Australia - you're standing in it

drex is Blowin?? Toxicity looks familiar enough.

“Toxicity”= Bad man says something I can’t refute because my reasoning is built on nothing but bullshit.
You don’t think it’s “toxic” to publicly accuse someone of Nazi level inhumanity?
How would you feel if I got on here and started accusing you of being a paedophile? Not much different to what you’re doing to DRex. Perhaps take a step back and start your questioning of someone’s character from a more realistic place if you want to be taken seriously or treated with respect. You seem ready to claim the high moral ground whilst peddling filth like accusing someone of white supremacy based on nothing of substance. Crazy stuff. I’m staying away from you bloke.

Can we cut this shit out once and for all?
Rhetorical question...

“Can we cut this shit out once and for all?”
Stu, five minutes after you’ve banned Facto & MB & your still pulling your hair out having to respond to yet another confrontation involving Blowin.
BD has every right to politely ask the questions he directed at DRex. Only DRex is qualified to answer for himself. But guess who barges in with his usual patronizing, aggressive bullshit and all that before DRex has responded, should he choose to.
It would seem you went two thirds of the way to solving the shit show. Based on the evidence this has only empowered Blowin. I’d say business as usual but it’s possibly just going to get worse. Anyway, time will tell.

I’m out. Done. Catch ya later.

No Blowin, Drex has on numerous occasions come at me with his shitty right wing white extremist attitudes. I'm not accusing him i'm calling him out. You defending him, as far as i'm concerened puts you in the same basket as all the names you called above.
As for you, debate? With you??? HA!! I tried that once. The moment i had you cornered like the snivelling weasel that you are, you dissappeared off the site for a while. I asked you why you delete comments or rearrange what you said after you post them...seemed you had done so to make what myself and others wrote look out of place and irrelevant. You again dissappeared.
So, out and done(heard that too many times before for it to be true) . What you got to say for yourself? Why do you always delete/rearrange your comments? What sort of man can't stand by his word. You can't say dyslexia. That ones already taken. You don't debate. You dictate arguments. You want a debate about immigration and post a photo of a Fijian native (edit. Senegal) at the immigration gates. A Senegalese! Are you that dumb. That's the point. Who's country is this Blowin? Who should be in control of immigration. Blowin and Dregs? Or the actual natives. What right have you got white man blowin to call the shots on who enters this country, when, in effect you're an illegal immigrant yourself.
Stu. Sorry, no disrespect to you or the site and i appreciate you guys trying to right this convo...... but fuck, why would you let this dog shit stay on here along with that other dumb fuck. Can only imagine how many punters don't actually engage in these forums because of these two peanuts. Any time someone has an opinion slightly different to their own, they get cut down. Cacharadon Dundee. HA!!! What's surfing come to.
#blownetdreaming #banmeitwasworthit

Bluediamond is bang on again. What Blowfly did/wrote in the new Poems Thread was pure toxic vandalism and hate speak.

Just ignore them Blowin.

How the hell are you still on here info? Logging in from Vic/SA border on the way over to sort Herc out, you know face to face man to man?

Let it go guy, those who run this site have spelt it out very clearly why some have been banned and not others (nothing to do with one incident), if you havent got it, well i don't think it's going to click anytime soon.
That is also not what i said in my second post, i said something along the lines of basically how about i come over and you say that to my face, and id be much smarter than use violence to get any type of payback, id be hoping he wasn't that smart though..
Anyway please do me a favour and let's try to avoid each other.

While you’re over there Herc could give you some training god knows you need it from the photo you referenced the other day, oh the shame of it to be a balding fat bastard-(edit) that makes two of us I’m still carrying my Covid kgs

Receding i am a tad yeah, but my family always has high forehead and my long hair pulled back.
Fat, as you can see from pics (me far left), not fat just a dad bod with little beer gut, but ive actually lost 5Kg since this time.
Yeah could do with Herc's training, but couldn't be fucked, not my scene i surf, skate a little, ride a little, walk a little that my exercise.
Edit: Pic removed for privacy reasons just incase people in photo dont want their face here, Indo family i know have no issues though as happy to be on public social media and website for Surf house.
Maybe same trip or maybe year before, cant remember, with my wife to right i white, daughter further right and my adopted Indo family, best Indo mate Andreas in green, terrible pic of him though, he normally doesnt look goofy.
Better pic of him, really like this pic.
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Telo Islands Sumatra Indonesia (@teloislandsurfhouse)
<script async src="//"></script>
Edit: Damn still didnt post here with embedded code?

Righto Guy Smiley, over to you . Indo has proved his buffness in the face of your fat shaming him, now we need you to post up the rig so WE can be the judge of who's got the goods. And no cut and pasting Arnies rig on your head.

thanks for huge laugh guys very funny now info perhaps you really should delete those photos for privacy reasons .....

Since Jan21 this year....Cat, exploded cyst, stitches/operation/meds $680. Dog, urinary infection/temp 104,vet/overnight ICU/meds $1380, foot infection/blood test/meds/two visits $ 480, kennel cough been17 days still coughing 3 visits/one night ICU (lips were blue)/xrays to check not pnumonia/ meds/injections/steroids $2100 still no progress, back to vet tomorrow.
I must really love my pets.

Nice pics Indo, good lookin crew.

I'm hearing you Adam. Won't go into everything with ours but our vet just ordered a bigger yacht.
What price to put on a cherished pooch or moggie?

That’s the price for keeping your hands warm Zen ..... our lab is on a daily pill for arthritis at $5.50 a pop

hahahaha, I think I paid $800 for an operation on a guinea pig to remove a cancerous cyst.
Said Pig got consumed by a python about a week later.

Got kids, Adam?
If so, you'll know there's only one response when the vet tells you the bill.
Few months back I was at a mate's backyard fire when my wife called. "Max ain't looking good," she said. I raced home and sure enough, the big fella couldn't stand up, legs shaking, eyes were going gray, he clearly didn't have much time left.
We called the vet, told them what was up, they (correctly) surmised it was tick paralysis and told us upfront that because it was late on a Saturday night there'd be a 'surcharge'. We didn't even ask how much, just agreed to it and raced down to drop him off.
Picked him up the next morning and he was, not quite chipper, but very much alive.
The bill worked out more than half a Ments trip.
Plumbers, dentists, and vets - all can set their own fees.

Sorry Free, but reading that made me laugh out loud. That's brutal.
You coulda picked up a lookalike Guniea Pig at the pet store for $10.

I wanted to take the carpet snake down the vet and get my money back.
the rule now is no vets for chickens or ducks. they get "folk" care.
Goats get the vet.
Goats are surprisingly cheap.
$500 got 7 goats drenched, vaccinated, feet taken care of, and a young male desexed.
With me as vet assistant holding legs akimbo while he cut the nuts out.
the hardest part was catching the goats. I ended up in the barbed wire putting a full body tackle on a goat.

Haha, fek me.

Got a $600 vet bill last Friday. Went to the supermarket and left the 3 pooches inside. Came back and someone had been bench surfing and nabbed a whole packet of black grapes off the counter and consumed the lot. Now I didn't know this but apparently grapes are quite lethal for dogs. So it was off to the vet for all 3 for induced vomiting as we didn't know who the culprit was. Turned out it was only one of them. If only dogs could talk I'd love to know what the other two were saying.

This dog, female jack longhair, now around 14 is a survivor. Got her when she was 1 or 2 as a kind of 'rescue', was living in a house with people that were "cruel to it" I was told. Years later when she blew her knee out the x-ray showed she has a slug lodged just under her spine, someone shot her. She's had half a dozen brown snake 'encounters' right in front of me, including one where I watched a three foot snake strike and get her, big yelp, snake then went right over my foot, it's 5.30 on Saturday, no local vet, nearest one next town usually a 20 min drive, I did it in about 7, dry strike, apparently the big browns don't always release venom, it's the little ones that do. Dog was fine, I was a fucken mess, totally rattled. Anyway, good news is she 's come good this morning. No cough.
Yeah Stu, no kids, can't afford dog and cat these days so looks like I dodged a bullet there.

Hi All just read some crap from a 'bluediamond'. My response is to ask - what sort of wanker calls themselves that??????????????

Haha cool it knobjockey.

Hi D Rex. Was wondering when you wouldn't reply to my question. As you were.

Hey Indo. Nice photos! Good to see you didn't shit your pants for them at least!!! Well done!

'asian hate' and 'white supremecy'
yeh yeh, it's not australia, but seeing as 'the narrative' has been getting a run lately...

This is all over the Japanese news Syp.

Welcome back Frank.

What's the date again, Frank?

And welcome back Andy.

The sand people are easily startled, but they will be back, and in greater numbers.

Love that line, you missed one word though "soon" be back :P

Well we all know the deal with the sand people. (Star Wars speak)
Stay the fark away from far far away as you can.

Reading hurts, sometimes.
In one set of eyes, and out the other?

I've always found that article very interesting, especially in the comments section when anti-vaxxer of note Meryl Dorey wades in.
Entertainment plus.

“The Victorian Government’s revised hotel quarantine program resumed yesterday after being paused for five months last year following the destructive second wave outbreak and again from mid-February after virus again leaked into the community prompting another hard lockdown.
Thus, after being closed for roughly half the time since its inception in late March 2020 after causing outbreaks that shut Melbourne down for 114 days at the cost of many billions of dollars, the state’s revived quarantine program will now accept 800 returned travellers per week initially before ramping up to 1120 arrivals on 15 April.
With this background in mind, it is disturbing to read that Victoria’s universities have launched another daft plan to fly thousands of international students into Melbourne, whereby flights and quarantine in separate hotel accommodation would be subsidised by taxpayers:
Under the university-backed proposal, about 1000 foreign students would be flown into Melbourne every two to three weeks and placed into special hotel lockdown arrangements…
The Victorian universities propose flying students on chartered flights from China and India…
Universities have offered to help pay for flights, medical testing, transport, and quarantine facilities. Students and the state government would also make contributions to the scheme…
The City of Melbourne has proposed its own plan including charter flights for students.
This plan is wrong on so many levels.
First, there are still tens-of-thousands of Australians stranded abroad. As a matter of principle, their needs should be met before non-resident foreign students.
Second, it is scandalous for taxpayers to subsidise the importation of foreign students when actual Australians have to pay steep quarantine fees and hefty airfares.
Third, having thousands of international students quarantining in hotels or student accommodation risks further virus outbreaks and hard lockdowns, which would cost the entire economy billions as well as put lives at risk.
The virus is running rampant in India, so why would we want to put Victorians at risk for the sake of lining university coffers?
India COVID cases
COVID-19 is out of control in India.
As usual, our rent-seeking universities are displaying classic moral hazard behaviour. They want to privatise the financial benefits from having international students’ return, while the costs and risks are borne by taxpayers and the broader community. It’s classic heads I win, tails you lose behaviour.
What happens if these international students breach quarantine and leak virus into the community, causing more lockdowns? Will the universities then be sued by the government and forced to pay reparations?
Given universities stand to be the main financial beneficiaries from this plan, they should be forced to pick up the cost for any failures that result in virus outbreaks.“

Holy shit blowin thats farked

India has a massive population so those figures equate to Australia having around 3000 new cases per day.
By comparison, the U.S. has currently got around 75,000 new cases per day - Australia would have around 600,000 new cases per day at that rate as a ratio of population.

You might want to check those numbers AndyM, doesn't look right Re 600k extrapolation, be more like 6k ?

Jeez, hope I haven't buggered this right up.
So the point of my comment was to show that though that graph looks dramatic, it kinda isn't.
India's got 125,00 new cases per day. As a percentage of their population of 1.3 billion, that's .0096%.
.0096% of the Australian population would be 2496 new cases per day.
The U.S. has 75,000 new cases per day, that's .023% of a population of 320,000,000.
.023% of Australia's population would be 6000 new cases per day.
Cheers Jamyardy, I stand corrected.

Looks like France is by far having the worst of it at the moment.

High Priestess Jenny sends Princess Meghan a powerful message
tbb salutes Magda for the [L] Ultra White Me Too Slumber Party Massacre.
Very professional gallery of rye Dr No power sneers...plenty more accidents just like these...
Oz #1 must be one of them accident prone White Power High Priestess Pinups.
#2 Scomo lends a hand...has a go and the power goes to his head...*Whitepowerpollskyrockets**

— PRGuy (@PRGuy17) April 15, 2021
Australia snubbed the offer and now we're at the back of the queue. #QandA
The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.