Vale...and thanks! “When the moon is shining the cripple becomes hungry for a walk” ― Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart

Wow, sad news.
That man has been responsible for many belly laughs over the years.

Wow, just posted one of his vids last week. John was a genuis. RIP.

Ahhh, now has 'front fell off' on our political steamship ? We will miss this duo. RIP

Clarke was a bone fide, one-off classic.

Vale John Clarke. One of the bonafide greats.
Ever get the chance, check out a short film he wrote and directed:
Man and Boy.
Another side to the man. Fucken brilliant.

RIP Charlie Murphaaaaaay.

Robert M. Pirsig. Author of "Zen and the Art of Motor Cycle Maintenance".
The first responsibility of a writer is to tell their own truth, Pirsig was an exemplar in that regard.

Vale Leo Baxendale! Creator of Minnie the Minx, the Bash Street Kids, Grimly Feendish, Sweeny Toddler, Frankie Stein, Willy the Kid etc etc
"He was a direct influence on Alan Moore and Freedom cartoonist Donald Rooum. In the 1960s, at the height of his fame and success he used his salary to fund influential anti-war newsletters (one of which, its first subscriber: Noam Chomsky!) and later in the 1980s he used his art to campaign against the Thatcher government and in solidarity with the miners. Mostly though, from the 1950s through to the 1990s his work celebrated anarchy, rebellion, civil disobedience, and solidarity against authority for a generation. He kept the red and black flying on pullovers and in comic pages. A funny, funny bastard."

Chris Cornell from Soundgarden. A great voice gone.

What a bloody waste...RIP Chris

What a bloody waste...RIP Chris

A keen sense of the ridiculous...sometimes not enough. Vale.

I fondly recall an East coast road trip , 3 in my mates panel van , two tapes for an entire 3 week adventure.
Alice in chains - Dirt
Soundgarden - Badmotorfinger.
Block of hash , boardshorts and North coast / Queensland summertime good times. Brown skinned girls.
Cheers For the tunes and memories Mr Cornell.

John Seversen.

...... and the New York Times obituary.


The 12th June marked the 54th anniversary of Medgar Ever's assassination.
"Today, Medgar Evers was buried from the bullet he caught
They lowered him down as a king
But when the shadowy sun sets on the one
That fired the gun
He’ll see by his grave
On the stone that remains
Carved next to his name
His epitaph plain:
Only a pawn in their game"

Thanks for the music Dr G Yunupingu.
A beautiful voice & talent. Taken too soon.

Lucky enough to see him at a festival in 2011, a festival mind you, in a big circus tent, where he silenced the entire crowd in awe. That voice. Those guitar-picking magic fingers. His demeanour.
The Spirit.

A rare individual indeed.

Fark! Another one of my cultural icons has passed on. VALE Frank Vincent.
"Now go home and get your fucking shine-box!"
A very cool NY Times piece about the man before The Sopranos happened for him. He reminisces about when he & Joe Pesci started out in music and a comedy act. Frank was a shit-hot drummer.

Dropping like flies...
Also, another recently departed, Sam Shephard, wrote the screenplay to the above.

The late film critic Roger Ebert came up with the “Stanton-Walsh Rule”: Any movie “featuring either Harry Dean Stanton or M.Emmet Walsh in a supporting role can’t be altogether bad”.
Here's one that had both of 'em in it. Straight Time. Check it. Based on Eddie Bunker's novel No Beast So Fierce (He also wrote the screenplay and had a cameo. Check his novels too.) Dustin Hoffman starred. Also a young Gary Busey is in it.
Vale Harry.

Off to the big orgy in the sky...RIP Hugh Hefner

My dick is flying at half erect in honour. Thanks for the teenage memories. RIP.

Tom Petty RIP
Loved his voice, his songs and melodies.
Also loved the musicians he played with.
Sad loss ...

I haven't posted for a few months but this prompted me-
RIP Malcolm Young, thanks for the memories.
Rock on!

RIP Malcolm.
Had anyone in rock, besides, say, Angry Anderson, sported the same hair style for as long?
At 20 years old...
At 64.

RIP Malc.

RIP Malcom Young.
Gone but never forgotten.
Thank you for the amazing vibes on so many levels.

Michael Gordon. I met him a few times back in the day before he became the dedicated and honourable journalist we all admired.

Yep, blindboy, no small player Michael Gordon. So good to hear the tributes from fellow workers. At the end of the day I don't give a fuck what the bosses say, it's what my fellow workers say about me that counts.
Michael Gordon passes that test with flying colours.

Big bad Vinnie Collier...godfather of the Westside Santa Cruz boys...RIP

He sounded like a bit of a prick from what I've read on other sites.

Probs was to those on the receiving end goof- ha ha!
The Chris Knopf pic of him detroying a wave with a huge mid-face hack is still one of those iconic pics that stay in my mind.

GF - I lived over there on and off for about 4 years and never had any dramas with him personally. He was obviously involved in things that had nothing to do with me so never saw that side of him. I was introduced to him through people close to him so that no doubt helped, but unless you did something wrong or out of line he was ok.
Geez I heard some stories though. I'm sure there'll be plenty of people who be glad he's gone.

G’day crg
I’m just going off what I’ve read on other sites and even his own admission on the Westsiders documentary. I’m sure he came across as an ok bloke to some. But to many others maybe not such fond memories. Sounded like he could really surf though and charge hard when it was solid

Tom Wolfe. A classic piece

Yeah, sorta...for peak Wolfe I go to 'Two Young Men Who Went West' though it doesn't appear to be online (it's in 'Hooking Up'). Thre's none of that distracting mid-career grammar experimentation, and he relies more on contextualising history and research - tonnes of research, it's a detailed essay - rather than the witty but often vapid obervations that mark some of his earlier stuff.
Cant deny 'Kandy-Kolored Tangerine Streamline Baby' for top line inspiration, the backstory almost as entertaining as the essay itself.

The Rolling Stone versions of The Right Stuff were pretty damn good too Stu. He always went over the top one way or another and reading a lot of his stuff now, you need to put it into the context of the times. It is hard now to appreciate its impact at the time. Those early editions of Rolling Stone, with Wolfe and Thompson, changed everything. I like Radical Chic because it is so perfectly observed and nailed so many contradictions that only an insider could have seen so precisely.

i started reading the right stuff recently. but gave up in the section where it's about the test pilots and their families....some one died every second page. i never appreciated that flying regular military fighters (not the experimental, test machines) was so dangerous.
a number of events described in the electric cool aid acid test were filmed. the bus had a 16mm camera and audio recording gear. it's called "magic bus". it's mind blowing actually seeing these incredibly iconic, seminal events. you see the gretchen the slime queen trip with the bogged bus.

Phil Emmanuel RIP
And it's goodnight from him...