Australia - you're standing in it

I'm partial to a good spoonerism every now and then.

Paging info cultural-warrior paging info .......
You’re very late in posting your usual comment on extinction rebellion protests

It’s getting very messy.

Yeah the Extortion fuck witts are at it again.
Loved this though
"Mr Cornelius also revealed the City of Melbourne would consider turning the sprinklers on if protesters camped overnight in Carlton Gardens.
The group plans to camp in the park on the northeast edge of the CBD for the duration of a week of protest action, but the move is illegal under council bylaws.
“If someone does set up a tent overnight and they get under our radar, if they’re not packed up by the early hours of the morning the City of Melbourne have told me they’re putting the sprinklers on, so they’ll be getting very wet if they choose to camp overnight,” Mr Cornelius said."
Assistant Commissioner Luke Cornelius, is a fuckin legend, this is the shit we need.

It does seem like the police narrative to not take this shit is also getting better.
"A spokesperson said people could expect a heavy police presence in the CBD, under the "significant public order operation".
"Everyone has the right to protest peacefully and lawfully, without impacting the rest of the community," a police statement read.
"The police objective is always to facilitate the safe and peaceful protest until there is a point where a significant risk is presented – either through significant obstructions that threatens the free movement and assembly of the broader community or in the face of violence.
"If this occurs, rest assured police will be taking swift action to remove the obstruction and to ensure the many people who are going about their daily lives in the city are not unduly disrupted."
I think police understand if these people start pissing everyone off, shit is going to go down.

Is that all ya got info? Heart not in it tonight?

Watching Four Corners Series 2021 Don't Ask, Don't Tell in iview.,-dont-tell/13268122

All very dodgy from the word go Supa.
How long does it take to ask a dozen people (out of Morrisons office) a few basic questions, it’s over a month now and still nothing.
Handy also to have the AFP commissioner change his statement made to a parliamentary enquiry about the issue after it is revealed that his original answers don’t match the coverup story given by Morrisons man.
Worrying that the AFP seems to be doing the governments bidding in this and a number of other instances ( Bernard Collaery and stealing evidence against the governments bugging, raiding Labor party offices, raiding journalists etc)

Scotty’s advisors must be doing a lot of overtime at the moment , the don’t tell the boss what he doesn’t need to know attitude is obviously there to protect the boss , as when shit hits the fan the boss has a simple explanation of “ I know nothing “.

Sex crimes of parliament and How i passed the buck? Will those be a chapters in the Scott Morrison's memoirs ?

“ In only a matter of decades, for example, what has historically been a one-in-100-year extreme coastal flood will become annual events in most places.” - Robert Glasser is the head of the Australian Centre for Climate and Security at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute..

The staffers that are the centre of the problem. They are made up of advisors and media people who have been naughty boys and girls since day dot and work for all different parties. The Libs staffers are the focus now but they are all the same with the media ones being the worst behaved as they are in every industry. My business dealings with media people in the past have been an eye opener. They seem like a self indulgent and privileged crew who judge everyone and are the worst of the worst behind closed doors. This is a good opportunity for the Politicians to clean out the building and put the garbage out. Time to start fresh with a new and hopefully untainted generation of assistants in all political parties.

Agree with you on this one Opto. Staffers from both sides are drawn from a pretty narrow recruiting field from what I can see.
Many of the same ‘issues’ that are popping up across the elite school segment are on display in this cohort.

# I shed a tear with Scotty



Sophie Mirabella, the Black Widow herself. With the risk of being called out as a misogynist, has there ever been an Australian parliamentarian so bereft of a soul as her? Her moral compass permanently pointed south.
Awful person.

Her cringe worthy reaction on the Q&A panel towards the other panelist that had a seizure exemplified the LINPs compassion towards people in distress and is exactly what has been on shown these last few months.
Heard Morrison took a leaf out of Porters book and had a contrived, teary press conference today. Up for mental health leave now?

Yew Kristina !

Scotty still ducking and weaving public scrutiny ...

+1 indo

It’s a bugger for the PM that the women in the room are smarter than he is and can see right through the spin and bullshit.
Stutter and deflect
Following his tense exchange w/ @aclennell, I asked Scott Morrison to explain how he knows about an anonymous press gallery HR complaint but was never told by anyone in his own office or @lindareynoldswa' about a rape on her ministerial couch. Watch his response... @australian
— Olivia Caisley (@livcaisley) March 23, 2021

Dont mean to change the topic but i think this is fucked.
nicotine vaporizers are being made illegal because they say "its a gateway to harder drug use"
What a load of shit! the government just doesn't want to miss out on all that cigarette tax....$2 a smoke or $100 a pouch...Vaporizers are a great way to give up smoking including vaporizing...I hardly use my vape any more and rarely have a smoke..i use to be on 40 a day.

Shit GS thats a lot of smokes did you find your Meds worked better when stopped smoking?
Nicotine can negate the effects of some psyche drugs

40 a day fuck thats $50 a day or about $18K a year

Yeah the meds work better, im just glad i stopped without a vape i probably would be still smoking..i feel way better than Christmas time when i was smoking a Indo i tend to smoke a lot on flat days too as they're so cheap..
I just cant see how e-cigs are a gateway to hard drugs. Its ridiculous. NZ Prime minister has the right idea by them being legal and trying to eliminate smoking ciggies in NZ by 2025
Peta Credlin
There will be some very nervous little scum bags out there tonight.
— JILL (@1Swinging_Voter) March 24, 2021
Peta is not remaining silent any longer. #GETPOPCORN

Morrison ...a man for our times. Like him or not, Scotty boy has been through the ringer alright. First the self imposed Turnbull suicide spill (and Malcolm never forgot shooting himself) Scott is now PM..Then the bushfires, Then the drought, Then the China hacks,Then the worst Plague in history with millions unemployed all covered by an incredibly good plan. Then the rapists and the staff coverups when he realises he has to be the one that cleans the rotten crap out of the whole fridge as well while running the country.....and the agenda focused media have battered him non stop from day 1....and now the floods.... All that for $450K a year...The man couldn't even have a weeks family holiday without us beating the shit out of him and he wasn't even a fireman, although I suppose we wanted him to do that too. In my eyes, Scott has one major flaw in that he wants everyone to like him and talks too much to try and do so. I suppose that's the old salesman in him as well as trying to be a committed Christian and "Love your enemies" .If you can show me another current leader in this seemingly ungrateful country that could have managed all that in a couple of years I'd be happy to hear the proposed alternatives...

Optimist , do you believe scumo behaves like a committed christian ? His and the rest of parliaments behavior especially on live tv during question time is far from Christian behavior in my view. He definitely has a tuff job and one that he back doored turdball to get . I’m glad he beat Dutton though. The last election was lost by labor and the campaign Fatboy with his $60 mill fear advertising contributed to labor’s loss . I personally believed shorty had it all over scumo in the tv debates . Who would be a better leader ? We will never know but there is some damage control happening before the next election and the public has short memories.

So your choosing Shorten...Interesting choice.

You didn’t answer the question Opto.
Learned from your idol?

I'm the one asking the simple question...who would have been better?

I agree Optimist, his problem is that he talks too much and he wants everyone to like him. Thing is though most of what he says are just empty words and platitudes in an effort to distract from the fact that he is a political animal and has only an eye on getting his agenda done.
His disregard for proper processes and accountability is setting a dangerous precedent. The Jobkeeper plan while doing its job has been shown to be flawed and he has no remorse that large corporations and billionaires have just received the biggest handout in Australian history.
Compare that to Rudds program during the GFC. At least Australia now has infrastructure for future generations to show for it. This time round we get a few new Porches or Mercs in private hands and yet the LNP criticised Labor for wasting money
Where was his compassion for women during the robdebt scandal. How many unemployed woman or single mothers on welfare were put through the ringer during that farce. And yet he has no intention of seeing taxpayer money returned by wealthy individuals who received the recent round of handouts.
Morrison is a man of double standards and hidden agendas, more Judas than christian

Simple question? It's a nonsense question. Impossible to answer so pointless even asking it.
And more accurately it's not even a question at all, but an equivocation, a way of avoiding hard truths by trying to throw the spotlight elsewhere.

I think you always have to remember politics is a dirty game and full of compromise, sadly if you don't compromise even on your own personal beliefs you will get nowhere.
Evidence of this is Peter Garret, does anyone not believe he was in it for the right reasons?
But when he was in politics he was critiqued heavily by even his fans and called a sell out and many still take this view, because he didn't live up to the expectations of his own well known views/morals/politics.
Basically politics is so much bigger than the individual even when you are PM .
BTW. Optimist 100% agree with your post at 6:18.

Thanks Indo, ...and to the others, I wasn't asking if you liked Morrison or thought he was a good Christian. We have had the same pool of political talent in the same place for years, so who, if not Scott Morrison would have steered us better through these disaster years. I'm all ears and will agree with you if you have a better choice of leader and why.
I'm going for a surf and would be interested later in your better options.

Pity that accountability and transparency are the things that the LNP choose to compromise. If everything was legit, why cover it up?

Optimist, again, it's an utterly nonsense question.
"Who would be a better leader in these disaster years?"
Here's my answer: Who the hell knows?
You've heard the saying 'cometh the hour, cometh the man'. That given a situation some people will rise above their station and assert control. Churchill was a classic example, Howard too. They both did far more than what their early years in politics indicated. They were politicians made for their times.
There's also the opposite, those to whom great things are expected and they fail to fulfill that destiny. Think McMahon, Alexander Downer, Bomber Beazley, and Kevin Rudd.
Point being, it's utterly futile to ask how someone else would handle a situation as only a clairvoyant would know, and it also (conveniently in your sake) takes the heat off the only person who can actually do something - the serving Prime Minister.
If you fail to hold him accountable then nothing you say is worth listening to.

Good one stu

it is a futile exercise
but if we indulge optimist for a moment...
in the current crop, from both parties, sadly I have absolutely no one to suggest, ...and that is an extremely dire position for a country to be in....
re. the sexual misconduct, I kinda find this get scotty mentality a bit tedious tbh, when both parties seem to have a bit of a 'cultural problem'
all the sediment at the bottom of the pool is getting disturbed now it seems
australian politics' ...errr ...'uniquness', in terms of private lives, could be coming to an abrupt end
things could get real ugly
really really ugly, in this age of social media outing by innuendo and cancelling...

Alow me to reword Optimist's question:
The original: "Who would be a better leader in these times?"
The new question: "Who did I vote for last election?"
Exciting debate, that one.

it is futile
terribly futile, terribly biased, and terribly loaded
but I've seriously got no one to suggest... not a single spit ball...
just a very few years ago, this futile exercise, would not have been so difficult...
seriously, how did it come to this?

The "I can't believe it's not politics" thread.