Vaccinate or not

Hi all
This thread has been my lunch break entertainment for quite some time now, so thank you.
I just wanted to add Darkhorse Podcast into the mix, especially the latest 80th episode.
I'd be surprised if this podcast hasn't been mentioned here previously, it's a long listen but I think it's some (unfactchecked) food for thought echoing some of the points being made here.
Hope some of you find it interesting.

Listening to the Darkhorse podcast as food for thought is a garbage diet imho, though to each their own.

US falling cases review...
13-16th April Rollout Vax Peak of wave (1.01/100K) = Cases Peak 81,619/day
19th May Rollout Low Point (0.53/100K) = Cases Low point 27,506/day
Vax Rollout ramps covid
Pull back on Rollout & cases disappear like magic (Covid is cured)
No magic trick the same thing in Oz & World wide Vax spreads Covid.
What is bizarre is that despite 100% of stats showing this...punters claim vax lowers Covid?
tbb is went about investigating in yet more detail to any validation of this claim.
Even chose US thinking it showed promise, hoping to prove tbb wrong...all want that!
It was a waste of time as it took no time at all to see most vaccinated cities have most covid.
Anyone / everyone would only need a few minutes to clock it!
Vaccination is clearly spreading Covid & holding US back & draining Obamacare.
These Stats are current state of play for all live cases.
Top 10 vax states spread more covid than least 10 vaxed states
10 least vaxed States fair lowest cases ( Oklahoma-30.3/100K > 8 states to 79.9/100K)
3 least covid infected states feature in lesser vaxed states
Oddly the highest Cases state is in the lowest Ten (Alabama- 185.5K stands alone as an anomaly)
Shelby County Alabama "Outbreak" (11,983 /100K) explains that (Blip) on low covid landscape
However! Top 10 Vax States are the superspreaders...only true claim you can easily make!
Top 10 states are right now spreading much more covid than least vaxed 10 states...
7/10 higher Covid infected States feature in higher vaxed States
Top 10 vax states had 2 anomaly/s Maine 128/100K + Minnesota 118.2/100K
Even higher case states rank just outside Top 10 Vaxed states...
So stats stack in the vaxers favour, yet it can't swing the reality that Vax Rollouts spread covid.
These stats represent similar worldwide each day but Media turn a blind eye to own data. Why?
Alabama + Maine bookend vax cases at either end & at very same point in time.
tbb checked & both States have been busy ramping Vax & that's an obvious outbreak explanation?
Perhaps Maine has a major Hot Spot as well...that'd sort it!
Again ...tbb feels he should hold back on making that claim outright Seychelles Testing!
This could also be that these two states have ramped Testing...that's a more obvious tie in!
Can get a snapshot read on that...might check further in more detail
If tbb is wrong on that ...then will at least note this weird arse anomaly.
Only coz we shouldn't leave such opposing stats unanswered...could be an answer there.
If it pops up again elsewhere then it should expose itself for what it is!
eg: Could be festivals or Start of Sports season even State holidays.
tbb has seen enough to blow away any Vaxerz claim of Less's a dangerous lie.
This is the exact dumb arse Vax effect that science warns of..."vaxerz think they're invincible".
Obvious to all...only an idiot would stand in a queue of Vax Certificates or try the Plane!....durr!
tbb can only say...please never consider doing any such's a trap!
Look! Even if you do...just hold on ...tbb will soon table an exact % venue risk factor table.
No! Not a another pretend yuppie one, a real one based on real stats to reveal proper Hot Spots.
Also immunity varies from 20% to 99% from vaxers on same one can suss who is Hot.
Every stat in the world today including US as here...shows more Vax more Covid..
Every nation / State / Town Ramps Vax > Kills twice as many, hides the evidence & town recovers?
People jump up'n'down claiming this deadly product cures you, but only when you have less of it!
That sounds awfully familiar guys!
That's the only truth yesterday, today & tomorrow....any claim otherwise then please bring it!
tbb honestly thought stats looked favourable to boost vaxerz claims...not so! Terribly sorry to all!
Any media pushing Hero Vax claims are guilty of knowingly & maliciously spreading covid / death.
Thanx ~ Stats

Qldurrz Review...thanx udo...that does paint the current Qld scene...
Here's another Qld business > Jimboomba Wellness Centre > No experimental Vaxerz.
[ Factcheck ] Vaxers to day 10 are 2/3x greater Covid risk to fellow patrons.(Should isolate!)
TGA : Declare infectious 8 day Vaxers fully vaccinated 100% sooner than EU/US Vax immunity.
A shitty 8 day Aussie vax Pass would be torn up at front Door of US / EU Insurance head office.
TGA [P] Vax is infectious / Higher risk / 100% less accredited immunity / No Compo...(Least safe!)
Oz needs to lift 100% to World vax standards before spreading infectious mutants thru the Town.
Qld Govt Policy won't mandate vax entry.
Business must profile own QR mode for non compliant patrons. (But business are denying entry)
Business mandates own entry....(Footwear / No Cash / No Vax / No paper Vax Cert / Choice of ID )
eg: Today tbb's in Law said library copiers now need internet banking transactions! (I spy on you!)
tbb asked : Govt rep: "Yes! We receive QR code rejections but no business has been warned...&
Furthermore...It's unlikely that Govt will pursue business over Denial of Service."
Also said that ...." You'd think Business would be keen to accept all patrons post Covid!"
Karen vs Karen war drums are dusted off as Govt dives for cover...our hands are tied?
Speaking of ducking for Cover...perhaps there is some truth to Vax snob Qldurrz!
Qld Health :
We're asking Qldurrz who can be vaccinated to be.
It doesn't matter which order... If you're offered a Covid vax then get that one first.
You can have the Flu Vax between Covid Doses or vice versa (Allow 14 days!)
1st March : Flu Vaccinations Neither Premier or Chief Health Officer care to kick off Flu season.
2020: Qld Premier's Flu Vax Piss take was a riot & this year's claim is just as bizarre.
3rd May Phase 2a : Neither Premier or Chief Health Officer bother to front up for their Covid Vax...
20th May : Qld Premier : "I have to have my Flu Vaccine First!"...(Massive Misinformation?)
"I think Jeannette Young and I are planning to have that in a week or two."
Qld #1 + #2 plan to vax & recover on same dates ....who runs Qld Covid Outbreak?
Early June- Premier's Flu vax is 3 months late...add 2 weeks for extra drawn out Covid Vax delay.
Mid June- Covid Vax is 1-2 months delay from that fast enough?
(a) Qld Leaders are either anti Vax or just plain common anti AZ vaxerz?
(b) Qld female leaders could be buying time for Pfizer Jabs.
(c) Can our Phase 2a / 50+ Leaders actually scam a Pfizer Vax & get away with it?
Qld Health Minister : 56 Qld Pharmacies can Vax within Weeks
PSA : "We have 2 excellent Vaccines available may be feasible for Pfizer Phase 2b & Beyond."
Mid June : Sounds like Chemists will jab Pfizer to 50+ Ladies & beyond...that's how tbb reads it!
Mid June : Miss Jean & Anna the new sleeveless Boomer Models for Chem Warehouse?
Is this how these boomer foxes intend to score top shelf Pfizer brew & all on the up!
Of course tbb cooked up the scam as his Mum says shes not too keen on that Bloody Stout.
Rollout Stats Anomalies
Vax/100 sees Larger states WA > Qld in last place (Premier argues Qld Larger regional Sprawl )
Vax/ Volume (NSW/WA/ SA) vax depots leave Qld (No hub) robbed with lengthy supply slops.
Naturally Nations/States where Covid struggles to reach will in turn struggle to Rollout Vax.
That's a no brainer so why would Qld try twice as hard to still lose the race before it's even run.
2021 Flu Vax is falling behind due to Covid Vax but still rolls out in same % proportions.
NSW leaps ahead with Sydney Flu Vax > Vic overtakes NSW with Covid Vax in urban density.
Qld / WA were never in any race but WA has a Covid Vax Hub to slightly edge ahead of Qld.
Still the Media drum up a Vax race with Blood'n'Gutz'n'Winnerz'n'Looserz.
Oz Total > Rollout Speed is gearing up...
Surprisingly Oz is rolling out Ok at 477,000 doses/wk but media claim we're losers?
9th April (53 days) 1m doses > 28th April (19 days) 2m doses > 15th May (17 days) 3m doses
Oz Rollout of 500,000 wk or 2m/month is astounding for World's most comprehensive Rollout.
No > Climactic Events, Vax Shortage or Outbreaks then this is a good speed, so don't knock it!
The joke's over & Oz would be wise to camp on natural level to restore depleted health resources.
Understand that Oz has highest % of Vax programs that are falling behind...we'll pay for that!
Say what ya like...coz if this is a race then it's a long one & race leaders are stacking everywhere.
Reckon if we adopt our iconic Bradbury position we keep in the race & then we all win!
Sure tbb has a crack many a time but it's our dopey media that needs to step up not our frontline.
We all see the alienation widening...Govt needs a kicker that we know can bring it back home.
Simply swap killer Jab for Health / Sleep / Weight / Diet / 'needed' vax immunity recovery plan.
The idea being to shift focus from "That Needle" to suited vax tailored to health check / plan.
Can still be the same fuckin' Vax but with a Posh state of the nation GP vax recovery care plan.
Just like Mothers trust vax with Baby health checks's Aussie, we trust it & it works & all win.
This is how the world sees Oz...everytime we slip behind we back each other up, that's us!

None of the vaccines cause covid. And vaccines don't work instantly. The body's immune response and the development of antibodies in response to vaccination is a gradual process that takes weeks and months. It takes several weeks to provide decent protection, and will continue for at least a couple months afterward. This is true of every vaccine. If you are exposed to covid within the first week or two post vaccination, you don't have much immunity yet. So if people living in covid hot spot areas resume regular behaviour without distancing, masks, etc, immediately after vaccination, they do not have much protection to the virus at all for those 2 to 3 weeks. And you don't have excellent protection from the virus until 3 weeks post 2nd vaccination.
The recent surge in cases that has occurred since January of this year worldwide is due to more transmissible variants taking hold. Most of the cases of vaccinated individuals who are getting the breakthrough cases are getting the virus within the first few weeks of vaccination when antibodies have not developed sufficently. Many people have the false impression that as soon as they get the jab, that they are good to go. This is not true. You need to wait several weeks for your antibodies to build.
Make no mistake, this global pandemic will end by herd immunity achieved through vaccination. It's easy to be hesitant about vaccines when the threat is currently low in Australia, but as time drags on and the covid restrictions linger, vaccine hesitancy will decrease when Australia sees the rest of the world return to normal once vaccination reaches 80+%.
AUS, NZ, TWN, and China are unique in the way they have had success via the elimination method of controlling the virus. This method will only work over time if you continue the restrictions indefinitely. Vaccination offers the safest and most direct way back to normal.
2021 is seeing the largest global vaccination event in history, so if you're hesitant, wait a few months while billions of other people get vaccinated and the covid vaccines end up having the largest trial process for any vaccine ever. I know you're eagerly waiting for the results but the data already out points to them being highly safe and effective.
The vaccines work.

Great post Keel!
Also while we're still seeing the side effects of the vaccines coming out, the death to vaccination percentage is still way way under the death to COVID case numbers. IE COVID is more deadly than deaths from vaccines.

Not if you’re under 80 and healthy.

Great tracking Supafreak & very good point with ivermectin as it reduces inflammation.
All Vax Spikes promote 'Covid like' defence inflammation in lymph nodes that clot the blood.
Vaxerz body is then open to covid then 3x more infectious until swelling reduces > 10 days.
India's 97% Vaccine Rollout Ramp in 65 days resulted in (400,000) more Covid cases.
India's 60% Vaccine Rollout backdown in 10 days resulted in (140,000) less Covid cases.
tbb salutes whoever had the Gutz to stand up to these expert Vax bullies to save the Nation.
Nope! They won't be getting a statue or even a mention in "WHO's Sci Fi Comic Strip."
Most likely they will lose their job for undermining Big Pharma Youth Elixir Scamdemic.
World's biggest idiots to Top scientists must now all agree that Less Vax = Less Covid...durr!
Honestly! If Experts refuse to see World's largest cause/cure of covid then they're are dangerous.
Everyone please listen to the experts as they're expert in 1/100 year Global Pandemics. NOT!
So any ivermectin trial would need to offset that massive dose of wake up call.
tbb thinks if we can read between the lines for obvious anomaly we can get an insight here.
Pretty sure it's smacking tbb in the face but local vax timing is everything in these examples.
Insightful link - examples "case rises" by time & amount of places that shunned ivermectin.
This study refers to post infectious Remdesivir but omits any timely Vax Rollout ramps
Would be interesting to check for Rollout Ramps of same time (vs) 'Preemptive' Ivermectin.
Unsure if or where we can back up an access point to time Rollout Dosage Stats for Indian 'States'.
Most likely need a News source to cross reference weekly snapshots...even that would be a Fluke!
Although Indian News is more willing to share quirky detail...never know!

Eric Clapton isn't a fan of the Astrazeneca vaccine

The big picture in this pandemic is that vaccination by any of the available vaccines is going to drastically reduce casualties.
The vaccine that is getting the most press lately is the AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine which has been linked to some rare but nasty blood clotting (with a low platelet count rather than high). The risk seems to skew higher for younger age groups, which is of concern because young people <40 typically get less severe outcomes with covid.
"The UK's medicines safety regulator says there have been 242 clotting cases and 49 deaths, with 28.5 million doses of the vaccine administered."
Since these clots can show up within the month following vaccination, its an undercount, but not substantially. Compare this to 1300 people dying of covid per day (7 day average) in the UK at the peak. Some countries are limiting the AZ vaccine to 40+ to reflect the lower risk of serious outcomes among younger <40 people, and others like Norway and a couple other Scandinavian countries temporarily halted use of AZ since alternate vaccines were available.
The mRNA vaccines are not linked to these blood clots. I did read about myocarditis (inflammation of heart muscle) being found in 62 people in Israel following the Pfizer vaccine, resulting in two deaths, out of 5 million vaccinated. [
These numbers are pretty low
Some countries are saying that mRNA vaccines are safer, but ultimately all vaccines will reduce direct and indirect human suffering from Covid. If we never go back to normal, you can be sure that the indirect human suffering related to economic function and mental well-being will take a stronger hold too.
If Australia can keep covid at very low levels like we've seen, it makes sense to prefer the mRNA vaccines since there doesn't appear to be any statistically significant risk of death with those. That is the strategy that I believe Australia should be taking.
That said, the risks of serious complications from the side effects of the vaccines are highly sensationalized, though it is to some degree understandable. Everyone has been on edge from the pandemic and we're naturally afraid of change. Most people don't bat an eye at the long list of side effects from most medication we take on a regular basis, but with these covid vaccines, everyone is now an armchair epidemiologist and medical virologist.
I can see where the vaccine hesitation in Australia comes from, but you have to ask yourself how long can the restrictions continue?

My links didnt format correctly.
First one on AZ
Second on Pfizer

I posted a follow up comment just above your last one with the links corrected. I put the link in brackets and the closing bracket was somehow incorporated in the URL. Cant edit my comment after 10mins from posting, sigh.

keeldude wrote:truebluebasher
None of the vaccines cause covid. And vaccines don't work instantly. The body's immune response and the development of antibodies in response to vaccination is a gradual process that takes weeks and months. It takes several weeks to provide decent protection, and will continue for at least a couple months afterward. This is true of every vaccine. If you are exposed to covid within the first week or two post vaccination, you don't have much immunity yet. So if people living in covid hot spot areas resume regular behaviour without distancing, masks, etc, immediately after vaccination, they do not have much protection to the virus at all for those 2 to 3 weeks. And you don't have excellent protection from the virus until 3 weeks post 2nd vaccination.
The recent surge in cases that has occurred since January of this year worldwide is due to more transmissible variants taking hold. Most of the cases of vaccinated individuals who are getting the breakthrough cases are getting the virus within the first few weeks of vaccination when antibodies have not developed sufficently. Many people have the false impression that as soon as they get the jab, that they are good to go. This is not true. You need to wait several weeks for your antibodies to build.
Make no mistake, this global pandemic will end by herd immunity achieved through vaccination. It's easy to be hesitant about vaccines when the threat is currently low in Australia, but as time drags on and the covid restrictions linger, vaccine hesitancy will decrease when Australia sees the rest of the world return to normal once vaccination reaches 80+%.
AUS, NZ, TWN, and China are unique in the way they have had success via the elimination method of controlling the virus. This method will only work over time if you continue the restrictions indefinitely. Vaccination offers the safest and most direct way back to normal.
2021 is seeing the largest global vaccination event in history, so if you're hesitant, wait a few months while billions of other people get vaccinated and the covid vaccines end up having the largest trial process for any vaccine ever. I know you're eagerly waiting for the results but the data already out points to them being highly safe and effective.
The vaccines work.
Good post, your other post is good too, so over all the misinformation some people like to spread, it does nobody any good, if for some reason people think Covid vaccines are bad for some reason, fine, just don't take them.

Supafreak wrote:@indo , do you believe the world will achieve herd immunity? If predictions that it will take 6 years to vaccinate the world then I don’t believe it’s achievable, I would love to be wrong , I think it will become endemic unfortunately and just another disease we learn to live with like many others. Again hope I’m wrong.
From what i read from recent articles they don't expect the world will reach herd immunity, you would expect some developed countries will though or will get close.
Yes i agree it will most likely just become something we learn to live with, which in the future hopefully wont be such a big deal as most of us hopefully will be vaccinated.
I do hope that we get to a stage where once everyone has had the opportunity to get vaccinated, we don't try to keep Covid out of Australia and just go back to normal international travel.
Personally im not expecting this scenario until 2023 :(

Keeldude wrote"everyone is now an armchair epidemiologist and a medical virologist."
and you are?

First Rand Paul now Jim Jordan. The real intelligentsia of the Senate. Who’s next, Majorie Taylor Green? . I’ll take Fauci’s opinion any day.

[ Disclaimer ]
tbb reported the Vax Rollout #1Covid case spike early in the year.
Yes! tbb did go searching for Vax Covid Spike anomaly, here's tbb's reasoning based on #1 science.
All tbb's research often credits WHO # 1 'UK Health' Professor as again now!
Hardly misinformation...but it is currently being censored in 'Case format' nevertheless
So none of the crew are surprised with that revelation .... All say Aye! Here! Here! Gruff ! Gruff!
13th Oct 2020 - East Anglia Uni : Professor Paul Hunter
Response to Double infected Covid Cases & immunity implications. (Rollout Warning #1)
"It's too early to say for certain what the implications of these findings are for any immunisation programme. But these findings reinforce the point that we still do not know enough about the immune response to this infection."
4th Feb 2021 East Anglia Uni : Professor Paul Hunter (Vax Rollout "Warning #2")
"Warning" People's risk of infection doubled "In the first 8 days" after vaccination."
"Case numbers in Israel increased among those given initial dose, they say, "up to 8 days"...
after vaccination, and then declined."
"Surprisingly, the daily incidence of cases "Increased strongly" after Vaccination till about day 8...
Approximately Doubling."
Click to see graph replicating the Pfizer Vax > 2/3x Daily incidence from Day 2-Day 8 (Very real)'real-world'_vaccination_outcomes_from_Israel
5th Feb 2021 - UK Medical Freedom Alliance (Rollout Warning #3) 10 page report to UK PM.
"Urgent Warning" re: "Covid -19 Vaccine" related deaths in the Elderly & Care Homes
UK Care home deaths tripled during weeks of massive increase in vaccinations.
1st real time Graphs exampling already known Worldwide Vax - Covid case Ramps
ADE " Induced by vaccines causing "more" severe Covid + increased Hospitalisations / Deaths...
One reason could be Pfizer is lowering Lymphocyte Levels which heightens infection.
Strong Worldwide Epidemiological Evidence that VAX rollout may be linked to increased deaths.
Note early innocent Rollouts stats are now so deadly to ramp as #1 Worldwide Covid > Death.
19th March 2021 'Public Health UK' (Feb Report) (Vax Rollout 'Warning #4')
[ Stronger warnings" needed to curb socialising after Vax ]
"Notable rise in infection 'immediately after' the received Pfizer & AZ vax until day 8."
"A study in Israel's vax found similar spike in cases who had "Just been Jabbed."
"It found that "Daily incidence" approx doubled after vax until day 8."
9th April 2021 : Michigan Health
At least 2 weeks after Fully Vaccinated..
Good do not have to stay at home + Your school or Work may let you come back...
30th April - 13th May CDC "Fully Vaccinated" up from 10 days to now 14 days from last vax.
Avoid Crowds, poorly ventilated indoor spaces & unvaccinated people & their / covid dwellings
[+] Contact (Vaxer) is exempt from > Masks, SD, isolating, quarantine, screens, tests or reporting.
re: 11th May CDC limits breakthru reporting...there in no permitted Vaccine efficacy review...(Zero!)
6th May 2021- NHS + World in Data - censor (Dec-Jan) UK Covid Vax > Peak Covid Spike
Here's UK (Censored Post Spike Rollout Graphs) Rollout start 8th Dec (Censored) > 11th Jan 2021
WHO / Health Professor is both powerful & wise enough to rinse clean UK/Pfizer's dirty laundry.
11th May 2021 CDC is limiting reviews of reported breakthru Covid infections to severe cases.
re: 30th April (Vaccinated people are exempt from Tests = No Breakthru efficacy testing / review)
US CDC responds by delaying vax immunity start from 10 to now 14 days > (Oz -7 days)
WHO / UK #1 Vax immunity Professor {Warns} of unknown Vaccine immunity
Israel Employ Professor who again {Warns} of 2- 8day / 2x Covid spike in every Rollout.
Despite all knowing Vax is now #1 source of Covid the Professor camps on unknown factor?
UK PM > World Vax Rollout Graphs > 3x Covid cases/death thru Aged Care > Hospitals in Crisis.
UK Health sends Strong Warning for infectious Vaxerz to Isolate.
UK NHS / World in Data completely wipe all trace of Record Vax Covid Ramp Daily 100 Vax / Data.
CDC rule out Testing of any Vaccinated Person unless seriously infected.
Crew might consider...
UK govt denies Vaccine Rollout data to Largest ever UK Health Crisis.
This deliberate repeated online censorship hides any trace of Vaccine related Covid cases & deaths.
Also World stats are now censoring to similar post UK / Israel Rollout timelines & lack Counters.
US Medical urged CDC to record all Breakthru cases for best efficacy...their request was denied.
Now ask why Rollout / breakthru cases are being censored, if Vax is safe then promote that fact.
To date there is zero evidence of any increasing of Rollout Vaccine to stem any Covid Outbreak.
Covid only ever disappears once Vax has subsided....(Not about efficacy but Rollout infections)
However the world can daily see record examples of Vaccine spiking Covid cases & death.
Pre vax World (Wet Market 2019 (365d) 8th Dec 2020) = 67,210,778 cases / 1,540,777 {rip}
Pre Vax Daily - 184,140 cases / day + 4221 deaths / day
Post Vax World ( Rollout 8th Dec (158d) 15th May 2021 ) = 94,308,013 cases / 1,811,367 {rip}
Post Vax Daily - 596,886 cases day + 11,464 deaths / day
All World's Peak & largest Outbreaks were directly sparked 2/3 days after ramping Vax Rollouts.
Don't think the crew needs tbb to play out a full years Vax devastation...5 months is scary enough!
Sure! It's hard to believe & tbb often states that fact...all are sorry to see that vax is not the answer.
tbb will mix it up & share some good news from Covid era...
Australia was 30% down on projected deaths reversing mortality stats back 10 years.
Even more astounding was Victoria recording the least deaths in whole world...
Largest Migration of sleepwalkers herded to viral Hot spots forgo immunity in Pandemic *Kaboom*
Pretty sure every scientist & Health official would band together to prevent such a killing spree!
Brutal lesson in school of hard knocks ...Lesson 1 - Experts aren't so crash hot with pandemics!

big wig media seem to be setting up for the biggest arse-est face saving about-face of all time...
(coming off the back of some big arse scandalous about-faces i might add)
so much irony in this story one doesn't know where to start...

...and I gotta say, framing stuff as 'culture war' everytime they get the big calls wrong - which seems to be a lot - is becoming rather tiresome...

There was a little old lady trying to cross the road this morning, struggling a bit, I think she was carrying a bag of rubbish that someone else had discarded
I didn’t help her. The rubbish wasn't in my street, so why bother. Plus there was a guy in Sweden who hurt his back once helping an old lady cross the street

Ahh SF, we will think about that when we have the next pandemic

Miracle Vax Peddle Pop Stix...( New Big Pharma Puppet Yo Yo Game )
Game of Life {Apology}
Game is not ridiculing illness & no deaths are recorded here...good health & best wishes to sufferers.
The Game refers to way are lives are toyed with by powers that be...almost as if we were pawns.
Snakes & Ladders - Big Pharma Rollout Rules...(Everyone must play for the Next 5 years)
Vax Snakes ( Cases Down > Covid Cure ) (vs) Vax Ladders ( Cases Up > Covid Outbreaks)
Banker/s occupy all the up squares for the next 5 years.
Leaders are instructed to help pawns up ladders but often land on snakes & go back to start.
Vaxerz are pawns that climb ladders for the bankers.
If you don't play, you can't play any other game for the next 5 years...get the Vax Punk!
UK Vaxopoly Version # Health Warning # Vax is immediately infectious - (Strictly One player Only)
Top half of the UK Game Board is too posh so they censored we just use the lower half...Ok!
Vax / 100
Cases / Day
Player one : Boris begins his downhill Rollout decent...
21st March 2021 (Last UK Vax Peak ) 0.89/100 vaccinations > 5,244 Covid Cases per day
Start Rollout...
22-27th March Vax drops > 0.80 > Covid drops 28th 3,183/day
28-1st April Vax slowly rises 0.83 >Covid slowly rises 29th -1st April 4,421/day
2-8th Vax drops 100% > 0.46 > Covid drops 100% > 4th 2,268 -11th 1,711/day
9-13th Vax ramps 50% > 0.65 > Covid ramps 50% > 12th 3,528/day
14-15th Vax drops > 0.64 > Covid drops 13th 2,444/day
16-22st Vax slowly rises > 0.74 > Covid slowly rises 22nd 2,682/day
22- Vax slight drop > 0.73 > Covid drops 25th 1,683/day
24th Vax slowly rises > 0.79 > Covid slowly rises 27th 2,639 > 30th 2,340/day
30-6th May Vax drops > 0.65 > Covid drops 3rd 1,620/day
7-12th Vax slowly rises > 0.75 > Covid slowly rises 13th 2,657/day
13-19th Vax rising / plateaus > Covid plateaus slowly rising 20th 2,874
Perfect Score Boris... A flawless Vax Scam...Speech! Speech!
2nd March : We have No reason Not to think that our Vaccines are effective against VOC!
2nd April 2021 :
"Vaccinated should not meet inside..we don't think the vax reduces or removes transmission!"
13th April 2021 :
"It's very very important for everybody to understand that the reduction in these numbers in Hospitalisations & in Deaths & in Infections has not been achieved by the vaccination program. People don't appreciate that it's the Lockdown that has been overwhelmingly important in delivering this improvement in the figures that we're seeing."
Boris is doing his best to kick the Pom's Big Pharma Board Game habit.
It's very addictive...word on the street is vaxerz are already hooked for the next 5 years
Schoolies are leapfrogging Olympic VIP's down at the massive sweaty Jock's Vax Hub.
UK Vax Rollout flawlessly peddles Covid Cases Up/Down for any day/amount that your town orders.
Just when Covid is history ya pour in the exact amount of Vax cordial for equal measured Covid fix.
You hide yer Stash & Drug Paraphernalia, but ya still gotta wash yer hands & then Covid is gone...
"Wot Vax Scamdemic are ya referring to Officer?"
Police State Cop : 'Please! Ya killin' me...just hook me up with some more Vax!'
Are we seeing a million perfectly timed measured daily Global Vax > Covid spiked coincidences.
Or is it a 5 year scam to override World Govts to bankroll Dr No's GOF Star Chamber.
Perhaps there might be some lost Vax Rollout tribe that don't cook the books...can dream!
PS : tbb has uncovered a handful of Yo Yo Vax Rollout variants that play all sorts of weird games.
Only problem is...they're not the keenest vaxerz & score dirty hits from lesser disreputable dealers.
tbb is still searching for the Vaxer'z Holy Grail even if it is just a Plastic Cup...vaxerz ain't that fussy!
Had one hand on it today but it's real slippery it's not gonna land in yer lap! Hoorah!
PS: WHO Rolls out these tormented Dr No comorbid Covid snakes & ladders gameboards!

US has a problem! 42% of 18-34y/o refuse to vax...Solution (President): No Vax = No Sex
President is hiring Online Pimps to head up his Fountain of Youth Rollout
Vaxers think their so hot their now getting 15% more annoying [Likes]...
Like this..."You only like me for my Vax!...You Bastard!" Swipe!
[ Sexy Govt Disclaimer ]
Covid Roulette is no game ...we in no way endorse holding hands, Kissing or Breakthru Dancing.
(Govt Warning! Never show yer Vax Card or dicky vax pics to online strangers.)
Fuck Buddy & Grindr dicky vax pics are exempt by - The President of the U.S.A.
Are You Ready to Date ...The Prez asked you a Question Punk!
You must Answer...NOW!
1. Vaccinated
2. Partially Vaxed
3. Not yet Vaxed
4. (a) Prefer not to say (b) Of course I want Sex? '''[f] Grrrr!
or simply choose from one of our equally deplorable [xxx] answers from below the line.
5. Prefer to lie & superspread Hot Phase 1 breakthru Chix. ([xxx] Gross Misinformation)
6. Choose: M / F / U18 / Tranz / ABCDE / A-Z / Pfizer.
7. Thought you meant that other pfizer...Swipe
8. Do we still gotta do it from 6ft away, coz I'll grab an esky of that Pfizer. ([f] 2nd Warning)
9. Does my bum look bigger after the 2nd dose!
10.I heard that vaccinated are exempt from Condoms ([xxx] Misinformation 3rd Warning)...Banned!
Token Gay Guy : "Welcome to my World! Bitches!"

If Vaccine works & is harmless...naturally more Vax would do more good than harm...All say Aye!
Mongolia > WR Rollout / Speed / Doses (Good?)
Mongolia > WR Covid Cases / Death / Withdrawal.( Not so Good? )
Warning! This is another recent Horrific Story that was never told in full & crew know why!
Frightfully! Media tip it to play out all over again & very soon...please not!
11th Feb Mongolia hardly knows about covid with 33 Cases/day & mourn the loss of 2 poor souls.
No one pressed { Emergency }
Ask! Does the Crew think Mongolia need WHO or Money a Hero...or maybe just to be left alone...durr!
Crew can imagine what was to come ain't pretty... it's bloody well horrific!
(Phone Rings)
Experts : Pretty sure your gonna need all 3 + a Ship of Vax to save Mongolia from a far off Pandemic!
11th Feb World Bank approves $50.7m for affordable & equitable Covid Vaccine access in Mongolia.
World Bank hooks $2b to 're-set' more Vax Outbreak Nations...(re: Nepal Vax Tsunami)..
13th Feb Mongolia begins Rollout with a makeshift emergency vaccine box & even less motivation.
16th Feb Official Launch ....Prime Minister's Jab.
23rd Feb WHO Covax reward World's safest Rollout with 150,000 doses of AZ Covishield from India!
9th March OECD [ The Need for Vax Speed ] Faster Rollout is Critical to Stronger Recovery.
Wow! With a shit load of Vax ...this is a great incentive for Mongolia to edge out rivals & get ahead.
11th March Loaded up to the eyeballs with WHO's Miracle Cure-Mongolia cracks Top 10 with a bullet.
12th March AZ/ Pfizer Supplies
17th March Vax rate peddles a speedy [0.48/100] ramping 4x Covid > 130/cases day > 4 deaths/day
18th March Mongolia [0.54] overtakes keen vaxers Hungary & challenges Israel for the Vax Throne
5th April Rollout 18-48y/o
10-23rd April Lockdown > Reduced Rollout (See Graphs - Anomaly) Less Vax > Covid Spike.
At first it seems odd! But during lockdown the least immune Frontline were vaxed > Spiking Cases.
22nd April - Media are paying attention whilst ringing alarm bells
23rd April Lockdown + o's Supply dates.
Get ready for this...
25th April Mongolia are now World's No. 1 Vaxerz
28th April Cabinet Meeting + Breakdown several Nation's 1,760,540 Vax Doses to Mongolia.
Victory Lap...
2nd May Mongolia set a new WR vax rate of [2.29]
Now with their head in the Clouds they Reach for the Stars...nothing's gonna can stop us now...
6/7th May Mongolia smash the stratosphere with Earth shattering [3.83/100] Sound Barrier..Boom!
World is beating a path to their door...but for all the wrong reasons...Like Wotz the matter?
Media : 1,398,592 doses 42.2% vaxed WOW! But! But! Covid Cases 1,356 /day + 12 deaths/day
It seems the World's Covid Cases / Death Data Graphs overshot Earth as Comets in the Milky Way
6/7th May- Vax Bribes of $23 AUD for those who get 2 doses. (Rollout has Peaked & Plummets)
Worldwide Rollouts Peak at 50% then plateau or Drop ( Govts are instructed to coerce or incentivize)
8th May Mongolia must've realised they were played & flushed their vax down the toilet...just saying!
18th May Mongolia were rapidly flushing Vax & Shedding Covid to 349 cases /day + 2 deaths /day
Vax Police Raided Mongolia & were busted with a miserly (0.65) Vax in their Poo Pipes...(Maybe!)
Mongolia are right now, made to relive the whole nightmare Killings. (Please don't beat me Master!)
20-22nd May - Mongolia kick started their World Bank Killing Machine to hit 684/day + 8 deaths day.
Note: Mongolia are well over half vaxed but with each arm they Jab the cases & killings ramp.
Go ahead & tell'm...How good is Vax!
Read this... Mongolia is (today!) tipped as a front runner for the next big Covid Spike (So Soon!)
You wouldn't read about it...seriously! No one's gonna print the truth or call out Dr No's heavies.
Note the excellent media articles blame everyone & thing & but the Elephant in the Room..."Vax"
Vax has multiplied WR Outbreaks & death world wide & once again haunts Mongolia as tbb writes!
Mongolia will never again return to former near Covid free life with WHO thugs on the Toilet Door.
Now playthings of WHO / OECD / World Bank...More Vax > Less Elderly > More Inheritance & Slaves.
Stats (Vax Target is 2m / 60% of population!)
Covid Pre Vax - 2,174 cases (1 year) 33 cases/day + 2 Deaths (1year)
Vax Miracle Cure - 49,684 cases (2,185%) 1,356 cases/day + 242 Deaths (12,000%) 12 deaths/day
Multi Vax brands > Rollout Dates > Rollout News here...
Reminding Mongolia is over 50% vaxed yet every time they touch a Vax needle lots of people die.
Kinda buggers Herd immunity a bit...don't it now!
If any of the crew know more about this WR horror vax story or similar...please spread the news.
Vax covid spike started in UK Last year & only gets worse each day....won't someone stop the killing!
PS: tbb can report NHS/BBC/Wiki/ OWID & many more have back censored #1 UK Vax-Covid Spike.
#1 Media have united at once to wipe UK's Largest Vax Covid Outbreak cases & play down Deaths.
( Please restore paramount UK Pandemic Records )...This is not on...World Media are on notice!

where do you get the energy for this non-stop torrent of garbage?

that trip to indo is looking more and more distant for some of you impatient frothers and family folk...
I hate to go all skynews, and I'm totally suspicious of any polling whatsover - all full of biases and loaded questions from my perspective... but I guess newspoll has the ability to show us, well, something...
'73% of respondants say wait til 2022 before opening borders'
...that's surprising for me
and albo is in all sorts o f trouble...
'morrison preferred PM over albo 55% to 30%'
that's some damning numbers, especially considering albo's opposition... morrison is about as appealing as wet fish abbott to me... and it seems albo's about as appealing as billy boy shorton everything to the many others...
combined with the economy numbers - where I think lnp are failing miserably, but it seems the public approves - labor haven't got a hope in hell of ousting a scandal plagued, totally corrupt, and very average government...
way to go alp!

Went back about 6 pages here, appreciate the passion and desire for clarity, less appreciation for level of scepticism.
How this played out as a political left/right issue is troubling. Suggest that the more you think this is a left/right political issue, the more likely you are to only read one side of the story.
Quite depressing reading back. IF swellnet pages are a reflection of society in general in a country with so few cases, just how far away do you think we are from societal breakdown, here and overseas? Clearly some countries overseas will fall first, god knows how they’re getting on in India.
Worrisome trends generally. Overall in my lifetime science has gone from being absolutely believed to open scepticism, or more truly complete denial of any scientific legitimacy. Same is true of organised religion though, while I would argue undeservedly for the former, and deservedly for the latter.
That’s a long term concern, won’t be won back totally in my lifetime.
While recognising how corrupt big pharma and government is, don’t be under the misapprehension that individual scientists are somehow immune. They’re much more easily bought off, with funding for research grants. So while believing little, I’ll tend towards the majority science viewpoint, with an open mind. YouTube clips of individual doctors will tend to sway me less, everyone has self-interest in this game.
Good luck out there, I think we’re going to need it.

Don’t take too much notice of those preferred PM figures sypkan. They’re for political tragic only, and do not represent a comparison of anything. Think about the question being asked - do you prefer this guy who is in the job, or this guy who isn’t? It’s the definition of a rigged question.
Albo has had a hard time of cutting through, and he is a bit lacklustre, but the next election is not cut and dried at all. LNP are in power by 2 seats only, their last qld result was their best ever. In the meantime qld voted Labor back in the state election. WA was also a strong result for LNP, since then McGown has set records for support.
A lot can happen between now and the next election. Have to agree with Supafreak that closed borders is popular and that is likely to stay in my opinion. ScoMo has seen the light there.

Not so disturbed by this SF. The mRNA vaccines are a whole new technology and Covid is the first time they have been deployed. Even with the AZ vaccine having its very tiny percentage of problems, I’m still more comfortable with that, given that it is existing technologies. The world can do a multi-million person test on the mRNA vaccines, and if you don’t all turn into zombies then there is a whole new science out there.
Which is good, because antibiotics are nearing the end of their useful life.

@ Sypkan
I don't think it's all that surprising.
Think of it this way, if you had tried to predict the future this time last year what would you have predicted?
In regard to Covid I think many would have predicted what we saw happen in Victoria happen across Australia with serious breakouts and long lock downs and hundreds dying in each state so thousands all up, or even worse a scenario like other countries.
Economy wise you would have predicted a dark long recession like we saw in the 90s with house prices crashing and crazy high unemployment rate like 10%+ that happened in the early 90s.
But that's not what has happened the recession technically went as fast as it came, the housing market is booming and although whole industries are basically on pause and job keeper finished the unemployment rate is 5.5% and actually just dropped a little.
It's all close to a best case scenario really.
Even negatives like the slow vaccine rollout could now actually be viewed as a kind of positive, we took a slow cautious approach but imagine if we had taken a less cautious approach and rolled out astrazeneca lighting fast.
But yeah Albo is kind of a gift for the LNP as well.
I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?