Australia - you're standing in it

Classic freak! That bastard Murdoch must have put it there (or rung Scomo to do it).

agree with recent posts, spot on.
saw on tv last night how a chinese billionaire bought an island in the whitsundays (99yr lease) and it had a national park on it and an airport and residents (ozzies).
now it's private property, no access to n.p. no use of airport, no locals anymore.
this happened 2yrs ago and our ruleing classes and msm and their minions never told us!!?
proof again of corrupt secret deals done by our bozo rulers.

Scomo Mansion ~ Liberal Rapedemic Rollout Phase 4
Lib staffer swears he can't recall if he raped 4 or 40,000...

“There is a country without official recognition to whom it is time we gave diplomatic credentials. Antiameristan has a small population in Ultimo, Sydney. But its views and identity are strongly formed enough to merit full sovereignty. The nation of Antiameristan takes its name from its lifetime dictator, Stan Grant, who appeared at the ABC on the weekend as part of a campaign for secession from the American liberal empire:
Joe Biden says America is back…But which America are we talking about? The America that…
…has cozied up to the likes of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, Hosni Mubarak or Ferdinand Marcos…supported murderous campaigns like the Argentinian junta’s “Dirty War” that killed up to 30,000 people, or the government death squads of El Salvador in the 1980s…the America that secretly and illegally bombed Cambodia during the Nixon years or Barack Obama’s covert drone warfare…
…Biden talks about the global liberal order as if it is as fixed as the sun and moon. In fact, it never really existed.
The government of Antiameristan has long held these views. They may seem extreme to you. But Antiameristan has long had a history of being held back at the hand of US presidents, including:
A free press guaranteed by the force of the US liberal empire.
Liberal democracy supporting freedom of expression, religion, meritocracy, class mobility and prosperity guaranteed by the force of the US liberal empire.
In pursuit of its worthy goal of self-determination, Antiameristan has recently launched a Ministry of Information to ensure that its viewpoints are made consistently and forcefully despite the interference of a decadent US empire. The methods of the Ministry are to:
Systematically downplay any good that the American liberal empire has ever done anywhere.
Systematically emphasise all bad that the American liberal empire has ever done everywhere.
Systematically endorse more power for the far more liberal and human rights sensitive Chinese Communist Party.
Systematically endorse social policy advancements such as race or sexuality over other considerations such as class, enlightenment thought or sovereignty (excluding Uyghurs of course).
Before we take the diminutive population of Antiameristan and its Ministry of Information too lightly, we should note that it has had considerable recent success in perverting the frame of reference at the Australian national broadcaster, the ABC.
It is thus worth noting that the Antiameristanian secession movement and push for CCP overlordship are not without power nor consideration for Australians. We will have to face some very serious changes to our living standards if its views take hold which will include:
Precisely the kind of disastrous foreign interference from the CCP that the Antiameristanian Ministry of Information bewails happened to South American nations under the American imperium if it is no longer around to hold it back.
The elimination of all debate and opposition to such an outcome as, in due course, re-education camps are installed in the Pilbara, the management of which will be out-sourced to the government of Antiameristan.
That is not to say that the American liberal empire is perfect nor without guilt for horrendous foreign policy blunders. But, for Australians, it has very clearly been benevolent imperium.
This can be usefully contrasted with a CCP-friendly Anitmeristanian future for Australia which will be deeply illiberal in democratic, religious and social terms, but you will never know it because anybody that says so will quietly disappear into the Antiameristanian camps never to been seen again.
There they will force-feed ABC commentary until death.“

Phew, well after that read I'm absolutely stuffed full of my share of white-victim complex for the day! Anyone want the left overs - there's plenty to go round.

A smarter person than you would realise that Americans aren’t uniformly white. In fact Americans are almost as defined by their multiracial community as much as Australians.
There is no mention of skin colour at all by anyone except yourself.
But sure’re all over it.

Cheers mate!

How is the weather in Antimeristan today ?

Dunno cobba, you'd have to get the cultural heavy weights over at macro to read the entrails I guess.

Stan Grant always seem very reasonable to me.

I'm sure he does.
Anyone, let alone the 'blackfella" in the room, that's been in the game for decades, you"d assume would know a thing or two.
About what, but...well, that's a diffo question, I wager
Resilience. Reliability. Relevance. Reusability.
The 4 Rs.

Shithouse dead cat by the way, Blowie. Then again, who's surprised? I mean just 'cos it looks and smells like some cheap 'look over there' Scummo Lib shit-screen doesn't mean it is, yeah?

Cloudy but fine.


You racist blowie. Everyone knows that coloured people don't commit crimes.

"Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Viet Thanh Nguyen argued that Asians must recognize the violence as “part of a pattern of white supremacy”.
Even if the assailants are black, he added, “The solution is not to fall back on racist assumptions of our own but to hold the system of white supremacy responsible for dividing us.”"

Even these innocent children in Africa have been infected with the deadly white nationalist supremacy racist virus. No one is safe !

"Thus does [woke] culture devolve into what moral philosopher Hugh Breakey calls “meta-argument allegations”, which foreclose debates on grounds of harm and safety rather than truth.
That is easy enough when “truth” itself is deemed a power-based construction. The result, as Breakey writes, is that instead of “an argument being about a serious moral issue, the argument becomes a serious moral issue”."

"...instead of “an argument being about a serious moral issue, the argument becomes a serious moral issue”.

"Online forums are highly performative places, damning whatever social or political interaction occurs on them to match their performative mode. But because they’re also splintered places, that performance is often for one’s own subculture rather than anything broader."

'"Online forums are highly performative places, damning whatever social or political interaction occurs on them to match their performative mode. But because they’re also splintered places, that performance is often for one’s own subculture rather than anything broader.""
ain't that the truth!!!
see above
..and countless other examples, ...over many years...
and many profiles

"...But because they’re also splintered places, that performance is often for one’s own subculture rather than anything broader"
for emphasis
one really does have to wonder what the deeper underlying motivation is...
like, really really wonder...

...because the nett gains are questionable
really really questionable...

Self awareness is a wonderful thing ain't it!

"...But because they’re also splintered places, that performance is often for one’s own subculture rather than anything broader"
for emphasis"

"[A woke world view] is a view that effectively separates all speech and action into one of two categories.
They either perpetuate power, privilege and oppression, or resist it.
There is no such thing as a not-racist idea, only racist ideas and antiracist ideas.
Whatever isn’t resistance is therefore “complicit” in perpetuating oppression. In this vision, there is no such thing as neutrality.
There is no right to silence, no right to reserve one’s opinion, no right to abstain.
The binary is total.
When nearly everything can be found problematic, when labels like “white supremacist” can be hurled at most social behaviour and people, they flatten out the very idea of oppression. "

Comrade Queef Facto when Jello Biafra suggests confected culture wars are used to distract the masses from class war :
Comrade Queef Facto when Tucker Carlson suggests confected culture wars are used to distract the masses from class war:

Man that is a lot of ectoplasm

Memo being a true punk and firing off memes to anyone who dares question the corporate establishment. If you disagree with CNN, Nike, Raytheon or Disney watch out or face the wrath of gender neutral Comrade Queef and his text thumb of Social Justice.

Haha, yeah, that's what you're doing cobba. Sure thing.

Did you watch the Carlson video bloke ?

"[W]okeness looks past structures of power imbalance expressed in, say, classical Marxism’s tendency to put material conditions (such as wealth and working conditions) to the fore.
This makes wokeness less attentive to the privilege of class and education than you might expect.
It wants to be inclusive, but doesn’t reckon with, for example, the way its policing of language is silencing, especially of those without tertiary education.
It is more likely to police the working class’s language than rage over its struggles."

The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.