Vale...and thanks! “When the moon is shining the cripple becomes hungry for a walk” ― Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart

Vale Ben Aipa

Hahahaha. Good one. There's a Spector haunting Swellnet alright!
More RnR radio:

Please Blowin dont give him what he craves, he is just trolling us all, trying to stir up conflict, please just ignore him dont feed him.

Indo - You been getting any waves mate ?

"Indo - You been getting any waves mate ?"
The last week has been crap, when it was offshore it was tiny (knee to waist high at best) last few days have been small and onshore, week before that though was surfing everyday with a couple quite good days.
Upcoming week looks promising offshore and head high or bigger, lock down here again but ive got plenty of decent beachie options within the 5km limit.
Expect you have been getting some good waves with the swell you guys have had?

Vale Chick Corea
Glad I got to see him live in the 70's- 80's great freestyle musician

RIP White guilt. ( 1988-2020)
Let us bow our heads in remembrance of White Guilt. Felled at a young age by education, enlightenment and the acknowledgment that humanity has been similarly unjust throughout time immemorial irrespective of skin colour. The period of White Guilt was a fine time for those who rejoiced at the ability to act in a racist manner towards those whose forebears brought forth with less melanin, alas that time has now passed and the social license to behave as an uncouth cock has now been rescinded.
Amen and let us now allow a special place in the bottom of our hearts for those who would continue to use ignorance and ill will to divide people by the colour of their skin.
Good riddance and good bye to the last racists- those who pillar white peoples in order to provoke. Long may humanity move forth without the duress of your malicious existence.

RIP White guilt. ( 1988-2020)
Let us bow our heads in remembrance of White Guilt. Felled at a young age by education, enlightenment and the acknowledgment that humanity has been similarly unjust throughout time immemorial irrespective of skin colour. The period of White Guilt was a fine time for those who rejoiced at the ability to act in a racist manner towards those whose forebears brought forth with less melanin, alas that time has now passed and the social license to behave as an uncouth cock has now been rescinded.
Amen and let us now allow a special place in the bottom of our hearts for those who would continue to use ignorance and ill will to divide people by the colour of their skin.
Good riddance and good bye to the last racists- those who pillar white peoples in order to provoke. Long may humanity move forth without the duress of your malicious existence.

I'll take your lead memo.

Post of the day Hiccups!

I know pretty much nothing about this guy, but didn't he just die?
Since when has it ever been cool or acceptable to make jokes about people who have just died???
BTW. reading the comments under that Rolling stone article, gives me a little hope, good to see most people can see through the wokeness and hatred of the left, lots of people calling out an article hating on a dead guy so soon.

Jello Biafra* takes his morning dump - fan boi reactions
* Perhaps the most irrelevant silly old cnt on the planet ? Working class masses of America lodge a protest vote against the globalist neoliberalists and silly old Jello swallows the MSM propaganda that it’s really 77 million Nazis cause they voted against the corporate carve up of the world . Give it up Jello.

George Floyd literally held a gun to a pregnant woman’s stomach to rob her but if you’d danced on his grave like they did above they’d wet their panties.

All bets are off with Limbaugh. He took crassness to its extreme - a weekly segment mocking men who've died from AIDS somewhere near the top - and was egged on by proto peddlers of hate. The original grifter.
Couldn't give a fuck what anyone say in reply.
Viva Jello Biafra...

And Memo ?You can get stomped by Indo
You fifty-six year old baldheaded XXX, blow me
You don't know me, you're too old, let go
It's over, nobody listen to Jello

I do.
Even went and saw him at the Metro about five years back. Good gig.
Gives it to each side with gusto.

I don’t know anything about Limbaugh . Not interested.
I just think it’s amusing watching people who think they’re independent free thinking punks pushing the globalist corporate line they’ve been fed.
Ain’t anyone lower in the history of humanity than someone who threatens a pregnant lady with a gun to the stomach but these sheep were all taking the knee over the death of that wretched cnt.

Yeah ....when Jello Biafra is wishing for the deaths of 77 million Americans cause they voted in protest of the corpo takeover of the world, it’s safe to say he’s jumped the shark into the land of fckn idiocy.
Strange that the same fcktards salute occupy Wall Street but when the American working class join the movement they swallow the establishment line that it’s actually 77 million white supremacy Nazis ! I swear you can’t exaggerate how stupid that clown has become.
But Disney, CNN, Nike and Dick Cheney’s daughter say they’re Nazis......!!!!!

Nor can one exaggerate your clownliness either Blowin.

Watch out JQ......Nazis !!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, but that relies on the assumption Trump was actually doing anything about the working class.
You swallowed the big lie, others didn't.

Pushing the globalist line?
Oh're a self-proclaimed newcomer to the debate. Learn some history first.

One would have to be particularly delusional, or thoroughly obsessed with a single issue to believe Trump was doing anything to help the working class.
Ahhh! Don't scare me like that Blowin. I'd only just finished checking under the bed for Antifa operatives.

Here’s a closeup of the people that Jello “ The Dumb Cnt “ Biafra thinks are Nazis.
You know what they really are ? They’re American working class who lodged a protest vote against the outsourcing of their livelihoods to third world slave labour. They’re American working class who’ve watched their manufacturing towns deteriorate into opiate addicted squalor and futureless wastelands under the watch of establishment Republicans and Democrats alike. They’re regular working class Americans who know that they’ve been shafted and they watch inequality spread and the rich get richer whilst they watch their children’s living standards become worse than the generation before them.
This is the people that Jello says should be dead. He literally is hoping they die . He says so in his hateful song whilst jerking off to the ridiculous idea that he’s all about unity.
What a fckn fool.
Where’s Jello get the idea that 77 million American working class people are scumbag Nazi racists ? From the MSM that’s where. Such an independent thinker!
Silly , silly , silly old fool.

"And Memo ?You can get stomped by Indo
You fifty-six year old baldheaded XXX, blow me
You don't know me, you're too old, let go
It's over, nobody listen to Jello"

OK Stu’re telling me it wasn’t still a protest vote cause Trump didn’t fulfil his election promises.
This must mean that all 77 million of them are hateful, Nazi racists who deserve to die like Jello says right ?
Try reading the utter drivel that old fool writes before jumping into bed with him.

Jello Biafra is pushing the globalist line when he perpetuates the ridiculous propaganda that 77 million Trump voters are hateful Nazis and the “ punk “ flogs who agree with him are in the same boat.

"Oh're a self-proclaimed newcomer to the debate. Learn some history first."
Just when ya thought
Things can’t get any lower
Here comes the B-B B-B Blunder Blubber
Pillsbury dough demon
Talk show hate
Like opioids, it is now an epidemic
So c’mon!
Meet your evil twin
Can’t admit you have
Rush is always right
Hometown airwaves snatched by corporations
Now it’s all Prairie Home Neo-Nazi companions
And we’re libtards, feminazis, and snowflakes
To keep their guns on us instead of the banks
Market their class war
As a race war
Hate pastry of the day
Pavlov dogs the brainless
But Rush is never right
And Bart’s not very breit
Flush Rush!
Fuck Fox!
Turn ‘em off!
And feel your lights come back on
We’re sick to death
Of blowhard pundit piglets
High time we brought back
The Fairness Doctrine
Used to be the law
When you spew bias and lies
Even Fox would have to
Let the other side reply
No more boys will be boys.
They know where they can go
Forced to watch their own show
Tied to beds of nails
As Blunder Blubber dies
Blunder Blubber dies
All Blunder Blubber Die! DIE!
Flush Rush!
Fuck Fox!
Turn em off!
Woo Hoo!

"pushing the globalist corporate line they’ve been fed."
"Jello Biafra is pushing the globalist line when he perpetuates the ridiculous propaganda that 77 million Trump voters are hateful Nazis and the “ punk “ flogs who agree with him are in the same boat."
"This must mean that all 77 million of them are hateful, Nazi racists who deserve to die like Jello says right ?"
And it's goodnight from him...