Vaccinate or not

Supafreak- Here’s a bit of something you might like.

"I believe it came from someone in SA that was in SA quarantine and slipped through with it, then came to Vic.
So to be fair this one is just bad luck for Vic."
1 part bad luck.. 10 parts poor contact tracing... again... or so it would seem...

Oz Vax Stats highlight why Vic has a problem...not being smart, again it's there for all to see.
2021 Vax free went back to school & work > modelling the longest spell of lowest cases since day 1.
Just 8.7 cases /day & Fatality free From (18th Jan > Rollout Phase 1 on 22nd Feb)
From Rollout > 27th May Oz now averages 11.9 cases/day or 36.8% rise in covid + argued deaths ?
We see similar Worldwide.
Vax has never come close to lowering Covid Cases for less or longer time than No Vax.
tbb is not saying it won't...just that you'll need a lot more Vax / Cases / Death to edge closer.
Best run of Vax stats (UK) looked promising but fell 30% short of previous No Vax Covid cure.
Like clockwork they ramp vax & cases blow out & right now are increasing Covid cases & lockdowns
Perfect example of peddling Kiddie vax in a Library-Staff / Nurses /Kids all infected...Library Closed!
tbb thinks this UK Kidz Vax actually has dubious record of being 1st & only Library Covid Cluster.
Peddling that Vax is better than no Vax is not backed up by fact & is dangerous...It doesn't help!
Having said that...Media scream more Vax! Which ends in more cases & death -World Wide fact!
Tonight's News claims the virus is spreading faster than before? Contact tracers can't keep up.
Experts: "Usual Covid spreads in 5/6 days now is spreading Within a day +2x day
UK Health: Vaxerz are 2/3x more immediately infectious from same covid. (Vax - Isolate - Live!)
Old / New new variant any Vax ...just isolate after are a 2/3x Viral Bomb.
tbb has shown the Vax effect ramps any Variant or Vax make the's not the Variant!
Each Time Oz ramps vax beyond 2/3 increments or 20%... the cases spike locally or in Quarantine
Each state's Vax Ramp reflects their Covid Ramp Rank...(Note: Frontline + Airport% Skyrocketing)
tbb imagines both Fed & States has their Stats guys rolling out this very same maths for Outbreak.
Note 2x Quarantine overlaps monthly contagion in Oz Cities of 7day Tests > 10day 2/3x Vax infection
These figures do not include transit / Venues...( o/s + Frontline + Health Staff only )
Nsw o/s > Dep 75% 28k + Arr 50% 23k + Tests 87k > 2/3x infectious Vaxerz 110k = 47cases
Vic o/s > Dep 92% 17k + Arr 467% 11k + Tests 120k > 2/3x infectious Vaxerz 105k = 23 cases
Qld o/s > Dep 256% 15k + Arr 71% 13k + Tests 44k > 2/3x infectious Vaxerz 35k = 16 cases
Domestic Flights Melbourne (March) 943k + o/s 28k +Tests 120k = (1.1m >105k 2/3x infectious).
Does not include City Transit & Pedestrians...any 20% Vax ramp increases odds of 1case in 1.1m
How much could just one case do to a vaxing community ...have a look at Vic.
Vic announced a 7 day lockdown - Good Luck Vic.
Fed Govt will release an extra 130,000 doses to Vic - Media will ramp it ...

"Biden's notable public statement came as he felt rising political heat after the Wall Street Journal revealed that several Chinese virologists sought hospital treatment late last year for an unidentified ailment. CNN then reported that the Biden administration had shut down a probe launched in the waning days of the Trump State Department to prove Covid-19 came from a Chinese lab. While the State Department later said the inquiry had simply been completed, several sources involved who spoke to CNN said it was their impression there was more work to be done.
The Biden administration is now facing calls to show it took the possibility of Chinese culpability sufficiently seriously...
'No cherry picking'
The medical and political priority now is a credible, in-depth, investigation.
Dr. Leana Wen, a CNN medical analyst and former Baltimore Health Commissioner, said on CNN "Newsroom" that such a probe needed to be based on a scientific method, "which means you don't go into this with a preferred conclusion and then cherry pick your data to fit that conclusion."
Such concerns are why the Biden administration closed down the probe opened by ex-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, two sources told CNN's Kylie Atwood."
a biden backflip and beijing biden bias...
all reported at CNN no less... go CNN!

speaking of backflips...
the excuses are running thick and fast from... "the responsible American press" to why they totally failed and fucked up the most significant story of a lifetime...
'boo hoo hoo trump made me do it'

Oz Quarantine Workers are spreading Covid...Wot! Again?
Media & Opposition point to poor Hot Hotel designs for Outbreaks > City > State Lockdowns.
On closer inspection we read Quarantine Workers are being infected & spread Covid thru Cities.
Next common reply is Govt defending the fact that the Worker has had one Shot & awaits 2nd Shot.
Stop Laughing...(A side- New more Virulent Mutant Strain) (B side- It's Ok! He's had One Dose)
Really! Why is that such a Common Fucked up Excuse of Sorts? C'mon crew! That's well Suss!
So again Oz Media never once Question that little white lie? tbb Officially > [ It'a Scam! ]
Unleashing Supafreak exclusive [ Vaccinate or Not ] Quarantine Worker's Test Centre.
NT 29th April - Swab /Saliva Tests
Qld 18th May - World 1st Mandatory Outbreak Vax - (Revoked) > Swab / Saliva
SA 23rd April - Swab / Saliva Tests
NSW End of March "All Quarantine / Police vaxed " + New Staff Policy : One Dose (Silent!)
Vic 8th April : Covid *Test + One Dose is Mandatory > (Refusals were *Sacked or Redeployed + Pay)
WA 10th May : One Dose Mandatory > Includes Police /ADF/ Quarantine. (Reason: Low Vax Uptake!)
NZ 1st May : One Dose Mandatory > 9 refused & were Redeployed + Pay
Govt Mandate Tests & can sack their Contractor that refuses Testing.(Tough luck!)
Govt's hire Employers to "Redeploy" Workers that refuse Vax / eg: Payment until Boss redeploys Staff.
tbb won't delve into who got another Job & where...just advising crew of likely lawful refusal outcome!
All agree it's an interesting widely adopted Claytons Mandate" No Sacking but Redeployed with Pay.
Now! Back to this little Scam...
eg: Vic 467% Arrival Ramp requires many new mandatory (1 vax only) Hot Hotel Guards.
All were employed as a Cluster as to Fed/State Cap Ramp.
1st Vax immediately leaves Guards 2/3x more infectious to any "Shedder" or Weak Positives.
Basically a fart will infect a pissweak Vaxer...(Last person a security firm would put on the frontline.)
All have known this since Jan/Feb & Other Govts ("Warn of 2/3x Vax infection stage!)
Govt o/s Slave Drive basically sets up Covid Ten Pins in each Poll City for next election.
[L] Indian Flight Lands (Plenty of them) > Set up yer Ten Pins (Bingo) *Daggydadpollskyrockets* *
Govt ramps > Visa Cap > Mandated 1st Vax infections > Rollout Ramps > Outbreak > Lockdown.
Here we are again...Time after Time!
Crew know that Mandating 2/3x more infectious frontline is a fucked up policy.
Qld mandated Vax > Lockdown & wiped it...NSW (Leaks) > WA / Vic mandate Lockdowns.
Either proper 2 dose Vax & or Isolate 1st Dose frontline for 10 days before greeting folks.
Xmas News Headline [ #967 Quarantine Vax spreader politely terminates Oz City with just 1 dose]
Fuckin' over these shitty Govt scams...It's not some Psychedelic Mutant...just infectious vaxer #967!
Check VISA flight stats % > Airport crew > Buses > Hotels > Workers > $ State Bills
NSW > free Quarantine Crews ADF / ABF / AFP / Red Cross etc etc etc ( Other States fight for ADF)
[L] Donors Hot Hotel Chain don't give freebies to Labor States...but bitch about ADF in their Lobby.
You can have Camp Quality Quarantine but Mandate 1 shot > Start tomorrow > Lockdown Next.
Now all agree that Govt are Rorting the 1st [L] none would believe they're this fuckin' stupid.

sypkan wrote:"Biden's notable public statement came as he felt rising political heat after the Wall Street Journal revealed that several Chinese virologists sought hospital treatment late last year for an unidentified ailment. CNN then reported that the Biden administration had shut down a probe launched in the waning days of the Trump State Department to prove Covid-19 came from a Chinese lab. While the State Department later said the inquiry had simply been completed, several sources involved who spoke to CNN said it was their impression there was more work to be done.
The Biden administration is now facing calls to show it took the possibility of Chinese culpability sufficiently seriously...
'No cherry picking'
The medical and political priority now is a credible, in-depth, investigation.
Dr. Leana Wen, a CNN medical analyst and former Baltimore Health Commissioner, said on CNN "Newsroom" that such a probe needed to be based on a scientific method, "which means you don't go into this with a preferred conclusion and then cherry pick your data to fit that conclusion."
Such concerns are why the Biden administration closed down the probe opened by ex-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, two sources told CNN's Kylie Atwood."
a biden backflip and beijing biden bias...
all reported at CNN no less... go CNN!
sypkan wrote:speaking of backflips...
the excuses are running thick and fast from... "the responsible American press" to why they totally failed and fucked up the most significant story of a lifetime...
'boo hoo hoo trump made me do it'
It's crazy the only reason the media wrote off the Lab leak idea was because Trump supported it, anything Trump said or did was false and bad and always under scrutiny.
Meanwhile Biden is getting a free pass on everything, complete FK up of the border situation with highest influx in over 20 years, April Job creation rate was expected tp be almost 1 million and came up way short at 2,66,000, just two things to note of late.
Im sure if Trump was still in power the Israel/Palestine thing would have been his fault, although i dod hear a middle east expert say when asked it was actually less likely under Trump.

wallpaper wrote:where do you get the energy for this non-stop torrent of garbage?
100% the time and energy TBB must put into these anti vaxer nut case post is crazy, and completely baffles me why he even bothers, yeah we get it your an anti vaxer, great don't get the vaccine no ones forcing you, just dont start whinging when you or your family that aren't vaccinated get sick.
Let's do a basic fact check: do Covid vaccinations increase Covid? (obviously not) but let's look at two major developed countries with vaccine rollouts.
UK Covid cases
UK vaccination rates
USA Covid cases
USA vaccination rates
So why are the trends the exact opposite and very clear, if Covid vaccinations increase Covid outbreaks where's the big spikes?
Yes in the early stages of vaccination rollouts you will still see countries that will have outbreaks even possible large spikes especially when vaccination numbers are a low percentage of the population, these spikes are because vaccination rates are still very low and because there is more infectious strains in the mix, even without a vaccine rollout these spikes would happen, obviously you don't start seeing the real benefits of vaccines until you get a decent percentage of the population vaccinated.
Re visit this in a years time and you will see the clear trend of covid infections dropping and outbreaks dropping while vaccinations have increased
Not at all my opinion, it's medical science fact, it's why we have vaccinations.
BTW. The idea that the current outbreak in Victorian cases is spreading faster because of vaccinations is absolutely ridicules, it's easily busted by the simple fact that Victorias vaccination rate is still very low, the likely hood of someone who is vaccinated currently coming in contact with Covid is tiny especially seeing it's older people who are most likely to be already be vaccinated, whom are less likely to be out and about, and the other group that is vaccinated is health care workers etc and these are not the people currently spreading it, the people spreading it in Victoria are mid age unvaccinated people that work and socialise. (we know the sites they have been which includes bars etc)
The increase in the rate of how fast it has spread in this outbreak is purely down to the strain that is more contagious. (not at all rocket science)
Not to mention it goes against all medical science that shows those vaccinated have much less chance of spreading the virus.

Great post ID , I reckon every single anti vaxer should have their Centrelink benefits stopped. It blows my mind that these morons think they know more than all the worlds greatest minds combined. Facebook has a lot to answer for. Cheers.

good stuff indo.
Can you get the infection rate and vaccination rate plots on the same axis? That'd make the comparison even more obvious.

Don't know.
BTW. you can also find graphs to show the opposite from countries like Seychelles that actually have quite high vaccination rates, but still had outbreaks.
But off course this DOES NOT mean the vaccine is causing spikes, there are other more realistic explanations like, more infectious strains getting into the country, more relaxed community attitudes to practises to avoid transmission, opening of borders to tourist, religious events that cause people to travel and gather like recently Ramadan, vaccination programs not covering certain demographic's of a community for instance a lower social economic demographic that may have much lower take up of vaccines in their communities due to being more prone to anti vaxer propaganda through low education levels, also some Chinese vaccines used by smaller countries have more questionable effectivity.
End of the day, even if we never get rid of Covid and we still end up having outbreaks, the most important thing is people are protected, the only way to do this is through being vaccinated.

dead right supafreak...
science is a work in progress, constantly evolving, all we can do is take the best advice available... the problem atm is we are not getting the best advice available, big tech. and various forces have taken it upon themselves to push a certain solution to a problem, and all dissenting voices, and contrary solutions will be censored
I have a strong aversion to any form of censorship across the board (blame a healthy upbringing on jello and others for that one...) but when science, big tech., big money, and the supposed 'left' of politics are on the censorship bandwagon, I get particularly irrate and active
science doesn't work with censorship, it is the antithesis of what science should be... science evolves and finds the right solutions by answering to it's critics, debating opposing view points, and the best answer is left standing...
politics did the same... once...
remember when science told us not to eat egg yolks because of cholesterol?
not many crew pushing that one as significant anymore...

I think some of you are being too hard on tbb, I see him as putting shit out there rather than pushing an agenda
yeh, sometimes that shit is out there, but he seems to just ask questions and make suggestions rather than tell us how it is, or should be...
I've said it before, I don't read all his posts, and I don't follow all his links, I'd like to, I find them most interesting, but I don't have the time and enegy for that...
but I for one appreciate his work, his research is phenomenal, and his perspective is interesting to say the least. don't know the guy from a bottle of hand sanitiser, but I imagine from knowing his predicament he'd be first in line for a vax, ...if there weren't so many questions...
I'm the same, I'll take the vax when I need to, and unfortunately, due to my predicament, it'll probably be sooner rather than later, and there's a good chance it will be the one I have absolutelly no trust in at all... but ya do what ya gotta do... and like anything, it's a risk / benefit analysis...
any mistrust and questioning of big pharma is good from my perspective... we all have heard for decades about the unhealthy influence they have, not least at gp and government levels...
fuck em, make your case fuckers, ...convincingly, and without coercion, censorship, and deceit...
too much to ask?
yeh I know...

and seriously... the way the WHO, various CDC's, and others, have reacted and behaved throughout this shitstorm, how can you not ask questions?
if they're our best and brightest, the most ethical of the medical profession, the best impartial scientists, '...following the science...' well, ...we're fucked...

Cumulative UK graphs flatten spikes for bland seasonal data & lack detail for "Daily Dose" spikes.
Can still work with that though...
Reading > longest lowest covid > ( Vax ramp -Covid Peak) >Vax drop cases drop > Vax struggles
Clearly it shows...Peak Rollout Massacre that's why they censored > Doses /day -100 data.
UK 9th Dec Vax Rollout Skyrockets to explode peak covid cases...Vax Stops & Covid Plummets.
tbb can show all City /State/ Nation's daily vax doses...all but the UK made Vax that spiked that Peak.
World's only Censored "Daily Vax data" shows no vax until 11th Jan & Rollout begins mid air?
History now reads that No UK made Vax or any Vax was used to fight off the Covid massacre.(Lazy?)
NHS > Censor "Daily Dose Archives" to 11th Jan...(Again...all other data is fine)
They are breaking up the Immediate infectious UK made vax > case > death link
UK even revise & shift 1000's cases / deaths daily from totals (Anyone can read this in UK News)
5,000/day or week is printed in media for all to see...
It is possible...that when UK finish shifting data...these graphs will reflect kinder upon Heroic UK Vax!
Note UK were called out by EU often for manipulating Deaths...all know this! Now normal Health Jobs!
UK headlines Hidden UK Covid Massacre cover ups > US talk about LAB bio weapons.(Another Day)
Height of Rollout Peak was Spewing Fountains of Cases & Death (Remove Vax & covid went away).
That's why they hide the data! Every single time they ramp vax the cases ramp as of right now!
Do we pretend Melbourne wasn't ramping record vax > Lockdown? We can close our eyes again.
Record Rollout for 7 day lockdown
As your graph shows Covid Vax hasn't matched Lower cases or timeframe of pre vax timeline.
Sure it shows many things but they're the telling factors that can't be hidden or misread.
Thanks indo for bringing up the Graphs...tbb has no flash skills to promo antivax...crew know better!
Clearly! tbb is promoting safer Vax practice not Anti Vax...can example that perfectly again here.
Australia has adopted the poorest standard Covid /Flu Vaccine program for 2021 + getting worse.
Sure! Ok...sounds like some anti vaxer diatribe but can assure crew this is strictly safest Vax protocol.
World has Vax Compo (vs) Oz is too gutless to make Big Pharma cough up 1% for Compo scheme
World details & receipts each vaxer their Dose/Batch ID (vs) Oz No Dose ID > Leave no trace!
This also avoids any tracing of a bad batch for a pending "Class Action" as to Doses.
It also put Oz public at back of queue for Fast ID of dose breakout...check card / Dose ID...Bingo!
UK health "Isolate immediately after 2/3x more infectious 1st Dose until day 8 (vs) Australia No advice
CDC : Immunity Pass must not given until Day 15 (vs) Oz 7 days is OK (Infectious & low efficacy)
Israel : Pfizer 2nd Dose spreads VOC 8x faster than Non Vaxed (vs) Oz 7 day Mutant Spreaderz.(Pass)
Flu Vax : Oz Vax Rollout has seen over 30% drop in elderly Flu Vaccinations ( How to solve that?)
ATAGI -Flu vax 2 weeks (Don't mix drugs) > Feds: "Just piggyback the Jabs...C'mon move it!"
Health minister 'WA has a poor Vax Uptake...Premier Mandates frontline Vax (Just the 1 jab'll do.)
UK: One Jab > immediately 2/3 x more infectious (vs) WA (Good!) Can start on Frontline tomorrow.
This is clearly what tbb is bringing to the table...your Government is putting your lives at risk.
Oz Govts have aborted Oz standard Vaccination politicise & patch up the Rollout.
tbb is merely promoting minimum World / Oz Standard Vaccine safety...anyone can check that.
Govt are the Anti Vaxerz & their Vaccine advice falls well short of manufactures guidelines.
Not that media / AMA would care to share...Coz you'd be reading this in the Papers & not here!
tbb has yet to decide on Vax & don't visit Anti Vax sites but has never met anyone wanting a Vax.
Family & friends are well less keen to get the vax...they think tbb is nuts for considering to vax.
Premier as raised the bar : The Elders will consider a Pfizer as they know they can't get it!
Just sharing that if you think tbb has an agenda...try the local doctors...should be queues there!
Only local vaxerz in town has 30% vaxerz until next Friday > 70% bookings available
So! Not exactly 70% (Was 50% at one time) but as of now a record low > 30% (Out of 3 reads)
Pretty sure that Oz worlds most unsafe Vax compliance has a little to do with it!
Nurse phone up tbb from Basket ball court ...10kms from nearest Hospital...Wanna score some Vax!
Every Hospital is in Crisis all at once...& that aint from Covid...can we say Rollout?
Coz that's what Qld Health tell tbb every next cancelled appointment ...
PS: Oz lies & only the biggest Longest Oz covid lies next time...Quarantine Truth will shock all!

"History now reads that No UK made Vax or any Vax was used to fight off the Covid massacre.(Lazy?)"
Covid vaccines aren't designed to try to stop short term spikes, they aren't even designed to reduce transmission, any reduced transmission is a bonus, but the main aim of the Covid vaccines is to prevent deaths and prevent hospitalisation. (That said you would hope when we hit very high vaccination rates of the overall population we do see reduced transmission, apparently reduces transmission by about 50%)
Reducing transmission through things like lockdowns, mask wearing, even social distancing are the most effective measure to reduce short term spikes.
The downward trend in both UK & USA graphs is unlikely to be a result of vaccinations, you would expect it is more a result of other measures mentioned above, but it does clearly show that vaccinations do not cause increases in Covid.
Daily cases data is close to irrelevant, we know Covid vaccinations in UK & USA have increased greatly if there was some link with people getting Covid after or more susceptible to Covid soon after, if it is shown in daily cases it will also be reflected in the averaged out data, increased vaccinations would equal increased Covid cases, and no the graphs are not fake or censored.
Oz vax roll out is also not unsafe if anything along with places like Japan it's one of the safest and most cautious in the world, we have basically used other countries as guinea pigs, which is kind of a good thing and a bad thing and im sure vaccines are being rolled out by health practitioners in accordance with manufactures directions.
Unfortunately AstraZeneca had issues, that's no bodies fault nobody could predict this, it's just how the cards ended up falling, on paper it was the smartest vaccine to back not only being one that didn't need to be stored at low temps, but also it's not one based on mrma tech, so in theory should have also been the one people had less fear of.
But now we are in this horrible situation where many people dont want AstraZeneca because of fear of blood clotting, but we will also have people that fear Pfizer and other mrma tech vaccines as are a relatively newish type of vaccine.
A problem Australia also has in low vaccine take up is we have virtually no Covid in Australia so people have a mindset that they don't need the vaccine, if we had Covid in our community all the time like many countries people would be more likely to get vaccinated sooner.
You can put your money on it that Covid Vaccine take up will increase greatly in Victoria in the next week or two as a result of this outbreak and lockdown and I'm betting that Victoria will end up being the state with the most vaccinated people.
Yesterday Victoria announced Pfizer will be available to 40 to 50 year olds and the website and phone line crashed, so clearly there is still decent demand .
Anyway your post are clearly anti covid vaccine and spread dangerous misinformation, in my eyes 100% anti vaxer propaganda.
And honestly it shits me, because the more people that think like you and dont get vaccinated, the longer this is going to go on and longer it will be before we can go to Indo again:(

UK AZ crowning glory Vax Peak has been wiped from Existence! ...No longer even History!
How to teach the Kids about this fantastic UK AZ Rollout without any Beginning or Vax High Point?
Just flick to any page doesn't matter anymore...don't give a fuck either... It's over alright!
There not too keen on celebrating this monumental UK made body count. {RIP} [ Censored ]
UK Telly rolls out same mysterious massacre each night...then one day....
Kid asks the Teacher! "Sir! Where's the front of the book & why is this page missing!"

Why is this so confusing for everyone?

Ok! tbb owes the crew a Quarantine Shocker...even shocked tbb...
Hot Hotels are Mutant Crawl Spaces infected with Covid & Camp outs are Cool.
Feds / Natcab count every Cap & Case in quarantine...even Hot Hotel Inquiries!
Whole of Oz thinks they're safer in Howard Springs than a Hot Hotel.
Scientists / Media swear that Howard Springs has less Covid...
Shock! The reverse is true! Howard Springs has way more Covid & [+] Cases..(Fucking heaps more!)
Yes! Every Oz leader & Media constantly print stats & must know this!
Hot Hotels (All Cities / States / Territories including NT) Count is Taken from Jane's review
31st March > 28 Aug (152 days) Total Oz Cases 20,685 or 136/day
Quarantine > Tests 130,000 > 851 [+] cases or *1/153 tested [+]
Oz Quarantine (Total) 24.3% of 20,685 Oz Covid cases.
Note : Peak covid + All o's Mutants & Hard up cases came thru the Hotels. (No o/s camp at that time)
Howard Springs (NT only) These Stats are often popped into ABC News
(tbb averaged 7 (Monthly) sets for stats) Many of these stats appear in context where they best fit.
15th Oct 2020 > 27th May 2021(224 days) Total Oz Cases 2,701 or 12/day
Quarantine Tests > 7,746 > 124 [+] cases or *1/ 54 tested [+]
NT Quarantine (Alone) 21.8% of 2,701 Oz cases
note: Camp facility is infested with 1/5 Oz Covid Cases ...hard to find an Oz venue to hold more covid!
Also that this Camp Timeline lounged 11x less Covid than Peak Covid Hot Hotels..
Extra Stat info...The Camp very much reflects Oz Community Covid as Xmas /NY > 1/43 (Really Hot!)
Stats clearly show Camp Quarantine during Xmas / Easter at "record Covid Peaks..could ramp 1/4".
Hotels are better at "Self containing Covid than open Camp style" (Despite Air Con)
"Numerous" Hot Hotel's (Countless Entry/Exists) centralized shopping / travel more on the way Home.
Camp ramps more covid that mostly reflects Domestic Peak Timeline Cases (Not o/s arrivals)
(In reverse) Staff unknowingly bring Covid from Shift/Community to locally spike facility's infection.
Camp staff swabbed Rapid Tests (RAT) in order to return clear for "Home" each night
29th April Govt (AUSMAT) slowly pass Camp onto NT Govt. (850 > soon 2,000)
NT said RAT pushed False [+] > Switching to "Gold Standard" 24hr PCR tests.
Expert Mary Louise McLaws (Warns) : RAT needed > Early Pick up + VOC's + to clear Staff in 20mins.
27th May (Review) 1/62 is best [+] reduction nearing Nov (Pre Xmas) Best of 1/64
Quarantine Workers > Tests Qld / NT / SA (vs) Vax Mandate 1dose (only)- NSW / WA / Vic / NZ
This Hot Hotel (vs) Camp Out was well over due...
tbb finds it strange that Media / States / Feds know all of this and more.
First thing you need to show if yer promoting a Quarantine Camp...(What is the [+] case rate?)
Clearly Camps need to bring cases down by addressing casual re-entry + sort the on site spread.
Crew can see Camp cases are well higher than Hot Hotels & need to improve heaps!
Feds VISA turnstyle ramp of Staff tests/vax upon entry/exit is the Elephant in the Room.
Anyhow! Once again we've been lied to...get used to it!

TTB, Dr Norman Swan on the Drum Friday night called hotel quarantine a total failure citing actual case numbers of Covid in hotels verses number of leaks. Shocking rate of leakage, can’t remember exactly just now was it 1:190 cases leaked. With 21 leaks out of hotel quarantine x 190 = just under 4,000 cases of Covid imported to downtown hotels + Howard Springs (???) Check it out ...

shoredump wrote:Why is this so confusing for everyone?
To be fair i totally get peoples apprehension with Astrazeneca now and why people are waiting for Pfizer, if I'm honest if my Doc said i could get the AstraZeneca today, id say thanks but i will wait for the Pfizer (im in the under 50 group by a few years)
Remember when people were saying the chance of death from Covid is low and then people were saying but if there was a huge jar of jelly beans and only one could kill you would you still eat a jelly bean from the jar?
Without wanting to sound like an Antivaxer to be fair you could now say the same about astrazeneca.
Although that said i did hear on ABC radio the other day that the chances of death from the blood clots are now even lower as they now know how to pick them up earlier and treat them and have more understanding, but the problem is most of the public dont know this and the damage is already done.
Anyway its a pity Astrazeneca ended up having issues, it's been a real set back for the overall trust the public have in Covid Vaccines, it would have been so much easier and better if there had been issues.
But it is what it is, its not really anyones fault no one could predict it, and in hindsight Australias cautious approach has been a good thing, imagine if we had just started rolling out Astrazeneca when it was released at full speed and then there was people getting clots and even deaths, it would have really turned people off Covid vaccines, not to mention Labor voters would have been saying the government has blood on their hands etc and should have taken a much more cautious approach..

Agreed, waiting for a better alternative to AZ is smart. We can lockdown some more to buy the time.
But avoiding getting vaccinated altogether for health reasons isn’t smart.
It’s not healthier to have covid than it is to have the jab, says current statistics.
The only two scenarios it can (by the odds) work out better is if you never get covid over the rest of your life (good luck) or you let everyone else get the jab and that suppresses it enough to make it a reality that you may never get it.
That last one is the one I get the shits with.
Queue jumpers. Getting a leg up at the expense of others. And it is at the expense of others, because those of us willing to get the jab still won’t get to live in a (possibly) covid free world thanks to those that won’t get it. What rules and lifestyle changes will we all live with forever to accommodate those people

Comments in today’s Age pretty much says it all .....

it's a good and totally fair point to make re. manus taking only weeks to set up... same with restoking christmas island, happened overnight...
seriously do not know wtf morrison is thinking
and while we're in crazy town... wtf are the ioc and japan thinking? ...surely setting up for a disaster... seems they're just too deep in to see the light of day of rational thought...
...and aiming for 80 % of athletes vaccinated... surely it should be a prerquisite? ...assuming... well, assuming a lot...
support crews negative tests only... absolute crazy town...
could end up a 'melting pot' of every variant on the planet
could be a golden opportunity for some follow up dirty play too...
geez there's gonna be some tension and tense heads getting around... could be the biggest test yet we've ever seen to the 'olympic spirit'...
scary times ahead ...just when things seemed to be on the improve...

Compelling viewing.
Not sure if there's holes crew can pick out of this blokes spiel but it kinda aligns with the way i've been viewing this vaccine rollout. He's a slow talker so a bit of patience to watching this one.
Already know of one person that got really crook for 3 weeks after recieving her jab. She had to get it because she's a nurse.

Good work bluediamond, that was definately compelling, old bloke took a while to get the steam up but when he warmed up he let rip. He's right about the younger ones being afraid to speak up. Mental health crisis with lots too as they can smell the bs.
Nurses speaking out in Tasmania. It's catching on. People standing up to it, saying enough is enough. I'm doing my bit too. But plenty of blinkers on ATM.. Yes nows the time. Gonna head down a dangerous path shorty otherwise( already starting- but can be stopped still..) fair degree more depth to what's going down than many realise.

Cheers for the feedback on it Sam_2 and supafreak.
It was posted by another nurse friend of mine living in NZ.
Same for her though, pretty hard to speak out from her position.

GuySmiley the [+] case numbers relate strictly to onsite Covid within Facilities not (Leaked Cases)
Hot Hotel Review re: Page 8 Quarantine Stats - 851/130,000 or 1/153
"Leaked cases" is used loosely- Norman says 1/172 leaks + Lucy says 17/ 6mths 'leaked incidents'
Norman's 1/172 may refer to [+] cases in more extensive Hot Hotels with recent Visa Vamping.
It makes sense...due to Aug Review the [+] would represent safer also with expanding Quarantine.
Lucy's Leaks of 17/6mths...tbb checked own earlier review & that does ring true...(Very similar)
tbb compiled an early list of Oz Wide leaks back in July 2020...(1st April -1st person Charged WA )
Crew might recall that leaky VIP Quarantine was Oz #1 Sport back then.(re Hotels Perth / Sydney)
tbb's review (Day 1 > 13 July 2020 > 53 leaks) 1. NSW ( 33 Doctors from Cruise + 3 separate leaks )
Count Doctors + WA x6 Romeo = (2) leaves 16/4mths + 17/6mths > (Average Q Leaks 3.5 / month)
Figure is outside of Multiple Outbreaks & repeat offenders.[+] [-] ?(1.Air 2.Ciggie 3.Romance 4.Snack )
tbb doubts media or Govt tally any of them...they all swore that only Vic had all leaks.. (Vic had one!)
Anyhow! Unsure if tbb beat the Drum...near enough.
Howard Springs Xmas / Easter ramped more cases but took in less flights.
Alternatively when the planes came in > the cases dropped...(Note: It's all back 2 front > meaning!)
By accessing ABC data sets...we can assume Xmas Staff brought most of the Covid into the Camp.
Oz holidays the Camp is Red Hot...but intake is down. (That speaks volumes!) Offsite / Access issue!
Brief History
Feb 2020 Cruise cases > March - Oz Rejects > Vicco Overspill > Then o/s makeover
ABC online news...each has a set of following stats. Oct Begins (o/s arrivals)
15th Oct Open
23rd Oct -1/175
29th Oct - 5/358 =1/72
13th Nov - 13/829 = 1/63
10th Dec - 29/1331 = 1/45
18th Dec - 17th Jan (Oz Xmas cases Peak)
15th Jan - 57/2500 = 1/43
19th Jan - 58/2696 =1/46 (Thru Oz Easter)
Feb/March - n/a (Cases match as Post Xmas flights ramp) approx "1/52?
24th April - 117/6,668 = 1/56
27th May - 124/7,746 = 1/62
New Average = 1/62.5 > Note: tbb scored a complete data set thanks to Aunty & SMH
All know that this contentious data could well be censored, so we got lucky!
Crew know it's only fair to thank the Media when they do their job tricks, just how we like it.
Hot Hotel full set of Data n/ said The 1/153 Data the crew have is of Peak Covid 2020 timeframe.
tbb has no way of accessing "Covid Leaks" from Quarantine...not even Contact Tracers know that.
Quarantine Leaks can flow many ways...( Melbourne exhibits this...)
Ramping Flight Caps > New constant new untrained o/s staff longer hours with less immunity.
Govt's are slow and often get caught out with the new guy on rapid turnover Staff Safety..
Melbourne ramped Record Flu / Covid Vax (hospital Crisis) Cap up 467% / Mandate Vax-1 shot.
New Quarantine Hub / Student Quarantine could the Outbreak / Lockdown not happen.
110 + Hot Hotels, have 1,000's of Buses / Entry points to breach (vs) Camp "One Fleet / Entry"
Note Camp has QR Codes on all shared points to track all Quarantine Staff instantly.
RAT (vs) PCR (vs) Mandatory 1 dose infectious Vax ...(Not one state has a solution to Entry/Exit)
This is the weakest link to the outside world & point of all leaks.
Matters less if it's Straw / Wood / Brick or Camp or Hotel... it's the Bingo Card Testing that's failing.
As more vaccinate the testing becomes more a new fortress & learn the hard way.

Death plague.
Lock us down now!!!!!!!!!!!!

Interesting link Blowin provided to zerohedge. It’s dated 26 May 2021, and yet I’m sure that I read an identical article ages ago (months, maybe last year) and again linked to essentially the same story weeks ago. Perhaps I’m just mistaken, or maybe they just recycle their items. I’m fine with either, just saying.
As for AZ vaccine, yes, quantifiable risk and they are getting better at recognising the symptoms to look out for.
My calculus, I have no known allergies, no history of blood disorders or heart problems, circulation problems etc. I’ve had the old gamma globulin vaccine for travel to India in the 80s, mild fever overnight and a golf ball lump in my arse for a few days. Flu vaccines - never had a problem.
Not diabetic, not immune compromised in any way, blood pressure fine last time I checked etc etc.
This describes a very large number of us, I think the chances of getting a blood clot might be pretty low for me, probs much better than the 1 in 100,000. You can no doubt manage your own calculations.

GuySmiley wrote:Comments in today’s Age pretty much says it all .....
Actually comparing doing something in a developing country to a developed country is absolutely crazy, they are polar opposites.
In developing countries it's simple and easy to generally do things especially if you have money you dont have lengthy processes with overpaid people at every step and endless regulation and red tape and all these hurdles to jump over. (laziness of staff and corruption are the only real issues)
And If anything does take time it's because people are just being lazy or you are on the bottom of the pile, but it's easy to fast track things with a bit more money and go to the top of the pile.
Meanwhile in a developed country like Australia everything is a long hard process, just to get something approved or past the planning stage takes time, then it's an endless journey of jumping through hoops and ensuring all these crazy regulations are met.
I can give you a real life example.
In Australia to build a house myself, i need to first do a test and a payment to be a owner builder, pay money and wait over a month for approval.
I then have to get a soil test done, i then need to get plans drawn up, with engineering drawings etc and all these building regulations that need to be met.
I then need to apply for a building permit and have it approved, pay more and wait longer.
Then i need to abide by all these regulations and get checks at three stages, plus get certificates from plumber and electrician and then pay more to get it al ticked off and be approved to move in.
Oh and then there is other stuff like insurance i must have etc.
In Indo in most areas, if someone wants to build a house themselves they just go apply for a building permit, im most areas no plans or anything needed just tell them what there going to build for example single story 2 bed house, then pay a little or if they want it approved possible even that day they pay more often double..
Next day they can build their house all themselves including the eltrucal and plumbing if they believe they can do it, no need to tick things off, they can even just draw a rough plan up themselves and works off that..
Yeah the actual physical process can take time if you are paying standards price or relying on lazy builders, but if you wanted to you could pay good money and build it as fast as physically possible, even working 24/7 if you were willing to pay.
Reality is it would have been super easy to build Manus or Nauru compared to doing the same in Australia.

"Good work bluediamond, that was definately compelling, old bloke took a while to get the steam up but when he warmed up he let rip. He's right about the younger ones being afraid to speak up. Mental health crisis with lots too as they can smell the bs.
Nurses speaking out in Tasmania. It's catching on. People standing up to it, saying enough is enough. I'm doing my bit too. But plenty of blinkers on ATM.. Yes nows the time. Gonna head down a dangerous path shorty otherwise( already starting- but can be stopped still..) fair degree more depth to what's going down than many realise."
"bluediamondSATURDAY, 29 MAY 2021 at 3:24PM new
Cheers for the feedback on it Sam_2 and supafreak.
It was posted by another nurse friend of mine living in NZ.
Same for her though, pretty hard to speak out from her position."
don't disagree... i can certainly smell bullshit...
but spell it out boys...
Im done with innuendo and talking around the subject like there's a big monolithic, all seeing all knowing, god like omnipresent apparatus aware of our every word...
oh hang on...
nah, not yet surely... don't be scared...

if scotty gave you literally a darn good reaming up the khyber there would be a 100 and 1 good reasons why he had to do it in your eyes info. Again, he has only had since Feb 2020 to pull his finger out when to comes to his constitutional responsibilities with (remote) quarantine so your timelines argument doesn't stack up.
nice work ttb, thanks for the follow up.

More of the same:
“Ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug placed the same radioactive category as Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for the treatment of COVID-19, has reemerged as a promising treatment in the battle to extinguish the pandemic.
New York Times best-selling author Michael Capuzzo has called it the "drug that cracked Covid," writing that there are “hundreds of thousands, actually millions, of people around the world, from Uttar Pradesh in India to Peru to Brazil, who are living and not dying.”
Doctors in India are big fans.
To that end Dr. Justus R. Hope, MD asks in The Desert Review: Is Ivermectin the new Penicillin?
As those Indian States using Ivermectin continue to diverge in cases and deaths from those states that forbid it, the natural experiment illustrates the power of Ivermectin decisively.
Cases in Delhi, where Ivermectin was begun on April 20, dropped from 28,395 to just 2,260 on May 22. This represents an astounding 92% drop. Likewise, cases in Uttar Pradesh have dropped from 37,944 on April 24 to 5,964 on May 22 - a decline of 84%.
Delhi and Uttar Pradesh followed the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) guidance published April 20, 2021, which called for dosing of .2 mg per kg of Ivermectin per body weight for three days. This amounts to 15 mg per day for a 150-pound person or 18 mg per day for a 200-pound individual.
The other three Indian states that adopted it are all down as well. Goa is down from 4,195 to 1,647, Uttarakhand is down from 9,624 to 2,903, and Karnataka is down from 50,112 to 31,183. Goa adopted a pre-emptive policy of mass Ivermectin prevention for the entire adult population over age 18 at a dose of 12 mg daily for five days.
Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu announced on May 14 they were outlawing Ivermectin in favor of the politically correct Remdesivir. As a result, Tamil Nadu's cases are up in the same time frame from April 20 to May 22 - 10,986 to 35,873 - more than a tripling.
Although Big Pharma and Big Media have scrambled to try, they cannot explain away this natural experiment. As I predicted May 12, they would first argue "the lockdowns worked." The problem with this is that Tamil Nadu has been on strict lockdown for weeks as their cases have done nothing but climb. So the lockdown did not work.
Their next argument was that "there has been a shift from the highly populated urban areas like Delhi and Mumbai" to the hinterlands, like Tamil Nadu. The big problem is that the adjacent state, Karnataka is just as rural, and its cases are dropping on Ivermectin.
Uttar Pradesh is near the Himalayas and out in the far non-urbanized north where cases are down 84% with Ivermectin. Uttarakhand is even more rural and located in the Himalayas next to Nepal. Its infections are down 70% with Ivermectin.
Their final argument lacked any proof. It was essentially an attempt to smear Ivermectin through association with another drug. It attempted to link Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) with Ivermectin unfairly. While HCQ has become a punchline by the media, scientists like Dr. George Fareed know it is effective against COVID-19 – especially in the early stages.
Dr. Fareed and his associate, Dr. Brian Tyson, have treated some 6,000 patients with nearly 100% success using a combination of HCQ, Ivermectin, Fluvoxamine, and various nutraceuticals, including zinc Vitamin D.
Unfortunately, none of this has made it through the censorship of the mainstream media, and the public has not heard about the 200 plus studies that reflect HCQ's effectiveness against COVID-19. The fact remains that HCQ has an undeserved negative connotation due to its connection with Trump, which is unfortunately used to tarnish other life-saving repurposed drugs, like Ivermectin. For example, in the recent Forbes article, journalist Ray uses the title, "Is Ivermectin the New Hydroxychloroquine?"
Ray does not make a single substantive argument against Ivermectin; instead, he attempts to defame, debase or degrade it by repeating baseless accusations. For example, Ray cited Merck's recommendation against Ivermectin as evidence of ineffectiveness, while Merck used no evidence to support their claim. In addition, he cited the FDA's recommendation against Ivermectin, yet the FDA admits they have not reviewed the data on which to base this conclusion: "The FDA has not reviewed data to support the use of Ivermectin in COVID-19 patients to treat or prevent COVID-19..."
As we all know, Merck was involved in the development of a competing drug and had 356 million reasons to throw its own cheap, unprofitable Ivermectin under the bus. Furthermore, the US government was likewise involved in a significant financial conflict of interest with Merck.
The story of Ivermectin is more similar to that of Penicillin. Penicillin has saved almost 200 million lives. In addition, three men shared a Nobel Prize in 1945 for its discovery.
Ivermectin's discoverers won the 2015 Noble Prize in Medicine, and it has proven to be a life-saving drug in parasitic disease, especially in Africa. Over the past four decades, Ivermectin has saved millions from parasites like strongyloidiasis and onchocerciasis - river blindness.
It has already saved tens of thousands from COVID-19 in India in those few locations that use it. It crashed Mexico's, Slovakia's, and Zimbabwe’s cases. I remain more convinced than ever that Ivermectin will bring an end to this Pandemic as the word gets out and more people share the book, Ivermectin for the World. A more fitting title to the Forbes piece might be, "Is Ivermectin the New Penicillin?"

Not sure about the “cautious approach” to the vaccine roll out.
The government were full steam ahead and had plans for most of the population to be vaccinated by the end of last year. Instead due to failures in the system they set up it all fell apart. They weren’t being cautious they just set up a regime that didn’t work.
Interesting to note also that any time a gov minister gets in front of a camera to talk about covid they mention the deaths in Vic. conveniently forgetting the part that the largest number of deaths occurred in aged care facilities that were the responsibility of the federal gov and Andrews had to step in to bring it under control while the feds ignored the situation and sat by doing nothing.

It’s OK to say that neither federal nor state governments are worth the sweat of your armpit.

"It’s OK to say that neither federal nor state governments are worth the sweat of your armpit."
it's more than OK, it's essential
I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?