2022 Election

AndyM wrote:"The idea that Australia will realise it can happily exist without the ALP and the LNP keeps these fuckers up at night. Not so much a decade ago……very much today!"
I think this could continue to be a real game changer.
Australia has realised, despite the best efforts of the majors to convince us otherwise, that voting for an independent or a minor is not "wasting your vote".The sky is not going to fall in, on the contrary, this change in voting habits is going to take power away from these two stagnant, crooked institutions.
And now the fuckers actually have to sit up and pay attention.
The Libs are deeply arrogant and thus slow off the mark and it's cost them dearly.
Labor smelt the change prior to 2019 but couldn't successfully communicate their pitch.
+1 independents are forcing change, the sky is not going to fall in, on the contrary, this change in voting habits is going to take power away from these two stagnant, crooked institutions.
And now the fuckers actually have to sit up and pay attention. One of the most beautiful things is that people are taking their power back. They forgot it starts and ends with us. Over time the integrity and trust of the independents will become stronger. The genie is out as people embrace alternatives. Trust is a funny thing.

Now when we saw a teal wave against Liberals in this election there is a higher chance of seeing a Green wave in Labor strongholds if they don’t deliver until the next elections. They need to get shit done, some of these seats are taken for granted. Greens are really good in sourcing local candidates, Labor won’t be able to afford another Kristina circus.

Bye bye...

Taking people for granted has fueled the need or desire for independents. They are just awakening. What overall long term effect they have remains to be seen.
I find the swing to independents encouraging of a more broader representation of what's happening Australia wide. People are challenging what they see as not in societies best interests. Lib lab or independent. Their is a desire for improved government policy and practice Two party or not. This can only be a good thing.
Independents have chosen to represent those Ideas and actions the two major parties took for granted or ignored. Inevitable change from frustrated Australians.

Funny, all these memes about Scomo being booted…But he will still be in the parliament, he won his seat by a huge margin. So, he’ll still be around in some capacity, it will be interesting to see how he behaves and what will be the treatment of others towards him.

flollo wrote:Funny, all these memes about Scomo being booted…But he will still be in the parliament, he won his seat by a huge margin. So, he’ll still be around in some capacity, it will be interesting to see how he behaves and what will be the treatment of others towards him.
Reckon he will have a discussion with Jen and the girls and decide to retire from public life.
Saying that I hope to see him in front of a judge at ICAC in not too distant future.

2022 Ant Bully's Rude Awakening..
From 2019 Poll >
Only 1 / 159 Ongoing Polls came within 1-2 % points on Major's [L]35% vs alp 32% "Primary Votes".
That is news! Yet all are let off the hook as if it means nothing! Sure!
100% Disconnect between Govt - Expert Pro Media < > Electorate (Total Failure!)
Consider that Minor -Major Gap closure requires precise Poll driven policy to mandate Laws.
The risk of Corruption by stealth grows greater by even more careless powerful Media backers.
Be thankful Wiki shared this insane insight into Poll Failure! Now you all see the danger of poll policy!
Largest ever Voters enrolled = Largest ever Pre Poll / Phone voting
Largest denial of Voters > o/s > Hospitals > Age Care > Flu / Covid Contacts > Floods
Largest Closure of Polling Day Booths
Lowest ever Polling Day Turnout...Boycott of Established Reverence!
*Centralization & moderation of increasing Party's Policy & Consensus
Past Indi Candidates were rejected Major Party outcasts or offshoots.
Late '80's > 90's Dems were keeping the Bastards Honest...[Sold Out] on Gst > Gone!
2020 National Country Party are now seen as radicals and or irrelevant.
Radical Indi Parties now Revolve a central Pillar to attract middle ground electorate.
Increased multicultural urbanization = Increasing Diversity of Metro Candidates & Voters.
Largest distribution & Diversity of Preferences of diverse candidate's wins anyone a Seat.
We see billionaires Harem raid the Honey Pot with nothing different but Teal Coloured T Shirts.
Mainstream Policy Consensus allows easier switch of Vote swapping away from Major to Minor.
Actual 2022 Common policy of Minors > Majors...( Choose Blue/Red/Green/Yellow/Orange/Teal etc...)
m=w/1st Nation/Govt Bank-Loans/Speed Rail/Legal Pot/Flexi Pension $ Youth-Vote/Free Uni/Watchdog!
Each election will need longer time & likely more Colours on the Chocolate Wheel to form Govt.
2022 Results
Lowest Votes ever for Major Parties
Lowest Primary Vote ever by any Govt
Lowest ever Vote for Alp & declining to Polling day and beyond.
Lowest ever Mandate of less than 1/3 of support from Australians!
Lowest ever support for Oz PM.
Lowest ever Mandate to Govern...
Alp has not yet won enough seats to Govern in own right..but none care anymore.
This is the New Norm born from Highest mandated compulsory Voting Laws.
Mandated Vax jabs have doubled down on Mandated Vote enrollment ...One of Us!
[Factcheck] 2019 Alp leader Bill Shorten Opposition (34.73%) out-polled 2022 PM Albo Govt (32.8%)
Loser Shorten 34.73% = 68 seats (vs) Hero Albo 32.8% .... > 76 seats?
Notice MSM still stalk, bully & humiliate Alp's more successful former leader Bill.
MSM+ [L] + Albo + Alp branded Bill Shorten as a Loser...(Yeah! All bow down to your Idol!)
(Crossing live to Bill : Where's my Apology you fuckin' retards!")
[Factcheck] Oz are celebrating a Bigger Loser than Biggest ever Loser! (Now living out #1 Lie!)
This biggest of all losers of all Oz Electoral History is soon to rewarded PM of Australia.
tbb is not joking nor jumping to conclusions...this is the stark reality of 2022 Election result!
This is the Future! Each new PM will have less & less Mandate to Govern.
Australia can foresee a near future Green PM with 25% of the Vote! (No Joke!)
Oz must recondition to accept Loss of Major Votes as being Healthy & Democratic...less a shock!
Declining puny weakling Union Base as being worth more than Gold!
Chambers of Commerce / Farm Co-ops all crucial players.
Politics...more as associated Clubs than CWA / PCYC Neighbourhood watch!
Some say it's Germany...others say what's so bad with that...
Poll driven consensus has no trouble mandating just about everything...so there's that!
More Police State laws for just about everything your Community fears...we all know how that works!
tbb is off to play Double Vax Tennis with Karen..."Run! Run Faster...Ouch! That's not the Ball machine!"
Better Luck with the yer next even more chaotic Election Oz! (May the better loser Win!)

Anthony Green's write up:
"It's the national electorate that's breaking apart." Ie, into different areas of different interests.

And Stan Grant's:
Sounds like he's been here and reading Blowin's prose ;) It's a very good write up.
I'd say to Stan defence postures will continue much the same, just as in the US in the Trump/Biden handover, so yes, the teals, Greens and govt will have answers to this age - for the government departments and institutions will advise them just as they do to each successive government.
"The order is rapidly fading. The answer does not come from resuscitating the old neoliberal order. It is gone, but we have nothing to replace it."
The replacement is already in progress. Two supply chains, cold war-ish separations, tech races - an awakened West, determined to do more in-house and with friends. Again, I use Joseph Chamberlain's 'Imperial Preference' of 1905 in the wake of the end of the last globalisation under Pax Britannica, to illustrate. Just going to be way more high-tech than last time.

velocityjohnno wrote:And Stan Grant's:
Sounds like he's been here and reading Blowin's prose ;) It's a very good write up.
I'd say to Stan defence postures will continue much the same, just as in the US in the Trump/Biden handover, so yes, the teals, Greens and govt will have answers to this age - for the government departments and institutions will advise them just as they do to each successive government.
"The order is rapidly fading. The answer does not come from resuscitating the old neoliberal order. It is gone, but we have nothing to replace it."
The replacement is already in progress. Two supply chains, cold war-ish separations, tech races - an awakened West, determined to do more in-house and with friends. Again, I use Joseph Chamberlain's 'Imperial Preference' of 1905 in the wake of the end of the last globalisation under Pax Britannica, to illustrate. Just going to be way more high-tech than last time.
A nice analysis of where we currently are but yet again, there is a lack of ideas about where to next. Many are calling for ‘death’ of the current order but have little to replace it with. There’s a fine line between order and anarchy, let’s hope that some sort of structure is established and we are not victims of nihilism.

2022 Scomo's Farewell Ukulele Tour (Travel Advisory)
China's Wet Market { Closed for Tomorrow & every other Day }
Turkey Hillsong { Exorcise a Higher Being for Good Luck mate! }
Qatar Airport { Best to tie down any Half Naked Groupies...no reason! }
UK Untested Science Experiment { PM must Exercise a High Degree of Shame & Humility }
Romantic Italian Cruise { Reconsider you need to travel with any Oz Vax }
Indian Cricket Oval { Comes with a bonus One Way Ticket to Hell! } PM : "No blood on my Hands!"
Glasgow Coal Pit { Reconsider your urge to scoff down Greta's Coal Flakes}
France Waterfront { Do Not Travel...Merci...Fuck head! }
NZ Prison { PM is advised not to exercise in his PPE underpants }
Serbian Tennis Club { Lifetime Ban for Dan / Daggy / Dutto }
Mutant African Nations {OZ #1 Highest Risk Mutant Nation...No Entry! Nuthin' Personal!}
Yemen Killing Fields { See you in Hell Warmonger }
US : { cdc says Oz is burning up on re-entry mate...Abort! }
EU : { Still haven't upgraded Oz from Delta 2021...Computa says No fuckin' way mate! }
Thai Woman's Toilets { Lifetime Oz Govt Ban you fuckin' sick bastards }
Solomon Islands { Code Red Cat 5...press here for your Social Credit score }
Sri Lanka { $40,000 Smugglers Post Election Package Tour...PM Overboard Extra! }
Dutto : "I could Play his Ukulele!"

I am confused. In a democracy how does the party with the most votes lose ? I cant think of any other voting system that allows this ? Does that mean most people did not vote for Labour but they get them anyway...doesnt make much sense.

monkeyboy wrote:I am confused. In a democracy how does the party with the most votes lose ? I cant think of any other voting system that allows this ? Does that mean most people did not vote for Labour but they get them anyway...doesnt make much sense.
Preferential voting. Which allows a broader range of parties and their ideas to vie for parliament. A great system in many respects, flawed in others.
However, it doesn't feel like this election result is the latter with a fairly broad consensus winning the vote.

As much as i despise Labor i really hope they are able to get a major government, the teals and greens having too much power would be a complete disaster for this country.

stunet wrote:monkeyboy wrote:I am confused. In a democracy how does the party with the most votes lose ? I cant think of any other voting system that allows this ? Does that mean most people did not vote for Labour but they get them anyway...doesnt make much sense.
Preferential voting. Which allows a broader range of parties and their ideas to vie for parliament. A great system in many respects, flawed in others.
However, it doesn't feel like this election result is the latter with a fairly broad consensus winning the vote.
mmm, preference not to vote if what you vote for ends up being a vote for someone else. I guess the public gets what the public wants.

indo-dreaming wrote:As much as i despise Labor i really hope they are able to get a major government, the teals and greens having too much power would be a complete disaster for this country.
You realise the teals and the greens are both neoliberal parties right? They support the Mass immigration Ponzi scheme and so their differences to the LNP are only a few degrees overall. I thought your major concern was prolonging the bubble of fake wealth by importing people to boost consumerism and push down wages. The policies of the teals and the greens both support this.
Except they both seem to want to scalpel the obvious corruption from the body politic. Not sure how you’d consider this a bad thing?
They repulse me though.

We can expect plenty more rants like this for the next decade or more .
After their company-wide campaign to prevent the election of a Labor Govt, the Murdoch monopoly isn’t taking it well. Just take a look at Murdoch’s positioning for the next 3 years. pic.twitter.com/33Y8mvN5pB
— Office of Kevin Rudd, 26th PM of Australia (@MrKRudd) May 22, 2022

DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:As much as i despise Labor i really hope they are able to get a major government, the teals and greens having too much power would be a complete disaster for this country.
You realise the teals and the greens are both neoliberal parties right? They support the Mass immigration Ponzi scheme and so their differences to the LNP are only a few degrees overall. I thought your major concern was prolonging the bubble of fake wealth by importing people to boost consumerism and push down wages. The policies of the teals and the greens both support this.
Except they both seem to want to scalpel the obvious corruption from the body politic. Not sure how you’d consider this a bad thing?
They repulse me though.
Im not interested in that aspect either way, immigration will stay at similar rates under any government.
The concern is more they(Teals & Greens) are ideological driven and driven purely by emotion, that's dangerous.
I dont know if anyones mentioned it here, but despite both LNP & Labor focussing on the economy, this election result is clearly more about the climate.
Which is scary because the reality is they will never be happy with any action taken (whatever that even means) they are not realistic in their views and wont care less about the economy at a time when it should be the main focus.

Why should the economy be the main focus? I thought you said we were in the best possible economic position possible and that life had never been richer, easier and more stable?
Now you’re saying that we might all be plunged into poverty ?
What do you think the ALP will do differently to the LNP which will damage the economy so greatly? A $1 an hour wage increase for a couple of hundred thousand Aussies?

indo-dreaming wrote:DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:As much as i despise Labor i really hope they are able to get a major government, the teals and greens having too much power would be a complete disaster for this country.
You realise the teals and the greens are both neoliberal parties right? They support the Mass immigration Ponzi scheme and so their differences to the LNP are only a few degrees overall. I thought your major concern was prolonging the bubble of fake wealth by importing people to boost consumerism and push down wages. The policies of the teals and the greens both support this.
Except they both seem to want to scalpel the obvious corruption from the body politic. Not sure how you’d consider this a bad thing?
They repulse me though.
Im not interested in that aspect either way, immigration will stay at similar rates under any government.
The concern is more they(Teals & Greens) are ideological driven and driven purely by emotion, that's dangerous.
I dont know if anyones mentioned it here, but despite both LNP & Labor focussing on the economy, this election result is clearly more about the climate.
Which is scary because the reality is they will never be happy with any action taken (whatever that even means) they are not realistic in their views and wont care less about the economy at a time when it should be the main focus.
The Teals are small l Liberals, and 30 years ago would have been in Liberal Party. The conservative and Christian factions starting with Howard and completed with Abbott and Morrison pulled the party to the far right. Hence the vote loss in traditionally blue ribbon seats.
My 80+ year old mother who has been a Liberal voter her whole life was disgusted with Abbott, but Morrison was worse. If the LNP think they can win back more votes with Dutton at the helm with more of the same, good luck to them!

Supafreak wrote:We can expect plenty more rants like this for the next decade or more . https://twitter.com/mrkrudd/status/1528294370700455936?s=21&t=wpk8XGYAA6...
Haha good luck with that.
Farken loons on Sky.... Who watches that shit?

DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:Why should the economy be the main focus? I thought you said we were in the best possible economic position possible and that life had never been richer, easier and more stable?
Now you’re saying that we might all be plunged into poverty ?
What do you think the ALP will do differently to the LNP which will damage the economy so greatly? A $1 an hour wage increase for a couple of hundred thousand Aussies?
Exactly. Where’s the problem? Record unemployment, everyone’s got some sort of the job. It’s not always perfect, there is underemployment and obviously a decline in real wages due to inflation. But we are in a position where job openings are really high and people can get some sort of employment really quickly.
I like to reference Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in this scenario. I think this is a perfect time to move up the ladder, if not now then when? People want more than just having a job that pays bill. They want clean environment, energy sources that don’t pollute, clear and transparent processes when financing projects from a public budget. This is what LNP failed to understand in this election (amongst few other things).

andy-mac wrote:Supafreak wrote:We can expect plenty more rants like this for the next decade or more . https://twitter.com/mrkrudd/status/1528294370700455936?s=21&t=wpk8XGYAA6...
Haha good luck with that.
Farken loons on Sky.... Who watches that shit?
"..but 2025, mark it in your diaries, Dutton, Trump, the Liberals will be back"
Hilarious. Prophecy, warning, or just simple delusion? And yea, "Who watches that shit?"

Indo, you listened to the same podcast as I did. “Australia if you’re listening” .One of the messages from many stakeholders is there are good long term economic benefits to taking action on climate change and protection of the environment.
We’ve just got some people who are interested in and have a plan for that transition in the halls of parliament finally.
And as far as all the worry about “Wokism”. Whatever the fuck that is. I think you might find that especially gender politics seems to be more of a boogie man trotted out by the right for a bit of dog whistling. And what people will probably aim for is general human rights and equality of opportunity.
I think you’ll be ok.

Who does watch that shit??
And one of their chief buffoons reckons the Libs need to move further to the Right to differentiate themselves from Labor.
Dunno whether to laugh or be afraid.

andy-mac wrote:Supafreak wrote:We can expect plenty more rants like this for the next decade or more . https://twitter.com/mrkrudd/status/1528294370700455936?s=21&t=wpk8XGYAA6...
Haha good luck with that.
Farken loons on Sky.... Who watches that shit?
Personally, I think everyone should watch that shit. If not that exact shit, then other shit like it.
If you don't know your enemy and what they're planning then you'll be blindsided by them.
Sky and The Oz and the IPA will be the garden bed from which every ALP, Greens, and teal attack will grow. Some criticisms will be warranted, most won't.

soggydog wrote:And as far as all the worry about “Wokism”. Whatever the fuck that is. I think you might find that especially gender politics seems to be more of a boogie man trotted out by the right for a bit of dog whistling. And what people will probably aim for is general human rights and equality of opportunity.
I think you’ll be ok.
Close. It's not more of a boogie man, it's an enormous boogie man. WTF are these people so afraid of? Also, that Sky video is hilarious/embarrassing.

stunet wrote:andy-mac wrote:Supafreak wrote:We can expect plenty more rants like this for the next decade or more . https://twitter.com/mrkrudd/status/1528294370700455936?s=21&t=wpk8XGYAA6...
Haha good luck with that.
Farken loons on Sky.... Who watches that shit?Personally, I think everyone should watch that shit. If not that exact shit, then other shit like it.
If you don't know your enemy and what they're planning then you'll be blindsided by them.
Sky and The Oz and the IPA will be the garden bed from which every ALP, Greens, and teal attack will grow. Some criticisms will be warranted, most won't.
If LNP follow their advice, reckon they will go the way of the Democrats..
Point taken on knowing enemy, but that was next level nuts ..
Think the guy need to get laid.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Westofthelake wrote:andy-mac wrote:Supafreak wrote:We can expect plenty more rants like this for the next decade or more . https://twitter.com/mrkrudd/status/1528294370700455936?s=21&t=wpk8XGYAA6...
Haha good luck with that.
Farken loons on Sky.... Who watches that shit?"..but 2025, mark it in your diaries, Dutton, Trump, the Liberals will be back"
Hilarious. Prophecy, warning, or just simple delusion? And yea, "Who watches that shit?"
Id say the delusion is running both ways...
Id put it in your diary!

Hiccups wrote:soggydog wrote:And as far as all the worry about “Wokism”. Whatever the fuck that is. I think you might find that especially gender politics seems to be more of a boogie man trotted out by the right for a bit of dog whistling. And what people will probably aim for is general human rights and equality of opportunity.
I think you’ll be ok.
Close. It's not more of a boogie man, it's an enormous boogie man. WTF are these people so afraid of? Also, that Sky video is hilarious/embarrassing.
most people are more than happy with 'equality of opportunity'
if you think that's what the concern is about... you haven't been following proceedings....
or have an ideological blind spot / eye patch / blindfold
you a pirate?

Is there any chance that liberals and nationals will split ? there’s talk if nationals can’t be talked around on climate change policy then liberals will have no other option but to go it alone .

Supafreak wrote:Is there any chance that liberals and nationals will split ? there’s talk if nationals can’t be talked around on climate change policy then liberals will have no other option but to go it alone .
It might be a good idea. Nationals don't contest in Liberal seats while Liberals don't contest in National seats. It might be time to change that.

sypkan wrote:most people are more than happy with 'equality of opportunity'
Oh, you think that's what we have? lol

On a side note, watching Bloomberg to get the feel for the markets following the elections. Predictions are showing strong growth for mining stocks due to anticipated climate change action. Conversely, AGL stock seems to be in the toilet due to the expectation to close coal plants as soon as possible.

Australia does have equality of opportunity. At least as close to it as anywhere else in global history anyway. Every single Australian can ge5 out of bed tomorrow and do their best to achieve what they want and be who they think they can be, without any undue discrimination. This is the definition of equality of opportunity and it is available in Australia.

Hiccups][quote=soggydog wrote:WTF are these people so afraid of?
intolerance. loss of control. change

Hiccups wrote:sypkan wrote:most people are more than happy with 'equality of opportunity'
Oh, you think that's what we have? lol
oh, you think that's what the hardcore wokesters are seeking?

sypkan wrote:Hiccups wrote:sypkan wrote:most people are more than happy with 'equality of opportunity'
Oh, you think that's what we have? lol
oh, you think that's what the hardcore wokesters are seeking?
What is it the "hardcore wokesters" seek, sypkan? Enlighten me.

indo-dreaming wrote:The concern is more they(Teals & Greens) are ideological driven and driven purely by emotion, that's dangerous.
Indo, Indo, Indo... "ideological driven" your kidding?
Note the Teals are highly educated women who have actually worked at the front line of life (many are doctors etc no ideology there just saving lives') verses Coalition party hacks who have had 20 plus years in politics and know SFA else other than extreme right wing IPA BS ideology (now with some sprinkling of religion).
The Teals were voted in by areas that have higher education levels etc its all screaming that you are the one that's driven by ideology and its you that actually lacks education or an open mind that can see through Coalition sound bites that are BS.
The Coalition party that you are cheering for like a footy team has never existed and now almost certainly never will IMHO.

Hiccups wrote:[quote=soggydogwrote:WTF are these people so afraid of?
intolerance. loss of control. change[/quote
All of the above. And it's a beautiful thing. Challenge the bastards. Independents are just a start. Major parties will be scrambling. Lot of good people getting organised outside of major parties who have had enough. I don't fear them at all. I admire them for taking a stand on undelivered policy and corrupt practice.
No sympathy for the devil. This is only the beginning. Major parties have ignored their voters concerns for sometime. Woke or just motivated to see real change. When the water becomes stagnant it is best to throw it out. So why did the libs put so many people off if they were so in touch. Only the voters know. Now the parties are forced to re evaluate their representation all in the name of power. Or all in the name of people. How nice is that. Fucking brilliant.

I focus wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:The concern is more they(Teals & Greens) are ideological driven and driven purely by emotion, that's dangerous.
Indo, Indo, Indo... "ideological driven" your kidding?
Note the Teals are highly educated women who have actually worked at the front line of life (many are doctors etc no ideology there just saving lives') verses Coalition party hacks who have had 20 plus years in politics and know SFA else other than extreme right wing IPA BS ideology (now with some sprinkling of religion).
The Teals were voted in by areas that have higher education levels etc its all screaming that you are the one that's driven by ideology and its you that actually lacks education or an open mind that can see through Coalition sound bites that are BS.
The Coalition party that you are cheering for like a footy team has never existed and now almost certainly never will IMHO.
Thank you for putting into words what I couldn’t be bothered to do. And much more articulately than I could have I might add.

ever heard of 'equality of outcome'?
if you haven't... as I said... you haven't been following proceedings...
(and that's just the tip of the iceberg, ...the very very pointiest of tip of the iceberg that can ne shared with the public openly)

...kinda quaint that some of you guys are stll so 90's...
cute even...

bit like a daggy dad that's caught in a fashion timewarp of his youth
and wears it proudly, day in day out, like a uniform

Care to expand on that (edit. Those comments) comment sypkan?

I focus wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:The concern is more they(Teals & Greens) are ideological driven and driven purely by emotion, that's dangerous.
Note the Teals are highly educated women who have actually worked at the front line of life
Yes, this one. That is the biggest appeal for me, they actually have legit work experience. We are threatened by a political class where the majority have not had real work experience. Tanya Plibersek comes to mind who became a federal MP for Sydney in her mid-20s. I personally don't have anything against her but it begs the question; how much real experience did she have at the time of appointment as a candidate?
A quick Google says - not much. There is a mention of a bit of work for Domestic Violence Unit at the New South Wales Government's Office for the Status and Advancement of Women but nothing else. After that, she basically worked as a research officer for a couple of senators and that's it.
Was this enough? It seems like not much has changed, research officers are predisposed to become MP candidates for their major parties. So, if the trend is to be continued we should investigate who the research officers are today in order to anticipate MPs of the future.
It is this entrenched order that independents are challenging. And let it be, I'm all for it. Majors will have to change or face the oblivion.
Here's an interesting article from 2001 that I found about 1997 preselection for the seat of Sydney.,

I don't know how to parse the mood for climate change action in the electorate.
Obviously in Syd/Bris/Melbourne it's a vote winner.
In the Federal seat of Page, arguably the area of Aus most affected by climate change, and which includes Lismore and Ballina (as well as Nimbin), National Kevin Hogan was returned to office with an increased share of the primary vote.
The Nationals have campaigned against net zero.

Much prefer the daggy dad than the contemptuous modern cunt. At least I know what I'm getting with out a falsified fake performance. How far did man buns take us. Not far. And why should they. Jaded is ignorantly unimpressive whatever year you come from. I'm all for the mullet revivival counter resurgence. Speaks volumes. Fashion kills but don't let it take your soul.