All Things Religion Thread

GuySmiley wrote:Interesting night there fellas, haha @pops clearly was the one the sauce accusing others of being pissed #noselfawareness
Now let’s get back to the footy
Oh jeebus hear my prayers and grant the Cats a mighty win over the Pies tonight
Please Jeebus, bestow instant influenza to all of tonights Cats players.
We will get smashed tonight. Our team resembles nothing like last years. A sad. AW

southernraw wrote:Who's backtracking ashsam?
btw you're a good enough bloke except when you get all preachy and defend religous bullshit.
Go figure eh.
your in the religion thread lol ;)
you didn't answer my question about the Aboriginal Christians?

goofyfoot wrote:Pop Down wrote:goofy foot
How about showing some class !!!
Most people around the world , are religious ffs !
What a prick U can be , bloody saying crap like that !
Lost your brain tonight or are U pissed ?
How many schools in Australia are Religious ?
One of my daughters left a non religious school and went to one and loved it ( not for religion ) .
ALL the teachers , first class .
A few bad apples and U fn go off at EVERYONE .
You could say the same about all Teachers , Baby sitters , Family members Etc Etc .
Grow Up and please try and show a slither of respect ffs !
Hey pop, I was pissed, had a friends funeral yesterday. Ended up drinking bourbon,(wtf), haven’t been drunk for a very long time.. got a stinking hang over today too.
I’ve normally been asleep for two hours at the time I posted it!
Sorry that got you so worked up.
I could have worded that a bit better. But was in a weird head space after the day I’d had and didn’t really care if someone took offence at it.
Back off the booze again now.
Everything in moderation Goofy, including moderation :)

As I am not religious , you didn't offend me , but have been watching Opti copping a bagging on this thread , so U broke the proverbial Camels back .
I don't like revenge served cold , prefer to do it Pipping Hot and get it Done and Dusted , then move on , so prone to over reacting ( I did go a bit nuclear though ) .
I was over the angst when my head hit the pillow , all the steam released !
AW , don't give up on tonight , McRae hasn't I am sure .
The Dees are never Gawn , until the final siren sounds .
The Bommers are ripe 4 picking , even without Gawn taking the highest fruit .
The Flying Blue Bandicoot , perfect imho !
A sight I would love to See !
I snapped a Leggie the other day , way out the back .
Was in a rip coming off the Left , to the south and thought , shit , this will be interesting .
I can't really do freestyle , as can't lift my arms high enough , so thought I would be floating up to Medawi , doing the doggie paddle .
Board decided to only ride the wave for 30 meters and picked the last wave in the set , so reached it , without drama .
Having a Leg Rope , perhaps , gives me too much confidence to go out in places that I should not venture to .
Remember surfing Ulu's at a decent size and thinking , if my Leggie snaps , my board will be gone and how the f..k will I get in to the Hole in the Wall .
You have convinced me to get another , Brand New Leg Rope .
Don't mention the brand NOT to get , as an Old DH , I need the best !
U may have mentioned what type U invested in , but can you please mention the Brand again ?
Not sure what has happened to me but , Go Pies ( Geelong's coach gives me the heeby jeebies ).

AlfredWallace wrote:GuySmiley wrote:Interesting night there fellas, haha @pops clearly was the one the sauce accusing others of being pissed #noselfawareness
Now let’s get back to the footy
Oh jeebus hear my prayers and grant the Cats a mighty win over the Pies tonightPlease Jeebus, bestow instant influenza to all of tonights Cats players.
We will get smashed tonight. Our team resembles nothing like last years. A sad. AW
Gday AW, reckon it will be a close game especially as, you know, Geelong player sneezes free kick plus Brownlow votes to Daicos!

Sadly i dont think Pies have a chance, too many injuries to key players and no tall key forwards, Mihocek out really messes up structure and even Howe is out so cant swing him foward.
Elliott will have to have a big comeback and kick a few and degoey will have to go foward and kick a few and our captain and others stand up in defence and Darcy find some form again.

hahaha wow this thread is cooked. 2 drunk morons arguing about an instagram voice message, hahahahaha

Hey Burls
As a non drinker , I have no excuse for giving you a laugh .
I think it was U , that thought it a good idea to put up small wire fences , all over the place , to keep Cane Toads OUT , of Special places .
As I said at the time to you , unlike Me ( an Old white man ) , Cane Toads can jump .
That idea was one of your goodies LOL !
The Madman

^^ @info the fair weather supporter, what a Sitzpinkler, haha

Apologies to anyone i was mean to yesty.
Similar to Goofy, but without the alcohol. Just had a pretty big spike in adrenaline and can tend to get me a bit revved up. Has happened after some surfs too.
Actually did think i was gonna die yesterday.
Not sorry to Ashsam. Deadset moron. Religious zealot.
Burleigh. i thought you got banned for being a troll? Still here i see. That's whats really sad.
Soggydog was up at dawn and went for an hour and a half drive and watched it for a while this morning down the coast. Was massive, pretty bumpy, wind never really went offshore.

Hey SR
All good with me , we put it to bed last night imho , no apology need , as far as I am concerned .
Same with you GF !
Keep surfing !

udo wrote:
Article few years old, but always thought Curren enjoyed the herb....

southernraw wrote:Apologies to anyone i was mean to yesty.
Similar to Goofy, but without the alcohol. Just had a pretty big spike in adrenaline and can tend to get me a bit revved up. Has happened after some surfs too.
Actually did think i was gonna die yesterday.
Not sorry to Ashsam. Deadset moron. Religious zealot.
Burleigh. i thought you got banned for being a troll? Still here i see. That's whats really sad.
Soggydog was up at dawn and went for an hour and a half drive and watched it for a while this morning down the coast. Was massive, pretty bumpy, wind never really went offshore.
I just got a report, the bar got surfed this morning, not quite wrapping in apparently but a few good ones, I’m hooking the boat up this arvo and going for a drive north I think, got a party in Perth tomorrow night, weekend is looking siiiick…….possibly

Cheers @popdown. Yeah i thought so too. Good on you mate.
Unreal soggy. That is the direction to be going right now!
ohh true. I was trying to see the bar from the headland cos i thought it'd be decent with this swell direction. Have an epic one in Perth and hope you score some decent waves up North mate.
btw cheers @andymac, missed your comment earlier and as @guysmiley said, go the Mighty Catters!

indo-dreaming wrote:Sadly i dont think Pies have a chance, too many injuries to key players and no tall key forwards, Mihocek out really messes up structure and even Howe is out so cant swing him foward.
Elliott will have to have a big comeback and kick a few and degoey will have to go foward and kick a few and our captain and others stand up in defence and Darcy find some form again.
Indo . Hi. I don’t know what you think, last week DeGoey was appalling, fumbled, fell over a lot, got caught often, missed targets etc.
We can’t win tonight, Jeremy Cameron is like Charlie Curnow and others, touch them with a feather and they get free kicks. AW

^^^ you’re hilarious @AW, everyone knows who the “untouchables” are, Cameron is a true champion a hard ball player.
As the late great Jack Dyer would say Cameron is an inner suburban (under the packs) whereas the likes of Daicos are outer suburban (out on the wings by himself getting uncontested possessions).

Imagine calling someone a religious zealot in the religious thread lol :)
Mr hypocrite strikes again.

Pop Down wrote:OK GF .
As I am not religious , you didn't offend me , but have been watching Opti copping a bagging on this thread , so U broke the proverbial Camels back .
I don't like revenge served cold , prefer to do it Pipping Hot and get it Done and Dusted , then move on , so prone to over reacting ( I did go a bit nuclear though ) .
I was over the angst when my head hit the pillow , all the steam released !
AW , don't give up on tonight , McRae hasn't I am sure .
The Dees are never Gawn , until the final siren sounds .
The Bommers are ripe 4 picking , even without Gawn taking the highest fruit .
The Flying Blue Bandicoot , perfect imho !
A sight I would love to See !
I snapped a Leggie the other day , way out the back .
Was in a rip coming off the Left , to the south and thought , shit , this will be interesting .
I can't really do freestyle , as can't lift my arms high enough , so thought I would be floating up to Medawi , doing the doggie paddle .
Board decided to only ride the wave for 30 meters and picked the last wave in the set , so reached it , without drama .
Having a Leg Rope , perhaps , gives me too much confidence to go out in places that I should not venture to .
Remember surfing Ulu's at a decent size and thinking , if my Leggie snaps , my board will be gone and how the f..k will I get in to the Hole in the Wall .
You have convinced me to get another , Brand New Leg Rope .
Don't mention the brand NOT to get , as an Old DH , I need the best !
U may have mentioned what type U invested in , but can you please mention the Brand again ?
Not sure what has happened to me but , Go Pies ( Geelong's coach gives me the heeby jeebies ).
Pop Down. Hi.
Geez, fire and brimstone going here. A fella (me) ducks down the coast for a bit of concrete work, gets back on the juice (Swellnet) this evening, wow wee, I almost had to go and reilluminate the Profanities Scoreboard.
Might take a head count shortly and see who has been the biggest dickhead.
Pops, the brand of leggie me and a few are using is Dakine, it’s well known, for bigger boards and larger surf we buy the thick corded ones .
There’s a rare atmospheric phenomena blowing in from NW Australia over Port Headland at present, it’s very hot and steamy, meteorologists say it blew in yesterday from Bali, Reef Oil aerosols have been detected at the nano level, appears as though this mixture of hot air and steam originated in Legian.
Those in Australias eastern states have been warned that this ‘raw’ system has entered the jet stream trajectory and is heading in a SE direction towards the ‘southern’ states.
Meteorologists have called the system Hellabaloo about nothing. AW

Hello AW!
Are you having a nice day?
Hope you and the family are well.
Keep stoking those flames mate.
Cheers SR.

southernraw wrote:Hello AW!
Are you having a nice day?
Hope you and the family are well.
Keep stoking those flames mate.
Cheers SR.
Southernraw. Hi mate. Yep, had a great day and week, gotta small landscape job on, life’s good, waves Sunday, can’t wait.
I’ve just read everything, hilarious, nothing aimed at you .
Just picked up a few tidbits and ran with it, Pops will reply shortly .All a bit of fun.
Many players in that fracas .
Fuck you guys covered some territory that’s for sure. Great to see people involved in good friendly robust debate and discussion.
Are you ok ? Sounded nasty.
Is it on the pump over there ? AW

Southern is like an abuser. Has an outburst, gives a flimsy justification why, then Is extra nice until his next outburst.
The cycle continues.
Maybe you do need god mate. You need help of some sort

SR, dunno about God but I hear Burls can point you in the direction of some great bone broth if that helps.

AndyM wrote:SR, dunno about God but I hear Burls can point you in the direction of some great bone broth if that helps.
SR needs a therapist. Not bone broth

Why would i care what an anonymous nobody named Burleigh has to say.

yep was pretty nuts AW. Proper pile driven backwards with the end of the branch in my chest. Somehow the weight of it ended up on my leg, had me pinned under it. Not sure how it didn't snuff me out. Some god somewhere must b on my side, Got a nice big bruise but thats all. The log was too heavy to lift for size perspective. Had to chop it up into 10 pieces to move it. Which was odd in itself considering the bastard nearly took me out!

haha @burleighbonehead broth AndyM.
I would hate for the people i have no respect for to like me on here.
So keep it up lads.

The devil kept you alive so you can keep doing his work trashing God and Christian’s in here. ;)

Happy hour in WA here we go lol ;)
Will it be Paul, blue diamond or SR tonight ;)

Well I am convinced, we really have found the ‘right religion’, football.
No say, hear or speak from the Devine one, Optimist.
Let’s see what he delivers early tomorrow morning in his gospel hour, there’s always some type of sermon around 5.30am
Do you think he will have his footy boots on whilst at the keyboard?

Something like this AW. ;)

Yes, the pre dawn self righteousness. Lovely it is.
Ashsam not making any sense with his last two posts(literally). Only purpose is to poke the stick. The part time Christian, who has the gall to post something about aboriginal Christians whilst he calls them ab..s! normally.

Seeds on the toke again lol ;)

It’s Saturday tomorrow boomers, sermon is Sunday lol ;)

- devine flopti stays outta the ruck, but sings on ;)
& trashy cheers aloud.... "lol lolol, jiggle it just a little bit, I wanna see u....."

Southern is the only human in the world that an adrenaline spike made him angry, bitter and twisted rather than feeling alive and free.

ashsam wrote:It’s Saturday tomorrow boomers, sermon is Sunday lol ;)
I thought with you guys it was any day, any time, any where, open all hours.
Or does God work a nine day fortnight so as to get an RDO per month.
The cunning bugger is probably on double bubble on Saturdays and triple dipping Sundays.
He, she or it, has got it all worked out. AW

haha, 'boomers'.
it's one of the words in ashsam's love language, he tries to find words that make people bristle; it's playful affection. People in his life don't get it, they think it is symptomatic of an abrasive personality. Cool that swellnetters get it! (thank god he doesn't know about my gimp leg, third nipple, lazy eye, or bestial tendencies with AW's secret club.. safe word: 'feathers'). lol.

Catters!! Yeew!

^^ me prayers were answered GO CATS!

AlfredWallace wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Sadly i dont think Pies have a chance, too many injuries to key players and no tall key forwards, Mihocek out really messes up structure and even Howe is out so cant swing him foward.
Elliott will have to have a big comeback and kick a few and degoey will have to go foward and kick a few and our captain and others stand up in defence and Darcy find some form again.
Indo . Hi. I don’t know what you think, last week DeGoey was appalling, fumbled, fell over a lot, got caught often, missed targets etc.
We can’t win tonight, Jeremy Cameron is like Charlie Curnow and others, touch them with a feather and they get free kicks. AW
I haven't been able to watch the last few games, but yes with the players missing if possible match winners like Degoey dont have a good game its very hard to win.
The injury run we have had this year to experienced key players really sucks but the postives are that we are getting game time into a number of younger player's.

Thanks AW for the information .
I was very upset at the ugly abuse this site was attracting from so many SN subscribers and came out firing Nuclear F bombs .
I can be a real A hole !
Poor Adam 12 , trying to settle things down , even copped a blast ( think Marco running up to Mal Brown ) .
Religion has been a core part of EVERY human civilisation , like U with football , it's part of human DNA !
Some Humans , gee we can be bad , just take advantage of a situation for their own pleasure !
That is also part of our DNA !
However , the Good folk , women , children and men , just NEED the whole experience and will always seek a religious life ..
They get together with common beliefs and have Faith , that their lives will have some meaning , in the future .
I love gospel music .
This thread is dominated by non believers who abuse and bully , anyone believing in ANY religion .
They come back almost every day , with more negative examples , pulled from any source .
Then wonder why Opti has not been around ( gosh reading the crap , must be like reading a horror book , every day ) , lately .
If I had the time , I could post thousands of Good things , good religious people have done and do .
Time , imho , we move the Football discussion to another thread !
Time , imho , that SN shows some resect and caring , to the Majority , who have faith in religion !
It's Saturday , gee I hope Opti posts on Sunday !
Imagine a world where a person , who has a strong belief in a positive message , can post on SN and NOT get relentless abuse and be bullied off a Thread .
Be viewed as Innocent before being guilty .
Please give him a break , SN !
Bon Chance everyone !

- "I love gospel music ."


have you seen spoon lady's lovely treatise on not judging a book by how many teeth it has? 'sgood.
(that church singing thing is unbelievable, the poor guy.. starts at the top of his range - lets call it his super-altissimo, or falsetto-kazoo - but within spitting distance of being in tune, then the song modulates up and up and up.. haha. Thanks for the Satdy morning ear-bleed, @JF!)

Well said pops.
As far as AFL goes, even though I grew up playing/watch it the only full game I watch now is the GF, and even that if it's not close I turn it off.
Boring to watch on TV and games go too long. (better live).
Can watch 2 NRL games to one AFL. (which is better on TV than live)
But if your into GayAFL nothing wrong with that lol ;)

Nice incoherent rant there @popdown, if can’t distinguish between the thoughts of a person of genuine spiritual belief and the loaded political self serving hypocritical pious claptrap that @opti routinely posts here you need your brainbox checked.

Nice incoherent rant there @popdown, if can’t distinguish between the thoughts of a person of genuine spiritual belief and the loaded political self serving hypocritical pious claptrap that @opti routinely posts here you need your brainbox checked.[/quoteYet here you are reading it and sprouting your own useless bs.

- hmmmmm ;)
.....and thine lingering trash stench lingered on lol gol golololol
Here you go optimist
Not sure my instinctive need to stick up for the secret desire to be one day honoured rightfully with the role of Forum moderator (expecting a call any day)...
But anyway I couldn't help but read your troubles on another thread...unfortunately I found myself siding with everyone's posts...other than your own...except for the part where you were told you can't post here!
So I put my low IQ mind to coming up with a solution that suits all...and here it is...a safe place if you like
You can post anything you like about your beliefs...and no one has to read it unless they want! Easy peasy...
maybe you could even get Jesus, fat Buddha, Mohammed, and friends to converse in adult conversation here
Solving the world problems, one at a it taking a shovel as a way of moving that mountain
All the
PS...I actually was born again once, but I grew up, and grew a brain of my own...and realised it was all a load of shit!