All Things Religion Thread

Tim Costello brain dead you say? You should resurch his life @info before making such statements

Okay makes complete sense now, pretty much ticks every box of detachment.
Basically a religious urban elite

Guy, are you attempting to say that was me and that I posted that somewhere else on some other forum.
This is the only forum I use because I am a lifelong surfer and like to talk to surfers.
If you are , you are a dark evil man indeed and a deliberate trouble maker .
Your sins will come back upon you be assured of that.

^^ and you @opti are humourless as well as the other things, you know. Interesting that you have ignored the article written by Costello ^^, too close to home for you?
@info, it seems that there is no end to your stupidity.

Frowney sure spends a lot of time looking up Christian stuff for a atheist lol
Closet believer ;)

^^ Tim Costello is the real deal @ashsam like Father Bob, he has dedicated his life to genuine service and helping others

GuySmiley wrote:^^ Tim Costello is the real deal @ashsam like Father Bob, he has dedicated his life to genuine service and helping others
Paywalled can’t read it.
Good works alone won’t get you to heaven smiley, if you believe in heaven that is ;)
Rev Bill Crews is another one. Does great stuff with the homeless but is way off in some of his biblical ideas imo.
Here is your verse for the day smiley seeing as you are so interested lol
Ephesians 2:8-10
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God
not by works, so that no one can boast.
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Tip for you smiley, no all christians agree, so you are not going to get far stirring the pot, your fighting a uphill battle lol
It's like being a NRL fan, we all love the game, but there is teams and some players we can't stand ;)

GuySmiley wrote:^^ Tim Costello is the real deal @ashsam like Father Bob, he has dedicated his life to genuine service and helping others
That might be true but he is clearly one of the dumb arse Christian's where he doesn't look at the bigger picture and reality of the wider world.
The kind of Christian that says oh god said we must love and treat everyone as our brother so it's no problem if we just have uncontrolled borders and immigration we cant turn people away who are in need.
Thats an extremist dangerous view point because its not thinking about what the results will be, its more like oh god will take care of it all, all that matters is we love our brothers and sisters of the world..
No if there is a god he gave you a brain to use and think about results of your actions, you dont walk out on the road in front of a car because you think god will protect you, you use your brain and look each way and avoid getting hit by a car.

Hey @info ^^ build a bridge

The Turning Point.....The moment of truth....The new Beginning...
Jesus the Light of the World....John 8.....
....But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.
Now early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people came to Him; and He sat down and taught them.
Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery.
And when they had set her in the midst, they said to Him,
“Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act.
Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?”
This they said, testing Him, that they might have something of which to accuse Him.
But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear.
So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them,
“He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground.
Then those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last.
And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.
When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her,
“Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?”
She said, “No one, Lord.”
And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.”
Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying,
“I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.
Opti commentary...
We see here that while there is Gods grace, there is also a point at which it's time to stop your old ways and get on with a new life of freedom from sin....something a little more pleasing to your Heavenly Father....Remember this is an eternal path not a temporary one.
Practise makes perfect and with Gods help you can shake off the chains that bind you.
It's kind of funny at first, especially if your mates are hardcore surfers etc and your trying not to swear like you used to or "get on it " with the boys and you can feel a bit corny sometimes as you change from one person to another....or you might be a bit loose sexually like the woman in the story...etc ..etc.
Whatever it is, God will show you what He wants to deal with like any good dad.
Nothing wrong with a few ales with your mates but watch your mouth as the old saying goes
.... "A man digs his grave with his tongue"....
Have a great day......maybe have a talk to God in the waves today.

Don’t forget the Love….
St Paul…1 Corinthians 13. NIV.
If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.
If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and I have faith that can move mountains, but do not have love…I am nothing.
If I give all I posses to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast but do not have love, I gain nothing….
Love is patient, love is kind…it does not envy…it does not boast…it is not proud…it does not dishonour others…it is not self seeking, is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves.
Love never fails.
But, where there are prophecies, they will cease…where there are tongues they will be stilled and where there is knowledge…it will pass away.
For we know in part…..and we prophecy in part….but when completeness comes what is in part….disappears.
When I was a child I talked like a child, I thought like a child,I reasoned like a child…
But when I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me…
For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror….then we shall see face to face….
Now, I know in part….then shall I know fully….even as I am fully known.
And now these three remain…Faith…Hope and Love…
But the greatest of these is Love.
Opti footnote….Isn't it easy to get so focused on the task that we forget the love.
This can be anything especially in relationships, parenting, work , ministries, all interactions with people ….the life package in general.
It’s so easy to be so busy building your vision that you forget the people around you that you are building the vision for……then we remember the love aspect…
We remember we are doing this for the love of the people, family, friends, the battlers…etc etc…
As St Paul realised, don’t run so far ahead you leave everyone behind that you love……stop for a bit…..take a breath……spend some time giving and receiving that love.
Have an amazing day.

^ keep loading the projector ;)

- "Don't forget the Love..."
^ it's just like when flopti let forth the battle cry of bombing iran ;)
- "cut the head of the snake!" (lovingly) flopti cried.... hahaha

“It’s all about Jesus”…
These were some of the final words of one of the nicest and kindest people I ever had the pleasure of knowing, surfing with and hanging out with…..
.He was an exceptional human being and he was my very close friend..
We had our quiet place we used to surf together alone and the froth was next level.
We would have deep and meaningful talks between sets and over coffee.
He was so much a better human being than me and I loved him very much.
Undiagnosed melanoma got him in the end.
His great love for the surf and fishing exposed his fair skin way too much for our modern fallen global eco system and the effects of modern solar radiation…
But as he was passing …..with a smile….he said “ It’s all about Jesus”…..
And really he was spot on…’s not about you and it’s not about me…it’s about the the creator of all things…..the author and finisher of life…the Alpha and Omega.
His friendship with Jesus was solid and true. His faith unwavering and his destination as his spirit left his body certain.
All of us, lead a temporal and finite earthly life.
But, this is only the apprenticeship.
Apprentices make many mistakes , but the eyes are on the prize and the end result.
To those that have accepted the love and sacrifice of the Christ, the only one who has the power to transform the human soul , the end result is certain as is the peace not only during earthly life but also at the end…
I will see him again one day as well as many other great friends because life is so much more than what our limited understanding reveals.
Seek and you will find……that’s a promise from God….and in the end….
“ it’s all about Jesus”….

Seeing this every Sunday is like having JW knock on your door every weekend when you haven’t asked for it.

goofyfoot wrote:Seeing this every Sunday is like having JW knock on your door every weekend when you haven’t asked for it.
Julian Wilson knocks on your door?

reckon in another thread @goof said it was Jacob Willcox ..

....with 'our limited understanding' hahaha
- altogether now ;)

basesix wrote:reckon in another thread @goof said it was Jacob Willcox ..
Could add Jack Wobinson to the list.

Yes please.
Ironically, when you open the link it asks you to accept cookies.

zenagain wrote:Yes please.
Ironically, when you open the link it asks you to accept cookies.
Funny that, the greedy buggers ate 10-12 cookies in 30 minutes, don’t they feed missionaries?

….ask and ye shall receive ;)

basesix wrote:reckon in another thread @goof said it was Jacob Willcox ..
Jonny Williamson duhhhh

- JW?
.... or WJ ;);)

goofyfoot wrote:Seeing this every Sunday is like having JW knock on your door every weekend when you haven’t asked for it.
Who is forcing you to open/read it lol ;)
Not hard don’t open same as you can do for JW’s.


ashsam][quote=goofyfoot wrote:Seeing this every Sunday is like having JW knock on your door every weekend when you haven’t asked for it.
Who is forcing you to open/read it lol ;)
Not hard don’t open same as you can do for JW’s.
You think I read that nonsense?
I skim past those posts quicker than I let my ridgeback out the front door when I see the John Williamsons walking up the driveway.. ;-)

goofyfoot wrote:Seeing this every Sunday is like having JW knock on your door every weekend when you haven’t asked for it.
Goofyfoot. Hi fella.
I’d love it if a reincarnated JW came to my door and said, ‘I see the light’.
Of course that’d be James Watt. AW

goofyfoot][quote=ashsam wrote:goofyfoot wrote:Seeing this every Sunday is like having JW knock on your door every weekend when you haven’t asked for it.
Who is forcing you to open/read it lol ;)
Not hard don’t open same as you can do for JW’s.You think I read that nonsense?
I skim past those posts quicker than I let my ridgeback out the front door when I see the John Williamsons walking up the driveway.. ;-)
Your still checking in every Sunday though lol ;)

I’ve heard that “The Tent Of Promise” will be in Yamba from Thursday to Sunday this week.
I’ll be travelling to Yamba to have a look at the display and attend one of their services as well to check out what they do…….may as well as get a surf in too if it’s good ha ha.
If you need healing in your body for anything at all or are just interested in their large visual bible and gospel presentation head to Yamba for a look.
They apparently have a powerful healing ministry with thousands of people experiencing breakthroughs. I could certainly do with some prayer for rust removal from this old bod.
The massive display tent will be open in Ford park on the river Thursday to Sunday 10am to 4pm with night services as well at 6.30 pm…
Worth a drive for a look in beautiful Yamba.

^^ seen it

- hahaha ;)
....."every step in faith with jesus christ sees fruit" ;);)
- "The Tent of Promise comes to undergird the local Church or Ministry, to help you reach your own community & build up the local Church in the call and gifts, seeing fruit remain in the Kingdom of God. "
- "Deliver the Word of God, bring salvation in the Name of Jesus, bring deliverance to those bound, healing to the broken, truth to the hard-hearted and hope to the lost, and impartation of the gifts and fire of the Holy Spirit to the Church for real fruit that remains. "
^^^ haha, go forth thou fruit loops and heal thine fruit ;)
....and hence every step bringeth thine closer to more ummm fruit ;);)
"Healed from Schizophrenia...
You guys are amazing. Carriers of the Lord's love. I was just recalling our time in Nimbin and how you helped set me free and I have never been the same . Now even medically certified that I don't need medication after 10 years . God loves you guys so much "
^ maybe there is hope for flopti fruit ;)

Yay ;)

^ Loop the Fruit, currently unavailable on Amazon : (
but there is 1 on eBay, if you don't mind postage from Illinois, @Jelly:

- haha yessssss ;)

Quote the fruit loops..
” Healed from Schizophrenia...
You guys are amazing. Carriers of the Lord's love. I was just recalling our time in Nimbin and how you helped set me free and I have never been the same . Now even medically certified that I don't need medication after 10 years . God loves you guys so much "
This is rather disturbing. Not good at all.

Never heard of them.

I see the usual trolls are back again. Amazes me when people bag what they know nothing about….looks a good thing to me and maybe many others.
One thing is certain, those people will have much more to offer mankind than you trolls ever do.
No harm in checking it out….something new….might be interesting…..and it’s in Yamba…..if it were in Melbourne where you guys live then that would be boring … boring some people would sit on you tube all day wasting their lives away.

- hahaha..... ummmm..... 'something new' ;)
"I now know who I am!
WOW! I just want to take a minute to thank the Lord. The past 6 weeks since my surgery has been the most amazing, uplifting, enlightening time of my life. My growth through both knowledge and experience has been exponential! I have done a complete 180 degree turn around in my life from the direction I was heading in (especially spiritually) as I came to the end of myself, and ended up finding God through a powerful encounter... It transformed my life in an instant! The revaluation I have experienced has been life changing. Who I was to who I am now are two completely different people as I actually had no idea who I was. I literally could not answer the question “Who am I?”, but now I can! All I have to say is "Thank you Jesus, as I have been saved by grace †"
^^^ predictable, fake, sad and ummmmm..... boring ;);)
- don't forget ya banjo flopti ;)

pretty un-trolly space here, people just having fun, @Opti. I assume you'd prefer that to people pointing out the damage that such snake-oil shenanigans can cause: people stopping schitz meds, people telling terminal loved ones 'you will heal if only you put your faith in Jesus and pray on these verses I was given in a tent by a river, it's your only hope'. Not that you are one of these, but they'll be there, eyes wide, hearts open. But, like you say, it is a beautiful part of the world. Have fun.

^ that being said, I am a big fan of the brain @Opti, and believe faith-healing might have effect on those who are into it.. I've seen white (and black) magic have effect in Bali, karma live out in the minds of those who think it has cause/effect. Belief can give effect to an influence. (I genuinely believe @burleigh would no longer be with us if he had a jab). Positive thinking and hope are real, fer sure. If you got rust (like many of us do), throw yourself into your thing, and get the greatest effect you can from it. I for one, would be interested to hear how you find it from the perspective of it being your particular thing.

most people enjoy the movie O Brother Where Art Thou,
here's the most heartfelt recording of this 'un, I reckon, @Opti.

Liked that movie. Nice song for sure.
Brothers come down. You sisters can’t, you’re too busy cooking etc for the Patriarchy. Red flag for a Man made crock of…….
I feel for the guy with schizophrenia being sucked into this. (If he even exists. You can’t trust these carpetbaggers) Will he have worse delusions next psychotic episode? Probably (or already was) religious based ideation to psychotic crisis.
These people are dangerous.

Rewatched another cracker of theirs - Hail Caesar - the other day.
Really struck me this time that the dude keeping the whole Tinseltown illusion together is the hard core Catholic family guy who’s found straightforward purpose and meaning in his work. Him and the dude who’s dismissed by the snooty ‘artists’ as a dumb cowboy hick - but proves to be anything but.
While the ‘creatives’ - dissolute dilettantes - flounder in hedonism and Marxian theory.
Funny, brutal and kinda conservative takedown of Hollywood.

Haha, Well done Sir! lawd things are heating up on planet heaven
- u can feel it ;)

Something a little more interesting on how a soul may get to heaven than Jellys offerings....yep theres that tunnel again.

^ haha oh dear flopti ;)
- nothin like a few more hypothetical imaginary theoretical possibilities ay ;);)
..... intertwined with disputed interpretations of ummm holographic hypothetically imagined theoretical imagery :
"To be clear, unlike an ordinary hologram, the wormhole isn’t something we can see."
Oh wow!..... it works in mysterious ways ;)
- just like other theories and imagined conceptual inventions haha
....u know, like the alleged divine one u apparently communicate with..... but can't see..... but is ummmm.... real, yah ;)
Certainly interesting.
- yet also a little concerning in relation to the insane assumption (belief) that this hypothetical holographic 'wormhole' may somehow be related to a mechanism or process enabling a 'soul' to 'get to heaven' ;);)
Kewl story tho..... don't stop till you get enough ;)
- all aboard, toot toot!
Here you go optimist
Not sure my instinctive need to stick up for the secret desire to be one day honoured rightfully with the role of Forum moderator (expecting a call any day)...
But anyway I couldn't help but read your troubles on another thread...unfortunately I found myself siding with everyone's posts...other than your own...except for the part where you were told you can't post here!
So I put my low IQ mind to coming up with a solution that suits all...and here it is...a safe place if you like
You can post anything you like about your beliefs...and no one has to read it unless they want! Easy peasy...
maybe you could even get Jesus, fat Buddha, Mohammed, and friends to converse in adult conversation here
Solving the world problems, one at a it taking a shovel as a way of moving that mountain
All the
PS...I actually was born again once, but I grew up, and grew a brain of my own...and realised it was all a load of shit!