2022 Election

Optimism based on what?
You'd be a bit of a simpleton to be optimistic based on the past 20 years or so.

And a time-machine would be helpful.

"In Australia we are fortunate that, while standards have dramatically declined, we are nowhere near reaching the depths of the US or even the UK under Boris Johnson. "
Australia should look to Canada and NZ where bent politicians are simply not tolerated. Indiscretions that would be ignored in Australia results in politicians getting sacked in NZ and Canada.
If we had the same standards as those two countries the Abbott government would not have lasted 6 months and things have got so much more crooked since then.
Scumo is by far the most crooked PM the country has ever seen. He tolerates all manner of corrupt shitfuckery by his team while systematically undermining our institutions that keep politicians accountable. God help us if we give these flogs another three years. They will have a mandate to enrich themselves and hamstring those who investigate corruption.

Cockee wrote:Sad that at this time of the year you clowns can't give politics a rest. Circle jerking twats the lot of yas. PS Try to start 2020 with at least half an ounce of optimism
It's the same shit different day from the same whinge fest brigade, whinge whinge whinge, Murdoch Howard, Abbot, Scomo, capitalism, I'm a loser my life sucks and it's the governments fault, i want everything on a plate, me, me me.
If people havent been able to achieve what they wanted to in the last 20+ years, it's completely their own fault, nobody else's, myself and 90% of my friends have gone from dole bludging pot smoking piss head surfer bums to business owners or decent paid jobs, all have houses some of us multiple, and achieved many other dreams like traveling, lived OS, familys etc, we achieved it because we were smart and focused and worked hard when needed and because the government provided the economical environment its achievable in.
The most important thing to most people from a government is the economy and jobs and the economy and job opportunities have been very good for almost 30 years.
Technically we ended 28+ years without a recession, and the recession we just had, how long did it last a few weeks or months max.
Over the last 20 years theres been all kinds of shit happening around the world and every time we have faired really well, the boat arrival mess fixed, financial crisis avoided, terrorist attacks happened in many western countries but no true attack here but many prevented, now Covid which from an economical and health perspective Australia has faired better than 90% of the world.
I will take it all anytime, 100 times better than the recession of the early 90s, super high unemployment rates, crazy high interest rates.
Fuck even flights to Indo are cheaper than they were twenty years ago.
Anyway im positive about 2022 and the future id prefer no change of government, but even if it happens realty is Australia will still be pretty good and still one of the best places to live on the planet.

My main concern with this shitty government is their corruption. Their bent ways piss away taxpayer dollars, increase prices for consumers, enrich absolute dogs, ensures tax dollars aren't collected, means tax dollars aren't spent on health, education, transportation, and scares off clean and enervative businesses.
This doesn't just impact me, it impacts everyone.
I think you'll find most people who hate this shitful government despise what they are doing to Australian society, not what they do to individual bank balances. They aren't looking for someone to blame for their lot in life, but they do know who to blame for all the problems Scumo and his bunch of corrupt dogs are creating.

I'm very happy where I am in life, both economically and socially...
Bit of luck, timing and maybe smart/hard work...
However I cannot stand the hypocrisy of this govt and their blatant corruption which I believe is starting to damage the basic foundation of our democracy. You may say Labor would be no better, well I don't think they could get away with half the shitfuckery that LNP do due to media support, or non reporting.
Being Australian you really have won lottery in life but that does not mean ya can just kick back and think I'm doing ok, bad luck if ya not.
My main point is that a proper ICAC us needed to stop just some of the stuff that is going on which is pure corruption. Do not care which party it is involving....

Totally Andy- a federal ICAC with the powers similar to a Royal Comission and real penalties, including the seizure of assets including trusts and assets held by spouses and family members, property and cash. I'd also add the forfeiture of government superannuation and pensions and jail if applicable.
Of course there are different levels of corruption and thresholds would have to be established but you have to start somewhere.
I'd have to say that would probably put a fair few pollies of any stripes out of a job tomorrow but would that necessarily be a bad thing?
Edit- just had a bit of a browse through your link Andy. Shameful and no doubt just the tip of the iceberg.

Sorry BB didn't realise this was your own personal thread. For an old man you are one bitter SOB.

"and jail if applicable."
Jail is very fucking applicable for corrupt politicians. If some executive assistant gets caught nicking millions from the company, he or she gets jail time. Why should politicians and their mates get away with stealing similar amounts from the taxpayers?
There's also the deterrence factor. Start relocating politicians from fancy suburbs to jail cells, and you'll see people think twice about dodgy government deals.
jail for stinking rich white collar criminals is a real deterrent. Not so much for drug addled thugs with fuck all to lose.

What are you clowns smoking? VL you really should get off that shit.

But Vic, if integrity is a pre-requisite, how will they attract new people to become the politicians of the future?

zenagain wrote:Totally Andy- a federal ICAC with the powers similar to a Royal Comission and real penalties, including the seizure of assets including trusts and assets held by spouses and family members, property and cash. I'd also add the forfeiture of government superannuation and pensions and jail if applicable.
Of course there are different levels of corruption and thresholds would have to be established but you have to start somewhere.
I'd have to say that would probably put a fair few pollies of any stripes out of a job tomorrow but would that necessarily be a bad thing?
Edit- just had a bit of a browse through your link Andy. Shameful and no doubt just the tip of the iceberg.
Agree re jail time if breaking the law.
Michael West has been covering it for a while, corruption should not be a left or right issue, but right or wrong issue.
And parliamentarians as representatives of Australians should be held to higher standards of accountability, not less than your average citizen....

Couldn't have said it better Andy.

zenagain wrote:But Vic, if integrity is a pre-requisite, how will they attract new people to become the politicians of the future?
Zen, Not all pollies are corrupt and most start out with ideals of public service.
What we've seen under Scumo is the protection of corrupt politicians and public servants. They even covered up an alleged rape in parliament because doing the right thing would have been politically damaging.
Scumo has "earned" his loyalty by offering unwavering support for corrupt and incompetent colleagues. Turnbull tried to bring in standards and was rolled.
Three things are needed to prevent Australia becoming even more corrupt. First the LNP need to lose the next election. Labor then need to introduce campaign finance reforms and an ICAC with teeth and retrospective investigation powers.
If the LNP win the next election, we get a UK / USA style shitshow.

Corruption / misuse of taxpayers money .... there should be no difference in standards and consequences between the corporate world and government.
If Morrison’s govt had to answer to the ACCC for example more than half of his ministers would be before the courts and/or in jail.

"If Morrison’s govt had to answer to the ACCC..."
Might be a good time to note that Scumo has just made a Murdoch ally head of the ACCC. Just another example of that dog stacking organisations designed to protect the public with his mates.
I hope the prick gets court up in some scandal that ends his career.

zenagain wrote:Totally Andy- a federal ICAC with the powers similar to a Royal Comission and real penalties, including the seizure of assets including trusts and assets held by spouses and family members, property and cash. I'd also add the forfeiture of government superannuation and pensions and jail if applicable.
Of course there are different levels of corruption and thresholds would have to be established but you have to start somewhere.
I'd have to say that would probably put a fair few pollies of any stripes out of a job tomorrow but would that necessarily be a bad thing?
Edit- just had a bit of a browse through your link Andy. Shameful and no doubt just the tip of the iceberg.
and, totally totally andymac!
but I do think you need to look at the long long road that lead to this place....
the long long road that corrupted a whole political class rather than just one party
which in turn has made labor totally toothless in opposition, and made them totally reluctant (and resistant!!) to an ICAC up until relatively recently....
labor clearly think there is now enough water under bridge, or morrison's government is so corrupt they now must act, but personally i think a heap of cats from both sides need to go down, and hopefully to jail, to sort out a problem that became so systemic scotty now just thinks it's normal...
imagine what a deep clean that goes back a decade or two would do to parliment...
not least it would open up so many spaces that some non partisans and non career cats could possibly fill a third of seats....
australia would be a different place
and what an improvement it would be!!

In regard to miss use of tax payers money, i dont think anyone will ever better Dan Andrews paying 1.1 billion to not have the much needed east-west link project to go ahead.

indo-dreaming wrote:In regard to miss use of tax payers money, i dont think anyone will ever better Dan Andrews paying 1.1 billion to not have the much needed east-west link project to go ahead.
....or millions and millions to inquire into who's responsonsible for reprehensible decisions that killed and had ramifications for the whole nation...
only to find... we don't know who's responsible...
just plain fucking insulting at the highest levels of possible

indo-dreaming wrote:In regard to miss use of tax payers money, i dont think anyone will ever better Dan Andrews paying 1.1 billion to not have the much needed east-west link project to go ahead.
Oh come on ID, not that old rubbish again. It was the LNP who signed a side note in the EWL contract gifting the company the cash when Andrews kept his election promise. You don't get to point the finger at Labor for your side's shitfuckery.

more splatter from info’s flue,

Excuses excuses, end of the day you cant make this shit up 1.1 Billion was paid for a much needed road project to not go ahead that's fact.
As is the enquiry that somehow couldn't find who made a very important decision that lead to Australia's worse Covid waves of deaths.
How on earth does this kind of shit happen?
If you want to talk about misspending and corruption and politicians that should be in jail Dan Andrews is right at the top of the list.

sypkan wrote:zenagain wrote:Totally Andy- a federal ICAC with the powers similar to a Royal Comission and real penalties, including the seizure of assets including trusts and assets held by spouses and family members, property and cash. I'd also add the forfeiture of government superannuation and pensions and jail if applicable.
Of course there are different levels of corruption and thresholds would have to be established but you have to start somewhere.
I'd have to say that would probably put a fair few pollies of any stripes out of a job tomorrow but would that necessarily be a bad thing?
Edit- just had a bit of a browse through your link Andy. Shameful and no doubt just the tip of the iceberg.
and, totally totally andymac!
but I do think you need to look at the long long road that lead to this place....
the long long road that corrupted a whole political class rather than just one party
which in turn has made labor totally toothless in opposition, and made them totally reluctant (and resistant!!) to an ICAC up until relatively recently....
labor clearly think there is now enough water under bridge, or morrison's government is so corrupt they now must act, but personally i think a heap of cats from both sides need to go down, and hopefully to jail, to sort out a problem that became so systemic scotty now just thinks it's normal...
imagine what a deep clean that goes back a decade or two would do to parliment...
not least it would open up so many spaces that some non partisans and non career cats could possibly fill a third of seats....
australia would be a different place
and what an improvement it would be!!
Yep a federal ICAC with retrospective powers could only be a good thing for Oz. No doubt there would be some going down on both sides of politics, and probably a few minor parties also... Still having a independent body keeping an eye so to speak on the political class could only be a good thing.....

indo-dreaming wrote:If you want to talk about misspending and corruption and politicians that should be in jail Dan Andrews is right at the top of the list.
Absolute garbage. It was the LNP who signed the side letter giving the building consortium $1.1 bil if the east west link was abandoned. This was never in the interest of the Victorian public and it wasn't disclosed. It was your mob who gifted their mates $1.1 bil at the expense of the Vic taxpayers. There's a reason why the Vic LNP haven't been in power since. They are incompetent, corrupt, and a just fucking useless.

"and probably a few minor parties also."
Andy-mac, those minor parties would only be UAP and One Nation. The Greens have been squeaky clean for 20 + years, and the micro parties aren't in a position to call too many shots.
TBH Andy-mac, it's the conservative side of politics in Aus, UK, and the USA that have taken corruption to the next level. The ALP branch stacking is very low level crap compared to the shit Taylor, Robert, Fletcher, and Porter get up to.

Vic Local wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:If you want to talk about misspending and corruption and politicians that should be in jail Dan Andrews is right at the top of the list.
Absolute garbage. It was the LNP who signed the side letter giving the building consortium $1.1 bil if the east west link was abandoned. This was never in the interest of the Victorian public and it wasn't disclosed. It was your mob who gifted their mates $1.1 bil at the expense of the Vic taxpayers. There's a reason why the Vic LNP haven't been in power since. They are incompetent, corrupt, and a just fucking useless.
One month out from an election and only days before the “caretaker period” started.
One month out from an election where polls suggested a massive landslide against the govt (proved correct).
One month out from an election where the stated policy of then the ALP opposition was to not build the freeway.
One month out from an election where polls told the then LNP govt overwhelmingly the Vic public did not want the freeway.
One month out from an election where infrastructure Australia rated the freeway poorly and not worth the money from a cost/benefit basis.
No no the grubbily corrupt LNP went ahead and deliberately signed the contract and secret side contract as very expensive landmines for the incoming Labor govt.
But our resident pea-brained knucklehead thinks that all means the ALP are corrupt. “You couldn’t make shit up”.

Vic Local wrote:"and probably a few minor parties also."
Andy-mac, those minor parties would only be UAP and One Nation. The Greens have been squeaky clean for 20 + years, and the micro parties aren't in a position to call too many shots.
TBH Andy-mac, it's the conservative side of politics in Aus, UK, and the USA that have taken corruption to the next level. The ALP branch stacking is very low level crap compared to the shit Taylor, Robert, Fletcher, and Porter get up to.
No argument there from me....
Greens only party pushing hard for ICAC really. I reckon there would be a number of liberal politicians very concerned if proper ICAC or royal commission established. Porter, brother Stuey, Taylor, Cash, Joyce, Canavan, and the list goes on. Would be easier to work out who is not corrupt...ಠ_ಠ

Linda Reynolds and Bridget Sports Rorter would be shitting themselves too.

Send them to mars

scomo should release a memoir when he retires called " How I fucked Australia in my first four years "

scomo should release a memoir when he retires called " How I fucked Australia in my first four years "

Love to see bent pollies hung in public.
Or even guillotined.
Bent cops, public servants and bikies too.
Can only dream...

Green Ant Bully WR early call > { Official 2022 Ita's password login sealed section iview pre poll result }
"Swellnet Election Fever wipes out the ruling 'Omicron Converts' in all VIP Seachange Electorates!"

andy-mac wrote:

GuySmiley wrote:andy-mac wrote:Nice
X 2.

Vic Local wrote:There's a reason why the Vic LNP haven't been in power since. They are incompetent, corrupt, and a just fucking useless.
So i guess you also then understand why Labor nationally have only been in power for 23 of the last 70 years, and less than 6 years of almost the last 26 years, and havent been in power for the past 8 years and even if they get elected next election it will only be on the basis they have watered down their policies to become Labor lite and people generally get to a stage after a long period like 8 years where the grass tends to look greener.

Spot on indo. It's disturbing that the clowns arguing that the Libs are corrupt are completely oblivious (conveniently) to the corruption/blackmail/violence/intimidation/rorting which goes hand in hand with the trade unions who bankroll their ALP.

Yes there is corruption in the trade union movement (mostly in the CFMEEU) but when that happens the victim is the membership. Yes it's shit, but rorting taxpayer's money is a much bigger crime. The LNP are fucking miles ahead of the ALP on this front. $80 mil to Angus Taylor's mate for no water. $30 mil to a LNP donor for a block of land worth $3mil. Massive ongoing contracts to Palladin with zero oversight. Parakeela. Covid Safe app done by a LNP mate. Sports rorts, Regional rorts, carpark rorts, job keeper, $600 mil for a gas fired power station etc etc etc. It's a fucking joke, and all that money should have been spent on hospitals, schools, transport, NBN etc etc etc. Kind of makes union shitfuckery pale into insignificance.

Three months ago Vic Local was trying to convince you that the members of the CMFEU were right wing neo Nazis , violent thugs and anti social wasters when they protested ( rightfully) against the utterly pointless and blatantly authoritarian vaccine mandate.
VIC Local is about as Left wing as Margaret Thatcher. He loves Dan Andrews because Dan Andrews , with his neoliberal Mass immigration Ponzi, his relentless privatisation of everything he can get hold of, his endless corporate subsidies and his dedication to serving his developer and business masters, is about as Left wing as Margaret Thatcher himself.

"with his neoliberal Mass immigration Ponzi, his relentless privatisation of everything he can get hold of, his endless corporate subsidies and his dedication to serving his developer and business masters, is about as Left wing as Margaret Thatcher himself."
What the fuck?

it's about time the real left took the term back from the neoliberal puncy stooges like vicvocal
him coming on here day after day calling everyone conservative and right wing is fucking nauseating to say the least

Geoff Kitney
It’s time for Scott Morrison to govern, except he never will
Politics for Morrison’s Coalition is about scheming to stay in power, while Australia starts regressing into its old insular ways.
Geoff Kitney
Dec 28, 2021 – 11.30am
It’s time! Well, OK, not very original and not really capturing the national mood the way this memorable slogan did in 1972 when Labor offered its most commanding leader, Gough Whitlam, as the alternative prime minister to feeble Bill McMahon.
Anthony Albanese is no Gough Whitlam. Which might be Scott Morrison’s best hope of another election miracle because Morrison actually is beginning to challenge McMahon as one of the country’s least-convincing prime ministers.The Coalition desperately needs to go into this election with voters convinced that Albanese and his program are too risky.
That said, the argument that it is time for a change of government is hardly less compelling than it was in 1972.
The truth is, the Morrison government has become a government in name only, led by a leader who has little to offer as he seeks to take the Coalition to a fourth successive term in office. The Morrison government is occupying, not governing.
After seven years of Coalition government, Australia is standing still.
In fact, it is regressing.
Modernisation on the back burner
Just as in the long years of Menzies governments, vital work to modernise Australia is on the back burner. Just as the Menzies governments – held to ransom by the then-Country Party – protected old industries and insulated the economy from global forces of change, so is history being repeated as the National Party holds the nation to ransom to protect the coal industry.
Australia is back to its bad old, inward-looking, she’ll-be-right, habits of the past.
The bitter partisan divide in Australia is deep and widening. Optimism has given way to frustration and fear. A leader to bring the country together again and to take the decisions needed to prepare the country for global challenges ahead is an urgent national need.
Morrison can’t.
Morrison’s foolish tribalism
In fact, all the evidence suggests he doesn’t want to. The partisan games he has played throughout the COVID-19 pandemic prove it. Morrison’s foolish tribalism has undermined the authority of the prime ministership and emboldened state leaders to act in ways that threaten the future of the federation.
Is Albanese the person capable of bringing the nation together again? In the way that a Labor leader did last time the country was coming apart at the seams – Bob Hawke in 1983?
From observing him for a long time I think he is a decent person with good instincts. But it is a big leap from there to being the Prime Minister needs now. But a decent person would be a good start. I don’t get Scott Morrison.
There is something not quite right with him. There is a falseness about him, a lack of empathy, a coldness that I find very odd, set against his professed deep Christianity. I do not know how he reconciles his hard politics with his professed belief in the teachings of Jesus.
Pentecostal Christians’ influence
People argue that Morrison’s faith is his own business and that critics hate the fact that he is a conservative family man with faith.
But his faith is part of a bigger political story: The steadily growing influence of Pentecostal Christians within the Liberal Party as a result of years of grassroots infiltration by activists.
Morrison has stacked his cabinet with a large number of people who share his brand of religious expression. The blurring of the vital line between church and state. Pentecostalism is an American import, based on a strange mix of faith in two Gods – the Christian God and the God of Free Markets. These beliefs are intertwined into what has been termed “prosperity gospel”.
Trust us with your money might seem to be an odd appeal from the Morrison government.
Capitalism and Christ! How does that work?
This might suit fundamentalist America but, I would have thought, would repel traditional hard-bitten, no-bullshit Australian scepticism.
But I might be wrong. Maybe the decades of brain-washing of too much US culture via commercial TV and Murdoch media has changed us.
Morrison certainly believes the capitalism message is a winner. As he does so often, Morrison reduces the complexities of running a nation to a simple, catchy slogan: “Can do capitalism”, not “don’t do governments” “I think that’s a good motto for us to follow,” he says.
As with most such slogans, this bears little resemblance to the truth.
The Coalition has governed Australia for nearly 20 of the last 26 years. The size of government is greater than it has ever been – and the latest budget outlook shows it continuing to grow, even with debt at eye-watering levels.
The Coalition is addicted to splashing cash. Yet the Coalition will run, as its big economic theme for the coming election, that you cannot trust Labor with your (taxpayers’) money. “We created the problem. Now trust us to fix it”, they are saying. Trust! Such an important word in the current political context.
Trust has a chequered history in federal politics.
Outright lies from Howard government
John Howard ran with “trust us” in the 2004 election, after the outright lies his government perpetrated in its zealous effort to thwart asylum seekers reaching Australia. Voters went along with it because they saw then-Labor leader Mark Latham as too risky.
Trust us with your money might seem to be an odd appeal from the Morrison government, given its record of the most blatant “pork-barrelling” we have seen.
Again, risk-averse Australian voters may be persuaded that, despite its trickery, the Morrison government is less likely to make a mess of things than Albanese Labor. But to me, this coming election is about more than “trust” against “risk”.
This election should be about casual corruption and the collapse of accountability. It should be about the rapid decline in standards of public probity and the Morrison government’s contempt for accountability: the obscene imbalance in the allocation of public grant funds to suit its own political purposes; the casual way lies are told, in the expectation of no adverse consequences; the way ministerial standards have collapsed; the way almost every difficult issue is treated as a political problem to “manage” rather than to be solved. For there to be no consequences for a prime minister and a government behaving so badly is to say that these standards are OK.
To accept declining standards of accountability is to treat our democracy with contempt.
To me, integrity issues top the list of reasons why this government does not deserve to be re-elected.
To me, this is the main reason It’s Time.
Laura Tingle is on leave.
Geoff Kitney was a senior national affairs writer and columnist based in Canberra. Connect with Geoff on Twitter.

sypkan, I don't call everyone conservatives or right wingers. Just conservative right-wingers like you.
The worst type of conservatives are the social conservatives (read bigots) who think Australia can go it alone economically. Think Hanson, Trump and Boris. It's a weird mix of socialist alliance economic policies without any fairness, and a shit load of racism thrown into the mix. A complete fucking disaster.
People who cheer this shit on are just small men with small minds. They don't do solutions, they just do the "woe is me" victimhood bullshit. Just a pack of fucking losers wanting someone else to blame.

That's on the money SF thanks for posting.

indeed super freak. complete fucking disaster. They can't even own it.

good read supafreak

"sypkan, I don't call everyone conservatives or right wingers. Just conservative right-wingers like you."
and that is where you are wrong...
because you are a right wing neoliberal stooge...
as it is you that defends dan andrews and his right wing wayward meanderings into the privatisation of government roles, and the wider tendencies of labor to do so...
and it is you that defends the double speak of woke corporations, and the nasty nefarious nature of big pharma.... and it is you that is vehemently defending and conserving the status quo of the exploitative neoliberal order across the world...
you are a forever conserving right wing conservative neoliberal, layered with fake left double speak and a distinct lack of appreciation for integrity
and on top of that, you seem to have little appreciation for the union movement, and even indulge in subtle union bashing and the blatant belittling and mislabelling of it's members
you, are a fake left, right wing neoliberal conservative corporate dog supporting hoax of a man, who is so judgmental and intolerant it's embarassing, constantly displaying an unhealthy disdain for working class people... you have almost no redeeming 'left wing' qualities at all, ...beyond your one trick pony fake left cultism...
play with labels all you like... that's the truth of it...