All Things Religion Thread

Smellybelly lol ;)

The comments I reacted to were not written in response to Opti's views .
They were all , vile abuse aimed at religion in general .
As U said . there are people with Genuine Spiritual beliefs .
IF the abuse and bullying , directed at those with genuine Spiritual beliefs could stop , it would be wonderful beginning imho .

Been on somewhat of a short pilgrimage myself, I asked, Huey answered. It’s been sick. And between us we decided all the other religions can geeeeeeet fucked! Rinsed corn!

Then the sog woke up lol ;)

Sick one Soggy!!
Praise Huey.

Praise Huey

"And Huey heard the knowledge borne
On the glistening towering summits and peaks
And a voice spoke within the energy of the waves
'He that is able to receive it...
Let him receive it'. "

Brilliant T.S. ;)

Southern in his happy Chappy mood ;)

Better than being a hapoy clappy fuckstick like you troll boy.

lol ;)
There we have it.
Def scitzo.

Beef scitzo.......

Or bought up in a caravan park lol ;)

Boy = racist?

caramel tart...

Imagine if the Swans could kick straight 20.18.138 ;)

Prefer a vanilla slice myself lol ;)

snot block....

Ha I call em snot blocks up here and no one knows wtf I’m on about

soggydog wrote:Been on somewhat of a short pilgrimage myself, I asked, Huey answered. It’s been sick. And between us we decided all the other religions can geeeeeeet fucked! Rinsed corn!
Huey the one true God!

Or custard tart ;)

That rhymes with something! ;) lol

Boomers wouldn’t be able to eat that stuff anymore lol ;)

GO DOGGIES flogging Caaaarlton

ashsam wrote:Or custard tart ;)
You’re a fucken custard tart!
Just jokin’ purely comedic value.

soggydog wrote:ashsam wrote:Or custard tart ;)
You’re a fucken custard tart!
Just jokin’ purely comedic value.
Cream puff is more appropriate , just kidding, gol

Matthew 7:6 NKJV

speaking of pearls..

That's it opti make em google, they all will lol ;)

Supafreak wrote:soggydog wrote:ashsam wrote:Or custard tart ;)
You’re a fucken custard tart!
Just jokin’ purely comedic value.
Cream puff is more appropriate , just kidding, gol
you mean bun, puff is French supre, lol ;) guess you wouldn't know boomer pension wouldn't get you to France ;)

Damn Ashy..... you sure throw the Boomer grenade a bunch.
I'm Gen X.
Ya never know, one day you might wanna tell me to get stuffed here in SwellVille. Please diss the correct generation when you do so. Thanx.

(btw Ashy.... i am only funnin. i wanted to put an "lol" at the end to let you know, but, in your case, that might make it look even more like i'm havin a go, which i am not. Have a good one.) lol?

wax24 wrote:(btw Ashy.... i am only funnin. i wanted to put an "lol" at the end to let you know, but, in your case, that might make it look even more like i'm havin a go, which i am not. Have a good one.) lol?
If you take that as serious You obviously don’t get the Aussie way of taking the Mickey.
Try not to be so serious lol ;)

to explain, @wax, as you know, 'taking a Mickey' in the US, refers to Chicagoan Mickey Finn in the sepia-tone days drugging his saloon patrons to rob them. In Aus, it's Cockney rhyming slang.. Mickey Bliss, taking the piss.. i.e. 'funnin someone' as you said. @ashsam is trying to paint you as seppo-serious in his love tones, to see if it takes ; )


Ashy.... Seppos hafta be serious. I mean, think about it.. If you had a neighbor who had guns and swore like a sailor (even in front of the wife and kids).. you be seri..... oh, wait. Never mind. Lol

@Base..... thanx for taking me back to the sepia tones of Mickey Finn. I am having to do CEUs tonite, at work. (Continuing Education Units) Gotta stay current to stay licensed. And yes, CEUs are as dry and yucky as they seem. You (and you, too Ashy) have helped me get through.


.....and thine pearls jammed forth ;)

Gee you must have a boring life lol ;)

^ says the gormless germ
....gol ;)


The global house of cards.
Be careful not to be caught in the net…….or trapped in the World Wide Web.
Consider a more low tech and humble life. Also consider the bigger picture of creation, life and death…
...Jesus said ..” He who the son sets free is free indeed”.
It’s a whole new perspective. An ancient and timeless one following the moral codes of old while embracing advances that help make life better and more free.
Not all advances are what they seem. …many do not free you.
The dark forces wish to enslave man and turn us into a collective. …a singular entity easily controlled…..
God wants to free you and for you to embrace the individuality he planted in you for the good of others and in your special way…
If you follow the Christ, you will see a bigger picture that only the living example of the master can reveal.
It will make your life truly fulfilling while keeping you on “the straight and narrow”.
Ask and it will be given to you….seek and you will find…knock and the door will be opened unto you….Jesus.

^^ Think that's for you JF lol ;)


Q: How do you know the messiah is a women?
A: We have spent centuries waiting for her to come and still no one knows if she really came.

You’re clearly doing it wrong Burls.

AndyM wrote:You’re clearly doing it wrong Burls.
hahahah.. yep

The vaxed and the unvaxed make friends in the religious forum lol :)
Go figure ;)

ashsam wrote:The vaxed and the unvaxed make friends in the religious forum lol :)
Go figure ;)
Can god help me find the g spot?
Here you go optimist
Not sure my instinctive need to stick up for the secret desire to be one day honoured rightfully with the role of Forum moderator (expecting a call any day)...
But anyway I couldn't help but read your troubles on another thread...unfortunately I found myself siding with everyone's posts...other than your own...except for the part where you were told you can't post here!
So I put my low IQ mind to coming up with a solution that suits all...and here it is...a safe place if you like
You can post anything you like about your beliefs...and no one has to read it unless they want! Easy peasy...
maybe you could even get Jesus, fat Buddha, Mohammed, and friends to converse in adult conversation here
Solving the world problems, one at a it taking a shovel as a way of moving that mountain
All the
PS...I actually was born again once, but I grew up, and grew a brain of my own...and realised it was all a load of shit!