That’s weird, that’s queer, that’s crazy, that deserves a long hard look.

Alana_a wrote:Order stok a government badge while you’re at it. He’s nothing but a pathetic mouth piece.
I knew some of it was bullshit. The media absolutely played up the fear side of a said before fear sells clicks and engagement.
You didn’t know shit mate and retrospect is proving this. Keep telling us you knew it all.
Settle down AA, I don't and never knew exactly what was happening. I'm also no gov mouthpiece, I've whinged plenty about what was enforced over the years.
Plenty of crew on here however claimed the contrary though, they saw through all the lies and knew it all, thanks to their in depth research on social media. Now, all this supposed new info is conveniently being dot connected back to the baseless bullshit which was being spread by the anti lockdown, anti gov, extreme religious/sovereign cit types.
Fact is, it's really not, it's just being fairly obviosuly twisted and mis interpreted to support incorrect theories. That's what I've been calling out and will continue to when I'm bored enough to post here.

Stok wrote:Alana_a wrote:Order stok a government badge while you’re at it. He’s nothing but a pathetic mouth piece.
I knew some of it was bullshit. The media absolutely played up the fear side of a said before fear sells clicks and engagement.
You didn’t know shit mate and retrospect is proving this. Keep telling us you knew it all.
Settle down AA, I don't and never knew exactly what was happening. I'm also no gov mouthpiece, I've whinged plenty about what was enforced over the years.
Plenty of crew on here however claimed the contrary though, they saw through all the lies and knew it all, thanks to their in depth research on social media. Now, all this supposed new info is conveniently being dot connected back to the baseless bullshit which was being spread by the anti lockdown, anti gov, extreme religious/sovereign cit types.
Fact is, it's really not, it's just being fairly obviosuly twisted and mis interpreted to support incorrect theories. That's what I've been calling out and will continue to when I'm bored enough to post here.
You must get bored a lot. You're also completely wrong a a lot.

burleigh wrote:seeds wrote:Geez Burleigh there was no fear amongst most of us. Unlike you most of us had to get the stupid bloody jab to keep our jobs. Most of us weren’t in a position to go from dual income raising kids paying mortgages to no income and defaulting on our homes. That’s the real crime here and we had no choice. Fuck you don’t call me a sheep.
No hate here if that was your position seeds. That fucking sucks.
When gritters like Stok claim that 95% of the eligible population got vaccinated, they claim they did it from a personal choice, however people like yourself had no choice, and that’s fucked.
Where'd you dream that one up pal?
Plenty of people did it as a personal choice, but I've always maintained that most people got it due to mandates. Just the majority of those people didn't see the fantasy side of it as some loss of bodily freedoms/social credit score - they just saw it as something they had to do for the greater good.
I wouldn't have got it if it was completely voluntary, just like I probably wouldn't bother getting a drivers licence if they were voluntary too.

Stok wrote:burleigh wrote:seeds wrote:Geez Burleigh there was no fear amongst most of us. Unlike you most of us had to get the stupid bloody jab to keep our jobs. Most of us weren’t in a position to go from dual income raising kids paying mortgages to no income and defaulting on our homes. That’s the real crime here and we had no choice. Fuck you don’t call me a sheep.
No hate here if that was your position seeds. That fucking sucks.
When gritters like Stok claim that 95% of the eligible population got vaccinated, they claim they did it from a personal choice, however people like yourself had no choice, and that’s fucked.
Where'd you dream that one up pal?
Plenty of people did it as a personal choice, but I've always maintained that most people got it due to mandates. Just the majority of those people didn't see the fantasy side of it as some loss of bodily freedoms/social credit score - they just saw it as something they had to do for the greater good.
I wouldn't have got it if it was completely voluntary, just like I probably wouldn't bother getting a drivers licence if they were voluntary too.
But the mandates did make it a loss of freedom of choice. And the people who chose not to participate still don't have all their freedoms three years later (firefighters in NSW, travel restrictions still in place to name only a couple)

Yes sorry, I meant more so that people were honestly believing there'd be booster mandates every few months, for everyone, for ever.
This was one of the anti vax/anti lockdown tropes which just evaporated into thin air.

Fuck Burls, go have a beer and check out the last of the sunset.

AndyM wrote:Fuck Burls, go have a beer and check out the last of the sunset.
I've been sitting at Lennox for two days meditating and chewing tobacco. Come say hi.

Only if you promise you won’t chew my bloody ear off about Covid or Malcolm Roberts.

AndyM wrote:Only if you promise you won’t chew my bloody ear off about Covid or Malcolm Roberts.
I use a surf website as my only outlet for these chats.

Stok wrote:burleigh wrote:seeds wrote:Geez Burleigh there was no fear amongst most of us. Unlike you most of us had to get the stupid bloody jab to keep our jobs. Most of us weren’t in a position to go from dual income raising kids paying mortgages to no income and defaulting on our homes. That’s the real crime here and we had no choice. Fuck you don’t call me a sheep.
No hate here if that was your position seeds. That fucking sucks.
When gritters like Stok claim that 95% of the eligible population got vaccinated, they claim they did it from a personal choice, however people like yourself had no choice, and that’s fucked.
Where'd you dream that one up pal?
Plenty of people did it as a personal choice, but I've always maintained that most people got it due to mandates. Just the majority of those people didn't see the fantasy side of it as some loss of bodily freedoms/social credit score - they just saw it as something they had to do for the greater good.
I wouldn't have got it if it was completely voluntary, just like I probably wouldn't bother getting a drivers licence if they were voluntary too.
Oi. Dis you?

burleigh wrote:AndyM wrote:Only if you promise you won’t chew my bloody ear off about Covid or Malcolm Roberts.
I use a surf website as my only outlet for these chats.
Uh huh.

we need more of this!
direct questioning and pleas for accountability...
Russell Brand Calls Out MSNBC's Hypocrisy on COVID
"Do you want an example? The ludicrous, outrageous criticisms of Joe Rogan around Ivermectin deliberately referring to it as a horse medicine when they know it's an effective medicine!"@rustyrockets @billmaher @joerogan— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) March 4, 2023
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Russell Brand Calls Out MSNBC's Hypocrisy on COVID
"Do you want an example? The ludicrous, outrageous criticisms of Joe Rogan around Ivermectin deliberately referring to it as a horse medicine when they know it's an effective medicine!"@rustyrockets @billmaher @joerogan— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) March 4, 2023
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Plenty of these articles circulating in the manipulation media today, but no mention of the covid vaccine as a contributing to the excess deaths..........

Plenty of data showing rising excess mortality before Covid vaccines were even available.
Also, there's plenty of data showing age breakdown of excess mortality. Australia is highly vaccinated, yet, the vast majority of excess mortality is in over 75's.
If what you infer were true, we would see far greater excess mortality in the 0-75 age group.
Use data from the Australian Actuaries Institute if you are confused/triggered by the media and require a pure statistical approach.

Thingo wrote:Plenty of data showing rising excess mortality before Covid vaccines were even available.
Also, there's plenty of data showing age breakdown of excess mortality. Australia is highly vaccinated, yet, the vast majority of excess mortality is in over 75's.
If what you infer were true, we would see far greater excess mortality in the 0-75 age group.Use data from the Australian Actuaries Institute if you are confused/triggered by the media and require a pure statistical approach.
No there is not “plenty of data” that’s a lie

sypkan wrote:we need more of this!
direct questioning and pleas for accountability...
Russell Brand Calls Out MSNBC's Hypocrisy on COVID
"Do you want an example? The ludicrous, outrageous criticisms of Joe Rogan around Ivermectin deliberately referring to it as a horse medicine when they know it's an effective medicine!"@rustyrockets @billmaher @joerogan— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) March 4, 2023
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Further down in the comments is footage of when RB was on morning joe , I found it pretty funny, don’t think they found RB particularly funny though .
Russell Brand Calls Out MSNBC's Hypocrisy on COVID
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) March 4, 2023
"Do you want an example? The ludicrous, outrageous criticisms of Joe Rogan around Ivermectin deliberately referring to it as a horse medicine when they know it's an effective medicine!"@rustyrockets @billmaher @joerogan

Think it's actually a case of the broken link virus there supa.
On a separate note, why don't the charismatic darlings of the antagonists, such as Russel Brand, pull together their funds and actually investigate and report in a non biased, fully accountable and completely honest way? I mean, they're calling out the big players of MSM, ok good - so where is the actual alternatives which don't just operate as forms of entertainment or free advertising space for the highest bidders?

try this one

and this one in answer to your question

and this one...
russell and co. don't need to fund anything...
they're reading (and referencing) the 'non biased' and 'accountable' real journalists you and the real agenda pushers are ignoring...

Is it all just a ploy to hate China ? I believe it came from a human error lab leak and the US has much to answer for , not just China .

Fauci files coming to a theatre near you . @elonmusk It's time to release the Kraken! #FauciFiles
— ASHA💫 (@RedPilled_Siren) March 9, 2023

Supafreak wrote: Fauci files coming to a theatre near you .
How the fuck is this not front page news all around the world?

I dunno Burleigh, was it death by Fauci or death WITH Fauci?

. Fauci appears to have prompted the drafting of “Proximal Origins” to disprove the lab leak theory. Should he have been credited as an author?
— Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (@COVIDSelect) March 8, 2023
@RepMMM asks @JamieMetzl & Nicholas Wade.


The ongoing relationship between the FDA and Pfizer needs to be looked at more closely, but money talks I guess .
comments are worth a look2/ As a Pfizer board member, it is Scott Gottlieb's fiduciary duty to maximize Pfizer's profits.
— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) January 9, 2023
Scott Gottlieb is also a paid CNBC "medical expert."
Despite the scientific literature, Scott Gottlieb told CNBC viewers that his product is better than natural immunity.
Get it❓

Stok wrote:I dunno Burleigh, was it death by Fauci or death WITH Fauci?
Address the claims instead of having a half assed childish attempt at humour.
C'mon mr Educated, now is your time to shine.

New emails released in a congressional probe show that Fauci helped direct the publication of “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2,” an influential scientific paper published in Nature Medicine on March 17, 2020, that claimed COVID-19 could not have leaked from a laboratory. Fauci then cited the paper—in effect quoting himself, since he coordinated the article behind the scenes and was given final approval before it published—as if it was an independent source corroborating his assertions that COVID could only have come from a bat and not from a lab. Treason of the Science Journals
How Anthony Fauci manufactured consensus on the origins of COVID-19 with the help of science writers and the media

burleigh wrote:Stok wrote:I dunno Burleigh, was it death by Fauci or death WITH Fauci?
Address the claims instead of having a half assed childish attempt at humour.
C'mon mr Educated, now is your time to shine.
Nothing for me to address Burlbag. I think there's merit in the idea that covid wasn't naturally occurring. Just think MSM won't be the most truthful source of what's actually occurring. Also seems a bit orchestrated the articles on Fauci though, is he the fall guy? The face to lay blame?
Oh and I didn't think it was childish, it was a shot at how distrusting you are of certain ideas or facts, yet how willing you accept others. Is covid real, did it kill people? Or did Faucis cover up kill people? You tell me?

burleigh wrote:Stok wrote:I dunno Burleigh, was it death by Fauci or death WITH Fauci?
Address the claims instead of having a half assed childish attempt at humour.
C'mon mr Educated, now is your time to shine.
Burliegh, that was an A Grade pisstake. Credit where credit’s due

Supafreak wrote:New emails released in a congressional probe show that Fauci helped direct the publication of “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2,” an influential scientific paper published in Nature Medicine on March 17, 2020, that claimed COVID-19 could not have leaked from a laboratory. Fauci then cited the paper—in effect quoting himself, since he coordinated the article behind the scenes and was given final approval before it published—as if it was an independent source corroborating his assertions that COVID could only have come from a bat and not from a lab. Treason of the Science Journals
How Anthony Fauci manufactured consensus on the origins of COVID-19 with the help of science writers and the media
pretty funny how institutions and a culture that loves to name drop themselves...
suddenly became very adept at forgetting to put their names on stuff

Roadkill wrote:“Address the claims instead of having a half assed childish attempt at humour.”
The lack of self awareness is hilarious….and the irony is next level.
Annnnnnnd the toad is back.

I'm sure this hysterical fetishisation will fade soon.

AndyM wrote:I'm sure this hysterical fetishisation will fade soon.
One can only hope Andy. Sheesh.

When the next crisis occurs our leaders will:
1 do a great job?
2. Stuff up, lie, play politics, avoid tough but on balance best decisions to avoid short term criticism and be pushed around by powerful interests like leaves in the wind?

Hopefully the next crisis isn’t left up to a few people with way to much power and that scientific debate can be freely and openly discussed.
Rep. Kat Cammack and Michael Shellenberger discuss Twitter censoring Stanford Professor Jay Bhattacharya and Dr. Fauci and Collins calling for a "published takedown" of the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD):
— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) March 9, 2023
"Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, the Stanford Professor, who I don't think…

frog wrote:When the next crisis occurs our leaders will:
1 do a great job?
2. Stuff up, lie, play politics, avoid tough but on balance best decisions to avoid short term criticism and be pushed around by powerful interests like leaves in the wind?
Great article.
Whatsapp messages don't lie.
When the more smug of covid addicts on the topic were questioning who 'they' were,..
well...there were many of the 'theys'.
Hancock just one small example of the many.
That quote "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" on.
Nothing will be learnt except that large populations can be (and want to be) controlled.
That much is evident from the last 3 years.

The full covid crisis policy response story now emerging is worse than you can imagine for bad motives and poor decisions.
In the UK, all it took was a few bureaucrats with a lust for power and a lazy PM for policy to go feral.
Not a grand conspiracy but as the Lock Down Files (a treasure trove of over 100,000 WhatsApp messages in real time between all the principal policymakers on Covid in England while Matt Hancock was the Secretary of Health) show, more a case of:
"We now know just how punch drunk on tyranny the political, bureaucratic, scientific, and journalist class was during the pandemic. The ruling elites, when liberated from democratic accountability and media scrutiny, morphed seamlessly into morally cavalier and inhumane petty tyrants."
Hancock strategy by his own words:
"Scare everyone out of their pants" to get behavioral compliance. And, this was at a time when the data was already showing overall death rates were below 1%.
"Hancock fought furious internal battles to hog the vaccine media limelight. He preened about his pictures in the media and boasted how the pandemic could propel his career “into the next league.”
"They weren’t following the science but Hancock’s ego and career ambitions. He exploited Johnson’s “stonking” laziness and shallowness. The Lockdown Files reveal a government gone rogue that viewed and treated the people as enemies. "
Skepticism and not sweeping it all under the carpet because they were "dark times" are our main defenses against this occurring again.

When was the switch from the media questioning governments to doing their bidding?

It began in earnest with Edward Bernays in the 1920s:
But the slide has accelerated in the last 30 years. Media owners are now brought into the various "clubs" to be groomed (e.g. Davos) and maybe compromised as a matter of strategy to make them insiders. (where rich and powerful go to misbehave and ...... get compromised?)
In the background, the never ending work of "intelligence" agencies (for our good of course) work away as this interview shows:
Udo Ulfkotte, author of Gekaufte Journalisten (Bought journalists) on the involvement of intelligence agencies in German media - very interesting read.
Media is THE BIG LEVER - its control is taken very very seriously by the rich and powerful.
At a micro level, shoot the journalistic messenger who steps out of line is now routine see recently - Tabbi, Hersh and even Tucker (who sometimes gets an angle with merit)

Influencer being an influencer.