All Things Religion Thread


Jelly Flater wrote:- versus :
"You get to planet heaven after your spirit leaves your body. When you die your spirit descends into the heart of the earth and waits. Then if approved by God you are lifted up and go through the tunnel which is probably like a wormhole in Sci Fi. If unapproved you will wait for judgement but there is no time there so you wouldn't know if you've been there a year or a hundred years. At the end of the tunnel you will be greeted by The Christ Himself in His glorified form and put on planet Heaven, a very beautiful and physical place and in your brand new physical body. "
^^^ ummm lololololol
JellyFlater. Hi fella. Hope you’re doing well.
What a ride, $9.95 subscription per month and the carousel just keeps on giving, ride after ride after ride. Giddy up there Ed.
I’ve slowly learnt to take the time to read Optimist and his cohorts spiels, startling claims, shock and mystery, all in a manner of disguise. It’s tactical, so as to avoid the truth. There is no God, shhh., don’t tell anyone.
I’m open to learning a bit, BUT , when you see this written,
“My old Russian physics friend is convinced of a fallen angelic race living here and he had memorised the King James Bible and can play chess without a board but I’m not convinced “.
You’re not convinced, I’m bloody well not convinced about any of the aforementioned in that paragraph Opti.
Geez, you and I are on different planets. Really ?
Alas, you are one of us, a surfer, so you can’t be too much of a fool. Bit of fun. AW

soggydog wrote:Sypkan, could we see an increase in immigration and asylum seekers as a result of “Western Hegemony” and interfering foreign policy. Heaps of democratically elected governments overthrown to install dictators that the West “ can work with”. Often at the expense of the local populations. Hence mass immigration.
We took the resources but we don’t want the problems associated with our actions. And these people are scapegoats.
I’d agree with the concerns of communities experiencing a large influx of mainly young male refugees. But I’d say it’s a result of Western interventionist foreign policies and a last ditch effort to destabilise the working class communities where they’re placed and create division.That’s just what I think.
I agree soggydog
whether it's intentional... or all that just plays on 'white guilt' to justify recent immigration patterns - I'd agree it's a factor
but as you say, the numbers of young male refugees travelling solo is off the charts...
they are clearly 'economic migrants' over a persecuted populatiom... i saw a vid last week, a guy from afghanastan I think, shamelessly admitting (from horses mouth) that he lives in free social housing, doesn't work, and left 2 wives and six kids back in afghanastan... as comments pointed out, it cannot possibly be that dangerous for him back in the ghan if he can leave his family there like that...
the measures, laws, and opportunities now in place were designed to deal with fleeing families back in the old wars, well well before the business model that has developed around the internet and improvements in transport
I mention the business model because it doesn't matter if its the US, Oz, or EU... these people shamelessly admit they pay people smugglers
I don't resent them for this, I even hold a little respect for their tenacity, but the reality is, they are gaming the system
the current open border policy in the US and parts of EU is just mindlessly dumb. we - and them, are in a position where we can pick and chose the best and worst of the world's downtrodden and poor...
the best in terms of what they can contribute - and the worst in terms of the most persecuted
it's our duty, to us and them...
but it clearly is not happening
we currently operate amidst a system of rich man refugee anarchy, that has developed around terribly outdated precedents...
we should share it around more, and stop falling for this internet scam system that has morphed around people burning their documents and the like
why what seems to have been a flood of muslim migration across europe and the UK?
even our legal migration system seems to have had special allowances / a focus for muslim migration
europe is fucked if anyone hasn't noticed...
the only thing that has saved us... so far... seems to be our hopelessly easily bought politicians... that means our imbalance was largely built around chinese migration and their aldi bags of cash...
europe seems to have a clear agenda being driven from above
for whatever reasons...
pretty sure there's plenty of tibetans and the like out there that fit the bill of persecuted

I miss pops

Where’s pops?

Jelly Flater wrote:;)
You got that right you really are a space cadet lol

- 'going tropo lol'
Ummmmmm ;)
"My old Russian physics friend is convinced of a fallen angelic race living here and he had memorised the King James Bible and can play chess without a board but I’m not convinced “
^ going going gonnnnnnnnnne haha

AlfredWallace wrote:Optimist. Hi, hope ya well.
What happens after you die, you ask ?
There’s no mystery. Very easy explanation
During my life, I’ve consumed voluminous amounts of plants and animals.
All of the energy they were comprised of is absorbed into my molecular/cellular energy system processes.
When I die , that inherent energy is transferred to the soil that I decompose into and that energy is transferred into decomposing microbial life that then feeds the next plant or animal and the process continues.I don’t want to be wasted and not go back into a living system that I garnered so much enjoyment from.
The brain decomposes like any other organ therefore there is NO after life, period.
Remember, a God is just a thought process, lacks tangibility therefore is not living.
All the best. AW
So you are getting buried in a paddock lol? If you think you are going to feed plants and animals ;)
Don’t see any animals in cemeteries or plant grown on graves, they do where ashes are put but the ashes are in containers, have done a few last few years.
And people thing Christians are nutters ;)

Luke 23:34

Just spoke to Pop Down. He's in Hawaii, right now sitting on a balcony overlooking Waikiki.
He's been surfing all over the joint, North Shore, surfing Rockies, VLand and Sunset, hanging out with Barton Lynch, meeting and surfing with a few legends. He's now on the South Shore with his two girls.
Says waves are good.
He's got a few other trips on as soon as he's back so who knows when he comes back here, but I know he will.
Told me to thank you for the "where's Pop's".

Pops living the dream

- or this 'Pops'
... from Pg 1
"Thanks for letting us know what you think about all things religion...
Good idea to set up a forum dedicated to religion/worldview chat though - it's a bit like politics in the way it can hijack an unrelated thread (I know I've been guilty there). So it's good to have somewhere we can migrate such discussions."

Optimist wrote:Luke 23:34
matthew 7:2
^ one of @JF's faves (for calling out planky mcplankface behaviour). such a clunky analogy for saying people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, but of course they didn't have glass back then and also needed to express a higher judgement than just common decency. such creativity in that book to describe aspects of the human condition beyond animal allegory, with only the simplest of technologies to build metaphors on. bravo brothers of yore.
@Opti, your own particular brand of cosmological curiosity, cherry-picked science, sci-fi hyperbole and clay-pot biblical referencing may get something out of this (it's at the sensible end of your spectrum, but I think you'll like the eyeballs):
(steel fecken wehtin)

Speaking of science,
What do creationists and neutron stars have in common ??

haha TS

ashsam wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:Optimist. Hi, hope ya well.
What happens after you die, you ask ?
There’s no mystery. Very easy explanation
During my life, I’ve consumed voluminous amounts of plants and animals.
All of the energy they were comprised of is absorbed into my molecular/cellular energy system processes.
When I die , that inherent energy is transferred to the soil that I decompose into and that energy is transferred into decomposing microbial life that then feeds the next plant or animal and the process continues.I don’t want to be wasted and not go back into a living system that I garnered so much enjoyment from.
The brain decomposes like any other organ therefore there is NO after life, period.
Remember, a God is just a thought process, lacks tangibility therefore is not living.
All the best. AW
So you are getting buried in a paddock lol? If you think you are going to feed plants and animals ;)
Don’t see any animals in cemeteries or plant grown on graves, they do where ashes are put but the ashes are in containers, have done a few last few years.
And people thing Christians are nutters ;)
Ashsam. Hi. I trust all is well.
My will states where I’m to be buried, that info is held by my families legal people.
Pretty clear and concise, my son knows the drill, I’m going back to where I came from, down The Great Ocean Road,
The reality is, I’ll feed a lot of microbes who in turn will feed others up the food chain.
There’s nothing complicated at all, it’s organic life.
The same will happen to you, you’re just a bag of cells like me and everyone else.
It’s a wonderful journey the web of biological life, nothing is wasted, isn’t that life right there, birth, growth, mature, procreate (gene transfer in it’s simplest form), age, die and rot to death.
Simple equation for sum.AW

All good AW.

Jelly Flater wrote:- or this 'Pops'
... from Pg 1
"Thanks for letting us know what you think about all things religion...
Good idea to set up a forum dedicated to religion/worldview chat though - it's a bit like politics in the way it can hijack an unrelated thread (I know I've been guilty there). So it's good to have somewhere we can migrate such discussions."
Yep. That one.

AlfredWallace wrote:ROADKILL
Are you for real and actually believe that shit you just expressed ?
FFS Roadkill you are one fucked up individual, definitely suffering Islamophobia.AW
Islam is the antithesis of science. It is stuck in dark ages shit. If you follow science and its principles in reason and rationality then you should fear and protest against Islam. Stop with the faux racist outrage.

Billions of people on earth believe in heaven. A place where your spirit goes when you pass away. You all go to funerals where we hope they are in heaven enjoying the promises of God.
I feel sorry for the people who think we are just meat and when dead just dead meat. In Jelly’s case that would be Jelly meat like dog food ha ha!…
But no seriously, one thing I’m sure of is that we all have a spirit inside our earthly machinery…..and heaven a desired destination for that spirit.
So if like me you believe in heaven where is it? Obviously you would travel to it somehow and without a mechanical device as it would be a spirit journey.
I have personally met two guys that have seen heaven and described the journey just as Einstein theorised in his short cuts through space time.
They went through a tunnel and saw Christ , had a conversation and were put back for more to do for Him….and from that day their commitment was next level.
These guys were something different to any I have met…..something had happened to them and they actually had a shine about them …..a glowing peace in their faces I could only dream of having.
One came to my home and after dinner sang for us with my guitar……it was a supernatural experience as the spirit of God came into the room. We all went into a kind of beautiful trance while listening to his song….it was an amazing experience.
So be encouraged you who believe, …heaven is real and your Heavenly Father loves you very much and wants you to be with Him.
A funny thing to finish, last weekend I went to a small Pentecostal church. I had not been feeling well for some time….tired stressed something not right. During the worship I was in the spirit and when that happens I can hear Gods small voice.
I asked for healing ….His response was you need to forgive people…..I said I don’t hate anyone Lord…..and then He presented me with two names….Jelly Flater and Guy Smiley…..shit……OK there’s two….and yes I forgive them because you forgave me. …how could I not…..and they are real people loved by God.
….then a wave of peace came over me…
I’ve been well ever since…a new peace in my soul and lessons learnt.
The new world is full of lovers not haters…and while I’m a slow learner I am enjoying the ride and the slow steady transformation into something new.

Opti. Ladies and Gentlemen. Here to preach the next two weeks. (try the veal. it’s sensational.)
Next week, watch Opti on water! (or not… he hasn’t committed… the veal is wonderful, really.).

Optimist wrote:Billions of people on earth believe in heaven. A place where your spirit goes when you pass away. You all go to funerals where we hope they are in heaven enjoying the promises of God.
I feel sorry for the people who think we are just meat and when dead just dead meat. In Jelly’s case that would be Jelly meat like dog food ha ha!…
But no seriously, one thing I’m sure of is that we all have a spirit inside our earthly machinery…..and heaven a desired destination for that spirit.
So if like me you believe in heaven where is it? Obviously you would travel to it somehow and without a mechanical device as it would be a spirit journey.
I have personally met two guys that have seen heaven and described the journey just as Einstein theorised in his short cuts through space time.
They went through a tunnel and saw Christ , had a conversation and were put back for more to do for Him….and from that day their commitment was next level.
These guys were something different to any I have met…..something had happened to them and they actually had a shine about them …..a glowing peace in their faces I could only dream of having.
One came to my home and after dinner sang for us with my guitar……it was a supernatural experience as the spirit of God came into the room. We all went into a kind of beautiful trance while listening to his song….it was an amazing experience.
So be encouraged you who believe, …heaven is real and your Heavenly Father loves you very much and wants you to be with Him.
A funny thing to finish, last weekend I went to a small Pentecostal church. I had not been feeling well for some time….tired stressed something not right. During the worship I was in the spirit and when that happens I can hear Gods small voice.
I asked for healing ….His response was you need to forgive people…..I said I don’t hate anyone Lord…..and then He presented me with two names….Jelly Flater and Guy Smiley…..shit……OK there’s two….and yes I forgive them because you forgave me. …how could I not…..and they are real people loved by God.
….then a wave of peace came over me…
I’ve been well ever since…a new peace in my soul and lessons learnt.
The new world is full of lovers not haters…and while I’m a slow learner I am enjoying the ride and the slow steady transformation into something new.
Optimist, Ashsam and any one else’s who is religious . Hope you are all doing well.
Good healthy topic of discussion.
‘Is there LIFE after death ‘ ? Of course there is, but NOT as you guys know it
There is as I’ve previously explained, an organic life continuum.
I see a real conundrum with the term life after death by religious folk,
Those of you who choose to be cremated or attend cremations is in my view hypocritical to your view that there is ‘Life after death’.
When you are cremated all the energy that was contained within that corpse has then been totally lost due to the accelerated burning process, what for, so you can keep a little bit of your loved one in a flask or jar, or even sprinkle on a patch of earth,
Ultimately in a physics and chemistry kind of way , you’ve ended up with a bit of potash, maybe sprinkle it on some seed raising mixture when you next attempt to germinate some seeds, even then there will be scant nutrition.
Therefore, you’ve done the complete opposite to assisting some form of Life after Death.
In my view , if you want to continue the Life Cycle after Death, get buried and feed a trillion hungry mouths and continue your LIFE CYCLE.
All the best from the Organic Prophet AW.

Wrong thread …you want the gardening one.

AlfredWallace wrote:Optimist wrote:Billions of people on earth believe in heaven. A place where your spirit goes when you pass away. You all go to funerals where we hope they are in heaven enjoying the promises of God.
I feel sorry for the people who think we are just meat and when dead just dead meat. In Jelly’s case that would be Jelly meat like dog food ha ha!…
But no seriously, one thing I’m sure of is that we all have a spirit inside our earthly machinery…..and heaven a desired destination for that spirit.
So if like me you believe in heaven where is it? Obviously you would travel to it somehow and without a mechanical device as it would be a spirit journey.
I have personally met two guys that have seen heaven and described the journey just as Einstein theorised in his short cuts through space time.
They went through a tunnel and saw Christ , had a conversation and were put back for more to do for Him….and from that day their commitment was next level.
These guys were something different to any I have met…..something had happened to them and they actually had a shine about them …..a glowing peace in their faces I could only dream of having.
One came to my home and after dinner sang for us with my guitar……it was a supernatural experience as the spirit of God came into the room. We all went into a kind of beautiful trance while listening to his song….it was an amazing experience.
So be encouraged you who believe, …heaven is real and your Heavenly Father loves you very much and wants you to be with Him.
A funny thing to finish, last weekend I went to a small Pentecostal church. I had not been feeling well for some time….tired stressed something not right. During the worship I was in the spirit and when that happens I can hear Gods small voice.
I asked for healing ….His response was you need to forgive people…..I said I don’t hate anyone Lord…..and then He presented me with two names….Jelly Flater and Guy Smiley…..shit……OK there’s two….and yes I forgive them because you forgave me. …how could I not…..and they are real people loved by God.
….then a wave of peace came over me…
I’ve been well ever since…a new peace in my soul and lessons learnt.
The new world is full of lovers not haters…and while I’m a slow learner I am enjoying the ride and the slow steady transformation into something new.Optimist, Ashsam and any one else’s who is religious . Hope you are all doing well.
Good healthy topic of discussion.
‘Is there LIFE after death ‘ ? Of course there is, but NOT as you guys know it
There is as I’ve previously explained, an organic life continuum.
I see a real conundrum with the term life after death by religious folk,
Those of you who choose to be cremated or attend cremations is in my view hypocritical to your view that there is ‘Life after death’.
When you are cremated all the energy that was contained within that corpse has then been totally lost due to the accelerated burning process, what for, so you can keep a little bit of your loved one in a flask or jar, or even sprinkle on a patch of earth,
Ultimately in a physics and chemistry kind of way , you’ve ended up with a bit of potash, maybe sprinkle it on some seed raising mixture when you next attempt to germinate some seeds, even then there will be scant nutrition.
Therefore, you’ve done the complete opposite to assisting some form of Life after Death.
In my view , if you want to continue the Life Cycle after Death, get buried and feed a trillion hungry mouths and continue your LIFE CYCLE.All the best from the Organic Prophet AW.
I think if you are religious and believe in spirits or souls etc then this isn't really an issue, i dont think spirits or souls could be burnt up and id expect they believe it leaves the body on death and doesn't hang around in a dead corpse waiting for cremation.

indo-dreaming wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:Optimist wrote:Billions of people on earth believe in heaven. A place where your spirit goes when you pass away. You all go to funerals where we hope they are in heaven enjoying the promises of God.
I feel sorry for the people who think we are just meat and when dead just dead meat. In Jelly’s case that would be Jelly meat like dog food ha ha!…
But no seriously, one thing I’m sure of is that we all have a spirit inside our earthly machinery…..and heaven a desired destination for that spirit.
So if like me you believe in heaven where is it? Obviously you would travel to it somehow and without a mechanical device as it would be a spirit journey.
I have personally met two guys that have seen heaven and described the journey just as Einstein theorised in his short cuts through space time.
They went through a tunnel and saw Christ , had a conversation and were put back for more to do for Him….and from that day their commitment was next level.
These guys were something different to any I have met…..something had happened to them and they actually had a shine about them …..a glowing peace in their faces I could only dream of having.
One came to my home and after dinner sang for us with my guitar……it was a supernatural experience as the spirit of God came into the room. We all went into a kind of beautiful trance while listening to his song….it was an amazing experience.
So be encouraged you who believe, …heaven is real and your Heavenly Father loves you very much and wants you to be with Him.
A funny thing to finish, last weekend I went to a small Pentecostal church. I had not been feeling well for some time….tired stressed something not right. During the worship I was in the spirit and when that happens I can hear Gods small voice.
I asked for healing ….His response was you need to forgive people…..I said I don’t hate anyone Lord…..and then He presented me with two names….Jelly Flater and Guy Smiley…..shit……OK there’s two….and yes I forgive them because you forgave me. …how could I not…..and they are real people loved by God.
….then a wave of peace came over me…
I’ve been well ever since…a new peace in my soul and lessons learnt.
The new world is full of lovers not haters…and while I’m a slow learner I am enjoying the ride and the slow steady transformation into something new.Optimist, Ashsam and any one else’s who is religious . Hope you are all doing well.
Good healthy topic of discussion.
‘Is there LIFE after death ‘ ? Of course there is, but NOT as you guys know it
There is as I’ve previously explained, an organic life continuum.
I see a real conundrum with the term life after death by religious folk,
Those of you who choose to be cremated or attend cremations is in my view hypocritical to your view that there is ‘Life after death’.
When you are cremated all the energy that was contained within that corpse has then been totally lost due to the accelerated burning process, what for, so you can keep a little bit of your loved one in a flask or jar, or even sprinkle on a patch of earth,
Ultimately in a physics and chemistry kind of way , you’ve ended up with a bit of potash, maybe sprinkle it on some seed raising mixture when you next attempt to germinate some seeds, even then there will be scant nutrition.
Therefore, you’ve done the complete opposite to assisting some form of Life after Death.
In my view , if you want to continue the Life Cycle after Death, get buried and feed a trillion hungry mouths and continue your LIFE CYCLE.All the best from the Organic Prophet AW.
I think if you are religious and believe in spirits or souls etc then this isn't really an issue, i dont think spirits or souls could be burnt up and id expect they believe it leaves the body on death and doesn't hang around in a dead corpse waiting for cremation.
Exactly Indo. Christians believe your body is the temple of god and when you die your sprit returns to him/heaven.
One thing for sure we will all find out one day one way or the other.
AW how can you be so sure on this? Is your life after death the worms eating you?
‘Is there LIFE after death ‘ ? Of course there is, but NOT as you guys know it

A flood ;)

And a squeaky small voice from the floptiverse said :
- 'I had not been feeling well for some time….tired stressed something not right. '
It was obvious, after all, flopti believes in fantasy zombie scenarios and imagined second hand fairytales as actual fact ;);)
- definitely 'something not right'. Fact.
& then clarence the flopti prepped for the final global battle haha

Optimist wrote:Billions of people on earth believe in heaven. A place where your spirit goes when you pass away. You all go to funerals where we hope they are in heaven enjoying the promises of God.
I feel sorry for the people who think we are just meat and when dead just dead meat. In Jelly’s case that would be Jelly meat like dog food ha ha!…
But no seriously, one thing I’m sure of is that we all have a spirit inside our earthly machinery…..and heaven a desired destination for that spirit.
So if like me you believe in heaven where is it? Obviously you would travel to it somehow and without a mechanical device as it would be a spirit journey.
I have personally met two guys that have seen heaven and described the journey just as Einstein theorised in his short cuts through space time.
They went through a tunnel and saw Christ , had a conversation and were put back for more to do for Him….and from that day their commitment was next level.
These guys were something different to any I have met…..something had happened to them and they actually had a shine about them …..a glowing peace in their faces I could only dream of having.
One came to my home and after dinner sang for us with my guitar……it was a supernatural experience as the spirit of God came into the room. We all went into a kind of beautiful trance while listening to his song….it was an amazing experience.
So be encouraged you who believe, …heaven is real and your Heavenly Father loves you very much and wants you to be with Him.
A funny thing to finish, last weekend I went to a small Pentecostal church. I had not been feeling well for some time….tired stressed something not right. During the worship I was in the spirit and when that happens I can hear Gods small voice.
I asked for healing ….His response was you need to forgive people…..I said I don’t hate anyone Lord…..and then He presented me with two names….Jelly Flater and Guy Smiley…..shit……OK there’s two….and yes I forgive them because you forgave me. …how could I not…..and they are real people loved by God.
….then a wave of peace came over me…
I’ve been well ever since…a new peace in my soul and lessons learnt.
The new world is full of lovers not haters…and while I’m a slow learner I am enjoying the ride and the slow steady transformation into something new.
Option. Hi mate. Thanks for your reply.
‘Billlions of people on earth believe in heaven. A place where your spirit goes when you pass away’.
Would you please provide me with the GPS coordinates of your heaven, see, I’ve have a very keen interest in astrophysics, astronomy, cosmology and all things about our universe, the spawning of life, it absolutely fascinates me, especially the scale of it all.
I’d like to check out the mega enormous depository where all those ‘spirits’ are stored, must be hell of a place.
At no time am I belittling anyone’s own beliefs, , that would be wrong, we are all entitled to think what we like.
I’ve just thrown in my version of ‘Life After Death’.
Good banter and good to chat, it’s healthy getting the old grey matter ticking over.
Wouldn’t you agree ? AW

AlfredWallace wrote:Optimist wrote:Billions of people on earth believe in heaven. A place where your spirit goes when you pass away. You all go to funerals where we hope they are in heaven enjoying the promises of God.
I feel sorry for the people who think we are just meat and when dead just dead meat. In Jelly’s case that would be Jelly meat like dog food ha ha!…
But no seriously, one thing I’m sure of is that we all have a spirit inside our earthly machinery…..and heaven a desired destination for that spirit.
So if like me you believe in heaven where is it? Obviously you would travel to it somehow and without a mechanical device as it would be a spirit journey.
I have personally met two guys that have seen heaven and described the journey just as Einstein theorised in his short cuts through space time.
They went through a tunnel and saw Christ , had a conversation and were put back for more to do for Him….and from that day their commitment was next level.
These guys were something different to any I have met…..something had happened to them and they actually had a shine about them …..a glowing peace in their faces I could only dream of having.
One came to my home and after dinner sang for us with my guitar……it was a supernatural experience as the spirit of God came into the room. We all went into a kind of beautiful trance while listening to his song….it was an amazing experience.
So be encouraged you who believe, …heaven is real and your Heavenly Father loves you very much and wants you to be with Him.
A funny thing to finish, last weekend I went to a small Pentecostal church. I had not been feeling well for some time….tired stressed something not right. During the worship I was in the spirit and when that happens I can hear Gods small voice.
I asked for healing ….His response was you need to forgive people…..I said I don’t hate anyone Lord…..and then He presented me with two names….Jelly Flater and Guy Smiley…..shit……OK there’s two….and yes I forgive them because you forgave me. …how could I not…..and they are real people loved by God.
….then a wave of peace came over me…
I’ve been well ever since…a new peace in my soul and lessons learnt.
The new world is full of lovers not haters…and while I’m a slow learner I am enjoying the ride and the slow steady transformation into something new.Option. Hi mate. Thanks for your reply.
‘Billlions of people on earth believe in heaven. A place where your spirit goes when you pass away’.
Would you please provide me with the GPS coordinates of your heaven, see, I’ve have a very keen interest in astrophysics, astronomy, cosmology and all things about our universe, the spawning of life, it absolutely fascinates me, especially the scale of it all.
I’d like to check out the mega enormous depository where all those ‘spirits’ are stored, must be hell of a place.
At no time am I belittling anyone’s own beliefs, , that would be wrong, we are all entitled to think what we like.
I’ve just thrown in my version of ‘Life After Death’.
Good banter and good to chat, it’s healthy getting the old grey matter ticking over.
Wouldn’t you agree ? AW
Don’t forget about the 90+ billion land animals each year that also have souls. It will be a hell of a place.

For Indo...Great short video on DNA.

Opti, do you died in heaven too? Would be pretty crowded in there if you didn’t

burleigh wrote:Opti, do you died in heaven too? Would be pretty crowded in there if you didn’t

I note earlier today @optimist had forgiven me and Jelly in a act that apparently saw him feeling better from his recent malaise; very magnanimous of you but I think the penny has dropped on why you’re here ….

Optimist feels sorry for non-believers who see themselves as just flesh and bone.
As much as I'd like to believe in a God, the concept of an eternal afterlife in Heaven' actually sounds boring to me.
What am I going to do anyway? Surf perfect waves all day and have scantily clad women feed me grapes and fan me with palm fronds in between sessions, catch my PB every time I wet a line?,
What the hell do people do up there after the novelty of having everything handed to you on a plate wears off?
We are talking about an eternity here.

Imagine hanging out there. For eternity. Sounds as bad as the fiery place.

- maybe just hit the planet waterfall wormhole instead ;)

1 Corinthians chapter 2 verses 6-16 ….New King James version best.

@Tubeshooter…… probs best to leave all that alone, is my feeling. Beyond our pay grade, yeah?

tubeshooter wrote:Optimist feels sorry for non-believers who see themselves as just flesh and bone.
As much as I'd like to believe in a God, the concept of an eternal afterlife in Heaven' actually sounds boring to me.
What am I going to do anyway? Surf perfect waves all day and have scantily clad women feed me grapes and fan me with palm fronds in between sessions, catch my PB every time I wet a line?,
What the hell do people do up there after the novelty of having everything handed to you on a plate wears off?
We are talking about an eternity here.
What about Islam's idea of heaven then
How does 72 virgins sound???
Doesn't sound like a real great place to be a women though.

And the prophet they follow liked them around 9 years old….great role model.

^^ hypocritics

GuySmiley wrote:agree with what @stu says ^^^ + we don't have a resident SN Muslim ratbag declaring his faith is the one & only one; making pronouncements on high about social issues like the Higgins case, the Voice nor do we have a said Muslim resident blindly backing his one side of politics on ideological grounds etc etc ..... if @opti was like the vast majority of faith based believers who humbly go about their day/lives there wouldn't be an issue but he aren't is he and hence the justifiable criticism.
Guy the reason no " muzzys" comment or engage with non believers is bcoz their prophet in the quran says " do not talk of knowledge to a fool you will only vex your soul" or words to that effect, it is adopted from the torah (hebrew).

Thats why you don't see jew or muslim street hecklers trying to convrt, preach their belief to ppl.

^^ interesting
Buddhism also says to question the teachings for truth before adopting them in your life
Don’t seek what is not freely given

AW I forgot to answer your question on where heaven is….its beyond earthly GPS coordinates,… but its in the north somewhere in the ‘great void’ if your actually interested in astronomy you will know what I’m talking about.
The bible references heaven a lot as being north of us….there is a lot of information on this if anyone is interested in looking…

Optimist wrote:And the prophet they follow liked them around 9 years old….great role model.
ummmmmm, plenty or priests like that too champ.

There may be imposters and ‘so called ‘ followers that way inclined especially in the Roman world imposter church, but the FOUNDER of the faith spoke clearly what happens to those who offend children.
He would also like us to be like little kids and live a more innocent / harmless life…
Matthew 18:3.
Here you go optimist
Not sure my instinctive need to stick up for the secret desire to be one day honoured rightfully with the role of Forum moderator (expecting a call any day)...
But anyway I couldn't help but read your troubles on another thread...unfortunately I found myself siding with everyone's posts...other than your own...except for the part where you were told you can't post here!
So I put my low IQ mind to coming up with a solution that suits all...and here it is...a safe place if you like
You can post anything you like about your beliefs...and no one has to read it unless they want! Easy peasy...
maybe you could even get Jesus, fat Buddha, Mohammed, and friends to converse in adult conversation here
Solving the world problems, one at a it taking a shovel as a way of moving that mountain
All the
PS...I actually was born again once, but I grew up, and grew a brain of my own...and realised it was all a load of shit!