All Things Religion Thread

No.... but remember peanut, ummm, just ummm.... enact your 'self control' haha
- and, well, if peeees be upon thee
....then best not open thy mouth so wide with thine snide trash ;)


ashsam wrote:GuySmiley wrote:ashsam wrote:17 your out of control. Should be banned, you are just trying to clog the forum as you are anti Christian.
Go away.Didn’t Stu explain to you last week that jelly is jelly and no one else
If I owned the joint I wouldn’t be letting 1 person take over, bombarding the forum .
Why not? Indo does it all the time. Shit gets messy. That’s life.
I’m on the couch with Covid. Read a book. Watch some surfing, see what dumb shit Indo and Ashsam post. Drink coffee.

soggydog wrote:....
Why not? Indo does it all the time. Shit gets messy. That’s life.
I’m on the couch with Covid. Read a book. Watch some surfing, see what dumb shit Indo and Ashsam post. Drink coffee.
Onya Soggy. Had the spicy cough last week myself. Can't complain too much, got a 5 day sick note. Hope you are feeling better soon. Maintain the rage!

soggydog wrote:ashsam wrote:GuySmiley wrote:ashsam wrote:17 your out of control. Should be banned, you are just trying to clog the forum as you are anti Christian.
Go away.Didn’t Stu explain to you last week that jelly is jelly and no one else
If I owned the joint I wouldn’t be letting 1 person take over, bombarding the forum .
Why not? Indo does it all the time. Shit gets messy. That’s life.
I’m on the couch with Covid. Read a book. Watch some surfing, see what dumb shit Indo and Ashsam post. Drink coffee.

It’s smashing me Blackers, I’m on day 9. There’s been waves too, which makes it worse. Thanks for the well wishes.

Happy Mothers Day……
Husbands love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her… Paul…Ephesians 5:25.
How blessed we were to have a mother….most of us had that teacher and comforter from when we were young and to grow up in a loving home with a mum that cared for you is really what makes life special especially as a kid.
Some of us missed out on having a mum or dad at home and so the scripture concerning one’s religion is this…
“Religion that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is this…to look after orphans and widows in their distress and keep oneself from being polluted by the world” James 1:27.
During my 40 plus years in church life, I’ve had the privilege of interacting with many kids who missed out on having a mum or dad and enjoyed including them in activities with my kids and have seen a lot of ‘tough little mums ‘ battling life alone simply because their husbands had died or saw life more exciting elsewhere rather than the duty of love and care God appointed them.
They nearly always regret their decisions. This also applies to some women….
These mums found a home in the church and other dads that would step in and take their kids surfing and on trips to places other than home turf.
I would see my loving God comfort these women in their tears and struggles to make ends meet alone. To have the support of the church women and men around them made their life so much more bearable and joyful.
God loves mothers…..very much indeed…even if you had a bad one she still gave you life….so honour her anyway….who knows where it may lead.
Look after the mums….even if they aren’t yours….its close to Gods heart.

Nice one opti.

That's funny, in all my years on this planet i've never needed some imaginary person in the sky to remind me to love and respect my mum. Thought like all fundamental innate beliefs, this was just another obvious one.
Anyway, here's one for all you sinners, infidels and heathens.
One of my favourite sunday church songs.

the hypocrite strikes again

"I'm 6'3 and 90kg so what are you going to bring weasel?"
Tell us again how big you are little fella. LOL!!!! LOL!!!! LOL!!!!!
Poor little fella and his widdle weasel war dance. LOL!!

ok Mr hypocrite. you keep pretending.

soggydog wrote:ashsam wrote:GuySmiley wrote:ashsam wrote:17 your out of control. Should be banned, you are just trying to clog the forum as you are anti Christian.
Go away.Didn’t Stu explain to you last week that jelly is jelly and no one else
If I owned the joint I wouldn’t be letting 1 person take over, bombarding the forum .
Why not? Indo does it all the time. Shit gets messy. That’s life.
I’m on the couch with Covid. Read a book. Watch some surfing, see what dumb shit Indo and Ashsam post. Drink coffee.
Bet he has never posted 26 YouTube vids in one thread in 12 hours lol ;)
Didn't think covid was still a thing.

- put ya pipe down trashy, ya dog ;)

1 ;) see if you can 30 in today belly
serial clogger lol

- haha... clogging things up like a trashcan
.....when doin ya mum ;)

Belly, Unfortunately my mother died 2 years ago. 77.

soggydog wrote:It’s smashing me Blackers, I’m on day 9. There’s been waves too, which makes it worse. Thanks for the well wishes.
Day 9? That’s a long haul. It can drop you down. Hang in there.
Have you got that nasty deep cough? I had a cough for months after. If I get run down or a small cold I cough for weeks now.

....trashcan royalty resurrection
- ask and ye shall receive ;)

Serial clogger Karen calls serial clogger a serial clogger.

soggydog wrote:ashsam wrote:GuySmiley wrote:ashsam wrote:17 your out of control. Should be banned, you are just trying to clog the forum as you are anti Christian.
Go away.Didn’t Stu explain to you last week that jelly is jelly and no one else
If I owned the joint I wouldn’t be letting 1 person take over, bombarding the forum .
Why not? Indo does it all the time. Shit gets messy. That’s life.
I’m on the couch with Covid. Read a book. Watch some surfing, see what dumb shit Indo and Ashsam post. Drink coffee.
No matter what you think of our views the difference is we stick to topic on hand, Jelly clearly doesn't have any interest whatsoever in religion he is only here just to stir up shit and the fact he waste so much time just posting pointless non relevant videos etc speaks volume's on who he is as person.
How should admin deal with it?
Honestly i dont know, i dont think you can ban someone for not sticking to the subject or just spamming the thread with non relevant videos, you would think at some stage he would get tired with doing so, but it doesn't seem that way.
Personally I think its a pity that this thread has turned into a back and forth thread of snipping and irrelevant nonsense, this thread could be one that is much more interesting, while the cultural aspects of Judeo- Christianity are important to me culturally im a non believer but when you start diving into any religion and the history and how things came to be it is all pretty amazing.
Im still blown away by the dead sea scrolls, 2,000 year old writing's found persevered in remote caves.
I kinda wish Brutus was back, guys respect him and he is also a vocal Christian, if he was here i dont think the pointless trolling from people like Jelly would be as bad.
BTW. Hats off to Optimist full respect dude, while i dont share your beliefs, i respect that you keep civil and on topic and stick by what you believe in, and yeah dont let them get under your skin, forgive them if you must and let their hate eat them up.

- noinfo, the topic at hand is not 'soap box for an authoritarian'
.... the thread is ALL things religion ;)
So, ummm
- carry on ;);)

- when you say u know, but u don't ;)
...when you're sure but you're not and it's just a 'theory', but it's 'real'.
- when you make wild imagined statements born from superstition and hearsay ;)
....and then present indoctrinating fantasy religious gobbledygook as absolute fact ;);)
- hats off to flopti haha
...and hijabs, skull caps and pasta strainers too ;)
- " I don't fully understand the destination heaven. I do know that it is a physical place with buildings plants trees water etc etc. and a city with 12 gates. A physical city etc belongs somewhere physical and with all the universe out there and all those planets I'm making the assumption it’s one of them and somewhere in the far reaches of the North. I also know that another race already resides there (who we call the angels). and they can interact with us but not us knowingly with them. I have at least once but that's another story."
^ the 'great void' of just another story

Roadkill wrote:soggydog wrote:It’s smashing me Blackers, I’m on day 9. There’s been waves too, which makes it worse. Thanks for the well wishes.
Day 9? That’s a long haul. It can drop you down. Hang in there.
Have you got that nasty deep cough? I had a cough for months after. If I get run down or a small cold I cough for weeks now.
Just imagine how bad it would have been if you were not vaccinated......... lmao

Oi Opti, what's your thoughts on Pell?

Roadkill wrote:soggydog wrote:It’s smashing me Blackers, I’m on day 9. There’s been waves too, which makes it worse. Thanks for the well wishes.
Day 9? That’s a long haul. It can drop you down. Hang in there.
Have you got that nasty deep cough? I had a cough for months after. If I get run down or a small cold I cough for weeks now.
Yep RK, but starting to feel like it’s moving, lots of betadine throat gargle and saline nasal spray with a couple drops of betadine in it. Went for a couple of short walks yesterday in the sun. Feeling better today but far from 100%.

It's the sticky mucous in the breathing pipes that got me, @soggy.. I find drinking a dash of apple cider vinegar in a bit of water twice a day helps a little for shifting that stuff. glad you're on the mend.

Thanks basix.
And the preferred denominational or non-denominational blessing of your choice to you gentlemen. Gotta take the grom to the beach. Oo roo.

ashsam wrote:little, if you can match up to 6'3" and 90kg let me know weasel
1 day on and this is aging beautifully.
Hey little meathead?

basesix wrote:It's the sticky mucous in the breathing pipes that got me, @soggy.. I find drinking a dash of apple cider vinegar in a bit of water twice a day helps a little for shifting that stuff. glad you're on the mend.
Basesix, hi, cracker of a day. @Soggydog.
I highly recommend chewing and swallowing a decent handful of fresh Thyme, definitely moves mucous. Dr.Feelgood or feel anything!!!.AW

great tip, AW. I like thyme : )
(amaaaaaze-balls day!)

southernraw wrote:ashsam wrote:little, if you can match up to 6'3" and 90kg let me know weasel
v=uZOjwzInj2g1 day on and this is aging beautifully.
Hey little meathead?
Be careful, SR. He might use CAPITAL LETTERS next time.

Hehe. Dunno Roady.
Maybe it'd be a good time for old Ashsam to take a break from the web for a while.
Clearly it's having a negative effect on how he interacts if he's resorting to threats.

- yep, trashcan needs the self control to take itself out
...the cure ...tribute thyme ;)

Roadkill wrote:southernraw wrote:ashsam wrote:little, if you can match up to 6'3" and 90kg let me know weasel
v=uZOjwzInj2g1 day on and this is aging beautifully.
Hey little meathead?Be careful, SR. He might use CAPITAL LETTERS next time.
did you take mummy to a cafe, be careful covid is still around, guess you will have to kill the vaxed person that gives it too her now too lol
bed wetter

Jelly Flater wrote:- noinfo, the topic at hand is not 'soap box for an authoritarian'
.... the thread is ALL things religion ;)So, ummm
- carry on ;);)
what have you actual added to the topic about religion other than YouTube videos?

southernraw wrote:ashsam wrote:little, if you can match up to 6'3" and 90kg let me know weasel
v=uZOjwzInj2g1 day on and this is aging beautifully.
Hey little meathead?
stick to your DV and FNP agendas hypocrite
you can't even get them right

- in order to reach planet heaven must have a megadeth ;)

burleigh wrote:Oi Opti, what's your thoughts on Pell?
what are you expecting or want him to say?
what are your thoughts?

7 in 3 hours belly on target ;)


ashsam wrote:burleigh wrote:Oi Opti, what's your thoughts on Pell?
what are you expecting or want him to say?
what are your thoughts?
He had repeatedly said that pedos infiltrated the church and they were never there for the right reasons. I want to know if he thinks the same about the rock spider dirt bag Pell.

Geez ashsam, you can lead a horse to water but u cant make it drink.
All jokes aside I think everyone here can see you've clearly got some deeper issues going on. Not telling you to fuck right off, as i rightfully could, but instead suggesting a little time out and personal growth would be a positive. Or keep going as u are, you're probably gonna get banned anyway. Im sure an extended period away and a fresh perspective you'll b someone that id enjoy sharing discussions with.

Been surfing pumping waves….I see you guys can’t even respect Mother’s Day.
Burleigh obviously doesn’t read all the past comments over many years or he would know what I think of their Holy Roman Empire and the people that run it.

Optimist wrote:Been surfing pumping waves….I see you guys can’t even respect Mother’s Day.
Burleigh obviously doesn’t read all the past comments over many years or he would know what I think of their Holy Roman Empire and the people that run it.
dodged the question.

southernraw wrote:Geez ashsam, you can lead a horse to water but u cant make it drink.
All jokes aside I think everyone here can see you've clearly got some deeper issues going on. Not telling you to fuck right off, as i rightfully could, but instead suggesting a little time out and personal growth would be a positive. Or keep going as u are, you're probably gonna get banned anyway. Im sure an extended period away and a fresh perspective you'll b someone that id enjoy sharing discussions with.
lol pot and kettle
Why was blue diamond banned?

there you go @SR, a proposed meeting place for a chat. bit further for you, but it's a nice offer:

Ashsam, can only try to point out what might not be obvious to you.
Keep going as you are if that suits you.
Keep threatening people with violence online if that suits you.
You'll keep getting the same results.
Note the amount of conflict you have going on all over swellnet.
Try being kinder mate and you'll find people are only too happy to be kind back.

Violence lol
Your last line doesn’t work on here you proved it, look how you had a go at opti about his Mother’s Day comment.
Or is it fair game on Christians for you?
Why did blue diamond get banned?

For you SR from JF ;)
Here you go optimist
Not sure my instinctive need to stick up for the secret desire to be one day honoured rightfully with the role of Forum moderator (expecting a call any day)...
But anyway I couldn't help but read your troubles on another thread...unfortunately I found myself siding with everyone's posts...other than your own...except for the part where you were told you can't post here!
So I put my low IQ mind to coming up with a solution that suits all...and here it is...a safe place if you like
You can post anything you like about your beliefs...and no one has to read it unless they want! Easy peasy...
maybe you could even get Jesus, fat Buddha, Mohammed, and friends to converse in adult conversation here
Solving the world problems, one at a it taking a shovel as a way of moving that mountain
All the
PS...I actually was born again once, but I grew up, and grew a brain of my own...and realised it was all a load of shit!