The Daily Good News

Cheers SF, made my day

Came up on my Insta feed (surf, ski, dogs). So lovely.

My friends niece is Leihani Zoric .
Remember her name :) !
Her younger brother is Ajax , they are besties .
At 11 , Leihani is surfing like John John at the same age imho .
She , I think . competed in the Open Australian Titles .
with a bar playing this on repeat, for realistic, grateful, and only mildly dysfunctional couples?
(and an onsite Custard gig in the evening?)

an amazing group of good people.

Not sure this exactly falls into good news, but it's nature, so all good.....
when people from overseas say that everything in Australia want's to kill you.....
Last 5 days here.
Tuesday: Shark
Wednesday: Shark
Thursday: Dugite (type of brown snake)
Friday: Dugite
Saturday: Tiger Snake.
All but the Tuesday shark within close proximity.
All potentially lethal.
All make you proud to be an Aussie! :-)

southernraw wrote:Not sure this exactly falls into good news, but it's nature, so all good.....
when people from overseas say that everything in Australia want's to kill you.....
Last 5 days here.
Tuesday: Shark
Wednesday: Shark
Thursday: Dugite (type of brown snake)
Friday: Dugite
Saturday: Tiger Snake.
All but the Tuesday shark within close proximity.
All potentially lethal.
All make you proud to be an Aussie! :-)
Southernraw. It’s good news to me.
Dugites, use to see plenty around SW WA back in the day. In fact, a football team we use to play against were called The Dugites and they played and acted just like their namesake.
I’ve been in the company of international visitors regarding biological stuff, they simply can’t fathom our casual and lackadaisical approach to not wearing gaiters up to our knees when in the field.
I once remarked to a group that they looked like they were about to go to war with the amount of protection they’d afforded themselves .
I explained as Australians, we know where to walk and where not to walk, never taking your eyes of each foot placement. It really is to do with your mental psyche of where you come from and inherent knowledge of your surroundings.
Converse to that, I was the goof in 2019 in the Pinnacles National Park in California with friends, I was constantly being reminded to not walk under or near rock overhangs that a Mountain Lion if feeling vulnerable could easily jump down onto your shoulders.
Really is about knowing your own turf. Good stuff SR. AW

Hi A.W. Happy to be the bearer of good news!
Haha. Why do i get the feeling the Dugites would be a football team from the wheatbelt or goldfields. Maybe Broomehill area. Yeah they're nasty buggers but also pretty timid. They take off as soon as they can. The Tigers are a little more bullish. I was laying on my hammock by the water this arvo and a Tiger came charging across the rocks straight towards me. Given my hammock had collapsed only a few weeks ago with me in it, i wasn't willing to chance a repeat scenario with a Tiger snake underneath me, so i jumped out and shooed him on his way.
Yep agree. Just gotta be hyper vigilante and you won't have too many problems. I love the little buggers, just don't like them in my footstep zone. Like you said, check every footstep. You have to.
Yesterday with the Dugite i was walking barefoot and he slithered across the path in front of me. I waited til half his body was in the bushes, said how do you do, and continued on. We all get along here. ;-)
hehe yes i had some English visitors come stay here, and both of them were terrified. I took them for a night walk. They dressed head to toe in shoes, socks, pants, hood, and take weird goose steps every single step. Was pretty bloody annoying but quite funny.
Oh yeah, bugger Lions and Bears and Tigers. We're lucky in Australia. We only have drop bears!
All the best mate.

In the shed the other day a huge red back ran across my foot and up my leg. At least we don't get crocs, box jellies and stone fish. I always wear a good pair of thongs when bush bashing but It's the two-legged sharks and snakes you have to watch out for.

That’s a busy week you’ve had sr..
Where the sharks whites?
My father in law last week had a tiger in one corner and a brown in the other corner of his chook shed. Nuts when you think about how venomous both of them are and they’re just chilling out about 3 meters apart.

old-dog wrote:In the shed the other day a huge red back ran across my foot and up my leg. At least we don't get crocs, box jellies and stone fish. I always wear a good pair of thongs when bush bashing but It's the two-legged sharks and snakes you have to watch out for.
Ever since I heard stonefish have been seen on the reef at G-land I can’t stop thinking about them while I’m there. They scare the hell out of me

goofyfoot wrote:That’s a busy week you’ve had sr..
Where the sharks whites?My father in law last week had a tiger in one corner and a brown in the other corner of his chook shed. Nuts when you think about how venomous both of them are and they’re just chilling out about 3 meters apart.
Blooody hell!!! The UFC of snakes! That's a whole new level Goofy.
I reckon the first one i saw was a white, i was just up on the cliffs watching the surf, it was big and black..the second one was a 6 foot bronzie. I was just about to paddle out.....gave it a 5 minute grace period, then paddled out. Unlikely it'd be interested in me but still gotta avoid crossing paths.
Ahh shit @olddog. I forgot about redbacks!! My shed's full of the little critters!! haha. And the local rockpools are home to heaps of blue rings. I still argue it's the flies that will get you in the end. Maybe not physically...they'll take chunks for sure, but emotionally....they can drive a man or woman to the very edge!

Ha, yes and unfortunately for the snakes Dana White aka the father in law disqualified them both from the competition.
I don’t agree with it but he’s a 71 year old farmer who’s done that his whole life, he ain’t changing

haha. yeah all good i get it.
I personally would never unneccessarily kill a snake, but then, the stakes are different for me.
Although a snake steak sounds alright!
But yeah, i'm lucky that where i live, there's a perfect balance of nature. I'm sure the raptors are circling as we speak ;-)

The Great Flydini, a singing dog, the Greatest, some cool magic tricks and words of wisdom from Micheal Keaton...
Dog thinks he is an opera singer
— Laughing Legends (@LaughingLegend0) December 27, 2023
Muhammad Ali dodges 21 punches in 10 seconds from Michael Dokes, 1977
— Fascinating (@fasc1nate) December 27, 2023
The best magic ever! 😂
— The Figen (@TheFigen_) December 26, 2023
Magic Trick, How To Make Your Brother Disappear 😳🙈
— PAUL ALIEN 9💎🔞🔞🔞 (@PhilipL47837986) December 3, 2023

Adam 12
That orphaned cat ( probably killed everyone ) is still homeless unless u picked another challenge .
Thinking u might have some clips of the Great Harry Houdini and his helpers .
Don’t show that shit , please , as have seen it and it is all inappropriate !

Adam 12
Difficult to get Pinky the cat out of my head .
I believe in caveat emptor but that Lost Cat Home bloke had a responsibility .
Imagine so old bloke giving the thing to a young family . Unless they are the Adam’s Family the are goners !
Pinky should be placed in the Wild imo
Edit - stupid idea Pop , again . Hate feral cats .
I don’t know what to do with it .
Leave it alone !
U don’t have this story I posted elsewhere ( botanical stuff u Have no interest in anymore ) on video
Getting charged by a little Australian Velociraptor going 30 miles a hour ( can jump 4.5 meters if feeling like it’s) for 29 minutes was typical of those two Laurel and Hardy guys .
“My brother and another very close friend ( Greek :) were in Northern Queensland .
After a long drive , the found a lovely part of the Rainforest to relax and camp I the lovely peaceful environment .
They got out of the car , admiring the ambiance of light afternoon sunshine and sounds .
My brother lit a smoke , took a few puffs and passed it to Apollo who did the same .
From a distance they heard something coming towards them through the bush .
A huge Cassowary , head down , emerged from the bush, charging them .
They just jumped around the side of the car in time !
The bird ran straight and back into the bush .
The boys looked at each other and didn’t even have time to say WTF , when the bird came back !
Just jumped to another side of the car as the crazed bird ran past , again .
Somehow the bird was able to turn really quickly !
They boys didn’t have time to get in the car ( smoke lol ) and the bird kept charging for 29 minutes before thinking I have shown them who is boss of this neck of the woods .
I laughed when hearing this , Brother is 6,4 and mate 5,2ish lol “
Also classified as a Ratite as their keel somehow moved from their sternum to the head ( I think ) .
A formidable Bird as is the second heaviest and third tallest bird in the world .
They have three toes ( think weapons ) .
The middle toe is 129mm long and all toes are super sharp .
The love to kick , powerful legs forward , in a stabbing motion .
They can run through the rainforest at 30 miles per hour if head down and trying hard .
The can , to really surprise , jump like a kangaroo ( small one ) , 4.5 metres .
Their keels ( horns ) may also help transmit low frequency sounds .
So , more like a fn Velociraptor , perhaps ?
Maybe not a black bear ( they sound unpredictable ) or 4 mountain lions and definitely not a badger ( toughest animal and the real Alpha animal .
But up there with sharks imho ( not crocs ) .
A bird to be Wary of imho!
Very territorial ,
They also eat mushrooms ( golden ones probably ) so think Berserka’s .

Yeah, nah, I reckon Pinky is just a cat that doesn't like being on a leash. The highlight for me was the noise the handler guy made when Pinky got a good grip on his inner thigh.
My feral cat took a few years and was probably more dangerous than Pinky when she first showed up at the farm half starved. Me and the dog were both scared shitless of her. Like living with a mini panther. But she's called "cuddles" now, super mellow and affectionate, not interested in hunting birds, brings me the odd mouse or rat now and then but more interested in lounging and cuddling up at every opportunity.
As for those two dills getting hunted by a murder bird, I had not heard that story but knowing them both as I do I could just imagine that scene. When you said "They also eat mushrooms ( golden ones probably ) so think Berserka’s " were you talking about the cassowaries or your brother Huey and his little Greek mate Duey?
Good to have you back and firing on SN. I've been reading some of your posts and getting some good laughs. When the waves get good you need to come down and let me show you some of my secret (and not so secret) spots. That new McT of yours needs to get wet.

Edit: just went back looking for Pinky the Cat and it's not on this thread, don't remember where I posted it, so anyone wondering WTF these two are talking about, here's Pinky...
I love Pinky the Cat
— QENNY: Supervillain (@AKBrews) September 30, 2023

hahaha. And humans think they are the top of the food chain. Can't even control a cat.

Both women and men struggle with Pussy(footing) Control .
Some are uncontrollably uncontrollable imho .
We are probably not the only species with this dilemma !

Ha, a neglected cat on a lead, what could go wrong. Domesticated animals are Dr Moreau territory.
For thousands of years, we have unnaturally selected and bred:
Dogs: companions and needy, intuitive hunting pals
Cats: self-sufficient rat hunters for mills and ships that fussily like a prepared reward meal
Horses: obedient nutcases that will be competitive or go into war or work 12 hours a day
Pigs: fatty as can be, pumping out babies and non-discriminant eaters
Cows: succulent and docile, having lost motivation beyond eating to the point some wire contains them
a few thousand years ago they were wolves, wildcats, akhal-teke, boars, and buffaloey-bisonny-migrating thingos.
Douglas Adams is the only thinker that could have come up with the Ameglian Cow to solve meat-ethics in the future:
( I wonder if the cornish accent is an in joke, corned beef.. )

seeds wrote:
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It’s all about doggy. Yeah I know it’s good;)
Fucked up Felix. Or Tommy the Cat, once his sun has shone, as is the way for most.

So funny lol
I will go and shoot myself really broke me up .
I must admit I think it a great idea !
Why not breed animals that Want to be eaten .
Most animals expect to be eaten, anyway, eventually !!’
This pig sheep was willing to do a Duck and force feed itself with all the correct food .
I was thinking , it might also cook itself .
Very handy imo !

So many animals have agreed to be eaten as long as humans look after and protect them .
I would consider anything FreeRange this .
Bloody dogs have it made imho .
Have developed those dreamy puppy eyes over thousands of years , so humans to fall in love with . Good ears and barking made them extra handy and helped them not get eaten .
I would not want to be a lamb !

Here's a saccharine overview of wolf to dog @Pop.
You might enjoy the movie 'Alpha'., a rather operatic reduction of the reality, but Jack London would dig it : )

sorry @Pop, suddenly had to focus on something, horrible clip I sent ^^
- taking the lead from surf clips, 9mins seems to be a good length, here's one:

Thank u :)
Thank watched the two visa versa :)
I think the last video , that I watched first and scared the shit out of me ( tough life’s ) , was more accurate .
The nice video and lovely friendly wolves , that always wanted to help humans , I don’t think so .
Will try and pluck up the courage to see Alpda on the BIG screen !
I got distracted and hit send and see a third , sensible clip that said NFI how they were domesticated .
The real life of Noble Savage may be depicted, not an easy life I’m thinking ,
When humans domesticated themselves eg Celts , they lived to fight , each other .
Most societies have evolved , a bit now imho
Double edit
Great work saving the kitten Seeds !!!
Triple edit
The Celts lived to fight but were smart and just got their Champions to sort out most quarrels .
Interesting , a boy dreams to be a Warrior . To live by the Sword and Die by the sword .
A bit like an animal WANTING to be eaten , perhaps :)
I went to Mullumbimby High in the 70’s if u are wondering !

@seeds, your poor cat clip is real heartwarming, but i watched it late at night, before drifting off, and couldn't work out if it was a nice story, a kitty snuff flick, or the cat had suffered gross human abuse. I was glad it worked out well, but it was a hard watch before slumber ; )

Been Sprinkling Silly Seasoning all about...
Step it up crew...when ya see 'em strugglin'...doubleback & lend a hand.
tbb swears yer rewards are bigger than ever...that look of instant the #1 dope drug!
Seen 2 blokes Whipper Snippin'...gettin' smashed by Midday roadside heat...
Looked like they were gonna die then'n'there on the spot...Fark! Looks like heat stroke!
Ducked into Strugglin' Local Chemist fightin' off Supa Corp take-over....
Get cheered on to get some liquid into the lads...Go! tbb Go!...they looked gone for good...
Turns out they're lilly white Irish Ranga Backpackers mowin' their way around Oz Summer...WTF!
Sounds like the worst plan ever...tbb is too stupid to argue with them...just gotta cheer 'em on!
Roasted Ladz thought tbb was an got'em some reserve for their tanks!
All good...come alive they did...
Experienced true Aussie Spirit when they least expected it, but needed it most! Silly Season Salvos.
Tell ya...never been thanked so much in all me days...not like that...downright thirsty slaves they was!
Told 'em us Aussies step it up when we see others struggle...hodad saw it a mile away & told 'em so!
We see it & naturally put ourselves in your boots...just how it is...tough luck...yer our mates now.
Kept arguing they're were Irish...tbb said No!...Yer Dead Set Aussies Now...Finally it hit home...well durr!
Yer willing to put out on the frontline for our town in that get rewarded as Aussie battlers!
Welcome to Reedy Creek & Welcome to Oz! Dead set Legends the both of ya! Cheers! Aussie Now! Yep!
PS : Was earlier rewardin' others today & stoked they hi 5's & extra special thanx!
Also cleaned up for last week's road crews...improvin' our town...just had their generator stolen...
Tell'em ya appreciate their hard work & respect & value their contribution to beautify the town.
Always do that & you get more respect back & All will luv yer town more! 100% True!
Local Hodad Luciano & Grom Sam sincerely thanked tbb & for Cleaning our Town...Love is all around.
Just to prove it costs nuthin' at all to help others along their way...
tbb's recent [d][L][p] hieroglyph Art Installation...(No joke...found 9/10 Littered [Plates] in one outing)
10 Littered Yellow [L] Red[P] Green[P] magnetic plates rotated in secret code up a metal Pole...
From Xmas Eve...only 2 left = 2/day recycle rate ...better hurry for last 2 [L] & [P] Plates! Smashin' it!
tbb put them 2 plates a bit higher up the pole for the taller Bully gromz...every [L] kiddie gets a prize!
Pickerupperers Trade Secret : [P]lates fly off @ [M1] on-ramps > Get up to speed whooshka! Hot Spot!
Want Free [P] [L] Plates...just fish a dozen outta ya on-ramp drains...mind the Giant Spiders..said #*!%
Too yer face...died off shock...tbb 'n'all...fuckin' massive bastards will eat ya alive...
Think it's easy recyclin' [P]lates...did warn ya! Thought tbb was just cornerin' the market! Fark! OMG!
Each of us can make a massive can actually make their day...they'll cherish that forever!
Oz needs ya now, more than'll yer best by simply being yourself! Too easy...Done!
Luv Straya...Luv the crew ...Look around...see all that Chaos & Devastation...only you can sort that!
Time to step it up is now!...All say Aye! Get stuck into it Oz..have a crack & back yerself...Go for it!

Great post TBB
Very true blue imho .
U are such a handy helper in your neighbourhood and on SN !
U sound like u are related to Rosali Gascoigne with your artistic style .
Very cool imho .

Pop Down wrote:So many animals have agreed to be eaten as long as humans look after and protect them .
I would consider anything FreeRange this .
Bloody dogs have it made imho .
Have developed those dreamy puppy eyes over thousands of years , so humans to fall in love with . Good ears and barking made them extra handy and helped them not get eaten .
I would not want to be a lamb !
Pop, sounds like you've been getting stuck into some Mullumbimby magic

Once Mullum gets into your system it never leaves .
In the early 70’s Mullum High was like the Wild West and very violent . From my experience playing football , other schools were probably the same .
Lots of Magic moments from the very beginning as had to do a Cross Country run in the first PE class .
I hate senseless running and walked up to the only guy not stretching and said Gday , I hate running and he said run with me .
We got just past the hospital on the hill and he found mushrooms and immediately stopped ,
He asked if I like mushrooms, I said no , only cooked ,so he ate them .
We only got 100 meters further and he started acting even stranger .
It took me about 59 minutes to get him back to sick bay ( was very happy to go there as kept saying he was from “the Bay “ .
Then there was Mullumbimby madness .
I can’t remember if I smoked it:) no one can !
The Italians mostly grew bananas .
If one of them opened a pizza place in Mullum in the 70’s it would have also gone bananas .
Mullum Munchie Madness would have been an appropriate name .
The pizza shop in Mullum is Milk and Honey and had great pizza !
Edit 2
It wasn’t until 78 , when a Roadhouse? Late night cafe opened in the Billynudgle industrial estate, that real munchies were available .
Toasted ( pressed) ham , cheese and tomato sandwiches .
Oh My Stars !!!!
Fantastic ( at stopping laughing ) !
Can’t remember how we got to the roadhouse , but someone would have driven something , nearly.
Sorry E infinite
We never had much money and never were able to see how many sandwiches we could eat !
At least 4 or 5 am guessing :)
Infinitely and beyond .
We went camping at New Brighton and a mate from Byron brought some happy weed for us to try .
We ate the whole week’s food supply on the first night !
My mother couldn’t believe it !

King of the edits @Pop : )
- that New Brighton story intrigues.. is that the "at Jakes that time" that @adam12 referred to ages ago? Do tell ; )
(you're a farkn legend @southern, and well done RK, heartening conclusion on the other thread.)

Pop Down wrote:Burley
Once Mullum gets into your system it never leaves .
In the early 70’s Mullum High was like the Wild West and very violent . From my experience playing football , other schools were probably the same .Lots of Magic moments from the very beginning as had to do a Cross Country run in the first PE class .
I hate senseless running and walked up to the only guy not stretching and said Gday , I hate running and he said run with me .We got just past the hospital on the hill and he found mushrooms and immediately stopped ,
He asked if I like mushrooms, I said no , only cooked ,so he ate them .
We only got 100 meters further and he started acting even stranger .
It took me about 59 minutes to get him back to sick bay ( was very happy to go there as kept saying he was from “the Bay “ .
Then there was Mullumbimby madness .
I can’t remember if I smoked it:) no one can !
The Italians mostly grew bananas .If one of them opened a pizza place in Mullum in the 70’s it would have also gone bananas .
Mullum Munchie Madness would have been an appropriate name .
The pizza shop in Mullum is Milk and Honey and had great pizza !Edit 2
It wasn’t until 78 , when a Roadhouse? Late night cafe opened in the Billynudgle industrial estate, that real munchies were available .Toasted ( pressed) ham , cheese and tomato sandwiches .
Oh My Stars !!!!
Fantastic ( at stopping laughing ) !
Can’t remember how we got to the roadhouse , but someone would have driven something , nearly.Sorry E infinite
We never had much money and never were able to see how many sandwiches we could eat !
At least 4 or 5 am guessing :)
Infinitely and beyond .
We went camping at New Brighton and a mate from Byron brought some happy weed for us to try .
We ate the whole week’s food supply on the first night !
My mother couldn’t believe it !
This is amazing hahahaha

seeds wrote:seeds wrote:Re post
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It’s all about doggy. Yeah I know it’s good;)
Fucked up Felix. Or Tommy the Cat, once his sun has shone, as is the way for most.
Not really a cat fan seeds but no animal deserves to live like that. Good to see he got some much needed help and love in the end

No 6!.
Adam 12 spent more time with Jake , than I did .
He has Nothing on Me .
I am off , and uneditable, I think !

Went out again after the last Post...for some more artistic stylin'
Helping the Lower creek Folk clear their tree smashed Wetland Reserve Tracks...
tbb was clearing all the rubbish but couldn't get helped a younger adult couple clear the trax.
Cleared a few trees here & there ... all but 1 big tree & a twisted mess...others were cool in thanking us!
Exactly wot tbb was saying...ya want yer life back...gotta step up & sort it...ain't no one else...look, nope!
Think that's's the Gromz version...
He was riding thru as that massive tree crashed...just made it thru...Kaboom!
Won't say his name coz 15yr just fought of 4 bigger teens to rescue his girlfriend from being raped.
This grom actually guided tbb thru that section...reckons it's too dangerous on yer own.
tbb knows he's not joking as we shared intel on the Booby Traps in the centre Swamp Isle...
Yes! With covered holes of Spikes + Spring Traps...rock piles that tumble...+ Fire Pits...Devil Shit!
Grom says the Car wreck is now a Sex Den...Creepy Guy in Tent...Bat hangs...on it goes!
Sure as ya like...mind the snake ...Shh! The wallaby ... the whole Harry Butler routine!
Cleaned up the Cubbie House site...Yes! Grom was reliving the whole deal...Farkin' Heavy local banter.
The whole fight sequence of how he took 'em out one by save his Chick!
(Just the rogue detour to clear Cubbie House bongs...not clean a crime scene...where's the camera!)
Tells me his school is run by some Cabal...he's gotta get they're onto him!
Now this Grom tours the crime scene & helps tbb clean up their trash heap of bongs & vapes.
Grom nearly dies twice in 2 weeks...Mumz Callin'...gotta go...see ya again Hey!....Holy fuckin' shit Kid!
Just a day in the life of a Grom...forgot how exhausting it is!
Feel like saluting every other poor bastard out there...even the creepy tent guy!
Sure! Whateva...if ya want tbb to clear yer bongs from yer local crime scene...give us yell!
Crew never read that...Never said that...was never even there, if any ask!
Seriously! Ya just read tbb sayin' to lend a hand...step out & everyone else is a superhero...Wow!
Chick is hackin' tracks thru the reserve..."Mind the snakes!" Gettin' the town's jogging track back!
Sure! Take out the trash...lend a hand...
Never said to take out a teen Cabal...Grom is a dead set Super Hero!
Yeah...he was muckin' in with tbb & carried out a Bag of Bongs...said only to yer bike...that's enough!
Can share tbb's neighbours (Chix / Gromz) are steppin' up well outta their skin...Salute Oz Townfolk!

Remember I am going blind from too many early morning sun rises and squinting:)
I love seeing u posts .
I say to myself FFS , shit Pop Down and U will have to concentrate and read most lines twice , to get what’s going on , nearly :)
A few lines I do , I have to admit , I let go through to the keeper and just try and concentrate on the next ball ( line ) .
U are different and am guessing, all of SN appreciate it .

Pop Down is way too kind & yes tbb is different...can't help that.
#1 swellnet mental Health frontline & crew...including Pop Down all heal us mental sufferers.
tbb suffers from severe bipolar...Yes! It actually hurts like crazy and is exhausting & disabling..
Sure...been in an institution and take plenty of Prescribed drugs...too many! Had to cut back.
Yer mind runs like crazy exploring every possible scenario...that's why tbb races off code.
Just gotta keep goin' down more avenues...Surfing a wave or exploring darkest oldest corner of Town.
That's how & where ya just muck in with weirdest of folk with even more unreal tales...mind blowing!
But also the perfect cure for so, just how fucked up can this get...drool!
Can sense it in others...over the top crew just get drawn together & weirder shit happens! Good! Yes!
Ben & crew like yerself are very considerate & caring of disabled folk & allow us to clear our thoughts.
All here know...News / TikTok / facebook / insta / X / Surf Media have no time for us weird folk.
swellnet crew are our saviour...more so in troubled times they are tbb's rock & anchor!
Also luv this site...Ben runs an Amazing Team of insightful positive folk...
We Qldurrz salute the Team & value their contribution to our State.
Pop Down instinctively & openly shared SN appreciate tbb's banter...likewise all round that works!
Where else does tbb get better health tonic with a kicker.
Goes without saying...we outpatients equally Salute & fully support #1 swellnet frontline health.
Just say the word!
tbb's neighbours in Philippines for Xmas he got mystery infection...drained him on a drip...straight back.
Back home & he is floored man...a zombie! Offered wot help...mow his grass...just say it...poor bloke!
Thinkin' his family may lend a hand..hopefully...wishin' him well...hits home it does...
Forget about all that other shit...just make it home alive...fuckin' heavy trip!
PS : Yes! This Arvo tbb journeyed to farthest point of town he physically could do what exactly!
To unblock about 70 Litres of cans & undies & shit blocking Stony Creek from flowing.
Of course tbb cursed...Recall swearin' why are Humans so fucked up to do this shit!
How does a whole world of shit get caught up & cornered where none ever venture...(Impossible!)
tbb thinks (Knows!) the new [M1] Exploits our Smaller creeks as relief valves to free their flow.
Inotherwords all the interstate shit is being shot out into relief valves up our creeks...(Not our Shit!)
Like a typically stupid filthy old bastard ...Almost trapped myself in & none would know...Who cares!
Stupid old bastard dies bodybashin' remote stormwater drain...How do tbb's kids explain that?
"How did ya Bodybashin' dad die...Shark!"
(Nope! Stupid old bastard got Mashed up in a trolley sniffin' undies under Old Coach Road!)
"Oh Well! Could think of worse ways to go out!" (Just keep humouring the Kidz!)
Had to plan how to scale out with Bags of gruesome sludge.
The Rock Cage was already collapsing ...can't climb out that way...fuck it! Have to scale out...
tbb is no longer strong...this is his limit...very smart to carry a solid snake stick...get one go at this!
Snapped the stick to act as a peg to carry tbb's weight up enough to reach the Drain pole...Yes! Free!
Only now does tbb share...already fucked me ankle twice, haulin' trolleys outta Camp Creek.
Please don't dob tbb in...coz this is base level Bipolar therapy! That or an eon in the Sarcophagus!
Once ya see this shit...ya can't walk past it...will burn yer Brains out....divin' in deep to sort it!
Here's where the magic happens...after the shittiest of shit volunteering tasks...' was truly spent!
Lone Bogan tours past tootin' tbb...knowing exactly what shit just went down...
Recall above...tbb noticed others strugglin' in heat ...further along Old Coach Rd in town...(Well!)
Locals returned the favour for in thanks all round! Instantly bucked up with pride! Like Wow!
People do give a shit & know just how to heal us crazy sick old bastards...when we least expect it!
Like fuck me...people do actually care for one another in fucked up times...better keep that a secret!
Thanx for yer support Pop Down...also luv yer work!
We're amongst plenty of good folk here + us Hodads get a few Toots & salutes in the town!
Daily Good News...Life is wot ya make it! Please give a damn & lend a hand when ya can! Luv Straya!

Oh My Stars - TBB
I only had to read that message once , to know how special it was and U are .
U are a bloody legend .
Not sure what happens in Stoney Creek ( guessing a lot of smoking BUT 70 litres of Cans and Underwear sounds it would block Any drain .
Not feeling a resourceful old bloke like U is going to get stuck in any drain , for long .
A friend of mine is one a few spectrums and medical help works for him .
He thinks I am on some spectrum haha , and maybe right .
I have suffered from Anxiety .
You are wise !
U Do Stuff .
Good stuff .
I thank U for a lovely message and a special gift to complete another incredible year .
I learn a lot , from people like U , TBB .
U are a big help .
Very sincerely
Are U really an Old Bloke TBB .
I thought u were more Geek age ,
Straya ?
Can I call u that :)!??
Important Edit
Base 6 , what ???
Nearly my age ??!
F Me !
Everyone goes bananas with a Full Moon !

We're also coming off a full moon Pop. TBB can be a little more active, cryptic and witty around these times.
All the best to ya tbb. True blue alright.

Pop Down wrote:Are U really an Old Bloke TBB .
tbb is timeless, @Pop

Ol grey mare Mare can't compete with Cat Vidz.
Ye don't reckon us 60 y/o Hodads can't dredge up an ode for slippin' down Drains of Undies!
Sung this song all a lonseome along Old Coach Road cartin' bags of shit....a toot is reward enough!
Ye Olde Coach Road she ain't wot she used to be, many yar ago...may yar AgooooH...howling!
Never said...uncovered a House Tip on way back...bastards slid Complete Walls down a steep gully!
Possible that part of a house did slide off the truck here...maybe during the Storm...(Fallin' Wires!)
Only coz it's near impossible to hurl a House down a Gully...Wot athletes can do that?
See how it works...Can dump shit easier down steeper slopes Folding over trees...(Correct!)
Now it's 10x harder to pull out against all them Folded down trees...have to Clear forest to remove it!
No way of gettin' that out without Abseil Lopping Crew + Towie Winch + Giant Council Skip!
Reckon $5-$10K Labour crew'n'gear easy maybe $10,000s once they factor in Work place safety!
tbb did clear more trees off road & path but others had cleared the bulk of it with Chainsaws!
Dirty ol' bastard Sees' the year out in style....
Been summoned by the Giant Water Rat across from Will's Wreckers...#1 Shit Heap on Earth...Fuck Me!
Just ask Kenny...he knows how shitty it is...makes a mint outta the Toss a Can Cnr Cash Cow.
Just along the 'Crunchie under foot Creek Bank' of the Coffee Milky Way...
Toss another breaker will ya...Give us a fuckin' break...Get Auntie to rip yer bloody arms off...
Oz folk know of Will the Wrecker's Iconic Goldie [M1] { Pink FJ }
Gave it a lick of paint to lure in his Gold Coast Metermaid Harem...nuthin' suss...(Spluttering!)
All Govts in Oz combined can't move him on..."This is my Shit revolves around me!"
Last fished out Sat Dish / Battery / Tables / Bench Tops / Crates / Pallets / Oil Drums + 10 wee bottles!
Plenty of undies here also...but from {PostCard} snappers shittin' themselves...Dogz! Said Run...faster!
Lovely day out in Pleasantville it is! Larger than life is Will...Pray for Hell on Earth but expect worse!
Get up the shakes cleanin' up Will's front yard...gonna die this time 'round or just get sued! Hopefully!
Only do it to freak him out...Like that hodad cleanin' up my patch...Will's worst nightmare!
Dream of being attacked by Will Dogz or his Undies...crew would get World beating News Story..
Fucked up Sleazy Bastard Wrecker crow bars filthy Hodad pickerupperer...Giant Water Rat scurries!
Tune into Tonite's News for the #1 Carnival of Freaks Show! Oz Top rated Hodad Gladiators shitshow!
Pure Dope as Shit Folks.
Google Maps Reedy Creek Pink FJ Triangle > Smack bang Middle of Goldie / Oz East Coast [M1]
Giant Hypno Water Rat (Bunyip!) Stuns the Lot...Oz #1 Bottleneck ...All East Coast Zombies queue up!
Grom..."Why we always gotta Stop at this Creepy Guy's Shit Heap of Town!"
Mum : "Just shut the Fuck up Son...Ya Fuckin' useless Dad missed the Old Coach Rd Detour...Again!"
"Fuckin' Said...go the long way 'round...Nope! Now We're all gonna die from some Sex Swamp plague"
Anyhow...did a Big Clean here & set up the World Cup Sky Link Cafe (Constructed from Rubbish above)
Gromz scored free entry with a broken Stubbie > Get a Milk Crate seat for Coffee Milky Way World Cup!
Local Cabbie wanted the Milk Crate as a Cup Souvenir! He was serious....where's the camera!
Please! Take the fuckin milk crate, throw in a free Coffee Milky Way Cafe Licence! All yours Cabbie!
Giant Water Rat calls...for another Will The Wrecker Sacrifice...tbb just won Lottto! Super Stoked!
True! "Mum even said our rival Swamp Families are supposed be locked in a War since '70's Nippers!"
Not sure if anyone hasn't been at War with Will the Wrecker! Not sure wot round this is either!
31st Dec 2023 Last Day on Earth...can get it live on the Rotten Apple Grapple!

Sounds like a normal day up in Stony Creek TBB and good luck bunyip hunting tonight .
It sounds like SC is different to Melbourne !
Mermaid harems and Sex swampy fun parks probably explains why U are finding undies everywhere !
If U kill that Hypo Bunyip Water Rat I may visit Stony Creek .
I like different .
Just watch the video . Was thinking TBB had gone……….... and then heard the second verse and lol .
Thanks , I like those surprises :) TBB !
Edit 2
The Old , like the Gray Mare , at least know how to keep their undies on , even under duress , when needed .
Edit 3
I would not be much help with the rodent.
Even if there , and with a torch , I would be behind U , all the time .

Hey True Blue
In Melbourne , we are very lucky to have the best radio station in the World !!!
PBS 106.7 FM
It’s our main Community Radio Station .
Presenters ( volunteers ) have , mainly , a 2 hour slot .
Every genre !
It is “The House “‘of Melbourne Music and the heart and soul of our music scene , especially live music .
At 3pm , I had a lovely presenter take me to Mother Africa and now listening to the Global Village :)
Really wonderful and am guessing u would enjoy some of the presenters ( head bangers at night sometimes so I don’t listen late) .
No adds , members donate , and 99.9% of the tunes in my favourite shows I hear for the first time . No one tells the presenters what to play !
It has a website and shows are recorded .
A brainyac like U can hear it in SC live .
Guessing u are getting the camouflage organised .
Will U stuff the Rat ?
Good(will) Hunting !
On Tuesday mornings Susie’s show is WTF , really .
What the Folk is one of my favourites .
Susie has done the show for over 20 years, I think . That is not unusual at PBS !

Devil : "Tell us tbb...just how did yer Last Day on Earth play out! this'll be a laugh...Full of Shit!"
Yes well FU know exactly wot you bloody evil bastard!
So this Local Giant Hypno Water Rat summoned tbb to the River Junction...Why would it invite you tbb!
Never Ask! Just do as the great one says!
Also...He's a Rakali...a Giant marsupial that eats canetoads to get super higher Level powers!
Holy fuckin shit...Yeah! Reedy Creek Rakali grows to 1.5m like the Barra...Eat you whole they will!
Last Day on Earth Itinerary!
* Traffic lights at the Junction went out...not a good sign as this is a Towies Hot Spot since 1930's.
* Pull up & there's a Dead Snake...right there...some bright blue scary one!
* Look in the Gutter & starin' back at tbb is a set of Mack Trucker Keys + an Empty Lone Mack Truck?
* No worries...go to the # 1 Truck Stop...Power is out / Witches Hats out > Closed for End of Year.
Does that sound scary enough Mr Devil!
Hear a loud Thud / Crash...look up and Car stalls then foxes others who smash...cheeky bastard!
No Traffic signals 1978 Ford Fairmont wagon rear ends another with a tow bar!
Crumpled up grill / Bonnet twisted up / Radiator is Blown hissing out a green slime trail ...OMG!
Another bloke & tbb race to help...poor old Grandma is drivin' the old Classic Ford... In shock she is!
We wave down a passing Cop car to assist with Grandma + The Non Signaled Intersection.
Towies arrive...Gran has no insurance & No Idea...All offer to Pay the $450 fee & drive her home!
How we goin' Mr Devil...Ghost town / No power / No lights / Carnage blocking end of year Traffic!
tbb pulls up the Cop & hands him the Full set of Keys to Mystery Mack Truck > Maybe that Ghost one!
Devil is still laughing...that's still a pretty pissy lame end of the World tbb...up he roars! Settle Down!
FU...Mr Devil...Well wot about that outta control Fire right behind the cop...tbb points....Wot now tbb!
The! The! Fire...It's outta control..."Holy Shit... Are you kidding me!"...Nope! It's Roaring up high / fast.
Pause...Finished the last post > Simply follow orders from the Giant Hypno Rakali (Is that right!) Yep!
Lets take stock... within minutes of arriving to Psycho Rat's Last Day on Earth Party we now we got ...
Crash / 2x Cops / 2x towies / 2x Fire Brigade / Ghost Truck / Abandoned 24/7 Truck Stop / Your Keys?
Yeah but let's also add in that menacing Thunder & lightning that's gonna wipe out NYE...(Fair Enough!)
Devil...Ok! I give up! You win tbb...that fuckin dumbarse Giant Hypno Rat sure is Psychic...
tbb did warn ya all...includes you Mr Devil...just do as the Giant Hypno Rat says & Normal Record Chaos will resume!
Giant Hypno Water Rat summoned tbb to prevent the Last Day on Earth...We held up our part of the deal!
Kicked the Devils arse outta our Town....
tbb also scored Sloppy Undies / A Rancid Beach Towel / 2x Coffee Milk Bottles of Wee / Vintage [P] plate!
About a dozen spray cans + 2 Coolite slabs from the Ghetto Drains + Heaps of Car Parts.
About 200L of shit outta central Reedy Creek + Plenty of filth from Will's overgrown front Verge!
+ Always get them Massive Giant Grain Bags from That Giant's 24/7 Bakery up on the hill.
Yep! Also cleaned up Gran's '78 Fairmont Station Wagon's treasured bits...sign here & here! 2023 Win!
The Other bloke in a Big Ford Muscle Ute was goin' past Mudgie to Nerang & took care of Gran.
Hoon Towie #2 : "Howzat Gran, ya go from Hot '70's Ford into a new beaut grunt Ford Ute!"
Such sentimental verse from a Towie...all started ballin' our eyes out & huggin...Luv Hoons!
Once Again...all thanked tbb for help & tidying gettin' Toots from Towie Assassins! Cry!
Devil says FU tbb & yer Giant Psycho Hypno Rat.
You pack of bastards ruined my End of the World Blackout / Crash up Derby / Bush Fire Damnation!
How ya like tbb now Mr Devil...FU2! Don't mess with us Local Psychic Weirdos...keep goin...Bye!
#1 Oz Tidy Town takes the Devil to the cleaners...Local hodad locks in a bright start to 2024...WTF...
Scripture for Gromz : "That's how ya go out with a bang & roll in the New Year...Hodad free-stylin!"
Whole crew powered tbb up to kick the Devil's arse outta our #1 Healthy Tidy Town.
Happy New Year Crew! The Big Finish we all wished for....Hodads got yer backs Gromz...Go For it!
Got sickly weak arse tbb out to save the town...Local no hoper comes good on the buzzer!
Sure! Can't Surf but can still keep the Ocean clean...Salute Huey! All say Aye!

Rakali Bunyip ingested a Hypnotoad, tbb, Happy 2024
deep breaths (insert one-handed classic-catch imagery)
all minds get to ramblin "like a wild geese" - Aye!

True Blue
Sounds like a pretty normal day for U in sunny Stony Creek , except for the fn Sloppy undies .
Horrible .
As it’s a Full Moon and U now point out the Giant Hypo Fn Rakali is also a Psychic that eats cane toads , I think u are wise , again , to sleep on killing the rogue marsupial .
Y don’t need to get dressed up as Rambo , after all .
Shit , maybe the Rat is an alien .
Get dressed like Armie , perhaps .
U will work it out .
TB - I must admit , eating Cane Toads is pretty fn cool !
The rat must have balls to do that , and I hate cane toads .
Just saying .
Edit lol
Any reason u can think of TBB , that Undies seem so prominent in your community ?
Does anyone wear them ?
Edit snap
TBB , if u can , film the hunt .
U will takeover the Beast Fighting award from the big Jew fish ? For sure imho
And u don’t have to clean it !

~ ~ Team Crangle ~ ~
Yew ! !
Dedicated to good news ....