All Things Religion Thread

Optimist wrote:Something a little more interesting on how a soul may get to heaven than Jellys offerings....yep theres that tunnel again.
That photo is all the proof I need, that Juan Maldacena invents time-travel in 20 years, and returns to today using the pseudonym Leonard Susskind, to work with himself.

Um if you are going to beleive in souls and relgion surely you dont need wormholes?
Surely if there was heaven it would exist in another dimension, not some cartoonists place like in kids books.
Speaking of worm holes if you ever get the chance of being under anesthetic on ketemine jump on it, i left my body and flew through a worm hole to galaxies the human eye cant see.

..... the lights are on ;)
- but there's ummm

Squirm holes? Head for the light.

oooooh deeear... I seee the trollls have beeen hard at woork..
how saad, that people have nothing better to do, that denigrate those that belieeeve in the Lord.
If you knew what I knew, and had seen what I've seen, well, effectively, you'd be me.
And I think that would do you allll a world of goood..

indo-dreaming wrote:Um if you are going to beleive in souls and relgion surely you dont need wormholes?
Surely if there was heaven it would exist in another dimension, not some cartoonists place like in kids books.
Speaking of worm holes if you ever get the chance of being under anesthetic on ketemine jump on it, i left my body and flew through a worm hole to galaxies the human eye cant see.
Indo Hi.
Where did you leave it, your body?
I want to go and collect it and take it back to the factory and restart the once dystopian business from the 70’s. Soylent Green.
The green biscuits can leave a bad human like smell taste in your mouth.
In fact, if you go and read about Soylent Green, it will surprise you that many of the prophecies of that time have definitely come to fruition today.
Food for thought, or anyone else who wants to eat those biscuits. AW

"There's a class of planets called puffy Jupiters, and it's been a mystery for 15 years now as to what they are. And this is an extreme case of that class."
Heaven has been found and it's in our solar system. Obviously the astrologers are used to dealing in science so have a blind spot for the supernatural and don't realise what they have discovered. Awaiting a confirmation email from them as to see if the images show any large structures like a gate, possibly a pearl colour and with a large seat or throne next to it.
Time to eat some humble pie and Optimist is serving

Fliplid wrote:"There's a class of planets called puffy Jupiters, and it's been a mystery for 15 years now as to what they are. And this is an extreme case of that class."
Heaven has been found and it's in our solar system. Obviously the astrologers are used to dealing in science so have a blind spot for the supernatural and don't realise what they have discovered. Awaiting a confirmation email from them as to see if the images show any large structures like a gate, possibly a pearl colour and with a large seat or throne next to it.
Time to eat some humble pie and Optimist is serving
Erm, not wanting to be too pedantic but 1200 light years away puts it somewhat outside our solar system. I won’t say anything about astrologers. Carry on.

@Fliplid If that’s Planet Heaven it’s sounds like an old school opium den. For eternity.
On a serious note that is really strange re opposite to gravity and its effects.'s lightweight and full of hot air ;)
- hmmmm, yep, sounds like planet flopti ;);)

AlfredWallace wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Um if you are going to beleive in souls and relgion surely you dont need wormholes?
Surely if there was heaven it would exist in another dimension, not some cartoonists place like in kids books.
Speaking of worm holes if you ever get the chance of being under anesthetic on ketemine jump on it, i left my body and flew through a worm hole to galaxies the human eye cant see.
Indo Hi.
Where did you leave it, your body?
I want to go and collect it and take it back to the factory and restart the once dystopian business from the 70’s. Soylent Green.
The green biscuits can leave a bad human like smell taste in your mouth.
In fact, if you go and read about Soylent Green, it will surprise you that many of the prophecies of that time have definitely come to fruition today.
Food for thought, or anyone else who wants to eat those biscuits. AW
Yeah it was weird i didnt look down and see my body or anything like that, but i felt like my mind was completely seperate from my body and swear i went elsewhere very very far away almost like my mind was a soul and then travelled through what can only be described as a worm hole.
Wouldn’t touch the shit in a recreational way, but knowing i was in safe hands, i really enjoyed the experience, and came out of it with very vivid recollections it even had a weird inspiring postive effect on my outlook of life for some time after, felt great mentally, no surprise in controlled anounts it can treat depression.
Its kind of a pity we often abuse drugs and other substances, i think there can be postive insight and understanding gained with a controlled respected use of some substances like many tribes did or do.
I guess this kind of decribes it more in a medical way.
" Ketamine is a dissociative drug, which means it causes people to feel separated or detached from their body or physical environment. Dissociatives are similar to psychedelics, they can cause hallucinations and other changes in thoughts, emotions and consciousness."

Fun thinking about it all though….seems Einsteins theories are pretty clever for his day and portals through space time a reality.
Since meeting two guys in my life who have travelled through the tunnel while temporarily dead and seen the Christ and seen a solid liveable heaven , I’ve always had an interest in the hows and whys of the soul travelling outside of the body and how heaven and earth are connected through passageways.
Your soul is the real you, the body temporal.
The science wormhole video inside that last post of mine is really interesting if you haven’t watched it.
Just a bit of fun eh …..the universe a big place with lots of mysteries….thinking outside your little matrix is healthy….Einstein did as do many others.

Yes. Except you're no farkn einstein that's for sure haha
- unless, of course, u like to bang ya first cousin..... then marry her ;)
(not exactly the behaviour of a 'genius' with that bit)

Is 'temporarily dead' any different to being temporarily alive? ;);)
- and this : "I’ve always had an interest in the hows and whys of the soul travelling outside of the body and how heaven and earth are connected through passageways.
Your soul is the real you, the body temporal."
Interest? Speculation?
....or the beauty of imagination ;);)
Be honest. You don't know ;)
(hows and whys)

indo-dreaming wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Um if you are going to beleive in souls and relgion surely you dont need wormholes?
Surely if there was heaven it would exist in another dimension, not some cartoonists place like in kids books.
Speaking of worm holes if you ever get the chance of being under anesthetic on ketemine jump on it, i left my body and flew through a worm hole to galaxies the human eye cant see.
Indo Hi.
Where did you leave it, your body?
I want to go and collect it and take it back to the factory and restart the once dystopian business from the 70’s. Soylent Green.
The green biscuits can leave a bad human like smell taste in your mouth.
In fact, if you go and read about Soylent Green, it will surprise you that many of the prophecies of that time have definitely come to fruition today.
Food for thought, or anyone else who wants to eat those biscuits. AW
Yeah it was weird i didnt look down and see my body or anything like that, but i felt like my mind was completely seperate from my body and swear i went elsewhere very very far away almost like my mind was a soul and then travelled through what can only be described as a worm hole.
Wouldn’t touch the shit in a recreational way, but knowing i was in safe hands, i really enjoyed the experience, and came out of it with very vivid recollections it even had a weird inspiring postive effect on my outlook of life for some time after, felt great mentally, no surprise in controlled anounts it can treat depression.
Its kind of a pity we often abuse drugs and other substances, i think there can be postive insight and understanding gained with a controlled respected use of some substances like many tribes did or do.
I guess this kind of decribes it more in a medical way.
" Ketamine is a dissociative drug, which means it causes people to feel separated or detached from their body or physical environment. Dissociatives are similar to psychedelics, they can cause hallucinations and other changes in thoughts, emotions and consciousness."
Indo. Can’t argue with your reply, I agree spot on. Decades ago, same experience but will psilocybin’s.
Agree, drugs can be beneficial especially when prescribed to the right person for the right reasons.
I dislike the blanket ban on certain drugs just because others choose to use it in different or other ways, smoke cannabis, chop up mushies etc.
Terpenes in cannabis have been proven to destroy cancer cells, I could write a list.
Psychedelics are being used globally to straighten up people’s brains, as well as the introduction and administering of MDMA. AW

@blackers "Erm, not wanting to be too pedantic but 1200 light years away puts it somewhat outside our solar system. I won’t say anything about astrologers. Carry on."
Whoops. I got carried away there for a moment. I do see your point though, we need to stick to the facts. Then again, we've also got a worm hole so 1200 light years aren't going to make any difference.
Seeds, I heard the other day that there are deposits of hydrogen and helium here on earth that some companies are looking at extracting as part of the energy transition. It's a weird ol' universe

....weird ol' universe ;)

A wormhole to Heaven has to be better than a stairway.
I've been to Hell and back a few times and all they've got is a shitty paved road.
And it's still under construction.

....plenty of options tubeshooter ;)
- maybe try ms portman next time an opportunity opens up ;);)

indo-dreaming wrote:Um if you are going to beleive in souls and relgion surely you dont need wormholes?
Surely if there was heaven it would exist in another dimension, not some cartoonists place like in kids books.
Speaking of worm holes if you ever get the chance of being under anesthetic on ketemine jump on it, i left my body and flew through a worm hole to galaxies the human eye cant see.
Every end of year work break up I seem to experience this. Good fun!

Fliplid wrote:@blackers "Erm, not wanting to be too pedantic but 1200 light years away puts it somewhat outside our solar system. I won’t say anything about astrologers. Carry on."
Whoops. I got carried away there for a moment. I do see your point though, we need to stick to the facts. Then again, we've also got a worm hole so 1200 light years aren't going to make any difference.
Seeds, I heard the other day that there are deposits of hydrogen and helium here on earth that some companies are looking at extracting as part of the energy transition. It's a weird ol' universe
Can I plump my beanbag down on top the well before it ejaculates. Flying high. I should visit my horse vet for a bit of a gee up. To enhance eternity.

And once again Jelly brain backs up the garbage truck and dumps pointless toxic waste on the conversation……your life is boring ….i feel sorry for you.

goofyfoot wrote:…..
Every end of year work break up I seem to experience this. Good fun!
Man, lucky you. Ours are usually a couple of glasses of cheap red or CUB beer followed by dry chicken or chewy beef. Too much shop talk leaving me to wish for a wormhole to escape through. Perhaps just load up on ketamine before hand?

- haha flopti ;)
.....don't feel sorry u miserable lawd fraud
Get back in that tent u big pretender ;)
- lighten up and tickle yaself with a wormhole theory ay ;);)

....& try cool ya god complex just a tad ay flopti ;)
- 'just a bit of fun eh'

I'm not sure if any of this is true but I do like this song....
Everyone is trying to get to the bar
The name of the bar, the bar is called Heaven
The band in Heaven, they play my favorite song
Play it one more time, play it all night long
Oh, Heaven
Heaven is the place
A place where nothing
Nothing ever happens
Heaven is a place
A place where nothing
Nothing ever happens
There is a party, everyone is there
Everyone will leave at exactly the same time
When this party's over, it will start again
Will not be any different, will be exactly the same
Oh, Heaven
Heaven is a place
A place where nothing
Nothing ever happens
When this kiss is over, it will start again
Will not be any different, will be exactly the same
It's hard to imagine that nothing at all
Could be so exciting, could be this much fun
Oh, Heaven
Heaven is a place
A place where nothing
Nothing ever happens
Heaven is a place
A place where nothing
Nothing ever happens

blackers wrote:goofyfoot wrote:…..
Every end of year work break up I seem to experience this. Good fun!
Man, lucky you. Ours are usually a couple of glasses of cheap red or CUB beer followed by dry chicken or chewy beef. Too much shop talk leaving me to wish for a wormhole to escape through. Perhaps just load up on ketamine before hand?
Ha! Helps when you’re the boss blackers ;-)

Some more science....
...also some new studies show that animals and man started at the same time so there are also animal adam and eves as well....
with the new DNA tech the theory of evolution is finally dead as it should be.
also read Stoeckel and Thalers study which is can get the actual study paper but here is the basic story from some newspaper.
...the timelines keep changing and getting more recent in history as science is down to possibly 15000 years for this current civilisation but it will eventually be found to be less again.
At the end of the day you can't argue with DNA....timeframes are moving closer and will prove themselves to line up with biblical ones eventually.
This shows all CURRENT creatures walking on earth were created around the same time and not evolved over a long period.

^ haha

.....and here .....more science ;)
- like the legitimate promise of a tent of promise
Some new studies show that the evolution of flopti's mental state is represented by the commitment of this bike rider ;)
... the bike symbolizes reality.
- the detachment of the rider represents flopti ;);)

"Heaven has been found and it's in our solar system. Obviously the astrologers are used to dealing in science so have a blind spot for the supernatural and don't realise what they have discovered."
(go astrologers! citizen psy-ence)
can't watch things like that @JF.. find myself girding my loins, if that's the phrase, like watching skaters knackering themselves on steel railings, or parkour kids landing on their face..
stunet wrote:And Steve, when I saw your son sprawled beside the track earlier in the season, his two mates were doing their teenage best to lift his spirits.
"It's OK, " one of them said, "we got it on GoPro."
'teenage best' haha, never gets old..


Unforgiveness is like dragging an anchor......
The whole reason Christ came into the world was for the forgiveness of sins to the people of planet earth.
He created us and He fixed the problem to any who want it.
But it has two sides to it.....He forgives you and then you pass it on.....How else can a race survive?...
As you can see forgiveness isn't popular in our world and so all the problems associated with old grudges carry on through the generations and bring with them a curse.
The Chinese even named their new Quantum computer "Old Grudge...or Payback time...Old score to settle".....that should be fun when they get started.
Jesus addressed this in His sermon on the mount in Matthew 6 : 14 & 15 as well as elsewhere.
Today I've posted the whole of Matthew 6 in the original King James version as it has a lot more to glean from than todays topic.....Have a great day ....and forgive someone today.......
Matthew 6
1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.
2 Therefore when thou do thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
3 But when thou do alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:
4 That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which sees in secret himself shall reward thee openly.
5 And when thou pray, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
6 But thou, when thou pray, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which sees in secret shall reward thee openly.
7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
8 Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knows what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.
9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
16 Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
17 But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face;
18 That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which sees in secret, shall reward thee openly.
19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are ye not much better than they?
27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knows that ye have need of all these things.
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain


You look older than I thought.

Easy to forgive harder to forget lol ;)

^ haha
- cmon now el flopti, don’t be so unforgiving ay ;)
“ As you can see forgiveness isn't popular in our world and so all the problems associated with old grudges carry on through the generations and bring with them a curse.”
^ loading your projector again ;);)
….. nothin quite like preaching about holding grudges and not practicing forgiveness, and then exhibiting the exact opposite…..
- way to go, again, lawd fraud ;)
… hypocrisy, but ummm… just a bit of fun eh ;);)
…. it’s like that time u backed up to ya saviour and exclaimed ‘aaaah men’
- don’t forget ya helmet flopti ;);)
Toot! Toot!
- all aboard the flopti train ;)

....& keep searching ...coz rememba
- 'Unforgiveness is like dragging an anchor......'

God loves all her children. Even the straight ones

AFL weekend results were pretty religious
Losers: Collingwood Carlton Hawthorn
Winners: Essendon Geelong
Other results: who gives a darn
Thank you Jebus, you answered my prayers

Lions got up again. woot woot

GuySmiley wrote:AFL weekend results were pretty religious
Losers: Collingwood Carlton Hawthorn
Winners: Essendon Geelong
Other results: who gives a darnThank you Jebus, you answered my prayers
The sainters got a comeback for the ages too.

This is for the young people who don’t know about the San Remo conference in 1920 and the birth of Palestine which is Israel.
In 1920 after WW1 the then League of Nations ( now the UN) carved up the old Ottoman Empire into 99% Arab and 1% Jewish states…
The Arabs were happy and signed off on it.
For the first time the land was named PALESTINE and became the state of Israel.
Israel IS Palestine.
They were to re settle there from Europe and finally return to their homeland.
This was protested by a few Islamic Arabs and Britain caused the re settlement to stall.
This caused a blockade of Jews coming home from europe and then exterminated by hitler later on. Cowardly Britain mainly responsible.
This san Remo declaration can never be overturned by any body including the current UN.
Israel know this hence the current settlements and claim to the West Bank.
It is all Israel’s land…..the Arabs have the other 99%.
Fact check this info if you like and share it especially among the young who are protesting about things they don’t understand.
Israel has been more than tolerant in trying to share their tiny 1% but with the rise of aggressive Islam it won’t be possible anymore.
From the river to the sea it’s ALL Israel and yes it should be free from its enemies.

Yeah the Lions and Saints wins were good as well …. but I absolutely love it when the unholy trifecta of shitty teams (and supporters) lose … Carlton, Collingwood and Hawthorn … and when two of those three teams play each other who do you pick without needing a very long hot shower afterwards?


Optimist wrote:This is for the young people who don’t know about the San Remo conference in 1920 and the birth of Palestine which is Israel.
In 1920 after WW1 the then League of Nations ( now the UN) carved up the old Ottoman Empire into 99% Arab and 1% Jewish states…
The Arabs were happy and signed off on it.
For the first time the land was named PALESTINE and became the state of Israel.
Israel IS Palestine.
They were to re settle there from Europe and finally return to their homeland.
This was protested by a few Islamic Arabs and Britain caused the re settlement to stall.
This caused a blockade of Jews coming home from europe and then exterminated by hitler later on. Cowardly Britain mainly responsible.
This san Remo declaration can never be overturned by any body including the current UN.
Israel know this hence the current settlements and claim to the West Bank.
It is all Israel’s land…..the Arabs have the other 99%.
Fact check this info if you like and share it especially among the young who are protesting about things they don’t understand.
Israel has been more than tolerant in trying to share their tiny 1% but with the rise of aggressive Islam it won’t be possible anymore.
From the river to the sea it’s ALL Israel and yes it should be free from its enemies.
next level weird shit flopti. Almost as bad as your dinosaur theory.

- flopti the warmongering 'christian' is on the boring boil again ;) on high when it comes to delusion and fantasy theories.
Seems like flopti enjoys holding grudges ;);)
- he also has a sick penchant for dragging anchors of 'unforgiveness'.
.....jebus preached to love one's enemies and to turn the other cheek etc and practice love, compassion and forgiveness ;)
- and, yet, in another warped and factually incorrect sermon, the floptinator presses on about how unforgiving and bigoted his views are regarding world events and 'aggressive' islam.
With such a plank of hypocrisy lodged in the eye of flopti - one is able to bypass and ignore the aggressive christianity that facilitated the crusades and decimated indigenous cultures etc and the modern day continued illegal intervention in the middle east under the guise of freedom, security and 'democracy'. One can also choose to be forgiving and dismiss the disgusting systematic institutional sexual abuse of children by christian clergy (that was covered up by christian clergy), and choose to highlight such illusionary concepts as israeli 'tolerance' (haha, that's a strange way to define an occupation) - as, of course, they must be enacting occupational tolerance in places like the west bank and gaza against the palestinians ay flopti ;);)
How on earth (or in the fantasy land of planet heaven) can anyone pretend to educate and preach to others about tolerance, not holding grudges and the necessity of forgiveness..... and then incessantly show intolerance and an obvious unforgiving nature..... whilst ummmm..... holding grudges haha ;)
WTF ;);)
"As you can see forgiveness isn't popular in our world and so all the problems associated with old grudges carry on through the generations and bring with them a curse."
^ u said it, el flopti - you're the master caster of spell binding curses ;)
....& you're the epitome of hypocrisy and fraudelence.
That tent visit has obviously done wonders hahaha
- float on u basement dweller lawd fraud flopti ;)

GuySmiley wrote:AFL weekend results were pretty religious
Losers: Collingwood Carlton Hawthorn
Winners: Essendon Geelong
Other results: who gives a darnThank you Jebus, you answered my prayers
Up the Mighty Bombers!! And Catters.
Great stuff GS.

Weekend of really close games or floggings lol ;)
Swans lost
Roosters win
Here you go optimist
Not sure my instinctive need to stick up for the secret desire to be one day honoured rightfully with the role of Forum moderator (expecting a call any day)...
But anyway I couldn't help but read your troubles on another thread...unfortunately I found myself siding with everyone's posts...other than your own...except for the part where you were told you can't post here!
So I put my low IQ mind to coming up with a solution that suits all...and here it is...a safe place if you like
You can post anything you like about your beliefs...and no one has to read it unless they want! Easy peasy...
maybe you could even get Jesus, fat Buddha, Mohammed, and friends to converse in adult conversation here
Solving the world problems, one at a it taking a shovel as a way of moving that mountain
All the
PS...I actually was born again once, but I grew up, and grew a brain of my own...and realised it was all a load of shit!