Mainstream Media Vs the culture of resuuuuurch.

Was never arguing that the Covid vax didn't come with a risk of myocarditis.
However -
"We know that the benefits of the vaccine strongly outweigh the risks,” Dr. Johnson says. “I strongly recommend — and the CDC recommends — that everyone who is eligible get vaccinated and get their booster shots.”
Also, I'm open to being corrected, but doesn't 1,626 cases of myocarditis among more than 354 million primary doses equate to 0.00046 % ?

burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill you’ve been screaming that the science is clear that you’re more likely to get myocarditis from covid than the vaccine.
What tests are being carried out the determine that someone diagnosed with myocarditis is 100% from covid and not the vaccine?
Until you can prove that, covid sounds like an easy scapegoat for the poison causing major heart issues.
Well, kinda like your blaming the vax for everything? However, there is more evidence problems are caused from covid than the vaccine.
Im not blaming the vax on everything. But it does cause myocarditis. So if the experts want to say Covid causes more myocarditis than the vax you think it would be easily proven seeming that 95% of the population have had a vaccine.
And if it genuinely is from Covid, are they saying the vaccine didn't stop it?
It just doesn't add up.
1 + 1 doesn't equal 7
Actually you do blame the vax on everything. You have never acknowledged covid can be worse than the vax.
Yes, the vax can cause myocarditis in some cases however the cases are such small % it is worth the risk as covid causes far more negative outcomes than the vax ever can/has.

Roadkill wrote:bluediamond wrote:After all Andy Ms smug little posts, still no clear answer on a very simple question ( one would assume).considering you're so condescending and self assured, why cant you tell me ANYTHING about the science behind the vaccine that youre so vigorously defending?
Old dog, if yiu read my post, i state its possibly a coincidence, but surely requires a deeper dive. And if you have links from all those independent docs and scientists that reveal the information Andy M cant provide from above, id really love to see it.
@sanguine cheers for that link. It doesnt include 2022 and the 3-6month time period, that myself and mamy others are concerned about. Even the bloody UK government are starting to voice serious concerns about the jab and are trying to encourage a measured and less divisive approach to discussing it and the data coming out. And on that note, if i ever post links now, its only government or scientific data, or if its a "wellness" vlog, iys someone whos put more time in than me to analyze and present that data using their platform as a medium. As usual on here though, its the person and not the actual content that gets feathered and tarred.
By the way, that was 3heartattacks in 2 days, not 2. I found out about another mates dad who had one. Its a very small community down here. Think Hastings point size. Coincidence? SureBD as you are so keen to have simple questions answered, here is one for you.
Medical science proves a person has a greater chance of having heart issues from covid than from the vaccine.
You would have to agree with that really easy and fact proven statement?
Just a yes will suffice.
Just in case you missed it :)
Here it is again BD..A simple civilly asked question.
Best you don’t cry and whinge others don’t answer your questions whilst avoiding and ignoring a question asked of you. In a civil manner and all.

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill you’ve been screaming that the science is clear that you’re more likely to get myocarditis from covid than the vaccine.
What tests are being carried out the determine that someone diagnosed with myocarditis is 100% from covid and not the vaccine?
Until you can prove that, covid sounds like an easy scapegoat for the poison causing major heart issues.
Well, kinda like your blaming the vax for everything? However, there is more evidence problems are caused from covid than the vaccine.
Im not blaming the vax on everything. But it does cause myocarditis. So if the experts want to say Covid causes more myocarditis than the vax you think it would be easily proven seeming that 95% of the population have had a vaccine.
And if it genuinely is from Covid, are they saying the vaccine didn't stop it?
It just doesn't add up.
1 + 1 doesn't equal 7
Actually you do blame the vax on everything. You have never acknowledged covid can be worse than the vax.
Yes, the vax can cause myocarditis in some cases however the cases are such small % it is worth the risk as covid causes far more negative outcomes than the vax ever can/has.
One rule for all hey? Maybe if you're 90. But it seems myocartitis likes to hurt 30 year olds who are in no danger of covid.
It's not one size fits all. Never was, never should be.

bluediamond wrote:AndyM wrote:Was never arguing that the Covid vax didn't come with a risk of myocarditis.
However -
"We know that the benefits of the vaccine strongly outweigh the risks,” Dr. Johnson says. “I strongly recommend — and the CDC recommends — that everyone who is eligible get vaccinated and get their booster shots.”Also, I'm open to being corrected, but doesn't 1,626 cases of myocarditis among more than 354 million primary doses equate to 0.00046 % ?
Correct, it is exactly that number. Which is why it's interesting to note the sudden increase in cardiac activity in Europe and the UK and increased deaths in oz. I'm not just talking solely about heart conditions, the increased deaths is of major concern..although it seems i'm being painted into that corner because i mentioned 3 people i know who had heartattacks in the last 2days and questioned if it was a coincidence or not. What is causing it, and why isn't it being talked about in the MSM? The 'coincidental' heartattacks of 3 people i know in the last 2 days is just another valid reason to ask questions re the vax. I'm glad you are open to those questions. I think it's possible we are on the same page on that. Also, i've stated in previous posts about this striking particularly close to home with a family member, and that's not heart related but nonetheless devastating. But the question surely must be raised about why there's an increase on heart related incident's as mentioned above. The only study i could find on Covid contributing to heart conditions was done back before the vaccines were introduced, so there's no data to compare the two. Maybe there's more, but only so many hours in the day. Maybe Udo has a link for more studies since then.
BD, I got absolutely cooked early last year by RK, Viclocal and Co on the other thread when i said my Uncle, MIL and a friend all had strokes within 1-2 week after receiving their first jab.
Not ONE got an exemption from their doctor. None were registered in adverse reactions by their doctor.

burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill you’ve been screaming that the science is clear that you’re more likely to get myocarditis from covid than the vaccine.
What tests are being carried out the determine that someone diagnosed with myocarditis is 100% from covid and not the vaccine?
Until you can prove that, covid sounds like an easy scapegoat for the poison causing major heart issues.
Well, kinda like your blaming the vax for everything? However, there is more evidence problems are caused from covid than the vaccine.
Im not blaming the vax on everything. But it does cause myocarditis. So if the experts want to say Covid causes more myocarditis than the vax you think it would be easily proven seeming that 95% of the population have had a vaccine.
And if it genuinely is from Covid, are they saying the vaccine didn't stop it?
It just doesn't add up.
1 + 1 doesn't equal 7
Actually you do blame the vax on everything. You have never acknowledged covid can be worse than the vax.
Yes, the vax can cause myocarditis in some cases however the cases are such small % it is worth the risk as covid causes far more negative outcomes than the vax ever can/has.
One rule for all hey? Maybe if you're 90. But it seems myocartitis likes to hurt 30 year olds who are in no danger of covid.
It's not one size fits all. Never was, never should be.
burleigh, do you accept long covid is an actual outcome after covid?

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill you’ve been screaming that the science is clear that you’re more likely to get myocarditis from covid than the vaccine.
What tests are being carried out the determine that someone diagnosed with myocarditis is 100% from covid and not the vaccine?
Until you can prove that, covid sounds like an easy scapegoat for the poison causing major heart issues.
Well, kinda like your blaming the vax for everything? However, there is more evidence problems are caused from covid than the vaccine.
Im not blaming the vax on everything. But it does cause myocarditis. So if the experts want to say Covid causes more myocarditis than the vax you think it would be easily proven seeming that 95% of the population have had a vaccine.
And if it genuinely is from Covid, are they saying the vaccine didn't stop it?
It just doesn't add up.
1 + 1 doesn't equal 7
Actually you do blame the vax on everything. You have never acknowledged covid can be worse than the vax.
Yes, the vax can cause myocarditis in some cases however the cases are such small % it is worth the risk as covid causes far more negative outcomes than the vax ever can/has.
One rule for all hey? Maybe if you're 90. But it seems myocartitis likes to hurt 30 year olds who are in no danger of covid.
It's not one size fits all. Never was, never should be.
burleigh, do you accept long covid is an actual outcome after covid?
Yep. I also know that it can happen with the flu.
I also strongly believe that some bedwetters would believe they had long covid, but they are just scared shitless from the constant barrage of media hype and government overlords that they think they are going to die and blame any side effects on covid.
But yes, I believe that some people would experience long covid, and the vaccine didn’t stop that either

burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill you’ve been screaming that the science is clear that you’re more likely to get myocarditis from covid than the vaccine.
What tests are being carried out the determine that someone diagnosed with myocarditis is 100% from covid and not the vaccine?
Until you can prove that, covid sounds like an easy scapegoat for the poison causing major heart issues.
Well, kinda like your blaming the vax for everything? However, there is more evidence problems are caused from covid than the vaccine.
Im not blaming the vax on everything. But it does cause myocarditis. So if the experts want to say Covid causes more myocarditis than the vax you think it would be easily proven seeming that 95% of the population have had a vaccine.
And if it genuinely is from Covid, are they saying the vaccine didn't stop it?
It just doesn't add up.
1 + 1 doesn't equal 7
Actually you do blame the vax on everything. You have never acknowledged covid can be worse than the vax.
Yes, the vax can cause myocarditis in some cases however the cases are such small % it is worth the risk as covid causes far more negative outcomes than the vax ever can/has.
One rule for all hey? Maybe if you're 90. But it seems myocartitis likes to hurt 30 year olds who are in no danger of covid.
It's not one size fits all. Never was, never should be.
burleigh, do you accept long covid is an actual outcome after covid?
Yep. I also know that it can happen with the flu.
I also strongly believe that some bedwetters would believe they had long covid, but they are just scared shitless from the constant barrage of media hype and government overlords that they think they are going to die and blame any side effects on covid.
But yes, I believe that some people would experience long covid, and the vaccine didn’t stop that either
Long flu is not really an issue or in any numbers compared to long covid.
I actually agree with you that long covid is probably over exaggerated by some people…it may be a convenient excuse when other underlying issues may be at fault.
I guess you have finally acknowledged something as being an outcome of having covid. That’s a small miracle.
All we need is BD to answer a simple civil question and we could have an outbreak of miracles…I think BD is too weak to acknowledge the answer…for him it is easier to ignore the question.

OMG From one of your insta links Burleigh
Didnt realise we had lost so many Children

udo wrote:OMG From one of your insta links Burleigh
Didnt realise we had lost so many Children
From TGA adverse reactions website. Do your own research if you want to dispute it.

According to the TGA website dated 3rd November 2022, "There have been no deaths in children or adolescents determined to be linked to COVID-19 vaccination."

TGA adverse reactions website.
Anti vaxers spread the word on social media to lodge fake reactions. There is zero checking or proof required.
Come on burleigh, even you can’t be that stupid to believe 5 x under 10’s died. Or are you?

From the same site -
"The TGA closely reviews all deaths reported in the days and weeks after COVID-19 vaccination.
Read more about this process in a previous report.
Since the beginning of the vaccine rollout to 30 October 2022, about 63.9 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been given in Australia.
The TGA has identified 14 reports where the cause of death was linked to vaccination from 943 reports received and reviewed.
As previously reported, 13 of these deaths occurred after the first dose of Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca) – 8 were associated with thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) cases, 2 were linked to Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), 2 related to very rare conditions involving the nervous system, and one was a case of immune thrombocytopenia (ITP).
One of the deaths occurred after a booster dose of the Spikevax vaccine and was related to myocarditis.
Details have been published in a previous report.
The 14 deaths likely to be related to vaccination occurred in people aged 21–81 years old.
There have been no deaths in children or adolescents determined to be linked to COVID-19 vaccination.

Burls, Paul - seriously, can someone tell me what's going on between that Insta post and what's actually on the TGA site?

burleigh wrote :
Its an instagram page, yes. The post is screen shots from the TGA website with no edits. You really will bury your head in the sand and try ANYTHING to discredit things wont you? Deaths, miscarriages, heart issues are just some of the adverse reactions listed on that page, but you and roadkill are happy t discredit it because its posted on instagram?
Look at the age brackets (where listed) these people are doing it not for themselves, but for ungrateful people like roadkill who thinks the world owes him something.

udo wrote:burleigh wrote :
Its an instagram page, yes. The post is screen shots from the TGA website with no edits. You really will bury your head in the sand and try ANYTHING to discredit things wont you? Deaths, miscarriages, heart issues are just some of the adverse reactions listed on that page, but you and roadkill are happy t discredit it because its posted on instagram?
Look at the age brackets (where listed) these people are doing it not for themselves, but for ungrateful people like roadkill who thinks the world owes him something.
Actually, I discredit it because it’s BS and a complete lie. It is 100% wrong to post that 5 kids under 10 died because of a vaccine.
If you ever wanted the smallest amount of credibility you also would condemn it as BS. But you don’t.

Just went on Vacciconned's Insta page, couldn't see any screenshots - can you point me to them?

"I'm not sure how accurate that is but if true, it would seem that when Pfizer say jump, the TGA say how high? And when Pfizer say, lets maybe not be too transparent on the jab side effects, the TGA just hold their hand out and smile. But that's terribly speculative of me. My bad."
Mate, no doubt that the TGA could do with having more distance between them and the industry. But again, it is not feasible for there to be a conspiracy or a silencing campaign across governments, countries, universities etc. all around the world.
If you said that there was a cosy financial agreement I probably wouldn't disagree with you.
But a worldwide conspiracy hushing up the terrible, terrible side effects of the vaccine?
Now I think you're talking out your arse.
And that last link about how COVID-19 vaccines do not, and cannot, connect you to the internet kinda makes you look very tin foil hat.
stop me if you think that you've heard this one before

velocityjohnno wrote:
stop me if you think that you've heard this one before
Vaguely remember a similar ship pulling up and disembarking awhile back. They assure us this time that those that test positive to a rat test , will on their own accord find suitable accommodation to isolate for 5 days. Nearly 18 months ago , an unmasked limo driver got Sydney locked down, times have definitely changed.

AndyM wrote:"I'm not sure how accurate that is but if true, it would seem that when Pfizer say jump, the TGA say how high? And when Pfizer say, lets maybe not be too transparent on the jab side effects, the TGA just hold their hand out and smile. But that's terribly speculative of me. My bad."
Mate, no doubt that the TGA could do with having more distance between them and the industry. But again, it is not feasible for there to be a conspiracy or a silencing campaign across governments, countries, universities etc. all around the world.
If you said that there was a cosy financial agreement I probably wouldn't disagree with you.
But a worldwide conspiracy hushing up the terrible, terrible side effects of the vaccine?
Now I think you're talking out your arse.And that last link about how COVID-19 vaccines do not, and cannot, connect you to the internet kinda makes you look very tin foil hat.
There is no money in healthy people AndyM.

This poor Woman is really affected Burleigh

burleigh wrote:AndyM wrote:"I'm not sure how accurate that is but if true, it would seem that when Pfizer say jump, the TGA say how high? And when Pfizer say, lets maybe not be too transparent on the jab side effects, the TGA just hold their hand out and smile. But that's terribly speculative of me. My bad."
Mate, no doubt that the TGA could do with having more distance between them and the industry. But again, it is not feasible for there to be a conspiracy or a silencing campaign across governments, countries, universities etc. all around the world.
If you said that there was a cosy financial agreement I probably wouldn't disagree with you.
But a worldwide conspiracy hushing up the terrible, terrible side effects of the vaccine?
Now I think you're talking out your arse.And that last link about how COVID-19 vaccines do not, and cannot, connect you to the internet kinda makes you look very tin foil hat.
There is no money in healthy people AndyM.
Actually there is. Just look at the snake oil the alternative medicine industry flogs to flogs. And the wellness industry promoting and selling off social media.
Both of which are unregulated and lie about benefits for a sale.

udo wrote:This poor Woman is really affected Burleigh
Why would you make fun of this Udo. You’re a dirtbag

“There is no money in healthy people AndyM.”
What conspiracy theory website did you get that off Burls?

AndyM wrote:“There is no money in healthy people AndyM.”
What conspiracy theory website did you get that off Burls?
Zzzzzzzz. Same shit from the same narcissist

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:AndyM wrote:"I'm not sure how accurate that is but if true, it would seem that when Pfizer say jump, the TGA say how high? And when Pfizer say, lets maybe not be too transparent on the jab side effects, the TGA just hold their hand out and smile. But that's terribly speculative of me. My bad."
Mate, no doubt that the TGA could do with having more distance between them and the industry. But again, it is not feasible for there to be a conspiracy or a silencing campaign across governments, countries, universities etc. all around the world.
If you said that there was a cosy financial agreement I probably wouldn't disagree with you.
But a worldwide conspiracy hushing up the terrible, terrible side effects of the vaccine?
Now I think you're talking out your arse.And that last link about how COVID-19 vaccines do not, and cannot, connect you to the internet kinda makes you look very tin foil hat.
There is no money in healthy people AndyM.
Actually there is. Just look at the snake oil the alternative medicine industry flogs to flogs. And the wellness industry promoting and selling off social media.
Both of which are unregulated and lie about benefits for a sale.

It’s clearly in the best interests of countries to have a healthy population.

AndyM wrote:It’s clearly in the best interests of countries to have a healthy population.

Heaps of evidence of it

AndyM wrote:Heaps of evidence of it
Let’s start with food. Specifically hospital food.
The one place full of sick people get fed absolute shit.
You would think if governments really wanted healthy people this would change.

Hep C.
Covid vax
The National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS)
General free health care
There are so many ways in which it’s economically and socially desirable for the government to pre-empt health issues.
It’s demonstrably wrong to say that it’s economically preferable for a nation to have unhealthy people.

AndyM wrote:Smoking
Hep C.
Covid vax
The National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS)
General free health careThere are so many ways in which it’s economically and socially desirable for the government to pre-empt health issues.
It’s demonstrably wrong to say that it’s economically preferable for a nation to have unhealthy people.

Is that it? :)

By the way Burls, health experts are calling for working from home to combat a fourth COVID wave.
Strap yourself in :)

5 year study , still a lot they are not sure about. Always was an experiment though.

Channel 9 & lib dems teaming up , comments section is going off
Nine News:
— John Ruddick MLC (@JohnRuddick2) November 13, 2022
“One of the country’s top advisors on vaccination says it’s unlikely under 30s will be approved for a 4th COVID vax. ATAGI notes the increase risk of myocarditis.”
Can we now end the disinformation that the rise in myocarditis is caused by COVID? “Vaccinations are beneficial and protective even for younger people but the more doses you get the less benefit you derive from them.”
Professor Allen Cheng, former ATAGI co-chair and current member

Supafreak wrote:5 year study , still a lot they are not sure about. Always was an experiment though.
So if the science clearly shows myocarditis is because of the vaccine, would we all accept it? Should the age of vaccine direction be raised? Or should there be no vaccine direction given and the choice is 100% up to any individual?

On the radio today a Chinese official was quoted describing the importance of the ongoing severe restrictions there in pursuit of covid near zero.
His justifications: Health and Safety.
It is quite amazing how two innocuous words can become so powerful. It is very hard to argue for less health and less safety.
It is also very hard for health experts to advise actions relating to a specific health issue that might reduce health and safety even if in the broader sense they knew of unintended longer term negative health consequences of lockdowns for example.
The slippery slope to a degree of China style control long term was right there in front of us. We went more than halfway there. Some very influential people advocated for versions of it very early - see "The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab".
Fortunately, in the west, the off ramp came in part because the worship of the economy is strong at all levels and outweighed the desire for control. But it also came through disobedience as well as debate that built as facts made the narratives and mandates seem increasingly extreme.
In short, the pandemic shows very clearly that we should sometimes be thankful for dissent and debate, even if it is messy.
The ongoing debate can become tedious but most of us have never seen anything close to the extremes of the pandemic period before.
Our national debt has jumped by about $30,000 for every working age person in Australia. We pay interest on that. People raided their super - that has consequences. Mental health and other health issues have jumped due to lockdown.
Sweeping it all under the carpet is not good. Debate the issues though not so much the people.

It sure did get pretty crazy , is there a long term mental health impact study ?
Biomedical Security State, international edition. Remember what happened when the entire world collectively lost its mind?
— Aaron Kheriaty (@AaronKheriatyMD) November 13, 2022

frog wrote:On the radio today a Chinese official was quoted describing the importance of the ongoing severe restrictions there in pursuit of covid near zero.
His justifications: Health and Safety.
It is quite amazing how two innocuous words can become so powerful. It is very hard to argue for less health and less safety.
It is also very hard for health experts to advise actions relating to a specific health issue that might reduce health and safety even if in the broader sense they knew of unintended longer term negative health consequences of lockdowns for example.
The slippery slope to a degree of China style control long term was right there in front of us. We went more than halfway there. Some very influential people advocated for versions of it very early - see "The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab".
Fortunately, in the west, the off ramp came in part because the worship of the economy is strong at all levels and outweighed the desire for control. But it also came through disobedience as well as debate that built as facts made the narratives and mandates seem increasingly extreme.
In short, the pandemic shows very clearly that we should sometimes be thankful for dissent and debate, even if it is messy.
The ongoing debate can become tedious but most of us have never seen anything close to the extremes of the pandemic period before.
Our national debt has jumped by about $30,000 for every working age person in Australia. We pay interest on that. People raided their super - that has consequences. Mental health and other health issues have jumped due to lockdown.
Sweeping it all under the carpet is not good. Debate the issues though not so much the people.
I always chuckle when China talks about health and safety. I don’t think any country has a poorer h & s record or a complete disregard for it’s population.

Supafreak wrote:It sure did get pretty crazy , is there a long term mental health impact study ?
Funny but also wow! The video says it all. Better than lots of words. Should be viewed every few months. Lest we forget.
Just browsing the online shitrag that is today and came across this article on the Queen and how it was portrayed she was using Ivermectin, when according to the article she wasn't. Note the language used..particularly the use of the word 'dangerous'.
Then i looked up an article about Ivermectin pre Covid and found this one...
Note the line: "Because of its excellent safety profile and broad spectrum of activity, ivermectin is catalogued by the World Health Organisation as an essential medicine and is regarded by many as a "magic bullet" for global health."
Alot of talk on these forums lately is about trusting the science, listening to the experts, most of which use the big media giants as their platforms to broadcast information. If you choose to question what is pumped out adnauseum to you these days you're labelled a tin foil hatter, a conspiracy theorist and accused of posting misinformation.
I just wonder what other peoples thoughts are on the media narrative as opposed to doing your own research. I once trusted the media alot more, however in this day and age, when we have soooo much information available at the touch of a keypad, some false, some verifiable, it's hard to trust the media when you can easily catch them out in blatant lies, or at the very least, misleading the public as shown above.
Anyway, that's my thoughts. Wondering on others. Just gonna read, not going to chirp in on this one.