Australia - you're standing in it

In regard to your first sentence, born again christians always say, something along the lines of "living in the world, but not being of the world", or something similar.
The world (worldly) is what they see as sinners and culture etc.
So it's very easy for them to operate in an environment that is sinful, as long as they are not partaking in the sin themselves.
i get the concept, otherwise they would need to live inside clean bubbles like some sects/cults do which is worst.

My ramble on how Morrison's faith intersects with his political life.
The last month changes nothing.
Firstly, to focus solely on Morrison is an error as you must look at his faith based backers and what are we up to? 20 plus Federal parliamentary members also call Hillsong their church.
Second, distinguish traditional christian belief/values about helping the poor to this new 20th century version of (Americanised) christian faith where to believe is to be rewarded with riches not only in heaven but on earth. The bible quotes Jesus many times saying "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God". Further, contrast traditional christian focus on the working with and for the poor via the Salvation Army, the Brotherhood of St Laurence or St Vincents De Paul verses the Hillsong message of riches will be yours if only you believe lead by Houston's $20 million pad in Byron.
Thirdly, this new faith / earthly reward link at 2 above materialises or entrenches itself even further in a blind faith that they are right, their view of the world is right and importantly how it should be governed is always right meaning their opponents are always wrong. This false self righteous belief therefore allows Morrison and his fellow believers to turn a blind eye to spiritual, civil and criminal transgression because to call it out would be to weaken their (self assessed) superior position. This view of the world has allowed people like Howard and Abbott to continue to support Pell and for Morrison to act as he has over the last 4-6 weeks. This view of their importance and righteousness also allows Morrison and co to rort taxpayer cash to maintain power and not think anything of it, scrutiny, that's for the other side of politics.
..... I'll leave the ongoing cultural wars for the moment where the (religious) right what social progression halted or even better reversed and that is where the right get many voters/votes ...

Hillsong is rock'n'roll for dead shits. It's a band, drums, bass, guitars, front guy or girl, smoke , lightshow.
They turn it up with a bigger band, extra drums, singers, half a dozen more people on stage than are actually playing. They wrap it all in this faux christian message and the kids who aren't allowed to go see dirty rock'n'roll can go to this with their parents blessing. It's the devils music washed clean for the gullible do gooders, with a groovy pastor giving that message that the kids can relate to. They feel clean but it is still dirty rock'n'roll.
The kids are also rooting each other just like the kids at the festivals, just without the eccies and ketamine.

yep, ...the partridge family with god...

"20 plus Federal parliamentary members also call Hillsong their church."
Not having a go at you Guy more just curious.
Can you provide evidence of this?
Ive read quite a few times these claims normally on social media, numbers or how it's worded often changes
I googled it with a few phrases the other week after Sypkan said a similar thing (think he provided a social media link) and i couldn't find evidence to support it, but did find article's debunking it.
There is a Monthly article(but dont know what it says as wants me to sign up) Pass on that.
This is the closest i can see on articles about Hillsong, but no mention at least in the text on these numbers, that if really were true, you would expect would be covered as click bat headline etc
I really think it looks like it's fake news, otherwise if it was true, a decent media source would have covered it.

...or did they already have god?

For anyone interested in "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God". Jesus spoke in parables and the meaning behind this message is often misunderstood. The eye of the needle was the entrance to the kingdoms and they didn’t have massive gates like you see in the movies. They were small entrances so that a attacking enemy couldn’t easily storm the gates at the same time. In order for the merchants with their goods stacked high on the camels back to enter these kingdoms the merchant had to unload his goods and put them to one side and the camel would have to be pulled to its knees and practically crawl through to enter , difficult but possible . By removing the goods from the camel the merchant was putting his wealth to one side in order to enter the kingdom. This is what jesus meant , you have to put your wealth to one side in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. He spoke about it often , it’s funny how churches like hillsong promote abundance , which isn’t a bad thing if you do the right thing with it . What would jesus do ? Of subject I know but the quote caught my eye .

Reasonable question info, heard or read it over the last 3 months, can’t remember where, I’ll look in to it.
Good explanation superfreak

I grew up near a Franciscan Monastery. The monks all wore rough tunic robe things with a rope belt. They lived a vow of poverty, owned nothing, grew all their own food, made their own bread, lived like jesus.
They used to walk the local streets for exercise and I got to talk to them quite often. Really nice guys, had a sense of humour and handled the local kids bagging them really well. We used to play kick to kick on their Monastery grounds and the younger ones would come out and kick the footy with us, in their monk robes, even though they would get told off by the head monk. I admired their faith at the time and still do. Pure Christians.
Hillsong and Pentacostalism is the opposite of that.

Agreed adam12 , I've often wondered what would jesus have to say about the catholic church and others that have so much wealth but don’t seem to do what jesus asks. There is a long history of Salvation Army in my family and I worked for them years ago , but they too have skeletons in the closet. I’ve seen first hand how wolves in sheep’s clothing hide out in these institutions.

Federal LNP Andrew Laming has now stepped aside as news of him taking a photo of a woman’s underwear as she bent over - seriously you couldn’t make this shit up

Empathy lessons...Pfttt.
There is one thing that would change Lamings behavior. Prison. That's where the poor, un-entiltled criminals go.

I once ran a large business. We had multi millions in stock and a large staff.I was paid very well to do my job and did actually hire a few new people myself as we were expanding. The ones that I hired were the only ones I kind had a bit of history on, from their resumes etc. All the other staff had been there for years and I had no background on them. I was very busy doing my job and had no idea what the staff did in their private offices, after hours or on their own time. I only knew them from a bit of banter and the odd few beers at the end of each month. Everyone did their job and went home . I had no idea of their moral status or what they did behind closed doors and if they had got into trouble with a client, I would stand by them and cover for them until I knew the whole story.
Is this sounding familiar....Give Morrison a break, His parliament house is a lot bigger than where I worked and there are hundreds that he never hired but are leftovers from previous people. Let the process happen and the cleansing begin and stop pretending you know about things you have no experience in.

I’m fairly sure that no-one, myself at least, is blaming Morrison for the character of the people in parliament house

Disagree Optimist, the departments the PM and his ministers administer have had diversity, equal opportunity, anti discrimination, sexual harassment policies and procedures in the work place since at least the early to mid 1980s. All this and the clear legal responsibilities all employers have to provide a safe workplace. Those policies, procedures and laws came from the very parliament Morrison now heads. Morrison has attempted the usual grubby political solution and that’s why people are critical.

Optimist, are you saying Scotty had no idea what the culture is ? He’s been in parliament for over a decade, do you think he didn’t notice anything in that time ? Do you believe he acts like a committed christian ? His own disrespect towards others , men and women isn’t a great example of leadership .

I also once ran large business. In that role you are the responsible person, the buck stops with you.
Being an apologist for Morrisons' lack of accountability is naive at best and venal at worst

Laming is a Dr and holds a diploma in gynaecology and obstetrics. Just doing research??

The rats are slowly leaving the ship. So lets wait and see if Scott is the one who finally cleans the place out. He has to do it carefully though otherwise he loses the balance of power which he cant afford until the next election. A few of the recent offenders were re-hired by Turnbull after being sacked before which makes Turnbulls self righteous face on TV quite annoying. The self righteous media are also frothing on this and are one of society's most decadent bunch.
Give it some time, I think on top of all Scottys chores over the last few years this is another one he will finally get through. As I said before in another post, I don't think anyone could have handled the last few years any better and if there is a better person to run the country in the next election lets vote for them.

A nutless monkey would have done a better job.

".....he loses the balance of power which he can't afford...."
So power is more important than common decency, spirituality, values, principles, the law?
This goes directly to my earlier point that spiritual, civil and criminal law can be conveniently overlooked by these pentecostal politicians to retain power ... how good is hypocrisy?

It is attitudes like yours that are the problem here Optimist. Blind loyalty and support for incompetence, criminality and corruption. "I ran a big business...". Fuck off mate. So did I, and I knew exactly what my staff were doing, and if I got a whiff of anything like this people were fired and damn the consequences. No woman that ever worked for me got paid less than a man, and every man that worked for me knew I would not tolerate any disrespect under threat of sacking. These guys are trying to spread the blame for these fucken deviates to all of us, like it's a man problem when it's a fucken Liberal National Party problem. Entitled private school fuckwits that never grew up. Glad you were never my boss Optimist.

Scumo has had plenty of time and opportunity to make changes to the culture and attitudes that are the makeup of the LNP , to try and say he doesn’t know what his staff are up too is pretty lame . I’m not saying the labor mob are saints either but for Scotty to say people that live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones and make sure your own house is in order doesn’t really help anyone . The bloke needs to take his foot out of his mouth and do something , action speaks louder than words. I can see a leadership challenge before the next election if he doesn’t get his act together. Don’t think the liberals won’t try it , look at the last 6 years.

This is what leadership looks like and this is what Morrison should have done

President Morrison and Josh Burgerfried much covid heroes. Brave leaders is want open borders in June 2020. Much confident first lock down had kill all nasty pox.
Remind of Russian proverb.
"Leader in Moscow on second bottle vodka much braver than thirsty kulak soldier on front".

Did you watch guys link optimist ? “ the standard you walk past is the standard you except “ we had a moto on the gorgon project , if you see it you own it , in other words if you see a problem or safety issue do something about it don’t just look the other way. If you’re going to lead a country you need to set the example .

Morrison a great leader? This is a great illustration of his style of leadership.
The heavy lifting for the success has been done by the states. When Victoria went into lockdown he continually took pot shots against the Victorian government, as he does in this conference. Then he continually criticised the Queensland government, then he initially supported Clive Palmers case against the WA government border closures.
Victorian government had to take control of federally funded nursing homes because the feds were doing nothing about the increasing cases and deaths
Then Morrison unabashedly claims credit for the great position we are in. Playing the political game is always front and centre.
Imagine being in an organisation with Morrison in charge. A good leader has every ones back, this guy is constantly back stabbing and white anting. Not quite the characteristics of a good leader

Don’t forget the useless C*#T trying to take credit for labor’s win in WA. Kook of the grandest scale.

Don’t forget the useless C*#T trying to take credit for labor’s win in WA. Kook of the grandest scale.

Just scrolled thru Andrew Lamings twitter (my TV is out and I'm bored) and came across his private mobile number. So I gave him a ring and his voicemail said leave a message or text, so I did. If he gets the message and takes my advice he will be handing himself in to the Police in the morning.

Nice one Adam.


Why do politicians run around naked in parliament house? So we can see the nuts running the country.......

Julia Banks on entering Parliament:
"I was immediately struck by the fact that it reminded me of when I first entered the workforce in the late 80s in terms of its attitudes to women.
It is very much an environment that is frozen in time. You go into there and think, 'Is this really happening?' I really believe our federal Parliament House is the most unsafe workplace culture in our country. "
Scommo "us blokes (meaning poor old Scottie hiding from responsibility) get it wrong sometimes". He thought it was all okay for years. Abbott was quite okay with it too for decades.

I find it staggering that anyone could still be defending & deflecting Morrison’s handling of the mistreatment of women in light of what we’ve all seen & heard. The mind boggles....

Frydenberg "What Andrew Laming did was disgusting and totally unacceptable behavior"(upskirting: criminal offence punishable up to 3years imprisonment)
"Is he a fit and proper person to sit in Parliament?"

Michaelia Trash new AG and IR minister, good role for refusing to speak to police about the leak to media from her office of raids on the Australian Workers’ Union headquarters.
Big demotion for Linda Reynolds, her empathic approach bodes well for the NDIS.
Christian Porter gone to hide in the shadows, I'm not here it wasn't me

Oh and ex copper Dutton back on the beat with Defence, he'll still be able to get his Au Pairs in for his "mates"

Now wait just a minute, If you want a guard dog to guard da fences properly, you don't want a Dasti pug or Ruddy shih tzu, or a Shorten haired Pekingese, all from China. They just roll over when someone offers them a juicy bone with sugar on it. You want a big bald scary lookin Australian Dutton Dog. A Dutton dog will chase bad guys as soon as he sees one. Bred into him it is. Ive heard he will chase em all the way up an airplanes stairs and they wont get off till their back in a whole other country. Dutton dog that's what you want alrighty.

What you don't want is a Dutton anywhere remotely near any power or authority. Scary times indeed.

So optimist whats your take on the Australian born kids with sri lanka parents that dutton has locked up on xmas island , is that a good doggie ?

Vlad is learn much wisdom on visit to big song church of danger in world. Bible say:
He [Solomon] had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray. 1 Kings 11:3
Comrade worker never know pressure of being great leader to keep gerkin in pants when in harem or parliament

Jeeeeeezzzzussss Opto.
That was sickening.
(Sorry about the blasphemy... especially this close to Easter)

"So optimist what's your take on the Australian born kids with sri lanka parents that dutton has locked up on xmas island , is that a good doggie ?"
It's not really fair or correct to put it like that.
The family were in Aust on temporary protection visa's (TPI's) the Visa's work in a way where they a reaccessed every few years reevaluating the case, basically when it's safe to return home they then return home, If not safe to return home they get another visa granted or extended.
It was deemed safe to return home as the war has eded in Sri Lanka and they even have family in Sri Lanka still, the kids can also speak the language.
However the family have kept trying to challenge the decision in court, refugee advocates/lawyers keep looking for angles/loopholes and making appeals after appeals which keeps things going for years keeping the family in limbo.
At one point they were even on the plane on the way home, when their lawyers took one last ditch attempt and another new angle (around the youngest child), so back they came.
They dont have visa's to live or stay in Australia hence why they are in detention, if they were given visa's of some type it most likely could affect the case or create more loopholes that could be exploited..
You would expect the case is pretty important in the precedent it sets, for instance if they did happen to win, what's to stop others on TPI's doing the same thing?
Which then makes temporary protection visas almost pointless.
Children born in Australia with parents on any type of temporary visa be it for Holiday, Work, or temporary protection aren't classed as Australians, if they were obviously people on these visa's would purposely have children here so they can stay in Australia (anchor babies)
I wonder where this case is at, I havent heard anything for a while.
BTW. I do appreciate your support in the other thread and you calling it how you see it though..cheers.

Yeah indo there’s more to the story you are right , i just reckon with the amount of support these people have from the town they were living in they should have been an exception , last I heard they had been flown to perth for medical reasons, haven’t heard anything since.

Interesting story on tele last night about Trump's wall. A Texan farmer with property abutting Mexico said that (paraphrasing) 'without a barrier of some sort, tens of thousands would be entering the USA each day from the south. The (partially built) wall slows this deluge to a thousand or so each day. 15 people have been found dead on my property in the last year - 12 were illegals and 3 were workers of mine the illegals had killed.' We are very lucky in Aus that we are actually able to control illegals via our isolation, bleeding heart human rights activists not withstanding.

Hey drex. Serious question, just based on observations of all your posts. Do you consider white people the superior race and all others who aren't white subhumans. Also are you the member of any white supremacy groups. Just curious cos that's how you come across in alot of your posts.....leaning that way in the one above. Would really like an honest answer. Thanks!

So a country maintaining border controls and a workable immigration system is considered not just racist, which is beyond ridiculous itself, but white supremacist? Not just that, but merely discussing national security and borders is also white supremacy?
Isn’t it common knowledge that borders control the flow of all people and not just those with more pigment in their skin?
Literally every single nation on Earth maintains border control of some description and the vast majority of them don’t fit the usual mould of “white supremacist”, but then again, just cause someone has no resemblance to a white supremacist doesn’t mean we can’t all accuse them of it. It’s the new McCarthyism after all and everyone that’s anyone is pointing the finger....yeah baby yeah!
White supremacy is everywhere( apparently) :
Yes. This is satire. Perhaps it’s time to pause and think before you accuse people of being a white supremacist, because it’s a filthy label to pin on someone and there really should be consequences for the frivolous misuse of the term, as there is for slanderous accusations of any type.

Blowin. You've been on here for years. Why are you still here. Get in the water, put the keyboard away.
This question wasn't directed at you. Did you see your name on it???

No surfing for me this morning mate. I’m on care duty. Cant really even stray outside from the house too far as the alert buzzer has limited range.
DRex’s post wasn’t aimed at you, why did you answer it? As for myself, I was addressing the general paucity of logic inherent within the thinking in your post, not yourself specifically. Others think like yourself that discussing border control is somehow racist or worse. I’m not sure how anyone could come to this conclusion. This is for you specifically: Do you think the Fijian immigration agents are white supremacists when they’re asking to see your passport upon landing in Fiji? Do you believe they think you’re sub human? Armed men in uniform serve the same function as a wall,
The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.