!
Thanx basesix & yes A Salty Dog picked up on a few neat tricks there...
Pioneering Guitarists and indeed Moodies all hacked up gear & pimped it to pioneer new gear
Only fair to point that out...last few years we lost a lot of Rock Tech Gurus without fanfare!
Today we salute them & another...Mike pulled the Guts outta his Mellotron & Pimped the Strings.
They found a way to flow the sound waves which forged Moody's orchestrated sound.
Story goes...First US Concert Mike's dodgy Mellotron blew out it's guts (20mins) Toons & all good to go!
Mike was a musical synthesis consultant to Atari Computer Corp.
His son consults/ edits music for Pirates of Caribbean / Da Vinci Code.
Mike often stands & sings equal lead & recites the Band's Poetry...wrote a few as well.
Very much frontline Vocal Harmonies that you will hear!
A Salty Dog ~ Mike Pinder tribute continues
Very sad...tbb grew up with Moody Blues LPs more so than Duane's records.
Yes! Still got many of their records...
Need a run of early 60's / '70's Live Clips just so we can spot Mike on Keyboards...
Quite often he appears in front Left from the side / behind otherwise in a brief pan.
If yer not familiar with the band...
This is the Moody Blues is a Double LP...has most good tracks.
Here's a run of high rotation super cool hits that intro / feature Mike Pinder
2nd (Daily Motion link) French "Peak Hour" is included as Mike's organ controls the crowd.
Should make for great listening as well...super hot tunes the lot of them.
{r.i.p} Mike Pinder...thanx for yer Swirling Dervish...keepin' the dream alive!
Peak Hour

One of the sounds of the 70's and early 80's new wave, Ignatius has left the building. Vale.

R.I.P. Steve Albini

scott_scott wrote:R.I.P. Steve Albini
Shitty news to wake up to. Didn't follow him much in later years but his Big Black and early Shellac stuff moved me. Also admired both his early provocations and the insightful way he owned it later on.
One of many faves, Albini guitar ching, Santiago Durango guitar vroom, and a suitably fucked up take on boredom in mid-west America.

Sad loss, genius.
Produced albums for some Australian bands including The Lizard Train and Mark of Cain

Yes he had his hands on many of the songs that formed my "playlists" (= mix tapes) back in the day. A sad day, way too young but died doing what he loved.

Albini.. big one, shit what impact and influence.
^ this site is a great tribute, I reckon. It's the equivalent of an ancient much-recorded-over 2" tape reel. The handful of links that do actually work are a crack up, like: and
rip, Steve.

Swellnet tribute continues ... Big Black last year lost their Bassist now their Guitarist Steve.
Ben's Tunes Drum Circle Exemption for innovators...(1983 Loose Bass / Sharp Guitars + Drum Machine)
Albini's US Big Black Band imitated UK Cabaret Voltaire but here they blend harder NZ sound...
There is another Live'd swear they were an NZ Flying Nun outfit...lends some insight into Albini.
Much more worldly than most Yanks...
Goldie Punkz tribute a similar 1980-83 NZ cutting edge brutally honest sound bossed the era.
Likely hear similar in SA Spikes also...(punkz uniformed last Jab ~ Gotta Kill it before MTV spoons it out)
Killer sound originates from The Gordons "Future Shock"(Blank Gen Epitaph!)
Steve was very familiar with Oz Pub Rock Scene...hear exact same Oz riff rips in his US Artist's Work. Vid of 'Cables' is a sharp enough Attack that gave US a bit of a jolt.

wicked. they are going for it tbb. No compromise

Some great live shows.

More of Steve Albini...
Diagonal label boss Oscar Powell releases music as Powell. One of his singles, 'Insomniac' features a vocal sample from Steve Albini that dates to his time fronting Big Black. Ahead of its release, Powell emailed Albini to get sample clearance and explain how much Big Black's music meant to him. However, Albini gave more than his approval—he also included a long rant on how much he hates dance music.
Powell asked if he could use the email to promote the single, and when Albini responded, "still don't care," the text was turned into a billboard on London's Commercial Street.
Although he said he hadn't heard 'Insomniac', Albini wrote:
"I am absolutely the wrong audience for this kind of music. I've always detested mechanized dance music, its stupid simplicity, the clubs where it was played, the people who went to those clubs, the drugs they took, the shit they liked to talk about, the clothes they wore, the battles they fought amongst each other...
Basically all of it: 100 percent hated every scrap.
The electronic music I liked was radical and different, shit like the White Noise, Xenakis, Suicide, Kraftwerk, and the earliest stuff form Cabaret Voltaire, SPK and DAF. When that scene and those people got co-opted by dance/club music I felt like we'd lost a war. I detest club culture as deeply as I detest anything on earth. So I am against what you're into, and an enemy of where you come from but I have no problem with what you're doing...
In other words, you're welcome to do whatever you like with whatever of mine you've gotten your hands on. Don't care. Enjoy yourself.

^ ha, wow, hard to know if oscar is techno-punk genius, or callow opportunist..
either way, steve was on it. horrible track. was going to post "powell insomniac", but decided not.

basesix wrote:^ ha, wow, hard to know if oscar is techno-punk genius, or callow opportunist..
either way, steve was on it. horrible track. was going to post "powell insomniac", but decided not.
My guess, callow opportunist who noted the vitality of Albini's letter to Nirvana and realised he had his own version on hand using it to promote his music.
In the process, SA was both unduly commodified and connected to a truly shit piece of music.

reckon that's spot on. so funny though isn't it, now punk ethos is decades old.. if you buy into the idea that punk is simply an irreverent pastiche of popular culture, stuck disposably onto a media style anyone can do, in a way the previous gen is huffily dismissive of...
perfect greying of it all though, cos then it just comes down to good taste.

Love Albini's response:
"So I am against what you're into, and an enemy of where you come from but I have no problem with what you're doing..."
True to the ethos

im a big fan of shellac. saw them a couple of times. Last time at Sydney Metro not sure when - 2010 maybe? I remember it pretty well despite being pretty full of piss (pre gig did the obligatory china town dinner at BBQ King). I remember Albini had his mic stand full of guitar picks different colours, all lined up. I took a very good mate who didn't know them - saffa blow in- the biggest snake / arrogant fcker in the water I've ever met- i called him the traffic cop coz we would rock up to line ups and he'd start just hassling crew and trying to direct the line up - so embarrassing. Fkn saffas. Anyway, halfway through the gig Albini stops suddenly for a Q&A session. I can't remember specific audience questions but I recall they were fan-nerd highbrow stuff, as you'd expect for a shellac gig - anyway my saffa mate puts his hand up to a ask a question, steve turns to him and in his most sincere loudest saffa accented voice asks "yes I was wondering what your favourite guitar pick colour was?". Without missing a beat Albini responds very clearly and furiously "Fuck off!!".
I was mortified.

Listened to a few Albani related podcast this week.
Bandsplain remembering Albani
Vinyl guide - re run of an interview with him
Not really into his bands or him but he did produce some of my fav Albums

Jolly What! Frank Ifield passes. One of Australia's best known megastars before the British Invasion swept the house clean. His biggest hit, the forever ironic 'I Remember You'
and some pretty dang stonking yodelling!
Good vinyl find, the Ifield/Beatles shared album (not playing together).. avoid 'copulation'!

Apologies Frank Ifield but a quick rewind is in order...
Had a few days crook in bed and with time on my hands went on an absolute Albini binge. Watched a few interviews, then the algorithm tossed me a few more, so I watched them too, and it got to the point where every prompt on the YouTube homescreen was filled with Steve Albini shit.
Let's start with 'understatement is underrated'. Put all of his art and technical wizardry aside, the guy was an absolute master at the dry understatement. Gotta tweak your antennae cos big statements pass without emphasis, easily missed. He could also pull off, what might sound like intellectual pomposity or pretentiousness in others, just cos he was so disarming and curious. He was a subversive outspoken critic of everyday life when he was younger, often said things to shock, but rather than walk those things back in his middle years he contextualized them without disowning them, as is typical, almost daring the baying mob to come after a person who, in deed and action, always stood up for the little guy. There was a different way forward than the blunt instrument of cancel culture, but the antagonist has to trust the audience and vice versa.
He'll be remembered for his musicianship and production, but his humanist ideas deserve mention. Maybe when younger crew discover his music they'll find out about that too.
Not sure how many interviews I watched, upwards of thirty. Made being sick worthwhile.

On Frank, he was my mother-in-law's all-time favourite. A young-un in the roaring 60's and she chose Frank above The Beatles, The Stones or even the 13th Floor Elevators. Go figure. When advised of his passing she said "Oh I thought he died years ago.".

my yorkshire grandfather loved Frank Ifield, hated the mersey sound, cos they 'din't harmonise'...
drove my dad spare saying 'what do you mean...??'
Grandfather went to see Val Doonican once and said 'now there's a singer who knows how to harmonise'..
- dunno, kinda robert palmer does squid game, this one..
(any Albini interview recommends @stu?)

Respect to the recent passing of Oz Legends that fill the void between next Crisis.
All pray for Nick Cave to kill off any Oz Crooner's swoons...none really give a shit 'bout which one!
Next of Kin scrape off several layers of beige wallpaper only to find the mark of the beast...
Holy #@!* ...the sign of the Devil...that brings good luck right?
So our devilish Crooner lived a secret double life, a devil when playin' away...they be the lucky bastards!
Chiko Chix hurling Cravats onto the stage...half yer luck Frank.
Weird Mob Mandatory Epitaph...{Aussies should bloody well care 'bout remembering their Crooners}

Vale Mick Lawrence

Eric Foraker Tragically Drowns Surfing Rags Left

seeds wrote:Vale Mick Lawrence

willie mays, baseball legend, passed away at 93, he meant a great deal to @wax24's father.

R.I.P. Willie. I hope he had a good life after his famous career

Thanx Base and Seeds. I've been away from a computer for the last 65 hours or so, and was gonna mention his passing here. Nice to see it already up. He was a baseball lifer, Seeds. Had an office at the ballpark here in SF where The Giants play. His title was Baseball Consultant. Just a resource for the players to draw from. My understanding is that he went most days to work, as that was his love, baseball, other than at the very end, of course. His jersey number was 24. Without Willie Mays, i am just Wax.

AAAHHH Waxxy? 24!
ps I had a Homer doh! realisation the other day about someone else’s handle

What was The Realisation?

Can’t say. That would cross the Line ;);)

Hmmm.... sounds like something for me to steer clear of. My handle is based on a nickname (wax) that i was given twice growing up, for two separate reasons, neither of them having a thing to do with surfing or the ocean. Plus, the 24 for Willie Mays.

Donald Sutherland swellnet Tribute
Thanks for the cool ride...Happy to share a few early Alt Films.
1970's Free #1 swellnet Matinee...No log ins or Sign Ups...just enjoy the Movies!
Films are for a Mature Audience & contain Violence - Sex Scenes /R 18+\
1970 : Kelly's Heroes ( War Action Heist)
1970 Alex in Wonderland (Whimsical Director's Freak Out Folly)
1971 : Klute (Psycho Thriller)
1973 : Don't Look Now ( Psycho Suspense ) English + Portuguese Subtitles
1973 : Lady Ice ( Double Cross Jewel Heist )
1977 The Disappearance (Espionage Suspense )

I liked him in The Eye Of The Needle, TBB, and a few others as well. RIP

Tamayo Perry, Hawaiian charger killed by a shark surfing on Oahu.
I can remember him from older Rip Curl vids.

Just read that news, a very worthwhile person keeping people safe on N shore. Sad.

Ahh that's very sad news

Had many trips with Slim over the last 12 or so years. Caught the best wave of my life on every single trip. He could have left me to flounder on my first trip with boards that were completely unsuited but he pulled one of his own out of his rack and said "try this one", I haven't looked back.
Please hit up the Go Fund Me if you can, his wife and kids will need all the support we can give them.
I'm going to miss him, Bali won't be the same.

I had one trip with Slim , 20 years ago .
Asked him to find me a board ( I was carrying a family ) .
Turned up with a McTavish Fireball , which I surfed the whole trip .
Took me Balian , a two hour trip dodging trucks and gosh it was good .
Showed me Balangan , scored again .
Vale Slim , Baliwaves became an Institution and a well visited site .
He took great pictures of all things ( especially females ) , Bali beautiful .
Many numbers were rolled on this album cover

Eric Clapton says a few words.

swellnet John Mayall tribute continues...
Great pick from Guy Smiley...[5:30] Didgeridoo Harp Work.
A trip out disguised as a Mystery cruise...luv that concept!
Here's a few early originals to enjoy...
John Mayall would often finish each set with Signature Tune (Room to Move).
A Tribute to (One Way Out) by Sonny boy Williamson II
( Those reading into this Orgy will claim John's Spoof is shall we say an inside joke)
Feel free to use yer imagination with all these titles...
OMG! (Is that..Oh Dear!...A Groupie's Queue...never said that!) That's your Dirty mind!
The prototype is an alt track titled...
(It's a Man Down There)
Ok! So that's the be all end to it...err...gets a bit tricky or should say icky from here!
(I'm that Man Down There) Warning : e Harmony envoy!...demz d' blues! {R.I.P}

If you haven’t heard about this playwright or read the summer of the 17th doll do yourself a favour …
And it's goodnight from him...