That’s weird, that’s queer, that’s crazy, that deserves a long hard look.

Roadkill wrote:old-dog wrote:I have to laugh when old Burls tells people to go out and live your life when he's the one who spends 24/7 jerking of over his keyboard in his bedroom. You can't make this shit up.
Lol. True story.
He should bottle the output and sell it online to those want trueblood offspring.

Back To Covid School Report Cards
US ~ 3 Unvaxed Teachers win back Jobs + $250,000 each being stood down.
UK ~ 100,000 Students registered to Launch Online Uni Class Action
Childcare Fee Waives end 30th June 2023 (re: If family member has Covid)
Childcare [+] Rates 6/40 Staff at 2 Centres reported.
Vic Distance School > now (Virtual School) is not short on Govt handouts...
Considering this School has no overheads the handouts & power as #1 Oz school...(That's New!)
tbb has read of access to $60m + $22.6m (Reckon this school has zoomed past VIP college handouts)
Dec 2022 Check this out...Vic Govt is dead keen on Robot Teachers...
$3.7m to abolish Enrollment Fees for 5,500 Virtual Students + Lion's share of Handouts!
To help cover the cost of Trackiedax'n'Uggs uniforms.
Govt are quick to claim Class is best but even quicker to drool over Robot Education...(Watch this space!)
This being the exact same (Above) UK Class action against Zoom Schools...(Can of Worms!)
Schools Out 4 Winter
[+] Test Changes...( Some may provide Families of [+] Student with Tests)
Longer slower incubation with each Vaxed Strain.
Govt now overrule ongoing [+] Results > If symptoms are clear > Fuck the Test just go back to work!
This Policy is increasing with each Vax'n'Test
Teachers are reporting longer incubating infections.
Full Vaxed Teachers 4-5x [+] > Part Vaxed Students 3x [+]
Chronic Teacher Shortage all round...
States are runnin' Quadies...Free periods to cover missing teachers.
Mask Mandates have been reinstated in infected schools.
SA & NSW are / were being slightly open about outbreaks but Shockjocks bite their heads off...
STFU! How Bloody Dare you bring Covid back into the classroom...after WHO slayed the Beast!
A few alt media are prepared to go undercover to out these 'invisible' School outbreaks.
11 May ~ NSW 9 primary schools / 5 high schools switched to online!
[+] Rates : Teachers 11 / 67 > Staff 20%
30 May ~ SA [Masks] Schools 500 > Teachers [+] 277 > Students [+] 1,088
Yer not gonna get much more outta the schools....All science Books have been burnt.
Much like cruise Ships...just wiping down the slobbery rails for Seagull Poop mate! Righto...(Cough!)
Just keep runnin' the Vax Ads...

NSW (Cases Dropping) = Yellow Alert NSW
ACT (Case Dropping) = Amber Alert ACT
Qld (Cases rising) = Green Alert (Oopsie) > Just get a New Health Minister (Bugger!)
2020/21/22/23 (Forever Autumn stokes many small swells but bang on time each year!)
Big lull~/Mid April Peak\'dip'/Mid May Peak\~Fool's lull~/End July Peak\~Big lull~/Xmas-NY Peak~
Now camping on June's 'fool's lull' & Clean Up Set carts us back out for July Winter Peak > Big Wane...
Summer Peak buys immunity thru Autumn in turn for Winter >>> Long Wane > Xmas Outbreak! Repeat!
Testing (Civic free PCR Tests (Over) Civic Free RATs are Reducing Fast.
Commonwealth only refer to State RATs + PCR Tests restricted to GP referrals.
Commonwealth / State / Council [RAT] Links & Supplies are politicized by Region.
Urban / Tourist Regions supply least links or service points.
Regional Centres reduce hours or even run it down to Weekly or Fortnightly RAT offers.
Each State & Region shape the number of infections by priority to reduce [+] Impact on State.
Test Case : tbb needs to undergo a Procedure which requires [-] Testing.
With Health Care card entitled to Free "State Health" for their required purpose!
Qld / Gold Coast Border 50kms North > 100kms West (Offers just one RAT service Point!)
Correct...1 RAT hole for 600,000-1m SEQ residents.
tbb had an Appointment at this Hospital RAT centre & enquired about RATs for procedure.
Reply : "No! Wot Ratz...tbb produced contact...was put thru on phone to the RAT Boss lady...
Boss : "Why not just collect RATs while ya there...well durr!" (Desk Chix ~ 'Puter says No!)
Oh! She says! That's right! We're not "Technically" supposed to give out RATs to Card Holders
How about we have this here Hospital Post them to you...(Day 4 : Not expecting any RATs!)
Note Qld Health Minister was just shoved aside for not givin' a RATs we presume...Hello!
Pre Order Wave of Supply Stacks to Centres...
NSW (3x 400 Box orders per centre) : "We expect demand to be high, so be patient!"
The following is derived from current RAT Maps
Qld : [CARD] No Regional Major City Centre RAT supplies + Reduced Hours in Bne Hot Spots
NSW [CARD] Regional Centres each Tues or Wed during "Quiet Hours Only" (May run out!)
Tas [CARD] Major Cities have only 1 RAT centre.
SA [CARD] 10% Busy Spots are running "Quiet Hour" eg 2:30-3:30 pm School Pick up!
Crew can read that every possible RAT Road Block is mounted to avoid rising Wave of Fear!
NT (all) Running on 2022 open access + offer some secondary PCR testing...(Full hours)
Vic (all) RAT Packs (Tip) + "Masks" (Ends 31st July?) Trendy Councils are shy on RAT links!
WA (all) Over Supply > Same as Vic...generally a few reduced hours...access seems fine.
However! Of interest is only Vic / WA have suss 3rd Party Reporting Captchas.
tbb tried & it looks suss > separate entity scamming details...would put folk off from reporting!
Can't help but think Vic / WA run the RATs only to please Big all ties in...
Got no RATs to Don't give a Shit or spread RATs like a Big Pharma Plague...(Folk are fucked!)
tbb is not trying to stir things up...
There are Councils presenting their RAT obligation in kind & open manner...Salute! Ripper!
Bizarre contrived State's RAT handouts distort the [+] this...
Women [+] Vic 62.3% > WA 60.9% > NSW 59.3% (Highest thru Fertility years)
We're seeing women pick up RATs with The Pill at these Health Check / Service centres.
20-30 Age Group (Uni Students) under represent in stats by Half [+] in each State...
Now, all here know that's bullshit as this group can't stop molesting each other! So what gives!
We're looking at this...
Young Men / Migrants fearing Job Loss + Students missing Class (No Tests > #1 Spreaders!)
We know Women are Testing much less than before & many restricted to 1/2 weeks testing.
Now consider Uni Chix Test Half of that & blokes test half again & no freebies in Most states.
One must assume at maximum only 25% of [+] cases are currently presenting in Data.
Experts recent claims of as low as 10% can't be sneezed at & seem closer to reality.
Peak Wave Covid [+] Rate = WA 11.5% > SA 11.74% (Other States [+] Rate is Taboo!)
tbb referred to this earlier...every single Data check comes back as only 10% [+] being tallied!
Now 16.6m Vax Hesitants refuse their Jab...2nd Booster Rollout Peaked a month back!
Oz Cases + Med Staff + Antiviral Doses Peaked Last Week.
Oz Hospitalizations / ICU still rise & Deaths are still holding high.
[+] % Pop = ( Winter Wave hits Regional Cold Snap )
NT .09 > Qld .10 > Vic .16 > WA .16 > NSW .18 > ACT .22 > SA .22 > Tas .24
Autumn Wave Aged Care Cumulative % Outbreaks rose 215% to Peak.
Can compare that to Breakdown of Resident / Staff [+]
3 states had Zero Age Care cases at start of wave (Average [+] point figured as delayed start counts!
Autumn Wave Age Care Residents [+] Cumulative % *10 [+] = variable Base Resident cases.
% = NT (n/a) > Qld 140 > *ACT 220 > *Tas 260 > WA 280 > SA 281 > Vic 301 > Oz 326 > NSW 568%
NT [+] were (Dumped) tallied as 2 opposing lots with no data relevance.
Autumn Wave Age Care Staff [+] Cumulative % (Also 0 start) *3 [+] variable delayed Base Staff Cases
% = *NT 67 > Qld 90.8 > SA 95 > *ACT 100 > WA 247 > Oz 311 > Vic 349 > *Tas 367 > NSW 525%
NSW Hospital Staff [+] 169% + NT Staff Cases could be included as fitting into the timetable.
Explanation : NSW High [+] Rates.
re : Education ~ Forever Autumn Almanac > re: Teachers 4/5x [+]
Albo's Migrant Health / Ed' Frontline imports untold Vax Combo Strains which hang longer.
More than Anywhere in the World > Vax / Tests are up against New Wave Viruses.
PM / Premiers advice : Test [+] Isolate > Day 5 Test [+] No Symptoms > Bin the Test & Have a crack!
NSW Age Care are clocking record [+] but possibly for 2nd time as Anti Viral reinfections.(Still Working)
Pause : There is conflicting Expert Peak Test News...
Kezza is on the warpath...Symptomatic [-] to mask up & STFAH!
Pollies (vs) Health crew during Peak Showdown (see June : ACT moved to Amber Alert) It's on!
Leading into Hospitalizations are also contrived as only the very sick can Test with PCR & Rats [Cards]
Qld/SA refuse to "Count" RAT patients in Hospital Stats...(Because they tested without Govt Authority)
Testing is now micro managed to meet Targets that hose down rising waves...begone beast!
[+] % Hospital (Remoteness delays diagnosis promoting virulence > Higher % Hospitalization)
[+] % = Tas 2.82 > NSW 3.13 > Vic 4.38 > SA 4.92 > ACT 5.28 > WA 5.36 > Qld 5.9 > NT 8.87%
[+] % Deaths (*Note few / low deaths misrepresent in Peak Data)
Qld .39 > *ACT .4 > NSW .47 > *Tas .5 > Vic .56 > WA .67 > SA .85 > *NT 1.26
Hospitalizations % Deaths ( Patient Age > Ambos > Budget > Antivirals > Supplies > Staff )
NSW 4.73 > Qld 6.54 > ACT 7.4 > WA 12.5 > Vic 12.7 > NT 14.3 > Tas 17.9 > SA 17.7
tbb doesn't mean to excuse each data set...just that these explanations can & do apply...
Experts / Govts draft a whole new suite of reasons but most conflict themselves the next week!
[factcheck] We're in between Waves > We're in the Winter Wave > Winter Wave is coming!
tbb is openly sharing data so any can check...they could do this...correct! Why bother...It's Over! Huh!
Autumn Almanac Censorship
Science Book Burning Ritual continues...
2nd March Qld restricts Dirty Punk RAT Hospital admission Data
17th March SA restricts Dirty Punk RAT Hospital admission Data
17th May NSW Censors o/s 1/2/3/4 Vax Hospital Data.(Last Oz Vax Effective Data)
26th May SA Covid Update re-runs Last Week's Stats during Freak Peak Week?
Covid News
13th April Fed Health Minister Winter Warning
17th April Qld Health Minister "Long Covid is No Worse than Man Flu!"...(tbb said bye bye!)
[Foolproof Factcheck] Qld don't Mandate Flu Vax so why Vax for somethin' no worse!...Doh!
18th April TGA Head Skerritt resigns, others call for Jailing!
19th April Qld rid (Card) RATs from Cities > (Pause in Cases > Still rising...Doh!)
24th April Long Covid Research
9th May SA Nicola returns to call for Covid Review
15th May Hobart Hospital CEO resigns > 19th ~ Sell CBD Health Services for Footy Stadium.
16th May Qld Health Minister contracts Long Furlough > Replaced!
29th May WA Premier / NZ PM both blame Covid Fatigue (Long Covid) Others are sayin' it!
Note: WA Premier 2x covid / strain hit his son really Bad...possibly a bout of Long Covid!
1st June ACT moves to "Covid Amber Alert" [PANIC]
30th June ATAGI will re-elect same 7/14 Board...(Cough!)
6th July Brendan Murphy bites the head off his Gold RAT.
State Govt's VIP Vax Experts { Gold Standard Factcheck } = [Censored]

Karen cam .

ahhhhhh 3 years too late

"Now consider Uni Chix Test Half of that & blokes test half again & no freebies in Most states.
One must assume at maximum only 25% of [+] cases are currently presenting in Data.
Experts recent claims of as low as 10% can't be sneezed at & seem closer to reality."
That would be about right I reckon. I tracked Vic deaths vs Vic infections and give a lag and a correlation that isn't quite 100%, I came out with a 5-10x more infections than reported assuming that the Jan 2022 wave accurately related cases to deaths, if I was to assume lethality was the same.
Number of cases in vs deaths in Jan 2022 not repeated in subsequent waves with different testing requirements.

Qld / Brainz : "Covid Traffic Light should be [Yellow]" Masks in Health centres.
Pretty sure tbb said that last week > NSW [Yellow] > ACT [Amber].
Just saying the New Health Minister won't wanna go there, but Temp is rising!
Qld : 210 Flu + Covid 373 Hospitalizations
[ Breakthru News ] Long Covid No worse than Man Flu now Long Covid lasts Forever!
Covid cells fuse together like The Blob in yer brain.
Covid causes neurons to undergo a cell fusion & won't die...not been seen before?
Other viruses hit the Nervous system in a similar does Covid the Brain cells!
Triggers neurons to function together or to not fire up. (Makes it hard to function)
The same crews have designed a Drug that can limit the growth but not kill or remove it!
Drug is not available until after trials.
The teams grew organoids (Mini Brainz) & infected them with the fusogens.
Speculation that this new research will open study into dementia.

udo wrote:
I'll think you will find that although the surface area has increased, its thickness is rapidly reducing. That is my understanding?
That's the problem.

AC/DC Highway to Health
Quote : "The most significant Public Health Infrastructure this Century!"
ACDC (Yet another unnewsworthy timeline exclusive to #1 swellnet)
1987 AEA calls for CDC (Risk factor > Data tracking of HIV)
1990 NSW Public Health Units pushed for a CDC
1992 Hawke Govt pushed for CDC > States backed down.
2011-2014 PHAA kept calling for CDC.
19 Feb 2013 CSIRO foundation paper with catchphrase...(Only OECD without a CDC)
CDNA + AHPPC rally behind CSIRO...( Legislated Free of Govt )
2013 Govt launch CDC Parliamentary Inquiry.(2014- PHAA + AHPA > CDC Submission)
4 Jan 2017 AMA call for immediate CDC + NHMRC + AIHW back up the call.
2018 Fed Govt rejected both Parliamentary findings + CSIRO & AMA call for CDC.
Covid Pandemic
25 May 2020 AMA again call for CDC.
Backed by ANMF + ANU 'Collignon (EU Model) + Kirby 'McIntyre (Cross Jurisdiction)
ABC 'Swan (Data Share) : Noting...CDC never helped US.
(Important) Pandemic prioritised DATA...(Global Shift-Turning Point)
6 Oct 2020 Opposition leader Albo commits to CDC if ALP wins...(No Costings)
Design : *Global Collaboration *Advisory to Govt * Informative to States *Stockpile
4 April 2022 (Election Curtain Raiser for Senate Inquiry findings)
Syd Uni / TGA Chest beating mantra: "No one is safe until everyone is safe!"
"One Health" (Important) Big Pharma expanding Tech was poisoning Eco Systems!
Govts reigned it Big Pharma now boss Universal Public Health scripts "Medicare"
Vax Missionaries > We must contain them evil unvaxed Pacific mutant Variants...
[factcheck] Heavily Vaxed Oz has (14) > more mutated Covid Variants than entire Pacific.
Pacific Vax Rates 10% in 36 territories / 40% in 88 territories / 70% in 59 territories
ATAGI New Member 'Cheng : "CDC - One Central Location"
Burnett 'Saul: Above Politics > Sustainable Local Vax Production!
2024 Melbourne Moderna : HQ Pacifica Covax > Flu / RSV /Covid
7 April 2022 Covid Senate Inquiry findings were direct but light on CDC detail.
Recommendations #1 CDC #5 Stockpile #10 [DATA] # 16 Pacifica #17 Royal Inquiry
21 May Election : ALP win for CDC.
23 -28 May - CMO Paul Kelly > WHO 75 Assembly + Quadz
CDC Agenda : Mandated WHO Overrule / One Health / Pacific Vax / Fight Infodemic
Seems almost certain that ACDC will be weaponized for WHO / NATO Pacific agenda.
31 June Oz Fed Health Minister meets with State Health Ministers
4 Aug Health Minister liaises with Premiers
Agenda : National Response Prevention to Transmissible / Chronic Diseases.
22 Aug COSSI Advocate for Social Science at the core of CDC
17 Oct CVO remind Govt of One Health Principle for CDC.
3 Nov Govt Budget commits $3.2m to Consult for Design of New CDC Centre.
10 Nov Govt releases Discussion Paper
14-29 Nov (12 Workshops in all Cities / States) Covers...
*One Health *CALD *Global Academics = (WHO "Migrated"compliance by default!)
*Name Variations *Independence *ACT Virtual Hub *[DATA] Industry Share but Limited to Public *Surveillance *Vax Production *
Aims :
*Chain of Command > Fast Track Research > Rapid Ethics >
*Closing the Gap - Social Behaviour > Employment
*CALD -Pacific Climate Change / Migration / Indigenous
*Best Available Evidence
*Collaborative Stock Security to head off Competition
*Clearing House > Assess Preventative Measures > Integrate Preventative PBS Meds
Summary : Govt all but says it cherry picked & broad brushed submissions.
22 Dec Dept of Aged Care "Health Minister" will run interim stakeholder engagement
12 Feb 2023 Grattan Institute > "Calls for a Fair Go!"
Govt should fund & legislate CDC independence to Advise National Research bodies.
Govt must commit to solid increased funding commitment (Note: Most Significant Body?)
Points out Canada as Funding Role Model...(WHO - Canada One Health Messiahs!)
Public would find it inappropriate for unelected Authority to allocate public money.
Regulatory Reforms for evidence based cost effective Chronic Disease Prevention.
(Important) Grattan are first to prioritize Chronic Disease against flow of Vax agenda.
eg: Exercise > Obesity > Diet > Pollution > Skin Cancer > Grog > Smoking etc...
Important as Food & Vice industry are first to bankroll & corrupt such organization / CDC.
CDC independently fast track Big Pharma Drugs onto PBS...that's the main game.
Papers have endorsed CDC partnerships with such VAX sponsored Unis.
Kinda like...CDC will get extra funding from Who & when they say...but prefers yours!
21 Feb PHAA + CDNA + PHLN push for substantial budget allocation $100's millions
PHAA have a nondescript CDC Archive...tbb is including PHAA for several reasons.
Archive + CDC advocates & Govt CDC Policy are neatly linked within presented items.
Click any news item & you'll be impressed with the thoughtful Links to better explain!
tbb did say he'd salute any sharing of Covid / Disease info...Salute PHAA.
US CDC workers shared tips : Hold yer Gunpowder until ya get yer funding.
eg: Why would Govt fund a Body that tells them what to do & yet can't garner credit?
The idea being to build yer Power base & funding slowly to gain trust.
9 May Budget CDC Page 131 Paper 2 (No...tbb never read the whole Budget...yucky!)
Can save ya reading it for this matter as there are no explanatory notes...just the Docket!
CMO Paul Kelly will head CDC for the interim under Health & Aged Care.
Government Ministry......2024........2025
Health & Aged Care.......$42.1m....$47.7m
Dept of Home Affairs.....$0.3m......$0.5m
Department of Finance..$0.1m......$0.1m
Fed Health Minister : Prevention of Chronic Health + More Rounded System
Up & running by early 2024 in some capacity.
PHAA : A good start...but it's just a start!
5 June Senate Estimates "2024 Legislation then Full ACDC
ANPHA abolition for further $12m spend.
Brendan Murphy : "Focus is on Communicable Disease DATA not Chronic Disease!"
Health Minister Butler : "We want all State's disease DATA!"
"Not too big too quickly!"
1 Jan 2024 CMO Paul Kelly begins ACDC role (Day 1)
Notes: One Health Directive
Pandemics by default require worldly workforce to disseminate Data here & abroad.
Oversees Infectious Disease Outbreaks of all Global Life / Borders.
Meaning it has Defence / DFAT = Political Pacts driving Democratisation of Asian Pacific
Big Pharma politicization of Oz Aid thru Covax.
One Health Shopfront.
*Product development Partnerships to increase the number of Drugs Worldwide
*Research & Develop for more Drugs & Vaccines
*Continue to improve Systems to Register New Drugs
*Ensuring Countries can test Drugs enabling them to Purchase New Drugs
Gonna need a lot of Lab leaks for that many Big Pharma Vax outbreaks.
So wot'z odd about all this...
Can't see how Albo can bankroll & Build a new CDC Centre by 1 Jan 2024.
Also that ACT is ever mentioned as ACDC HQ
Meaning CDC will need to operate a Mass DATA bank from the ACT
ANPHA HQ ACT (Building Asset = $12m)
Either sell ANPHA or $12m DATA Bank refit for ACDC.
Likely that ACDC moves outta City Block to Science centres for disease control Labs.
Both CSIRO / Australian National Uni have Huge Data Hubs + BL4 Labs.
Vic CHO Sutto's move to direct CSIRO Health Bio Security (Seems more like a CDC role)
We could be lookin' at Kelly Gang of Murphy & Sutto to smooth over the CSIRO....
Wotz even more coincidental is CSIRO CDC DATA HUB (Exactly wot CDC needs)
Crew will swear this ACT CDC is also a Pandemic Health frontline Venture...
Already an AC/DC power unit within ACT - ANU / Syd Uni...
Anyhow...crew are up to date with most significant health infrastructure this century.
CDC has a penthouse view over the Health Crisis...think this would be news worthy.
Well it is here today in the #1 swellnet chat need to wake MSM.
Pretty sure tbb is once again stirring somethin' up about nothing much!
Never Know! The tune might catch on...

Ok, what are thoughts here?
Reading a little and some are claiming this is new world order stuff to have a fake alien invasion. Others saying we have been communicating for years. Others saying it's all nonsense.
Was the bloke on the DMT or shrooms???
Anyway if there really is intellengent life out there, it may change everything... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Increasingly, I think half the problem with people continues to be our lack of understanding of time. It's like we are hard-wired to not be able to comprehend the vastness of it.

basesix wrote:Increasingly, I think half the problem with people continues to be our lack of understanding of time. It's like we are hard-wired to not be able to comprehend the vastness of it.
I'd say we are hard-wired into a certain view of time.
Just as our body becomes evolutionarily adapted to how we are born, how we move, and what we eat (plus many other things), our brains become similarly adapted to how we think, and it's only recently that we've ever had to think beyond one rotation of the seasons. A year.
Hence we'll always struggle with the notion of 'forever chemicals', plastics, climate change, and anything else that requires decadal planning.

Good points stu, radioactive materials too. Just as we’ve all watched palmy tropical paradises struggle with food-plastic disposal, where until recently they used leaves..
The very reasoning you used, illustrates how we now have understandings that stretch far back in time into our evolution - it's our job now to factor big-time into our thinking, and into your examples above.
Just always floors me with UFO talk (a-m's post above) that people don't see the exponentials: we are a grain of sand in space, we are an even smaller grain of sand in time.
(my [ironic] word for the day: decadal : )

Bizarro world. Script writers are doin it for themselves - not the audiences.
Why modern movies suck. The STRONG female character

Strong = the cliche of the newly essential character of the one dimensional invincible, infallable, boss girl who can beat up Mike Tyson and make all non girl characters appear dimwitted and in need of therapy.
Struggling at the box office apparently but awesome in the bubble of the hollywood script writing guild.

Got a password for that one Blumpkin?

It was a joke, Udo.

Albo's Covid Royal Commission / Inquiry is waning
PM : "Covid Crisis is ongoing in any inquiry will have to wait!"
Bob Carr : "Royal Commission is a waste, do an indy quickie review ... Scomo can't be harmed further!"
Agree with @ChrisMinnsMP that Royal Commission into Covid would be a waste of money. Do a quick cheap review. Politically, Morrison cannot be harmed further and nothing to be gained from pressuring and demonising public servants who made decisions under exceptional pressure.
— Bob Carr (@bobjcarr) June 21, 2023
We can reveal the real reason ALP are postponing & playing down any Covid inquiry!
Also why right wing media might be pushing for Albo to corner so!
We'll start with Real Covid case numbers being many more times than reported...
July 2022 Griffin 3-5x > Nov Esterman 3x > Dec Mc Craw 4-10x > April 2023 Burnett 10x...cont...
Feb-June 2023 Honey 14x higher than reported > Wave 28.5% or 7.5m [+] Peak month 7% Oz [+]
NZ Wastewater Covid is well above recorded Cases > explaining canceled Trains / Buses...shh!
Nothing to see or do & nowhere to go...just STFAH during WHO's Post Covid era.
Crew can clearly see ALP Govts are burning Science books & racing to hide real case numbers.
Vic have cut Covid services by 40% + Qld turned off their on the blink Green Traffic Light.
State Witch Doctors swear they're not under a trance from some Taboo curse we dare not talk about.
Global experts agree that Covid Deaths are also down played.
Globally : Majority of Covid deaths ramp > 1 year after primary recorded 4 week cut off Death Tally.
Hospitalizations are also down played...
State Govts openly admit to not counting Home Care + Huge number of Non official RAT patients.
State Govts openly admit to no longer Screening Ward Patients for Covid + Reduce Staff Testing.
Antivirals are also designed to treat patients without need of Hospitals...
Govts are trying every trick to record less Mass Vaxed Hospitalizations each Covid Wave.
Despite every possible Health intervention & Data censor the Covid Hospitalizations keep rising
From day 1 > Oz Govts manipulated & Censored DATA now well over 100x & still censoring.
States had different Vax / Laws / Doses-Ages-Intervals-Incubations / Border - Entries / Lockdowns
Experts now focus on Natcab corrupted Hospitalization Data + Deaths as some loose guide.
The below Rollout Chart focuses on Hospitalization / Deaths to establish albeit reduced continuity.
30 Jan 2020-23 June 2023 (Breakdown) Oz Covid Hospitalizations / Deaths per day
30 Jan 2020-21st Feb 2021 (Rollout) Hospitalizations 12/day > Deaths 2/day
Oct 2020-July 2021 Oz Hospitalizations combined never once topped 100/day + 4 Oz deaths total
There was no reason to Rollout Vax...Not one person died from Covid during first 6 months of 2021.
Australia will never be this healthy or Virus free ever very sad but very true!
No Vax > Rollout Era...Note Hospitalizations keep increasing with more Vax > Boosters.
No Silver Bullets & No Gold Standard ...They Lied > Mass Vax ramped Oz Mass Health Crisis!
No Dose era > 2 Dose (50% Full Vax)
30 Jan 2020-23rd Sept 2021(>50% 2 dose) Hospitalizations 22/day > Deaths 1-2/day (read above)
Vax Era > (1 dose > 2 Dose 50% Full Vax)
21 Feb 2021-23rd Sept 2021(>50% 2 dose) Hospitalizations 41/day > Deaths 1-2/day (re: above)
Rollout Vax peaks > 1st Sept 2021 =1 Dose > 13 Oct 2021 = 2 doses > 21 Jan 2022 =3 doses
23 Sept-22 May 2022 (Swear in Election)2 Dose + 50% Boosters > Hospitalizations 277/day > Deaths 29/day
(Scomo Total Vax Era)
30 Jan 2020-22 May 2022 (Swear in Election) Hospitalizations 95/day > Deaths 10/day
Start Albo Era
22 May 2022 ( Swear in )-5 May 2023 (WHO end) Hospitalizations 335/day > Deaths 35/day
5 May 2023 (WHO end)-23 June 2023 Hospitalizations 346/day > Deaths 25/day (Holding high)
Alarmingly the Highest Vaxed post Covid Era is Front lining largest Covid Health Crisis Rates right now!
Even more alarming is ALP Govts are presenting this as a win & public buy into this contrived end of Covid Crisis!
This answers why Masked tbb was frowned upon in Hospital.
(Albo's Total to date..)
22 May 2022-23 June 2023 Hospitalizations 336/day > Deaths 34/day
Royal Inquiry...
3x less Hospitalization & 3x less Deaths under #1 Expert Head Nurse CMO PM Dr Scomo!
3x more Health Crisis + 3x more Deaths under PM Albo...
PM Albo Vaxes without a Mask & Flies out next day, breaching o/s 2 week Vax incubation.
Albo either trusts that Scomo had Covid under control or Albo least cares about Global Health Crisis!
Don't take long to see this blowing up in Albo's face...big time loser! Polls Plummet further!
Hospital visit...
Mid 2023 Qld Hospitals running 50/day Covid cases + 2-3 day dying of Covid
Masked tbb attends Hospital Appointment & is frowned upon as no one else wears a mask...WTF.
tbb enquired @ {i} Desk for a dob of under the counter taboo xxx sanitizer!
Then enquired about entitled RAT from 'only' promoted GC RAT outlet...that got a real dirty look!
Say "Not officially supposed to mention RATs...leave ya details & will post some!" (4 days later in mail)
Wot sorta inquiry could tackle this VIP shit don't stink hot mess...doin' it for my local cemetery! Cough!
Almost as if these Bullet Proof Vaxerz have bragging rights on scoring the most repeat Covid infections.
'I had fuckin' 10 [+] by smoko many do you do! Man up & take one for the community!'
World gone mad...isolated lethargic tbb is way too caring to fit into today's who gives a fuck bad arse society!
Can't see Oz backing a Covid Inquiry if none can be fucked to don a mask at their Hospital mid Outbreak!
Latest Wave...
March /April 2023 : Top Up then Pump Up & Keep yer Guard Up coz the Balls in your Court!
Booster Directive to mop up mass mess. (Most > Less Vax compliant States) Reads Vax Rise% 1st wk!
WA 140% Qld 120% Tas 117% NSW 117% Vic 115 ACT 111% SA 92% NT 91%
After first week dropping to 2 months now below start % heading seasonal end of July Winter Wave.
WA +15% NT +13% Tas -3.5% ACT -3.5% Vic -12% Qld -17.5% NSW -18% SA -40%
Shows Isolated WA still buy into Vax where neighbours SA are least convinced.
Recap : As Albo said...Covid is still ongoing...that's why Covid Ads keep running thru July / Aug wave.
DJ Albo : "Bitter Sweet Symphony!"

They absolutely need an inquiry. Not because of Morrison but because of lessons learnt for the future. We’re still paying a huge price of Covid when you look at it holistically. Many decisions were made from the short term health perspective while ignoring long term socioeconomic factors. Well, now we have chronic inflation, clogged supply chains and out of control housing market. A lot of this is collateral damage from overall Covid response (lockdown, border closures, excessive stimulus…). If they don’t do inquiry we might never find out what was good and what was not good.

Qld Health No Mask Mandate.
Just bussed & walked home from yet another 3 yr awaited Qld Health cancelled procedure!
By Qld Health sudden booking of next week's Heart Test ruled out Anesthetic for today's Endoscopy
They knew this & double booked tbb to cancel 1 maybe 2 procedures...coincidence or malpractice!
Still they wasted 7 Frontline Staff on the explain why tbb was being bumped!
Back chatter was...they'd already cancelled tbb before fasting prep & check-in by 3rd person.
Upon waiting to be escorted out by foreign fitting fit Doctor...tbb is confronted by a Nurse!
Nurse : "Why are you wearing that mask...have you got Covid!"
tbb : "Because Qld Health / GPs recommend we wear masks in High Risk Health / Age care settings!"
Qld CHO : "Hospitals may still require masks & I ask Qldurrz to please follow that instruction!"
Nurse : "Well take it off & dispose of it in the bin...coz I don't wanna touch it!"
Yes! She was being very serious & stared me down...tbb gulped & put in his pocket for later Transit Use.
So now a Health Frontline directive to unmask despite online Govt Mask Policy for Hospitals!
tbb is saying that Hospitals least welcome masks & say such...other places are fine..
This is a new directive from the top down...'No one mention RATs or Masks in Qld Health settings!'
tbb was the only masked patient in Hospital & was booted out or else for not being vaxed. (Choose!)
What ever happened to allowing folk to wear a mask in Hospitals?
Why was the only Covid compliant person in the Hospital the only one evicted for non compliance?
tbb sat a good while listening to other very sickly patients going under by the dozen...just not tbb!
Vax Entry was never in Question...but was booted out by Vaxerz for wearing a mask!
tbb thinks it is still possible that they keep denying procedures to us Unvaxed by using other means.
Why are Qld Health so desperate to remove all trace of Covid during current wave?
tbb is sharing this because he's not alone in quest of Covid prevention as it goes further up the chain...
6 June 2023 Dr Paul Griffin [BRAINZ] : "Qld should be on Yellow Light!"
23 June 2023 Qld New Health Minister : New Phase Script "Fuck the Traffic Lights!"
[ Factcheck ] Nothing to see, everything & everyone is fine...just move along...(Cough...Coughing!)
Getting pretty sick of living a lie, never asked for more than wot Qld Health that's a crime!
Be thankful tbb spared the Frozen Icicle Sangas + half a cup of luke warm coffee...OMG...just shoot me!
STFAH to slowly die is healthier & less stressful than being continually booted outta Qld hospitals.
Shoppin' round for an Iron Mask / Straight Jacket ensemble for next week's Eviction Party!

truebluebasher wrote:Qld Health No Mask Mandate.
Just bussed & walked home from yet another 3 yr awaited Qld Health cancelled procedure!
By Qld Health sudden booking of next week's Heart Test ruled out Anesthetic for today's Endoscopy
They knew this & double booked tbb to cancel 1 maybe 2 procedures...coincidence or malpractice!
Still they wasted 7 Frontline Staff on the explain why tbb was being bumped!
Back chatter was...they'd already cancelled tbb before fasting prep & check-in by 3rd person.Upon waiting to be escorted out by foreign fitting fit Doctor...tbb is confronted by a Nurse!
Nurse : "Why are you wearing that mask...have you got Covid!"
tbb : "Because Qld Health / GPs recommend we wear masks in High Risk Health / Age care settings!"
Qld CHO : "Hospitals may still require masks & I ask Qldurrz to please follow that instruction!"Nurse : "Well take it off & dispose of it in the bin...coz I don't wanna touch it!"
Yes! She was being very serious & stared me down...tbb gulped & put in his pocket for later Transit Use.So now a Health Frontline directive to unmask despite online Govt Mask Policy for Hospitals!
tbb is saying that Hospitals least welcome masks & say such...other places are fine..
This is a new directive from the top down...'No one mention RATs or Masks in Qld Health settings!'
tbb was the only masked patient in Hospital & was booted out or else for not being vaxed. (Choose!)What ever happened to allowing folk to wear a mask in Hospitals?
Why was the only Covid compliant person in the Hospital the only one evicted for non compliance?
tbb sat a good while listening to other very sickly patients going under by the dozen...just not tbb!
Vax Entry was never in Question...but was booted out by Vaxerz for wearing a mask!
tbb thinks it is still possible that they keep denying procedures to us Unvaxed by using other means.Why are Qld Health so desperate to remove all trace of Covid during current wave?
tbb is sharing this because he's not alone in quest of Covid prevention as it goes further up the chain...
6 June 2023 Dr Paul Griffin [BRAINZ] : "Qld should be on Yellow Light!"
23 June 2023 Qld New Health Minister : New Phase Script "Fuck the Traffic Lights!"[ Factcheck ] Nothing to see, everything & everyone is fine...just move along...(Cough...Coughing!)
Getting pretty sick of living a lie, never asked for more than wot Qld Health that's a crime!
Be thankful tbb spared the Frozen Icicle Sangas + half a cup of luke warm coffee...OMG...just shoot me!
STFAH to slowly die is healthier & less stressful than being continually booted outta Qld hospitals.
Shoppin' round for an Iron Mask / Straight Jacket ensemble for next week's Eviction Party!
Gotta laugh TBB. Amazing how covid just disappeared and everyone just went along with the last few years.
TBB did you listed to the Joe Rogan podcast with Robert Kennedy Jnr?

Surf school in mentawi islands , is there anywhere these schools haven’t reached yet ?

With the new airport opening up in Sipura and INR Gov is saying you can depart Bali in the morning and be there by the afternoon same day, only a matter of time I think. That being said maybe it will bring a steady income stream for some of the villages and bring improvement to health, education etc

truebluebasher wrote:Qld Health No Mask Mandate.
Just bussed & walked home from yet another 3 yr awaited Qld Health cancelled procedure!
By Qld Health sudden booking of next week's Heart Test ruled out Anesthetic for today's Endoscopy
They knew this & double booked tbb to cancel 1 maybe 2 procedures...coincidence or malpractice!
Still they wasted 7 Frontline Staff on the explain why tbb was being bumped!
Back chatter was...they'd already cancelled tbb before fasting prep & check-in by 3rd person.Upon waiting to be escorted out by foreign fitting fit Doctor...tbb is confronted by a Nurse!
Nurse : "Why are you wearing that mask...have you got Covid!"
tbb : "Because Qld Health / GPs recommend we wear masks in High Risk Health / Age care settings!"
Qld CHO : "Hospitals may still require masks & I ask Qldurrz to please follow that instruction!"Nurse : "Well take it off & dispose of it in the bin...coz I don't wanna touch it!"
Yes! She was being very serious & stared me down...tbb gulped & put in his pocket for later Transit Use.So now a Health Frontline directive to unmask despite online Govt Mask Policy for Hospitals!
tbb is saying that Hospitals least welcome masks & say such...other places are fine..
This is a new directive from the top down...'No one mention RATs or Masks in Qld Health settings!'
tbb was the only masked patient in Hospital & was booted out or else for not being vaxed. (Choose!)What ever happened to allowing folk to wear a mask in Hospitals?
Why was the only Covid compliant person in the Hospital the only one evicted for non compliance?
tbb sat a good while listening to other very sickly patients going under by the dozen...just not tbb!
Vax Entry was never in Question...but was booted out by Vaxerz for wearing a mask!
tbb thinks it is still possible that they keep denying procedures to us Unvaxed by using other means.Why are Qld Health so desperate to remove all trace of Covid during current wave?
tbb is sharing this because he's not alone in quest of Covid prevention as it goes further up the chain...
6 June 2023 Dr Paul Griffin [BRAINZ] : "Qld should be on Yellow Light!"
23 June 2023 Qld New Health Minister : New Phase Script "Fuck the Traffic Lights!"[ Factcheck ] Nothing to see, everything & everyone is fine...just move along...(Cough...Coughing!)
Getting pretty sick of living a lie, never asked for more than wot Qld Health that's a crime!
Be thankful tbb spared the Frozen Icicle Sangas + half a cup of luke warm coffee...OMG...just shoot me!
STFAH to slowly die is healthier & less stressful than being continually booted outta Qld hospitals.
Shoppin' round for an Iron Mask / Straight Jacket ensemble for next week's Eviction Party!
Hey TBB that's terrible how you were treated there, stuff them for both the mask removal and also the vax choice treatment. Just before last treatment here, developed fluey symptoms so did checks and was OK, went to confirm with PCR and it was actually very hard to arrange one - kudos to local doc for doing so himself! (Why? Reason is specialist nurse doing treatment also treats those who are severely immune suppressed - you don't want to be the one giving it to them indirectly)
The 'everything is fine' shift is mind numbing, in light of potential real numbers you mention above. Must be a cognitive dissonance of a grand order.

Yeah that's real shit to read TBB, jeez rough as treatment. What a shambles, hopefully you're good to go for next week's check up.

Oh yeah, also the eldest immunology undergrad got to experience a practical that was perhaps a bit too practical. Ate dodgy food and got a tummy bug found in 3rd world countries, here in Oz. It's part of the new way as we head toward the 3rd world ourselves - the country used to have screenings and borders were enforced for things like foot n mouth...

Some immunocompromised news, a bit old being last year but the general themes remain:
"In the past, immunocompromised people lived with their higher risk of infection, but COVID represents a new threat that, for many, has further jeopardized their ability to be part of the world. From the very start of the pandemic, some commentators have floated the idea “that we can protect the vulnerable and everyone else can go on with their lives,” Seth Trueger, who is on immunosuppressants for an autoimmune complication of cancer, told me. “How’s that supposed to work?” He is an emergency doctor at Northwestern Medicine; he can neither work from home nor protect himself by avoiding public spaces. “How am I supposed to provide for my family or live my life if there’s a pandemic raging?” he said. Contrary to popular misconceptions, most immunocompromised people are neither visibly sick nor secluded. "
That one is paywalled, so here's an interview with the author:
So as TBB says with the higher infection rates above, that's the reality for now, it is what it is. Almost everything becomes a risk vs reward equation: is that nice coffee/movie/restaurant worth what will happen in an infection? It's a calculus being made every day. Here in Oz when (in my opinion) NSW Libs let it rip, there was no real pathway, or plan suggested for the immune suppressed. It does seem quite mad if what TBB has detailed above is occurring in hospitals, for these are sites immune suppressed people are more likely to visit often. Getting a little spiritual, it seems the karma created in favour of business in this decision is coming back economically, and that will be as it is supposed to be, too.

TBB that's terrible that you got treated like that. That nurse needs some "re-education".
In our hospital we never deny people treatment...vaxxed, unvaxxed, it doesn't matter (the only exception being 'medical futility').
I could understand you being bumped by Anaesthetics only if the use of a GA (general anaesthetic) could potentially cause you to arrest, but as you point out they have had you on the books for 3 years, they should know you and have informed you of the risks. FYI for a 'scope they generally use Propofol (side effect-hypotension, but easily managed with metaraminol) +/- Midazolam (a hypnotic sedative and easily reversed by flumazenil) both in low doses.
We also have a Care Call system, so that if you are not getting the care you require through the regular channels then a Care Call escalates to Executive, then sit back and watch the minions run for cover...

Very thoughtful & considerate support from the crew...will definitely pass on the good vibe!
tbb wishes to state that there is no animosity shown to Health Staff ever...Altogether in crisis mode!
We Hodads understand it's not media hype but very real...Salute frontline & happy to be in the loop.
After of the week played out as tbb expected & predicted...again...totally normal! (Cough!)
2 days after on the Thursday had the Heart Test Booked...(Reason why they cancelled the Endoscopy!)
Thursday 2 hours before appointment : Ring Ring...Please don't bother coming in Mr tbb ...(see: Normal!)
Cool! Ended the week as it started...going nowhere fast...years are now whizzin' by...that's good right!
Was more than happy to camp on the double cancel...then comes this...
Friday (Lunch time) Ring Ring : Heart Clinic : "Hey Mr tbb ...Where the Bloody Hell are ya!" WTF.
tbb: "Nope! No idea Wot ya talkin' about!" No one told tbb 'bout this! (Again! see: Totally Normal!)
Ya see wotz goin' on...@ Thurday's appointment they already locked tbb in for Friday ultra sound...
However! They cancelled Thursday's Test > So they couldn't inform tbb of following day's Ultrasound!
Test crew Locked it in ahead of time within same Practice without informing Ultrasound crew or tbb.
Kinda like an Old School newspaper office...all in the one building but never communicating.
So ultrasound crew swear tbb was at fault & pressed the point...Nope! not tbb lady...very sorry!
Not sure if this links back to Endoscopy / Heart link & refuse to backtrack on the matter! Too exhausting!
tbb is now bossin' this cancel culture era...Wish it were all a bad dream...just wears ya down it does!
Crew or anyone can see why us Hodads keep clear of experts...just curl up in the corner thanx mate!
Wish that was a tbb has reached rock bottom once it's not just a saying...very real!
tbb once laid flat on his back shirtless on corridor floor under A/C duct mid winter in a mental asylum.
Huh! Yeah...sounds back to front...but it is a mental facility...but this was for relief not a Kool Aid ritual.
Staff had confiscated me Myositis Drugs so their Knock out drops sent tbb spasmodic with cramps.
Like sleeping on piano accordion > Natural instinct to track down a Cold hard floor to numb the muscles!
Exactly...could sleep there forever...perfect it stoned to think of others trippin' over me.
Closest tbb ever got to heaven & the bastards escorted me back to bed or hell as tbb recalls.
Next day! Group session.."Anyone wanna chat about their meds!...(Yep!)...Ok! Anyone else but tbb!"
After keeping the peace...Got me meds back...& back to bed with my Stabbing' bunk mate...Cool Guy!
Just's a health crisis...that's exactly wot the crew read...tbb understands & will wait it out!
Salute Qld frontline with more crisis this Winter...more concern over the wasted Frontline Staff hours.
Consider many Goldie crews would be turning over at lightning pace we all need to readjust, it's cool!
Note: Just coz tbb has been waiting 2/3 years don't make it urgent...not dying...tbb has an excellent GP.
Exactly...GP will give tbb double bookings until concerns are sorted...Gold Standard! supa stoked! Salute!
Besides...tbb is ever thankful to crew and all for enabling affordable drugs to keep us folk in the game!
Appointments usually encourage exercising so that's a win for tbb...feeling stronger & more positive!
Stronger body > Stronger mind > Less to worry about...pretty much why we enjoy surfing...well durr!

Keep your chin up tbb. Swellnet will always have someone who will respond to a post on these forums.

Not a single vaccine on the US program for children has been tested against a placebo???!!!!

The Wuhan lab: Mutant viruses and risky experiments - a podcast on our investigation into the origins of Covid-19 with @JCalvertST and @ManveenRana
— George Arbuthnott (@Arbuthnott) June 29, 2023

The Wuhan lab: The Shadow Project - high risk experiments on Covid-19-like viruses in poor safety conditions on the eve of the pandemic. The 2nd part of our podcast stories on the origins of Covid-19 with @JCalvertST and @ManveenRana
— George Arbuthnott (@Arbuthnott) June 30, 2023

Nice one Udo. The clot shot. Does anyone feel stupid for getting it?

Burleigh. No, not at all. AW.

burleigh wrote:Nice one Udo. The clot shot. Does anyone feel stupid for getting it?
It allowed me to go to Indo while you were stuck at home arguing on swellnet

burleigh wrote:Nice one Udo. The clot shot. Does anyone feel stupid for getting it?
Given that there are no rational reasons to feel stupid, and that getting the vaccines meant I didn’t get Covid, I’m going to go with “No!”
Given that I followed the science, not the hysterical rantings of Facebook trolls, I’m going to go with “No”.

Hehe “followed the science” still in use.

I know, MikeA, amazeballs huh? The entitled powderpuffs standing around fanning their faces, hysterically squealing "They liiied to us!!!!!" haven't destroyed the rational approach of looking to empirical scientific evidence for a broad view, and then only asking those directly affected by an issue for a narrow opinion.
I agree mate, the inmates haven't taken over yet.

goofyfoot wrote:burleigh wrote:Nice one Udo. The clot shot. Does anyone feel stupid for getting it?
It allowed me to go to Indo while you were stuck at home arguing on swellnet
lol, i was in indo actually. Was as easy as $72 appointment here:, with a photo of a positive rat test.
This gave you a 4 month exemption to ALL covid experiments and allowed travel to any country.
That's how dumb you would have to be to get jabbed with an experiment to travel. It was all right in front of you.
Craziest thing is when i traveled to Indo, the ONLY time i got asked for proof of vaccination was in Australia at checkin. I could have showed them anything as they also didn't care. But i got a nice green sticker on my boarding pass.
Arriving in Indo. Nothing.

batfink wrote:burleigh wrote:Nice one Udo. The clot shot. Does anyone feel stupid for getting it?
Given that there are no rational reasons to feel stupid, and that getting the vaccines meant I didn’t get Covid, I’m going to go with “No!”
Given that I followed the science, not the hysterical rantings of Facebook trolls, I’m going to go with “No”.
There are thousands of rational reasons. You're just too blind to see. Followed the science. hahahahaha

Burleigh was in Indo actually ....really ?

udo wrote:Burleigh was in Indo actually ....really ?
Yes mate. I've been twice this year.
Influencer being an influencer.