All Things Religion Thread

Pretty sure what you stick in your gob or veins affects you brain to lol ;)

ashsam wrote:AndyM is cooked lol ;)
You religious cunts are cooked..
No excuse for what you brainwashed fuckers have done to innocent kids over the years
Not you exactly ashsam

goofy foot
How about showing some class !!!
Most people around the world , are religious ffs !
What a prick U can be , bloody saying crap like that !
Lost your brain tonight or are U pissed ?
How many schools in Australia are Religious ?
One of my daughters left a non religious school and went to one and loved it ( not for religion ) .
ALL the teachers , first class .
A few bad apples and U fn go off at EVERYONE .
You could say the same about all Teachers , Baby sitters , Family members Etc Etc .
Grow Up and please try and show a slither of respect ffs !

haha. Bit of a rant Poppa.
I'm with you Goof.
Anyway for what it's worth, interesting to see how much passion AFL can bring to a thread about religion of all things, yet the only mention surfing gets in this thread is when a brazillian thanks jeebus. Pretty much says it all about pro surfing.
Which thread am i meant to be on again?

And by the way, while we're at it Popdown, lets talk about those religous schools and the government funding they get. I'll let you go first.....

@goofy is a class act @PoppaD, he just gets frustrated.
Many of us do, kudos to you that you are an open miiind..
a third of western-religious people are utterly deluded, a third opportunistic, and a third, lovely. Probably the same as eastern and secular society. But west-relig have been granted an air of authority, a tax free status, and pretend university degrees for the inept. And they exert an oligopoly on their version of morality, in conflict with their 'çompetitors', which is hilarious and sad in equal measures, in today's Australia.
But other than that, and the systemic, chronic trauma, I agree:
They are to be tolerated in our modern society.
I put up with them, and I even go out of my way to be nice to them.

Then you are a dick head to Sothercomfort !
The Classy guys are sure showing their colours .
Every profession or group has predators that target kids .
Then there are just f wits , that just do it .
Then there are f wits that try and take down Good people , 4 the fun of it ( or because of frustration WTF ) .
Get off the thread and get a fn brain .
Base 6 , Goofy foot is NOT showing one fn ounce of Class tonight , with a post like that .
Must be pissed then , what a disgrace !
So you reckon it's a third , a third and a third , Base 6 .
Anything U can show me that supports your statistics/numbers ???
I fn doubt it and probably wouldn't trust or believe them anyway !
So please don't bother giving them .

Hint. Don't trust the statistics.
There's many weasely ways to keep the funds flowing for the religious sector.

I'm a dickhead?
How come Popdown? Based on what truth you didn't want to hear?
Here's another one....lets be real here.
Aren't you the one that somehow found me on instagram and left me a voicemessage on my phone?
That's not a dickhead, that's fucken weird mate.
Pot kettle black?
Get back on your knees and pray boy. You're a long way off the mark. (footy pun intended,..especially for you wimpy Melbourne supporters)

This thread was better when it only talked about footy.
How ironic.

Let's be real dickhead .
Even IF I knew how , why would I be interested in finding U ???
Who in the fact are U ? Some non important DH , who posts on SN .
There are heaps of you , I am too busy to waste time like that FFS !
What was I supposed to have said to you , common , U heard the message .
Post the message mate , please !!!
Something SO important , I had to go to Insta School and work out is machinations .
You are NOT that important , DH !
Get a brain !
How weird U are , you fuck up the thread and now say, it's ironic that it's turned sour .

haha ok. Well i'm not religious but i'll give you the benefit of the doubt as you seem completely oblivious. And i'll take your word for it on face value.
Somebody, not saying it was you, woke me up one day with a voicemessage of your instagram handle big Dutchman of Mullum.
Now if it wasn't you, i sincerely apologise.
But who or why would anyone else do that?
I dunno. Weird fucken shit.
Freaked the fuck outta me. That, i can say with certainty.

yes, PopD, having experienced our society for a lifetime, with a quarter of my family baptistly religious, and Anglicanny gay-righting for good, and having worked in public and Catholic schools, and being reasonably in touch, I humbly offer my unsupported 'vibe' stats as 33%/33%/33%.
..take it as you will : )

Calm down @ Pop.
@Southern, it was me, I like to send voicemails to unsuspecting people late in the night.
It's my thing.
I'm often naked when I do it.
Hope you liked it.
If so I can send more.
Pics too!
Just say the word.

So it's a guess Base 6 , based on what happens in Catholic schools and in your circle .
Gosh , that taking your numbers too fn far , this time imo !
Islam and Buddhism are also religions .
Southern , I don't give a FUCK if you believe me or what !
You mentioned this ages ago , it freaked me out 2 and I left the site , but thought it sorted .
But NO , U still bring it UP !
My handle on Instagram makes NO fn mention of Dutchman , as you probably know !
Post the fn message !
Edit - yes you and goofy have been fn weird tonight , SR .
I hope U reflect on it , as you nod off .
SR , fuck off , I will ring my mates , whenever I want 2 .

This has just gotten a little too weird for me.
Night now...(slowly backing away).

maybe you and Adam12 need to have a chat @popdown.

wise, @SR

Ok , make a DH of yourself and quickly sneak away into the bushes ( not U Base ) .
Such class !

FWIW @adam12 and @popdown.
Mad respect to you both. @adam12 for being a prankster and putting @popdown in the shit (if that's the case, naked or not), it's pretty bloody funny to do to a mate...and @popdown, for sticking up for yourself and staying true to your word.
I respect that and @popdown, i may not agree with much of what you say, but you're a good bloke and i apologise for ANY misunderstandings that have come outta this.
Take good care both of you. You're both a couple of gems.

@popdown. I'm not making it up mate.

I believe that U got a fn message !
Post the FN THING !
And please stop calling EVERY religious person a C..T !

@Southern, c'mon, I'm just joking with you!
Sorry if you took it seriously.
I'm not involved in any conspiracy to send you messages through Insta, I'm not even on insta.
It is a mystery though.
What happened with that message. Very strange indeed.
Put it up here if you can, I'd like to hear it!
And as for me having a "chat" with @Pop, well he doesn't listen to me!
Dunno what his problem is tonight.
Missing the ganga maybe?

watcha reckon @Jelly?
pretty epic if it's a thing..

Adam 12 .
F off .
Had 11 surfs , the last 6 fantastic .
Was happy as a Pig in pooh , until I read GF's post !
Read above , then guess why I am pissed with GF and SR .
U know me well enough , to NOT be surprised , about how I can ( over ) react to shit like that .
Will give a full report when I get home .

Jeepers hasn't this turned into a thing. hasnt it??
Bloody Goofy!
Fellas all i got was a voice message with Popdowns instagram handle.
That was it.
A weird raspy voice, with his intagram handle
Adam12 if you don't wanna be thrown in the mix, don't put yourself in the mix.
Fucken simple mate. That kinda pissed me off.
Popdown, it seems you're completely oblivious to this. I do feel for you in this instance. Maybe you have an enemy amongst your sn mates. I dunno.
Of course i looked you up, half awake, freaked out, blocked it, and that's where we're at. And of course i wouldn't put your real insta handle on here outta respect for privacy.
Popdown there's no place in this lifetime i won't stop belittling religion or those that follow it. Whatever words i use, that's up to you to be triggered by.

@Southern, sorry if I pissed you off, was just an attempt at humor, trying to lighten things, probably misjudged the situation, probably should have kept my purile humor to myself. Maybe touched a nerve I didn't realise was there. Sorry.

So a possible enemy at SN, has used my Insta handle , that doesn't have Dutchman , to leave you a fn raspy phone fn message , which enabled U to find MY fn Insta account !!!
Why U ????
WTF !!!!!!!!!
Ok , this doesn't freak me out , it's just too weird .
I can deal with this Crap !
Adam 12 is not involved , 4 sure .
He should also know , NOT to stand opposite to me , when I am going off .
It's not a safe position to take .

All good @adam12. You're always a good egg but just as you would, would let it be known if i'm bummed about something.
Yeah i dunno @popdown. This is way too deep and intense for my liking.
Start checking your closets and under your pillows. There's a naughty monster somewhere amongst us ;-)
Seem;s we're missing a culprit. Hmm.
Funny that. Anyway, i'll take the evidence as it's been presented and believe you ALL!!
And btw
Fuck religion!! (just for you Pops. Sing along now)

You are right SR , morals do not depend on Religion .
All religions DO have morals though .
Just not everyone takes them seriously .
OK , SR , I trust U won't accuse me of ringing you again , twice is more than enough imho !
I have dealt with Monsters before , some have been personally created .
Come on any Monsters , I won't be looking or waiting 4 you , but fuck , I am more than ready .
Good night !

I got taken out by a tree branch today at work. Properly drove me 3m backwards along the ground with it in my chest. It was only by chance it didn't kill me. When it stopped moving I was pinned to the ground underneath it, adrenaline pumping...I had to pull myself out from underneath it. No one around Just brush myself off and get up and keep working. You won't stop a solid 10m long tree branch's inertia when it's pinned to your chest. It should have killed me but it didn't . Somehow...a branch somewhere along the line just did enough to stop that fatal impact. Somewhere in my deepest recesses of my logical thinking, i turned the chainsaw off before i started messing with that huge branch stuck up in a V of the tree. If the chainsaw was on i probably would have been toast as this was against all my contingencies. I remember being acutely aware of this being it. It happened so fast. It was just that moment. Didn't make me all religious. Its just another episode of life, you play you pay. I was pushing my limits at work today and i payed...but not the ultimate price. btw..i'm not an arborist. Maybe i should be. Better than being religous. Fuck religion. Doesn't mean i don't believe in higher things. Just not your bullshit

All good @popdown.
We're square on this.
But probably not alot else.

Done and dusted SR , then .
Shit , a close call , be careful !
I don't have a religion either .
The Universe has a spirit , that I do believe IN .
Not sure what it is though .

Cheers @popdown.
Look forward to more fruitful convos going forward
Thanks for listening.
Much appreciated and despite spiteful comments against your Dees, i hope they make the 8....just not this week against my Bombers!
All the best.

Geez that was interesting, good to see religion still bringing humanity together.
Glad ya ok SR.
Peace out people.....

As a side note however, I do believe all religions should lose their tax free status...
That's a rort....
Not legitimate charity though.

Christians don’t send their kids to Catholic schools.

goofyfoot wrote:ashsam wrote:AndyM is cooked lol ;)
You religious cunts are cooked..
No excuse for what you brainwashed fuckers have done to innocent kids over the years
Not you exactly ashsam

southernraw wrote:haha. Bit of a rant Poppa.
I'm with you Goof.
Anyway for what it's worth, interesting to see how much passion AFL can bring to a thread about religion of all things, yet the only mention surfing gets in this thread is when a brazillian thanks jeebus. Pretty much says it all about pro surfing.
Which thread am i meant to be on again?
So you'd be all good with goofy goober calling these guys Cu--s?

@ southern It was the last speaker on this show
This host probably laugh at a funeral. Funny stuff

andy-mac wrote:As a side note however, I do believe all religions should lose their tax free status...
That's a rort....
Not legitimate charity though.
I'll fix that for you, all catholic schools.

SR on the drink again last night lol ;)
Pays the crap out of pops then back tracks with a sob story for forgiveness ;)
Must be getting sick of saying sorry ;)
Accusing of stalking on insta is getting weird, 10 year old? lol
Has their ever been a bigger hypocrite on SN ;)
Get up to Alice Springs son and put your mouth into action, they need help there.

ashsam wrote:andy-mac wrote:As a side note however, I do believe all religions should lose their tax free status...
That's a rort....
Not legitimate charity though.I'll fix that for you, all catholic schools.
Na all religions....
It's a rort....

andy-mac wrote:As a side note however, I do believe all religions should lose their tax free status...
That's a rort....
Not legitimate charity though.

ashsam wrote:SR on the drink again last night lol ;)
Pays the crap out of pops then back tracks with a sob story for forgiveness ;)
Must be getting sick of saying sorry ;)
Accusing of stalking on insta getting weird, 10 year old? lol
Isn't it Christ like to forgive?
Geez as Gandhi said, and I'll paraphrase. I really like your Christ, you Christians not so much....

andy-mac wrote:ashsam wrote:SR on the drink again last night lol ;)
Pays the crap out of pops then back tracks with a sob story for forgiveness ;)
Must be getting sick of saying sorry ;)
Accusing of stalking on insta getting weird, 10 year old? lolIsn't it Christ like to forgive?
Geez as Gandhi said, and I'll paraphrase. I really like your Christ, you Christians not so much....
sure, helps to think before you speak/type though, don't think he cares anyway lol ;)

Who's backtracking ashsam?
btw you're a good enough bloke except when you get all preachy and defend religous bullshit.
Go figure eh.

Interesting night there fellas, haha @pops clearly was the one the sauce accusing others of being pissed #noselfawareness
Now let’s get back to the footy
Oh jeebus hear my prayers and grant the Cats a mighty win over the Pies tonight

Hey SR, been down the beach this morning? Macking swell. Clean as.

Pop Down wrote:goofy foot
How about showing some class !!!
Most people around the world , are religious ffs !
What a prick U can be , bloody saying crap like that !
Lost your brain tonight or are U pissed ?
How many schools in Australia are Religious ?
One of my daughters left a non religious school and went to one and loved it ( not for religion ) .
ALL the teachers , first class .
A few bad apples and U fn go off at EVERYONE .
You could say the same about all Teachers , Baby sitters , Family members Etc Etc .
Grow Up and please try and show a slither of respect ffs !
Hey pop, I was pissed, had a friends funeral yesterday. Ended up drinking bourbon,(wtf), haven’t been drunk for a very long time.. got a stinking hang over today too.
I’ve normally been asleep for two hours at the time I posted it!
Sorry that got you so worked up.
I could have worded that a bit better. But was in a weird head space after the day I’d had and didn’t really care if someone took offence at it.
Back off the booze again now.
Here you go optimist
Not sure my instinctive need to stick up for the secret desire to be one day honoured rightfully with the role of Forum moderator (expecting a call any day)...
But anyway I couldn't help but read your troubles on another thread...unfortunately I found myself siding with everyone's posts...other than your own...except for the part where you were told you can't post here!
So I put my low IQ mind to coming up with a solution that suits all...and here it is...a safe place if you like
You can post anything you like about your beliefs...and no one has to read it unless they want! Easy peasy...
maybe you could even get Jesus, fat Buddha, Mohammed, and friends to converse in adult conversation here
Solving the world problems, one at a it taking a shovel as a way of moving that mountain
All the
PS...I actually was born again once, but I grew up, and grew a brain of my own...and realised it was all a load of shit!