Vale...and thanks! “When the moon is shining the cripple becomes hungry for a walk” ― Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart

Facto gets sad in his saggy old vagina when Stu tells him to pull his head in.
Now look at the glee .
Sad. Old. Cnt.

What's this 'he wants 77 million dead' biz? What song?
I'm reading lyrics to the one above and there's nothing of the sort.

Stu - If I can show you where Jello is looking forward to the deaths of 77 million working class Americans does that mean you’ll admit he’s a silly old cnt who’s jumped the shark ?

But show me anyway.

Stu - From the link provided by Jello’s fan boi :
“So ding dong, Rush is gone. One down, 77 million to go.”
How do you interpret that mate ?
Jello has been feted by the fake left for so long that he’s got zero grounding in reality if he thinks the Trump election push is anything but a protest vote. Let’s face it, when you hope for the death of 77 million working class people who want nothing more than to stem the tide of destructive neoliberalism, then it’s safe to say you’re pulling your dick when you still claim to be anti-establishment.
Hey....Even Fagto lodged protest votes in safe ALP seats .....I guess it’s different when he does it ! Cause he’s such a unique, smart, critical thinker with an independent mind....lolololol.

Ha ha ha ...oh fuck. Jesus H, guy. He's a provocateur.
So the lyrics about distractions from neoliberalism and the class war marketed as a race war mean nothing to you despite you banging on about them here for four years???

Phew...just too much literalism for my liking.
I'm out.

Woo Hoo! For once some good news: Rush Limbaugh is dead! Dead!! DEAD!!! He went so far out of his way to hurt so many people, the whole time laughing his way to the bank.
No MAGA monster without him. No capital riots without him, really.
And no Ru$h at all without a toxic president named Reagan vetoing the renewal of the Fairness Doctrine in 1987. You know, the law requiring that if you talk shit on what is still the Public airwaves, you have to let the other side reply? The law people pushed to bring back when Obama took office in 2009, to reign in Fox, til Pelosi declared yet another urgent reform, “off the table”? Boy, do we need the Fairness Doctrine now.
And what would our corporate McNews be like without the Reagan regime deregulating corporate merger and hostile takeover laws – til our once proud TV/News networks found themselves under the thumbs of General Electric, Westinghouse, Disney and worse.
And how many Trumpsucklers would be threatening us at all if Clinton and Gingrich hadn’t gotten together and had a baby called the Telecommunications Act of 1996, erasing the law that even big ravenous barons could only own one paper and one station in each major area. Intentionally designed to open the floodgates, so Fox, Clear Channel, Sinclair and worse could swallow and annihilate almost all of them. So that All Hate All The Time is all you can find on the dial while driving across middle America.
So ding dong, Rush is gone. One down, 77 million to go. Enjoy the moment and I hope you dig the song. I wrote it clear back when Clinton was president, and the writing was on the wall. I was hoping I would never have to use it at all, but we sorta had no choice but to update and perform it now.
If there is a hell, he’s probably chuckling and enjoying a cigar right now, with McVeigh..
“He ranks with Father Coughlin and Joe McCarthy among the country’s most destructive demagogues.”
– Charles P. Pierce, Esquire
“I have never killed anyone, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction”
– Clarence Darrow
“He made conservatism fun.”
-Mike Pence

I’d take his references to class war with a lot more credibility if he wasn’t punching down at 77 million working class Americans.
I agree with you that he’s a provocateur if you define provocateur as someone who seeks infamy at the expense of integrity.
Too much literalism ? Mate - I realise that he doesn’t literally wish those 77 million people dead. I also realise that he finds currency amongst his brain dead audience by stating that he’d prefer them dead. The worst bit is that I know you already know this to be the case.
But sure .....Jello Biafra is still cutting edge with the way he’s swallowed the CNN Nazi White Supremacy line like a 16 year old adolescent.

"77 million working class Americans."?!?!?!

“So ding dong, Rush is gone. One down, 77 million to go.”
In case anyone is dull enough to miss the reference, “Jump the shark “Jello is saying he can’t wait for the death of the 77 million working class Americans who tried to use the only non violent means at their disposal to reject neoliberalism- that being an anti establishment protest vote.
But sure that’s cherry
Silly old Jello can’t read the room anymore. He IS the Fckn establishment.
Hey Jello - When you’re punching down to the working class of America you are siding with the corporations you still claim to be fighting you brain dead fck.

Yep, that’s right. 77 million working class Americans.
You think it’s Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Disney / Nike / Raytheon / Chevron executives and the Twitter management who voted for Trump ?
FFS- You are as silly as old Jello. Must be all the amyl you guys did in the men’s shittas back in the

"77 million working class Americans."?!?!?!

"77 million working class Americans."?!?!?!

A smarter person would immediately have recognised that a rich establishment family may be pro-Republican whilst being staunchly Anti-Trump.
Anyway ....good luck arguing that 27 out of 50 rich American families somehow amounts to 77 million people.
Oops....77 million NAZIS....lololololol
Face it bloke - you’re a serial dumb cnt .
And I’ve had my fill of serial dumb cnt for the day.

I agree Blowin, Jello's a knob a self righteous over opinionated lefty, his views are now the mainstream and have you ever listened to his spoken word crap? they use to play a bit on RRR even when my views were left leaning i couldn't stand him, his voice is just so grating.
I always thought as him and Henry Rollins in the same type of deal has a similar band past and path with all the political/social justice spoken word crap, but at least even with all the crap he speaks with his spoken word crap, he is actually just a really nice guy. (plus actually makes some decent music)
Anyway no surprise Facto a washed up wanna be ageing punk idolises him.
Anyway here is some of his fairly recent crap to give you an idea, could be reading a CNN opinion piece.

"spoken word crap"... "all the crap he speaks with his spoken word crap"..."recent crap"

Jello sounds like he’s getting scared of shadows in his dotage. Afraid of a weirdo wearing a set of Viking horns running around Capital building.funny.
He needs a vaccine for cowardice !

fark he was awesome with the melvins on those 2 albums but.

Sone of the Dead Kennedy’s stuff was amazing.
Unfortunately he appears to have morphed into a silly old cnt.

"...a silly old cnt."

Going in to bat for Jello cute.
Still....if you really loved him you’d tell him to sort his scared old shit out.
That’s what Lori Maddox and Pamela Des Barres would have done if they were in your position. Maybe you’re not as much the committed groupie you think you are ? Maybe the ageing Jello needs more than just your perfume scented hand written poetry ? I’d wager he doesn’t need any more locks of your hair. True love is strong enough to survive a bit of truth. Go on , do him a favour .....let him know what a misled , irrelevant, irritating old cnt he’s become.
Perhaps suggest some testosterone shots ?

"Oh're a self-proclaimed newcomer to the debate. Learn some history first."

"...a misled , irrelevant, irritating old cnt...."

The thing you’re missing bloke, is that Jello is proudly revealing his stupidity there on video. No amount of promo stickers* are going to counter that hard reality. Listen to him wetting his adult nappies about Trump radicals being a violent threat when the actual threat is basically zero. Even the Capital Building copper being murdered with a fire extinguisher was a lie . That video has aged more in a month than “Give me convenience or give me death “ has aged in 40 years.
“ Charlottesville was a dry run “ ....oh FFS. He’s not even smart enough to distinguish between blue collar Trump supporters in Washington and Weirdo race protesters in Virginia.
*Yes bloke. That’s promotional material for a brand called Jello Biafra which is burning through any cultural capital it may have once held at an alarming rate.
“ Giving art a bad name since 1979”.....oh please. Posting this dross is as anti establishment as putting Billabong stickers on your bumper bar. Punk isn’t dead it’s just that Jello ain’t punk anymore. He’s mainstream. As alternative as Bert Newton with a similar visage.
BTW - Look , we are both well aware of your complete lack of originality or creativity and so everyone is in agreement that reposting memes is your best avenue for expressing the ideas of others that you wish to plagiarise, but could you at least restrict yourself to only posting a meme once if it’s not funny. Which they aren’t. It’s like you’re on a personal mission to strip all humour from Jim Carey’s back catalogue through extensive repetition and overuse. It’s a fckn shame. Jim Carey deserves better.

Cmon Blowie, some of them ARE funny

R.I.P. Ray Manicaros
Kirra Surfriders legend Ray Manicaros

Wow! That came as a shock. Cheers for the heads up Udo. I hadn't seen Ray in years. Really really really nice bloke.
RIP mate.

First met Ray in the days of Aragorn he was one of the best.

Hi Udo,
do you know much about 'Aragorn' and Steve Goddard? I ask because I have an 'Ocean Boulevard' twinny that I understand was made in the late 70s in Burleigh and it has initials 'SG'. My previous investigations had brought that name up and I assumed the SG was Steve Goddard. I also know this board once belonged to one of the Neilson brothers. I learned to surf on it.
I'd love to hear any insights if you or anyone else has any.

Ocean Blvd gets a mention

Far out , R.I.P. Ray , did a Lombok Sumbawa boat trip with him and 3 others in 88 , last I heard he was mining in WA

[RIP] Doug Parkinson
The Surf Years...
1964 Narrabeen Grom ( Sings Surf rock Song in School Dance)
Surfer Doug was hit by another board & almost drown, but was rescued by fellow surfers & resuscitated.
After leaving Hospital Doug spent 6 months bedridden whilst recovering from the surf collision injuries.
The Questions (Vocals) Doug Parkinson.
1967 - Sally Go Round the Roses (Lez Lovin cover! )
1968 - And things Unsaid ( Written by Doug )
1968 - We Got Love ( Written by Doug )
1969 - I feel no Pain
1969 - Dear Prudence (Beatles) Well respected Cover!
1970 - Then I Run (Psych Fusion Classic with 5 string Bass!)
1971 - Caroline
1971 - Do not go Gentle

swellnet Farewell Concert for Michael Gudinski { RIP }
Feb 1973 Madder Lake "Goodbye Lollypop" ( Gudinski's 1st Single)
Punk Godfather Era
1977 Norman Gunston - I might be a Punk but I Love you Baby
Oz Punk (vs) Gudinski (Suicide Records) by Stuart Coupe
Gudinski had Punk in his veins, no denying it...
Mushroom Oz Yob Punk is every bit as grubby as any UK Snuff Punk.
Qldurrz salute yer Vic Punk Godfather for help in Smashing our Police State
tbb is stoked to own a few of these Mushroom Punk recordings.
1978 Jab - Let's Go
1978 Boys Next Door - Masturbation Generation
1978 X-Ray-Z - Valium
1978 Dave & The Derros - Death to Disco / Punk Princess / Nice Legz
Dave Warner - Suburban Boy
1979 Birthday Party - Door Door (LP)
1979 Aliens - Confrontation
1979 Graham Parker - Protection
1988 Billy Bragg - Waiting for the Great Leap Forwards
1995 Foo Fighters - This is a Call
1995 Ash -Girl from Mars
2007 Built to Spill - Conventional Wisdom
Mushroom Michael was still signing Punk to the very end...
Luv Mushie Punk Mushies ... got a problem with that?
24th March 2021 Michael Gudinski State Memorial ...big salute from Goldie Punkz also.

Vale ~ Patron of Australian Surf Life Saving
(1967) Surf Patron ~ The Duke: "Look at the Surf Lifesavers of Australia; they pay a subscription to their clubs for the privilege of risking their necks to save others."
swellnet salutes The Duke's Oz Surf Safari
31st Jan 1954 - Torquay 15,000 NZ / Southern States Surf Trials for Bondi Carnival
6th Feb 1954 - Bondi Crowd -150,000
1962 Duke of Edinburgh Program (Includes Surf Life Saving)
25th Nov 1962 Scarborough "Patrons" Interstate Surf Carnival
7th March 1963 Coolangatta 50 Clubs Carnival
Royal Beach Buggy (Continues...)
1967 Tasmania SLSA via the Duke
11 April 1970 - Duke surfs Britannia into Coffs Harbour line up.
20th March 1977 Port Noarlunga SLSC (Nippers)
3rd Oct 1982 Surfers Paradise Patrol
Royal Beach Buggy 1954 -1988
2000 - UK Duke opens a Surf Life Saving Centre in Cornwall
Check 1967 Duke piloting the (Rock Stars) Beach Buggy...Is the Queen a Hoon?
Royal Surf Camp
Next in Line for Oz Surf Lifesaving Throne....GG Hon Cosgrove.
Super Sub Scomo voted himself Vice Patron...can just smell the indignation.
Today we mourn the passing of our Chief Patron, Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh.
— Surf Life Saving Australia (@SLSAustralia) April 10, 2021
The #SLSA flag outside Bondi Surf House will be hoist at half mast in memory of our long-serving Patron.
Vale His Royal Highness Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh, 10/06/1921 – 09/04/2021.
Son Prince Charles (Bodybasher & switchfoot?)
Just wondering if the Prince / King assumes SLSA Patron.
Son, Charles has actually competed in Oz Surf Carnivals.

Today swellnet crew laid a floral beach wreath at Philip Park to salute their Prince of Oz Surf.
Huey backed it up by rolling out some real sweet sets to lap the feet of the Prince. {RIP}

Cheers TBB.
My dad met HRH Phil the Greek in the 70's once and had a brief but pleasant chat when my pop was stationed in Europe for a stint. I guess cause they were both servicemen.
Dog rest his toffy, non-pc soul. There won't be another like him.

udo wrote:R.I.P. Ray Manicaros
Kirra Surfriders legend Ray Manicaros

{RIP} B J Thomas...The Triumphs.
Candy Baby...great lead break on this one.
Garner State Park...(re: Memories)
2016-Hooked on a Feeling ...Wow! This raw live edit with back up band is so cool.
Great to remember B.J. this way...listen to that super stoked crowd...Encore!

Captain Stubing has steamed out of the harbour on his final voyage.

Fair winds and following seas,
may forever you feel, upon your cheek, the salty breeze.
Your spirit lives on in many a heart,
your words captured,and never to depart.
May your loved ones have the comfort in knowing,
to heaven is where you are going.
For all that they have to do is look above,
and they will be reminded of your love.

GreenJam wrote:Hi Udo,
do you know much about 'Aragorn' and Steve Goddard? I ask because I have an 'Ocean Boulevard' twinny that I understand was made in the late 70s in Burleigh and it has initials 'SG'. My previous investigations had brought that name up and I assumed the SG was Steve Goddard. I also know this board once belonged to one of the Neilson brothers. I learned to surf on it.
I'd love to hear any insights if you or anyone else has any.
Just came across this news......R.I.P Ray.....The guy totally ripped......One of my grommethood heroes...
Side note......pretty sure MP won the 1st Stubbies comp on his own shaped board with an Aragorn logo......along with the classic MP sticker....
Udo......correct or not mate?
And it's goodnight from him...