Vale...and thanks! “When the moon is shining the cripple becomes hungry for a walk” ― Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart

And my fave from the strictly grunge genre
Whole album was awesome. As was this one
Love an album you feel the need to listen from beginning to end. Hadn't felt that way since pink floyd the wall til I found this stuff
It might have just all been about the acid though....

Is Sonic Youth dead yet?
You see them when they did one of those 'play an entire album' tours in 2008, Sypkan?
It was Daydream Nation.

Nice name 'Factotum'!
Although 'Ham On Rye" is my favourite.

Yeah they broke up a few years back. (Thurston and Kim also broke up after 30 years)
I really like that Daydream nation-Goo-Dirty era they were the first American band i got into from that scene (before Nirvana broke)
Some of their later stuff was actually good though too like this.

The dull dictionary definition of 'factotum' works a treat too.
Strange reminiscences and connections abound.
1990. First time I went to the UK & Europe, and first time I saw Sonic Youth. And I also remember I bought a copy of Bukowki's Septugenarian Stew which was hot off the presses then.
Also had the chance to see Nirvana but flagged it. More interested in seeing Mudhoney & Tad in a pub!
Don't regret it really. It's not like I missed seeing The Beatles or something.
I was more spewing I didn't go to see Stone Roses at Spike Island. Missed my ride.
Yes, acid was involved.

Nah, missed the 2008 thingy, I had my eye on it, but did an indo trip instead, the sacrifices ya make ey...
Seen em a coupla times though, big day out, livid, snuck in the back door at a sold out sydney uni show once, way back, slipped a big maori bouncer $20 bucks and snuck down the back of a hedge along a wall and straight in. Everyone was doin it, good times.
Saw stoned roses at future music festival of all places, bit of irony there I thought. They were great, so was prodigy, all the doof kids were watching some half baked rock star dj on the main stage and the prodigy put on a great show at a tent down the back, what a day!
Geez I love stone roses.
Ahh good old acid hey? Can certainly put one on a tangent, for beter or worse...
I hate to be a grumpy old man, but the nirvana explosion sure changed stuff. I passed them up too, I do regret that one.

Just saw stunet's post, we're all grumpy old men! Or were grumpy young men actually! (self proclaimed, self importamt connoisseurs?)
Saw mudhoney at le rox way back when, supported by hoot mckloot!
My posse liked hoot mckloot better, but I think that was more about tempo and youthful aggression than anything else,. Loved and still love mudhoney, especially 'sweet young thing' as one of your rock god links pointed out.

I thought The Meanies outstaged Nirvana when I saw them at the Thebbie around 92. Met the Nirvana guys backstage at that show.....Kurt was on the nod but Dave Grohl was up for a chat.
Sew Sonic youth a couple times. I remember at one BDO I went round and round and up and down on the hurricane ride just side stage while their music went round and round and up and down. I had a backstage pass for that one too and got smashed with the Mudhoney boys. Fond memories from that BDO.

Kurt on the nod and dave up for a chat, who would've thought...
Dave grohl is so nice and wholesome he creeps me out. Just seems odd considering.

More reminiscences. I remember The Meanies getting set upon when they played support for The Beastie Boys at the Old Lion Hotel in 92, and Link made the mistake of jumping into the crowd of agitated old skool b-boys. And the band then tried to help him. I remember a fire extinguisher got involved. Ouch.
Speaking of the Old Lion, I was slightly peeved my brother got to see Mudhoney before me, and I was in the gig mecca of Europe. Actually, he saw them twice in that year I believe (2nd gig near Xmas at Le Rox). Haha, Radelaide!

More on that BDO i mentioned, first one in Radelaide I think. Was in theUni grounds and also on the bill were The HardOns, BeastsOf Bourbon, Iggy Pop and Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. Awesome BDO lineup. 38 degrees with the fire truck spraying water on the pit. Great stuff.

Very hot day that first BDO at Adelaide Uni. Too hot it turns out.
Me and some reprobates had pre-planned a break-in the day before. Had sorted the spot and even stashed bolt-cutters.
Got on it that night. Woke up on the big day very discombobulated and the heat killed off any enthusiasm.
Old mate got his bolt-cutters back later in the week as I recall.
Probably the best BDO line-up too.
Funny, the only BDO I did go to was a freebie ticket gifted because it was too hot. I happened to be in town and the line-up was of interest. Neil Young, Arctic Monkeys, Dropkick Murphys.

Facto. You used two of my favorite words in that last post. Can you guess?

Sonic Youth or
Magic Dirt's OZ #1 front chick 'Adalita' who ramps it up live to 11 on Punk scale.
tbb 1st saw Magic Dirt at 1995 GC Big Day Out ("Adalita" Bossed the whole Gig) tbb was early-front-centre...Fuck Yeah! Wole Town wanted in but caught on late.
Magic Dirt claimed Headline Act hands down as you already would guess!
Ice (Classic Oz number) or LP cut has a neat slab sound if you prefer(Track 2).
Rabbit with Fangs -Live in kiddies recovery Studio (Mummy i think their PUNKZ]
This studio clip is the best match their live BDO real wild child Teepee power gig.
She Riff-Live recovery [still PUNK]
2009 White Boy [Real DIRTY]
2019! Yeah! That's Adalita still pogoing & kicking out.(Qld punkz salute Magic Dirt!)

Just saw Adalita on an old episode of Rockwiz. Her specialty subject: The Cramps.
She's a cool unit that knows her onions.
Actually, the other dude's band subject was Suicide.
Rare times.

Oh yeah, it was The Drones lead bloke.
And they finished off with some Saints.

Thanks Facto for Posting those articles on Andy McQueen. Difficult but worthy reading. I am both saddened and angry.

Poor guy, that’s so fucked.
Those slimy fucking creeps are the most evil of people

That is fucked up. Really fucked up.
I really cannot believe that these stories don't come out. Especially from a young punk. If you don't want to go there, I'd just writing anon. letters all over the place and telling everyone, so it gets so hot eventually stuff has to be investigated.
And, it's about time these high end lawyers that'll 'go after you' were held accountable. Who the fuck, and what the fuck are they protecting?
They're probably all a part of it, especially being in dodgy adelaide, with all that 'the family' stuff with rob kelvin's son and others. Dodgy fucken adelaide.
Loads of questions around families sa and that shannon mccall case as well. Dodgy fucken adelaide indeed!

Two deaths of two icons that were worlds apart, and not just geographically.
If you get the chance, check out Singleton's Snowfall series on whatever platform it's on. It's about how the CIA smuggled cocaine into the US and sold it to fund their covert operations in Nicaragua, which in turn kicked off the crack epidemic in the States.
Actually, how the actual fuck Reagan and George Bush Snr evaded impeachment from the Iran-Contra affair makes the later Clinton attempt look farcical, let alone the Trump stuff.
And Oliver North was the most recent president of the NRA!
Anyway, the second death was that of Australian poet, Les Murray.
His work never really spoke to me, but he was rightfully admired in literary circles worldwide.
Don’t die, Dad —
but they die.
This last year he was wandery:
took off a new chainsaw blade
and cobbled a spare from bits.
Perhaps if I lay down
my head’ll come better again.
His left shoulder kept rising
higher in his cardigan.
He could see death in a face.
Family used to call him in
to look at sick ones and say.
At his own time, he was told.
The knob found in his head
was duck-egg size. Never hurt.
Two to six months, Cecil.
I’ll be alright, he boomed
to his poor sister on the phone
I’ll do that when I finish dyin.
Don’t die, Cecil.
But they do.
Going for the last drives
in the bush, odd massive
board-slotted stumps bony white
in whipstick second growth.
I could chop all day.
I could always cash
a cheque, in Sydney or anywhere.
Any of the shops.
Eating, still at the head
of the table, he now missed
food on his knife side.
Sorry, Dad, but like
have you forgiven your enemies?
Your father and all of them?
All his lifetime of hurt.
I must have (grin). I don’t
think about that now.
People can’t say goodbye
any more. They say last hellos.
Going fast, over Christmas,
he’d still stumble out
of his room, where his photos
hang over the other furniture,
and play host to his mourners.
The courage of his bluster
firm big voice of his confusion.
Two last days in the hospital:
his long forearms were still
red mahogany. His hands
gripped steel frame. I’m dyin.
On the second day:
You’re bustin to talk but
I’m too busy dyin.
Grief ended when he died,
the widower like soldiers who
won’t live life their mates missed.
Good boy Cecil! No more Bluey dog.
No more cowtime. No more stories.
We’re still using your imagination,
it was stronger than all ours.
Your grave’s got littler
somehow, in the three months.
More pointy as the clay’s shrivelled,
like a stuck zip in a coat.
Your cricket boots are in
the State museum! Odd letters
still come. Two more’s died since you:
Annie, and Stewart. Old Stewart.
On your day there was a good crowd,
family, and people from away.
But of course a lot had gone
to their own funerals first.
Snobs mind us off religion
nowadays, if they can
Fuck thém. I wish you God.

aarrragghuuhw uggguh uughguughhhghghghhhgh uughghhhgh raaaaahhgh
{R.I.P} Chewbacca from swellnet
Swellnetonians can script a Wookie Epitaph.
If you prefer to sing a hymn to Chewie...
Chewie Montage

RIP Roky Erickson

Saw Roky play here in Radelaide 7-8 years ago. Great show. Quality guitar noodling.RIP.

ROger KYnard
ROKY Erickson & The 13th Floor Elevators were long considered a mock band.
Such was their underground status they missed out on mid 80's garage revival.
Later Doco milked this made up band tale.(True)
Record Distribution really did keep underground artists underground.
The 13th Floor Elevators were a classic example..(Missing 4 decades of audience)
The band had to wait for www to reach global audience.
tbb purchased a 1988 Portuguese LP during early '90's....more questions?
That weird Warbling Backbeat is by Acid Trippin' Electro Jugster Tommy Hall.
Tommy wouldn't rock up at a Gig without Acid...credited' term 'Psychedelic-Rock'
Thanks factotum for that link ...See clip with Tommy blowing his brains out.
ROKY is way way out there shining with those crazy diamonds...Livin On!


Vale Dr John. One cool cat.

Vale Dr John.
Such A Night

Great clip, Rab. Great film too in its entirety.
Scorsese and The Band's The Last Waltz.

Yeah totally agree Facto. The Last Waltz is brilliant and what a line-up!

Keep an eye out for Scorsese's new music doco: Rolling Thunder Revue, A Bob Dylan Story.

Looks good. Cheers!

Time to evacuate 'Big Brother' {R.I.P} 1984-2019
"Pre Teen Rampage" Gold Coast sleazy icon burns in hell.
(Weekend Edition) The Secret life of Big Brother...
Police State Dad stalked Porn Star Mum birthing a bastard son.
Video (VCR) or Bigger brother to 'Dash' & 'Drone'
VCR grew up in a vice household spoon fed Freeze Frame & Instant Replay.
Fooling with his brothers Big Brother cut the chord on the VCR Remote.
Turns out the VCR still worked without the Chord...(WTF).
'Big Brother' had hidden Powers...Dad took son to work & Govt hired 'Big Brother'.
Big Brother was to Hook up Star Wars but failed resulting in Live MTV concerts.
Big Brother was assigned desk Duties...Red Light Cameras & Radar Guns the like.
His PornStar Mum caught him in his bedroom with a Live Mall Change Room Cam.
Big Brother had gone off the rails.
Soon his powers were vetted by the betting industry to rig sporting results.
His Radar Gun was put to better use measuring Ball Speed... (then important?)
Next as an ultra slow Line Umpire then a 3rd Umpire soon as a crooked Video Ref.
Punters were fleeced...Big Brother retreated to his Bunker...The Big Brother House
Here he pioneered Hawke Eye,Snicko,Hot Spot,Stump Cam,Goal Umpire...until.
Soon Captains & players in all sports were given reviews & Refs Made Up Calls.
Big Brother was publicly humiliated...but all was not lost.
Ironically It was his Change Room Cam that the TV networks wanted all along.
Working from home Big Brother was asked to perv on naked youth,sharing his vidz.
One day he accidentally on purpose slipped in the xxx version during prime time...
Now known as "That Tea Bagging Scandal"... Oz PM pulled the plug on PornHub.
Big Brother was shamed but picked up a job as an Automated Check out Chick.
Again he fucked up, allowing stoners to pass off Avos as Potatoes...(Your Fired!)
Some say he got caught up in Council Parking Meter Scam...Who could Tell?
His bunker...The Big Brother House became his prison...Washed up Star in a hovel.
Lazy in bed... checking out the line-up wired up to live surf cams...
Kidz came & stole,vandalized,dealt drugs & had unrecorded sex...
Sad News came this Weekend as the little Bratz torched The Big Brother Hovel.
Big Brother cam empire will be divided up between brothers Dash & Drone.
Dash & Drone had recent success with Go-Pro,Selfies & Up Skirting.
All of which made the world a more caring & better place...we all agree...Good!
Big Brother is alive & well & looking at you right now...Knock! Knock! Bang / Crash!
All Hail Big Brother & Dutto!

Hah! The king is dead, long live the king!

Hawaii's Royal Surfing Princess Porker 'Kama 3' was assassinated last Saturday.
Princess Kama 3 is daughter of Prince Kama 2, son of Hawaiian King 'Kamapua'a.
[ WANTED ] 3-4 Camo board short Assassins cut thru- the perimeter fencing.
Pit Bull & Ridgeback were released from assassins Primed Chevy Pickup Dog Cage

Vale Peter Fonda rides the big wave outta Town... Bitchin' Man

Vale to coalition's best OZ PM Tim Fischer...Acting or otherwise! {R.I.P}

Old mate of my mine got married last week at the young age of 42. He will be missed.

Sad for his immediates you'd at least hope, not so for the rest of the planet. The thinking and caring parts thereof.
One down, a few more big boys to go...

Robert Mugabe has gone to hell. Good riddance.
Heres a joke in celebration :
Q / Where’s the capital of Zimbabwe ?
A/ In a Swiss bank account.

Vale... Ric Ocasek ...Let's Go!

Wow, RIP Ric.
It's amazing how some artists go full circle - though I had The Cars ingrained through radio growing up as a kid, Ric ended up being a bigger influencer on me in later years by producing The Wannadies and Weezer (plus Guided By Voices, Bad Brains and many others).

Ric Ocasek produced the Bad Brains?!
Massive leap of faith shown by HR and crew.

Ric produced Rock For Light (their second album) in 1983, and also remixed its re-issue in 1991.

For me, the Cars' first album is an all-time classic - I'd almost go so far as to say it's near perfect.
It's full of shit hot songs (6 of the 9 songs hold their own in any company) but with the other 3 songs balancing out the pathos, it's a great cohesive album.
Cheers Ric.

Amazing that he was 34-years old when that album came out. Lot of musicians are washed up by that age. Makes you wonder what he was doing with his talent before then.

By the sounds of it he did a long apprenticeship, he was in bands since 1965 and with the Cars' bass player since 1968!
Earned it.

Ric Ocasek. Suicide*!
*This one's for you, Stunet.
And it's goodnight from him...