Australia - you're standing in it

Funny when stuff like this goes down watching Minister's handballing the blame and then throwing each other under the bus.

I’m mocking you, you god bothering fuck stain Optomist.
“should never have put her self in that position in the first place.” FFS

Swear alert

"and the poor girl should have spoken up straight away and also should have never put herself in that position in the first place, but she obviously got sucked in while pissed after the pub"
Wow. You miserable sack of victim blaming shit.

" happens to all of us when your young and stupid."

"In any big business when you have a lot of staff under you there is all sorts of crap going on that you often find out about later. Such is life."

As I said, She will get her justice and hopefully an even better career as well.

That's a very optimistic thing to say, seeing as many, many rape victims don't get justice, and carry around the stigma attached to being a victim.

"...the poor girl should have spoken up straight away and also should have never put herself in that position in the first place, but she obviously got sucked in while pissed after the pub..."
Calling you an idiot is too kind.
Don't care about your politics or religion, but that shit is seriously on the nose.
Thing is, you probably wouldn't even know why.

Got any daughters Optimist? If so why don't you share with them what dad recently contributed to a Swellnet forum! Lowlife.

"Anyway sad case that should never have happened, but at least it's come out now and not a few weeks before an election."

Yeah pretty thoughtless comment there Optimist.
Think about the power dynamics at play, social pressures etc.
Not to mention anyone ought to be able to enjoy a night out without having to worry about being taken advantage of.

I'm speechless, I cannot believe what Optimist and others have written here this morning. Where does that sort of thinking come from?

Yeah sorry Optimist cant back you up on this one, i knew you would get hammered as soon as i read your comment.

Probably should have told him to pull his head in then as well shouldn't you indo.

Hindsight is a great thing as you get older. She was a cadet and got manipulated by a sleazy staffer and ended up after hours where they were not allowed to be.. These things happen when your young and gullible and it doesn't help when you've had a few drinks as well. Its not her fault but the point I was making is that bad choices happen to us all and being raped is the pits and the worst kind of violation. Feel bad for her and I still believe she will get her justice albeit a bit late. of perspective...both sides guilty of increased sexual harassment and bullying....and never forget what my once hero , Bob Hawke did......lets his daughter be raped for political reasons...and covered it up....

Rape isn’t the result of the victim making bad choices. There’s no mitigating circumstances. There’s nothing a girl -or boy - can say or do or wear at whatever time or whatever place that overrides their ability to refuse sex if they don’t wish to engage. End of story.

Optimist, you're not helping your case you cretin.

I'm still trying to figure out why the guy that did it to her isn't behind bars. Sounds like he will be soon.

"Probably should have told him to pull his head in then as well shouldn't you indo."
I don't think he needs another person telling him what half a dozen people already have.
I get where he is coming from, but in this circumstance i dont agree with him.
For instance i agree with Blowin more times than not, but i dont agree with that statement he makes above.
The world isn't perfect and you need to be realistic, in an ideal world a female should be able to walk home alone drunk in a skimpy dress at 2:00am through the roughest part of town, but in the real world sadly this would be a high risk activity that would put herself in danger.

Is this blokes I.D being hidden or what ? !

Indo - I’ve seen chicks walking around pissed on their own at 4AM wearing nothing but a skimpy bikini and high heels after they’ve been to some hectic party and I didn’t rape them, You know why I didn’t rape them ?
Because I’m not a cnt and it’s illegal.
I don’t go for that “ uncovered meat to cats “ bullshit. That’s the tip of the iceberg for every scumbag in the universe trying to justify them being a true fckstik. Chicks wear bikinis down the beach and no one rapes them.
I think what you are trying to say is that it makes it easier for a piece of shit to justify their criminal actions and poor character and not that the girl deserves anything but respect at all times ?
High risk doesn’t lessen the severity of the crime or reduce the person’s ownership of their body and right of refusal to anyone and everyone who wants to pump them.

"I'm still trying to figure out why the guy that did it to her isn't behind bars."
As far as I can tell from the media reporting, she opted not to press charges at the time due to fears of professional repurcussions.
"Is this blokes I.D being hidden or what ? !" Might well be udo... Might be legal reasons for media to not publish the name prior to a conviction, so as to not colour a jury or something along those lines?

Indo I hate to say it, because sometimes Blowin gets a bit carried away, but his comment is spot on the money. That is the ideal world where a person gets to say no regardless of the circumstance!!! The skimpy dress, drunk, 2am, roughest part of town scenario is just plain stupid as a reference.

Maybe the victim thinks the accused might be given character support from powerful people around them which might affect a persecution ?

I agree with everything you guys are saying......but you've got me wrong...
Teach your kids that people are going to set traps for them....Its that kind of world unfortunately........Watch out for the traps and don't walk into them....but if you do, it's not your fault ...just more evil having its day.

"Maybe the victim thinks the accused might be given character support from powerful people around them which might affect a persecution ?"
Catholic church 101

"Anyway sad case that should never have happened, but at least it's come out now and not a few weeks before an election."
What do you actually mean by this statement Indo? Are you suggesting that because you are a liberal voter that if this rape allegation had come out "a few weeks before an election" it would've harmed the government's chance of re-election and that would be a negative thing for you personally? Or if labor were in government that you would still make the same statement? In other words are you more concerned about the potential politics surrounding the alleged rape of this young female rather than the female's well being? I'm genuinely curious.

@ Blowin Even if it wasn't illegal you and me wouldn't do it, because we have respect for women and im sure you are like me and see rape as a sick low life act, i have no idea how a guy can even get a hard on in that situation.
But like i said sadly there is guys out there that do rape women and even with changes is society like educating boys from a young age to have respect for women and not see them solely as meat, the sad reality is there will always be a small percentage who will rape women if they get the chance.

Obviously i can do both, i can feel for the women, i can hope she gets justice.
And i can also be relieved about the timing.
BTW. Im not the one here trying to use it for political point scoring.

Sweet baby Jesus, how's some of the comments on here. So much wrong in so little space, it's hard to pick the best of the worst.
This last one stuck out.
"i have no idea how a guy can even get a hard on in that situation."
Yeah, that's the first thing that popped into my head too!
Fucking hell.
Liberal fanatics, ay.
I wonder who that lying sack of hypocritical shit, our Prime Sinister, is gonna chuck under the bus for this one. On previous form, bets are off it's a staffer. And I'm not talking about the shifty and shifted around scumbag perpetrator either.
Lucky it wasn't just before an election, ay.
Praise the Lord.

Brittany Higgins released this statement today (verbatim):
I have only been made aware of key elements of my own sexual assault as a result of coming forward publicly with my story.
I didn’t know that security guards let me into Minister Reynolds’ suite. I didn’t know that a security guard came into the office multiple times seeing me in a state of undress.
I didn’t know they were undertaking an internal review into how the matter was handled at the time. I didn’t know that they debated calling an ambulance at the time of the incident.
The continued victim-blaming rhetoric by the Prime Minister is personally very distressing to me and countless other survivors.
A current senior staffer to the Prime Minister and my former Chief-of-Staff refused to provide me with access to the CCTV footage from that evening and continually made me feel as if my ongoing employment would be jeopardised if I proceeded any further with the matter.
The Government has questions to answer for their own conduct.


@Optimist says "Hindsight is a great thing as you get older .......".
Yes, instead of buying Ms Higgins drinks, offering to escort her home, suggesting she accompany him into the Minister's office under false pretences and then allegedly raping her as the senior (older) person in the Minister's office he could of noticed that Ms Higgins was drinking perhaps too much, ask if she was ok, offer to escort her home and do so safely and wish her a goodnight and weekend and leave. That is what senior (older in hindsight as you say) people in workplaces ought to do.
@Info, your comment about not coming out before the election, Ms Higgins says she was sent off to Perth without any support to Michaelia Cash's office in the weeks leading up to the election. She says during this time she was suicidal. Ms Cash has form here shielding Barnyard Joyce's now partner, then staff member. You smelling a rat or roses info? ..... so if it comes out Dad-mo knew and the LNP machine took steps to hide all this, in Perth actually, what's your view? Should he go?

Who go?

your fellow pants shitter .... understand now?

Ha ha ha thats what i thought you meant, dude you are completely tripping
If anyone should go its our incompetent state leader Dan Andrews the guy responsible for over 800 deaths, huge loss of jobs, destruction of business etc and a so called system that was suppose to be gold standard but is more like bronze and locks down the whole state for a couple of cases.

Bronze is third place. Victoria comes last out of 6 states and 2 territories. That makes it 8th. Not sure which metal is appropriate for 8th place.
Maybe the tin they make Great Wall utes out of ?


Or maybe fool's gold?
Anyway interesting article from yesterday, surprisingly in the age.
"Victoria ‘can’t be trusted’ with hotel quarantine, disease expert says"
An expert witness to Victoria’s hotel quarantine inquiry has called for the state’s rebooted quarantine program to be shut down, saying it can no longer be trusted to protect travellers, staff and the public following a string of infection control breaches.
“It’s sad to say this as a Victorian, but Victoria’s approach to quarantine appears to be placing the rest of the country at risk,” said Professor Lindsay Grayson, one of Australia’s leading infectious diseases experts. “It should be removed from the national quarantine program until proven safe.”
Professor Grayson was called upon last year by the COVID-19 Hotel Quarantine Inquiry to give expert advice on infectious diseases and infection control but is now concerned the necessary standards have not been introduced.
“Why is it that there have been no breaches in those facilities that have been run by hospitals, versus what we’ve seen at [the Melbourne Airport] Holiday Inn?” he said.

"i have no idea how a guy can even get a hard on in that situation."
Weird cunt.

Only weird cunt is anyone that actually understands how a guy can get a hard on while raping a women..cause sorry dude i cant relate.
But it wouldn't surprise me if you did understand because you come across as a bit of psychopath, especially with you constant need to change identities and your super cagey nature.
"Psychopathy, sometimes considered synonymous with sociopathy, is traditionally a personality disorder characterized by persistent antisocial behavior, impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited, and egotistical traits."
Sound familiar?

Quarantine will be turned into a privatised cash cow I suspect. Remote camps as has already been suggested. Run by Serco or some other such beneficiary of government outsourcing of every single responsibility and task.
Good luck shutting down that gravy train once it’s left the station.

Home page C-bomb cleanser

Sorry Stu i was going to do that, but Blowin fixed it.
The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.