That’s weird, that’s queer, that’s crazy, that deserves a long hard look.

The existence is false, therefore the remedy is false and therefore the origin is false.

udo wrote:The existence is false, therefore the remedy is false and therefore the origin is false.
Existence is false?

Nothing to see / hear ;)

Stok wrote:Think it's actually a case of the broken link virus there supa.
On a separate note, why don't the charismatic darlings of the antagonists, such as Russel Brand, pull together their funds and actually investigate and report in a non biased, fully accountable and completely honest way? I mean, they're calling out the big players of MSM, ok good - so where is the actual alternatives which don't just operate as forms of entertainment or free advertising space for the highest bidders?
He has his own show(RB) interviews achedemics, journalists and a plethora of other experts each week. Presents an unbiased well researched view on economic, social and geopolitical issues. Focusing on exposing lies and telling the truth/whole story.
You can find it on Spotify or Rumble.

gsco wrote:Some interesting case studies in:
Is what we "know" about all major world events - currently taking place and historical - not just fabricated biased and illusory narratives designed to serve political and wealth agendas?
It has always been thus. Why the surprise? History is written by the winners, money talks and is power. No surprises there.

gsco wrote:Some interesting case studies in:
Is what we "know" about all major world events - currently taking place and historical - not just fabricated biased and illusory narratives designed to serve political and wealth agendas?
Western Media coverage of Ukraine is the most glaring current example of manufacturing consent for the military industrial complex to ramp up arms sales and false narrative to destabilise and demonise Russia. And sell Ukraine to the highest bidders.

Roadkill wrote:
That joint is fucked. Imagine being in a society where Police are that on edge you get pulled over and end up shot to death by 5 cops. Was he going to take his seat belt off?
Yes he should of just got out of the car but still… that video is hard to watch

Roadkill wrote:
Horrible. Getting shot by 5 cops for taking your seatbelt off.
They should be charged with murder.

Roadkill wrote:
Scraping the very low depths of the internet here toady. Is this really who you follow?
From the article:
"The obituary gave no details about the cause of his death"
And This:
“this was determined to be a death by unfortunate natural causes.”

- augmented reality ;)

What could possibly go wrong?

That was a really dumb bit of policy.

About as dumb as the people that didn't need it but jumped on the bandwagon anyway.

As in, took a large chunk or maybe all of their super out for shits and gigs?
Yep, dumb move.

AndyM wrote:As in, took a large chunk or maybe all of their super out for shits and gigs?
Yep, dumb move.
Maybe he’s talking about people that got whacked?

I see you haven't polished out that scratch in your record yet Burls.

Russel Brand comes across as a raving lunatic.

Roadkill wrote:AndyM wrote:Russel Brand comes across as a raving lunatic.
and his followers love it.....he preaches to his converts and loves the money they generate...yet loves hanging with the A list crowd..
He would start the revolution from behind his followers...then run and hide while they get shredded
what a load of crap

AndyM wrote:Russel Brand comes across as a raving lunatic.
Care to elaborate?
That's a pretty sweeping statement without indicating why you think that.

Isn’t it obvious?

Um nope.
R u basing your comments on how he looks and speaks?
Or the topics he discusses and the content of his discussions?

AndyM wrote:Russel Brand comes across as a raving lunatic.
Any man who managed to seal the deal with Katy Perry is ok with me

I picture him as being so manic that when he gets on a roll he wears one of these so he doesn't have to miss a beat.
Probs be ok as long as you washed it thoroughly afterwards, although I'm only guessing.

Imagine being a functioning adult, and thinking that you can use dumb logic to work your way around fairly basic science, to try and disprove something you don't like!?
Ahhh the idiotic audacity.
Got to hand it to Rennick, to be able to post and write up shit like that, and still maintain a follower base and a position in parliament, have to say I don't know how he does it. Not sure why he isn't laughed off the floor everytime he speaks!

Rennick :
This junk science is being peddled to justify wasting billions on renewable energy that is going to send Australia broke. It needs to be called out.

Total Tools, Tool of the Week. And he believes himself, that’s the worrying thing. AW.

And then @indo says these are not extremists.

Rennick is just a small beer lunatic from the Senate, it's a hot field with the likes of Babet, Alec Antic and the stars of the shitshow, Mal Roberts and Pauline. Throw in Michelle Landry, Cosplay Canavan, cricket fan Richard Colbeck, the rortin' and shootin' Bridget McKenzie and screaming banshee Michaelia Cash from the LNP and Lydia Thorpe ex-Greens, ex- Palmer United Jacqi Lambie who's "had a bloody gut full" and you could fill a ward in an asylum. "Unrepresentative swill" as Keating famously called the Senate.

Interesting perspectives on where technological progress and some aspects of the pursuit of gender equality have led society. The unintended costs / consequences are many, often, ironically falling on women but also on working class men who are becoming more and more isolated with less access to previously available mostly male social spaces and associated informal mentoring from other men. (a "sausage fest" is actually pretty normal not toxic ).
Influential advocates are often isolated from costs and beneficiaries of equality in professional careers.

adam12 wrote:Rennick is just a small beer lunatic from the Senate, it's a hot field with the likes of Babet, Alec Antic and the stars of the shitshow, Mal Roberts and Pauline. Throw in Michelle Landry, Cosplay Canavan, cricket fan Richard Colbeck, the rortin' and shootin' Bridget McKenzie and screaming banshee Michaelia Cash from the LNP and Lydia Thorpe ex-Greens, ex- Palmer United Jacqi Lambie who's "had a bloody gut full" and you could fill a ward in an asylum. "Unrepresentative swill" as Keating famously called the Senate.
This has got to be the best quote of the week . How can Australian attract a better class of people to govern the “ lucky “ country ?

Driving back from the surf this morning (fun) and ABC news came on. First story Putin, second story that it's now possible that covid originated from 'racoon dogs' in China. But they pointed out it's not a peer reviewed study.
So doesn't that make it a conspiracy theory?
Are ABC pushing dodgy conspiracy theories now? Have they been all along?
As has been said all along, the media are the virus.

Ha ha

Pretty funny how as soon as a lab leak origin was gaining momentum, suddenly a report surfaces that racoon dogs is the likely source. So it’s taken them 3 years to come up with racoon dogs , surely their genome sequencing would have identified that in the first few months.

Supafreak wrote:Pretty funny how as soon as a lab leak origin was gaining momentum, suddenly a report surfaces that racoon dogs is the likely source. So it’s taken them 3 years to come up with racoon dogs , surely their genome sequencing would have identified that in the first few months.
Unless it was a 'clever' Racoon Dog Supa.

Here’s a good conspiracy.

Supafreak wrote:
That was actually pretty good and she was spot on.
I dont agree with Russell on a lot of things and do think he is a little out there at times, i guess he comes from that new age wellness area, also wish he just talked a little slower, but even if he is a leftie i cant help but like him, just for the way he conducts himself and can also have respectful proper debates with conservatives plus is very open minded.

flollo wrote:And then @indo says these are not extremists.
I have no idea who this guy is or what he said, but i do know main stream political parties are not extremist because they adhere to neoliberal principle's, your the one that sounded more like a nutter/extremist going off on some silly rant suggesting this crap

udo wrote:
Sounds more like China just trying to save face.
Hope this story gets a proper rebuttal from someone like evolutionary biologist bret weinstein.

Mainstream political parties consciously legislate to produce inequality and growing economic insecurity, as well as massively undermining fundamental democratic principles.
Sounds extreme to me.

— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) March 17, 2023
The Great Covid-19 Lie Machine
Stanford, the Virality Project, and the Censorship of “True Stories”

Comments are worth a lookI dutifully got the vaccine and all boosters. The Virality Project shows a clear desire to deamplify or cover up true stories of side effects and is the first thing I’ve read that’s made me think twice about the shot. Trying to force trust, they had the opposite effect.
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) March 17, 2023
Influencer being an influencer.