All Things Religion Thread

Are you for real and actually believe that shit you just expressed ?
FFS Roadkill you are one fucked up individual, definitely suffering Islamophobia.AW

I am not playing into your little bratty game, low fruit. Take a look at what you posted. “Scary politics” an all. Your playing, now, outta the NPD playbook. Much easier to own your stuff, child. Better for you, too, in the long run.

AlfredWallace wrote:ROADKILL
Are you for real and actually believe that shit you just expressed ?
FFS Roadkill you are one fucked up individual, definitely suffering Islamophobia.AW
Oh AW, how are you AW, hope you are good, mate. RK.
Ps..I knew you would post and join in. lol. RK

wax24 wrote:I am not playing into your little bratty game, low fruit. Take a look at what you posted. “Scary politics” an all. Your playing, now, outta the NPD playbook. Much easier to own your stuff, child. Better for you, too, in the long run.
Who would have thought my innocuous post would have triggered you so much.

For all our sakes christian or not, you wanna pray no one shouting allahu akbar ever gets voted into politics here.

Good day Roady. If i was Opti, i would pray for your sins. But, i am me. So i’ll hold you in contempt until time immemoriam. Unless we connect somewhere else (hopefully non political) that makes me understand that you are actually a good guy and i kinda like you. You know, like before that horrendous post, lol. Sorry for name calling. Hope you are well.

Ash… agreed there

sypkan wrote:demographics
crazy shit going down in the old dart...
leeds new council elect
another council
'Green' my arse...
is this the new 'progressivism'?
you can ave it...
Kisin is a clever level headed guy. Speaks a great deal of sense.
Robinson is a racist thug.

Make America pray again!

Roadkill wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:ROADKILL
Are you for real and actually believe that shit you just expressed ?
FFS Roadkill you are one fucked up individual, definitely suffering Islamophobia.AW
Oh AW, how are you AW, hope you are good, mate. RK.
Ps..I knew you would post and join in. lol. RK
Roadkill. I hope ya well also, spread the love, one in all in. Religious grudge match so to speak.AW

In regards to the inevitable muslim takeover that's been suggested above,....i think i've mentioned before, the city i grew up in, i was a minority of white Australians. Muslim albanians represented about 80percent of the population followed by Russians and Vietnamese. There were mosques dotted all over the neighbourhood. Islam was a strong visual and omnipresent feature of my childhood.
The Albanians, it turned out, were no different to me. They loved and played footy, loved a laugh, liked the same music. They had no intentions of pushing their religious ideals. Basically, what i'm saying is their religion and my growing up were interconnected, crossed paths many times but never had any influence other than being there if i was interested to look further into it.
They never took over the political landscape of the city i lived in. Nor the media.
Different times and a different race to the ones mentioned above, how different, not for me to say.
But the point of this post is, try to get to know your fellow man before you make judgements on his race, religion and colour, especially when those judgements are born out of media driven fear campaigns.

Times have changed SR, not hard to figure that out.

ashsam wrote:Times have changed SR, not hard to figure that out.
aww poor little fella. Did somebody steal your teddy bear off you again last night?

^^^ @sippy would be pleased!
Leeds a relatively wealthy Midlands City surrounded by impoverished districts still waiting for Thatcher’s economic miracle, inter generational poverty and substandard welfare safety nets and yet they believed the Brexit lie. Personally I would not like my newly elected representative to be shouting that but desperate people (voters) do desperate things. Democracy is a fragile thing and the X posts ^^^ are equally being played out elsewhere by religious nutters of all types and stripes …. here, the US, the ME

ashsam wrote:For all our sakes christian or not, you wanna pray no one shouting allahu akbar ever gets voted into politics here.
Why? We had a Prime Minister who was a happy clapper and constantly referenced his faith. Or are you discriminating?

Not a great comparison Soggy…their mission statements a little different…
Eg ….in Iran most of you guys would be executed LOL.

soggydog wrote:ashsam wrote:For all our sakes christian or not, you wanna pray no one shouting allahu akbar ever gets voted into politics here.
Why? We had a Prime Minister who was a happy clapper and constantly referenced his faith. Or are you discriminating?
was no fan of him happy clapper or not, wolf in sheep's clothing, ruined peoples lives, business, etc etc
robo debt, covid, vaccine mandates etc
will never vote liberal again

Just to clarify when I said “ … ….. Democracy is a fragile thing and the X posts ^^^ are equally being played out elsewhere by religious nutters of all types and stripes …. here, the US, the ME” I was referring to the separation of powers between church and state. Plenty of examples where that principle is being blurred to the detriment of ordinary people.

Have always though christian churches are wide open to this sort of thing here, anyone can walk into a church and have a go. Thankfully we have better gun laws than US.
Jacks law coming to NSW today, cops with metal detectors and under 18's can't buy a knife.

Apparently line of investigation re the Coffs surfer stabbing has turned to a random attack.
No other line of enquirey has turned up any other reason why.
Killer still on the loose. Scary stuff.'s%20Law&text=Police%20in%20NSW%20will%20be,without%20a%20warrant%20or%20suspicion.

sypkan wrote:demographics
crazy shit going down in the old dart...
leeds new council elect
another council
'Green' my arse...
is this the new 'progressivism'?
you can ave it...
The west has really fucked up, Europe worse than us, but we are going down the same track.
I'ts not about race or skin colour it's about values and like it or not religion is a big factor in values.
And 100% agree with Roadkill
"Kisin is a clever level headed guy. Speaks a great deal of sense.
Robinson is a racist thug."

Im actually more concerned about the takeover (read submission) of the green party and so called 'progressive' politics than the council...
though it seems these two things are not unrelated
silly me... expecting my green and progressive politicians to actually be green and progressive...

I'd say it's an utter failue of multicultural policies rather than multicultralism...
which also is not unrelated
when we have imans spewing the most vile and unhealthy shit you can imagine, and no one dares say a word... then some bloody innoculous god bothering church has some 'radicals' within preaching abstinance for girls and 4 corners feels compelled to do a mass undercover expose...
housten, we have a problem...
Multiethnic societies work if people assimilate. That is the only way they can work.
— Konstantin Kisin (@KonstantinKisin) May 4, 2024
An elected official shouting Allah Akbar and going on about a foreign conflict in his first speech is what the utter failure of multiculturalism looks like.

The greens are the weak link in democracy because they themselves aren’t democratic and are more authoritarian. They allow Islam in to get numbers but that will backfire as their ideologies are on a collision course.
Look at the attack on Christian’s schools. Let everyone believe what they want and stay out of other peoples business.

The greens have very little green priorities these days.
They use the green agenda to con genuinely naive kids and dimwitted environmentally conscious folk to vote for them...then they go full feral with zero fucks about the environment...until...election time...then they bring out the green agenda and the endless cycle starts again.

Optimist wrote:Not a great comparison Soggy…their mission statements a little different…
Eg ….in Iran most of you guys would be executed LOL.
It’s called representative democracy. That’s a representation of their community demographic. I don’t agree with it, but I also don’t agree with the actions of the Zionist lobby at the moment either here in Australia or abroad. Speaking against that has come with the labels Anti-Semitic and Hamas Simp. What do we call those who speak against a democratically elected official of the Islamic faith.

Sorry, double tap.

it's funny, the 'oppresion olympics' was a bit of a funny throw away term about 10 years ago... supposedly only banded around by RWNJ's and alt. right types...
who could see 'intersectionality' and 'critical race theory' infecting all levels of society and governance
but now we see it in full effect
not least in the latest conflict
where the concerns of the perceived most 'oppressed' trump any ideas and concerns of the so called 'oppressors' much so, any not in concerns and ideas are silenced and dismissed outright...
most people see modern democracy and society as needing to balance out accomodate both
but it's clear a certain cohort now see every contemporay tussle through this 'lens' of dichotomous dogma
and as their 'entitled' opportunity to burn the whole place down...
it's just dumb
p.s. I'd possibly be onboard if they had a viable altenative proposition...
but they got nuttin
get back to me when you have a proposal...

Oi Opti, thanks for your comment about First Nations Australians that you believe are only 4000 years old.
What’s your take on dinosaurs? When were they around?

"...What do we call those who speak against a democratically elected official of the Islamic faith."
concerned with an unbalanced immigration policy
why have western nations focussed on such an imbalance in migration policy?
why don't poor hindus, buddhists - and for us, poor indonesian muslims - get a fair shake of the golden opportunity immigration stick?
the forces above seem a little obsessed and unbalanced in their agenda...
call it a plan... a conspiracy... a theory ...or a fluke...
but its clear to all with their eyes open what is going on...

The dinosaurs were around at 1:37 pm on swellnet….LOL.


Sypkan, could we see an increase in immigration and asylum seekers as a result of “Western Hegemony” and interfering foreign policy. Heaps of democratically elected governments overthrown to install dictators that the West “ can work with”. Often at the expense of the local populations. Hence mass immigration.
We took the resources but we don’t want the problems associated with our actions. And these people are scapegoats.
I’d agree with the concerns of communities experiencing a large influx of mainly young male refugees. But I’d say it’s a result of Western interventionist foreign policies and a last ditch effort to destabilise the working class communities where they’re placed and create division.
That’s just what I think.

Double tapping like a mofo.

Optimist wrote:The dinosaurs were around at 1:37 pm on swellnet….LOL.
Please explain dinosaurs flopti. They don’t fit in with your estimates on the universe creation.

Ha Ha know you deserved that....all good though....the answer to that is I'm not sure.
I've only been talking about this current civilisation and beside the oceanic dinosaurs that have recently been seen some years ago like the one the Japanese netted, I don't think they were selected and made the boat if they were around in the last civilisation.
Some scholars say there was a different civilisation before the Adamites and a first flood but I don't go there as its too vague in the bible. My old Russian physics friend is convinced of a fallen angelic race living here and he had memorised the King James Bible and can play chess without a board but I'm not convinced.
The animals to make the ark would have been selected by God Himself and brought to the rescue point by God from around the then land bridged world over the 75 - 110 years it took Noah to build his ship.
I also believe there were 4 of each as there was plenty of room. the average animal is no bigger than a small dog.... there were 14 cows ,..sheep,...goats etc.
The bible mentions " Two and Two the male and the female which makes sense for breeding.
." the ark itself was also probably bigger than the model one built recently I posted as they didn't factor in that the Adamites were 1000 years men and would have been men of stature possibly having a larger cubit measurement and not the Egyptian royal cubit they used... Best to be sure though.
The oldest Adamite being Methuselah at 969 years of age from memory.
So this current modern civilisation should be determined as "the age of Noah" and the slow decrease in age from adamite children to the current age 120 year cap God put on us.
You can google where the sons of Noah spread to around the globe.
Jesus also quotes "as in the days of Noah so shall it be when the Son of man returns" other words when He is "over us" again He will sort it out.

^^^ hahaha farkn 'ell ;);)

Hey there Jelly, I'm still waiting for your reply on your personal beliefs in what happens after we die and also your opinions on other lifeforms in the universe.
You bag me and dump other people's stuff from the tube but what about your own thoughts.
Surely you must have some....I am really interested.

He doesn't have any ;)

- haha
"...beside the oceanic dinosaurs that have recently been seen some years ago like the one the Japanese netted, I don't think they were selected and made the boat if they were around in the last civilisation."
- carry on the crazy cunts ;);)

Change of pace...some more crazy stuff from Einstein etc..
...some tunnels for Jelly to consider ...and you wont need a rocket when your heaps of coin.
1977 off new zealand...big critter too.

- one must seek to find thine wormhole ;)

Optimist. Hi, hope ya well.
What happens after you die, you ask ?
There’s no mystery. Very easy explanation
During my life, I’ve consumed voluminous amounts of plants and animals.
All of the energy they were comprised of is absorbed into my molecular/cellular energy system processes.
When I die , that inherent energy is transferred to the soil that I decompose into and that energy is transferred into decomposing microbial life that then feeds the next plant or animal and the process continues.
I don’t want to be wasted and not go back into a living system that I garnered so much enjoyment from.
The brain decomposes like any other organ therefore there is NO after life, period.
Remember, a God is just a thought process, lacks tangibility therefore is not living.
All the best. AW

^^ lol

- versus :
"You get to planet heaven after your spirit leaves your body. When you die your spirit descends into the heart of the earth and waits. Then if approved by God you are lifted up and go through the tunnel which is probably like a wormhole in Sci Fi. If unapproved you will wait for judgement but there is no time there so you wouldn't know if you've been there a year or a hundred years. At the end of the tunnel you will be greeted by The Christ Himself in His glorified form and put on planet Heaven, a very beautiful and physical place and in your brand new physical body. "
^^^ ummm lololololol

Optimist wrote:Ha Ha know you deserved that....all good though....the answer to that is I'm not sure.
I've only been talking about this current civilisation and beside the oceanic dinosaurs that have recently been seen some years ago like the one the Japanese netted, I don't think they were selected and made the boat if they were around in the last civilisation.
Some scholars say there was a different civilisation before the Adamites and a first flood but I don't go there as its too vague in the bible. My old Russian physics friend is convinced of a fallen angelic race living here and he had memorised the King James Bible and can play chess without a board but I'm not convinced.
The animals to make the ark would have been selected by God Himself and brought to the rescue point by God from around the then land bridged world over the 75 - 110 years it took Noah to build his ship.
I also believe there were 4 of each as there was plenty of room. the average animal is no bigger than a small dog.... there were 14 cows ,..sheep,...goats etc.
The bible mentions " Two and Two the male and the female which makes sense for breeding.
." the ark itself was also probably bigger than the model one built recently I posted as they didn't factor in that the Adamites were 1000 years men and would have been men of stature possibly having a larger cubit measurement and not the Egyptian royal cubit they used... Best to be sure though.
The oldest Adamite being Methuselah at 969 years of age from memory.
So this current modern civilisation should be determined as "the age of Noah" and the slow decrease in age from adamite children to the current age 120 year cap God put on us.
You can google where the sons of Noah spread to around the globe.
Jesus also quotes "as in the days of Noah so shall it be when the Son of man returns" other words when He is "over us" again He will sort it out.
This is absolutely wild that you believe this opti. Same with First Nations people of Australia only being 4000 years old.
But I guess that’s religion. All made up.

^^^ yep
... & AW
- you just don't understand ;)
Here you go optimist
Not sure my instinctive need to stick up for the secret desire to be one day honoured rightfully with the role of Forum moderator (expecting a call any day)...
But anyway I couldn't help but read your troubles on another thread...unfortunately I found myself siding with everyone's posts...other than your own...except for the part where you were told you can't post here!
So I put my low IQ mind to coming up with a solution that suits all...and here it is...a safe place if you like
You can post anything you like about your beliefs...and no one has to read it unless they want! Easy peasy...
maybe you could even get Jesus, fat Buddha, Mohammed, and friends to converse in adult conversation here
Solving the world problems, one at a it taking a shovel as a way of moving that mountain
All the
PS...I actually was born again once, but I grew up, and grew a brain of my own...and realised it was all a load of shit!