Australia - you're standing in it

Ancient proverb: Don't be a c#nt, lest you be judged against your own actions.

Scottie's saving grace is every day brings a new bushfire and the media can't focus the fire hose long enough. Is it time for another Hawaiian holiday?

The family supports any inquiry.
So the c&$@$ hanging their hat on the family not wanting one have nothing to stand on there.
Now Porter has amended (or Porters representatives have) that its possible that they had further contact since 1988 after he said he hadn’t yesterday.
It will all unravel for him. Just a matter of time.
The fact he’s made it to the position he has, and remained there after all that’s been made public of his character over the years is pathetic, even discounting this case.
And then there’s his evil policies and brandishing refugees as rapists. Oh the ironing.
Fuck you Christian, you will die a lonely death.

If you were CP and you were 100% innocent, why wouldn't you welcome an independent inquiry to help clear your name? The fact that he thinks he can simply deny, carry on and the stench will clear, definitely gives some insight into how these people think and operate.
Not sure about you, but If it were me, I'd be pretty desperate to clear my name. All the time being aware that by simply denying the allegation just isn't going to cut it.

Raise your voice. Support survivors of sexual assault. You can have a swingers party with consent. Hope the current incidents empower victims to know the majority of Australians get it and see the clear line.

Part of an article I read earlier today:
"Senator Birmingham said the events of the past few weeks made him concerned good people would be deterred from entering politics unless changes were made."
I wonder if he realises what that statement says about current politicians.

"If you've been feeling poorer over the last decade, this graph explains why."
He says the graph doesn't fully reflect how bad things have been for average workers since 2013, because an "average" rate of growth in disposable income can be pushed higher by large increases for those at the top while real household income per person for most people falls.
"This was the case in the Dog Days, as top executive and business incomes were rising rapidly," he wrote.
He says in 2003, he compared the effects of immigration to Australia and to the United States for then-federal immigration minister Philip Ruddock, and he concluded that the higher skill content of Australia's program meant that while immigration lowered the pay of low-income workers in the United States, immigration tended to raise the pay of low-income workers in Australia.
But changes in the composition of Australia's migration program after 2003 reversed that tendency.
"Since then, the composition of Australian immigration has moved closer to the American model," he says.
"Immigration now lowers the incomes and employment prospects of low-income Australians.
"If the new pattern continues in Australia, it may eventually cause a similar reaction to unskilled immigration as that ridden by presidential candidate Donald Trump in 2016."
For those reasons, Professor Garnaut says he favours shifting the balance of Australia's immigration program back towards permanent migration, away from granting so many temporary visas.
"One change could ensure that recipients of the renamed successors to 457 visas would have skills with economic value above the Australian average: require them to be paid at least average weekly earnings," he says.

The silent class war continues.

"He says the graph doesn't fully reflect how bad things have been for average workers since 2013, because an "average" rate of growth in disposable income can be pushed higher by large increases for those at the top while real household income per person for most people falls."
...a very useful statistic, totally and absolutely (blindly) ignored (but sometimes conveniantly manipulated) by the 'old white men are the root of all evil' narrative...
"The silent class war continues."
the silenced class war continues...

Meanwhile the member for Philippine girly bars is aligning himself with the Christian Right (they are neither) to gain further influence in the LNP .....

I thought that was a Greens thing?
Argh my mistake that was child sex abuse in the Philippines that a Greens candidate was charged with.

The Age of consent there is so Fuckin Wrong !

You didn’t read the article did you info cockhead, all child abuse is wrong now fuck off

Yes Indo, but if you read the article The Greens suspended his membership and condemned his crimes.......unlike Scotty from marketing and lies and his LNP Christian cronies. They just took paid leave hoping the dust will settle and that they don’t have to answer any questions.
Anybody who thinks George Pell should have a voice regarding politics in Australia needs a good hard kick in the Balls!!

How's the video in that link...Cue the orchestral emotive background music...
Church and State. May they ever remain apart in holy non-matrinomy.
"..because we contribute to human flourishing better than, any other system of values." - George Pell.
And this bloke...

They could come up with Albo !


Very funny

Memo fighting the class war by backing the corpo establishment to the hilt.
But......but he’s woke !
How embarrassing. How’s it feel bloke knowing that you’ve been the ultimate useful idiot for the past few years claiming that anyone who questions the mass immigration Ponzi is rayyyyyysssssiiiisssttttt.

Good work bloke.
Now all you have to do is never, ever revisit the fact that you’ve been the braying donkey helping corporates push down wages for working class Aussies by pushing the lie that questioning the Ponzi means you’re a bigot.

All good.

Memo employing the Patches O’Houlihan technique of attempting to ignore his well recorded stupidity and the fact that he’s been punching down at Aussie workers for the past few years .
Memo says that when you’re questioned about your established position as a dumb cnt all you have to do is .......

Snuffy is still at it !



It’s funny cause it’s true.


The ALP / Labor doesn’t even pretend to represent labour anymore.
Just like yourself, the Labor party is now just fake left gronks who’ve swallowed the neoliberal gaslight that they’ll look racist if they don’t allow infinite immigration into Australia. The fact the Australian working class suffers perpetually deflating wages and living standards as a consequence of this ridiculous notion matters not to them, or you because you don’t actually like the working class.
If you were a half decent bloke you’d reflect on this fact and alter your thinking but you won’t cause you think FIFO workers are scum and tradies are low lifes. You’ve said so before. You don’t like “ grubby subbies “ remember , even though you don’t seem to actually know what the term grubby subby refers to, just that it means someone who makes more money than yourself by working their arse off performing the manual labour you deplore.
If there’s one thing you can’t stand it’s when the workers , who’s cause you’ve appropriated for your own ends, get uppity enough to earn more than you do. You like your proletariat to remain downtrodden and poor and feckless so you can continue your parasitic lifestyle feeding off their oppression.
Face it bloke - you’ve got soft baby hands like Albo / Trump / Scomo and you need the workers to remain oppressed or you’d have to get a real job . Unfortunately you have no real skills.
Quick bloke - post another meme to try and distract from the truth.

Yep that meme Blowin is 100000% true.
Labor are more concerned with inner city woke type votes than regional and blue collar worker type votes.
I really think they now have a self identity issue, not knowing who they are anymore.

I would know well over a dozen tradies across all the traditional building trades and most but not all are aspiring property developers or landlords with multiple rentals. Sure there is a couple that look like they are doing it tough working long hours, driving bombs but the vast majority are doing very well and especially through covid.
Don't think many would see themselves as working class and for that matter Labor voters.

yep, blowin's right, as is indod...
the irony...

"...After years of embracing the “post-racial” rhetoric of figures like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, mainstream Democrats are coming around to acknowledging how much the 1960s civil rights revolution left unfinished. And yet, years into a “great awokening” that has drawn attention to these issues, it’s worth asking whether anything is changing.
yep, woke's a thing...
"...Indeed, we should ask: are liberal anti-racists advancing the cause of equality? Could they even be setting it back?"
Indeed, we should ask...
"...However, even affirmative action wasn’t brought about through the proliferation of White Fragility reading groups and self-contemplation about one’s own privilege. Rather, it was a demand that emerged from a labor-backed political coalition...."
well that there might be your little problem... just saying...
"...Why is there so much emphasis on these trainings, then? Part of the story is the budding industry emerging around them – expert guidance through “honest and raw discussions of white supremacy and implicit bias and an analysis of racial hegemony” doesn’t come cheap, and is a job creation program of its own. But there are other reasons why even seemingly apolitical brands like Gushers and Fruit by the Foot, who make delicious varieties of candy, are jumping on the liberal anti-racism bandwagon."
yep, it's a business, with lots of fragile folks with lots of vested interests... authors, academics, consultants....
(invested a little too much 'all in' to back down it would seem... no matter how ridiculous 'the narrative' may get...)
"...Yet even if corporations aren’t driving the race-conscious awakening, they’re willing to adapt to the new environment because the political demands flowing from activists are increasingly compatible with corporate profit-making and governance. Corporations are also more than happy to monetize the new social justice interest. Just think of Hollywood – which once blacklisted socialist actors and directors in the cold war – rushing to make films with watered-down accounts of Black Panther leaders like Fred Hampton (who was a Marxist) or the Chicago Seven (all of whom were radical anti-capitalists at the time)."
yep, it's a business alright, a terribly cynical one...
read the rest of the artcle, and the trigger happy university debacle that destroyed some poor peoples lives, all because of a 'culture' that's got crew jumping at shadows, it's a disgrace, that's relieving a lot of twisted people of their guilt (and cash), but not much else...
it's the business of cynicism and negativity



"FIFO workers are scum and tradies are low lifes..."
" don’t seem to actually know what the term grubby subby refers to..."
"You like your proletariat to remain downtrodden and poor and feckless so you can continue your parasitic lifestyle..."
" don’t actually like the working class."
"...fake left gronks who’ve swallowed the neoliberal gaslight (?)"


the thing is facto, these pages are full of your absolute disdain for the working classes, and some of your other 'allies', if one cares to look...
I've pulled you up before about it, with a subtle 'tut tut' when you slipped up while we were discussing a quillette article and the 'over dinner conversations' people have, ...which followed a rather prolific period of you spruiking '...for decades, never before have class issues been so firmly on the table...'
....which sounded (and turned out to be...) rather hollow platitudes...
it's ok to relish in your cultural cringe...
it's ok if you're 'all in' with the corporate clintion ip agenda...
it's ok if you don't require the working class vote to facillitate your rainbow coalition middle class fake left utopia... (as 'the research' suggested...)
but own it dude
stop with the bullshit

Who is working class in these heady days of aspirational Australia precisely? Name the professions
The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.