Vaccinate or not

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak started the topic in Tuesday, 24 Nov 2020 at 6:20pm

I was a little shocked at Alan Joyce (CEO Qantas) announcement that international travelers will be required to have a covid 19 vaccination in order to travel on Qantas flights . The government wanted to have mandatory vaccination but after the bumbling of its release ( it was painful to watch the delivery of that announcement ) they withdrew the mandatory part but it seems Qantas and other business may demand a vaccination in order to use their services. I’m not anti vaccine by any means I just don’t trust this government or a vaccine that has been rushed through. A jab followed by another jab followed by yearly jabs doesn’t sit well with me as I have never had a flu shot or the flu for more than 20 years. Plus I don’t want to give this shot to my healthy 4 year old daughter. She is up to date with all her vaccinations but this covid vaccine is new and not being around for decades like the others. Tuberculosis remains the number one as far diseases go and you don’t need proof of vaccination to travel so what is going on ?

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 12:36pm

I promise i didn't pay short for that response that so perfectly supports my point.
this is not a conspiracy

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 12:38pm

giving too much away now super cagey shortenism...

"How about this theory. The human body has a miraculous immune response system, nothing short of perfect. But the propaganda machine has done a fantastic job at eroding confidence in man and wombman (remember a hu-man is a shade or shadow of a man but you overlooked that bit from the day you were introduced to the word), through relentless fear campaigning, through a limited scientific lens, through acidification of the body and through very targeted funding and narrowing of the public information field."

so a big fuck you to the all the people who don't live within your puritanical view of perfection?

a big fuck you to anyone not on your very fasionable (but no doubt probably very beneficial...) alkaline diet?

a big fuck you to the whole of java atm?

you ever been to indo?

you ever drink a beer?

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 12:41pm

Is there anything this governments response to this pandemic that they have got wrong ? And if yes does that mean they are wrong about everything else ? Of course not.

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 12:43pm

sypkan, no F you's to anyone... You putting words on my screen? I've been all over the world and drink many beers regularly.. And...?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 1:01pm

well those beers'd be a bit heavy on the acidification mate...

while you're answering questions...

is the virus real?

if so, what would you propose for central java atm?

considering... hospitals full, overflowing to carparks... people definitely dying (though Im dubious about some of the causes of death...), a society that lives on top of each other, with limited, edcation, resources, making transmission a huge problem), diet not ideal.. meaning loads of diabetes, heart disease so various comorbidities...

whats your suggestion, seriously, what would you do in given conditions if you were jokowi?

put em all on alkaline diet yesterday?

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 12:57pm

crystals and vibrations

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 12:59pm

Also I should clarify by saying that many generations of man and wombman have faced systematic mental and physical toxicity from the system we find ourselves in. Largely out of our control and scientists and doctors do amazing things by putting people back together and keeping them going in the the system we're in. I've benefited many times. This isn't the argument i'm having. The argument i'm having is that it is now ENOUGH. We need to take our power back. The trajectory we are on is not sustainable. You cant keep injecting and tormenting the population to keep them safe. Its like printing more and more money to prop up a fkd economy.. It never ends well and just gets you deeper into fuckery.

JackStance's picture
JackStance's picture
JackStance Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 1:19pm

SN editors, or anyone, are not the be all and end of any conversation. Whilst their approval may stroke egos, their approval also means as much as bonza's, and others, continual disrespectful behaviour.

Again, but for a couple, the refusal to engage with the core of what I'm saying speaks for it self.

We're a community on here, and we should act as such. we're all doing our best in the propaganda shitstorm to make the best health decisions we can for our families and community.

Whilst their is a lot of difference of opinion, and of studies, and of representations of studies, it is not like there is a lack of care or intellect with how we approach our obligations to our families and communities.

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 1:20pm

I'm still gob smacked that some of these morons are still clinging to their holy grail of a link to autism. Where have you been for the past 10 years, in an alternate reality with "alternate facts".

JackStance's picture
JackStance's picture
JackStance Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 1:38pm
bonza wrote:

The answer is zero. Vaccines lead to ZERO cases of autism. Those that promote or support otherwise are wrong.
Which begs the question. If they are wrong on that. what else are they wrong about. I can answer that too. Pretty much all their crackpot theories.
If you can be bothered to actually get the nutter to stick to each and every one of their argument's point - and then systemically work your way through the plethora of crazy claims - you can easily demonstrate they are wrong on each and every point.
Jack's comments above are a good example. he is unable or unwilling to provide evidence that vaccines = autism - so he avoids the point with feigned insult, but will support narratives that they do linking irrelevant stories together to support that notion. This is despite AndyM earlier refuting his claim or support of with clear evidence. Jack will be upset that I said this.

Hold on to your hat - they all start out nice and polite happy to mock your evidence and the 'system', but get very, very thin skinned when something they claim is refuted. it shakes their whole world view. they feel insulted. "you don't know me!!" is an oft heard response. they don't deal well with criticism of them or their heroes
....but in the end you come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter how many articles, authority sources, papers and citations you provide as your proof. The nutter simply will not, cannot believe it. This is because they don't believe or trust any authority. They only see conspiracy.

They think because we have been lied to before by authority it thus means everything they tell us now is also lies.

There is really interesting psychology why conspiracy believers think the way they do- fear, refusal of authority, past trauma etc. The sheer arrogance is impressive. They think they know more about these matters than the experts. More often than not they are well educated. but intelligent people can and do believe in dumb shit.

a lot of the dumb shit is funny

The vaccines = autism one is dangerous though and we are seeing real damage across the globe in the influence of this conspiracy. There's probably a new or future parent right now reading this crap above and feeling scared about what to do. Its particularly disheartening, actually it really pisses me off when parents in the safe comfort of having vaccinated their kids and have been vaccinated themselves entertain such conspiracies.

Entertain and promoting such ideas to the vulnerable and stupid makes you complicit in the consequences of not vaccinating your kids in my view.

complicit in what? google kids and babies with whooping cough and measles.

By the way, Bonsa, and Craig as the Authoritative endorser of your comment, would you mind requoting for everyone where I said that 'vaccines cause autism'.


truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 1:55pm

Great forum & comments...gonna work in #4 Leak on half baked Animal theory.
WHO / CDC / Lancet / Batman / Robin / Batwoman / Davroz claim it's a beastly Act.
But as soon as anyone ask the Zoo Keeperz, they just drift further from the source.

4. The year of the Rat
Year of the Rooster = Bird Flu
Year of the Pig = Swine Flu
Next Year is the Year of the Rat = The Plague is coming by Weibo user, Nov 2019

tbb dedicates this one to Animal Origin Theory (Fans) leak is 100% organic & ticks all boxes.
Mostly coz the world must move on without waiting for experts that can't sniff out Bat Shit.

Biblical > Virus is by Pestilence (vs) Plague is by Bacteria
tbb will example a 100% natural Jump from Virus > Plague > Human.
Also how the Spike can naturally evolve to near perfect form to glove Humans

First the Animal secrets (Coronavirus Bat > Marmot) Yep! That's a Match!
Takes a Village to raise a child? (Huh!)
Both these Animals live a communal existence closest to Human Nature.
In respect to Mothering each others offspring as Humans do...building immunity.
Super spreading Spike infects super spreading almost Chimeric Host (Naturally)
But! You'd still need a 100% Chimeric Concentrated boost uptake of the Marmot to Human.

A Coronavirus can brew inside a 'Toxic' Plague & if a human ingested this live active evil cocktail then.
More significantly choosing to savour raw concentrated coronavirus from the Marmots liver / kidneys.
Well it's basically as stupid as ingesting a Pandemic concentrate...just go the magic mushies instead!
Add to this fact that the Marmot's home is laced in Decades of Pesticide...a real trippy laced treat.
Try this: Corona Bat bites Marmot that releases a flea that lives on a Human just long enough to infect.
Crew can see how the Coronavirus ramps in concentrated live form to glove the Human. (Perfect Match)

Mongolia home of ( Yersinia Pestis ) The Plague
Bubonic (Lymph Nodes) Black Death (Common)
Septicaemic (Blood stream)
Pneumonic (Lungs) The most Virulent & fatal


Local's Tour of Mongolia's Plagued Hot Spots

Traditional eating of still live Marmot Liver (Warning) Shows Plague Diners!
Here we see the tribesmen traditionally eating possible Coronavirus Plague flavoured viral treat!
Any communal Bat biting any communal Marmot brews equally high potency...this is risky dining.

So we know we can ramp corona into plagued humans in China but can we can slot in the Timeline?

27th April -3rd May 2019 Ulgii - Husband / Wife die eating Marmots > Town / Border in Lockdown
Mongolians live in a Pandemic World as normal....this story examples a "Bubonic Plague" Outbreak.

Oct 2019 : Alt 1st Covid Pneumonia Case is 63y/o Master Huag (Fallout from 16/9 Russia Lab explosion)
22nd Nov Wuhan "Air Rescue Alliance" is the default Hospital when transfer site is not mentioned.

Inner Mongolia Plague Cluster
25th Oct - Husband 43y/o (Fever / Sick / Cough) > 26th Hemoptysis > 27th Double Pneumonia 39*c >
28th Dyspnea Worsened > Trad' Hospital ICU > Wore out all anti virals & now Drug toxic.
31st Oct - Wife 46 y/o Temp 39* >
1/2nd Nov - Husband & Wife transferred to Central Hospital ICU.
3rd Nov - Husband / Wife transferred to nearest Beijing Hospital

Nov: Doctor Li Jifeng: "We are experienced in SARS / Pandemic / Influenza / Bird Flu etc..."
"After all my years of specialist Training, I am familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of most respiratory diseases. But this time, I looked and looked again, and I couldn't guess what pathogen caused the pneumonia at all. I thought it was a rare disease!"
(Paraphrase) The Doctors above online comments were immediately removed...(This-Relayed Later)

Chinese Govt "WARN"- [ To take precaution & Protect Yourselves ]
12th - Samples show [+] Yersina Pestis > "Pneumonic Plague"
13th Emergency Quarantine > Complete Evacuation
Patients were transferred to "Secret" Special Disease Hospital > (Wuhan medivac is China's default!)
12-15th - International Media is Censored & Internet is alive with Panic & Blame
13th - Disease Control Mop Up!
17th - "Husband is Stable" + Wife has had a setback in a serious condition.
28th - Wife is Critical...sadly never recovers {RIP}

These novel critters sure fooled Govt & everyone into thinking they'd started a Pandemic...
tbb tracked down this "Top Secret" Case file...
Doctor said it was a novel disease & This report also says it's rarely encountered in clinics.
Doctors itemize treatment & pad a generic Plague explanation but avoid all insight into this novel case?
Is there a Doctor in the House! Why does this resemble Covid more than anything.

Inner Mongolia Nov Cluster cont...
8th -Male 56y/o (Ate Hare) 16th Nov Bubonic Plague (Hospital Upgrade? > )
17th Nov (First Covid Case 55y/o Hubei Man) ...Just wondering if 1st covid case was cross wired?
22nd- Female 56 y/o (Flea Bites) 27th Bubonic Plague (Local Hospital)

Mop Up

Save the Marmots

Not sure if this is the first & only half believable Animal Tale.
Only know that it shits all over WHO's animal origin theory...(Wot / Where!) ...we'll durr!

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 1:45pm

The mushies around Byron must be exceptional this year.

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 1:46pm

oh I forgot about the "ego" one. That is also quite a common refrain also. When the conspiracy nutter is challenged on their thought process you will often hear that we need (as the sane person in the room) to "let go of our ego".

I'm not really sure why this such a common thing they say. Perhaps its inferring that because they have been challenged - ones only motivation is impressing the crowd and themselves - and or the sciences and medical professionals are only interested in showing how clever they are.

Pops's picture
Pops's picture
Pops Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 1:46pm
shortenism wrote:

man and wombman (remember a hu-man is a shade or shadow of a man but you overlooked that bit from the day you were introduced to the word)

Mate, even your etymology is wrong!
Man, from mann, old english/germanic for person. May share an older root with the latin manus (hand).
woman, from wiffmann then wimmann, old english for female-person
(note wermann was the word for male-person). Womb is from the germanic wambo - no relation to wiff.
Human - from latin homo. No relation to hue (from old english hiw)

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 1:52pm
old-dog wrote:

The mushies around Byron must be exceptional this year.

Clearly their education isn't.

JackStance's picture
JackStance's picture
JackStance Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 1:56pm
bonza wrote:

oh I forgot about the "ego" one. That is also quite a common refrain also. When the conspiracy nutter is challenged on their thought process you will often hear that we need (as the sane person in the room) to "let go of our ego".

I'm not really sure why this such a common thing they say. Perhaps its inferring that because they have been challenged - ones only motivation is impressing the crowd and themselves - and or the sciences and medical professionals are only interested in showing how clever they are.

Could you please provide to everyone my quote that you keep referring to. Thanks.

JackStance's picture
JackStance's picture
JackStance Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 1:58pm

Craig, you got access to search functions that could assist @Bonsa provide it.

And you did endorse his quote, so you're clearly within the scope.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 1:58pm

Latest update from the FDA on mRNA vaccines And an article by Dr Robert Malone ( inventor of mRNA ).

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 2:04pm

well the anti vaxxer / freedom fighter anti vaccine passport nuttery is about to go up a notch...

not least in canggu... indo just introduced a no vaccine no fly rule while the current state of emergency is in place ...crew wigging out already... how to get in and out...

and morrison just announced vaccine passports for oz...

all just in time, the 'debates' were getting a bit stale

possible home quarratine for oz too... about bloody time! ...but only if you have a vax... whoops...

an end to lockdowns too... poor melburnians... back to the realisation there's nothing they do better than the rest of oz...

JackStance's picture
JackStance's picture
JackStance Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 2:04pm

Bonza, and Craig, where my comment?

JackStance's picture
JackStance's picture
JackStance Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 2:08pm
bonza wrote:

The answer is zero. Vaccines lead to ZERO cases of autism. Those that promote or support otherwise are wrong.
Which begs the question. If they are wrong on that. what else are they wrong about. I can answer that too. Pretty much all their crackpot theories.
If you can be bothered to actually get the nutter to stick to each and every one of their argument's point - and then systemically work your way through the plethora of crazy claims - you can easily demonstrate they are wrong on each and every point.
Jack's comments above are a good example. he is unable or unwilling to provide evidence that vaccines = autism - so he avoids the point with feigned insult, but will support narratives that they do linking irrelevant stories together to support that notion. This is despite AndyM earlier refuting his claim or support of with clear evidence. Jack will be upset that I said this.

Hold on to your hat - they all start out nice and polite happy to mock your evidence and the 'system', but get very, very thin skinned when something they claim is refuted. it shakes their whole world view. they feel insulted. "you don't know me!!" is an oft heard response. they don't deal well with criticism of them or their heroes
....but in the end you come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter how many articles, authority sources, papers and citations you provide as your proof. The nutter simply will not, cannot believe it. This is because they don't believe or trust any authority. They only see conspiracy.

They think because we have been lied to before by authority it thus means everything they tell us now is also lies.

There is really interesting psychology why conspiracy believers think the way they do- fear, refusal of authority, past trauma etc. The sheer arrogance is impressive. They think they know more about these matters than the experts. More often than not they are well educated. but intelligent people can and do believe in dumb shit.

a lot of the dumb shit is funny

The vaccines = autism one is dangerous though and we are seeing real damage across the globe in the influence of this conspiracy. There's probably a new or future parent right now reading this crap above and feeling scared about what to do. Its particularly disheartening, actually it really pisses me off when parents in the safe comfort of having vaccinated their kids and have been vaccinated themselves entertain such conspiracies.

Entertain and promoting such ideas to the vulnerable and stupid makes you complicit in the consequences of not vaccinating your kids in my view.

complicit in what? google kids and babies with whooping cough and measles.

Bonza and Craig, could you please re-quote for everyone where I said, " that vaccines = autism"

JackStance's picture
JackStance's picture
JackStance Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 2:13pm
Craig wrote:

Thanks for the posts Bonza. Appeciate the time and patience put in.

Just as a kind reminder Craig, as an Editor, you bare an increased onus for accuracy.

Could you please assist @Bonsa with my quote. Thanks.

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 2:19pm

Jack. do you believe Vaccines cause Autism.

yes or no.

simple question

see if you can answer it with one word. $5 you can't.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 2:21pm

Craig's not an editor, moderator, or anything else here. He's a forecaster. He was replying to Bonza's comment, I'm not sure what part of the comment, or if it really matters.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 2:22pm

@sypkan , the home quarantine sounds good, my fantasy of getting to indo this year just got reignited. Now what’s the price of those flights again ? Last time I looked I was up for $8500 return Gold Coast Sydney Jakarta Bali for 3 , usually $1500 from Brisbane return for 3

JackStance's picture
JackStance's picture
JackStance Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 2:23pm

You have already established that I have said that:

"Jack's comments above are a good example. he is unable or unwilling to provide evidence that vaccines = autism - so he avoids the point with feigned insult...." @Bonza

So could you please provide me with my quote.


bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 2:26pm

see told ya.

JackStance's picture
JackStance's picture
JackStance Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 2:28pm

and @Bonza, please stay on point.

You have said that I've made that claim " that vaccines = autism" , so all I am asking of you is to provide my quote.

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 2:33pm


shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 2:33pm

Sorry, i'm not Jack.

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 2:34pm

Pops, thanks for your views.

JackStance's picture
JackStance's picture
JackStance Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 2:35pm

Thanks for correcting my ignorance there Stu. Much appreciated.

While you're here, would you mind assisting @Bonza to provide my quote that he said I made: "that vaccines = autism" , or that "vaccines cause autism".


Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 2:38pm


bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 2:39pm

ok jack my bad.
you don't believe that vaccines = autism.
glad we settled that. thought we nearly lost you
can you explain to short why this is such a dumb thing to believe. .

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 2:45pm

"@sypkan , the home quarantine sounds good, my fantasy of getting to indo this year just got reignited. Now what’s the price of those flights again ? Last time I looked I was up for $8500 return Gold Coast Sydney Jakarta Bali for 3 , usually $1500 from Brisbane return for 3"

hate to break it to you supafreak... but can't see that happening this year, the home quarrantine bit... but it is a little ray of hope out of a miserably failng ridiculous mess of a system...

and tbh, I can't see your flights happening either... (sorry, I really am a geyser of gloom and doom...)

I heard two weeks ago, that the once a week garuda perth flight has now been reduced to once a fortnight, then I heard it's soon stopping altogether, haven't checked it out, but seemed a reliable source. apparently the waiting list for flights out of bali are now already months long... and apparently the flight numbers are under oz government direction... morrison just cut international arrivals by 50%... from over 6000 a week to 3000 a week

...might be alright if you don't intend to go home... for a long time...

JackStance's picture
JackStance's picture
JackStance Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 2:48pm

Oh Bonza, do you know why Andrew Bolt lost his case to racial discrimination case Eatock?

Because he didn't act in good faith.

He had the facts at hand, but disregarded them to instead push his own agenda.

When asked to provide the facts, he couldn't, because they did not exist.

They did not exist, because he fabricated them.

Just like you have.

Excuse my stooping, however, perhaps you've duly earned the nickname Boltsa.

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 2:52pm

yeah cool that connection makes total sense.
so im a egotistical racist sheep. funny nickname too.

hey jack do you believe vaccines = autism?

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 2:54pm

@sypkan , yeah Garuda are in huge financial trouble , it was nice to dream again for a few moments there lol , wife is really stressed and depressed, has video links to family but badly needs a hug from her mum . And I’m sick of crap waves and crowds . Watched a party at the place where I have a room on the beach last night on Facebook, place is full of young euros having a ball learning to surf and diving , and with the small amount of tourists the competition with prices is way below sunset price.

JackStance's picture
JackStance's picture
JackStance Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 2:57pm


you falsely attributed a comment to me that I did not say.

You actually fabricated something I did not say as to push your agenda.

And you got caught with pants down.

Thanks for playing Boltsa

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 2:58pm
bonza wrote:

Jesus jack it’s not difficult.

You quoted a academic to support your “ argument” I use that word loosely and I’m being generous.
Read this slowly:

So called academic/s has referenced crockpot vaccine=autism sources to argue their case.

If one thinks this argument / citation has any merit then one is clearly unqualified to argue their case. As this argument / claim is bullshit.
If you support this position then your argument is bullshit. You need to find better sources as the above have been disproven time and time again

If you dispute the author supports this position contrary to my links and can show me then great. I am wrong.

If not I call your argument bullshit

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 3:00pm

do you find reading difficult or is it just your ability to interpret that is lacking?

JackStance's picture
JackStance's picture
JackStance Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 3:01pm

Boltsa, where's my "vaccines = autism" quote, that you said that I said?

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 3:05pm

thats all i got jack. ive hijacked this thread enough and have repeated myself on several occasions at your request. everything has gone just how I said it would in my earlier post.

if any one on here can get you to answer the question:
do you believe if vaccines = autism with a one word response.
I'll eat my hat/

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 3:06pm

Cummon guys, it's a Friday, give it a rest, take a break and have a walk outside. That's what I'm about to do.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 3:09pm
megzee's picture
megzee's picture
megzee Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 3:20pm

"Need a Beer" I see the number 10.......but I've only had four?
As Graig said.....Time for a walk.
To the Bottlo perhaps!

JackStance's picture
JackStance's picture
JackStance Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 3:21pm
bonza wrote:

The answer is zero. Vaccines lead to ZERO cases of autism. Those that promote or support otherwise are wrong.
Which begs the question. If they are wrong on that. what else are they wrong about. I can answer that too. Pretty much all their crackpot theories.
If you can be bothered to actually get the nutter to stick to each and every one of their argument's point - and then systemically work your way through the plethora of crazy claims - you can easily demonstrate they are wrong on each and every point.
Jack's comments above are a good example. he is unable or unwilling to provide evidence that vaccines = autism - so he avoids the point with feigned insult,....

Boltsa, where is my quote "that vaccines = autism" that you falsely said that I said?

You have not, and can not provide it.

Because you fabricated it.

Just like Andrew Bolt did to Eatock and others.

Acting in good faith, at the very minimum, requires being accurate with the facts when you have them at hand.

You are present on this forum. You have been engaged in our discussion. Like anyone, you are able to go back and consider what people have said.

You are not entitled to fabricate words said by SN community members.

And given that everything here is written down, it is not wise to do so.

In this instance now, in front of your community, you have been proven to be someone who will knowingly lie to this community.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 3:30pm

send the wife back?

tough and risky though, anyone could end up stuck anywhere atm...

and even that won't be for weeks at least... that little state of emergency just called has certainly thrown a spanner in the works... so much for 'the new normal'...

"...Watched a party at the place where I have a room on the beach last night on Facebook, place is full of young euros having a ball learning to surf and diving , and with the small amount of tourists the competition with prices is way below sunset price."

that's gotta hurt, in more ways than one...

the euros are having a ball... ol' baliwaves man reporting kuta reef with just small numbers of em learning, ...russians, euros, seppos... they're all making the most of the... cough cough... business visa... place is over run it seems, some places are business as usual... travel is almost business as usual for everyone except oz... well, if you have the cash... travel is now a rich mans game, again...

or little rich kids game... as evidenced by the not so street smart, instragram influenced, dumb entitled and righteous... getting robbed in canggu on a daily basis... business as usual, but with changing markets...

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 3:38pm I feel guilty for encouraging you jack stance... you are getting a bit pedantic, stalky, and dare I say... uppity...

one can only assume from what you posted that you were suggesting a possible link between vaccines and autism...

now you seem to be walking it all the way back?

believe is a strong word... maybe suspect is more appropriate?

JackStance's picture
JackStance's picture
JackStance Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 3:45pm

@Sypkan, Boltsa said that I said something that I did not say.

He won't own it.

So of course I'm going to very clearly spell it out for him.

If that sounds uppity to you, so be it.

The knowable facts at hand, are the knowable facts at hand.