Death penalty for terrorists

Blowin, my point is if that driver were a muslim the world would have called it a terrorist attack and Trump and Turnbull would have been all over the media condemning the attack adding its a threat to our beliefs, values and way of life. All we got was a limp statement from Trump condemning "both"sides. Why? what's the difference in the terrorism? As by way of background I have friends in London who have been caught up in both of the recent "terrorist" attacks where vehicles were used to kill "innocent" people just like in Charlottesville and they all see the double standard here.

No one was calling it an existential threat when the black sniper killed those coppers in my link either .
Maybe , like I said , it's the fact of the sheer volume of attacks , deaths and countries involved that make Islamic terrorism a true existential threat in the same manner as US military terrorism.
But do domestic hate crimes in the US rate in the same category ?
PS Why have you got terrorist and innocent in inverted commas ?
You don't think that your friends caught up in the terrorist attacks were innocent ?

Its worth looking up how the US Justice Dept defines a hate crime and then flip over to the FBI's website for how they define terrorism. Different words and meanings but their is a strong convergence of the definitions.

I'm glad everyone is on the same page regarding the what Terrorism actually IS. It seems to be a governments justification to do whatever it wants without any self-reflection of its own actions whatsoever.
Google machine is equally vague.
the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
"the fight against terrorism"
In my view, every school shooting that's ever occurred in the USA should be classified as terrorism but the overall theme of this is to blame it on mental health.
Also, how do you split "political aim" from "religious aim" in a country where the government has bugger all separation between church and state? Maybe they just reserve the use of "terrorism" for people that use bombs rather than firearms in order to appease the gun companies? Not sure if that theory has any weight to it as its only just really occurred to me but seems to make sense so far, at least in the US of A anyway.

Will Spud Dutton be laying charges or launch an investigation into the Commonwealth bank re' terrorist money laundering?
Shouldn't he do so, to "keep Australians safe"?

How about Mark Latham's bone crusher handshake that he gave John Howard? Terrorist!

Must've fucked up lil Johnny's grip?

Get fucked, you idiot. In the big picture, it is like a picture that is big, really big. A American ex tough dude saved a young girl from her family. All shot in the head, mother, someone in a wheelchair. You fuckwit.

Right in the middle, that is where the hammer lies, electrode.

You fucken Weening Ween. Do you know what that means? It means you are taking milk from your mother and you are fucken clueless. You and your fuckwit mates, weening, really.

Ok, I just unsubscribed, so I shouldn't say to much more. But weeny, I am in Brisbane, I am up for a fight, you fucken ignorant bastard.

Nice one peen, you must be happy to get a few bites out of a comment like that.
I won't grieve for him, but before you celebrate too hard here's a picture of his kids. No doubt if there's any left alive they're better off without him but I think it's sad that they never had a chance at life.
The news confirmed that the two boys have been blown to bits along with Khaled Sharrouf. Killing kids shouldn't be celebrated just because they were hanging out with their dad, even if he had groomed them to be monsters.
Bottoms up though peen we're winnin the war on Obama Bin Hussein & Saddam Jong Assad Yeeeeeeehhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaw!!!!!!!

"I can't believe the absolute crap that appears on this topic - just get on with your lives ferchrissakes!!!!!!!!!!!" - The Ween.

Mort, dude dont worry about internet cowards like weener.
He says stuff online he wouldn't dare say face to face. That's the epitome of a net coward. There are those here I disagree with quite strongly, but their words are comparable to a face to face conversation. That gains respect for what its worth.
But then there's weener and a few others.
Legends in their own lunch time.

"But then there's weener and a few others."
Doggo, I reckon 'weener' IS a few others. One more at least. Used to be a 'SurferFuk'. And still 'bloviates' under his other as we speak!
The Weeeeen offers not much in the way of commentary on 'political' threads really (apart from this glorious one), though he's always chucked out an exasperated comment now and then (see above). He does comment on a fair few of the more 'surfing' oriented ones.
His bloviating other is on here 24/7.
They do share the same mind-set of course.

Surferfuk was Wellymon.
He was good value.

No worries. There's a believable source. Blowie the bloviator!

So it is you Westerly.

It is like catching fish.


Of all the western countries why does Europe seem to get so many radical islam terrorist attacks?
Is it poor counter terrorism measures or is it to do with a bigger percentage of muslims?
You would expect the USA would be the big target in the west with their involvement in the middle east, but apart from 9/11 off all the western countries it seems Europe gets more terrorist attacks.

interesting read
But i cant stop thinking maybe peoples fears are correct that basically the more apples you bring in the more chance of bad apples..
USA less than 1% are muslims
(European countries with major terrorist attacks since 9/11)
UK about 5%
France over 5%
Spain 4%
Belgium 4%
Germany 5%
Major western countries without proper attacks
Canada= 3%
Australia= 2.5%
Would be interested to see the different ethnicity of make up in each country whom is muslim also, its quite clear that Islam in itself is not so much a problem but different countries and ethnicity's practise forms of Islam that are closer to radical islam than other forms.

While there may possibly be some scrap of truth in that the basic premise it ignores: the incidence of home-grown terrorism; terrorist acts perpetrated by right wing nationalists in the US; and statistically all the European countries quoted would be far safer places to live in terms of gun and other forms of violence inflicted on the innocent public. Finally, it would be my guess that citizens of the European countries quoted wouldn't be rushing on mass to immigrate to the US on any grounds.

[NEWS] New Zealand (live)

Surprised NZ beat us to this kind of incident, this shit is sadly going to happen here is Australia sooner or latter, tit for tatt terrorism.

What the fuck is wrong with these people ? I get it that a lone weirdo can get so bent out of shape inside their own little world , but how do several sane people all fall into the same crazy plot ?
Impossible to even comprehend really. We’ve got it incredibly good here in Australia , how one of us could be driven to this kind of strangeness is beyond my imagination.

@Indo, To use the term "tit for tatt terrorism" is an affront to the overwhelming majority of gentle, peace loving and law abiding muslims who would abhore all forms of terrorism as we all do. Only in the minds of the most extreme would this sort of brutality be seen that way. Suggest you edit your post. {edit}.

His manifesto was really just an extension of what gets parsed through social media in the guise of slogans or memes. He, or I guess they, just took that thinking to its logical extension. That being, cultures are weakened when we allow others to infiltrate them, so white people need to fight back, and they need to do so wherever possible.
Of course, it never ends with one attack. This is what combative conservatives don't understand. You attack them, they attack 'us'.
And 'us' is me and my wife and our kids and their friends - everyone is made more vulnerable by what White Supremacists did this afternoon.

Fraser Anning's take view on today's events:

Thank you, Guy.

Actually I'd agree with ID. Someone is always avenging something and it ends up titt for tatt. It's got nought to do with the vast majority of peace loving Muslims - or Westerners for that matter. There are fruit loops on both sides and these events trigger them.

I thought Anning's statement was a fake made by a troll until I looked it up, but he really did just write that with an Australian Government letter head didn't he....

...err, no, put yourself in the shoes of "the vast majority of peace loving muslims". How do you reckon they would feel if they read things like that or Anning's. On matters like these words matter greatly as well as strong and clear political leadership.

Absolutely Guy and all those who have demonised Muslims over the years should be hanging their hands in shame.

Violence begets violence, full stop.
As for Anning, ffs, God bless the optional preferential voting system eh.
Anning was third on the One Nation senate ticket in Queensland at the 2016 federal election. He gained just 19 first-preference votes.
He's what is left over after the dung beetles feast.

Hang on Guy, I'm sure "titt for tatt" means an attack by a fruit loop White Nationalist is followed by an attack by a fruit loop Jihadi. The process has as much to do with "gentle, peace loving and law abiding muslims" as it does ordinary citizens anywhere - i.e nothing.

well after deporting several thousand kiwis from australia recently, some of whom had never ever been there before, it looks like we have a good case for deporting one of your deranged citizens, what a complete and utter fuckwit,

Having worked with many minority religious and ethnic groups I can tell you without any doubt words do matter and its one thing for well educated people with an excellent grasp of the English language to mutually agree/disagree on their meaning but when English is a second language which you struggle with the nuance of what is being said is easily lost especially when it comes to communities such as the Muslim community which is the target of so much hate speech.

I've got no idea what that has to do with what I've typed, or with what ID typed.
When these events happen the protagonists are always avenging something. In this case the nutter was avenging Ebba Averlund who was killed in the Stockholm truck attack, and guess what, the guy who carried out the Stockholm truck attacks was avenging Western soliders killing IS fighters.
It's classic titt for tatt.
None of them take an expansive view of the modern world. None of them can conceive that white purity is a fantasy that most white people don't actually give a fuck about. None of them realise that their actions don't protect us, they just make everyone - on both sides of the division - more vulnerable to further violence.
Because titt for tatt.

Peter Dutton is rescinding his citizen ship as I type

These events always happen within a political context and it's always the same. Christians and Muslims in most places and most times lived harmoniously in mixed communities. As did Jews and Christians in pre-fascist Europe. The violence arises when political actors see an advantage in creating division. We need to recognise that they are always there, always looking for ways to demonise and divide. This is why it is so important to be absolutely intolerant of their attempts. Call out racism, call out homophobia, call out every deliberate attempt to label and divide us into some fuckwit's arbitrary categories of humanity. We are one or we are nothing.

Very sad and disappointing turn of events.

Location choice intentional I’d say. Christchurch...

After the horror of today, perpetrated by an Australian, have a read back through this stupid bloody thread.
Who's embarrassed?
Or rather, who should be?
And embarrassing.
Having said that, Batfink nailed it. Again.
Well worth a read.

{ R.I.P }
Members of a certain Family were placed under Police protection as of now!
Tbb removed comments in regards to family and apologises to them.
No one has the right to place further peoples lives at risk...
I swear no one prompted tbb to remove/alter this post...
This being the first & only time tbb has utilized edit to 'remove' content.
Perhaps an argument for the [ edit ] option...Thanks to swellnet.
[ delete ] was not an option as to responding comment/s.
tbb apologizes to swellnet & readers for comments relating to said family.
tbb instead sends peace & love to people of Grafton.
OZ sends Love to NZ

"OZ sends Love to NZ " - Spot on TBB

While in the surf enjoying good waves last night the topic of conversation was obviously the chch massacre.
Everyone is digusted and horrified
NO one said anything derogatory about Muslims.
Australia, how the fuck do you end up with complete cunts like that senator Anning wanker in positions of power and influence. We have nothing even close to that cunt in our political arena of clowns. He must be fired.
Christchurch has a deep history of red neck far right fuckwits, it could have just as easily been a nZ Nazi skinhead who carried this out. It just happened to be some one holding an oz passport.
I know it won't happen in Australia any time soon but I believe there is a strong argument for bringing back the death penalty for those convicted of terrorist offences in Australia. As there is no prospect of rehabilitation for such offenders, the safety of society can only be guaranteed by their permanent removal. Happily, most of these scum are shot dead by police but for the terrorists who survive or failed plotters who are apprehended it would surely be a favourable outcome to see them swinging at the end of a rope.