Vaccinate or not

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak started the topic in Tuesday, 24 Nov 2020 at 6:20pm

I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Saturday, 29 May 2021 at 4:57pm

I remember the first time I posted this and the reaction I got from Dr Dick Vocal lol

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 29 May 2021 at 5:27pm
Fliplid wrote:

Not sure about the “cautious approach” to the vaccine roll out.

The government were full steam ahead and had plans for most of the population to be vaccinated by the end of last year. Instead due to failures in the system they set up it all fell apart. They weren’t being cautious they just set up a regime that didn’t work.

Interesting to note also that any time a gov minister gets in front of a camera to talk about covid they mention the deaths in Vic. conveniently forgetting the part that the largest number of deaths occurred in aged care facilities that were the responsibility of the federal gov and Andrews had to step in to bring it under control while the feds ignored the situation and sat by doing nothing.

From the very start the government said they were not going to rush the vaccine program through and take a cautious approach that's why our programs always started late compared to other countries, but yes it also ended up being even latter than planned for various reasons.

With hindsight it's pretty obvious now that once Astracenica started showing some suss blood clots they had apprehension and were further stalling things but there was mixed medical messages coming through that were then being relayed to the public.

But yeah i do agree the communication/information with the public has been disappointing on the rollout..

In regard to deaths in aged care, it's very simple no stuff up of quarantine by Dan = no Covid deaths in a aged care or the community.

For some real perspective

Australia total cases=30,073
Australia total deaths=910

Victoria total cases=20,587
Victoria total deaths= 820

Bad luck?...hmmm

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Saturday, 29 May 2021 at 5:41pm

@indo , more like incompetence , didn’t even bother to investigate what Borody was on about , Borody pleaded to at least use it in aged care , they use ivermectin in aged care when they get outbreaks of scabies. TGA just wasn’t interested. Worthy of a investigation I reckon.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 29 May 2021 at 6:19pm

from blowin's article...

"...Dr. Fareed and his associate, Dr. Brian Tyson, have treated some 6,000 patients with nearly 100% success using a combination of HCQ, Ivermectin, Fluvoxamine, and various nutraceuticals, including zinc Vitamin D.

Unfortunately, none of this has made it through the censorship of the mainstream media, and the public has not heard about the 200 plus studies that reflect HCQ's effectiveness against COVID-19. The fact remains that HCQ has an undeserved negative connotation due to its connection with Trump, which is unfortunately used to tarnish other life-saving repurposed drugs, like Ivermectin. For example, in the recent Forbes article, journalist Ray uses the title, "Is Ivermectin the New Hydroxychloroquine?"

Ray does not make a single substantive argument against Ivermectin; instead, he attempts to defame, debase or degrade it by repeating baseless accusations. For example..."

"...The story of Ivermectin is more similar to that of Penicillin. Penicillin has saved almost 200 million lives. In addition, three men shared a Nobel Prize in 1945 for its discovery.

Ivermectin's discoverers won the 2015 Noble Prize in Medicine, and it has proven to be a life-saving drug in parasitic disease, especially in Africa. Over the past four decades, Ivermectin has saved millions from parasites like strongyloidiasis and onchocerciasis - river blindness.

It has already saved tens of thousands from COVID-19 in India..."

and a surprisingly frank introduction to lab leak developments at the new yorker...

"...Scientists and political commentators have become less swift to dismiss the lab-leak theory. And so, the political debate over the pandemic’s origins became a case study in something else: how the political world does and doesn’t change its mind.

Political actors have restaged the same argument so frequently during the past few years that it can sometimes seem as if they are only ever having a single fight. The argument is invariably about some scientific or intellectual consensus, and it follows a general pattern. First, conservative media or political figures notice what seems to them a glitch in the consensus—a situation in which liberals might be using the slogans of science and objectivity as a cover for a partisan political endeavor. Then liberals react, and often overreact, by insisting that the scientific or intellectual consensus is, in fact, ironclad, and introduce prominent members of the relevant field to say so in public. (This is the “circling the wagons” phase.) Often, there is a third stage, in which certain center-left dissenters become exasperated by the overstatements of the liberals, and point out more technical issues with the consensus, frequently based in previously arcane sub-specialty disputes. These left dissenters then sometimes make jarring, slightly comic appearances on, for instance (or, specifically), “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

These stages—glitch, circle the wagons, “Tucker Carlson Tonight”—have appeared in the debates over masking, the 1619 Project, the Russiagate scandal, and many of the outrages over “cancel culture.” The pattern recurs frequently enough that the current political era, often identified with Trump, or with the more atmospheric phenomenon of populism..."

it seems to me, one side has gotten it all so wrong... so so wrong...

blame 'triggered liberals' and tds...

you can blame trump himself...

but wrong is still wrong

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Saturday, 29 May 2021 at 6:14pm

@sypkan , not sure what’s going on with your links ? Speaking of what’s going on but not getting reported even by its own media.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 29 May 2021 at 6:30pm

those links are in blowin's article that he didn't link to (I assume it was an article)

the last one is mine

"those links are in blowin's article"


Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Saturday, 29 May 2021 at 6:36pm

@sypkan , yeah ok just said page not found , the last link was ok .

Fliplid's picture
Fliplid's picture
Fliplid Saturday, 29 May 2021 at 6:53pm

Indo, you’re right about the stuff ups early on with quarantine. Can’t put aside though there was very little effort made to look after the aged care homes until Andrews stepped in. Seemed to be a very hands off approach by the federal gov

All that aside, I do feel sorry for you all down there at the moment, shouldn't be happening at this stage of the game. Hopefully it’s only another short lockdown

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Saturday, 29 May 2021 at 8:34pm

How experts convinced her not to get the AZ jab. Skerritt is not a medical doctor. He is not a haematologist. He is not a public health expert or epidemiologist. He’s not a virologist. Indeed, he’s not a practising clinician or researcher of any kind. He’s a PhD in pharmacology who has spent decades on government boards and committees.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Sunday, 30 May 2021 at 4:37am

I personally don’t think Pfizer is any safer than AZ and the proof will be when more is rolled out in Australia. You can’t fully trust that companies like Pfizer have done everything by the book when you look at what they have been found guilty of in the past . It appears they may be guilty again of shonky behaviour but when money’s involved, well what can I say . But Australia has the best medical experts in the world ( just ask scumo ) and the TGA assures us it’s all good .

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 30 May 2021 at 2:11pm

Israel Vax Rollout formula for vaccine spike > cases / day
Note: 3rd Feb Israel study by WHO/UK professor "Warned" Vax was instantly spiking cases 2/3x.
Note: 0.05 - 0.1 are standard daily Rollout increments (vs) 0.5 = 5 days in 1 > (WR Fast)
The rows of Cases represent or ramp 5-10 days case jumps in 1 day.
So we read a WR Rollout as rising from 0 > 5x cases day each day.( Hyper leaps )
UK Made Vax > censored incriminating UK Daily Dose Graph/Tallies to after the Vax spike date...
UK are so ashamed of their own Vax spike they wiped Covid Vax Rollout beginning from history
0.0 > 0.5 Vaccine doses /100 people/day = 0495 covid cases/day
0.5 > 1.0 Vaccine doses /100 people/day = 6118 covid cases/day
1.0 > 1.5 Vaccine doses /100 people/day = 6199 covid cases /day
1.5 > 2.0 Vaccine doses /100 people/day = 6490 covid cases/day
2.0 > 2.5 Vaccine doses /100 people/day = 6404 covid cases/day ( re: Vax + Cases Peak)

As with UK & Top 10 Rollouts the same applies > Ramp vax > Cases to Peak /\ Drop Vax > Cases fall.

Israel Vax - Rolled out an additional 93,661 covid cases + 3,333 deaths above (Pre Covid levels)
The Nation now boasts 59% full vaccination + (3.7% on 1 dose)
Rollout died the day after Massive Vax/Covid case death now slugs it out amongst slowest.
The abandonment of vax has likewise removed any excess Covid back to pre Rollout Levels.
In itself... the day the Rollout packed up was the best & fastest cure of all. (World has none better!)
Covid cases are yet to drop to pre Vaccine May 2020 fact May 2021 cases are rising higher.

All thought that the Israel Vax rollout had left how is that possible?

Israel Rollout is rising again...meaning : More Vax = More Covid cases & deaths.( see : Graphs- True!)
Each drop in Israeli vaccinations results in instant drop in cases > Less Vax = Less Covid (see : Graphs)
This same Yo Yo effect has plagued the Rollout since Day 1..each & every time like Clockwork!
This is not unusual as it plays out the same in most vaccinated Nations.

The World was fast to claim & still do, that this Massive deadly Rollout of record Covid death a Miracle.
All claim that the Vax has already cured Covid & we can be set free...despite current cases/death rise.
Yet every time they open a carton of vax..."Instantly" there's a spike in Covid & then death follows!
Guessing that must be a Miracle as Well....

Celebration of World Record Miracle Vax Rollout was inspired by...

I focus's picture
I focus's picture
I focus Sunday, 30 May 2021 at 2:13pm

SF I haven't looked (you certainly have had a good look) but would have thought there would be plenty of data for AZ, Pfizer and Moderna by now given the numbers vaccinated and all well out of the control of the companies.

Not saying its all above board and sweet but vaccinations at least in the western world is now being done by many levels of government, private mobs etc coverups pretty much impossible.

BTW I had the 1st AZ vaccine last week.

My mother in aged care still waiting for 1st jab, Federal Government ( fu(kwitt Scomo) seriously have been and continue to be fu(king hopless when it comes to action but they do a lovely press conference .

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Sunday, 30 May 2021 at 3:24pm

@I focus sure there’s plenty of data with numbers vaccinated but the problem is in the reporting of reactions and deaths to the vaccine . US has VAERS and the UK uses yellow card To me these aren’t accurate as are relying on individuals to report and so some do some dont , estimates in the US are that only 1% report but how can they be sure of that . Ive put up Twice the UK report for combined Pfizer and AZ you can look back through posts . On Blue Diamonds video the Dr also mentions 4000 deaths in the US from vaccines and I posted a senator in US making the same statement . The US government says none of these deaths were associated to the vaccine , Dr Peter McCullough has stated its not possible for the government to so quickly make that assessment as it would take months of autopsy and is simply not correct. He states this in the video I posted when interviewed by Tucker Carlson ( Qld and TGA get mentioned in that video at 21 minutes mark ) The UK and US reporting systems are poorly set up and all governments should be following reactions and deaths more closely with full investigation of deaths. The thing that stands out is these vaccines have caused more deaths than the combined vaccines of the last 20 years . People can say yeah but your chance of dying from covid are higher , well there are early treatments now that the western governments are not recognising and that is a huge problem BTW how was your jab ? I was a bit off for a few days but all good now and had 2 surfs.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Sunday, 30 May 2021 at 4:39pm
truebluebasher wrote:

Israel Vax Rollout formula for vaccine spike > cases / day
Note: 3rd Feb Israel study by WHO/UK professor "Warned" Vax was instantly spiking cases 2/3x.
Note: 0.05 - 0.1 are standard daily Rollout increments (vs) 0.5 = 5 days in 1 > (WR Fast)
The rows of Cases represent or ramp 5-10 days case jumps in 1 day.
So we read a WR Rollout as rising from 0 > 5x cases day each day.( Hyper leaps )
UK Made Vax > censored incriminating UK Daily Dose Graph/Tallies to after the Vax spike date...
UK are so ashamed of their own Vax spike they wiped Covid Vax Rollout beginning from history
0.0 > 0.5 Vaccine doses /100 people/day = 0495 covid cases/day
0.5 > 1.0 Vaccine doses /100 people/day = 6118 covid cases/day
1.0 > 1.5 Vaccine doses /100 people/day = 6199 covid cases /day
1.5 > 2.0 Vaccine doses /100 people/day = 6490 covid cases/day
2.0 > 2.5 Vaccine doses /100 people/day = 6404 covid cases/day ( re: Vax + Cases Peak)

As with UK & Top 10 Rollouts the same applies > Ramp vax > Cases to Peak /\ Drop Vax > Cases fall.

Israel Vax - Rolled out an additional 93,661 covid cases + 3,333 deaths above (Pre Covid levels)
The Nation now boasts 59% full vaccination + (3.7% on 1 dose)
Rollout died the day after Massive Vax/Covid case death now slugs it out amongst slowest.
The abandonment of vax has likewise removed any excess Covid back to pre Rollout Levels.
In itself... the day the Rollout packed up was the best & fastest cure of all. (World has none better!)
Covid cases are yet to drop to pre Vaccine May 2020 fact May 2021 cases are rising higher.

All thought that the Israel Vax rollout had left how is that possible?

Israel Rollout is rising again...meaning : More Vax = More Covid cases & deaths.( see : Graphs- True!)
Each drop in Israeli vaccinations results in instant drop in cases > Less Vax = Less Covid (see : Graphs)
This same Yo Yo effect has plagued the Rollout since Day 1..each & every time like Clockwork!
This is not unusual as it plays out the same in most vaccinated Nations.

The World was fast to claim & still do, that this Massive deadly Rollout of record Covid death a Miracle.
All claim that the Vax has already cured Covid & we can be set free...despite current cases/death rise.
Yet every time they open a carton of vax..."Instantly" there's a spike in Covid & then death follows!
Guessing that must be a Miracle as Well....

Celebration of World Record Miracle Vax Rollout was inspired by...

You claim not to be an antivaxer but continually spread complete misinformation. (potentially dangerous information if people believe it and dont get vaccinated)

Covid vaccines DO NOT increase rates of Covid that is complete tripe the only person that thinks this is you and maybe some conspiracy theory group somewhere..

I can't see how you come to that conclusion, if Israel graphs at all correlate in anyway it's pure coincidence and not backed up by science.

Their increase in Covid rates would 100% be due to other factors, like less focus on preventative measures, holidays or religious events causing people to mingle, increased travel or lifts on travel, or introduction of new strains, or maybe even current events change how they are living/mingling.

As I already showed with the UK and USA graphs while Covid vaccination rates have increased infection rates have decreased.

But again Just as Covid vaccinations DONT increase Covid, it's also unlikely that drops in infection rates are due to vaccinations but are more down to preventing transmission through over means like mask wearing, social distancing, lockdowns etc, If we see a decrease in infection rates due to vaccines it's going to be when a decent chunk of the population is vaccinated. (not sure the exact figure needed but believe it's well over 70% possibly higher)

Again the main aim of Covid vaccines is to prevent people getting seriously sick or death, any reduction in transmission from the vaccinations is a bonus.

BTW. Good on I focus & SF for getting vaccinated, ironically I've had the flue for the last two weeks, but once i get back to good health, now i qualify for Pfizer i will be trying to get mine done.

I focus's picture
I focus's picture
I focus Sunday, 30 May 2021 at 6:54pm

Hey SF thanks for the reply, felt a bit spaced out next day, arm still sore when pressed but all good back in the water arm fine to paddle with.

All up felt similar to normal flu jam.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Sunday, 30 May 2021 at 7:07pm

@I focus , good to hear , yeah the headache , plus a few dizzy spins and nausea feeling wasn’t the best plus sore back muscles, Panadol fixed me up but I felt like a sook with man flu as mates 86 yo mother got no reactions at all .

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Sunday, 30 May 2021 at 7:59pm

Now this to me is disturbing news and its from our Australian government website. To 23 May 2021, 3.6 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been given in Australia. In this period, the TGA has received 210 reports of deaths following immunisation – 109 have been reported for the Pfizer vaccine, 94 for the AstraZeneca vaccine and seven where the vaccine was not specified. Most of these reports (93%) were for people 65 years of age and over, and over three quarters were 75 years of age and over. Many of the deaths relate to elderly aged-care residents. Here is the full version.

Distracted's picture
Distracted's picture
Distracted Sunday, 30 May 2021 at 10:30pm

Supa, that data may not look good at first glance but might be a bit more to it. I don’t think they’re actually saying the vaccine caused death in every case. Out of 3.6million people, particularly older people there will always be a certain number of deaths within a few days of a certain date. Trying to ascertain cause of death in these cases though will be critical.
I actually had the Pfizer vaccine the other day, all good..... so far!

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Monday, 31 May 2021 at 3:05am

@Distracted , yeah I don’t believe all deaths were because of vaccine but when looking at the Norway report they had 10% of 100 deaths was “ likely” from mRNA vaccine. So even if Australia had 5% of the 200 + deaths thats 10 deaths so far . Just seems suspicious to me no deaths out of 210 are because of vaccine .

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Monday, 31 May 2021 at 4:33am
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Monday, 31 May 2021 at 7:01am

@Ifocus , sorry I gave you the wrong video about Dr McCullough speaking of the VAERS data , it’s actually this one at about the 13 minute mark. These numbers are from April and VAERS was 2500+ and now are over 4000

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Monday, 31 May 2021 at 8:28am

When you are talking about elderly people especially those that are in aged care you have to remember that a large number of these people are super frail many could die at any moment from basically anything like a hot day or very cold day, tiny falls that most people would just get up from they often die the next day or two...i know as my wife works in aged care and is always telling me stories.

The stats i think can be misleading for both Covid deaths and vaccine deaths when including very old very frail people.

But If grown healthy adults have some negative response to the vaccine as small as this is, it's not surprising that it takes out a few that are possibly days or weeks away from a natural death or could have even naturally died the day after with or without the vaccine.

You would assume they way up this risk with the benefits of preventing deaths if exposed to covid, that I'm sure is much much more likely to knock them off at that stage of life.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Monday, 31 May 2021 at 8:46am
udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Monday, 31 May 2021 at 9:45am

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Monday, 31 May 2021 at 10:53am
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Monday, 31 May 2021 at 2:57pm

Victoria Rolls out 2021 peak Vax & Case Graphs morphing into a Godzilla crushing the city.

Even after contracting Covid & getting Full Vaxed - you can still catch Covid...again & again & again....

Just think...same time next year & on & on & on for 5 years at least...more of this Rollout Race.

Qld Health Minister: "Completely inaccurate & untrue to say vaccinated frontline can't get covid."
WHO /UK : Vaccinated are"immediately" 2/3x more infectious to 10 days...Isolate after vax.
(Confirmed re:All Top Vaxed Rollout Data shows Fastest Rollouts spread most cases & covid.).

Frontline / Elderly get least sleep & have very low immunity...Vax lowers immunity again by 2/3x.
Vax turns them into Covid Breakouts in Hospital / Airports / Aged Care etc!
After being instantly 2/3x infectious they still take over a month to build minimum immunity.
World Vax Rollout Data shows largest cases spike immediately after Phase 1 Doses. (It's Natural)
Example : Vaccinated Blood donors must wait 1 week before donating...(2 weeks for Flu vax)
Not because of Vax but because of Vax reaction + Transplant Folk have only 20% antibodies.
Athletes are made to wait 10 days before competing & All suggest 2 days rest post Vax.
Team Oz Skaterz Vax > Next Day a long Flight -"No Sleep" > 3 get Covid in US.
Vaxerz need 8 hours sleep before & after Vax to gain decent immunity.

[ factcheck ] Vaccinated Quarantine workers are most likely to spread covid & lockdown Cities.

14th May Changi Airport Outbreak
Same virus & all ate at same cafeteria > Covid testing = Vaxed 19 [+] vs Unvaxed 9 [+]

1st March > 22nd May -NSW (Quarantine) o/s Arrivals
India 91 / Pakistan 14 / Nepal 12 + US 9 (Presumably Vaxed)
180 [+] cases > 8 [+] or 4.4% were "Fully Vaxed" re: Post 2 weeks from last dose.

Vic /Oz Vax Rollout has locked down Cities & Quarantine /Health- Flu-Child Vax /Sport facilities
Australian Hospitals are in Crisis with longest Patient / Ambo wait times in every City.
Rollout has decimated our Australian Health System.
Oz Vax rollout has cost $billions in lost City Trade / Flights in Qld / WA / Vic + Regional NSW .
In near all cases, it centred around Quarantine / Vax & Vaccinated worker's who tested [+]

March: NSW Quarantine Lockdown : Sofitel/Mantra - Worker 1 dose [+] 4 days later.

Qld Lockdown - PA Doctor Vaccinates & Tests [+] same day then infects Non Vaxed Nurse.

NZ Bubble Burster - "Red Hot" Plane cleaner tests [+] 29 days after 2nd Dose of Vax.

March/April Vic - Hot Hotel /Onsite quick fix (Dirty Hit Disasters)
Intercontinental Chief Swabber gets a Quick Hit > Next Day at same Hotel - Ambo...
Park Royal Hotel > Quick Hit (Within 3 hrs > Flu Like symptoms) > Ambo
Mecure Hotel > Quick 2nd Dose Hit - same day > Ambo
Once Ambos left : All rest rooms were sterilised with the Covid routine - as if Ambo's ID [+]

Ask! Who the hell vaxes a 2/3x infectious provisional Drug in Highly Contagious Hotels? (Insane!)
Seriously! Whoever did this, must never work in health again!

April- WA Lockdown : Pan Pacific Hotel Worker > 1 Dose (2 days) Test [+]

May - Vic Lockdown : SA / Quarantine! Arcare Nurse 1 dose 14 days Test [+] Contacts > [+] Unvaxed

Vaxerz are the most infectious & anywhere from 3hrs after first shot to 29 days after 2nd shot.
[ factcheck ] Mostly Vaxers are spreading virus in Quarantine & locking down Cities!

Vaccinated Frontline Staff are catching Covid and then spreading the "Vaxed Virus" to unvaxed Staff.
There can be no excuse for Health Ministers to state that their own Vaxed Staff infect non vaxed staff.
Will Govt seriously grant Vax passports to the notably higher infectious Vaxed Frontline.
Will Govt deny rights to lesser infectious Non Vaxed Frontline...

Note Qld were the 1st in world to Mandate Frontline Vax & also the 1st to revoke Vax Mandate.

Stupid real dangerous shit that our leaders say...not backed by science or Vax manufacturers.
AMA- Covid is completely preventable with Vax.
NSW Health : 1 dose might reduce viral Load that might reduce transmission.
Sometimes ya need 2 doses to get optimum immunity.
Vic Govt/ WA Health : Only those with at least 1 shot can work in Quarantine.
CMO- Unusual to get covid after first Vax > 1 dose gives very good protection quite quickly?

Wow! They wonder why spreading dumb arse Vax lies is not attracting Aussies to jab...(Sack them!)

AZ Vax Hesitancy by Qld Premier / CHO & Qldurrz reluctance explained...
AZ lied in Trials & forged US tests & Lied about Blood Clots
UK/AZ censored -Death cases + Whole 1st month of Mega Vax Data containing record Vax spike.
EU blocked export of Drug to Australia where it's banned for U50 & over 65 (Advisory Only)
Australia refuses [P] Vax dose ID or Compo even after growing blood clot cases & deaths.
They bizarrely claim that cases are rare but they're getting real good at spotting it! (Which is it?) FFS!
They say nothing of 2/3 times infectious 1st dose period or 8x VOC infectious 2 dose period.
Yep! Even after Own Vaxed Health staff are spreading Covid & locking down Cities!
TGA even award highly infectious day 8 / 2nd dose vaxerz Passes against world's 14 day guidelines .
TGA Oz vax passports would not get them entry into US / EU.
Wait 2 weeks for Flu Shot & now say forget that...say nothing on 7 days Blood Donor wait or not?
They then offer the Hot Shot in a Grubby Jock's hall or infectious Hot Hotel...wearin' out Ambo Tyres.
Today we awake to Oz Hospitals in Crisis & Cases ramping identical to rollout dose & speed.
Whole city is 2/3x infectious & Govt crowds them into Hottest Test Spots. (Kaboom!)

Why should Qldurrz risk their leader dosing #1 Fucked Up mobster Drug that refuses compliance.
How can anyone reward such corrupt enterprise into the Health System..accept this, then it's over!
Message : Let's all just take the most fucked up drug in history to cure life threatening disease!
Media : Hurry up, trip over & spread the Mobster's Covid Drug!

All we know is that Rolling out Covid is more infectious than letting it leak out slowly.
Vic is doing an excellent job with their Rollout...& Qld sends best wishes with yer Lockdown.

views from the cockpit's picture
views from the cockpit's picture
views from the ... Monday, 31 May 2021 at 6:35pm

Took the AZ shot yesterday arvo about 4pm.
Cycled home felt good.
Woke up at 2.00 am with chills and aching muscles and a bit of a headache. Didn't get much sleep so feeling a bit ordinary today.
Should be 100% again tomorrow I trust. The nurse told me as much about side effects.
I hate being dictated to and would prefer NOT to have taken it but I reckon its essential in this country or we will keep risking lockdowns and total economic disaster.
The virus will not go away and will continue to morph into variants.
However in order to get the States and Country to open up again (and it must sooner or later) we need to pretend along with the govt that with enough people vaccinated we are all good to go.
I originally preferred that the virus was just let free to rip and decimate the human civilisation but since no one has the gumption to do this, then I'll jump on board the alternative.
I urge everyone to take it up- it cant be worse than a lot of the other shit we've had in our bodies.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Tuesday, 1 Jun 2021 at 6:16am

More than just vaccine hesitation going on in the US.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Tuesday, 1 Jun 2021 at 8:43am

I suppose when you put all your eggs in one basket and decide “ only a vaccine can save us “ this is where you end up .

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Tuesday, 1 Jun 2021 at 9:11am

No mention at all about the success 20 other countries including the US have had in using ivermectin as early treatment in preventing patients from needing to be hospitalised. We still wait until hospitalised before any treatment is given. This is from our best in the world medical experts .

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Tuesday, 1 Jun 2021 at 6:35pm

13th April US Rollout died in the arse > so Covid vanished, now gotta infect the Kidz with Covid Vax!

UK revved up Rollout to double their Covid, so dreamt up a 3rd shot to wipeout the 2nd Vax outbreak.

Try New - "Cov-Boost"...NHS are pimping a Hot Shot of 7 Dirty Hits for discerning Vax Addicts.
Honeymooner is backing a rogue Punk's Shot Gun Vax Combo will Hit the Spot to salvage UK pride.

2022 - Posh 89 jab College Teacher : "Security! Please escort this 87 Jab brat from the playground"

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Wednesday, 2 Jun 2021 at 7:23am

The US is going ahead with vaccination of children , to me this doesn’t make any sense when you weigh up the risk and benefits .

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 2 Jun 2021 at 7:28am

Huh? It’s a big risk to the bottom line if the vaccines aren’t pushed to every demographic. Kids are such a lucrative market.

views from the cockpit's picture
views from the cockpit's picture
views from the ... Wednesday, 2 Jun 2021 at 8:43am

No doubt we're being gamed on many levels by the system yet again with this Covid crap.
More questions than answers.
At least by having the jab, Ive now got my "pass" to play on here, there and everywhere.
Be in it to win it.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Wednesday, 2 Jun 2021 at 10:20am

@views , hope you remain all good mate , I wrote about my personal experience with vax in early posts , now what I’m about to share I have been assured has nothing to do with AZ vax . I had mild reaction for 2 days after vax then 3rd and 4th days went for 3 hour surfs and felt all good. On the 5th day at 3am I woke up with headache and burning sore throat, got up and spat into toilet bowl with light off then went to kitchen and got 2 Panadol came back switched toilet light on to have a piss and fck me the bowl had blood stains down the sides . I went into bathroom and spat a few more times and blood was through out my saliva . Looked up symptoms again on net and bleeding could be associated with clots so off to tweed hospital I went at 4 am . Sat for 2 and a half hours before doctor examination.which included blood tests.Then isolation room for rapid covid test and eventually CT scan of chest with dye injection looking for clots. End result all clear of everything and doctors put it down to viral throat infection. Just bad timing maybe. Haven’t had flu or throat infection for more than 20 years. Off work at present recovering at home . I don’t believe vax is connected but it did have me worried when I saw blood ( about 5 teaspoons worth ) in toilet bowl . I had blood tests 6 weeks ago and my GP said I wasn’t lacking in anything and all levels were good . Never had a flu shot in my life , turn 60 next month.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 2 Jun 2021 at 10:42am

Good call crew...tbb promised Kiddie Covid Link > [Children & Covid 19: State - Level Data Report]

Recall WHO endless claims of Kidz can't get Covid stupid! ...Kidz were then 2% of US covid.
Since US Rollout the 2/3 infectious Vaccinated Parents have infected Kidz to 24% of US covid.
Vaccinated Parents & Kid now cause for concern.

Yes! Sadly, Kidz also die from Covid Vax..."But they're not part of a Pattern that concerns Vax safety!"
All Together : "The benefits of now faster Vax Death saves one from suffering a boring Covid Death."

As if by some strange Miracle...the Kidz are now #1 Priority Vax Market...gotta luv Big Pharma scams.

Kidz won't be vaxed at Schools but in Drug Stores with Minimal Parental Consent.

Bugger the Trials > Mums are now Squirtin' Breast Vax into Day Care Cereal...Who wants some Vax?
Mental Mums overdosing 3 y/o infectious Brats spiking Super Mutant Day Care Outbreaks...(It's fine!)
Not one Vax Company or Govt is stopping this outrageous unmeasured infectious Covid vax doseage.
Just how infectious is Breast Vax & at what period does this Vax infectiousness Peak.
tbb has read it comes on 2 weeks after Vax & lasts 2 weeks after Last Dose...(But at what levels?)
Can now buy Breast Vax online...$10 /100ml > Flavours - Paleo / Pot / Vegan / Gluten Free or Aids?
Big Pharma's Vax teats are marching out a Million Mutant strains / minute...(Wot?..Oh that!) ...durr!
Unlike blood transfusion > Breast Milk-Banks (Even un/Pasteurized) pass on Antibodies (re: HIV)
Swig of HIV Breast Vax > 2/3x infectious New HIV Mutant Godzilla Strain that kills in 2 seconds.
Still! I doubt Big Pharma & US Health gives a fuckin' shit about their Toxic killer vax... Move along!

Biden loves rolling out > { UNITY } Here's a List of Unified US Colleges that lock out poor kids.
Private Colleges have already drafted exclusion clauses to weed out less vaxed pesky coloured kidz.
Already Trending towards Total Vax ID on School Visitor Entry...(Similar to Oz Aged Care Flu Vax)
Unvaxed US kidz are confined to online mouse clicking of Robot Teachers:
"Google : " Wotza Skool ?"
"Google : " Can I order a 'Uni Tee' ?"
"Google : " Show me how posh Kidz break Springs?"

Big Pharma has infected Zombie Parents to sacrifice Kids as Pawns to fuel (Us (vs) Them).
"I don't feel guilty! I'd do anything for the Kidz I would." (Anything! Then roll up yer sleeve!)
Joe's New Kidz Army is now 24% Front Line Vax Priority...all must bath in the Fountain of Youth
Joe's (6 month) Unity ticket has expired - Gates Pfizer Disney shares are the Hottest Tickets in town....
Disneyworld: North(vs)South / Rich(vs)Poor / B(vs)W / Vax(vs)No Vax / Husband (vs) Wife (vs) Child

Oz State Schools will likely follow Aged Care & exclude Unvaxed bratz during Outbreaks in Hot Spots.
Despite the fact every Oz Rollout Lockdown was fuelled by Vaccinated Frontline workers...durr!
Despite The Great Vax Bible having it's First Chapter ripped out by the The Holy Vaxerz...D'oh!

Oz Private Schools will simply install More Dutto Cams & Lasers & Barbed Wire to banish "THEM".
Unis already demand extensive Vax compliance & will likely demand campus Toilet Vax Shots

tbb is tipping a last minute Census Q 458,763 The best way for Us to Kill Them...Choose all (a/b/c/d).

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Wednesday, 2 Jun 2021 at 11:58am

Not good news with Victoria government extending lockdowns for a further 7 days . If this indian varient is as contagious as they say then I can’t see them containing it and Victoria will remain locked down for how long ? Heard on the radio someone in perth quarantine was negative but still managed to get virus ( and is now positive ) from positive quarantined person in another room .

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Wednesday, 2 Jun 2021 at 1:00pm
brutus's picture
brutus's picture
brutus Wednesday, 2 Jun 2021 at 1:04pm

looks like we have a long way to go with the Covid.......the WHO warned that if the poorer countries in the World did not get vaccines that there is a very strong chance of ongoing Covid has happened in South Africa/Brazil/UK/ we have a new one in Vietnam.....

We can see that why Victoria is in lockdown , because the Covid variant looks like the indian one , more infectious than any other Covid we have had.....are we in control?

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 2 Jun 2021 at 1:16pm

True that

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Wednesday, 2 Jun 2021 at 7:34pm

With Australia not having a early treatment protocol and covid now on the rise ,it might be time the medical experts start taking notice of what early treatments have worked in the US and elsewhere. But if they did it would raise some questions and the government would lose face because of earlier statements and treatment of well respected professors whom the world has held in high regard . Is this government capable of admitting it got it wrong ? Here is a interview with one if the world’s leading Drs on treating covid 19 .

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 2 Jun 2021 at 9:26pm

(Disclaimer) Talk of Vax Pandemics is Dangerous...
The very reason many Scientists issued Warnings!
Of course the Rollouts are dangerous...& tbb passes on the Scientist's Warnings!
The more people that are alerted to the Danger the more lives will be saved.

eg: Pfizer's WR miracle max vax peak > 19th Jan 2021 > 2nd Feb 2021 Avg = 6,740 cases/day

Pre Vax Covid (331 days) 372,886 / 1,127cases/day + 3,057 {rip} 9/day
Rollout Covid (193 days) 466,625 / 2418 cases/day + 3,356 {rip} 17/day

Vax doubles Covid > 5x vax Spike = 5x covid Outbreak There for all to see...No Tricks (Check dates)

World Pre Vax Covid 69 m / 214,827 cases/day > 16 m / 4938/day {rip}
World Post Vax Covid 103 m / 505,063 cases/day > 20 m / 9756/day {rip}

Vax 1&2 clearly ramped covid so a 3rd Rollout + Kids Dose is being trialled...Fingers crossed!

Many Scientists have long exampled that Vax Rollouts spread 2x longer in dispute!
tbb has long shared those Scientists "WARNINGS" as millions are being infected & dying.
Many times tbb has Saluted the Vax Rollout Fallen & again... right here & now.

tbb Salutes the Rollout Scientists that had the guts to call out the Vax Rollout Covid Spread.

WHO Professor Paul Hunter NIHR
(Health Protection Research Unit in Emergency Preparedness & Response at King College London.)

"Estimating the effectiveness of the Pfizer Covid-19 BNT 1692b2 vaccine after a single Dose.
A reanalysis of a Study of 'Real-World' vaccination outcomes from Israel."

Researchers "WARN" that people's RISK OF INFECTION (doubled) in first 8 Days after Vaccination."

Note how Paul plays down the 5x Israel (On record) Peak Vax Spike! (He also runs UK vax policy!)
Public Health UK : " Stronger Warnings are Needed to curb socialising after Vax..."

"Vaccine in the over 70's found a "NOTABLE RISE" in (Covid -19 infections) in people "IMMEDIATELY AFTER"
... they received Pfizer / AZ vaccine. "Quote: "Similar to Israel Study!"

"NHS should also consider hammering home the message verbally!"
UK Medical Freedom Alliance
"URGENT WARNING!" re: Covid 19 Vaccine related Deaths in the Elderly & Care Homes.
ONS data : "Weekly DEATHS tripled in 2 weeks during Massive Vax in care Homes!"
Steady stream of International reports of DEATHS within Hours / Days of Vaccination.
Covid Surges in 4 of 5 Most vaccinated Countries...
tbb has run over a dozen Nations/States Cities exactly the same...check Record Vaxerz Melbourne!
The immediate Vax Covid ramp is written into major Rollouts...plain as day for all to see.
Dangerous to ignore it for each day it spreads more Covid...wishful thinking to pretend it's not there!
UK tried to wish it away & relive a haunting nightmare massacre each night on the News!

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 3 Jun 2021 at 1:28am


Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 3 Jun 2021 at 2:54am

The tide is turning particularly in the US but will Australia change tact ?

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Thursday, 3 Jun 2021 at 8:17am
Supafreak wrote:

Fauci in the news again.

You've got a funny idea of what a news website is chief.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 3 Jun 2021 at 8:20am

Same story on a variety of websites, take your pick , whats your preference ? Ally on the today show ?

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Thursday, 3 Jun 2021 at 8:35am
Hiccups wrote:
Supafreak wrote:

Fauci in the news again.

You've got a funny idea of what a news website is chief.

Who determines what a news site is?

It's providing news articles, it even has "news" in the URL so it's clearly a news site.

Just because a site isn't mainstream or doesn't align with your own views doesn't mean it's not a news site.

Yeah we can debate accuracy of reporting, but we can do the same with any news site, just look at the lab leak theory almost all MSM last year were reporting that this was a conspiracy theory and debunked, even FB so called fact checkers were debunking it, FB even banned stories about it from their platform but have now have had to change this as its now widely accepted theory.

Fast forward less than a year and the same sites like ABC that were calling the idea debunked are now reporting it as a possible likely scenario with even Biden and Fauci saying it's possible and should be locked into further.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Thursday, 3 Jun 2021 at 9:09am

@hiccups , the reason I picked this particular website was that it referenced the weekend Australian as its source . Don’t usually look at this particular news website it was on another site I was looking at . When I looked at who these guys were it seems they are affiliated with the catholic church , make of it what you will .