2022 Election

Good article Supa ...

This is from the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) in 2012.
The IPA was established by Keith Murdoch, Rupert's dad. Basically the liberal party are the political arm of this institute, and the Murdoch media the media arm. Gina Rinehart is a major contributor, and James Patterson and Tim Wilson rose through the ranks of this organisation and given key liberal party positions.
Below article is lengthy straight from IPA source. But if you wish to see where the liberal party wish to and are succeeding taking Australia, scroll down to points. Forget what they claim, this is their real agenda .

Wow sypkan. I’m a “ right wing neoliberal conservative corporate dog” according to you. Can you point to any post I’ve made cheering the LNP? You don’t have look too hard to find me castigating those corrupt bums. I will wait.

Rumour has it that Scumo is in Aspen with Rupert.

You need to get out more SF. Spending every waking hour looking for defamatory material on the Libs isn't healthy.

Cockee wrote:You need to get out more SF. Spending every waking hour looking for defamatory material on the Libs isn't healthy.
Surfed 3 hours this morning 5 to 8 got probably 15 good waves , 3 smokin barrels, how about you ? Now I’m doing what Centerlink pays me for , looking after my 86 year old mother. Got plenty of time sitting around.

Impressive effort SF. I'm still in bed looking at the shit people put on the internet.

Vic Local wrote:Rumour has it that Scumo is in Aspen with Rupert.
If this is true, the prick should not be let back in the country, never mind remain PM. I don't hold a Covid test mate ...
What a piece of work..

adam12 wrote:"with his neoliberal Mass immigration Ponzi, his relentless privatisation of everything he can get hold of, his endless corporate subsidies and his dedication to serving his developer and business masters, is about as Left wing as Margaret Thatcher himself."
What the fuck?
What do you mean “What the fuck?” ?
You honestly don’t realise that Dan Andrews is as much a right wing neoliberal as anyone within the LNP?
Dan is a neoliberal Big Australia booster who privatises everything he can and subsidises his developer and business mates to the tune of billions of dollars. Dan makes it clear at every turn that he prioritises corporate interests over electorate interests with everything he does.
Here’s a big heads up - when you import millions of immigrants and temporary workers into your state, against the wishes of the electorate, you are supplying an incredibly large material subsidy to your corporate mates. Dan’s corpo donors need bodies to fill their sky kennel developments , their outer suburb shithole sprawl, their toll paying transport infrastructure and their ticket-clipping edumigration scams. Dan’s business buddies demand millions of fresh exploitable coolie labour to suppress wages and grow profit share each year.
And Dan is the man to answer their prayers.
When you ignore what he says and watch what he does you’ll soon realise that there’s so little difference between himself and his LNP counterparts that for all intents and purposes they are the same party. Dan Andrews and Dom Perrottet are Coke and Pepsi.
That’s why VIC Local loves him so much. Dan mumbles the right platitudes and has the right pronouns but that’s as far left as he goes, the rest is pure right wing….just like Vic Local. VIC Local is as right wing ( fake left division) as you’ll find : He loves a government handout for his business cause he thinks he’s entitled as a “lifter “ , but when it comes to demanding that the “leaners ” are denied government assistance , such as when he’s demanding that the tiny minority of unvaccinated people should be denied medical assistance and access to society, then no one is louder!

Yeah you've got a point there Syppo.
So many on the socially progressive Left cover up their unwitting involvement in class warfare with loud condemnation of any "ism" they can think of, whether racism, sexism or whatever.
Lots of shallow posturing.

That's the trick Blowin.
Continue the siphoning of wealth upwards while masking it with "socially progressive" platitudes.
Fake Left.

I'm too busy to debate this with you today Blowin. Some things you say I would dispute. The alternative is VicLibs so fake left anyday.

It's actually fucking hilarious you calling me right wing blowin. I must have written a 1000 scathing comments about the LNP, Hanson and Palmer on this site, but apparently that's not enough to stop you thinking I'm a neoliberal conservative. Fuck, if that's the case I'm a lousy one because I've never voted conservative in my life. That's about 20 elections across the three govt levels champ. But go ahead champ, you keep telling me what I am. It just makes you look very silly.
And you on the other hand, post endless racist comments, endless comments with alt-right catch phrases in them, but you're a centrist fighting against the globalist elite.
You don't do self awareness do you.

OK so everyone hates the Labor party because they are all fakes, great lets vote Coalition,,, how is that going?
Another 20 years of BS coming your way

Sounds like you do have some right of centre economic tendencies VL

I focus wrote:OK so everyone hates the Labor party because they are all fakes, great lets vote Coalition,,, how is that going?
Another 20 years of BS coming your way
Being glib and thinking it’s clever will not solve the problem of there being no alternative to the right wing neoliberalism of the LNP/ ALP duopoly. Until the electorate is aware that there is no genuine alternative within the LNP/ ALP then we are destined to be stuck in this political quagmire.
Luckily, more and more people are realising the truth.
BTW- VIC Local : Of course you’re a conservative bloke. Own it. Your spluttering of “ I’m not a conservative “ is the lie you tell yourself whilst your actions show the truth of your inherent conservatism. When you vote for Dan Andrews you are voting for a right wing neoliberal with a peeling coat of fake left paint. The ultimate irony is that your biggest claim towards not being right wing is your dedication to voting for Dan Andrews ……who is utterly right wing.
Then again….no one said you were smart bloke.
If this were not true you would be demonstrating the material difference between Dan Andrews and Dom Perrottet but you’re not, you’re trying to distract with your wet lettuce insults.
I’m sure you can find a two degree difference between them but they are both heading down Big Australia Corporate Street at a great clip and to try to deny it is folly.

blindboy wrote:Says the bloke who usually votes for the far left outfit....One Nation. No consistency. The vaccinated anti-vaxxer is now the left winger who votes right-wing. You might think an old chippie would know how to use a plumb bob to get up and down sorted.....but maybe not.
That was years ago and it was a protest vote. I’ve walked the walk the whole time. I didn’t endorse ON I just wanted to send a message to the neoliberal duopoly that my days voting for them were over. You know that but your commitment to obstinate stupidity renders you unable to acknowledge it.
Blindboy, you’re another fake left right wing retard bloke. Back in your box. You’re so wrong about everything that you’re a weathervane for the truth - If Blindboy says one thing , then the opposite is guaranteed to be true.
Russia Russia Russia bloke!

blindboy wrote:So who are you going to give your preferences to? You can vote minor party or independent but the only way in the vast majority of electorates, to avoid your vote flowing to one of the major parties is to vote informal.
That’s how fucked the system is.
Do you not agree? Do you still hold that the neoliberal ALP is the best Australia deserves or do you also hope for a better alternative ?

We all know blowin is going to vote One Nation or Clive Palmer or some alt right micro party. He will then hold his nose and preference the LNP because he's been taught to hate the ALP more than the current scum running the country.
The scary thing is, the blowin demographic could well decide this upcoming election. Lead by the nose by Clive Palmer or attracted by Hanson's racism, delivered to the LNP via preferences, and too stupid to realise they are being played.

I note terms like “fake left”, “the real left” and “woke” are being used as a putdown with increasing frequency (aka baloney index) while noting those of the left were once called socialist or commies .... ah, the right and their fabricated rage /external enemies in a constant state of anxiety over what might taken from them.

I don't want to get involved at the slinging debates between personalities in here but ill say one thing that i truly believe - we have to remove the two party system in our country, we are heading down a very dark path currently.
Up until two years ago i have zero interest in politics and what i look at and understand now terrifies me with the direction we appear to be heading into.

GuySmiley wrote:I note terms like “fake left”, “the real left” and “woke” are being used as a putdown with increasing frequency (aka baloney index) while noting those of the left were once called socialist or commies .... ah, the right and their fabricated rage /external enemies in a constant state of anxiety over what might taken from them.
No mate, you are misreading it completely.
The Real left ( The ALP of the Whitlam era ) :
/ Side with workers over capital
/Consider the government a functionary of society, not merely a conduit for business and whose scope is to outsource every available public service to industry for profit.
/ Prioritise people and the environment over the growth model of economics
/ Reject the political ideology of neoliberalism outright.
The ALP does none of the above. They are not left wing in any way beyond the thinnest of veneers relating to a style of progressive socialism representing only the tiniest portion of the population and which is almost universally supported by both sides of politics regardless. Example is same sex marriage , it was never the left/ right divide the media portrayed it but was useful as a branding exercise for establishing the illusion of difference between the right wing LNP and the Fake Left right wing ALP.
If you think that Dan Andrews is left wing then please provide evidence of material difference in policy and outcome to the proudly right wing Dom Perrottet.
Dan Andrews is privatising the roads FFS. The same traffic infrastructure upgrades which are only required because Dan pumps the state full of millions of immigrants at the behest of his business donors. The taxpayers , who don’t want the population growth, subsidise business by accomodating the extra pressure on public services, paying for the construction of the required infrastructure and then paying increased fees and tolls on all of the above. The Victorian people subsidise Dan’s business mates with the destruction of their environment, their water security and the existence of the species diversity they cohabit alongside. He plans to subsidise business to the tune of $100B in the coming decades …..before the 150% blowouts of course!
This is Dan Andrew’s modus operandi. He is not a left wing politician and the ALP is not a left wing party. They are right wing operating under a fraudulent left wing brand/ identity. They are Fake Left.

Vic Local wrote:We all know blowin is going to vote One Nation or Clive Palmer or some alt right micro party. He will then hold his nose and preference the LNP because he's been taught to hate the ALP more than the current scum running the country.
The scary thing is, the blowin demographic could well decide this upcoming election. Lead by the nose by Clive Palmer or attracted by Hanson's racism, delivered to the LNP via preferences, and too stupid to realise they are being played.
The tragic thing for these people is those preference flows may lead to the resumption of the mass immigration/mass education/buy our houses! ponzi at full throttle, that they really don't want at all. However, I'm not confident at all that ALP would be any different. I just want a Sustainable Australia government & senate.

Vic Local wrote:We all know blowin is going to vote One Nation or Clive Palmer or some alt right micro party. He will then hold his nose and preference the LNP because he's been taught to hate the ALP more than the current scum running the country.
The scary thing is, the blowin demographic could well decide this upcoming election. Lead by the nose by Clive Palmer or attracted by Hanson's racism, delivered to the LNP via preferences, and too stupid to realise they are being played.
Yeah bloke….more lies spilling from the open sewer of your mouth.
I hope you believe your dribble because no one else does.

Who you voting for then champ?
If I'm not correct about you voting ON / UAP and referencing the LNP, everything you have posted over the last decade is pure bullshit.
I feel your only option to justify your rants is to vote informal.

blindboy wrote:.....but who are you going to vote for Blowin? For someone constantly commenting on politics it would seem to be a matter of basic honesty to tell us. Seems like VL was probably right-irrelevant minor party so your vote will flow straight to Scomo.
Sounds like you’re trying to victim blame again Blindboy. I’m not sure why you’d want to punch down at a member of the electorate who, alongside millions of others, has had their democratic voice stymied by a concerted and determined political class who wish to disenfranchise the population rather than representing them.
I will do my best to vote for a fair social democracy which prioritises people over profit and the environment and society over needless growth and the strip mining of our country to make the rich richer , but the deck is stacked. against me.
What can I do?
Your accusations , that my vote will politically empower the very people I despise , Is the root cause of my distress, not something about which I’m stoked.

I can only think informal in lower house, SA in senate - for my choice. Some choice!
Giant douche 2022

blindboy wrote:Fair enough, if you believe that despair is a reasonable approach. For me it is one of the fundamental responsibilities of citizenship to choose the least worst.
Not quite. You don’t even believe that the Mass immigration Ponzi scheme is
detrimental to Australia so in your mind you’re not getting the “least bad” option, you’re getting the exact Fake Left outcome you hope for.

going through the manufacturing/infrastructure/energy policies and free TAFE/more Uni places it sounds a billion times better than the total chaos going on currently tbh. A lot seems directed to secure work/opportunities for working people (who already live here). No mention of immigration numbers or identity politics so read the fine print...

the thing is blowin, your main concern is "the Mass immigration Ponzi scheme". that pretty much leaves you with nobody to vote for (or at least preference).
Hanson bangs on about immigration non-stop but she has fuck all influence on policy and she is a locked in vote for the LNP. One Nation is basically the racist marketing wing of the party with a "Mass immigration Ponzi scheme". You hate the ALP so who the fuck are you going to preference? Look on the bright side, you'll still have "the Mass immigration Ponzi scheme" to sook about after the election.
And here's the kicker. the main thing you've been sooking about "the Mass immigration Ponzi scheme" hasn't even been happening during covid. Fuck me, you're a confused unit champ. You've been played mate. You hate labor so much, you'll end up voting for the party that supports the thing you hate so much.

velocityjohnno wrote:Vic Local wrote:We all know blowin is going to vote One Nation or Clive Palmer or some alt right micro party. He will then hold his nose and preference the LNP because he's been taught to hate the ALP more than the current scum running the country.
The scary thing is, the blowin demographic could well decide this upcoming election. Lead by the nose by Clive Palmer or attracted by Hanson's racism, delivered to the LNP via preferences, and too stupid to realise they are being played.The tragic thing for these people is those preference flows may lead to the resumption of the mass immigration/mass education/buy our houses! ponzi at full throttle, that they really don't want at all. However, I'm not confident at all that ALP would be any different. I just want a Sustainable Australia government & senate.
whilst I will meticulously divert my preferences away from lnp... deep down, most of us know, alp won't just be same same... they'll likely be worse...
(unless they actually start to walk a bit of the talk that has started to drip drip from certain uncooth members of the party.... but... that's not bloody likely...)

"they'll likely be worse..."
Wrong sypkan. Govts typically get progressively more corrupt the longer they are in power. NSW Labor 10 years ago being a good example. New governments start off clean, but when they are clearly corrupt, and get re-elected they just get so much worse. The warning signs with the LNP were there in 2019 and they are so much worse now.
Another big factor on why Labor won't be nearly as corrupt as the LNP is the conservative friendly media in this country. The Murdoch drones are like flies on a dog turd at even the slightest hint of corruption by the ALP. They go MIA when the LNP are bent as all fuck. This creates a toxic environment which encourages crooked conservative politicians. (And it shows)

...dan andrews government a good example too?
anyway, off topic... you failed to comprehend the point...
the context was immigration

I don't know why people accept that we only have two parties to vote for.
We wouldn't accept it with regards to products or choices anywhere else so why do we think it's the only way with regards to politics?
Denmark, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, New Zealand, Norway and Sweden all have multi party systems and it shows with the maturity of civil discourse.
Multi party systems are more democratic and representative and when parties are forced to create coalitions to form government, this creates greater levels of internal checks and balances due to greater internal scrutiny.
Multi party systems encourage conciliation and consensus with regards to policy creation.
And as mentioned, multi-party systems ensure that a broader spread of interests are represented in policy formation.
For the life of me I don't understand why people continue to entrench a two party system, they've got no business complaining about the state of play if they vote for the two majors.
Labor recently waved through a suite of electoral bills that could deregister dozens of minor parties.
Labor is not interested in a healthy democracy, Labor, just like the LNP is interested in power and representing its masters.

Something to think about.
Keep in mind three very good reasons for voting for minor parties and independents.

sypkan wrote:...dan andrews government a good example too?
anyway, off topic... you failed to comprehend the point...
the context was immigration
The Andrews government was caught up in some branch stacking activity. Everyone knows that because the Herald Sun treated it as a major crime and have had months and months of headlines. The LNP in Victoria have done exactly the same thing. Their branch stacking was a carbon copy of Labor's but you don't see the Herald Sun banging on about it month after month.
Kind of proves my point doesn't it. Tell me again sypkan, which party paid a higher price for their branch stacking and which party is more likely to do it again because they got away with it?

AndyM wrote:Labor recently waved through a suite of electoral bills that could deregister dozens of minor parties.
Labor is not interested in a healthy democracy, Labor, just like the LNP is interested in power and representing its masters.
Sure you have a bit of point re minor parties improving democracies, but is that really the case in Australia. We've seen ridiculous preference harvesting giving power to people with ,01% of the vote. We've seen Clive Palmer hijack democracy for his own benefit. Maybe it's time to reform the voting system? that of course is difficult, so making it more difficult for cynical micro parties isn't such a bad thing. Minor parties usually crumble as soon as someone gets voted in. Do we really need more Fraser Annings or Palmer stooges in Canberra?

Mate I'd be all for reforming the voting system.
As I've said in the past, Proportional Representation in the Lower House would be a game changer.
It'd give us chance to be a much better democracy.

AndyM wrote:I don't know why people accept that we only have two parties to vote for.
We wouldn't accept it with regards to products or choices anywhere else so why do we think it's the only way with regards to politics?Denmark, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, New Zealand, Norway and Sweden all have multi party systems and it shows with the maturity of civil discourse.
Multi party systems are more democratic and representative and when parties are forced to create coalitions to form government, this creates greater levels of internal checks and balances due to greater internal scrutiny.
Multi party systems encourage conciliation and consensus with regards to policy creation.
And as mentioned, multi-party systems ensure that a broader spread of interests are represented in policy formation.For the life of me I don't understand why people continue to entrench a two party system, they've got no business complaining about the state of play if they vote for the two majors.
Labor recently waved through a suite of electoral bills that could deregister dozens of minor parties.
Labor is not interested in a healthy democracy, Labor, just like the LNP is interested in power and representing its masters.
absolutely andym!!
the sooner the two party duopoly is dismantled the better
these clowns bleeting on about the lesser of two evils are part of the problem!
and frankly, the lack of nuance and other considerations from some of them is just plain disappointing
shows a distinct lack of imagination and appreciation for integrity from what I can gather

Vic Local wrote:sypkan wrote:...dan andrews government a good example too?
anyway, off topic... you failed to comprehend the point...
the context was immigration
The Andrews government was caught up in some branch stacking activity. Everyone knows that because the Herald Sun treated it as a major crime and have had months and months of headlines. The LNP in Victoria have done exactly the same thing. Their branch stacking was a carbon copy of Labor's but you don't see the Herald Sun banging on about it month after month.
Kind of proves my point doesn't it. Tell me again sypkan, which party paid a higher price for their branch stacking and which party is more likely to do it again because they got away with it?
dude, you keep brushing this shit off as dan andrews 'only' and 'minor' problem, ...that's only an issue because of blah blah blah...
the mundanity and mindlessness of your excuses are tedious to say the least
fukn lamely tedious...
the cunt was on four corners last night, only caught 5-10 mins of it, ...but what I saw was, a deer in the headlights dan andrews lying through his teeth that he had no idea what goes on at the crown casino, and doesn't have time for such petty concerns...
looked just like the lying cunt that said he knows nothing of who chose rent-a-cop for one of the most serious security concerns of our lifetime...
also looked like the lying cunt that said the belt n road initiative was just a 'memorandum of understanding'... whilst selling out billions of dollars and good engineering jobs to the big bear in china... how labor...
you are a fucking joke!
you don't even make any attempt at honesty or engaging in good faith...
pure propaganda

blindboy wrote:So syppy let's hear your grand plan for dismantling the duopoly oh and the alternative to voting for the lesser of two evils .....is to vote for the greater of two evils.
C'mon big fella, don't go all binary on me.

blindboy wrote:So syppy let's hear your grand plan for dismantling the duopoly oh and the alternative to voting for the lesser of two evils .....is to vote for the greater of two evils.
do you have the same comprehension problems the vicmoron has?
or is it that you fake left morons are so full of miserable assumptions ...so so brainwashed by all your miserable assunptions... your miserable indoctrinated MO... and your fake left lame arse excuses... that you cannot take anyone, or anything on face value?
anything at all... ever!
because we've been over this before...
several times...
but seeing as an election is coming... and it is all looking rather dire and desperate...
it involves voting for every single minor party and option there is, all the way down, until you find labor and liberal at the bottom of the voting card (...in whatever order takes your fancy...)
because every single independent that has ever made it into a position of power so far, has done a way better job than any 'yet another' arbitrary labor / liberal stooge...
even that V8 bogan that slipped in the backdoor on about 100 votes!
and, anything that takes power away from the duopoly is a positive
and, as andym pointed out, anything that makes the duopoly need to converse and cooperate with normal people is a positive
and, the recent run of independents... including tony windsor, rob oakshot, the 3rd merryman from that time i forget..., nick xeno, jaquie lambe, zali etc etc...
has shown, they all have contributed way more to sorting oz's shit than any recent major player from either major party... any of them!
way way more!!!
fuck, Id even throw pauline in there... despite the fact I cannot stand the woman... she too, has contributed way way more than any lab/lib salary collecting careerman seat warmer!!