Vale...and thanks! “When the moon is shining the cripple becomes hungry for a walk” ― Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart

Like to think with blackers as our mentor...the crew can step it up to surprise ourselves!
Never hurt none to give a damn & go the extra yard...all the better for it!
Olivia Encore...Please Mr Please

Triple happiness TBB :-)
Upset a few Cuntry Seppos did our girl!

views from the cockpit wrote:Loved that first song TBB.
Broke my hand in to ONJ
I’ve looked at this post for a few days … and tried to give the benefit of doubt but it troubles me .. unless you can provide some clarity, I think it is probably creepy.. maybe even if true somethings are better left unsaid.. You are talking about someone’s loved one. Simply put it lacks respect.If someone said that to me at a party I’d be looking for some one else to talk to.

Who’d you break your hand in to Nickca? Inanimate object? Views sounds like most of us from all generations.

Not sure what the term means! I think I know .. but just to clarify would like me talking about one of your loved ones like that? I suggest not… your family members? Sometimes it might be best to leave things unsaid. I ‘ m human and not trying to take the high moral ground about things we have all done.. just not sure things need to be said in polite company.

Fair enough Nickca but everyone is someone’s family member. I was a bit partial to Delvine back in the day. Saw her plenty of times as an adult in Byron before I stopped going there and didn’t have anything but respect for her. Once we were in an arcade for some reason outside a hairdresser with our 3 year old. I says to the better half that’s Delvine in there. We say to our son look that’s a famous person in there. Of course he didn’t understand but he went and had a look in the window. Delvine bless her was waving and blowing kisses to him.

The standard you walk past is the standard you accept!

I think you’re over thinking it. Remember the age of your alleged offender. Dumb as dog shit hormone infused teenage boy.

It’s about respect…. We have all found people attractive, doesn’t mean they need to be exposed to our inner thoughts, I hope you managed to keep your thoughts from Delvene her husband John and her kids if they have any. What you shared with your wife and family is up to you.

I’ll refer you to my first comment about Delvine and I said I had nothing but respect for her. Why? Because I was not a dumb as dogshit hormone infused teenager anymore but now an adult father who appreciated her history and the laughs she and John and Hoges gave us.

Not sure I have referenced anyones intellect.. and I don’t doubt yours. Glad we are on the same page about the need for respect and civility.

I’m pretty sure Views was commenting on his youth where intellect took a back seat to hormones.

{R.I.P} Margaret Urlich
All luv her vocals on classic pop hit "Escaping" & many fans (tbb) still have copies of her hit single.
1998/9 Margaret worked with ( Eddie Rayner / Songsmith & Enz Keyboard) on Second Nature LP.
LP is a dedication of Margaret's fav NZ Songs & Title seems to be a dedication in itself.
NZ Artists include : Split Enz / Crowded House / Dave Dobbyn / Max Merritt / Shona Laing +
There are 2 stand out tracks of Psychedelic / New wave they're unknown to many Oz fans.
Easily become fav trax for any fans of either.
Note: Margaret was in a new wave band Peking Man + Cover band - When the Cat's Away.
1998 Margaret's Sony Contract expired...
With her partner set up her own Home Studio & spent the year recording her fav NZ songs...
Second Nature LP is all Margaret & it's all quality...This is not some end of days contractual obligation.
tbb will cue Margaret's NZ dedication then follow with the Original of these epic trax.
Margaret delivers her best performance on these sensational trax & will win over the crew...enjoy.
1999 Nature (Dedication) Margaret Urlich ( Psychedelic / Mod version )
1969 NZ #1 ~ Nature by Fourmyula (Original Psychedelic / Folk version)
1999 Tears (Dedication) Margaret Urlich ( New Wave Mod version )
1980 NZ #17 Tears ~ Crocodiles ( Jenny Morris - New Wave )
{r.i.p} 2021 Fane Flaws - Songwriter
How cool is Margaret's swansong...that's something special to share!

Diplomatic send off for Mikhail Gorbachev.
Crew recently acknowledged the passing of Japan's Leader & huge friend of Oz .
Shinzo Abe had visited our shore 4 times in 2007 / 2014 / 2017 / 2018
Mikhail Gorbachev had visited Australia 3 times in 1999 / 2006 / 2017 + Planned a 2022 Visit.
These 2 leaders are old friends that will be missed in this regard.
Interesting that Leaders of furthest distance visited Oz the most...oblivious to Oz being too far to travel?
2006 Mikhail copped the raw prawn so up stepped future Oz PM ALBO...(Sure pays to be nice!)
2022 Fitting send off from PM Albo
[ Gorbachev Surfboard ) US / Russia Peace Token.
Gorbachev goes cold on Californian Surf Safari .
May 1992 SFC (Noting the dude has his own SFC custom surfboard!)
Passing Alcatraz Gorbachev marvelled at the Surfer bobbing in the frigid Surf.
At Fort Point Gorbachev stands beside crashing Waves & points seaward..."What's That!"
NP Host Brian O'Neil : "That's a Surfer!"
Gorbachev : "Isn't the Water to Cold for them?"
O'Neil : "Well, he has a wet suit!"
There is a little more to the!

Queen is Dead Long Live the King
Queensland gets remodelled into a Kingswood
1941 Queen won a swim shield at 13 & became the very first teenager to pass her Lifesaving Test.
(Not just an honorary title!)
Long respected Lifesaver interviews Queen about Test / RLSS Test & medal on her bathing costume.
1952 Queen becomes the deserved Patron of Royal Life Saving Society.
Teamed with fellow Royal waterman Duke of Edinburgh as Patron of Surf Lifesaving
Queen's Oz Surf Carnivals : 1954 / 1962 / 1963 / 1967 / 1970 / 1977
10th April 2021 tbb :
Gromz might remind local hodads that Royal couple were equally firebrands of the same water spirit.
Both their fathers were also expert watermen (Note!) Our new King also competed in Surf Comps.
None ever once questioned their natural & honoured Patronage & their devotion to Surf / Life Saving.
God save Our Queen Anthem & Pledge : I honour my God, I salute my Flag & I serve my Queen
#1 Pop Song was sung at every school parade like forever #1 Oz idol poster on every Classroom wall.
God save the Queen (Punk version) finally became #1 UK Hit in 1976 & 2022
#2 UK 1976 Chart position was fixed to block the the banned Song that outsold #1)
Queen's fav local Surf Hang is Big Wednesdays at local Holkham Nudist Beach...(No! Not a sick joke!)
Queens Secret Spot X. (Queen only ever hits the beach when the surf is up...again! not joking!)
This would only be natural...these wild & windy days are the only time the Queen could avoid attention.
Not seen a photo of the Queen doing flat surf...Windswept beach walks or Surf Carnivals ( Surfjustsurf!)
Spot X is a right royal hang!
Royal send off from the Beach Crew.
True! tbb did lay a wreath at Queen Elizabeth II Park as also Prince Philip Park in April 2021.
Queen's Wreath was hand crafted from Gold Coast Floral / Avian Emblems
Pandanus Vine twined with a Gumnut clasp
GC Emblems : Golden Wattle Saw leaves / Paperbark Royal Emblem/s / Rainbow Lorikeet Feather
Sat' at Dawn : There were 4 other Floral tributes but no other's in respect to Prince's earlier Death.
Not saying there's a lack of respect for Royals, crew know Gold Coast has least respect for Heritage.
Happy to share that our Royal Beach babe got a right royal send off at her local Goldie Spot X.
Salute to #1 swellnet for immortalizing QEII Spot X

Hell of a character. R.I.P.

RIP Uncle Jack

Uncle Jack, simply a great Australian. May your spirit and contribution be never forgotten.

24 year old Hawaiian surf/skate freak Kalani David. RIP.
Way too young.

R.i.P Chris Davidson

Just read that.
RIP Davo. Too young to go. Especially in that manner.

zenagain wrote:Just read that.
RIP Davo. Too young to go. Especially in that manner.
RIP, very sad indeed....

Very sad. And please stop this behaviour all those who do it. Little bro survived similar, it messed him up for months.

And for Kalani, RIP, it look like he lived large for the time he was given.

That’s really sad news. No doubt he had his issues (quite big ones at that) but he didn’t have the worlds easiest upbringing and was freakishly talented in the surf.
The only time I was in the water with him was 96 at Warriewood and he was popping some massive airs in the shorey on an okayish day.
Incredible to see in the flesh

Vale Jerry Lee Lewis
Interesting that Several early 60's Brits > 80/90's US Punk shared a passion for Jerry Lee Lewis
Being a swellnet hodad...better step up pressure!
Yes! tbb did actually grow up in a house with Jerry Lee Lewis records & played them.
Yep! tbb still has 1957 Great Balls of Fire / Whole Lotta Shakin' (SUN-Single)
Gonna spin some under the radar instrumentals that span a few years & both are equally excellent.
Jerry sure can play the piano in an unusually lively way!
1959/60 "Lewis Workout" > tight sharp rock solid build ups & fade + all get a workout...sweet!
Gets better with each listen...there's a lot of changes goin' on here & the urgent structure keeps it modern.
1973 "Early Morning Rain" London Outtake...keep with this one...killer scales on the keys & bass.
tbb can share this tune exhibits the real loose Mississippi Bass Sound of the Day that adds wild cred!
Note: If you think it sounds like a ride on a Freight Train in the Rain...(Correct) That's what it is!
1958 Breathless (1983 Punks X > This their 2013 Live R&R Dedication with Blondie's Debbie Harry)

A good read on the Killer here, TBB
Fascinating life. Wouldn't swap it for a million bucks.

That was a great read Stu. Wild life, lived to the fullest.

Vale DH Peligro. An integral part of my early drumming years included a lot of DK.

stunet wrote:A good read on the Killer here, TBB
Fascinating life. Wouldn't swap it for a million bucks.
Sounds like a real stand up guy

RIP Kym Thompson of watercooled surfboards.

lostdoggy wrote:RIP Kym Thompson of watercooled surfboards.
And the Cobra Factory. Fella went big.

Wow, sad to hear Kym died. My first custom board was one of Kyms. He was so good to me, little grom with a fistful of dollars asking 'how much for one like that one?', really took time to talk to me and make sure I was getting the right board. A real gentleman. Big loss.

Kym Thompson shaping royalty.
His Watercooled factory figures prominently is the Shapers' Tree of past and present great Torquay/Victorian shapers (I can't find the tree on the web but from memory it includes the best) - Stu??
Rode many of Kym's boards always great, when his Torquay business went to custard I moved onto Michael Anthony designs.
A very sad day and an end of an era. Rest In Peace. The best.

adam12 wrote:Wow, sad to hear Kym died. My first custom board was one of Kyms. He was so good to me, little grom with a fistful of dollars asking 'how much for one like that one?', really took time to talk to me and make sure I was getting the right board. A real gentleman. Big loss.
Also my first custom (not counting the disaster I tried to shape myself) He was very patient as I clearly had no clue. I was more interested in the number of fins - my first thruster - and the spray job which was a sick checker patterned red railed masterpiece. Strange, when I picture it and still get that excited feeling in my guts. R.I.P. Kim. Art Brewer, Surfing’s Larger Than Life Genius Photographer, Dead at 71

Art Brewer
Keith Levene

How is it that I didn't recognise the name Keith Levene??
Founding member of The Clash and also Public Image Ltd.

GuySmiley wrote:Kym Thompson shaping royalty.
His Watercooled factory figures prominently is the Shapers' Tree of past and present great Torquay/Victorian shapers (I can't find the tree on the web but from memory it includes the best) - Stu??
Rode many of Kym's boards always great, when his Torquay business went to custard I moved onto Michael Anthony designs.
A very sad day and an end of an era. Rest In Peace. The best.

GuySmiley wrote:Kym Thompson shaping royalty.
His Watercooled factory figures prominently is the Shapers' Tree of past and present great Torquay/Victorian shapers (I can't find the tree on the web but from memory it includes the best) - Stu??
Rode many of Kym's boards always great, when his Torquay business went to custard I moved onto Michael Anthony designs.
A very sad day and an end of an era. Rest In Peace. The best.

nickca wrote:GuySmiley wrote:Kym Thompson shaping royalty.
His Watercooled factory figures prominently is the Shapers' Tree of past and present great Torquay/Victorian shapers (I can't find the tree on the web but from memory it includes the best) - Stu??
Rode many of Kym's boards always great, when his Torquay business went to custard I moved onto Michael Anthony designs.
A very sad day and an end of an era. Rest In Peace. The best.

nickca wrote:nickca wrote:GuySmiley wrote:Kym Thompson shaping royalty.
His Watercooled factory figures prominently is the Shapers' Tree of past and present great Torquay/Victorian shapers (I can't find the tree on the web but from memory it includes the best) - Stu??
Rode many of Kym's boards always great, when his Torquay business went to custard I moved onto Michael Anthony designs.
A very sad day and an end of an era. Rest In Peace. The best.
R.I.P. Kym
My very first board in 1978 was a Kym Thompson single fin, I remember it like yesterday, a beautiful translucent green fin in its box with a straight grooved stainless steel screw. Beautiful white board with the WaterCooled logo just north of centre and with continuous green lines along the rails. I paid $65 for it at the time which was mega bucks. Why don’t i have it anymore, can’t believe i sold it, possibly to buy a HT Holden surf wagon. What i do remember is the beautiful craftsmanship. Boards made well back then.

Water Cooled shapers included (I think!). Maurice Cole, Greg Brown ,Michael Anthony as well as Kym Thompson. Maybe others too.

Now rockin in the big sky above- RIP Wilko Johnson

R.I.P. Christie McVie

Vale Hamish Kilgour, a genius from across the ditch.

Brian Duffy 'Jet Black' R.I.P.

thanks for the update blackers, albeit sad news. The Clean were great, along with so many of the Flying Nun troupe.
interestingly just the other day I received a tape deck, and have since been voraciously listening to random selections of my many tapes, possibly the best music I have, some not listened to for nearly 20 years, still sounding good. Anyway, listened to one on Saturday, a classic mix I made when in grade 7, and was joyed to hear Beatnik again, still remember it getting solid airplay on zzz

So much came via Flying Nun. He was not all about sweetness and light, had hard edges and power too.
Glad you got a chance to revisit the tapes, every now and then I do the same. It surprises me how good some still sound after 30 odd years in the shed.
And it's goodnight from him...