Interesting stuff

Another slow train wreck happening. Lol. Corruption at it’s finest…Freeman, Beckham, FIFA all looking shady af.

GuySmiley wrote:Info, corporate culture, restructuring and change management is rocket science, nothing simple about it, so lets just see if Musk will remotely get it right shall we.
my brother in law left school at 14 years and ended up owning a multi-million $AUD business but he read widely and had mentors to guide him. My mate left school at 15 and ended up heading up a large manufacturing business employing 100s of staff but again read widely and took on a fast track adult MBA. So its possible to be highly successful but its very rare requiring lots of ducks to line up.
As to this confusing comment, my bad you are now saying you remain on social media ..... as your major/only source of learning, yes? 15/11 @ 9.34am " ......Thats a scary point I'm a conservative but i have zero interest in echo chambers like right wing social media i dont even venture from YouTube or Vimeo".
Look dude, like i said im NOT the one who thinks i know better than Musk and his team of experts, like some here, im just saying what he is doing makes sense and backing him.
If you weren't attacking me for who i am, you would be calling out those know it all's who think they know better than Musk and are somehow smarter than an experienced business man who no doubt has a team of expert advisors and somehow they know the ins and outs of things better everything from his financials to running things.
The concepts of reshaping a business and reducing cost aren't rocket science and what we are observing him do makes sense.
-Reducing staff/reducing cost (cutting the fat)
-Improving staff productivity
-Adding additional income streams
-Improving the culture (and actually having people that want to be working for you actually working for you and not against you)
But yes doing it on a real level especially for such a huge company is very complex, but again im not the one here claiming i know how to run Twitter, im just saying what we are observing makes sense.
As for learning people like you might think school or books are the only way to learn, personally i think experience in life is the biggest teacher, learning directly from others also great, there is so many avenues to learn all kinds of things, yeah I dont read much these days but in the past i was a big reader of non fiction.
Books are great but they are also only a snap shot of knowledge from one moment and on many topics these days become outdated quite quickly especially anything to do with technology but even medicine or science, understanding of history or archaeology etc much of it evolves and changes, a book doesn't unless a new edition comes out that is updated..
These days i dont have the time to sit around and read and i get my fix of stimulation or knowledge on all kinds of issues generally from Podcast that i listen to while working and yeah sometimes Youtube, you can listen to some of the greatest minds in the world on all about all kinds of things from history and archaeology, to astronomy to climate change literally anything.
And if you need to learn something practical Youtube is also a great source too the wealth of practical knowledge on YouTube is amazing, I bought a new car the other week and decided to save myself over $500 by buying the tow bar kit myself and fitting it, without Youtube i wouldn't have had the confidence to do so.
BTW. In regard to business, ive never claimed to be some great business man, but i do have a basic understanding of business, i run a small business, ive managed business for others with over twenty staff that was a 24/7 business, i worked in a family business, I've taken the idea of starting a business to two seperate people(one Indo mate, one family here) and guided them through getting a business up and running both now have successful business and im still an investor in one of those business, a few of my best mates also own business and they have done very well building up and selling businesses a number of times and I've learnt much through them.

AndyM wrote:“The reason I acquired Twitter is because it is important to the future of civilisation to have a common digital town square"
I think it's important for the future of civilisation to reject social media - it's been a dismal failure so far and shows no sign of getting any better, no matter how much optimism spruikers like Musk display.
Social media (along with the broader commercial media) is very much to blame for the shallow binaries that masquerade as public discourse.
Having said that, it's impossible to imagine putting the genie back in the bottle and I'd rather have a censor-free setup where sunlight can be the best antiseptic rather than force all the stooges into dark corners where they can further delude each other.
But I dare say all the cockroaches will gather under the fridge regardless.
No doubt there is many negatives about social media, but i do think there is lots of positives too, its more about what you make it.
It can be a great way to keep in touch with people and family, i think Instagram is by far the most positive space though, there is some great profiles with amazing photos that are truly magazine/book quality..
I started a personal Instagram page the other month, but my main motivation is just to document my kids growing up and also document past and present of mine and my wife's life so one day when I'm not on this earth any longer, my kids can look back over things and know who we were before they were born and things they might not remember growing up.

Settle down sunshine I think you’re completely misreading what I’m talking about; much of what you’re saying makes sense on a basic level but we’re talking about a $44 billion business purchase here recklessly, according to all business norms, (mis) managed by Musk. That’s an unprecedented unnecessary (insane?) gamble when, as Ben has pointed out, as the majority shareholder he could have implemented change without the purchase! He is not only putting Twitter at risk but also Tesla all for what? In business there is risk and reward so Twitter wasn’t making money before the purchase, Musk overpaid so where’s the reward? the return on investment?Nothing about this can be explained in simple terms

But didn’t musk buy Twitter to give everyone an equal platform for freedom of speech because he loves humanity ? You can tell how much he loves humanity by his actions since taking over at Twitter. Was he sitting around one day and thought I really want to help the people of the world because I love them , suddenly a brilliant idea came to him on how he could best help his fellow man . I’ll buy Twitter because I love humanity.

I thought with Musk it seemed more of a stubborn pride thing? Musk talked shit then put his money where his mouth is and went through with a shitty deal rather than lose face (in his eyes anyhow) , now hes pissed and doesnt have anyone to blame but himself so hes smashing all his toys. A world without twitter (and every other social media platform) wouldnt be a bad thing.

indo-dreaming wrote:I started a personal Instagram page the other month, but my main motivation is just to document my kids growing up and also document past and present of mine and my wife's life so one day when I'm not on this earth any longer, my kids can look back over things and know who we were before they were born and things they might not remember growing up.
Far better to use Google Photos. It's secure, private, plus all photos are stored at high res, they can be catalogued, dated, cross-referenced, searched, etc. Can include videos without the weird Insta vid screen.
You can invite people to see certain albums, or hand the lot over to your kids.

stunet wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:I started a personal Instagram page the other month, but my main motivation is just to document my kids growing up and also document past and present of mine and my wife's life so one day when I'm not on this earth any longer, my kids can look back over things and know who we were before they were born and things they might not remember growing up.
Far better to use Google Photos. It's secure, private, plus all photos are stored at high res, they can be catalogued, dated, cross-referenced, searched, etc. Can include videos without the weird Insta vid screen.
You can invite people to see certain albums, or hand the lot over to your kids.
Oh okay i dont even know if i seen that one i will check it out, i did find an old Flickr page from 2005(way before kids) but thought id start again on Instagram seems better to use.

indo-dreaming wrote:AndyM wrote:“The reason I acquired Twitter is because it is important to the future of civilisation to have a common digital town square"
I think it's important for the future of civilisation to reject social media - it's been a dismal failure so far and shows no sign of getting any better, no matter how much optimism spruikers like Musk display.
Social media (along with the broader commercial media) is very much to blame for the shallow binaries that masquerade as public discourse.
Having said that, it's impossible to imagine putting the genie back in the bottle and I'd rather have a censor-free setup where sunlight can be the best antiseptic rather than force all the stooges into dark corners where they can further delude each other.
But I dare say all the cockroaches will gather under the fridge regardless.No doubt there is many negatives about social media, but i do think there is lots of positives too, its more about what you make it.
It can be a great way to keep in touch with people and family, i think Instagram is by far the most positive space though, there is some great profiles with amazing photos that are truly magazine/book quality..
I started a personal Instagram page the other month, but my main motivation is just to document my kids growing up and also document past and present of mine and my wife's life so one day when I'm not on this earth any longer, my kids can look back over things and know who we were before they were born and things they might not remember growing up.
" its more about what you make it"
That's exactly my point, look at what people have made it.
And the carefully curated and barely real shots in Insta are yet another great way to mess with self esteem and confidence.
In the words of Flava Flav,
Look, don't nobody look like that
Nobody even live that, you know what I'm sayin'?
You watchin' garbage, nothin' but garbage.


It’s getting kookier by the hour
Trump once said he could have made Musk “drop to his knees and beg” if he wanted. Today he did.
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) November 21, 2022

July 12, 2022. Didn't DJT get suspended from Twitter on January 6th, 2021?

GuySmiley wrote:Settle down sunshine I think you’re completely misreading what I’m talking about; much of what you’re saying makes sense on a basic level but we’re talking about a $44 billion business purchase here recklessly, according to all business norms, (mis) managed by Musk. That’s an unprecedented unnecessary (insane?) gamble when, as Ben has pointed out, as the majority shareholder he could have implemented change without the purchase! He is not only putting Twitter at risk but also Tesla all for what? In business there is risk and reward so Twitter wasn’t making money before the purchase, Musk overpaid so where’s the reward? the return on investment?Nothing about this can be explained in simple terms
the reward?
simple terms...
putting clowns like you in your place
you and your 'questionable facts'

stunet wrote:July 12, 2022. Didn't DJT get suspended from Twitter on January 6th, 2021?
@stu , I think the photo on the left with that date on it was from truth social and then screenshot appeared on Twitter , I think trumps last post on Twitter was 9th January 2021

sypkan wrote:GuySmiley wrote:Settle down sunshine I think you’re completely misreading what I’m talking about; much of what you’re saying makes sense on a basic level but we’re talking about a $44 billion business purchase here recklessly, according to all business norms, (mis) managed by Musk. That’s an unprecedented unnecessary (insane?) gamble when, as Ben has pointed out, as the majority shareholder he could have implemented change without the purchase! He is not only putting Twitter at risk but also Tesla all for what? In business there is risk and reward so Twitter wasn’t making money before the purchase, Musk overpaid so where’s the reward? the return on investment?Nothing about this can be explained in simple terms
the reward?
simple terms...
putting clowns like you in your place
you and your 'questionable facts'
Didn’t realise us woke leftists commie inner city latte drinkers cost so much to silence, that’s $44,000,000,000 USD.
Carry on sypkan, bahahaha

The 3 people I know who are fiercely opposed to having any social media are two nephews and my friend’s sister. Nephew one runs his own high end IT business, lots of government work. The other one is an IT specialist working for Defence. Mate’s sister is a AU diplomat. None will go anywhere near it citing identity theft and security reasons.

Dougie due for Release in December

GuySmiley wrote:sypkan wrote:GuySmiley wrote:Settle down sunshine I think you’re completely misreading what I’m talking about; much of what you’re saying makes sense on a basic level but we’re talking about a $44 billion business purchase here recklessly, according to all business norms, (mis) managed by Musk. That’s an unprecedented unnecessary (insane?) gamble when, as Ben has pointed out, as the majority shareholder he could have implemented change without the purchase! He is not only putting Twitter at risk but also Tesla all for what? In business there is risk and reward so Twitter wasn’t making money before the purchase, Musk overpaid so where’s the reward? the return on investment?Nothing about this can be explained in simple terms
the reward?
simple terms...
putting clowns like you in your place
you and your 'questionable facts'
Didn’t realise us woke leftists commie inner city latte drinkers cost so much to silence, that’s $44,000,000,000 USD.
Carry on sypkan, bahahaha

GuySmiley wrote:The 3 people I know who are fiercely opposed to having any social media are two nephews and my friend’s sister. Nephew one runs his own high end IT business, lots of government work. The other one is an IT specialist working for Defence. Mate’s sister is a AU diplomat. None will go anywhere near it citing identity theft and security reasons.
Three wise people Guy !!!

Disproportionate influence?
"Australia is not in the top 20 Twitter advertising audience reach markets in the world. (Source, Analysis: Genroe)
Total Australian Twitter advertising audience reach is 18.5% of Australians aged 13+ (Source )
From January 2020 to July 2020 Twitter fell out of the top 50 most trafficked sites in Australia. Twitter does not have the same influence in Australia as it does in other geographies.
Twitter has an estimated 5% market share of the Australian Social Media Advertising market. (Source)"

Really good take on Twitter from an advertiser's perspective (spending ~$8 million on Twitter per year).

James Altucher with his prediction of what musk will do with Twitter.
Here's my prediction for the future of @elonmusk twitter and everything app. You hear it here first!#twitter #ElonMusk #crypto #everythingapp #payments #platform
— James Altucher (@jaltucher) November 21, 2022

Another view of the twitisphere.
"Twitter, once an anarchic site of freewheeling chaos, has – as all major institutions eventually do – entered a phase of conformity. This is one of the main attacks its critics, usually from the right, make of it: that by policing a new set of social norms it scares people – and particularly, the critique runs, journalists – into saying certain things and avoiding others. This argument is overblown – the online left has far less power than the right like to suggest."

With musk recent statements in court , could this be the reason for tesla share price dropping ?

Nice one Supa, I like James' take. Wouldn't that add value in a huge way?

velocityjohnno wrote:Nice one Supa, I like James' take. Wouldn't that add value in a huge way?
Well if it’s true it makes more sense to why he bought Twitter, I was having a hard time believing it was because he loved humanity . Again I hope he succeeds with Twitter and it doesn’t fold as I like the laughs . It also makes sense as to why it doesn’t seem to bother him if he scares advertisers away, he doesn’t like adds so wait and see .

I agree there is chance of him developing a payment system as i already mentioned in a previous comment, i can see that being his icing on the cake.
But I'm always skeptical when people talk about Crypto as actual currencies, they are complete dog shit as currencies there is no advantage to them unless you don't want money traced, only all kinds of disadvantages and hassles, they are very good as investments though, high risk, possibly high reward.
Block chain tech yes that has real use cases in all kinds of areas, but its not the same thing as Crypto, Crypto only uses block chain tech.
Musk could create his own crypto to use on twitter but again its kind of pointless really from a use case point of view, it's really only like creating a token similar to buying beer tickets at a festival, but for him it would be a very very easy way to make money out of thin air. (as many crypto creators have done)
An Crypto exchange itself?...
Well there already is exchanges that are super basic (think coin spot, coin base) even a kid or your granny could use these, but yeah he could still do the same and integrate it into things somehow, and for sure make huge money from it, but it wouldn't be any different from integrating a gambling business into things.
I still think he is more likely to develop a new twist on PayPal, Wise type thing though and use twitter as a launching pad, where its used and then expand on that.
These ideas are all just speculation though.

Musk’s ultimate challenge is to get to mars and in order to do it he needs humanity to fund it , maybe that’s why he loves us .

Musk and Bezos should know we have a good planet here…it is their money and they can do what they like but they seem a bit stupid imo.

Losing 470 million a day this year but still richest man on paper , but he’s having fun on Twitter so it’s all good .

'Vlad the Embalmer' here.
One of my mates "Embalmer bin laden' sent me this vid about the abnormal amount of blood clots embalmers have found in dead bodies in the past 18 months.
Warning, do not watch this vid while eating calamari.

udo wrote:
Good old BinBird
Good on the CFMEU taking a stand. Absurd that it hasn't been outlawed yet.

stunet wrote:udo wrote:
Good old BinBird on the CFMEU taking a stand. Absurd that it hasn't been outlawed yet.
Is there more detail about what exactly is considered engineered stone? If they ban terrazzo I'll have a meltdown.

Its the asbestos of the 2000's.

Unfortunately, NSW nurses are 10 years behind their Victorian colleagues;
"The union wants one nurse rostered on for every four patients on a shift and a one-to-three ratio in emergency departments."

Sam Bankman-Fried reportedly owns a $100 million stake in Elon Musk's Twitter LIZ'S VIEW
Musk may have had a more finely tuned B.S.-meter than investors and regulators — and reporters — but he was happy to take Bankman-Fried’s money. At the time, he was canvassing everyone from private equity investor Orlando Bravo to Oracle founder Larry Ellison, seeking contributions to the $21 billion equity check he’d need to write for Twitter. (That number ultimately rose to $33.5 billion after Musks’ camp nixed a loan secured by his stake in Tesla.)
Corporate mergers were once hammered out in boardrooms and papered over by an army of bankers and lawyers. But with wealth now concentrated in the hands of an elite few, individuals can act like companies all on their own. Musk acquired Twitter through sheer force of personality — ambition, hubris, and a refusal to negotiate — and bent Wall Street to his will, to the regret of both.

I actually read all the messages that were posted in the semafor article. There wasn’t a lot of SBF , more of another bloke promoting him to musk . It was interesting reading through the messages and seeing how the Twitter purchase evolved and some of musks ideas and future of Twitter. public holders of Twitter were allowed to roll their stock into Twitter as a private company, but he did not do so. Your reporting made it falsely sound like he did, when in fact he owns 0%.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 23, 2022
For the last time, how much of you does SBF own? Stop dodging the question.

This is pretty funny.

It’s Now Clear That QE Was a Colossal Policy Mistake
"...Ending QE won’t be easy. Central banks now have enormous balance sheets that will take years to whittle down. And as we see in the UK, when a central bank stops buying bonds, it can throw markets into chaos. Now that QE has become the norm, the next time there is a recession markets will expect more QE, and if doesn’t happen that could cause more trouble in the debt market.
That’s why central banks need to admit QE was a mistake. Their credibility is already at stake after they underestimated inflation. Now is the time to take a hard look at monetary policy over the last decade and rethink what worked and what didn’t. Otherwise we’ll be stuck with QE forever."
what will peter pan do?

Latitude Zero / Nusa Tenggara

In the last 2 weeks I’ve had these 3 lovely lasses follow me on my Twitter account. Haven’t bothered following back as they are obviously not real and probably tied to some sort of scam . I’ve never had anyone privately DM me before but it’s becoming daily now . From offering part time work to “ congratulations you have won a prize “. They get reported and deleted without opening the message . Sacking so many people may not have been the best move if musk is serious about cleaning up bots and spam .

Robot stalkers - and they are hot. What a time to be alive.

Supafreak wrote:freeride76 wrote:Trump will be back on Twitter in a heartbeat if he gets a chance.
He got a chance…still not back

Roadkill wrote:Supafreak wrote:freeride76 wrote:Trump will be back on Twitter in a heartbeat if he gets a chance.
He got a chance…still not back

udo wrote:Latitude Zero / Nusa Tenggara
@Millers Udo?
Have it cunts