Australia - you're standing in it

Quarantine facilities are definitely the kind of thing I don't want done for profit...

The weirdo is the one that even thinks of erection ability as a go-to point of order in regards to rape, I wager, Info.
I wager I'm not alone in thinking that either. Even on here.
No need to shit yourself.
Maybe you can conduct a straw poll?
Anyway, Scummo still loves and needs ya.
You creepy, weird cunt.

.... and could we ever forget this is the very same pea brain who fantasised about physically assaulting an innocent woman at Dandy markets just to see her reaction.

Since he posts so much IMHO crap - day in, day out...for years - including highly personal shonk to boot, it's safe to say there are discernible patterns of willful ignorance, low EI(Q), substandard empathetic characteristics, and general low moral and ethical standards. A prerequisite for the 'true believer' Lib proselytiser*?
*In parts or in total. As opposed to the educated ultra-cynical Lib. Which is worse?

It’s official- Australia now possesses a lower civilisational IQ than Egypt.
Contrast that self awareness with this money quote from the millionth Big Australia propaganda piece from the SMH. Apparently Australians are now afraid of affordable housing : “But there are fears a sharp drop in the nation’s immigration intake and overall population growth will keep a lid on the property market.”

Facto all your post speak volumes of the person you are.
1. 90% of your post are attacking or mocking people in some way and you seem to get off on it.
2. You are as cagey as all fuck, either because you are as boring as batshit so have nothing to share, or you know that with all the shit you give people online if people worked out who you were they would probably smack you in the face.
3. And off course we all know you have a history of trying to deceive people, by using multiple profiles, even now you cant help yourself and have to have Factocum & Memo, and in the past we all know all the other names you posted under often switching back and forth, including but possibly not limited too (Talking Turkey, Shatners Basoon, Pupkin,), looking back at threads there is even a clear pattern of posting right after your different profiles, kind of psycho stuff.
Basically and quite clearly you are just a sad troll, but in your mind you are smarter than everyone and oh so funny and clever, only reason more people dont call you out is because they agree with your political stance, if you were a conservative or even held a quite neutral view like Blowin or Sypkan etc you would be hammered big time.
Anyway im not going to feed your lame trolling as that is exactly what you crave and seem to get off on.

www was rocked when tbb's sat night news binge was Googlefroogled.
[f] NEWS : Facebook Oz Extortion bid # 978, 697 now has 2 likes maybe (one!)
In other www news...
Internet Police crashed as WHO fake news rap sheet was upgraded to a rap doona.

I like to go into bat for christians occasionally... you know, because, 'diversity' trumps hate and stuff...
but I gotta say, this is a little concerning...
a lot concerning actually
those are some scary numbers, not very 'representative' you might say
(dunno how true it all is, could be just more hate filled propaganda)

Emergency Services + BOM + Health facebook being ShutDown.
tbb wrote several times in last 5 years to Qld Premier & services.
Over [Sign in or die] Sabotage of Emergency Services by Facebook!
[ Facebook subscription placard ] is a 24/7 block of #1 Govt Alerts...
If a protest sign was in front of Premier for 2 seconds they're toast.
Zooky sabotages every PM / Premier alert & extorts Crisis for conscription.
Govt sold out Emergency Alerts to Social Media (twitter also)
Govt's bog standard reply...
"That's just your opinion, facebook is popular & most people use it!"
Govt local consult is now also only by Facebook Conscription.
Locals have to dial US Zooky to see if we can have an ice cream parlour in town.
Note most of the World's 1st line emergency service alerts are via facebook.
Wake Up call for fucktard Govt's that SOLD OUT! ( & That's all of them!)
tbb : "Told 'em so umpteen times...wot more can a basher do!"
Well...actually tbb phoned the Govt as well....
Govt : "Don't get yer point mate...We all love [f] are in a minority...Bye Bye!"
If any of these Govt's say different...they're lying.
Note: This [f] Emergency Block was there all the time for non [f] web users.
Only now Govt's & [f] Yuppies woke up to that fact...Oh! Gee! Our World Ended!

tbb did WARN the swellnet crew...
Rolling Oz censorship surfboard takes out #1 Local Hottie..
#1 swellnet [f] is now deemed too slippery when wet...
Just said that to milk some free plugs...
Police warn the Surf Site thief "Pie faced Foilee Bandit" wears many faces...
Cyber Attack of the Nerds
Good luck swellnet...better hurry to have yer final say!
Is this the Last Post........................................................................................................................

"(dunno how true it all is, could be just more hate filled propaganda)"
But...I'll post it anyway.
To use Info's head for figures, that shtick accounts for 90% of your posts Sepp.
In your noble quest (in your mind) for 'balance', you routinely throw up so much fake equivalence, that instead of being ennobling, you are in fact enabling.
Lucky the majority of your posts for the most part are incoherent.
Never mind, Info the 'neutral' has you in his gang...along with Blowie. Three stooges. Three amigos. The gang of three.
'Noble' patronising of poor old Info aside - a good dose of the warm fuzzies for you, no doubt - you're the problem that you're trying to diagnose in your disjointed manner. Never judge but actively support. Like a good little youth worker.
All well and good, 'cept this isn't the real world of work, this is Swellnetland. Do what you want, virtually. The disingenuous trolls and their daily 'dead cats' get the responses they deserve.
And you've definitely slipped into that gang over the journey. More's the pity.

pot, kettle, black...
media driven propaganda
you're full of it!

I liked you yesterday, or was it the day before?
now you're just a fuckwit

extreme lying fucker too
that was for the biden thread
but I might just leave that here
seems appropriate


...seems you...

You're not stable mate
Indo's little psyche assessment is better than any of you thought...
the hostility
the hissy fits
the shattered bossoms
you're all over the shop

no more nasty from me
get help

look after yourself

Brittany Higgins - Bruce Lehrmann

Alternate Ozverse...
As preached by Oz PM Hillsong Bobbie...
30th Dec 2020 : Bobbie tells Deputy PM Jenny about that Office Fling thingy.
At the Office Xmas Party ~ Jenny:
"Brendan, will you take that medal off, you're starting to attract the wrong crowd."
Paper Boy tbb : "Game is Up! Read all about it!"
Jenny told 180 Lib People that Brendan's award had to go to one of those.
Sportsbet Odds for Ms Higgins, sorry...Ms Tame fell from $6 to $1.36.
NADC referred suss betting to the ACIC (Meaning it wasn't them that leaked!)
So which depraved Mobsters overruled the NADC to profit from abused Girls
Scomo will wanna out these leaches who sullied Oz day Awards.
Stand in PM Scomo: "Don't blame me for yer stupid awards!"
"Did I tell ya... I don't decide these shitty awards."
"Jenny sorts out all that Chix stuff!"
"Why you'll look straight thru me like that!" Wot!
Oops! Sorry tbb sold you the Fake News accidentally on purpose!
Good thing the PM presented Gold Logie to Ms Tame, so this can all blow over now!

Whod've thunk some good would come out of coalition policy for Australia hey:

Just hitting their stride now

"List compiled by Matthew Davis. You can view the full list of 902 points at: "

No surprise that URL shout's virus/malware city, you would want to be game clicking URL's like that.
"List compiled by Matthew Davis. You can view the full list of 902 points at:

If I was Scomo I'd be giving Dan a call pronto - no one can turn a sow's ear into a silk purse like our beloved Vicco Premier. I can hear Dan's advice now. 'Tell em "I know nothing, I don't remember, it wasn't my decision". Then spend $12m defending yourself if the oppo calls for an inquiry. Worked a treat for me!'

But isn’t half the point that the ‘sign in the shop’ isn’t there for all passing traffic, but is only shown to some people and then linked to other products from which the shop owner derives a commercial benefit?
I’ve got no love for either Zuck or Doc, but there’s no ‘simple’ explanation of this shitshow.

Meanwhile back at Scomo's # Me Too Mansion...
I did not view this Abhorrent Cluster...."Ring" "Ring"
"Ring" "Ring" Hold it there..."It's the Sharkies!"...Yes! Sign it to Fan 001...
5mins later....Tap Tap! "Wot!"
I did not view this Vile Abhorredemic on my Office CTV...
I got Dutto to hook up the Blue Ray!
People don't buy his lame excuse!
Scomo seeks advice from his little woman.
Strewth! Wrong Work Place Culture..."
Yeah Yeah! Can sort it!
Bugger! Wrong Office & Wrong female role model but now she's got Dirty Laundry.
This is Bullshit! Where the fuck do ya get this Moral Fibre from?
Oz hints for Scomo to call Oz PM Jenny to sort out his chick problems.
Yes! Right now's a good time for that Scomo!

This is a rare case where i kind of agree with Sheepdog.
It really makes no sense for Facebook to pay, its basically just free advertising, i dont see how it negatively affects any news business, you still need to click on the post to lead you to the article on the website.
But i still think its kind of cool that the government is trying to take the angle they are, didnt they even get google to pay up something?
It's interesting to see those on the left try to decided on which side/view to take here, as the left hate big business like Facebook, they hate the government, they hate Murdoch which it seems a lot of it is about, and they are also always whinging big business doesn't pay enough.

Despite a corporate tax rate of 30% in Australia, FB pays roughly 2% on sales of advertising revenue of about half a billion Oz dollars.
I'd rather they not pay the big media houses for news content and just pay what they should in tax for the benefit of all Australians rather than comparatively few.

Not disputing any of that Sheepy but while we're talking about FB I'll focus on that. They do quite nicely out of Australia and of course they're not breaking any laws in minimising their tax, it's up to the government to close those loopholes. I have the same view be it FB, Google, Rio-Tinto, Netflix whoever.
Aggressive minimisation of tax is the real issue imo, not further enriching Rupe and his ilk.
Btw, how are you mate? Hope all is well with you and yours.

Facebook and Murdoch are peas in a pod.
Fck em all.

I see a greedy capitalist being fucked over by capitalism and turning to his puppet government to bail him out using socialism.
Capitalists like Murdoch demanding wealth redistribution.
The irony.

Interesting transparent strategy from Murdoch.

I agree with all of the above, and would like to add that it further exposes the hierarchy of who the LNP serves. The Australian public are a way down the list.
The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.