Australia - you're standing in it

"Albo is unable to act due to heavy menstrual flow."
Insinuating he's a lesser politician cos he's actually...shock...a woman.
Fuck me, I know a tonne of women who are extrememly capable in all manner of vocations, at all times of the month.
Reckon they could even do a better job than Bernie Albanese.



"I think Labor just blocked a whole bunch of changes that would have supported Labor voters as well as all other workers...didn't even make sense.....Morrison gave up it seems..."


"The problem with Albo isn’t related to genitalia, it’s a lack of backbone and substance."
Then say that.
It was a sexist comment whether you think so or not.
And I couldn't give a fuck if you think that's boring.

By all means accuse me of being inappropriate but the accusations of sexism should be left to the fckn idiots out there. You’d be hard pressed to find someone who has backed the empowerment of women more vociferously than myself. I’m talking in real terms not just glib posts on the internet. That’s why the comment is boring.

Inappropriate/sexist, it's a fine line, and we're splitting hairs even discussing it.
You say the former, I say the latter.
And I don't particularly care what you - or indeed any commenter - does in their real life, here on Swellnet you're weighed against your remarks as they appear. Nothing else.

Whether you care to acknowledge it or not, my remarks come from a point of personal experience and perspective. I make them confident that I’m not sexist in any way. This means I can reference the bodily functions of females without feeling that I’m undermining the agency of women. If you or anyone else misinterpret this it’s your issue.

That's fine. However, there's a long history of men using that line of argument to say women aren't as competent in public positions. Which I think is bullshit and sexist.
So, when I confront said argument on the site that I edit I'll delete it.

I never said women weren’t competent in public positions.
Anyway - it was a glib and unpleasant comment which I don’t really wish to dwell on any longer. I can delete it if you like but it contains no reflection of my belief in the ability of women to lead. Unlike Albo and his ineffectiveness.

OK then, work your way through the causal chain that says:
Albo is ineffective.
It's because he has menstrual flow


Oh FFS...

That’s what I reckon.
Amongst other things I’ve come to actual physical blows defending women from misogynistic cnts in the workplace and I’m bored trying to justify myself to someone looking to find faults in my semantics.
So how’s this instead - Albo is a useless sell out woke cnt who is wasting an essential space in Australian politics.

No, mate.
I have to defend "your semantics" at a ten-fold rate compared to any other commenter. No-one else comes close, and the complainants are both men and women.
You're bored by it? Fine.
I'm tired of it.

I appreciate your efforts to defend my right to my own opinion - whether you agree with it or not - but I’m at the point of not caring much what others think anymore. I know what I stand for and that I’m a decent person, if they think otherwise then fck ‘em.


Footage above is memo@turkishbaths/morningafterboy’snight#didntspilladrop#humanmilkingmachine
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.


Homophobic now
I’m driving hundreds of kms through floods tomorrow to give a lift to a disabled gay man but since you took the 5 seconds out of your busy wage slave schedule to erroneously accuse someone else of homophobia you think you’re the good guy.

"...unable to act due to heavy menstrual flow."
"Amongst other things I’ve come to actual physical blows defending women from misogynistic cnts in the workplace."
"I’m driving hundreds of kms through floods tomorrow to give a lift to a disabled gay man."

Does - think quoting my statements is offensive.
Doesn’t - realise that his lack of creativity, imagination and according lack of interesting things to say are linked.

@fitzroy , https://m.

For any normal person with an adult capacity for self reflection, the below statement would be cause for a bit of reflection.
'No, mate.
I have to defend "your semantics" at a ten-fold rate compared to any other commenter. No-one else comes close, and the complainants are both men and women.
You're bored by it? Fine.
I'm tired of it.
Props to the swellnet crew for putting up with this nonsense. I think you guys do a stellar job at striking a difficult balance.

@superfreak, yep, been dealing with it for over 20 years in my little piece of paradise. Now we are getting another wave of them. It's OK though. Many don't last too long. It's always been a case of "fit in or f#*k off".

@fitzroy21 hahaha yeah that’s what I was told FIFO stood for when I first started doing it , fit in or fuck off . I hitched from Adelaide to Byron in 78 as a 17 yo who had just turned his back on a brickies apprenticeship and found my own little Nivarna in clarks beach caravan park in my 2 man tent . Met some life long friends some are still there . Doesn’t hold much attraction for me these days. Glad you’ve found your patch .

The over sensitive New Order.
Our modern day easy life allows many to get "so offended".
Just a reminder: Women and men are different and don't think the same.
Women/girls are sex objects now, always will be and have always been through history.
Love cums second. Or maybe third...
Equal respect should be given to everyone as a given. And generally I reckon it is.
Unfortunately, theres a few too many overbearing egotistical Fwits of all sexes, races, religions, political persuasions around.
Don't get me started!

Well blow me down - The ALP acting in the interests of workers. Unfortunately they’re probably imagining it’s majorly foreign workers they’re looking after.

The sound of one hand wanking


Poor little stu has to 'defend' blowin to his does he defend facto I'm wondering?
Liberal controlled committee pushing for seats on planes and spots in quarantine facilities to be reserved for 'skilled migrants' over and above Australian citizens.
'Perhaps most controversially, given that about 40,000 Australians are still trying to return home amid tight restrictions on international arrivals, the committee, chaired by the Liberal MP Julian Leeser, recommended “the government reserve places on flights and in quarantine for skilled migrants”.'
Dancing to the beat of the big business drum no doubt, putting big financial interests ahead of everyday Australians.
'The committee proposed that some businesses be granted a relaxation of the requirements to try to find local workers first, a process known as “labour market testing”.
It said the Department of Home Affairs should change the rules to be “less prescriptive about what constitutes labour market testing” and to only require medium and large businesses to conduct the procedure.
The committee also urged the government to remove the requirement for employers to advertise any occupations on critical skills lists.'
Can't be arsed helping to train Australians and build up a valuable skill set in the country? Easy, just outsource it!
'The push triggered an outcry from Labor members of the committee, who accused the government of launching an “outrageous, ill-conceived and appallingly timed” bid to undermine the ability of Australians to get jobs.
The dissenting report from Labor members said the recommendations “were made after a rushed inquiry without hearing adequate evidence and all points of view” amid a “hangover from the deepest recession for many decades continues”.
Labor said reserving special seats on flights and places in quarantine for skilled migrants would be “abandoning over 40,000 stranded Australians”.'
Remember - for conservatives big business comes before Australians, every time.

You're not familiar with the term "Hell hath no fury..." Sheepy?
Classic Supa.

3 x Rippas Supa

Scomo's Immigration Pandemic...
tbb's all too regular GP visit was an eye opener...
Large Local GP Clinic are keen on Vax but has no idea about VIP [L] Vax Rollout.
tbb's GP Clinic is instead { ONE OF THOSE }
Car [P] transformed into [ DIY COVID CAMP SITE ] now the waiting room is a [ REFFO TRIAGE ]
Can't miss it, as it's Next Door to the [ STATE BORDER WALL 500m TEST QUEUE ]
Local GP Clinic is now Dutto's [ IMMIGRATION PROCESSING CENTRE ]
Complete with ASIO operatives operating in yer face Facial Scans ...( Welcome tbb ~ Smile ).
So what's Dutto playing at...tbb thought to investigate.
Sky is now the Limit for least vaxed most distant Nation...
The Human Tide flood gates are opening
*1 : VISAS were extended to 31st March 2021 ( 1 year from Emergency)
Vaccines are usually required after 6 months but ...were delayed with Essential frontline.
Military like Re- Processing + Covid / Vax queue jumps to secure precious skilled trades.
Oz can not afford to lose one Tax free Low paid Slave, as they don't come cheap...
"tbb ! Now please tell the crew, that you did not just say that...Wot?" This is Qld...durr!
*2 : Jobseeker runs out 31st March 2021
Only 34% of Top companies rorted Record profits from Govt Job Seeker during pandemic.
Tracy : "Tonight! Outrageous Lazy Aussie reckon's he's worth near half the Slave Wage!"
"CEO [L] Donors should bully the JSC Joint Standing Committee for more Slave Labour Camps!"
"Centrelink should refuse to send "Lazy Aussies" to bully Slaves off Farms...(Wot! Ok then!)"
PM rushes thru ...International Slave Trade $1.2bn "[L] People Smugglerz Racket Package"
[L] Cap on Slave Traders Qantas - 7,500 / Virgin- 1,100...
Slave Trader'z smuggling fees $500 / Week
Slaves Caps...up to 500,000 or 40,000 more if you can boot off those "Lazy Aussie Repats".
Southern Mission Slave Labour Camps are still a bit Covid ripe so try the Mutant Duty Free.
ACA : { Aussies are now too Lazy to work for Slave Wages } [ ACA Poll ] More Slaves [ YES 101%]
*3 : Migration Deregulation begins March 2021 from (2014 Cash's Cow)
30 years expert Human Rights Lawyers will be shown the door.
60,000 All now equally fake Migration Lawyers tap into New Slave Trade.
*4 : Nose peek Strayan (510 hr / 12 month) Tests Gone! Dutto Tore it Up! > 18th March 2021
*5 : AstraZeneca AirBridge for International Students (re: local GP (2nd dose) for Uni.)
Makes sense to comply with a same vax Nation to allay outsider phobia.
Scomo will need an Asian 3rd umpire to Fake Stamp Uni Student's {POV} to please China.
Seriously don't see #1 Best in Universe TGA approving some dodgy Vax! (Wot?) Oh yeah, Right!
Asian students need only tap phones ..."See! You me are AZ Vax Uni Buddies Mate!"
'Ok then Mate!...we have to check, just to make sure you aren't one of #*THEM*#.'
" Me! Fuk no Kobba !"
Hot Tip is for Oz to rid Emergency Order to sure up 2nd semester Sandstone quota
tbb's local GP is a Flood Gate Migration Hub before it's a Vax Hub...
Scomo's New Health service gives you Mutant Covid 10x over while you wait a year for yer Vax.
GP Staff are keen to rollout but Govt refuse to tell them about Vax + Date! ( Migrants : "After Me!")
Govt's 100% focus is...GP's [VISA] Emergency...fuck that dopey retard [L]Vax Rollout!
Top Donors want their Slaves, then we'll give them as many Slaves as Joycey can squeeze in!


Pastor of Muppets

^ thats actually very funny

The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.